Newspaper Page Text
News f the Wir The Call First ' Bisebill News -In The Caller First VOLUME 20 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1918 NUMBER 18? HUNS TORPEDO HOSPITAL SHIP CANADIAN SHIP CARRYING 258 PERSONS IS DESTROYED 70 MILES FROM LAND AND SURVIVORS ARE TURNED ADRIFT IN SMALL BOATS BUT ONE OF THE NUMBER REACHING PORT THUS FAR i ft CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER V?-4$!fV' ' Wii'eLi.'t'.' Si '' a ii - AUSTRIAN WAR OFFICE ADMITS ITALIAN GAINS Troops of General Diaz Completely Occupy Two Important Strategic j Positions and Take 2,000 Prisoners VIICNNA. vlii London. July I -Tim I rled will) xplrll Col ll Chelo wan the AuHtrl.m wnr offlco toilny mUnlta tho 'complete evacuation by tho Aimlrlnn forced of tlio two Important hIi-iiU-kIp iok'((oiih of Col did ItoHso mid Mniitu tl Vnl Hella, on Hie western oml of tlio Itiillftii fiont. "SoUlli'wpKt' of "aMoko, violent nKht. ItlK 1MM K'ln dot-Moped Klnce til" nf Cnl .lei Hcuoui und " !!!f u vi hii pouii ?i J been iffrct.-U nt the emt of Bruit hhc- woip withdrawn Into their fo.mot po- idtluti ut Ulemnte wniul. "lir land nnd mivnl uvlntoni ear ! rlPit out Kilcci'KHflll fllKlitu ovi I thpip - Klon nt tho tumuli oi1 the I'mve iiKulnut I n'Miiv mllllaiy oHtiililislinicntH uml i-1 tui'heil without !oso " HOM1C. July 1. ll'.ivy iitl irkH liiiinrhQil nKiiiURt Mont, ill H.'ll.i liy tho AiiHtrlann wcro h-puIiipiI U thi ltnllnnR, "lh imiNHPH lirlni; iiiwpI ilown by nrtlHpry fln " .upoiiIIiik to tlin official pominunlcutiiMi fioni IiohiI MiiiirliTR Morn thnn .' imid pi isimi'iN wrrp tnkrn by tlio ltnllnoH "On thv AhIiiko plnino mn tip ypBtPKlny mornliiK rrpnpil .u llon iikhIii 'VIib fonnliliiliUi Col I Jet ItHMNi. WilH I .11 Government May Control And Operate Telegraph And Telephone Lines For Duration of War .. m Cy,ii, i WAHHINOTON. J ,1- IRtmutlnn to nulliorUo liijvoni huiii roiitrol uml iiprrntlon of tlKi1ii3 "ti'l loluphoiie HyntrmH iturlitK tho war wan npprove i by I'rpHlilrnt Wllnon ami Ipailorn nt the rnpltnl prrpurtil for Iti Imincilluti' i oimlilorntloii. Hvcrctnitcs liukei hiiiI liunuiln uml l'oHtinntir Ooncinl IhirlPBon wci" m vltoil to npprar tomorrow hsfnro the Iioiihu IntcrHtuto Boniimnoo rominiltm tn I'xplnlii tliolr vtnwx us to tlu m ro:. Blty for action ut thin limn. Ii m ri'HPonsn to n lcltor from Itoprtvtonta tlcu Klma of TennCHHoo, iliiili'm.m of tho lommltlco that tho niiiluu; mul cnliliiot otfircra oxpie.suil tiiMirahly tlu lr opInlmiH, Tho pruslUeilCH 8'utPiiirnt n., in n note to Chairman sim ,m-u,,ihk . Flour Millers Excess Profits Says Hoover WASHINGTON, July 1 I'loui inlll-.poit wiih antielpalrd. .hh tho mliuln ith who nuido uncoiia pioiiib ilurliic lalititlon iPKiilatlonH woio uiit oul the laut fiscal year, an ;iurKd hy the. ta-l Junti 17. fcdpiiil tinilo coiniillHuioii in Its icpoti, .Mlllprn wIioho pioflu at tho -loc of naniniay 10 1110 ncniiiu, iiiiihi i piiii u I,. II... ... .....fllu l lh ... .. ... n.iv. ..