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CORPUS CHRI5TI CALLER HI ! ditSTI CALLER u"f Tin-: runt.ii SHINO COMPANY JWO. W HTATTON. MAABtofC Jailor lrltnbcr Associated Press Ttea Aswf!atiH3 Ifs In exclusively savMMtA to tlio UM for reput-HoaUon Of all nn credited to u tit not otherwise Vi4UtA In this IiIfrr und also Dip loon) iicwa pullljtfoJ UiMtiit. Subscription Mate Tlio pHco of tho r'nller to J.iO year ly hy mall or by wtrlr. Mutiso-liK'ts vthr.n orderine n olmnRp of udcltrats ehoold Rive IhvIIi the old nnd how addrees". Onxrieis for The Cnllsr cosh ror their pojwrti una are tin bio ti oxtond mm-e tttfin A week's, credit to ubarrtboitt. Thetr margin of ptWlt In niwUI, thd a few loimea wilt be keenly fell. Suhsertntltuie aro ilnn tlx rnrrieia and not The Caller J'ulillntiliiK "WL.- linpor. juitl rlmmrcii of address, should! nui!eefl or telephoned to CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT PHONE t3 Address all business cnnimnnleailon nnd TiinKc out all ct)tck. ilraftii, mono orders una tottirnm order to Th Caller I'tilillKliIne rompan). All Hems, arttoles mid commiinleaiinaa ehouUt bo d tie8d (o Itattor, Corpus ChHatl Cntl r KntortHl as Mcondc)au matter nt ttio ost(Xiv to Corpus Chrlatt, Twuti. Wcdncsdny, July 3, 1918 ON THE WAY On July 4. JinncH l'. ! Yrii'ison Mill spark iii rtcsif wire Inipellt-l (' iii'iisity. I a d siri fui . t ..;' (iiii-i-'id ,i;.'.iiiist honorpd institution, " hiding tne Coitslit'i'ioii. uiiii1. ioph will liiiif him, ai;l MiM'ii people ivill m))laiil .laiiK- l'i Vi cjruson ,1! not tell why he boasted of apti -nviMi; th lnrgost fipyntipriatioii m- imhi for the 1 iM-isit tif - ,iv o, forgetful l' a boas: !ii-h Ik nee deemed n (l. , I nines I) 1'Orfrnson will pro.i"tl to tell why lie desires to limit the in fluence fif the I nivemitx to rip JU its powtf and nuo-ti' author ity; for ,la?ies K Kci-jh-oii leill- 1ho Univtrsit. ot Te.'- mst i Iom all ili it i i'i? less UtTltKltlforw red, incortuit ible. James)'. I'lrtrusoo vm im t ' 1 tvhy he 1i. 'toned t li pi-nple'-jnoney nontiai to lav lb will only ttrjrc a mistake by v,i oi rplanntinn, tiot being ,i man ti. uphold the low as it din- been for mulatcd mid iireseribetl lot- tin 'oninion eitizeti, or a man to ob ftervc tho law when the law con fiiets with porsonn! interest. Yet If you sonrelt the history of Toxin Ihrough, you will not discover n Jiiore flagrant, iiicxouRtshlc ehnp ler than that whitth treats of tht iflntioiiH of Initios 15. Ferguson Mith tho Toniplo Stnto Bank, noi will vou disoovor a wnruing mow liindy at this hour of hoio travail when the hope of America ick in the integrity of its represent a lues The Henate of the State ol Texas. ctnbra'iug main of Mr IVrguson's close friend-, sit tiny Sis a high court of impeachment with all the evidence b.-im. n found hi'., guilty of mis.i, ' i-.ipri ntiiiK .Tiitin ot Canyon ( ii No-' Ina! funds lor t)e tnirnos, of oiiv Jut to P' ' debt L'T for im j.h lehnif "i . 1 atrainst. Other -run'-' aHojratt Ir l to M" l'ei'tiUson " 1 enr, ; mh ( mi nev ained t , the people mii, and I'l' li can be If.jst of ull hv childish i .'I - V II il'l iliiiea"ll ' In e '.atisfae i tl,;ined ii.nues oi ( onspiracy, were : That Uio (.'ovcrnor piofitcd l t it deposits of tho Ohm von fit; j U, whk-li lielotiged to the stat a a whole 2G for impeachment 5 1. 1 .tinfit; That tin? Governor d"icd : P''.!n froiM State funds d i.osiui' Ki the Uimple Male --hi' ll he V113 a HtocUl i li 'i' Midi profits wot i "it r;.' to law '1 1 fu i. ml i., , Infiit, i uaiust; iiov . nor , of S.2".0,tt(H 1 1 c Tc',iie S' ' the Slati i Ti it l. i di i' "ll'i'ls ill 1 . tl .1(1 . Ill reipii i i(.n I. Ill Tlia i t : M 1 1 i in by ! a train st : I f I. S.I I of 'i i 1 i' lll i .. to in mis : nt in-1 1 7 I:, or. i Hit n 't ' l'l bee 'I Ul Ihat vo 1 1 d f'd t(l ov i r Ad.ju 1t!,- I' mil, ,. I 1 .11 I II ,1 tl.l .,1 I, 'oruiij Si'i.()fiu f., iC t' wi'ih liatl pnv bi y - 27 WM That liu Temple S all. (uvcrnnr ind n t d tin ti ban' to ' i li'" more mom than Hie i . .... 'though In hud sv -it ii t . ' ' .i . i .In l i v. ---21. 