OCR Interpretation

The Corpus Christi caller. [volume] (Corpus Christi, Tex.) 1918-1987, July 26, 1918, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071134/1918-07-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for PAGE THREE

' FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1917
Judicial, Not Political
Corpus Christy
MIm JtanatU Qunt, Soofaty Sdltaf
Phona 2M
Social Affairs Today
Liberty Trtea.tr e
Today ---Torniorrow--SiJiri.day
Then- will lie a i.illr-d mrotlilK if Um
U .iiiiiu'm A 11 XI Itii i v of thr- l'lrfil llnp-
'. .Inn h thla nfli-rimon lit four
o'i lii I; ni Mil' t hurrh.
Mi M V. llrlBKH mid Mi. Thornim
V ihi.m- in ' hniBc nt IP-d CiiHia ho'id--1
i. 1 1 h wllli .Mm. Clnrk I'cnio In
I. il lit- of tint knitting.
Social Affalra Tomorrow
Mi'js A !) ! Cronkoy anil I'lorr-mr
V 1 1 m in iliaiRi' of If"' CroM 'irnil
iii'ti'i- wllli Mr. (' II. Calflott lit
' inn i.r th- knltlliiK
W ask you to voir- " Judge v.
1 la in Pluinon fur Juilx. kmt ' '
Inal Annual Kor Vr .I'm.-' I
Pi-Ill' ' Ml li'Tl" " " "
vlllr. Hunt ( "in n. ' ' '
man. mi nhir- "'' i-t)n-'"- -lidc
atuu'wu heart IH iino- i-arm-atP ntn
itW'l him t you. ll I Ktii.iiniv f
dorgay by
(T All iik- "r '' lM"
lrlet,nttJ i'y ii.-inv t.Hi-i i. ii m i 1 1
ywaj'Sf. 'HVxiiM
i.o uti-nant laiiidK Illll. who hub her-n
-iatli.nil Ht TatlnfiM-m Mold. Port
Wurfh la vlattlnK hla taircnta, Mr anil
Mra. J. A. Illll
fi.eetinu Postponed.
It,. i;siii Sim Auxiliary nf tin-
, ' iiiii i'i'imi will not inoft for work to
'., . l.n .. tln-n- ii no work until aupiillr-n
... ..linn, fi'iin liciiiliiUHrtri h. Work will'
i i" n-mimi'l immediately a.'tor nrrivtil
,, i of niM" l.i K,
"Over The Top"
with Arthur Guy Empey, himself
lJy till tilt! tllllllMlllJ .1 of IllH lllc-
Ked Croia Notea
ill Uy biminaaa limn and I'.iiikam,
IJy the Inhor nniiiiiaUtm of
IncIiidlnR the rtmr clli-
his- ally
() By tilt! tw-hool taw-hrr rind the j
I'hyatohMta of bte count :
(f) Hi1 Ilia wnnn-n of Hm w c. T !
in) Fly the Coinmrmal Tnivelr-ra,
(P. C. T'.)
(Paid Political Atlw-rtlimmftit i
lh f"i!'nrng woman worked at Hid,
i i"i h'. idquaiteia mi Thurailay. when
W P HehK-har and Mra. '. (.'
) In i. Ion wie In ihtrttv I
Muadninca W II. iSrlffln, C 15 Mm - I
rla. Uliini'hv Piirkci. Kdward Alb-a M '
H Smith It It litnaiwin. V. A Tump
ktna, A K. Ifpiii'h. .Ir-h- I'lnik, .1. H
Long, Kliner lluuitt. .1 T Clarkaon
Jllaap Mm-)- ThnmpHm, Paulino
Moore, Anii-llii ..unli-i aon
Tll kniltoi-B wen-, il onda iiu'b Itul.-
urt McComh. Mmv I'IomI K AituHMkv.
I. B MhihIia .1 I.. Ti ll.li!. . i ' i: I
Ingl'ill N VV lli'lpm ill 1 II l;.ikln
nml Mlar Ik hcIp Win 'I
ijuu-k -.in
g PI. "in
I iDiiii i
HW'Nik Vaf 'Tj&alfe ",v
Sot'iif in Vilafiraph's mastrr produrlitin, "Over iho Top" with
. , , b r:t. Artinir Guy l inpo), lunisdf.
I lir ftoidicr author who plays tin- lcvdinj? role has been tlirougli like ,
rxpericnecs himself. l ie takes you through the mud on the Fland
ers battlefield he takes you through the hell storm of machine
Run bullets and artillery fire he takes you through a maze of barb
ed wire and a pas attack. Sec this picture, sec our boys as they are
on the fighting front. You will be prouder of the Sammies after you
have been "Over the Top" with Empey. The "Sammies" will be
there the entire military force now stationed at the United States
Cicnernl Hospital will attend in a body, officers and nil. They want
to sec how its done. Matinee starts at 2:15 and 4:30 p. m., night
performances nt 7 :00 and 9:15 p. m. Full orchestra during all per
formances. Prices: Matinee 25 and 35c, Night 35 and 50c
Liberty Cafe
Good Food
Splendid Scrvic- f
Courtesy Prevail u
Regular meals arc se'tjfcdi
each day. Meals in strict'
accordance with Food
Experienced restaurant
men in charge.
i 'ontinio fl fiom P.tKi ' ne i
Mipphcs ;inil furi-wl lo uc hhicIiui
ino r imn syrup.