--. .... I W lllU IIII,Allillllll 1VI I IIIL1UU. HIT I H - Koviiiimiiiil in tho tnriu ol mllloil I loin , null ed to credit tho amount of th -under iokiiIiiMoiib made public toilny , ohn to tho fnoil nilinlnlHtrntion m he 'jy H"ood Admliiistmtor IIooipi ll(iilil;ilod b flour old u tho uim, Tho frdoral trnilo cntiunlHHlon ehiirc-1 navy. Imuliio rurpii. nnd the food ad ed that tho iiilllem hud mudii u piofit ininlnti-Htinn'a Mialn I'lirixiirttmn a of 4R rents n harrpl on tlom denpup llio food ndliilnltitiiilion'H ipkuIiiIiouh lllliltiiiK the (ilflei tn "5 iiinU. II duvulopa Unit the cumin ibhioh'h ip- American Forest Vast Military Camp I S"4 WAHIIlNOT'iN. Jul I Tiaimfm - inntinn of a forofcl into a k'uui milltaiy ramp In four montliH in mio nf tno 1 iicllliivenieiitM of Willi h tho Amei h un corpH of EnRlncetH IukihIk. Karly la February, Camii Allen A Humphrey, at Heli'olr. S'a . waa 1 ii -tunlly unknown. Hut Amprtian en Klnecra woiu put 011 tho Job and today , it Ih thrlvlnK- piiUatlnu camp, u Hreni city In ItHolf, hoiislnB noino I7.ono men. , mid crowing day by day until by Au gust it will accommodate 30,000. Camp lumihroyn. named for Hi" flrat I'hhif of cnRlneera uf the l.'nltid ' 1 ........ . . . . 1 . . ... . . . ..,.,. . .' . 1 1 ti ... " J V.f'. :r..." 1 .ii-.., a... town of Aoollnlt. Va Its ponflnoa cover the historic Lord l-'airfsx tract; to ono aide Mount Vrrnon. home f CleorKO WnsliliiBton. und In tho othor tiPOrKO wnsnutBion. uno in mo uhtoi. . . , ,., ,. , , ln,lri .dat.-.i direction la OunBtnn Hull, plantatlou " ft" lh , . ' '"' ' ", , hiiiI tvnlonl old Southern home ox .r.0'JlC.r-n x-3.rr rV..-"."" :. in.. vi...ii. vn niK'i .nuptin, iiiuninnnr. , ,, .,..,., nuthor of tho Hill of ItlchU. the fit- nuthor of tho Hill of Rltthu, the fit . ' " . i" " ' . .1.. . icraon in.iiiu hid vuincisiuim "i iv American IH-cIuriltlon nf IndiMiendenop. Cam ti KiimnhrnyH la lierullarlv nil, into pil for an oiiBlnepr t'ttlnlhi? achmil In the lillls and valleya Amerlcu'a eltlzon mldlerii tiro tunnelllnR. mliiliiK. nnar rvlpB, exCKViilliifr. fltllnu thrmsehoa for work on (orelKh t-iltlefllda. Tho camp la tho only engineer ie placcment rump In tho country, nnd It In hero the vaat aupply "f cnclneera la to be kept, upon whh-h General I'erahlmr will rail for men lo expand nnd replace cnclncer unlta worklni; with tho Anrorlcan orwacaii army Al ready toplaccment unltH havii been acnt across. Harly In June 2.500 men trained In nil bnuicheal of enclneorlnB work wciB went to Genrnl 1'erahlns. The camp can Help, e'luP nntl dlu- thp.-itrp of 11 bitter struggle (lirniiKhout Hip whole l.iy. " Hie end Ih bmvw" of Hip tio.,m' cniifU..ipl thu enemy' atuhborn resist ' Hl.P ni tni, eonttiiiloil position ie- malned m iur bund . '.V'"', ." ' H'rUJT,' lul', m-hImhI Monte ill Vul Rilta, lull ' iVr.Z"'"?. 'MTT' ,nown. ?T" ,,y "."V y, T. ,Vr,?,,,?y aT'MMt . , " ,"'l"'c 'a?.ll K. v l-ltmtrKl '" 1,11 "'' Of flRlllllu: The loaapa aurfWed L the cnetnv " Saturday and Nutid.iv ,ue .mrcr tnlnprt to Iihvp bppn i ptioii.illy npim Klxlity-fi ve ifn1(. mi.i , 1G m'ii upip math' pi Ihoiioi inn ...ssfii. Hi nk- In Hit' iIpcI.mIVI'Iii'xh of -In' iM.hK ' XPPllPiit cooppMitlon ..f tlx iiIIpi . vcn vpr llitht i n the ipinnlnilor of thp front th' rtrtliflni,' uctlvlty yentptilu wnn iiuiiiihI I In the Dunne vullc- anil Jn thp roRlon 1 of Cliicuiliiri m huii - UpiI ii hiiiiiII on ' i-ni luint HiriirliiK a f in iHiuifi uml tlllirlllllP KOIIK 111 the Metixiiii I pel hi I ill eiiPinv iitliirli lepllKprl tfontlnupd mi I'liitn Two I Ii ltoi Iroin t'OKtinimtor ilrnerill llurle snii. Thorp wiih no illrort i-pIpii-ikt in nnv if tho i iiiiohi nnileiire t-. ihe rail, -nt mil hj (he I'liinuiei mil tileginph-pi-' ii n ion fur a Htrlke nf Ui'ilrm I nlnn iiiierutcim ,lnl . ,r KuiluKon. Il,ieei. wrotd Hint he iliemiil the Ii RIKllltllill llori mul) 1 l thlM innniPiit in n