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CORPUS Btseball News CALLER --In The Caller First VOLUME 20 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, WECWESDAY, JULY 3. 1918 NUMBER 186 AMERICANS MAKE IMPORTANT GAINS SWEEPING FORWARD IN CHATEAU THIERRY SECTOR SAMMIES WITH MAGNIFICIENT ASSISTANCE OF FRENCH TROOPS CAPTURE VAUX AND HILL 204 AND TAKE 500 GERMANS AS PRISONER 44 CHMSTI fcwitftlie War The Call "St. 3k : If- ,1 J I 'St. American Soldiers Sent Overseas to July 1st ; Total 1,019,115 j Correspondence Between President Wilson and Secretary Baker Dis- , closes a Record of Achievement WASHINGTON, .Inly 2. -Anu'riciin troop Kent ovim-mciis mini-1 he-red 1,010,115 .Inly 1. I This win Hindu known tonilit by 1'ro.sitli'nt Wilson who giu-p tho j public n letter from Socrotary Htiktir disclosing a record of ai-liicvc-; iiiniit which the president said "liiimt cause uuiversal HUtisl'iictioii," i and "which will k'ivc additional Host to our national celebration of! the Fourth of July." The first units- noii-eoiiibnlniit left American shores May K, 1017, General Pershing followed twelve days later and at the end of the month 1,718 men had started for Frnin-e. Juno saw this number increase by 12,12(11, and thereafter khaki-clad "crusaders from the western republic sent overseas" iii'Teaseii ntvadily until approxi mately JJOO.OOO had departed when the Herman thrust began last Mitred. The March sailings of x:,8ll were increased in April to 117212. Miiv miw iiiuillior '.Ml Mtfi nun eitilini-: nml IiihI month 270,372 wero sent uuny, making (J7,U20. This, Secivtary linker iiix moutliH ahead of the original program. "Substantially thirty divisions are now in France ready to meet whatever move the Hcrnuin these divisions already have been tinder Major f lateral Liggett, others are holding trench sectors at import ant points along the battle line and still others have been broken up and brigaded with tho French and llritish troops. And so when the German thrust does come, the Americans will be called upon !r: play no small part in meeting it. "Secretary linker wtoto tho president " '1918---Jan uury. lt..T7fi. I-'elminry, Unit the. BUppllcn anil equipment to , 1H.037, Mnrrh, 83.SI 1 . Apnl. 1IV.JI.'. Franco for the million men. who Imvo i May, ill, "16; June, Hti.Sli. Kflm in shown by Ititout ropotta to be I " '.Marines, ll.'lll. iidcqtialo u lid uililcil that 'the output " 'Ai;Kru;iUim, 1,0111,116. of our war industrial iti IIiIh country " 'The total number of Iroopii iiilui n Ih HhowlnR miukcd Improvement In ml from jibroutl, low ut eou und ciu pinrtlmlly all lines of nocc.asi.ry eUlp- t unity U 8.11", mid of these, ly remain men and supply.'" I of the miporhly efflnlunt protection tho Tho pii'Hldcnl'u ntntemrnl. with the ! navy hna Riven our tniiisprnt tiystuin tetter from Sccrotury IJuker mid hi i only -01 Unyo Jy;q)i ufll jiiksii reply, folluwa: ' f ' Tho tfimfllw tfim cTitilprnenl m "1 luivo toiliiy rcoelveii tno ronow- , ins letter from tho necrelarj "r nr. whleti noonui to inn In itontuln Infoi mutton that wilt ho o ntlifM tory t. Ilif eountry that Its puhliciitioii will h welcomed ami will itlw addiilomil