Iho kaisers
.m Vuev ' me i
personal representa
"In the Sixty-fourth Congress,
session, May 19, 1916, page 8431,
though the measure wai demanded
by thn Interests of the timet,
though our ships were being unk
by tha ruthless campaign waged by
the Uvboata, though our people,
when we wero supposed to be at
peace with Germany, without warn
lng( wro being tent to watery
tjravei never a word did we hear
from the ftps of Mr. Slayden In de
nunciation of the lavage and bar
barlo tendencies of the war lords
of the Hunsi but Helen to htm when
ho speaka in opposition to this bill
He said! 'I have heard the sug
gestion made, but as a jut, I hope,
that the only way wo can get ehlpe
until long after the great European
war will certainly end either from
hauitlon or from decisive victory
on the field of battle, i to pick a
quarrel with Germany and seize
hr ships that eought security in
ur porta, that they had reason to
belhjve wero neutral. Of caurie,
that method of building up an
American merchant marine i not
henoreblo and would be revolting
to gentlemen, would bring upon ut
the aontempt of the allies whom it
would help.' Can you conceive of
any gentleman's sensibilities being
outraged after the record made by
the treachery and the avarhse of
those leader of Germany who
count solemn treaties as mere
scrap of paper and whose warring
mlllhjnt burn efties, outrage de
f ensile i swomen and mutilate help
less children?
But Mr. HhtjnSen ' back now iw
a groat c-hiUHpton of Arnorleun rlsfht '
ind Anwlot.n when In tlx Hi-ty-fifth
f 'mirrm. firt awmlon ho Krone !
on Afrl! t. 1K17. SS.'i of th- Con- '
urenlnml lUeoril nnd mi'! ' n Boms
1 tho i' suit of i.ui jiari( iiut'on in hi
Uuiopian war, m.t 'li'- ti imft ' ,
u . tilievc v m.,v i,t ,jii-e. II ii,-l
-,f in.-,
voIv i.'Vnl of r?.o-oi
( ; ,!.-d .tlt.-R fin Ui- ,nlM ti'.n of the i
Ciiwrtttotion down t'iw mom'-nt i
'Vintrary to th aAvUf of Oeorar i
WRKhinirtnn. wo aro ehu to mak an
vriinnltn afllanr with i'rtin Kuro-j
imi KovwmMcnui.' "It is an j
lM,lutlv eittnttarHnx iillian. That it
rwk an nt of th Monrw Doc-:
inn.- dooms very clear t m. How can
wo i latin and excreta the right to Sn
tarfrro in the polttlra) affairs of Eu
rope and Mmatatontly itetty th rtarht of
Kurouaan countrta to have a part in
ihf- aettlenH-nt of Atnat-le iuaUone
draft ae!. tlut twenty days after
war had been declared, on April 26,
1917, pane 1188 of the Congress
ional Record of Iho Sixty-fifth
Congress, firat session, in speak
ing against the measure, he declar
ed! 'All the acerbity that ha ehar
acteriieil th debate in Congress,
In the newspapers and on the street
has come from the heat with which
supporters of this and that plan
have presented their views. I refer ;
to these whoso vievt are henett, I
not to those who would promote
military activities for profit, e
peeially not to those munitions
makers and other traders who
would Involve the universe In war
and send scouting parties to Mars
to Insure dividends, nor to the fin
ancier who have made investment
in war bonds that they want the
taxpayers of the United States to
-'Slayden would turn all the
the spies and other enemies
unfettered, for he aaid, weak
ing of our Constitution and its
amendments: 'They do not say
Congress shall make some laws or
some sort of law, but they say
Congress shall make no law abrid
ging the rights of free saeteh and
tho freedom of the press na law
"And nrvh-winsf trx struma!" In th
' H'un nvr th -id"iton of ho c !
I Iw draft an, that th TrM if thr
i imntrj- unanitnouily lm-iiiii, .Mr
Kl.ivik-n anM paklnst "f 'li1 i'm
'K'',Knvn wT,n wni -1 j . i. fl-ff-Ht
iwtih him Iti support .f 'h' volunt"!- j
iilar. I f. tv f-'tirit f.., ,f
! H, ii( 'irwi, rnl '
-f.t; m mir'!or' "1 e j.i lnrtt If- t
vp nr'arv nmv w-tp flti-rrinly tpvmt't' I
to punlafl th rri. W h v
!u'uill na" "D-d t" a military "j!i'''
I whlrh I ll-vt- In full .f ilsnarcr i
! know '.hat tt l the frotet tht mir.-Iiurj-
min hv hf"J In 'hflr mh'h !"t
' mrv nn ln' '.a!k'l It ' '
Wll! l.i'TT!,'
"Ladies and gentlemen, since tke
guns of Oermsny began ta destroy
the liberties of the Batgium aeople,
hie rushed ta warn this nation
in August. 1914, against prepared
ness! since he supported the Me
Lemore resolution; since he oppos
ed the building of more batt'e-,
ships) since h was against the for
tifying of our seaports: since t-e
voted against the shipping bill that
would ton va us Helpless to carry
our eornmera and our soldiers
aaross the soa: since he oooosed
the selective draft act: and nc
he deeiared that a went to Air
to endarse the bondt that had been
purchased by our people to aid the
free people of England, Belgium,
France and Italy ta resist tho as
saults of the barbarous hordes at
their very doors; speaking and vot
ing against tho Hoover bill ha
arc so, as shown an page 8661 of
the Congressional Record af the
65th Congress, first sassion, June
19, 101". and opposed tho oassngo
of this bill.