paial)KlH oi a I. ii m. pan ! iln SMtetn of olprti Inil iniit'iiiliiiiiitnm t- mi i .iieneil Willi himhIiI i iiiiHi nuenePK prejuillelnl in inn militnt) tirpimintioin. .mil nthei' pulilie il. tn 1 1 Urn, that nun;it I. HHP lIlHIIHtlOIIV " No Hliitciiunil wan fni-tli. i.minK In expeutlM' (iiiaiteiH us In wliettiei the piPHltlunt iiIhiim tn make Innii'Kliato uo nf tho piopnxpil powei. It was itilimalPil. however, that he prolmlily would await h-huUk nf the Hlrllip call. Must Return iiui iihphi olil, Juno 30. uni in KComi .1... ... i.... , New VorK, a: II per uuncl. . Thu mllloi-H' hooka will hp bnlaneeit a of .lunu 30 .uni aHuiu .ik nf July 1 tn allow thu umouiil of thu uxcowi pinflth Transformed Into 1 i ati h men d Kninrp at th rate f mul I'V tho fiial of the , . :i,ono a month oai the pap.11 ill will bv lalsid to fi.OIUI .1 month Wnshntgtiin newspappi eoi reapnnd t piiln tt ently wore rupsI of the mrim ' of etiKinevra on an inaporlmn tup in Hie lamp and It ikinlti K'. 1, dp tall of tho work wan pxpIihiimI m thprn by hnad(UHrterr -iftlcern of tin- m.iif nf l.leutenunt Colont-I Itlchard I'aik. I S A., an engineer of enclaevia. who han lHpn plat ed In charse of the Kioat. oet nplaremeni tamp. Spentein lhuuand men 1111 .it 'hi 1 1'litnii at prrai-nt moat if them n- 1 drafted men and new amm .in n I riln from 'nil life nn) da There ' la A KUIlUhual ehli and flow nf 1 I'm, 1 men Iwlnu -nut in ioiu tho AlUnlle 1 '." I take Ihol, pIh.oh al the a. huol. fit en 1 Itltio inqir niai om ai hip f( .. . .. , tniHiimmilV 1 '.uZ.h" Hr. 1 . . i" .K,nv '. 1 " iniennun 10 inasr t amp 1 nimporey a peiniitlient iialniiiR camp piiKinctn - , . . KBir a,,,,, -'jiV'"" j!'",,'V K scheme In mind Uni of tho moal Internaling (eaiiiips ,'r.r,,.. Il...l,,..u. In II... Hwhl 4-nm . bat raitwny wlitoh hn been conatruc- 1 tloniwtt fit - wUret tfin-ui '" 'i' tnd for cerrylriK of Kupplloa thmuith consideration. the roHcrviitlon, na wt.ll an for train- I Another mepting or the m and till? men In the cntintrwotlort, oPratlpn louo conferee la lmtf a ranu-d and and maintenance of buttle-llno ro1l- H N planneJ 10 rcpoi i a dini.:rprnrn iottd. A 0-cpitlmeter. narrow- tin the wheat ainendmei.t t.. tmih nf nauRP routl twelve mllex In lnnRth, tht brant hen of CntigiiN I. .ivini; Ihi hlmlla; to tho French roads, covora !loito to detunune wi.thn n will Ihe emp. and all day trains nf flat.ocrtfi to an tnmoejn o' th. fiPHenl en and sondol-te run back and fnt th 1 w Het lrk-e nunim " i-' o with construction material and aup- Senator firm (hp wheat nmwinz iillea. The locomotiveu are built cj- ' HlalPB led the fiKht 'ola.v .nraitiat peclally for foreign sen ice at.a tho abaadonincn. in the s. nine m lt (Conlinue-J on rage Two,) BRITISH HOWITZERS IN ACTION AT CORNER OF A WOOD n im-vri ram t in , , ., mi" iwii mi linn wini A hull i n nt' r.!"i- IiiimII?! !-. Is grouuil Id u uinim iliaiiiioli rlih-r SUCCESS RESTS WITH ITALIANS TENSIVE AIDED BY THE SUPERB FIGHTING OF THE OltlTISH AND FRENCH. SOLDIERS OF GENERAL DIAZ TAK.EaiSTRONGLY PREPARED ' POSITIONS THAT HAVE DEEN HELD BY AUSTRIANS (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRES'S ) MUPPPHU tin H .Ipp.l. elltl i,,n(il the fii'nl.ii of tin Ii ilinni in Hi" o.inin t.llliH north nl Ihr V' platl., I.lllllll'lll'll nil rilltlll'lt.l N . Iln ill. nk mi the AuHtrian Iiihk h.i khoi'I hikkpiI hi'lHhtn where the enpmv ! l'llKl eiilleni Iip1. ami Hip tlwhtinK i nl i inc un. Vlennii tirnil- ,i situ i-iii.