zest to our niitlu:i.'il eelePrnti"ii of the Kourlh of July; "'War Popurtment. " 'WnHhlncton. .lul 1. ill "'.My dear Mr Pronlclont. "'More tlma ono million Amcrlinn holdlers hus'o siilloii from tin- poitn of tlllft eountry to nm tlciliutc ill tin war In I rnncc. in repoiiiiiB huh ih t lo you i foel you will le nil ited In data HhowInK tho proKrt" "a: "ei veaH military effort. "'The Mhlp cciimiiu mlittmy petHonnel jfullvil Mil) I'"" havliiK ml tumid uhhp hoKpltnl nunilii'i 1 and fiicmbei'H of tho roiorve nuiceh coipm "'Ocneral I'crnlilm,' nnd lit" Muff willed on My 10. 1017. The einl.u -liatloiiH In the tnimtliH from M.n. 1 917. to mid lucliulim; Juno. l'Jlx, te the followInK: "'1917-May. 1.718; .tune. 11.201. .llllV, li.OSS. AtlKtHt. lH.aW, M-ctiin- I her. 32.S23; tietolier. S8,.B1), Ni.m- her. 2.1.016; December. 18.81" Three Cabinet Members Favor Control of Wires WASHINGTON. July 2.- Plan for . ciimmunloiittoiiB. Jlr. Iteker urRBd enartlnc leitlHlatltm hefoie the mimmei Boeinment! durlns '! enarunK irimiminn "" m Hilary, to pinlei I tt .. iccrs nuthorlldrtf Provident vvili...n to (lual Mt,,;,,, .,! fM, Hltl In tnkrt ncr tclefiliiph, telephone, .-..bin triiiinmlMiou of fi-n et nmrnt dtspati If ...Hir. v.inm went fmwai.l ill 1 Th hoiul of the two wai ItmkltiK lonsici-B today whtlo thtee mombeiH or tho cahltpit eniphUHlwiil their appimul of the piopoHMl bufoio thu lntei.-.tut und forelBU commoico rommlttee The houBO eoinmltteC, altei h. aunt? the eahlnel offltorit- SeerelMi ie liakei Hnd Ii.'tnlelB und PoNtmdalei 'leneial llutlcsnn- nrinnKcd to meet tomorvow ... ..,..., .... itw. -. ui'lntloiiK of lCpionntallvo Amudl of IuUlana MepreaentMtlw (TorUon of . hl wh eh han icon endoiwl hy Prnaldont moed the A.well reKoluti.-n he taken W Son The T on y flKlil exp-et6d i from Ihe ommeiee enminlller and re over tho quMtlop of a time limit for furrwl to the military eomtnllle... alnce KoxWnment uperatlon. A limit hu. It wai. ptopimed as mllltarv iieea. KeMed today wun oppo.ed hy all thro , att The mo Ion w-a .....Lrt without wltncsnri.. opiitloii 1 hut upon heat ilk "...u l ...... nnn u u ,...l I'OMtmnjtlfir fletietul Burleson franklv ad.oud permanent ownership of who and rudlo Felicistas Capture Small Town Opposite Mc Allen McAM.KN, Texaa. .Inly -' Thre. k . . 1 . huiidiurt ielCl?ua unuer . ommaim C olonel J A. Atniusail and I.leutnnaiit Colonel Ktmenio l.onez. ut 1 30 nVlm-k t otonei r.ugenio ii, ' - thu morillliti Appeared auditenly hefou J'.eynosu, Mexico, oppoultn HldaiKo Toxau, and occupied tho little town without flrlnif ti ahot. the KarrlHon of thirty fodctttl auldlera Imvlim' bwttun lumly retreat without offerltiB reaial mice. Four hours Inter Ihe rchela, who nro ndherenU of Kellx Uiux. u nephew of (lie lute 1'iealdent Potflrlo iJlux, do patted In tho direction of Mutamoroa. after having replenished tholr alorea of PKivIhIoiih. Kvery FollclatH wna ciillpped M'llh a niii'larn rifle upd at) abundant c t! 11m munltlon, uccvrdlpg to n report rcceiv- a total for the three months of, said later, put the troop iiiovoinoiit staff has in nreparatioii. formed into the first fiel rmnee. ror mi troops hciii la iy our latent roporm iideinmte, mnl tlie nut pui ol our win IndimtilcK in HiIn . mo rn h IliiwIiiK inmUeii litiprot ( metit in pi iirtleully nil uneH of iivenut 'iuipinent iiml Miipply. " ,l!enpecifulli iiiim. ' NISVTN ! HMslCIt ' T'i nhl' li 1 roplletl. ' Tli Whiti HntiHe 'WiiKhiiiKton. Jolv .' I'Mh. 