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ICE FOUR W CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER THURSDAY, JULY 21), 1U18 A'tlM PUit?8HN0 COMPANY 1 Member Associated Press Tb Aterttet l'reas In xcltmlTfly M.ltHs to th ub for irpiititicntloti of all iiwn credited to it or not oiherwhie ivmIK In tlii imt and alo the local Ma', itutillahed tlicrclti. Subscription fUtt Th price of tin- Caller In J" iO year ( by wll or K80 by CHfrtcr, , MutuKtrlbrr wlicn oNlertnir ft chance f 4iJW9 should Rive IhsIi the ohl anil etw ili1r-tff (i, Carriers for The Caltnr ! ch ,for their paper nntt nrv im- b'e to extend tnoie limn n week fdlt ,to tubnerlbers. Their inivrcln of profit w mll, and a few oim will bp fcrrnlysfett Sutmcrlptlon are due the enrriert and net The I'allor I'ulrflfttiliiK Ompnti)' Oomplalnta of jervleo, or 6rt to'.ftnrt or dlftcontlmie delivery of rupee, unit chance of iidilresfi. ahoiikl mi nddrccd or telephenctl to CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT PHONE. 118 Addrctu nil bulimias cwumuntealion.i ml run lin nut oil cheek. ilrnfttt. iminoy order and !Tpr. order to The Oallrr I'tihllnhlnrr Company. All Item, nrtiohw unit communication Flioiild be nil -tlr fitted to lid I tor. Corpii Olnisll Call er. Kntrfed an mcnnd-cln matter nt the jwdefflc in Corpu Ohrlirtt, Toxh CIRCULATION BOOKS OPEN TO ADVERTISERS Thursday. y25. 1918 AGAINST FERGUSON. (in the heels nf (icttcrnl Wnl tors' powerful indictment of For pUKiin, .fohit 14 McKiiy dii-lre.. that hv will Mtimit lluhhy All MiKny iu;tut!'tl Fit-himhi's fii'. cnnipnitjti for uovprnor; Mr Mr Kay vns Sci-ri'liny of State tin dor l'Vi'dUson Mr MfKny hm nppointotl iitnnnsr"!- of thf S(1 fnnn at Miia ! l'Vi iriinni : Mf. MKil Knows Imiuhsou Here is the cis" ut his siui' iucir "I tun fnmiliit' witli thi- issues and ntu fni llnldn lifcans. I In Ho0 ill lliln I riulorxi' his shor' aduiinistmtion and his position assures a eoiittm.ntioit of heart oo-oporalion our Niiiioiml CiovormncjU. 1 tiave my hoy to iny country and 1 shall vote a cordiiifjly." This is a womlorful ly brief .stutenuiii Ueennse Mr. McKay has a boy in lhi service, be will do everything ill bis pow er lo elect a man who will con tribute to his boy's happiness mid efficiency. No sense of peesoua! obligation deters hint. He ne- cepls duly as iiis guide. o SIMILAR RESULTS, . Thetc are indientiuns that Koch' counter attack has about reached it s zenith, although fi-ht-in continues on a broad front The (u-rniaiiH have brought up re serves and are struo;luK to re tain their tt' ip m. eery im h of ground Tiu'i is no parailil le tween the tirsi haitle of tin MaHO' ami this Inttlh on Kltleii rilsheil toward I'are. ;il lhc he'iiinini: ot the war ami n li fe reed lo ii-t i eat by sitpeiini forces. He had im heavy iirlilleix nt his disposal, no orgatu' ii s -tent of trauspoii hut in eight dnj8 Of tfl-uec which llelgillin trntiitcd detiiociacv , I'aris wmihl have fallen There is bardiv i doubt of that Nevertbelebs, I'm ii has ac.'Oinpiisiieii his purpose n second time. Whci tne enotny forniul the M.une and srot in Ktriking distance of his objcciiii', bo was thrown