10 J; Thai the tiovernor k ' (urce tho Hoard of He lit StatodTiiivcrKity into . t his lojidprnliip- 22 to " That tho novoruor uobtt' l I v. 1v scolci.ig lo remove t tb. i in Ik'h of the .Hoard of H'k v i ont cnunt to 8; That Oto (lovqrnor romitltd ".'iii(j Ml, bond of Wilbur 1' Allen, CUmi.KUinn of: tlio Bptird lUt' iitK, iikodor to lufluoncc h; aim.. -81 U'ltvfo wiro other counts, but ItVn- iff i f Thry rcc fom ti 1 o i jpti . Thry point tin ur,y to . MKprH hitter dispute , l iif'ii!ini,v, mni llnor ore uivoii n fwit nr '! pwiiBh Iiy the ppo pic M' 1 1 irnsui,' i rninpniffli Is pit ? 1 ' hnr-.i lerlsUe pSnnp; It iitinsilj personal. At fl Hm vJun the cuurm nf patriot-Im- v.i, inippi p. hi"!' minded inn to court ohseuHtj rntlirt than m-t the State on Mid, divided nfjainM 5ulf, Mr. rVrftusnn dflvfc put selfish vindication nhfive every thongM, hum iiitr c ! 1 enough that iv on it majority which i imtliinknlilc would not nhroRiil. i lie Const it ution or ovotv ride tnc law : that votoi, regis tered coiltrnrv In llli fmulnmnn. UwtrinoH of the Stnto, would noi -pave tne way to iiiHiifrnra tioit: that n condition (if anarchy, jtnltwcrihcd to by flip hi-ow crs, har lots, grafters, incendiaries and pwtol-lotem, amoiif; others, would not !e muiitciiaiiorHl Iiy reputnlilo citizens, themselves vitally con cerned in orderly trovernmi'iit. 0- TEXAS PRESS You Can Sec For Youriclf. "V";i ran, nee h,w erookml they nre." vrli.iiii, i Mi. iVrauiwri In hlx riunk iln S.c. ci "They any that K iKiiaon '.i in, lateii Ian an (viik .Imuk ctirlat: ""I tic ( .men were thnmn mit of coin i liv tin tii.lec i . i,ei,i th tt an in. 0. 'to. .-t . "tlM a. U 1 n , iKi'll .iH'OMHt the Kino'im of Texas i tiiir'lnn ml- tppii. .itimi .if fundi.' (,. whHt the Jn iiti who ieid- l i , tl.i court haa t.. hhv uhout thla. ludt-c I inn; I! HHWlltnn. Judn. of the district murt nf Tru via county, in i-'l tc roi lngulr on the diaiioid- Ion .if tin raw na-iilriM .Mr rcrKUKon, "I l'"K to iiiIvImc thnt irt ordera cn tfli.l L the murt la tlicsc chcm wore , .' ''"'jj, U'crefoie, md . ninec , otio of the im.. im.J H i.ln.ilne.1 hv anv elil.n i win m J however, foi " vour Informntloi. n. J ..rdc ra ahow th it I -tht not iiaaa iih.ii Hi iiieiii.s ,.f Mt I'eiKtiaoira cuao. mil the iHl)i:i;.M Ix NOT Slt.lWl'" ",, '' flitllca In rtl.rr Ml IHIifil's.iV . Mf,.n It'll. T "N Till? I'l-uetlciillv .It ..I tin , ,ici were tiincl of tiimn I iki "lii i Una lo tie liiaa rtticnO tho I "' '"" "' "'"t'en ihhk i can Kti'T.- Vi iT ItKIN'fl I'.VSNRIi i tN ltv.''"'w "ii miinc aniiiiilii ..I that emu nil. ii!I:T due ol Hi, c.iaea wu I ii-. . v i-n I ri: n Kl' 1 1 .1 "I upon tin I to- . ih.,. "I upon tin I tic. . , ihu thy ( Mi. l.ti.HeCLi.l lid ina III, 1 ' mm ' Foil Weith stm -Tel- 1 '" An Alibi for the Kaiser. slai'.il Uo-' wiii It w.ih not "W 1 I... . In n?ht people of ttrrmany, hut , v' "hotilil tnke thla In an excep iiineialtl.n chiuiiiiK "itlvlne I 1 ' oim . "nl n (), many Of Hie KiriKM, ,;y.s sn I i rs'tlxoii. 1 (inn inn - itic laatte vim have not lo noi i in ii or aoinetttiic aotne other n ion ill I,.. Hi inllng an aiiny to our lnr,(s tc put down it. in autocracy, rimt s th, i iiiw.i that is tryuiK to elect .lofilu Ani.Hiucy haa alrenily taken ohjc-khIoii of tin? gnveriior'a ofllee." Here a news Indeed What a aplendld illbi that would he ri the knisor itrtil ivtir lords when' thoy are flmiilly In ought o tin inn nf JuhIiim "We tidii t tt ut tin war," they cull anv. "It Vaa the universltloa that atarted tt, lt If you don' holleve ii. nuk Ml. f'urKusoii of Texna " JI. .iiilliii. . .(l Id U lie in older fur onn. I ci me. mil.' to iKjreat that we uii. (low ii ill! tin unlveralths in nie,i i f.,i tt,. pioteciiou of Hi. ii.i Im' VV'.n th Stiu-T. Itt"ii Did Ferguson Opposo tho Draft? ii"1 .ii . ii Hoik ii ill uC'i Texna li n I in ..I' a apeeel' Vlll ....siii; III. yen i tc! mi that la nm In I '..ll o- last Mi. itt nfi Inn 1 1 ic li I ill! cil Hi I i -'a -ou at rianl.llii ii. ' in u I tli r ll,,. 1 1 1 1 'c , 1 1 i, .1 .i lull i-eitoi t . . i It- f .,m a. 