'My denr Mi Seerctui) our lettei nf .Inly I. rimlaiiiK iiiiv MKMifliunl leee "f news iiml an eqil.illv ntKniflrHOt lep'ilt of tile lur wnidliiK of ti'i.uis limine the past eal to the nthei Mle t the uittei It Im i it.fiii'd whli'h 1 ttiltik rmml t .iiiki' utill ftruft 1 lijutmiHii flu. hi'iiit.uf thr. enuntrl unnili'HtliitliiliK lo till ivnr .111.1 Ihn o..r.l.l.. nf tlx. I'tiited Stolim tejolee to we their foi.e put fiiHlvt and taM.u Into ihe (, MniKKlf Which In destined to re- ditm the wor'd. i otiltully unit Hineeiel 0111a. "'Vt)(iniUV V11,SN lltiN. NISWTON D BAltlflt, " 'Koeremi of War.'" (Continued n fuRty Two) bruuchOM doolaied Iheli attitude wiik not Influatued tiy the ittriltB of Wml I urn 1 nlon opetatortt eniien mr .iui and wiih Ijuo1 entlu lj Umn iiiilitut) need. Mr I Jul lemon, long an adviaatc of cowrnmont oieratl,in of ommuni'a lli.rm. unlet tne tnrnatetliil titriwe WHe one reason 101 Bi tton at thl tune. Ilium of imi.i iiwii -oo-, .., itaeir. otnintttei . the houe m.'-ihc'I , ed at armj h- .ul-.n 'i be- e tonight ..rr, A mtli'fr.i t 1 1 111 ( fit llll'l I . , - ' ' ' j ueiala awnpulliuria in Htjnoaa openty m touay tnai 1 oionei Aiumuzau in 1 tondml tn nttnek Mutamoroa. th fed- , , ,tlullK,old alonu thu lwet Imii.I. i It was nlnn learned from nuthriltnllvo auurcoa toilay that l-elluitHa ppup.iKan dlttta havo lieen active ulone the lower holder for week. The whetnythoula of Kellx Dla himaulf la unkniiivn here. Tho Mexican jutoma Itcynoaa. vacuped to the Texil .'fdg"of tho border today wheit tho low'rt wm occupied hy the rebels, hrlnglnc wltli him tw'o thouNHiid ilullnra In uold eotn, nioKt of It American. American eun toma uuthorltlea aolzcd tho coin and uro holdlnc it at llldulgu pending in stiuctiuna from Wuahinuton. AMERICAN MARINES Thee 1 tvitt l f- nim iniirlnii. plpilok'niphed In a UllrtKx? in iTiiiifc lire cori'H vh" ' n' u'tt tJ'"r' '" jr SU, 5S SENDING !I BIG HOWITZERS J AMERICAN BUILT 1S5 MILIMETER HOWITZERS ARE BEING RUSH-1 ED OVERSEAS SUPPLEMENTING THE EQUIPMENT HERETOFORE i FURNISHED BY THE FRENCH i ORDNANCE FACTORIES WASHlNCiTON ' .Irtly ? A'lherfCtin hilllt 155 nilllnieln hnwitztix are now movliiK t' 1 in tiic KUppP'ineotioK 'he i iHttp'iient of !' in' I ' i HhliiB'H tiotipi heretofore olit.ilueil fiom 1'reneh oiil nuncO fuetonea. i n. Aiik i iimii firm In lunitllU ti.'t thew uns .11 the lute "f ten a day f, om .1 t n 'i whlrh wiim t loui i' Iiiiik AUKUM Them' f.'t't" wTe (I1m UimixI i,(.iv to neWK,iei 1 'm i 'khiim1mhs who vi.-Uetl the new in i.i v 1 1 .' iiir ki 011111I ai A'.ei deen Md A in 1 w of the I ."6'k teMted. oppiotxi ni l walliiiK nlilitnf( ordom, hhh "n.