-i ! prepared pnMMhinn" wlurli u- tin e- 1 reflttlnn il.ipil in ntflriu. '-lateun Illi . tn mean that .in H!ni) blow has k ml Important kiouikJ ! Aftot tin up ! .-I i; n. tho rpouululllK, the ll.iL.n,. .11 e hi ill 1 hnliiinoiiiv hHid ut Mm mnni pmveiful 1 and IhrPltoniilK imkullon nf Iln i iulii I Thoy IlilVP nut oul Kiiine.l mniiml I111I , 1 havu hold It iiKHinat rtpspiiatp 1 mintei , iittaike hi the Aum m-II rnmui lun 1 fnipp 1 I M..lnl mi.i,H ..r tin. -4i(.n in which llio flghtihB l eolliB ot do not hnA distinctly oiup of the placun mentlun- rd In Mir offltlBl attttcninntH. ''"hp lunna admliml'in Unit the uw Anft 1 1 lun linn runs tbroiuili "aiollilde wimm!" I la tharaforv without almitflPiinin hut nit the nunitlona held by tho AiiHtrlaiiH hpforp the Italian nttai'k huBnti were :ihoe tin fort'Kl llli. it would nuum that Hie enemy hit henn ooatoil from 1 Hip higher ground hp fminerly hPld nod , IhuH nlaieil at a iiljinuviiuiaKii 111 hip 1 riahtlno- tn iiKiiiiii in im-. Thr BrltlHh hoxiutul .ill ip uianuoiary CuBtlp, liniind fium a Canadian nit for I.neluml. Lax lieili Hiiuk ulthoiil Aurn lux i'1 1 ' Hiiliinurine when - e'ltv null Jinlll l-iiul fill null I' IS.' I'W'i ) SENATE REFUSES TO GRANT RAISE IN WHEAT PRICE ACTION THAT OPPOSE!, PLAN OF. THE HOUSE CAUSES A CON TINUANCE OF THE DEADLOCK OVER THE mnOOJXK) APPRO PRIATION MEASURE AND PRE VENTS ITS PASSAGE WAHHINiiTl'V Jul. 1 ' ii.''" today by an tvei win limn pi- eii'i iPfllUfd lo Md I" MolMi' 1 til"" -I '"'' 10 ap tneri'MM In the ici mini' mlnlttlilin fcii.l-ftntpe fm wli'-i ' " pel hiiKhi-l m'ltli.i .,' Hai.i.' I.eadi'l Mill tin pmp'ihlriK m inilimi the MPtvate i miIpm'I'h tn .iliatul m (hi Monate pilPi .in. ndue nt '" thv annual uki ir.iIHiil I, III. urn. l i.iinl R in 19 Th SenaU'k net urn 1 1 11 iiiiiu ante of the deaillnek in 1 Hi ( 000,0011 uppmpi at lor ii,i nn ui', 1 tent l M'iniji' n.'l I 1 ' tflniunk ul the Koint rm nl !' n n Knat tmPiil en 1 nn 1 tent . -'u linn to inn ni n eili 'I mr-P. ' ' ' 1 dHDOt'tinr lit of .1CI H u 1 1 1. 1 I" rn i 1 ". 4.1 (Continued, on I'ae Tiirco.j 19h m rum-vri r.-irw win.,.., ., . .a. . ''n!.'lw.iwi!!!I , , !. him niiiwwwi'i iwi in, mm fcunwiii Ki.eti Ht tin I'nriuT Df ;i I litiriiun ... . rt'iidy to nrrr miiiiai;es In hi!nliiinrtpr!i. WILSON PROCLAIMS NATIONAL DRY -ONE WASHINGTONV July I. -Fu. nmhioQ of liquor to rfflicoro nod man of tho nrmy within orivato honics n prolnhitei1 under n.w renulatiOnB formul.itotl by Prenidaiit Wilson and Sccrntary Bakor and ni.ido public tonight by tho Catnniiation on Training Cnmp activities. Dry zones around ovory camp wltera as tnanv as 60 men are it.nttonsH for moio '.lian thirty daj'a T olo nro es tablished. Hcrntoforc It iins prrnuttad tt serva oll'cers atrf man with liiuor In their homos t5" hcn liana tulo Oucsta in priv'jtniv mti outsldo ths onntonmcnt zones? Tho previous ordor as to camp zones affoctod only om barkation officers tr.nniny anil a numbsr of specified trnininu etlmps for v.irioi-s staff rrrat. The limit of the dry zones, five miles oxcopt when the camp it within a city o. town where the sale of litpior is lofinlied and in thnt ease within ono half mdr remain as before. SE 3 PLANES ' 'sVIVtirV 1 l f I f I f ftp 1 TWENTY ONE OF THE HUNS ARE UIIUUviIII UUWN UY I Mil tlMII - lart whill int t-ituiNtiti CQUNT FOR n OTHR'S ami) ALSO BET FIRE TO iSIX CAP TIVE BALLOONS 1 ' in tn N, .lulv 1 Twenty two 1 Ii 1 e (.hot llliwil. ten nn' 1 if 1 miti ul and 10.111 i.liplinva v.