'i tie iiioininr. ot A i ii ti, tin; f ,i in.', lint held ill tic I .i ihi mil III ha' '' "i I he night ul Ainll In at Villi' -.1 ill lOO t'lldot Mill." III.' ill. Itt ;. !,l,.,.,l .mil at which M: Kci;u oil in .,(. sicecll up!is,ii; t In- (It oft At '. i. i- i ,unaaHf 1 1 on All. Kei -.usoi s ,., i, utile), the News quotaa a It a., i i un' pjinimaph "IT WOIUjI) IH lU TTI.Ii I'llI: Till': I'HKKIllKMT ru i.i;.m tiii; I'lSdl-LiK THAN l'( ) i VHh im; VITUUHITY TDDltlVK I' ih,. aullmrlty he wna aakiiiK i ne iiaaaHK'' or me ir cilt I rail lav Moi.i.m Mi l'eruuaon wired ron roann.'i, tl.oner a few days lieforo Iio-iiik tin- di aft law for Texna on he t'Mini.l that "Texuna want to o lat unili'i officvra iipiinlnted m Tnxaa." t'he .iii.iiiiiimnr'ii. of oouran, would mv-e I e. n iiiuuo l.y lie. Foriitaoii. To i Mta-a, Mr. X'ei'KiiMOii muv undoi t oid tin Knallah Ihukukbc hettci than (. d( .ad eonariiuontly plaooa a dif ci. -111 .i..ianiiK on the words "niolita hi il' it" (mm what we imdoratimd tic in. We may he dense, but In I'll. ' IiIm (ti'Koiic., iliaclulnier. wi loni' - I- did 'oppoae the draft" i.otli i. Iiii, U.i Hun kii.'ci h and Ilia teleRi.un i'ii Kieasiuaii darner. -Kurt Woith -'.ii -'.' eloRium. Millht Have Marie Alio' .neon. I' .lam. I'. l ei KiiHon h.i,: l . . t, lln ii in. I i. ioh , ileum !., we n.luli ii oo 1 1 ri w allow iii.ii. ,i ml flj 1 flauic 1 1", i cillltre.l lull i n tpa (lie Icsiinnnij whh 1 1 tin .11. tc. Illllll Ull with tlie l'l. id mt it ivlit ll. win. had stolid hv l ei i t. tin iii'ii.iim iii iii. i I'.u tmi; of lln vv i. - nm tn ii .i. ll "II via d, "VI tlt.l ll. i ll.UH . "IH Hi in. Ult ll l.i . I'llv ', I'M ! I. I u( II.) II. ll' ,. I'll' .ll . HI, lo 1,11'. , 1 Im.c. Ii.ll I" . I IC illy , tin I lUsHfl, S I i 111', lit Il'l ,. ' te I s ,! .1 III. is a.. ll. vvrone III. .ti. .an I . .s th. f im . .liunlesa in. I ne.l in . lati vv not In III. Ip il and llo i Clii'.i III ii.i il 'he Sttonc, Swll.l.ll I 'Mil i '' Opt! VV li" ih o e Withstand the Hunt ot UrtUr Than the Weak who i it, fe, hie nnd oui'k . ii' weak, will l Mu iiKlh er.l..-.l to no (In ,n. t i) In t i - uumii i l.v i a no TASTi:i.t;K . lull Ti 'Mi' ..Il'l i ' ' ll he . Ill, l,oo I ,n I lo VV lioli syi t. 11. V on i ,, I- ' "CI In IIIIIR. I'lHS' Bi Av. ITSo i i .in ."i-: a- I. If.' H AKESPEARE SUFFERED WITI-A-IUTEItS CI1AMP SAYS DR RALPH tKTWIOH IN ONE OF ADDRESSES, h.U Hh.iScapi a'. ,,v "III' luhlp tn tin pi on. ol Ip. it,. I. .1 I (J Hlllll Ill I i UN, I,, ,, " !.' Inim vv lit. i laiMp d I.', . Ilulph l.i 't vvlili in an .ol, Ik i the Mliuk.siii,i . illv.,l giM a I, na t'llMui i Ii I. To p.. iv- it. It, l.ctt well pi i u at. . I iai s, I,,,,, . ,,i (h, tvl, iiKS lilrl signal ii i Sli.ikeKpe irt le snlil ihu. . i. iikIiIo. n exldenoo. hut lln Li-. 1 1 pi., v w i mlii (lnvi'l.'pei' .illii! i i. imp ut wliou tin i.isi play "lln. Jcmiiiai" woo pro- i in. id, OTHER VIEWS Trust oi Japan rrmidrrtt Vtnn lmR 8a lt ttiat wo hyf no n IttcM In ma- war nirnlnm (Jor nil) onb .-minx liur Vi urtoeMtt l1Ui franco mi lite frli niltlial uf lerma, ami nrv omialh Klnwro lit fr ri It mlii hip ami nftoallmi for ISnB Inml and Italy. Wo aaoin to forgBl, iitlr w-p not- engagtfi ImiiM to Khaiihi u Mlli tlionF KMHt iH'wriN. that hat niiolhsr naaoclnto In the Tar lat. Wo altoulit be llnVcil w l(md wylt Japnn a u-o aj with tho Uaro HH Ortiuiti loa. We liao nccotttoit tatmn'a dllnleniat'tnciK In lt iteolii intuit) ot :i pi I net lii'iimn. We nnd the othei .illle have weleonieil 11 to ii Mnoc on nut alilc r the rorll ftlit. Ami j it in- Bcrtii l'i Ihim'uui flnnern rroaxml vvlirnevot we my atiy thlMp ntOo nbohi ttic Mlkailon eoun try. Jajmn iinial Ih filled with the i irtt Otli-Ur patleare. m It wouhl (v s-nt thl. attitude If It ever fjruuki'K tbc hIHon am) caala Iti lot with Oio Riilnri it will he liooauae he allloa lie tonl,,-(t with '.'itlrloti on over in t nm! nr u ol'ti i miniating fnm the Jiowniwi' iM-oplo. Thv I cli) t km b I I wc, o ilil? munlii Hint Jamil hov- Ihm n slininod nt time. V can realUi- now thai a . ' t iiropagnnrtti of llet. umt tumhlo WAS rltapOrlMlltr i'.ii the intuonili i -Klnnlinm The i. im.inx