- i t the tnoxl hIiiKiiik object lesor.h 1.1 Hi iip Tile howitM uhuh nil' of I 1 inert i dCMlBII f .ippt 'iXitiialel ii itn h tin In avv I' 1 taxi' koiih .hole tiltd WOUin "lip IOI I ..II 101111111 aflVMIO , .,ft4,",'',l "" '" ,! I"''"'" riie ' nlled Htati m s ,ii wilt in.lep... '' f'-helltKeienf. .1 1011.1 of tUU ,JIM' I The vliUioin imUy wore hIiowii iokI ,11 rl - wulk 111 .iotiie 011 IIiIk r.ii.diiii aoie (met. Several ioIIoh of "flriiiK 1 Mno" uarkttd und riwuiwl blK sun PUntn , and out oti tli rungeH MU'lden hl,ok Hiuoke ciaudd rimrked the Iiuim r hlh explOMlvti wh'lln timed to burnt ir .10. or tOnplllR NpoutH of otillcl and lint I.. I.J, of tinvoo wroUBht liv niiHiilluH iImhIku-' ed lo tvierk tin man trenehen ' r'rotn a hitih ohni i i.itlon li'W. i the paitv looked down on Hie lieneh W"l ' fare uwc'loti lleKliinhiK with 1 ifle , Rrenudt all 'istex of 0101 tam wee hummvtlng iw.iv The three-iheli .StokeM rnoitui I o,it in the open, (Continued on I'aKO Kotir) (if OF HONS STIRS INHUMAN ACT fnp it miiTi 1 ri "" pot mm of it... town GREAT BR!! !AN3ttHsi3 ANDREW UONAR CHARACTER- IZES TORPEDOING OT THE RED CROSS VESSEL AS AN UN- 5PEAKA01.C OUTRAGE: ONLY M OUT OF 'W PERtONS ABOARD ARE KNOWN TO HAVE BEEN SAVED IXJNDON I uly Aioiiew Honar Uw, chaiKxttbii of tb ixihwpiei, in a ahift o 7"" ih JIouih of ('omiimiei i..-la ,ud inejph.ot -hen tin- to wntikl have tlioUKHt imthlnu n a tm 1 not l -n .1,1,, auartla Owmmi brutality -,ul.l ,.ip The wuikois ru.nli ixm. but the a4nking if tie- 1 a'-olian H10 flamex and Ii hoaplta.1 ahip Uandov 1 Caatle wi. H4inpafiKanHi outrage .xxning routu he CnJnga. he a-l te.l, I-, ,'alklng about ihta bitMt ejuinple '1 ' .11 111. in fi.jtht Ulncaa. utripiin, ,iuii i a tix.i otntn ear 0f H,p wateia In the vi inity of the, 1 JMt w((,rB th, ran.irtlan hoapilal ahlp l.lHtidover Cantli- w.ih ,1111k . i;ii man Hlthmarlne haw iunlli-1 in no rut ' hijiMinga In th" Th homo thor aurvlvora hemic touinl An oil trial! of woikmen .i m. :h" .0.1.1 r -an th' allttemont Uaued hy the .t'linlrult) I plant i-olluaped Hid but units '.nb-i--i' It may tie aaaumwl thit oai it ol j worn blown lo tlto lout ot biiihlitmi th IES pviaona on hoatd weie auved. larroee till railway tianka which Ui- TI10 sdmlralty a'utameinl aaya- vido thu plant In half. "The urea botweon the alait where! - tlo I.lundovery Paatlo wua aunk and Iiiii souinweHt irian i:unt nua been thurouelily aeuiehet b two groupa of III11 MlijRNty'a lipi In 1 dditlon to tint tle.itroyur Iynnnder nniy a little wreckage nnd one empty boat warn found. It iim) he aiMUined that there are no mote aurvlvora fiom tne Lland overy Castlo.'' WHO ARE WINNING NEW ""' "''s ' th- Marti.-. : : NEW ORL EANfilCAO AflETC ARE ORDfiReo CLOSED i:U - UI.13K'M July 2 A I 1 ih m l m Nojr rniouns wen. ... .l-t .-.I 1 'lined III in id 11 1c hi 11 1 I.i .1 remSln 1 Ihk.-iI until Initio 1 iotloe,,f7ilIowitiK .1 eon ti 1, !! lite today la 1 ween m KI'UtltllVOH Of j "oiii'e Moiitiy. win. UKiietl thu nul l ii1 it w.ih , ! tho reflUiml of the h.ii ilepai tment. t About two weflU .mo m-veial hundred "Mimeflfw. . mri -t. rt when fideial offlcei ,iMnl-td b illy iiidlae, yhliled HHiine of the lunfct ratjusktu In Uiu in ouk "tanco Imw' Heoi (WiOi&Tlillir I tie OftlW let mav eontfrnie " oente, sai'l Silperlliioliilent Monnox , . .;. HUGE TNT FLAI!::,;i:::; NEAR SYRACUSE IS WRECKED FORCE OF EXPLOSION ROCKS CITY. BREAKING PLATE CLASS WINDOWS. SWAYING