backward, and his defeat undid his opportunity lli tury will probalilv record that lhc fifteenth day o,' ,luly w(i-- tin t'trniu"; jioitit of the war 0 WHEN IT COMES TO VOTING W nltlCli IIMIhI iiiilh" on I lit i tnmds as to Uit- i itioiidaies in. . desire in s.,iin ' 1 icli I ' I. I iv , they 'ii'i ;isl- no iptest-m - i 1 he eleel ion boolhs Aliolli'i bnliol w i I be piiluihheii m 'I i aller 1 in- mimes on tip- biii o w ill not i .1.1 I'll o". .li ioi III i , -"f doubt .1 u omi.iii i an si i i 'i (-1 ry caml I. i,i i uleiidinu 1 i Ho HKinc otfi. without ii.vtilitbi! in(j In i bii' ..! (In the nlhi i hniu! Mil 111 list mil ote l"l inn i I loll one caiidi'i.i'e for gien posi i ion, and ' i'-t "oi add a in ' '" tiie llt A n.iliol ini bc-'!,il' l ed freely, bit! inldilions o: a ltd nli'i'is aiiioniii in inulilalion I ni ts a point 'Vliicii must be I i ii. .nd When there in coiiin-ioii, V ui'ii'ii iiinsi pin sue ihe i .nil si ui.i h i.tfti piiisiie they in. i-i friends i'ur inforiiialiou -fi lends ill whom tii- have perfee tonli deuce THOSE ELIGIBLE. Attorney (Jenurn! Lounev hold, lhat women who live in a city of lev than 10,000 inhabitants i a i vole if thoy did uot rojrinter Ac cordiliK lo tho last Federal eet1 HitK, I'orpua (,'bi'inli had a popula tiou of ir Att.n m i, c.-. 0fl Loonoy's rulintr b i ds, ,un WOlllilP wlio vaa Iwc.iy-oue year- of U(o before July U7, l!)l", and who in n Anieri'-no i1ico in dor Ilia lliW, Pill fidir pail in He jiriuiurifH Isnlurdny, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY! I Tin SistydTflh" CohkI'WW lit ... - .1 . ...... ..a i... . ! . tnnur iimirmiriiti inns ui 11 nnixi . imntaly $SD,000.000.000 null ldi-j itionril extierulituti: mtmt bp an j jthortml KNttcnditum Vtll in , .ruse ii m-h i- 1 obodv counts the ewt in dollar J for the Niifferiiiu that Mh uener , alio)' endures, flltlivc ircticrHltote ! will Htiffer Tpi w ill remain I oppii'tNi e. ami there k no nay to iiiltdmie the burden li fc tp In- hoped 'lull the firrf t'onfWwSt 'jit'tci 1 Ik ili chiration ot pome wii 'adopt rijjid tnoanurpH of no' i ny ll i" hniiil jnmxibh that jlhc I'oMcrs will lt able to shoil'dc' Ho tHftJwii! o dcic I nity hi' li would be lnriiied ! Ieien thi diait on buuiattttv ! 0 CIRCLES HAVE NO END. ! ll is ftrc fight fire, and nutoc I racy is the cure for autoeraej. 'The (nixerinuenl will take hold 'of telegvnph and telephone wiivs The t io t rinnci t wilt bet mi fnttieh slrongci than it is V 1 1 i ! j"ni lasts, the process vi" cot 1 i 1 1 ut- Win . it in is over, lln'i i' ' is aitmu ' most diffn ii'i 1 i 'ii'leaie ' '-pfise mnl if i'" oiisitlci .i! h measure oi :m'li..ii ! to tin Oeoptl- The piohlem. .ii pea' i piomise to itt luirilly 'less eMi'liny than thi piohltins 'which Ms lhc S'ation lo day LINING UP. ('andiilntes are making il clcii llol,- Hint hv. thc Aftec iirt fnr (linrnim inolithi of silence, they 'are isauiug stntemenlK to the peo ple. Some of them say that tliey Ii i t. ... ii .i.i... i..i.i i ! Otie occn lot iiooiti riffii! ni.'iii: V!l, then, did lho keep it loj t lieniM .'i i s ' It' it whs ueakncitl to taKi i siiiml st weeks iiyo. I w h K-,i! I he course of wisdom 1 now ' li. thee is nothing so tin j popular as a sinking ship o THE CLOSING SHOT. On Kriday ui(,dit there will he a great Hobby rally in Arteiian Square. The principal spenker ivill he I). V. tllMKscock, of Mia sioH. If you have not heard tJudgc, Hbtsseoek, you have no hoard a man who speak with singular force nnd coherence Hi. His'" exposition of I'VrjiUsonianiwtii is all lhat Hobby could desire. o I ECHOES OF SCIENCE ")l I It lu ontiiimtcil that S.O0O ton of 'in an- uwl virl in itiP tfnllci M in fur iiflBhliiiK uml flnUhlng sill. 1 nimi llial rtilleelm In Klnwn uml, l,e Bathcro'l uml umi i ttn n liitirkis Iii .t Km tiiieim nninint -1 t-tts. tit n i- tun e ltei n . ' tl lUfl Itnli- tit r "I'i'i tilt- t'f till' Hit' 1 1 ti., nM(inte- liini.'i ii ii e i !.,- 1" lie ..' (Itllll), llllf'l In itilll'. ll. lt .inK thev were ainwn n. Mil , i .. in- .it ililiell in eh', .t i"'t' , t ,t.i nit in , ainlitli fin nim llm nmi - .in t.iiinlly im the wm it cm 1 iinm l i hand A n ....' eulminK liuln Inn jtnell'te 1.1 lllieethlH lime Mil-.. U' Im- Im." a pit tun tvil l- a dent of ii'.iii-lDlu. Fin llllit 1, jtlllK IDI'I OIK IMltf I'f 111 ,n nn entor tin- p. 1 1' no 'l t hint i . Iiert.n ,ilt .1 i.l l-Ullltl tl i contioimiN ii It 'il a iii.iiii .ii..' in ItCt'tl lllM ' ' ll lilt St HI till' IlK'ii i i-H'" I' it I ' . Ill . .tM'.lli 'I 1. i . l- 1 n n,i,ll I, i "J ,i mutt Ii i ,.ii.i i, mi. i.i lit .1 urow n in , v k I, xti il Hi, i , i n ill n ml i,, , i i . i inainil," I i. .l.i ,n .1 H ! weather summary !: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE -WEATHER BUREAU WVuther bulletin fnr tlm St limiu inline ut 1 p. m.. Tutl, Meridian time M N Mini H im inntii mum full lllfli ii.i.ui, n Mil i . I, tl I '! 1 1 ill' i nit i, I, Ui ,i 'I" . ii i i r.h :ti ' ' ,i ., m , I i , . 1 1 1 ' i ' I ' KIMTI UK i I I. , , Ss i. I i. ... i ', 7 i ...,' . IN Mi Helen n. "' . MUlMIl - hit K-miilili- s I I' KI1UUN CltJ ' t ort M' nnitin. St I 'mil m , .'II 1, I. ,11'- '- ' I . 'i S . k r, ,s. ll. 1', 111 it ' Ikliih.iili.i Cilv jt. kn I 'i el me iiiii 7 1 I' '"' St ly.illf M . K mst'KATH"IjN ' OTHER VIEWS Vvi,y rh Ftof t WSi Heady, Vttit..m s'"t" American if""'h" minn .urti ,..,, ,,,,.-, wwti tuiumrixlnit i l,l ll il l..t- . it f"i llii nillWI, He rnntii ii . i.itntiii i at On trtui-t i J,iinoi 'VI.. tn iiiy.' !! i, .i it o ii. .1 iVtimmii In n iii KiiidntH' I iii. -n.i.niK of ili" I... liulv linil W til Allot iil'liinien iiw fHu- iii lii- t-ilo (kt II .tl I III! 11M !" j , ' i . ll' 1 f Rlgltlfi ...mi' nil- I'll- ii.orimn! "f i.l.lilrti I ll'HtlUI Hill t ll tf.ll -' lltt win- ' upi-n liiiiiH. Itiji im in tlie i ttai et UhIi'h -hiheut. t.silnir MnlmN- i.iit.n 1'. Urn h,i- !' nl It - '-nl ioki 'llh!' leil iVii't k'lll'f ' UttlU j Itm.wn.K m!ii 1il!i ii wliulf Me- . rlwli n! 11 -ill! Ini" 1 1 in' i ' t els tin .1 I ' Ihtlitmn fluff -.a.' . li. - ii loi'l". ti't 1 ftotM tn Ki'. -c j ll I .i.H.i , - I i ll-lii - .1 .I'l'lt'lll I. I nn ilnl n. -t ilciii j ,K . ., VI , !! . t I!., mi lit Kllllh .lilt ' lis t'.l h f." timtm i ; m' t t'l '-Ml II ll I'lll -1 , !! . ...till 11 Itl'l III ' " , I I'll In I'll ' li'-liltl lu . .I- ii i -ell Tin ,il ill il on tin 1 Hn i ttm.'il Hi 1,1. .'li' nf 1 i . in-. i li in t I 1 1 1 . 