led Amertea im one lint t lii's and lapin on an other There w,iv eeit iln mlRiriittteil statefimrii In HiIm count r who went ilhollt to chtttitniKitlHH unit (.iNpttlimw luantini; im to pjvtnre to riarlit tht -ltow iiurn nt bin door. Junan lina tx-lwved well. I'rlemtahlv him lioor. jM-offerrwl In nil alnrcrrt). m-eopt thin frtestdatilp. hut ls-e 0111 IiiiihIb on our lvnchottxmk. .lust nt nroaont eortld he of trcmendoua it" In Itiixiilii .Men nnd munttlnnH .nv iuol toi the Uuaalan allit.i'lon. Miidnir IJ'mtiiii Irmii Itaell ti'n' tiest (.' .ill nmiiiik Irimin ti-nm lln lllllmi Vet sonic IH'cptc fit tills rmmtiy nml othri w uhlvi i i ln m rr Jiiimn Ib nientluned, mlHtnisllnff inn ilvc. (loiil.llii) oi ivtnilts Small won der It 1 Hint .liipim inn mil iimlci Htund n relnllnnahlp which wi leninen It. ! holdn (IlKlliictlv nlnoi. Itap ptl. ireent osclmnwii or vliwa Im lv(ii hl fmvcrnmonl nnd .luimn shew the moat enrdtnl off kin I rein tinii-t.- Indlantipnlla Ncwe. Wfltch Your Conl '.' N lone-nnd hnlun : hut the rnl ' warn us that rr.ed la only hillltliml iIhvh or m nwr.e We lined ,i,,n . "r "" "" l "dmlnla nnl nnr '" '""' nipplv micnt nnrl anvt . ' "'" " w"' I' "" nt ' '" w"" '""i- In I he em emdll ' . I am trWnc In to .1,1 onto tin " " '"'' - "'I''. h. heeatiHe ll wool.) I., a inta t 'no It I tihouhl wind conl lc lll' Aa In w In ti I cttn dellve, ixi.i ninii'i otippit. n.i v im mm, I 'i'i. i III. in lie ilinn in tin tnocn I "'' " thln in alcht: not v n nn ' I'lK'I'l. orl ot protnlai " .ni'i.. aiioiis wc pi,-K op in the coio-se iliiv eonliiln aomelhine nr oilier in tin same volti. North of the thln tiosi im, on an nvi rnjre, four moiilha n s,, ,iwn. Slneli tmi) he done tn i im i lime, with practically unlimited ilcposliM :ivnllahc t'oa! i oiiHinneia can do timeh. Our iini.iiiiiii pre-war waale ol fuel ran lie much I'diiced. tlpon evoi y mail, who, pecl.s to tine n ton of coal next wln-t- i or wlio nana u ooal now- natB Ih. nxiHiiiNllillily of aeelna lhal the fuel l ncniiomleally need. Mntuuluv HvfiilnR I'oal. Amonca't Unoelfieh Purpose I'lc'lilcnt Wilson in IiIm ndtlreaa lo the .telcaii ticwNiiapi t men: fine ,,1 lln illtlleiililea 1 evperienced dm in lln llral three yenrs o Ihe vi ll.c .ai-i when the United Ktntea wna not in i he wnr. vvh in ircltmsr the '" ' -" "IIICCM Ot r.llll.pi.lll IKltldllH to In Iii . Unit the I'nltnd Stntea wna Hiilsinir nettling for heraell. tliut hel iieutiallty wo not leliiHlt ami that if she came In she would mil come in lo B-t iinvtliliiK aiilmtitiillnl out f tt,,. win. am material ohlect. an tei -iitoiv oi trade or liny thing else of Hint suit In aoine ot the forelifn nfllcen I here were men who pcraonnlly knew me and they believed, 1 hope. Hint I was sincere In uaaurliiK them ilia' our PuipoaiH were dlainleroated. hut thev thoiifthl that theoe uaauiaiiceN enme from the ordinary hoiiitwh or Infm million and wpcamnH the uteiillatie piirpo'ie - i of the clolatei They did not liellevc Hint I wna aamkm(; the real limit of the. American people, and knew nil nloiiK Hint I vvaa. Now I lio IIbvo Ihat eveiyhody vvho cornea into confirt with the American people kmovH that I urn sponkliiB lliolr pur poaca. Sartor Resnrtus it would dellglit the li(il of Tliotmia t'liilvle could he live in title ne. win n clolhlnu '"IS become more tluin n uuittor of peranttal whim or of pin ae reticle Sam Ik roIiik Into ine nuMiiiona ol piiivi'lt'K riiahlnna for liolh sex-en and like Ihe w Isi man he In. nova must ullciiliiin In men, e knows tin I, liter are much limn niiicii .iblc In nocIi diaelpltne Tine vv, ,ne Infurined that not nunc i nnn t. n models of sack coals foi mi. vvul he allowed anil thoic must 'e no w.isti malciial. All t"r aot vtre in. I -ictliliiK foi -v c the inim- KOKOMO Automobile Tires (all-white) uro built to Rive you tho mlU't;o you expect and then soma) If, by chance, Adjust ments should lui necrs Isuy, they will bo tnuilo on 'lho basts Of 5,000 MILES choetfully nnd prompt y, KOKOMO Tites como In Btatidard ulics nn Jbtylu3 ' Hiuooth IttnJ or non-skid) and tiling satishcuon with tbiim. Sotd litre by