REOIDENC ES AND CAUSING THEIR OCCU PANTS TO RUSH INTO STREETS AT LEAST 16 KiLLED AND 200 ARE INJURED Exploiionn Followed a Fire That Raced Bsvanil Contro and to tho Olid Control nd Fimoni to tho TNI Two of Tltoi Let Go riuryino Mnny Vorkr Undei An Avalanche ( Dihrta 1 KrKACI'Bi:. N Jul .' t leaai , I-, pi 1 -winn wen k.lhil and 'iijut' l 'and the I1MK1 plael "f Ih. tn-l -H 1 I V.t tolllp.lliv al tMtill Hoik, iii.ii h- I were mutually niei."l b tn . ''pi- lOIIM of tl lllltl Ollllll'-I ! 'J -1" , I- - nlKht ! Tel I l(li 1 iiiii llwlimn ( 'I' - 0 OSIIH1H of th pOMt-lfOt -- H I --Will ' kid ; 1 1 K ' IrtlfcUn ' I.iiiI.Iiiik- o tin 1 -iilci of the ily Mo ialn-d pi 1'' k'-o- 11 ihw. and ratisert - pann null 1 ..-,..l Mi to ihe Tut vatK Two of 1 hi b-n 1 Ina manj okei umb 1 .to av..Un.-he of dnbils. nut '.ihii I Hp flameu t., adjotnlnn 1 ,'Mlln At m bout t.nimh! Ihe fl.inua n- b n nln fh-nely and Ihet. w M'I'"i"oh Volun- tw. , , to Btv flame Aid wan (lallMi 1 f tool 1 1 fit ill 1 v-l pi i-fci iim tw -in i. ati 1 nut ai manuro! j broke down l-o-.1 I 11 1 O! Itf I" f inert, 1. 1 ti ffin la 1 m . pn illnt; lo I wifely weie 1 aught i the fnat of Uiejino met. haul ehlpt July 1 two eittOMuna. Men wie iiuio-u 111 j all directln Tw-i '-aught tn-.w-on 1 two tiiiiulng hiiil'iing. - lonii-d throuRh a wall eitil! illve wb-ii po k-d 1 up, there wr not 1 .thrmi "f lot lung u 1 on tholr booia-k Tha attcund big vploalon fob. fifteen mllillt.- afte- the flint ami low ill th ' combined fotn- -' -in- two 1 imphd SV11AC17HK, N. V. July i' Man porKOlia IW11 lejtprtittf ti have ! 11 killed or Injuied in two leitlfic exploe Inntl tonlclit ut the mine plant of the Heinet 8olvy Cornpariy ut split Hoek. U nuiiurb. The forco of the explosion rocked (Continued on Pago I'ottr.) LAURELS IN FRANCE prnLuht ninoim 'lie Kttllrint men of Ihn REPULSE OF ALL 111 inn 1 tt 1 mm ' jlllrllllilAI WIjUUjU IS 5 I JIUSUI ' "AT MANY POINTS ALONG THE I FRONT STRONG SURPRISE FIR rrrllmAhNaHEo av ' THE ENEMY ENDED IN RE PULSE" READS THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT HKItl.lN 1I.1 I ilon Jul) i -Allied .1 M-It- ii ol 1 'hateu-Tliei ry huve Ihii 1. pulsed l'i '.he iloilllanw. ne-' in II,,- offii-ial Hlatemeul UHueil to. 1 1 1 Mtiiikx iiRainsi the (lerinun llnnn itvliient uddB t main 1 mIiiU al. iiK th' tiont, imiiK rui'pilse fiiinK HllurkK wen made pi oIuiiIiimi 1 101 -i in is. ( ,..!,. hi-, I h the 11 1 1 1 v wlileb tmdnd .it thelt ii pnlae U . ot the to. 1 .n il mull of the o oi ihi'r' wa liw'ls 1 1 oiinoltertnif aiimtv HtronK I'" ' 1,1 k" l Hi' eoems south ol tie' 'I'lu-l and (nl of I'h. ill ail Thleny r. Ii ilnl 1 ated 111 our Iu:litliii4 lone ' MlsTKItlMM. InH .' I will i I pusi lo the ow 1 nint-iii iriy ilntrn nn ' nia- Jioio. icl.itlve to hoti poM 011!. In 11 In on " Inlon tloucn ipimttlonN nrri'-t oui ri'iai mieewuit 111 the wiii. Sri1 aid 'leneral l.iidtuidcH'ff in on nliou fi lm a 111 ouiineul mum the 1 iMi litan dllsK lo thu lol neeb). V ilk Z' liann I.'iNImiN' Jolv Tin lieilnanam , 1 lima 11' I ai. i ritmotid oppod to a I weiii.l I'll' linn ilniltiii the wui u'ldl Inn- iiiiotniiii-il .1 bill pi 'doniilnK the 111".