A picture that graphically portrays the true
nature of the Hun ruler. See this picture
, MATINEE lS-20c
NIGHT . . . 20-25c
The Amusu Theatre
Popular Movie Playhouse
M fifiin? v i. t vi.,-i it I.- -V
, on', in- i A r 'ivv ' hi .i; v . ' i ' ' I
II- f !l rIffl-tH -I 1 . . I-
ittii i linn" 't I. i"" I.-' rr- i ;
' ou !.w Mf'1'v ji t.J I iii 'if i'
oxen n J-ifSaO' '" ' 'li "'! i"lf
in riioatfJ'r o thf ..!. i. :h
' ronaWntivfial mmlwnt f"i
nuffrat. n fflM: 'Mr t;kir I for-
tar to may that in my pinton It will
a" " hrtnn " "t Mnotloiial Icsrielaurm
'And yet. my rountrymr-n
hv r-nm SIM of I hp (onarnMitonl lit"
I do not ttellavo mat wr can now ao u- or(l ju(M jj t for thp Hiywer r. -
lotttcat ait aalftatt n poiiUton. and an l;h(H thPe w,r j Vot for !tt mm
Iuok upon thia t-ntranca Into the rit I AffB and thi n- wr-re hut fivr- rw-orrted
ami M war as tho paawtn of the Monroe VOWtB Hmtinm. H and Slayden and lie-
IwpIm ' -Th nnlv h inir to' . . . . ,
ls coiHM(nrtii now la what In one'a dutyj . . h. ' '
I am an I : JZr . ."7 . .a, V . . . 1' "1-M and r,tl.m rv
i m t i
. i ' 1 Ot
.'. I lit '
m.ti MUff
v. ut of U.
iH "t. IdtoW ti
w,uil civs) y
tuirt in dhcl
In Utr
by a)
f m rn"ki .
: i '
- - .. i:rri- ..
. v . h v . i. -, , .
Kit irl 111'! -I li - ,'iti" .
I ,i.ii.'- ji-rs-', .twd
, t,j.t.'irtiifYt i- i ik
t . i-tiul-' hii'I -mi'-'if
tttH r!,ls
,Uth'ttl t lilt h ai( .
th" annndmtit. iii i
iitiv i -I 'f yisr. aii
't'i'. th 'nrrrioti i
under tna rtn-umataneea.
AtmticHn. aisrt srwutiy an I d!ore thoi
HltuaUon, I Khali, much It dlatrwsaoa .
nv . ."tftnd bv my -uritr If m' "t'
i-,ulil avoid wur. theix would he none. '
"It distresses him so muen. my J
countrymen, that when the first
great step was taken to raise an
army, with all of his power and
with all of his ability he sought
to defeat the consummation of the
uian beat to your sutrttcr boye. if Mr.
Hlavden i tlw tvw of man you wImi
to n-prment ou m the- ntlla of "'jn
arwMi After w hid iimil n nm i-t t ,
liKht nd t'lotwr tni h- i,(nd afi. n
lllf- n-il-, rt't.-ifHlri tn' '..mi!'! u i-
whr: it driMi "ime1 "It t ', vot
tirch' fit. Mr. wakcr, o ln tn f-w ( 'ii'l Ou 4ai
rneintnK dia;nttei of the !ate i-eihitn on Mi
BOtwe; daatmyort. thut tt ahouut or rtonr u) ln-i -nii
with hMit of laOffhtr Hid rie of . Mv ,
m'ir- v.ial tian u; m-r r.ttt-mi tur
ori July z 'dfiiw. tiian sn aiatlfx-Attim of nr.y
thrrr- will ho ahtnM of taurh-r, fm tt'e I fHivnal n meat km
1 1 n
plnrtid womm of Ihla
dliri'-' kii out 'a i
V! rn' if fi r J tmM J. H.-
i 'i " muiriK Sis fn w-ild
tt .r .. ,t, ,ii.iMi' ll4
'Iii ',"-lil '.f frr-- pi
' ! 1 it. r t, y .if '!
! ' bill It
tna i '
i" in' - on
rli 1 1 fir
: : .
I i-i-. )
tli-r vital UKiu-e
tu ltd m,.ilis Mi H(,ivdtt h's n t
ih-iwii I, BKi-jmn- hi ifid
Arn'-rn iiii-'m ;! 1 , ,rr-1 i -- t d
fioud. o fnlti-rn sr -n. - t' n
In- li ii.i n. iii i - w i-
h-!(j i , a;rr"-i d mm.- ' ' ,
d-i v'r a I-., n lli. t I' 1 I
' ' 1 1 U' I III' A
!. .' , Chi rr.
i' !: :f.. Ami, i
t ' 1.' i - i. i
li.ll . . ,1 kM-.-r-d. i i l-l'
' iii wii a m n nit li - - tl, it mm
'rf -A n, II . itiitiKtf of Mi HUS'lipii
"In Fttiruary af th year Mr.