Nueces Auto Supply Company K)J satisUclion with thoni. Pi i km Entire Teuton Regiment Virtually f Annihilated in the Bitter Fighting ir.inllnned fnrtll 1'aCO Olte.1 A tlallan forceK hnvo 'cpti Balnlim ln .rHn. :--'';:' ii' I rirrt inipoitiint viiiiina pofitiona have "mcii enrrlvd au.i nanny win fiix oinia cttitw1 hj lttillatl. roh SHoak lrNf)V flRl inia under the Ital ian flaft, litfyl laic" 1'"" In Ho snug gles of tin. IttHl few lay I" l'.' inmin lalna. Thorn la Still He l.tdlcntlon that the (tantlftn offiMStvp is nlUltlt vu l re newed. In ajllti! of I . fact l"t It la alnioat litres wovki. atnuo the fight -tnc mirth uf OotnpteRitc enmc l a atop. . ... i nn Ilil,,. ...t,1 t?,..,,,nl, fj,r.iM vrhlith ImvtfhSeli landed at Kola, oa tlir Mtillnnnitk eOnt to prnteet valit atoroa Iransportwl thorv l.. f..'e (he eoltapap of Ituaaln. hb a faotoi in tile war. pnaj ablj will fcil call"! mn to fuua u aertoua ifltiiBH 0on Dlmteltea (roin chtiatinrttt iny that flerinan and Ptn nlah IroopB ifjfe piishlns northvvai'd t a rd t he cottSt. SAMMIES ARE ENTHUSIASTIC WITH THIS AMKttUIAN PDIW'KM IN KHANCtt, Jni i - The nttnik h the AuieHeana on tho Vaux poaltlotia whs o tcrmii; thuy awopt rlglit throuirn tto afTOihs llneo anil Iiai! thetr ob)oot bean to oontlntte the Hclvaucu, itiey votllu linvr doao o volth tile ftroaioat omo, aw uriuaiiy evoryiitom ilore inrin nan occn eitwiro. w m-eat vvaa tho enthiiatnam of llto tnon. tho oftfeerajii aonia cfttea Had to look alinrp to Irahp tlicnt from (TohR !- yomt the sot o.J ctlvea. l'reparatttlllH llitva lieen made t' meet n poaaitilc .nmtei attack in (he dark hour. A vut (junnllt) of muUilul, iuiikIiI i ilng the slap ot the oierotlnn, Is bi -lng laken to the roar, hut prohahly will not he tnliiilcleit fur several days In the flKllUtiK weat of Vim tile Amnrloana alormed aevetal enemy . .....1 l.lltn-l ... . A ..a ..... .1 11... " ; "!" ov. "- imnta, then llfftlfcd llle iruna i tfl nlltar wnv. ualni; thotn rffnctlielv atnilnxl M, ' ' too enemy rMr nreoa. The American pnelwle.l the on - "y .,!!w, S "i V?vth nt. ..b"u.f 1 ..lontctor aiill a half on ii total fwnt of four kll.i.MB ara All Uny today His trooiia in the fimit line have teen atihieoieil tr. a heavy shell flro. They had aimie alitor in otie pate h of vvn rda thoy (K-euphsO liut thoao wlio did not entT the wood have only the nrotertlnn they liml walvldOd foi duimiBlvea Willi their entrenelilnit limla or by tnkinn cor in almli hot. f l'"rom nn- ci-atei stlRlitly in niiviitc . nf the line, hut on It. from ii terhni. al Mlnt of view. Vinei'icnn aoldiet thlM iifteeiin.m Ini II theli comriH'ei! I.e.. where tiny wrre when one id" llieli party lenne.l uipi llir-ltp of (tie '.litre aitd waved his helmet. The pit-murs taken In the i.nintr attack s.n they man lid for I thiee hours aa aa they could wliou word roach. . I the emiimanilei of I an enemy Imitation in Ihe real of i Vaux. which town I on Hie iikIh of the American mi t. !, 'H.scimmh ic lortfil thl mniioni.' Hie Ortnnna well-nppni-i'rftiy IhiiImhk lo bring up re inforcement behind tholr tinea. All prisoners iiinsiloneil today ex I'lasaod Ilirtr relief nt being cupl orixt. hie. ativoklnu cscelleiit llnifllali, aatd to the cnreaponik'tir: "Tlmuk Hie Lord. I'm out of there. The American ntillleiy amnthered oa more than mire nnd the Infntiti yinen flchl like wild ih" II- without a slnirl" fttui but when th. riaht la finished they are KPntlenn n one could have Hilled inc. Uut n..t and I nave hllil my Iron croa f.n my t banks." PERSHING CONGRATULATES GHATEAU-THIERRY FGHTEIS with TutfWrtmirAN aIwiy itt FttANi'IC. July 2. fteneml John .1. I'orslilnw lino sent his eonnrnitlllMllnna to the American troop orcrailnu In tho Cliatoaii-T1lerrv aoetor for their untlnulrv In reoeat fltilitlnu. Itta mes uiRe to the flald roiiminiidei- in the lihUiHoutPcTlilerry siiutor reads: ' ''PliiMsutroiliTlaiiiliilc in nry mime (ha officers and men who look 'art In lln nption in tho Cliauteiiu-'I'ltJorry inul on Hip afternoon of June ill of June m. when Jin prisoners nnd nineteen uinchtiii mine ( weic (aiitwieil from the em my loss