- of th. ,t..ol 1 i n linttfa m til 1'ije .1 1, ,-i'h'iL- ii, ioKlf-1 dam dla p.iti Ii t,, tin l .-h.iim. I i li Kiaph 1 om 1 iNSWER TO HUN BOAST IS !00 SHIPS JULY 4TI! CHAIRMAN HURLEY OF AMGfil CAN SHIPPING UOARD CA0LBS OENERAL PERSHING I HAT THE UNITED BTATES WILL CELE B11ATB INDDPkNDQNCB DAY: WITH THE LAUNCHING OF DIG FLEST OF VK8BE Lo W AHlllN'liTtiS Ji .' No more d liain .11.1111 1 i.n'il la- rfiy--n lo the en til- r -h4ll't.Ki- i.ill 1 1 -itBitrni rr leoncd todiy from 'ienera! fvmhliig In GERMAN CLAIM M-pIv .. one aeiil tv f halunn MUlWViano in: of II,'- nlunioiiK 'i-.alll. InfOimll.K 111' 'I'-1 Am-! : .a riahiiiia iton in Kram-a that the nhipiui'dei 1 ii l oim- would lauuih,in the uunhin,- hin ietuinr-1. rir the .lum output att-el Milirt lo. i,.i..,i M mi, i oak and woodan ahipa I7.',i ti.nn Th niimhor "f veaaala not niiiioiiin l an It Waa illarov rert aeveial ha I i-en put ilo ei . vir r-, .uifklv .. rt. 1 delivery that in-! aHitoia but mil m.iti- refKirta an 1 tlim to ne Bhippiim iHiunl'a alattatlual , dip.ii Hiviit An mnaina n,"Wii, dlaekiital by! l-t..ii.-ii rigun-H r.i im- lour wae? r.r I Din- )n the wni-k alx biH of ii Hit ileudweisilt tmia warn dr.llvwed, the m rond wK ten more of 61,71! I'-im j wie added. nwl in the thud U'Diuc th" ' avoiage lor ine nionin wna rciauu una a day by the uunpletlon of flvu ahlna U tilling al.llao tona. neiivoriea ir tiittiJiHi nuiwuy won: hwiiiuuuihi. uiht wk 101a led IZB,t tuna, whlelf la Tho lomolutlon nuthorUlne the Proa- ... h.. . .. .. r iuii.iv 7 ana nnn mm lilnnl tn take ovor thn telecranh nnd yem . 1 telephone llnea, tho tJ90.000.UOO The auine grcwtlt nlao Iwa beiiiilnriny npproprlnllon hilt, tho proixiaal shown from month to month. Thi out-' tit Ineiouse tho Kovornuupt Kuurnnleeil ; pm e fni wheat t 12. SO per butil, tC'ontlnuvU on fatso Fou:. nd war time piohibition n amohj i Entire Teuton Regiment Virtually Annihilated In The Bitter Fighting WITH THE AMERICAN FORGES ON THE MARNE, July 2 An entire Gorman regiment has been virtually an nihilated in the fighting: west of Hill 204, according to offi cial Information. Tho total number of Germans captured by tho Ameri cans Is now estimated to number 500, including seven offi cers. Tho fighting qualities of the Americans were certi fied to by virtually all the prinoncrs taken. They said tho Americans fought like wild men, sweeping everything be fore them ns they plunged over the ground So fierce was the attnek that many Germans who were in tho zone assaulted made their oscapo by running when the fight got too hot for them and they saw it was impos siblo either to slow down or halt tho American plunge. Many groups of nri.toncrs have been sent to tho rear. Others have been located In hospitals where thoy wore taken niter being wounded. Tho Gorman counter attack which was fiercely conduct ed, was launched against tho American positions at 3 o'clock this morning. . It resulted in the Americans further Incrcas ing their number of prisoners. Virtually the remainder of the enemy attacking force was annihilated. (By tho Associated Press) Hurling themnlvp.H at the tip of tln ulient driven into tho allied line by the llei'innim Into in Muy. tho