'I .tint l.i i Itl if ii.ll,'tle 'll- I'l.tuti' nt .ottt.n when ell 'tlitin-. .Itlaelt UIU'll out .tllil tin tltll'ltl.'fc of 'II IIHillll 'I'l lIl-'IIKiil tit 'I tll i I. i nertul It Hi M Hh tin t I . -,e.. I i, I,. ft.. ,.i , t. II lltll It. I ,' l t'l' I fill, -t a ' it- .mil ,it' i . -I ip;i' htt.'l'l' III. I 1' ! lit I I j.lmiKctl oe it- l '.t il ; 1' it ;x In ii . "i t tin ; I.i n.oiiilii it' ul'l in" li i ' -iteml'letl ui" it'Min. it i i i tn'.i.'i' ' h, . . el, . ' t' . lei; i ,t 111 : t it'll t-iu it il I' .ll -I'lt'l'l nt l.i . I' I'll. Klfft "It lici it III .lllll lil'l 111. til llotl I Illlt 1 - lu mliftil li.-llnle to tt-t' u thi 1H? i . n. of rr.iiifi icil HetKiuiii I till li, -.til, -Id mix still in !liie.' when ! i Ii i until! l i ni l. II .i- K1 lo-l !! tlicualll " tl HUM" eh Mice Winftfoil jrhuichill Iiiih nltniVH (jut mil' h "f the I 1 1-,'tlit fot thin in I of inlrjiculniiit fori- xlilht. Itnl (he llllrnire-Wiiikei Wast Holy. Let ( neii lH' firK"tti ,wtn n kii nr,' ttilhina iihniit wlm i-houlil lei it- the eitiUi f.n imirvlfiM: tin. I flrwi ill', nil' il i"t irill! Ll"!! it I'ttti.i' uml till' W'l'l Ill's (tttflltltlt l.-t U'. .llvi.HH t tn.'iiihi'i itiu Iciii con it lliiileil tw.. f.n I'l- llltll'illt W'll. It III- lll" Wotllilll.l . t ..mi' fir-: tin ii. o in -,l tttst.tth In Itei'i' hi l.ittlt fti'i t in li.'itn; .ilnl si i i. ml j sh. tlllllH'ill ' ti'tt ( 'lie. nt ( i.ttn' nf .iii I ii'iii-h .ilttitn )k-i I'tillan li.tnll. t ,onl jit t i..:ise. tun Oiiu mm in flKhi ut Hi. j immttrtul Munic ! Conlil hnit won ,-iiiitit u,- n,,. I a , etl iurelMH illlt. wltlcniT Itnii I CiiteRiiilcil nt''N in. rhiniri'i "it Ittit one 1. etiiH lo he nn-itfii'il lieu SUri'll We r.llt Hit t!u! the lltti'leill Ititilnti null. .ii iftei ,'i mi" nmi nlnht of fw-lpnt uml i'l Idl'.n lui reitveil the li-iiiUlinn.- of Miltniht! Home unci utootl ,m tin iii.ltsiieti-iililf lililwHtli foi III. clin.fett cli illxiillim nf It- inre Hut ell We I'.lll h.ii thm Itllll i el leil .i (let mini ii tin i nW III 1,111.11 t lull nil 1 I e.'.ll t. mil ml of tile eu. Hie Illlt 1-llltl of it It l.i n' He lit'h l.lK IllSl.ltlt I Olll thus sit einfl Iii'iiiiik lit It. tip nmi -wirili HtlHiMtet till! I l.-l 111. Ill i lllll I' liIllR I.III1WI1 til H 1 1 i II - mi. - I I 'I ' It. i. tntii, -i ' i Vt e 11 -cut .'t'lt't.ll I. .i . li. M.'. Pains, Dizzy Spells furs O.P,CartwrlRht,of Wlnlwll, Iciia., writes: "I sjlfcted with benrlnn down pains, i . The dizzy spells i;ot so bad that when I would start (o walk, I woulil just pretty nearly fall. Was very nut-down. 1 told my husband I thought Carclm would help inc. . . He cot men bottle. . . It helped me so much that he jM inc another bottle. 