has Itcin asked lo .tnoll lor im- TWO RAIDS SUCCEED ;m.diai. se, v n , .,i,,.,.,d : nmu,, i,,-k WITH TIIK AT.J Kltll'AN A KM V lS'ldilveis who . in i.palr tin tuicks as I'TIANCIU, July 2. Two Hticcessfiil well as dilvc iln-m. Thev vv ill l raids, out? of them in broad dav llaht. I mnlulahv-i while abroad. eiulpp( d, have lioen laniiMl oul hv Hie Vmerl given unllornia and tiHtispm lotion and taut iorcn in tnc .vimuniiiii i refri'.n in ine in.. iiHio lain ii nil porut .nm inii'i' men enlored tin eiiemv poat locaied In a vvhotit field uiid took one pits oner mid a machine uuu. WORK WEARS ON THE KIDNEYS Doan's Kidney Pills Havo Doiio Groat Service for People Who Work in Corpus Chrikti Many Corpus Christi .utople work every day III some alraitied uimaLUral laialtiun-'bcmliiiK nunataiilly over a deal -ftiJlllB op Jollltm wan. ins or i'H i-n--dnl up laborious Inillsevverk . Ilf t -'OK. -euuliitiK or plilliiiK, or tivlnu (he Ijack In it liuudrail ami one oihei ways. All those MlraliiH tend to w'eai. wmlon mil Injure llio Itldiiey until thity fall lielilnd In their work or ftltennx Hit oolamis from the Idood Dunn's M.l nev I'llls me fur weak kidneys nnd bad Inn l.a. Then offeetivc vvoek In 1'oipn.s 'ln lnU Is (.'UlivmelilK pi oof of iqt'iit W. ft (lollll)ar, imtiitei. 1701 I'lmp HI. saya; "I hud a atemly actu al the small of in v hack nnd could h. ii .Iiy adnop jt was painful fm mv to w nk in mv posiiion m which I n.ut in ..end I lie. Iitcil to liv l)oanV ICidliev l illa and two boxen eiitiiely ii'tiiovd he lioublc Slneo then I haven't been lolheiiil." l'i Ic Stii . inll dealers. Don't simply isk f.n a kidury romod) net lipan'a Ivnlniv nils (lie name thai Mr. Chilli. ii h id I "uter-Mllliuin I'o, Mfars., "nitii" n Adv American -Russian Chatnbor Of Conmiorco Opens Offls WVSIIINi! I'ON. July 2 The uie, .n Kip slan , ham). -r if coiuiiieiie of evv V oik today oi (incu offices In the Icp.n iiiient of aoiniiicrce lniildiiijk In icc.ifil wilh thu pisinam ol biisiiKaa ulereat nd ov iii nllieiit officials In ,'tepjiialioii (or the vktoiutloil ..f e. " i.tnil. ml i lusl. . The ' '.er Is a eoiniiierriat or naiiisntloii d. voted to fuiihiillik . Ins. i uuslneHs i.'i.itlona Is-lween tin iw.. nit Ions. No official today would cumin ni "i 'he situation or tho pro-less of .vim-u--iin plans. 'et Is enooiih for he imateat tinilr. .lltlliniK'- a ihoilBiind Klvlei! would not '- silllli li i.i lor women. 'hue la im iiatrtolioa on limial,' khi1 imnls- Ihim tar. aliui'a ixickcts ate to 'hi cut down but this does not nlfeel he sex whn h prrtsis a bushel Uiskel 101 a cutcliull. I 'i act leu liv all of the sill tot in I mui Ice is to In made by the men This vlll In- the leaa t OKI cited Is ,'aiisc m. n lave no im ney In MPvr.d on clnthei. (idwhv Aliir their vvolni'n have beno nippllist- and wo liavo npt reached he period where most vVorntfll will do v it lumi the latest styles mlt have mt much left when dtp ordluar) ex euse qi the liuiiseliol.l )i.n' boeu liuld mt aumorlptlona to Idiorty bonds mul nr aavlnKs ittiuupu lpoliutl utlci. l'hllwWililu llullitia. n.m . AMERICA SENDS ONE MILLION MEN "OVER THERE" IN ONE YEAR (I'oiitlnilcil fi.iti I'.ibc line i Sceietiiii J.akei h.ikI lie .ll.s.ii'i " ' 'I of apci ulullcii u lo tho Inline hcomIh ', 111 Iiimiii iiko ctm iltM. (ti.i.ulliK lie did tint dealie In hme "jai,t crfoi llliinces ' ntntlo Uio I'flala of apei'iiltitlon for tlic j Ak teservea foi lh million and nunc I in l iiitiev, timrvL limn nmolioi million are now in tiulnlntf in the t'nltefl Sl.ile. nnd 8,U0(l.nt' Aliicilcnu oUlltU's will IJe iindefi uriaa. hv the end ot Hit" nifhith. vvnth. Infouimtinn n-eentty furiihdicd lo hy llrlgndlitr Oeneru! tt K. Wnoil wi tlna .uur(eifnaster iror.erul, dtael' icf that hla depiit Inicnl la ptunnlns to , telle I line, nun ni n next .l.inuni y. (lenital t inwdci ice. ally told Die - not, mllllaiy commit tee cl:ia one riKlatranta will .he exluuialcd h the of the viar .oul added' "Kverylmdv eMieoia hny chIIk tot he made duinui the fit si six iiiuuthn yaar , r Mtil i ,... ...