Americans nnd French hav won impnitnnt urnniul near ('liHtrnu Thierry. The attack was loeal in fhnnii'ter. but its HiieerMN inuv mhm imjiortant in tho future npcr mioiiN in that pnrt l the butt It- li,nt neiiiesl I'arm. The aHMiinfl Miis niniod at the lininli't )' Vatix which in situated mi the inilh Hide oi" the ( Ii11td.11 Thierry-l'uriH road and tin tlui northern npus of Mill 'J(H. Vnux iH about two milo.s from Chateau Thierry . This wiih earned by the rush of the rYench and Americans, who nUn occupied two niiiiiI! trntnlicH of woods in the imiiiedintn vi. iiiuy. iiie tiermiiiiH almost immediately netfnii counter attaeks in a,,!,,,l,, 10 rc,in t,,ll! 1,,sl positions, but their efforts failed in very iiiMtiuice. In the attacks and in their roneated iismiultK .tuaiiiHt the new linen held by the i iiti liiitii-i, !ji...,.i ... iin ,, ' , - , ,v,,r,v''i '"nl I'l French jind AmiuieaiiH. il'l,"r'e' l've been virtually annihilated in the battle A tluilliiio; air battle between nine American dirplunes and an etpial number of Herman maehines is reported in tho Chateau Thierry tH&UywH lORjWli'ciwUeiniiinpljuH'Krwercdetrftyedvliiiotvo Auiei'ienn iii.ichin&s have failed to return from the cncounlerT"""" ' 'in June 7 tin- IVonc h tepnrted llotl they hail 11.. ,iptiir-d Hill 201. a In iKlll iloiiuoat imh the elly of ChuttiMU-Thler- 1 It HI IHIIIM llllUnL..- Itlllt III.. 1 ; 1 11, .iih haw la en IioIiIIiik at Ii m; pin I of tin heiKhl 01 that they haw I l an allio k hii'li i.ih not het ii i. "' ' " .'" ' "I J iok iiiv 10. onen more The alll. d attaek on tin north Hide will tend to make tin 10 etriN H piwlth 11 011 the hill le-H ai-'aii and niny fon e tin. ili.iinaim 1, n locate tbOlr line f. it.i the M.irne 1101 111 WMltl tu Toll shi-l the Ameiitan htt been ma- - Nsfni m N'-o'iiil IIkIiIh and have Wm luipoiiaiil hi omul Hi Hull foii-ns 111,1 1 h w.'..l o Albetl hm been fm 1 11I I' fissttt h..rd in holll HHlliols tint lo.ik,' Ii mo the Hit mans SundHV nlKhl ilvtiemio'l attnek In the 1 la tnv ' thai .,nn American Air Has Fight WITH THIS AMI.llli AN AHMl IN I ItANfK,. Jill An, a. 1 Hipitfilioii eiiHmil of nine inui liiuen hart n llllllllnir hair horn fihl Unit i.waiiinu itoith of t 'linttwu -Thlei r with Ui.unaii flight nuuadion of Ihe, name niimhei AI leaat thtee nf thf 1 Oernmu plana ete 4l', en down plunglnrj to the aurth, and up t u o'eha-k ioinbt twit of th"- Mnernanii had iimI iflutainj. The A ni'-i Kan a 11 nun a tin a 1 pt lolling party, eim. ut-oti tit 1-11 -my holl) -ifiei wttii o liM-k thin morning, n'lll lllltned! le! alla'knl 'I'he AmeiU'inj mo 1 eniln'l 01 ifitdiia .ibov'r thflt sidv ei h,ii I.-m ,i,,il iilio fi 1 lollli f-Jtl-haitgt u ai an ailllmb i-f liinn lloin two mtlv ill,, Hi- it'-ioiao ih-wn a dlMian v of a mil Two vf tin Afn'iouii ,1 into! - -.. one of the Niupoi t-i du o 1-. aj Ametban pilot, go t-- .1 di n . - dif 1 appeal, toil tbr Am an pi .im.. 1 'ep rted lhat ihay ol,;.id a 1 through, thr fuatlag of llnee nem ! ma. hit,- w'thlii a few inimm ,f 1 .. h other ih- pi inen (.taiihinic .