Slaydan was r-aleted preaidant of
th InMrwrltismantary Untan. a
sra-ooaifiii.l orffaariialsan, whose
preaietent aefarc was farmer Con
gfsstinm darthaW af Mstn,
who wrwto th akartar af tKs Qar-mjn-Amarioen
Alllarwa and se
urasl it aa 1 1 1 ae tKraoah Can
rs. Mr MH--hi m iti v,. ,ii ',, .i',
...... n U tl.,' In , ,' ) ...
r- hi ! l. f fll i V - '
- " r'lUlon !-iK !'. ' ''
min'iT ,r i m. i it '
,i 1 i . I . T y
ir' 'lint t'
id. ii i
. utii.etlt
- dsn . f
h, i
m .i-IMk-
,!' ,HkHI-n
r kM
t r.ulw it ojjII r rl Is! for
!'. lujtttlit of CmumhJ A natdffit
of ili- ri ofitct of dumhta who i'.n
it uinir;tl n tr-iy luva lita ninw
II.- '.e-iuli-- f i! t. r Mtiv'.ml '
', k . . i r I, .1 ' "i ! li i I
"At,!. t ( III
rt, ri' im I
riiwrai"-!, (Kumath fr-i '
of t' J-i.i I- Tit imu'i vou! !
'tx- Ainu in i-.m-7 of ii."-.
who wln-rr'
ew.ffh tr:l
- ow bet f
! i no. i -1 1
'.v '
V"i-Ii Tt
W.-.' '. .
i i i . , '
r .i,' "ld'
t .Wtrf. ' " ' r n
uripirm Tneir Fnenae
B rn t L ,enant ard M V.
Major G'vtr Joins of w Texas
TTiai Wooclrow Wilson
President of the
United States of America
Thinks of
James L. Slayden
telbSram ifei
ln.1 . . . . mu.i
, f- '
til"'. 1. S -
m tliir.lf i "
t,t ' . m . . .
a inntii-roi .
Wi 1-1 l:U it III' '
and A-ij-ii 1 1 f
hii !-T.tfin "
rm t wniytlnti'iii.
ar-,1 ' MMnoalit it
ldUlt H-'M
Cr-KiJtljr fl8
jvt.lritji ihat irnu
fiifir llf-ttt It ,
mt st ,ii mf l
III . I; . . ot-l ,
!' II""
' ifk'ini i- tt (V 1
t i ii. i'
ti ' i Ml (. i .
I l, I.' Mil
ti . I : j M.
. . . . . f
II aWs
I .. ,.
Th- Wliiif- llntini, WiiiimsrtiTi, f '
July 24, l'J 1 .." p. w.
Mr. H 1, IWa-li,
The Han Antonio Ltsrht,
Hub Antonio. Ti-iu
Yaf bit r m'iwl. T'ir adminwirai
. andidtttt qui 1oyl a)vtn- tskR pftrt, WT in Ihc Itffci i
Mr WaydHtV musaHI a tMMi wi tt h h fivw , .pp r
to the adnijiant rat wt;.
ViHDRtiV Vil.-i
I -- i ji r mm imm lj i i i -i i r i " T" "" ' " ' ' "
Government Wilt Coostvet fian at - in-,
j Chnsti or A , ,
' ') 'i. i -
i 1 1 1 1 , . . f i
. r tir. i iti i
i tro i. .
at." f sn'i ' I
fe fjtit-t f'.m
h f'wri' -' -a-".",
i f'.o .-I,
latent -'if r
Aii.i: .it- ii
Httfir-it '
fttrthdi) tn'i' rrtr.t.
awiiwa, aid nutii .it
w.n-1 i l.'i
offi nat i "
ta (irjl 1-Sv '. s
At)l'r t " ,'iiini'
Jnintl .,i th" ii "
theti t'ltiitxati K -
tm. wirrlt (
fei:d-l "i 'li 'i -.
ln-iT tft'-T ')! .i ,
Tin!"!" ' " '
n - . '
iUft.'' 'i
Um t . .'
tid -
in m
lt' X
'Waaalf-; 4
mind as the loneest
iastina confection you
can buy. Send It to
the boys at the front
1 ' r
. Wartime Economy
In Sweetmeats A
a 5-cent package of WR.GLEVS
will clve you several days enjoy
ment: it's an Investment In benefit
as well as pleasure, for it helps
teeth, breath, appetite, digestion. A
Chew It After Every Meal
. ., '. ; I...: A..,, Oil., -.I',-
BBBBBaBBBBl 1 aaaaaai lisal is aW B JILIJlJL-a H JKaJllJUl 1 tMs ! n m I yaBBBBBBBBBB
siiiui mmmmm