- iyie 1 1 iven dnwi. Imh i,.-ni..n IimII, hh were iieairnvpil iuilim tin alt fiiilitlnfl Hunrtay, ue I 1 ' lili- In I I.I I ll I Ii HI 'IllCllt Iln I.I. .al.lllOt IMMII'd 111 Hie WMI fltl ...Kill nil r.vci!-' i,,i, '.j.. it 1 in .1 1 in u 1.1 1,1-1 . 1 -1 1 U 1 1 1 iloiA I. I III 11 li .111 men have 1 lie , lit I earn-'! I 111. 1 l- lit. I I II. e, If ... 'I 1 ui . ir .11 Hue .'I 1 1, e ! im e.' I ' II,. l .1 ..I EXPORT 50,000 TONS POTATOES UNITED STATES GETS DEI INI ft INFORMATION f HAT Nli.UfP.AL NATION HAS AOrtCEO TO OC LIVER LAROE AMOUNT KJOD STUFFS TO THC TEUTONS WAHIH.Ml'l ' I.'. aiiHoiino mi'in f'"n the NplhiTlandi in expnit put.iii.i n eiiuttl i ualit It 11 ill aik 'rfiiti.'ht II. f He fn. II, n ei I, pi i ! 1 mlV lutein .- ' lull I '! lie II 'Hi I. II 1 ha 1 UfliMi' hi' '! 'I lin I lie l, IS 1 lull to the heii.tten tu dla4. I -k 11 1 1 'I'dui - I'nitrd .-tali a 11. .'i ,.f llul P'' '. ' 1 ' 'll' ERMANS 1.0 MM It nul I.I III . 1 1 1 1 M 1 I II 1,1. ' ' - ' 1 1 1 V HOLLANOllIl t ,,.i ii,a m 1 1 iffli ia,- 1 n '1. e ' .1 I M'k-niitt ,1 is ilntnj, u-. '-1 ..('ill ti" tatoe to ea h of the I elllKeienlii l(n land la unlii-tjiklno to iilncuia h'-i m Ip n Hon of large iHn nl 11 ie uf inupfi nepdwl f-md u ik'i nun i k,Vjii' Shipments lo ii.tiuu, i.', ttv Mn- utidei 1, nn" 'tnit: ' -iil'le 1 it If tij, ihe rni'M nien' f' il- s nig r '.-a. ! upon th .tun. -in. uii ni 1 ISi-l tn. If r.f Hi. 1. nn In. 11 t 1 I ' .nn tuiiun fotn aPAon to thin- pi.ji. WPk'i Ti' fin op h Oerirntiy jnvthlntt like (Continued on l'aijo Thrte.) . . . j!f ""!!.!!"JHS, .m 'mmWmmmwmmt..)!. n... .. .1. Imi U,'Mlllll llllilH III 111 IIURADINfi iUBJE oiirm.nii'iTiii Sill IIS I II !rJi S58 ! Ill 5 i ill lit' a L? KJti a tU4i.F i t : CHIEF OF THE COMMISSION REC OMMENDS TO CONGRUS3 THAT BY LBOISLATIVE ENACTMENT THELAW BE MODIFIED HY RE VOKING CERTAIN POWERS GIV EN TO COURTS U V-iHI(!TiN, Jills I llpeoilillion- Hill I'nllKli'HK npPIMlllS lllnllirv Hie llemv li.ulillR law lo m vok 111 K the ,i..i lli.H KIVi II He ( Hill tK til tPHUlll- ite le "I:m t Ki.niled Aineilrana to iinp hi nini ,..i-ei-, iv im 111 nil- Imlrty lo the ri.liiul iiimlnalin Hi Ii II -M'' Unll.llil 1 hit f nl' I In- PllltmV I l lllle .11 1 Uliill nf the erilllllllRlliOil. He UrK'"! .iIhii (hut Hi- 1'i.lnmlimloli I )8 olllKiwev - 11. ii 1, willv I'hurHi'M mnro ilf In- ii. ! Hi hi Hi" mi i.ih iiertnlla. ' 'I'in ho si rti.iii ) feeta nlioulil be lined mi III it ihe htuiint'itN IlKonaod bl tin- ininmiMHion iii.ii 1 phi on a firm I'iiiii-IuIIiiii " Ml .Mi-li. n.i Id HHlll. "In .iHtiiu, h .ii- iiiiimi i.f the lu-eiiroa ure iiuaii-i In erilablluh in the I'lllliKl HlMtPH iiiiliimi Hh lu retiifnii miiiiopollTinl 1111 r.mlv by ilei limn .mil AuHtrian Inttu -,1-1 tu thp vety Km"' ittnadvanlHtfB of Hie Aineriran pnlilip, H amaiiH iiiiwIkh in hum Hip 1 mitilmtliiu'a llreiiau li 1 -mlUHblH bv the loui'la ni tho ault ol Ihv wmiliy iiwiioik Two iigpatiiiiii. have luii niuila to 1 nlireH l thu iniiiiiilnaioii In iiuh- ! -tniujo Hn aip llmi the ouminlaalon. Un .Id Itepiiaa, ina m ki.i Uni a rttjSOii 1 hie nivally, atid lhal at tlio ault of Ihe eiiem'. iiuniii, afn 1 the Whi. tin inuit, iillhouteh II mn) alHu catabliah a I'pniHiiiahle inyalii Hiull ni'cupi thai l'i 1 aerlbpit In Hie ,1.1111.1 .ih prlirlu faoil' . v.