1 Rot a whole lot bctler. The duy spells and the beanie-down pains . . . lelt inc entirely " It wu ai c weak and run di. wi), i r suffer horn woman ) pains, TAKE GARDUI The Woman's Tonic You tan feci aaic in fiiv lnh uirdui a thorough It Is composed ol mild, vegetable, medici nal ingredients, rccofj nucd by standard medi cal books for many i ujs, as beiun of great value In the troubles from which only w men slilfcr. The enthusiastic praise ol the thousand of women who have been helped by Cardul hi Its past -10 years of successful use choukf assure you of lis genuine merit, and convince you that it would be worth your while to try tins medicine for your Iron bles. Alldruggrsh sell II, Try Caifdui .74 tlu Ofi-miiii nt Urn !du ui' How I iHieimu,t (hoy wen wr io imlK' by mtiit Hi fiJiulMc inieHtliUi il 'iv many tiuI.Mi iinllii fiauvo Iinm tcnreil nt tins Mbmii', I'liUadeliiliii I'niille l.t-ilpiir. , Our tlovcrnment TeleBrP''t. Thm inenlihml lialS, nulled Ho JU.l1t it'ni tailtin iinilun-lalim him u Iflae ie 'aiij tulnftriiiib, Ifllnpliiintt. mailim ,'V. or imllo ylt'in in msltiin. or nap tit therottf " TIliU I- leu mvee-n. lug r.nn Hie r lulon foi i.iklni! ovrt tin. ruttmayti, hut pofUi"Hir Oimernl r.iitUMQtt l reiioitoil tji hijve made iiiMtlon foriiflliiiittm iHioili ' STiiUHlil The KWeinitiiiiit fijlimjyen- k , fi tM t.iltUtu n)lrttie ttillWitT't U tniat', io ri'KHXl" tcleai.ijilra "nay" mm in rnwoi "all." fix nientlm tmvn pint,! wlttiout ronuilcte .igrfnmenl l-eiiiirdma tt(0 railway oinislllllK fill-,. tiiict, whrcii wo iiuipli iiiie t'lonely mitliAwtl ttmn the tolOKfnrti nl tell liti.iiiV rtwttitUin. No "tuaiidiurt return" In flxwl for tho tBloBmjtlis ami It Ua lieeh tmiit iomowfmt hiwmily ut WoKlir mni. tt thnt twenty-ltvu 'lB f llit-l.-.iii.,n will al Ule,llie meanliuj f "ii)-i i ntarertmittwi" to Hie mvaerit or ih. teliftiHpti llnoa. riie i.wneri!.. we ltnacinr-, wmtti if ti' iiiut to etiiient ubuitrnt Hie aa- Kiintiitinn ol contrwl and nfieratlon l the irnveinmpnl. To otli-1. govern -iiieni it-letoiipli otterutt'.n will net . omi" n an unmixed lm" T" 'he tx pnyeiit It nieinm a haRlon i lulling tlml i.f he i.iilwiiy To Uiwis of Ihe tute Ktiiphs It menm. ttueh llinltntlnn of , iilee .nn lm bin ntu .uly extierl-(m't-d on th. railway in thit rwlue tlnn "f f.n littles nnd tn-'ctine if otltts To tin opemtln- 11 111 nn lot ,iium' im ilti the tontrul r ail offtt-mt dlKlllO'l ii ilitin f.n ciuac trom thch p"lnl f s lew No miffn lent ronmin him lietm ml tnneeil fin ilnltinR thwe lioublo"- Thu HVHteiiih to I UiLun ovjier tim e not hoen obMtiiietPd in theiriUliijlnimraUon ly i.iwn nnd it'KuiiitloiiWll nif ralluaya were. Their- rintin5fswe ' net to iltm lienile, Hu ll fiit Ultlo ,Wl'i not mi Uli einml to demnnda ipaa tnein. Thuio win" no i-iieh ilotllfnrnllt'n m w wm thi of ii bllllon-ilollar utnrratloii. litu th country li In foi It. At irnitt It might lie hoped that the ni ot-ninent would iiroceert m n manner test-ittliinttf thm lni)fUMi upon imhlli '.iillltiex iindoi govrriiuiept regulation Tin Knit-i nem i t-hlphiiililma I'oiponi lion nn- -nit leil Inilppondenlll " ho t-iitlti ...tniileti In ilHtlf nnd with inettto.l- "f .iceoiintliig ivlileh will let it l.e km mi lint the eimiH tire. The I ..nil iilnnnisiiHiiiin (linlii Coriiora tion in ,'itit.thei precedent Thins? in nt.ti iindei itiiiNliliirdtlnn u pinpqtuit for i 1 oii.otiii 'jOn eorponulo" f"' HUBlHt ;niee to U 'instil under B,,v ernnient nun .ici.n There t tins mure renpnn for j.i esHitiK I m- point of nccntiutllig lie i tiiuo Hie i.ontdffleo rttipartmenl Ih no innocent of mi j tlitili, l)f tho 'Hirt. No one i In pitfitlttn to wa wlliit It ctiHttt and pioritu Hrt. not eion the dcimit iiibiiI luoir The dopiirltnnut Itim elsihueil profit, hul Jip bum liad tliitm certlflod by najjptnlilo tiiomml iitn t'rltlea Iibvo hIIcitQI dcflolta run nltitf up to S0,llfill,rjifqrilnd with mieh PlaiiKildlilv thai Uni il'irfM-nl postmnp 1. 