(.... It wna rlhy of I the mouth m w Inch I Cl,nlBn gUhmnrinaa weie op.r,itlnt rf , 0,r ..t , ,,,, ,J, , .,,,, ,he mrd umbor of ahip ,,H-nt ntcnlK Not n alngle Ainorlcun ti:insKrl I oarrylnn troopa to Kurnpn h.xi Ix on j aunk hy Ucrmnny'M aoa vnln, Hie I only two destroyed hnvlmt lieen at tai'krd Win 11 lelui'iilnu Inline not, , olll ih- protocllon of (He. ; atmyoiH ai.U other rwwil eiafi Tn iirlllah voaseta earryliiK ,ud idlora have hern torportoed aiul .1 thli.l idiera have been torpofloed nnd a thin Hml. ttKs: , month When ..tuii.ltiK t. : ,,. .ui.t. 1 mw vwinjr UTiiimiii. rtiiiMiv. , Secretary tinker's letter reveals for ' t,, fin,t Umo ,hc miMlt.t t , ""I I'rnnee. They form only .ihoiit , half tt dlvlalnn, hut thev hme i.ccn giving a ai lcnillil aoroiml ..f ihem , , Krlvea atnee they heiped stem the Her , mnn lhruat for fMrta and icpoit- n.d.n from Mhowe,t Hiey aciln had buttered throvKh th. Oeiman ttenchM ' ,... ....i..,a ......... I " t , FOOD MEN TALK TO SUMMEn NORMAL STUDUNTS i if Ihe SH siimmr nnrcaU (i o..ied and white I now Ix-tnif held In Tenas, '. l'i hiu bei n addressed hv mi mhel I of Admlnlsl i aim Pcli t,'-. -.lafl' on (he ijile.-Titin o rood i onsi i alion 'I'wi-iilv noritials In central Tovns yet nni'ilii 1 to lie .oveted hv Ihe Kpc,).ets' ami Una Hpi.liil ( ampn ,'n .it it,,, oili, atiiilial di parltncltt will l-t complete A'hnlnl.Hlratoi l'i den upoke l.ef..r.' the Houston and Amain noiinai-. .Iiiilae Inland tlrnves hefci, the An tin nnd Ueoritovn tun mats In r V Horn vlniteil the normals at Xilins' top. Ilnllas, t'enlOll, Hliermnn and V. Kinney, .lohn H. Iteann n-pnkc I., r.,,. the tc iclli ra ul CoIIcki Sl.r oe Hrownsv-IIU. and Vietoria; Karl s rtoberta visited the normals .it Wood vllle. Itonmnnnl, rjonmil..-. and Hren limn; II 1,. Mills vlaited the normal ' al Athens, I'roekett, (Irci'iiv ille Mai , alia.ll, lai ls. Kaufman nnd Tvlei while ; Wr. I.. Imvla nnd K. .1. Howard of the I eoloi-ed aoettnn nave addressed l Ik , pilored not ina Is at Austin, t'atiiwell, j im nrange and Wueldnr. ' SENATOR TILLMAN DECLINING WAeillNOToN. July 2. Henntor Tillman of Hnuth rnrollni, vvho an,' fcrd another stroke of paralysis lat week. Wit. declared hv n-ctci.. is or Ilka finally today In bo d-dinum. Tin piiralyals wna said to he i'iokivm.sI , . nnd lonviUK the xennto!. vvho !i,i ic mnmeil imconsi loua since Siiudnv . icapniialve. 1 1 ih hum I renin tm aiionc DRIVERS ARE WANTED TO SAIL FOR FRANCE HT l.ufl.-t Julv -1 I'hc Soufn wislcin Division of the Vincilenn Hid a u iii.niUi while In the sei v Ice. Ap pile. nits should vvrlle to Ihe Director of I'l'iHoimcl, Aincilt an lied. Cross, St I, mils Mo. DEPARTURE OF VON LUXBURG RECALLS GERMAN INTRIGUES lll'UNoa Alltlim. July a.- (Cor- l-eHpondeiice of 'I'lie Vaeoelaleil I'reas.i The dopiiiturc ot Count Karl von buxhlliK. lln deposed Miunitei nf the LIBERTY THEATRE July 4th and 5th The Most Startling Picture You Have Ever Seen Only tho Bopt Lonscs Shown Hero The Greatest Patriotic Drama Ever Screened ATTENTION! 4th July TO THE PEOPLE OF CORPUS CHRIST! AND. TOURISTS: Mail Clerks, R. R. Clerics and Car riers of Ihe Slate will hold their- Convention in Corpus Christi on the 4th nnd 5th of July. They will make their headquarters nt ihe Breakers Bathing Pavilion We want everyone to join litem in their Splash. Be patriotic on this date hy show ing them a good time and boost the lawn. -Show the spirit of Corpus Christi. The Fourth of July is a day looked for ward lo and celebrated wilh much, joy. A big dance, wilh special music, has been arranged for the occasion. Be a sport and join your friends in the water. Special attention given lo thoso who give bathing pat lies on the Beach. JULY 4TH AT Uernmn empire, elaht r.i. nM, after the raMlinc B"1 ' I inn. in id. n d mm oul of AlKCOtllia n culls llle l.lllilKj of llei many 's fond. .1 (If am in Vi KellUna the csliiblctimcni ol a vvne- leaa stntlon iowetfUl I'luuiCT tc main tain (liicet communication with the lilK ih until t nlo.i i' Van' '1. 'l'l.. .1.. v .iftci I ... I. ii u - n " Ins i as - mm I-- I .is -t . i ion v , . I , ma in Ii 1 1 Ii v In i c, - ,i .. " . mu. tr VV In. li vv ll ll'! i ' vv ' H' temp n ' i"i I I- .si. , 1 1 1 1 . 