-w.,.,..., ' "". "'' I ...upte to tPimlnile Hip Utnw l on- i.ititiy wi -rff ill Mi I lint i In m ixpnii Nhuwe that! Ar.ioili'in 111 iniifii' 1 11 pi u im vp majiiiud ed win, . Inn 11 1. 11-11. 1 iii-mi lu the 1. ..i . ..if.ini ',i .levemptnit here , ' ilduat iiii l.iHeiii. n.iuii.piilui .1 . hief i-, In ii 1 A optii aiKuta hnvp bean fi.rt'li- in in.. II iiiein uwnei tialeitlH nf Mhii h nil Iihvp 1 .1 en in anted and af'V " ih oh d Thtie a 1 11 i m lli.eiiMo. han Iippii hiim and twenty lltiti-itt , u in ', -1.. .1 Hie .IM, lepaney tie. ''in-ii iiiii.itlmt .nirt le enap UpUisT ..i.ltiii. -I n, rlu- I'm. 1 Ihat ii'h appli ,,i. 1 , .1 1 k . .mull ..ii in, litis a H , III 1 III. I. ,.M I Hi. 'i 1 '" ii 1 1 ' it.. . le ijimi eiiainv iiu'ie (('optioned I 'aire Two) LAST OE BIG SUPPLY BILLS i C 1 j Jlj NEW URGENT DCnCiENGY BILL CARRYING NEARLY ONE BIL LION DOLLARS INCLUDINO I71Z-- :M,610 TOR ARMY CLOTHING IS ADOPTED AS REPORTED aw: PASSES 00! , 'I MtMIMKl Iln i-e.iw'jll -1 11 ' Artlll-'. I in Jui I A new ur I ,,v , ,,,., imi, m.i 1. , Veil! Ii' , 'ul 1 111 , lllK neally t1 ' ftlviaioB ie nprianiltl t"KPili'i . Olid ono ,, P 1 111. ling irii,tJ.M fl.arm OOII umlei mipii.unl ,f Mil" 'iiilliliiK fin 1 he aim. was paaaad to- Oeniiral It nt" 1 l-ujaen WIh'Iipi m , y lha H.iUM. ..i. 11 nfler H waa other itlvialona h-v Imui .icalel tnio, .Mtrtel h. th- H,,i.i.riailoni uiin-,n 8rmy ,.,p and a Unlutlve un, miitme Ii in Hi li of tlie bl sun ,.immandoi YMn. I have nut beuid pile mnnmiiien ami m.w K tu 'he Kpiui I The fllN'te l,i W.n m,, lin'l II II III i', SI . iiintuii 1 lllIKe lin I InthliiK waa ,,., 1.1. p., pruvlkiuii li f.,, P 1 Hie i. ve hlllioiv hp ,; 1 . if, nit.ui, 1,1 1 i' f, t. r il" ii "i,i -ipi -ttiunii . .ui ,. 1 11. .1 th. vv 11 ilt- ti unci. t i.Uipiyd in maintain a three montlta auitiiv or ' inthtnR and equip nient fi.i 1111. kid. lac in inland suites i id,,,i ,. ,,, n,,. iiidiitha supply ui -icabo-id. ava. Tale of Crime Reveals Wanton Deliberation On Fart of U-Boat Captain LONDON, .Inly 1 one .,f ih Imnls nl i lie Imsnilnl shin IJnu ' 'icivory "iKtlp, i iinl Hilling tweUe ' nt'cnrcliiiK tn Intpwl itil'nrniHt ion. , LONPON, .Inly I A (Iprtnan'suhiiiiiiiiic 70 niilcu from tho Irisli ( i imsl on tlio niffhl nf Jnnt 27 liii jiPtloL'd tlin 11,(1(10 lou liospitnl nhit , MnndnM'i y CitKtif, whii-li had hcpn flnutott'd by tlio Cunadinn gov- t'riuitt'iit mid hnd lioon in llio sfrviiH1 of cMTyintf woundrd nnd si' Ic I from IJiiiflnnd in Cuiiiidn for ninny mnntliH pant Tito Hliip was thou on lirr Mfi to liiiglimd Slip luitl on board 'J5S iiraoiiH, iucludiiiK 80 iiipii of thp I 'annilinii nrmy tnodifnl porpm nnd 14 fpinnlo nttiKcs. I l'p tn tin Ifilpit tppiiits only M of tlioso on Inmid, iiududintr tho jciiptnin, liavc Niirvivptl Hip trrnHiprntiK (ittni'k, wbit'li eiitnti tvithouL I wnruinu Tin tnlniinrin iniiiandor, who ordorod tho rnptntit oE 1 llio Ijlninlovt'i-y i .inIIp, spverai of liis nl'fii-orw, nnd Major Lyon of thu nii'dioal coip, almnid, dn-lnrpd hp hail sunk thp ship bw-amn? slip xvm I'lU'rviiic Aiiioi'ii aii iiMiitinn offin-rs and otlipm in Hit fighting str j n r of the allies Hp added to this later by iuwpi tiii(g tlio vphhoI wart ' iin ying miinitiiiii "Idi ps, In i ause of tin explosion which hnd Oeeurrtl ntt All liuhtH u ere biirnini; hen tin- IJnndovpry ('itntol was tor lieiliipil TIiphp iin-lndiii ;i hiiue plpetrii I'mtK over the bridge nnd vti ingH of white and i ,i lixliis on either nidi'. Thp