1 ueneinl thmight ItjrlTisdeiil lo make fin mill tleiiliil nimifill-ftictliin with the I'lenent puMtal nervlee htm beim mi fnrmiilly rind Infliietitlully xproBed, nmi imniried hv fncllf. Hint there In (tin til Kioimil fot liopu of bettering tlm win sei i Icen. .tV" . No imi tlculnr cWllctjmftof Ihe ire i nt iHislnl nilmlnlHtrannn In Intumled 'nt th ittini iiutnllig more 1- In n tnle. 1 tit, in 1- c.pi cimetl in u teporr of in ..Mil i . "tiKt t'Hitlniiiil t-oimiilttee Unit . hi ,,,.-i.,ffn e linil been iniiniigeil will) ui' enM mil h e fot u I'entmi, mill hi' efft' . in I inn nei'ei tie exiieelen 1 mi ih' te nt a i hiiiiBi' of mi'thoilH. In in "ttnitittt iV wm ils , 1 I'I'I -It'll n H'Mlem il l.i He lull I nl . . limn I nil in initliNt i lnl ImKliiem I .i ,l.i t, i, ,t. ilili K'i mlti Ii.iiiLi in 1 i I ,i , tl., i.itftiiffit-e 1i,im iiierteil thnt i . ,.i'. i, i,i line I lu- I 'nltod Hliitttii i hi- been tiiiillolile lo incut 'i.ti. tin lull ' iRotigetl wile sen " i i I., ihe poHinffirc in Hie liopi . I if nil- i t'tipuettllK tiilitii ot ti'- .i t i n i - 'n n triumph nf hope it 'll i.i ei f.icts mill L'XIH't il'llci1 i ..I i Time Grovo's Tustelosa Chill Tonic '".' in, ilm uml energy liv purify ii I .in:, hit, i; Hie hloild. You can i !,,: tl- St1 1'lit'theltlim, liivlKiniit lii' I I'i 1. 1 fioe -Ail v. SOME LATE ONES Inhentoil Sanu-rroiil. i ,i , onl and miUffficnt nn i.- Mte acts im If xht.lnlit I,. !i,.,ii , i it.'.koiH; ai in ' .-he inlii'i it that Uei I. til" Hi Kitthlle . iken In Hie wm ., i i-Ht.iUlUlil ' IkMtlnu Tint Gomfj Him One Better. Willis Dlil ou il. ml M aaiilen ll.i ' 1 1 I III, I- V I- I'll' II lllf It'll"!! I ' - i... i det nit .1 t" kit- i' i hi. kein- illi- W hat dl.l i ou do" (tillt.- I liiiiiKiti tin lot on lh n. .0 .1 hull nni I'm aulnis to i.iim hi. .,' n It ill U l.ite A Perfect tSvenino Spoiled. Isn't 11 ifloiu-Ms here?" she i'i , i.mieil iihen llie ivnlter had laki.i tin i' I'ltli't - t i,i i.'ii ihl.ik "' In- leplled. !i k iitifeellv ioluiy. HiwythUiB In i, - ,, 0 I'l iiiiiifin inn innny the uian t i" tin iiei-N the HwnyiiiK laiituraa, i, 1 1 . i. t . iiiixhlaa I" Ideal. 1 1 'ft ni . i i 1 1. nni " , in ,,,l i .ni like il " 1 in itmil.i i nehaatiHl. Doesn't It in. .. teel UN If you hail KleppVll i he ni t day world into noinc ni - i .mn. .mil new ,,t ,i in) ' Wlii - tin miiUm' " You don't t . in i.. ne t'niii.itnK yourself." Mt i, ik Mttmg l fho IhlMl tMble ,i nun- '.,' i .nn left, uml I can tell ,, ,i.- ,.,K unit he' v.ontlfi ma boil i ...ti . i r. . , . I to tiioiv miHi'tf at a place i... 'in Ii.iiton Ncmh. Clever Rule. Mi hioi i.e. n niarried about a year, n i i."i t.ikt ii lo upeiitliOK the i'i'" i, iiio- .town i.'iin with the boyn. nno ! 1. 