-ailbaiil Tin- tljfhtiiiK wnt fal aiei u n .11 an'l ail kind "t tnaio 11 - 1'IOUgtlt ll'l" ill I Jl'll '' ) " ' I ! iuin mai )t h iiindb When the Amai l .in rriuin- 1 ' rhoilr fM the found lhat two of 11 ; macttlnw f the patml werr uitanns y hav not b. 11 h-urd f no , B" fl Th' natuie of t- nMUtuuw n- e elet ut i. ti'nt'iintH I .1ii Congress Encounters Delay In Its Program to Recess WAUHIN'IT'tN lul . - I'wiifiMii aAy diaiNitHl ot miM'h tuiMitant bf. inkttlon but emioiinleied a nilety of nhvtnoloa in Ha program to leiena I bin woak until AuruhI 10. ItoiM-a to vlon- - ; Jwn toniorrow helore the l-ourtli ot allies, the Hermans have suffered t 1 .t 1 ,t isoocrs iiiiviiik nccil lOKCIl liy 1110. ttne -enure lieriiuin reRinicnt is officially threatened to wrent tlitt captured riouiiiI tho Drltldh. hut heavy eoiintwr nttaeki. fluilK tluj fou out 'of all lint 0110 of Ihe trsilcJiCa he hud .ipturiil rh l-'ii-nrh front weHt of the . Hun ai .1 mtat iii ((helms Matt hcen tlto ttrenn of 1 i.nHlderahh' luwil flghtllU! tn which IiImoiuih were '.akt.n iy tho ullled .'ones Tin- Kitirh flaVi' re-i.-aplureil tin- llliitir of fit 1'ltrro AlKlM Bouth went of Hoiawuut with h thoy lt)8t threo week ana. The u-inian iiffnial rtrttummit of 'pe!ultoi)H mIoIik Ihe front -iVrt tha' .illinl itttirk" nl m r Sou is polnta worn n pnlMcd li pei iflcully iiu'tittuiiH tho .iM.ok V....1 oi 1 "iiaieuu-'i intti ry uu Ill-Ill' IIIISIO 1 I'SMflll ft 'ont limed on I'hro Two.) Squadron With Teutons of iIkmi- had b-n ulimk 13 tlmtr'i; ,.,, 1.011,1 ftiaud th iniN tunk. ntt-otio-t int a -i 1 111 whllu tlto ftitflluKn W. like ,4 aiova. Ihe A'toiK-an piloUt credited wltn loinulm; -lown Urn (lerimin plan"" am William j llimvai. of furtavllln, i Alfred A flmut, Unitap. Texun npd .I..I.11 Mai Aithui IliitfaW, N. Y i...nimi miy ; -itrUlift nlrmnn veviwiday ibhp.MMl nf fufty iTiirnian in pin m and threa tialloonn, aceord ln 10 the iiffnial I'-uort oil Iiejlal r)p (ration named tnutMht. 'if till' atr plo iwentv-fliC eto dlnttoyeil fifie 11 i drin down 01U tf eon- ti-'i I.- imiiiwi behind ihi lirltixh 1 ' hair otciiuiniij vnsio , ij'-'ii, t l'i,. - 1 1. no at Miyi. '-'t- 1 i our all plan a wme very 1 i. fine wivilhoi euHhttnil mueh o l ilone In c-i-oweruthjn Willi tin anilleiy a well ipt teyiunals.inee .mil iiintiraphy. t wenty fniv lletuian tnio'llnee and iwii lu-rman hViltMp were dewimveii duilua 'he day and flfteill olher. ho t!!i- ,0 1 ipl.iiira wrm dliwni down uut -. . oi.imiI In aMUlul. two targn - - mi tie night flyfffK niachliicia landed 1 lnii'i om line, tnc ucciipanta heltiit tak-n pnwinar. Hi k' lit oX our ma- hine. an mlaatne I i no 'wo tonii of houiUt -ere I I IVJfrfMHt d-iiiut! .t4i& tl jtjid a J tona 10 light - All rf ti'i njgttt I 'littinir th r .iiia in I-1 nen in urnou safely in na-irH In tho complex leelstativu nituutinti ilelayluir leceas Si'akci flurk tonight aaltl the re. t.i-aa plana hud ""(rono gllmmeinn;.'' Tho plana were to tmvu the icaulutlon em iniwuiliiK the i'reeldent to take aver telegraph and leiephnno line reported t the House and lie over until Auguai. Lead em were nffrend thnt tha nrmy iipproprlallon hllla wpuld he Ctjmplet- im before any recent U taHen. Slow piore on Senate !cjclitlutlve amend. mi ntc to tha bill wna mud today by , tho lonfereca. I 1