red enmes on . ilie suleh of the v'PHnei were illiinimated by elprtrjr lightfi. j AeeordiiiK to lied Cm mforiiialion, liniiiy men were killed in : the engiiip rooniM. Tlipro is hardly tiny doubt of ill ih, iih thnrc wan no reHjioime in 'upturn Sylpster'' signal from the bridge, after tho j I 'rpetlo Htritck. As the eiigiiieiiiin wore cilhur killed or left at their i poKtK, thorc "a no one to Imt otf the power and the hip kept on , her nny imtw ithMtaiiding the groat hole, torn by tho torpedo, not 1 I. i..... .1... i:i ii - i i it... i...n vrKuiiiiiiK in miiiv ininii uiiiii i iir i-xtiiiutiisliiiiLr the fitm 'lfliirt added to the eonfiisioii w,,s 110 l"11'''' l,lu' t,u' Mnnilovory ('nHtk lont hor ":"""'I,,UI" n,'",, ol' ,'l( hoats were ovrr Hu .side. TIioho ubove deckrt !",ts'" ''""''hig into them in good ordor. JJuf many wore tnythlc to .,.n,., tin- boats aiidlhe Hhip wan nitikiug rapidly. They juiiinud into Hie sea and a few of them were piultod up. ', Aepordiu-r lo'iiiforniiilion reeeiv'ed by the C'liindinn Ucu Cvosh here, Major Uyniijjfnnii the LlandovwyACastle, va forel to tdnnd in the uniiiiiiig 4ttdeiipittwaiHiijiirri i'ti(?f,-while-thh (lerninn sub inarino offieerH ipieslioned him. The (leniians iumstcd ihat Miijor l-yon wiih an aviation officer, iiotwitliKt.iitdtng the offiunr'H Htrnquotut denialH. The (iPinians even threatened tn xlioot Mnj(l Lyon, Con tending that lie whs an offieor of the fighting unit, and not u nied ii'al offii-er, a he claimed. Thp ndmhaltx retmrt on tha Hlnklmr lem ilhen ihe iiuel tieainiPiit ol Malor I. mn uml dr. linen thai the HiihinniiiiP aitm HinKiuK iln' veNHol. hiipiipiI hi, 111: J know II Iiii iipI tvlitrh th tepoil Intl tho tuiatiliiK inntpa oilKhl hate heeu lioatK The mlmiinlli Nl.ili-inenl nn llm mill. 111K of Ihe hniipltnl ahlp followi ' lei inn us' awful delil In ihe world innllniioa In giow AiioIIipi hoapllal ahlp Iiuh limn tuipedoed. thia tbnui Construction of Naval Vessels to Be Rushed VVAHHItOUTON. July I- Htepa tn uviitiii an nf. iiunniuie i-niwimv Hi ion of Ihe 11-inniiiiiK 18 veHHvlH. in ellKltni; ImttO I'lula' rn and miiwi dieadnouHhin of ihe l.'i'i mil Inn r-.1 In the thrill yearn naval bnlhli'iK iiiumaiii appiuvvil li t'otkfcipii two yeiira nun hi,Ve btien ikn hj the navy d' pan m(! Tllia waa .tir.r nuail luiilKht 111 11 wtati iupiii by Keiietnii. 1 1 1 f tele i Vlewllin Hie n nvlaneiB uf Ihe II turn hiiii.ihiii nival appropl utiun I. ill n 1 .miU. tiMHKiil bv ( 'mini fi innl '- whh h I'tealdent Wilson twiay alidich id tiln MlRiiattltti Tim hill " aunt Ihe at rutin v maKii II i.liilCulul 1 l ItPfJIli lie 1 "nl 1 ie 1 l"n of all of thp fin I y -elsili 1 kPHivIa of llf IAS paea inntlii lalliu Ihe llnei i .iih jn HH am auihuimeil hi Hi" at 1 "f An RUKt M. IVHi the 1 11111.I1 i. u. ,n nf wt.n I. Baker Announces American Army Corps Now Organized VVAMIUN'iToN. Jul-. I Iteaumiitimi nt the lipim.ui uffpiiaivp mi inn went 1 ftn Until la now led niuiii"nUi i!i ! h urmv nffii lal here llenilai I'eikh Inst' rtifmita and Kren h and Hiilml' i.idvhaa have ahowii im ipiue.i . i,em . i '"','v"' ,,v i rr ins ant pi i-p 1 1 .t.ti fm a 1 in ThuiH im 1 Hie.' atn iinl itlliK 1 hk' I I' 1 il.llliei 1 . .1 .1 llt-'V- II 1 irrililltt 111' llPllllalli lefnle Hit llli ! u ilnea aiuuinl i' T'neii' hti an .n in v 1 "ii". of Amen . ii'-jpn stand klKnilii. 1 a.'ii'Uidei s the Frnch In bin. k lh n ul tn I'.'