1 - -t o iKii woiiind htm. and ..- t"ii(;lil ite would llhelie bin V'lfe I ic-i ... ' ti. ii. i mm1 down ami meet' 'i tin 'it dinner Willi him Ko - ' ' iii d i li. l''. ,i 'f ocean "tsai III' a unit ohl i"thin and run down and mn' mt 'ft " it nulet We'll have a. Rond illtmcr ami tllim VII Ki'l a mn thine unit go out uml imonr tl illlle led paint around, tjmv illnnil Ut" Til he ik-llglUciI Id flillt you, Jek," iviijn the ipply. "Ifiu't W'hjf nut nuim up lo the limine nnd gf t nte? Tlipre' no bmty lioiitt' "" Ah thu smniu luiiftianil' name u Tutu, lie ieml hln evimlumi nt homo now. And his wife weal" a ipioer imille w'hea he Imi't looking nl Iter,- C'IihiIu ntl Kliiiulter. Another Raw Recruit. Celiyiol- Didn't you Inwr me glit- tho eonuiliunl In tlx lui.vviuit'' Private- Vey, tVdvU'l. but my bay nnet TjH (ill rlulif , fjlere'ii lutllllng ivitnife iihont It In be flxwl Vt.iihi-rii Stnl$uuiii. Only Thluo He Wouliln't Tdko. HuTJiiiiIih I honrll fhid ytiur llial aw- mn 'i.iii i reniiiur inioj. lltidbubs Well, I wouldiih line i 'aril2 ivortl, but I wilt tmy tbat (he only (.liliig wit emild lem-e arminil him Willi any Mitfuty ivn n bath. Indian npoll Star. Ship Steel ArrlllnH I'illl.AlJCt.l'lllA July XI.-.-1 Is now fti-rlvlng hi the hla atnernnant Hhlpbuildhig ilnnt at ling lnhinil lu rtiletjuutfi tUHiitltl8. n. titidliig m 11. W. tlloo.i mi engineer for the Amrrteun Intel iiiitlnniil I'm "The riiliiie!rini of teel piirtK of lilm." Mi lllood wild, "nro innkhiK good, nnd the tel emnmlttee. rreently iippolnleit tft nee thnt the Hhlpiuiil litis Htm k, it with Htiiel iinrtii, Inn. dom lliln it tu u,ii, I l lie Htthitioii of the t, ml, ll'lll. The tli Ifl.-ii , vio d the I.i t v t in the win Id Is prt-p.ii I;oj fui It- fn-i1 Inunehing on AiiKimt 4 The nlni is, thi' lied Jacket. It 1 nn l tot, , frelghtei '1'ivo more S.ean ton fn ihl i em m-e tit ally hnlf . tnni'let, d The j Heenud Inunehing la exppcteil In ink. 1 plnee n week iiftt i Ihe Ite.l ,1 n ket leaven the w.iut. The third es,,, t will I follow BhoMly nftei the mm id, iin.l 1 then It win be n week or len .hn i In j foio there Hie Further tuiinclltiKs. At j tet- thnt, llttus ImIhiiiI cxwets to Itilll' nut i'OMit!oteil btlilH nt the niti of nv ii week. I IRISH RECRUITS ARE JOINING BRITISH NAVY liri'.I.IN lull .1 l.i. nn , ,,, I', ,, ! j (liiei'tm or n.ii. il it int: in I'. '.mil : dcclnrcH Uml 1 1 1 i nit inn f.n Hi,, litmsli nay wiKt tieiei m busk !n 1 1 l.i nl ' than it Is at pit-sent Then ,ne lrirli i men In eiei ilciint tiiien! from the' AdmtiiilN down, uml the reerulteifi in the tnwtiH uml i iiliiKex tin .mi;!ii.ui I,, land me iilwinn wnrmli w. l, ..rii,.,!. ! Dublin ho h JiiNL uiven n . ...iltnl hi ioI off to ll nnmliii of t it t tills nf Hi,-' Tl'ttWlei neillon or the Hoynl N'aial llesitne. Tht branch appoaln inn tleiltaity lo It mh rhtboi- bout who na.e experienced In the i nut few tnniiili arouml the lri.b eunitt the i t in in nni, which the aermmi Kiiltnnu in. , .m pniitii In cniidiii'ted The leciiiltn piniiiled the stu.t- Dublin necoiiipnnlcil by lilnel.t, Kei i and oiniliun and the band or ih. i:. - i nblie reKltnent, AinmiH tin in-, mi, lloitH on (he ha line r in ihe pi m r were: "The (lermaiiH are slnMni.