1 . i v In. Ii ii vv I- I I 1 1 1 1 . I ',1 r ,i our. - i.l mm. I. I In ' Hon Kill IV 1,1 ' I '. II 111. I TI It . 'I'O crnttieiii is iii I , temp. la. v -Sloll i" I Illllll' .. th I Illllll well. ate tot i (induct . x pe. ilni nl uiih i wo. -less, Mai i iii. on t itt pi.. in.... :ltii il. lalion would mi lelv nttimpt to lecelve flu -S'aucn dial niches and would tmi in used fin the tiansniiSHloe of messiiKch i II Inter became known that He -ti.tionl , was sendlnir u well .o iim Some lime ic-lme tie I.ipI.ii.k , scandiil. Ihe AiS'-ntlii. irov , i niuenl . h it a icpi. sentatlv. at (he tdn- I Hon to kei p il sealed v h. n u was, ; learned thai th. ta'lonvv.. ..i.ciiitiiiK 1 despite the preaence ot the kovciii incut aneiit. the preiddeiit sent a mnal ; officer to diamanlle the siallon an. I I FOR THE FREEDOM OF Tho most In ill. ant, spino-tbrill-iny patnotic dramn "ver made into a motion picture a picture to dial lenua the pi itlo nnd the conscience of nil humonity. Thousands of men orQanizniu and (It'illinjj to ilrjht tho li.Htlo of civil Iz.itioiv. Thousnmls of men march ing away to tho front nnd into the jnws of (lenth. Csforo your vary oyes nitfoni banmnu topsthcr in a blood erotli ership ngnmst a common onimy. Heroes nnd eovvnrds trnntform cii into suporman of uirjantic .out nuo vvnlking and curryma into a liviiiQ hell of sliolls and fumes to brum in the weuntlett from asitl-. Icry-rnkcd ptnin's. Womon showiliu tliolr lirnvury n the homo nnd'nt tho sampn wom on livinrj tlirouoh the in for tie of h.ittlc to nurse ami stimulato thotr mon to victory) women rikfi) der-' tain doath to bo near the men they love. Ami tho arrival of the 8ta ami Stripes on tho battlofront in Franco in .1 climax that hntifjs au dioncos up to I huir feut with elicers TJieso aro tho, ex&itino Mun(is you cci In Edwin Bower Tlossoco in iplrlim phutc - 11,11101 una, "FOR TUG FREEDOM OF THE WORLD." Throughout its eight icmarUablu tcols you hear tho truail of thunder mu feet maiolilnt) alomj the Roods to Glory m debmso of their blood brothers' honor add tho rlrjht of civilization. 5th July AKERS - to renin in there lo see Hint ll was not i . . ortsii acted. I'lu (leniinn alalirm vm. attilnled oa the ist.iii of a veiv wenltliy and -well known Aiicenttm .il.oiil -tn ltill(ia fisipi Kii.iio.s Ami's I'lotnei It was six miles from the iniliond siallon but Us pi.t., oiild lie uii, in, m Hie tall i ,nl o'i a . li ar dav .-ti.itn Id. a or the slue of the radio I linn. l,e ul. mini 1 1 "in ihe fliub the iinteiinae wire t.ti'otohuil alotiK inleen pi, . het nt eiilial (IIh-t.ince- .H art it i ...'.ei'iiiK two jiitlua. Tin st p. nth win i"ll feel Ik'h. LET US DEVELOP YOUR FILMS BEST WORK IN TOWN Guaranteed to Please L. C. CAMPBELL'S STUDIO 919 Leopard Phone 411 Hero is the story f His million moil .of tho Nat1011.1l Army. Hera iii tho history m vivid picture of what your son, your brother, your sweetheart, and your pal. o, (0 pass through. You who fly the Sct vieo Flan bo. feiO your home, you -ho linvo watched your closes, friends depart heie ib the liviof piotu.o of tho lito that America's youth is loadini) in traininq eampa. m transports, huhmd th Front and soon in tho very tionchon themselves. First the training camps. You sou Americans learning the art of war for tho fjrnt Hmo hi n nerior.T tihn. You son .flvfl tliDiisand men raai-Minu a treaeh the rush and tiwoap of the aHaek, tho rnco up specinlly built inclines of board and dirt. You them leap the barbed wire, and bayonet the mimic enomy ' SIV ? ?,r- -!-And tivon you ste thorn "dig in." .Jl Ha."o. Oronaslo practice, :uttmn up tiiillii. gas attacks, star shell praoticc, aerial defense nil that America of the National Army is learning you see. Anil then thoso ' ttrlm nnd tor rlb.o lessons arc put into practice m sober, t oailly ear.hcst on tho firo swopt bottto frcldiiof Frnneo hefoio. your very oyes. The harim of it is tlio heroism of actuality. YOUfVRnb',ytl Y0V " ..WMlhMrt. t1eSWorl3!"fl Pr th rec,0", ,,f tt a' T- vl 6 t ", -frit dtL. j. i : '.