. ' 1 ! MtM-ri'Larv It.iker 'tlin l.'ketl lielas 'h .iiHunlmilun uf the tut ,nmv i t riirkiulv had iieen 1 ,.ni,!eu .1 Thu first, aci-ond ami thud 'tlviaiunn noHUlar). tnlnmu .ded rpapeciively b Major Of list ala Rohl I, llullanl tJmai I Hi ml y and Jokipti T unkmau. aie 111 i ludtxi In ho f 1 1 st 1 ui pa and u I'lHlm ! Clwiriiu Thu 1 1) m I'miUKns Th. ' t ui pti iit;uui.a! I1.11 , utu ill-, f" u.k ullvlslomv fo'n ' nniiiulant m .i Urn n- 1 huieemi nt. and with Hie nei.-onsui ) 111 'llleii units ami nthei .nldltionat troup th.. mi. 1. siientfth nf 1 m pa would br ne,i:i. Jjii.m'i' men , n.liiul.'edly. len 1 ! LiBButt has .' I the eii'iuenni nis ii'irsmjt i,stp,M, i mm icon to mpsizc, The nistufs v-ri druwurd iviuur ruHiiuii nun uiu iiuiier room, in latniehing tha itfchoatH lUit seienly mllm fr.m tlin nearest land, , and her M-iipli turned adrift In tlmlr 1 hiMlla to sink 01 aivlm an ticnt thoy mlMlit Wul although, iih It linnpened. alio mn. a Canadian hotipltal ship return inn fiom IlallliiK with ho wrundPit alumni, the inlp of crime reveals wan ton deliberation on the part of tho aiibmni hip eoiumaiiitpr and. almost (Contlnuod on Pugo Two.) lim riol pieilt.UHly been Bpeclfli'iilly Ul- 1 i-.nvil 111 ne ihthiiii 4 11111 nreiiir uiiiii I paled In Ihe eai iy uyeoutlou of thin pi'iitrant ami li ne roKialtotl that lit L uf f . 1 1 1 1 i ev. .in,- in ihn hlK deininid for di-KimveiH iimpnrtH ftntl oar go ahlpa leudpiid 11 neie Miary to omnwiint .ii, nt tin. fine pinarest) that waa holm; Mini. Ilnwevei 1 it that tlin in 1 lii w. 1 (led iii this IiiJiiilatory w,iy. fin .' i nn i,i'iiui ,lor,li! nntl exiai ' 1 III. 11 I.. 1 an. II nut and t have lll .1 i,l) 1..; 1 ii ati'pa ii. expedite vunuti u. -11..11 i- miM ii an hh fiibip Mum 1 In uni only provlibul f"" i.i iinK Ihe Inn , lroo pniiti am, i.ut an ..liliHmial one. jiuwlrrd milium ,., 11,11 in in nit jviliahln for niiditinmii inipi.hi huat dPtiroyoiH, aubmarino ii.i-.i-i, ir,, I ithei naval iiift an 11,9 1 x iH,.iii 1. .. nf tim war may make in. -1 ti..ii t t r i,ih , ,.' pi, if ma organization - "u.i 't 1 . 1. i'- everv rmwm to 1.. Heve (hat I- ihe ii.nith nf jii mm is (hah u in .mi V'lp'tli.iu ii-m will nam snil vi ,,,iii'iiii uniioom einent thai .'ie. 1 1. 1 (wit of Hie t'o'iiili 01 July ..!... 1 1 1, r- In Ir, lj- expound, -ei.i'.n liukei had 110 ail v Kiln to p 1., kl...vv that tn, inaimn of tne first - i 'in, nn. Im ' ,i inn al hint , 1 .1 1 I v 1 cutpii-ti'd. . , ,11 ilily (leticial t.lKiieit n Corpa K.ini I now a n rart of Jenrrtl .-1 1 us iiiolii. fun a aa distinct from . , m tin- mm oriiauUntlcn, which 1 '.en.; built up 10 mke ovur u defl- . AmrrUan sudor of 'Ho bnttln a' T,e appuurenae of A met lam ( 1- ,1' fi' point almm the linn .'iwppn SI Mi hi el and the Svvitia Ihi--,ei iiutitjtea that this whole atietch nf 110 to .'00 in I km of tho tmnf Is beirnf mpldlt AnHiicnnlivd. T'u- definitely placed American sector from the vlqlti -it v of S! Mlhlol to the Moeotlo river is iniiutlod find at ptosent la tho left flank ut Ihe whole sector, which (ha American niipcariHt to bo duntlncd to hnld when thoy come fully alio tl tien on tho tiftht of the lino, if iheca Indlcatloim are cotioct. tna poaitlon on both sides of Chateau Thierry und near Jlontilldloi- further nmth wher thu French and ,"Sirlttli ; lint' .join lite held by till! American n.ohlle unit thrown In to meet tho ci'en,-fni.y cicuea oy mo viennan 01 fcr.alve. J S'.w",' 1 irf oft