- Ut.. t , "hli nmi miintnrl'iK Iil.-hm, n i, ,,, Uh and n . nuc lliem. eiimes" j "AVe are Uenltv'H boy ,r,,th, t Im I I men, eoiiie alone " ' ! They Know What War Moans Kl. I'ASD, .Inlv j( S.iii .lone, i lit ( ih willev Kititlement .,n the l.iiiiier In ii.s patiioiii' is lw Inipmit I'lrele, IV.iHhniittoii l f This won ! 'h nioniiliiiterl duiiiin Ihe vi t- avinH ! si.,,,,,, dme. ll w.i b,-iM,o- ami peiu-h ,1'ikniK lime hut on tu. Kt ,,iy ,,f Hie , It-he fn Id nint lln lr ton I'-eeiK laid down their -vlhi'K nnd tin" I Humped n mile to (he si-hool horn,,- t,, I llalen an lionr to the Mpccchc- in ' Spaiuith ami KiiffliHli expiaumiu in, ' iv .ii saiinmi Btatnp aymem imli n.. n.iiii.. Amei-ieiiiif, attended this not! m. if the toil oilier, nil sp.,1,,, m Spniiiiili jan had been win, m., or Muerla In Mexico When plcdg,. weie railed fm inch of Ihe III prcMent niunuil eordit. niiim Mexlcana miiklnc their innrkx. San Inse's tt,,(, smxm $i'.",oi). The plednei totaled $,-,H0. M,n milt'.e funnels im id i.iMh , piedK'il their hai ami fruit tiopn in nii men! fm i.;iiiii. 8an .loitit went mei the l.iji ;,m ,,i,. soiIihi i ihed h. t md, )M n (inn iZb Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RELL-ANS fcFOR INDIGESTI04 "Save 4i CORPUS CHRISTI Liberty "THE COOLEST Home of Ihe .Jewels, Itluilnnls I'nndtns. Mifro, fioldwyns, and Vitatfrapbs Some of our stars include Mir Marsh, -I War ren Kerrigan, Francis X. Mushuian, I lei ry H Walthall, Madge Kennedy, Lou lac 'llaiun, 'hr lvptn, .Sinillnn Hfll I'ltiottt, IMIfb tnrv, Ibsslc M.r'rW-br- Pauline I'Ved erica, Mabel oriiinnd, Tout Moore, (teral H -i Farrar, lb'H I.ytoll, Walker Wbileablea, Harold UckucKet.. HtMlly t'V en;, Klhel Marryninre, and niiinerous otbctii. SMILING BILLY PAKS0NS IN The Widow's MigHt' SiiiiIiiik Hilly i: a piUy t'ni .ntli ui i ho i- remarkably i lexer S"niilin'o liilly pistil .esi- It'- naiue he is here fodlty to amuse mi COMING TOMOimOW JULY 20th 27th., and 28th. VITAGRAPH'S GREATEST WAR PICTURE "Over The Top Wtt't V'll'tt' (iM Ivppt . him "n.ii t In Top " i ' 1 1 .i 1 i. to -I .1 . . .. ..! : ..i OVER THE TOP The Liberty Theatre . - Scene in Vu.ifjnijili B nidstcr production, "Over the Top" with M s 8 HcrfiU Arthur Guy Jinipcy, himself. FRIDAY , SATURDAY AND SUNDAY JULY 26th., 27th., 28th. I C T Corpus Christi Ice Company g Phono ,120. mown Piano Tuning by ftfl. P. 16 Years' Experience rostdont Phone IS or No. 2- Gunst Piano Your Wheat in lhc';e that is conveyed to us daily. Use com flour and, mcnl at the beat substitute. We've just received 1 ML K RUSTY KORN KOB MOLD thnt will aid you in aiding the government. By using these molds it is possible to bake your corn breail in a more delicious manner everyone likes corn bread when its made in one of these molds. Made of the very beat material and mtule lo give lasting sicrvicc. Call nnd see one on your next trip to town. I Theatre PLACE IN TOWN' 'lo 1 1 . i'l ... u Im tnh.'s wot with pi -i 'i ol the lh:i: , ," ,. 1 1 i 1 oi ui : 99 AT Water ctnd Lacuna St. 3 and Repairing BradSey of Corpus Chritti for Eloht Veari Co, Addrt.i 1323 Chaparral HDW.CO.