The 1'oml AtlmlnUtrHtion'K taftitortii
him lieun ulilf lo miiko Uh aluiwlni; by
the hub uf hiiuIi mihstltiitUN aa Iwiioy.
iiuipli.i ayrup, corn nyrup nml Willi
nynip und tho hum ot Hiiciir la ton-flm-il
almost entirely to ten anil i"f-fcu.
Quirk In'
ttHG Plmnr
hmvI' i'. Knittinrt'a il.u
1 i Adv. 5a 1.
Those of Foreign Birth Who Have Nojompletcd Citizenship j mfJSr'tnnt TXwi 'ami nwt'luo
Are Excluded From Particinalm'i'in This Election ,-nar in crowdwi and the cml o
I ?
Uoiiimiia nnil olhula who voled in
tho DomocrHtlc prl ti..ry In tllfl und 1
who I hull went Into tho general l-- i
Hull 'if till- MIMIC ! "lid Hil.llllK'l
ihi- n.iliic of Woodiow Wihon miiiiK
fn 1 1 lit In lli P.ipulili' in i iiKlKhil"
fin piiNi'lriit lmi. no ni-lii t" i.wt.l .
pate In IM'- prlmuiy Sxluid.n
;'itnai)H MrkiiniK .ir.d othri f"i
i Ik 11 Inn r. llii-n Hhil i"lil'-ii who liivi'
not i 'iiil'U-ld thi-u Aini'iii.tn i itui'ii
-.liii -in ni.i i"iiniH''l t'i v ! in Hun 1
-at Lichtenstin's
A Wonderfui Clean-Up Sale
of Women's and Misses Low Footwear
values $3.50, $4.00, $4.5(Tand up to jM.50
All in One Big Lot
Your Unrestrict
ed Choice Today
and Saturday at
QR Your Unrestrict
ed Choice Today
PAIR and Saturday
lively in. i n Hid woman wlm vnu-n in
I he 1'iliiiiiiy, nth r than lhoxi p.ial HO
voiim of M(r und iIiok wlm itic pliM
ii . 1 1 r Hi itpulilr. miial im-ihiu tlii'ii
'.uu Ihi Hot
U.'iid th.. Iw II' i- li U i ,,,, ,
An A' l Ic Alii' ml Aiinli n nml ,iK,. I'Ikhir I
7 nf rii.iulfi " Title 4' "f i In- K-
inl i-ivii Hi.ilutrH nf Tp - of Pill
nilltllllt In llffllPIM of lll'itl'ill llAMIKt n-anBaMaaa
llltt " w.li'l In iiicpiil'lliK IllH Hot. nml
i Inn iillK-ii'linK Ailliii- ... li.iili'i -T'tlc
6. lu-viaed pi-nul Codn nt Tk.h
"f mil mi aa to provide ii piii.ili.i It
'h m.ntion of an id mlirl nt Ihi l-
la"d Civil Htfitutca hh th- aain on-
hfi !)- ulllrilllml. mid !' ku liiu un
Hp it i um lHd by tin
I 111- KtMtl "f TfSIld
m nf not than Two Hundred
ImiIiim. imr ninii' thnn 1'ivp llundrM
IioII.iih or lo hard lahoi on the pilhlli'
iinda of this i utility 111 whlt-ll thi of-I'-iiaii
w.w ronililUted for h tiinB not
i.i' Hi. in alttv duyfe, or mur than one
i i tn IhiIIi anrh nennltlan.
He, That all law and natl "M
l.iwi. In roiiflli-i with thla ni-t nfmll l"1
und llm a.ilii aro hwinthy repealwl'
Hw. 4. Tho faol thut thla la a v-ry
uf thn
auifalon In iwir hi hand rmltiM nn
MIUTKniK-y and a imhllij nrntawlty l"1
nuirlna Iho KUHPtmalon of the t'onatl-
llillonal ruli that hills h rad on
thrit miviirnl Jaya an-l tliat thla l
pill upon Hi Hunt lemlliiK und final
paaaaHi-. and it In " i-nui lcd
anionic lh Icadlnn "harHrtoiH. mid uii-i ilmtd for I'Mramoiint wnn inn
limlriiiinnliil In InlnalnH .il.uul Hi"' Martin In Iho mai imit. und w u Ii will
titimndoua 'Ipnimomnnt Alir.' Mint- Uu hIiuvmi at thu Aniunii Tli. i i lay
nn demnndx dirf penalty fr tin- fat h" ha-, plrttirlwd a Klrl -f l
that iniTlukfa her llttlr- alalvr a I the I tcmrwrami'nl and B -infiiisli ii.iral
luinda of the ilaaturdly Crown prlnoa. 1 tl"i who rainw much tn in-il wiici
"To Hell with irrn Katarr" Im ih i two In m hem and n vuiik I - rd f ill
Hiaaloat arraltiiiiiinl of Pruaalanlxm j In line itu hr. Whrn riuh n i lu
and lha lloliunaollrriiii tiver madi' Ii I utlon lilx inhi, lAirke ih tli r mRhiy
la AlilBrloo-a chaltll to hwatlalltv I at hmnt- TI" n.Hniifii in ulu. li 111 :i
and "frlBlilfulfiwi." anwit ni.m iii-i ln ti.mafcr.. i tn
.. , . j the (M-rpr-n In Julia Crawford Im In
a B.iiiiaoti'i- tli.it It will In pi hi iik,
Wnlli'i l ilwanla dlrci-tcd th.- i i lun
and ii ftrw rant aupporin t tn ki n
i t vii i- Kiihiioi I n lar
I Ad ial.
Sergt. Empay Coming in Tho Oraat .
Amoricaii Drama -Over Die Top"
1 Hi I Ki .UU A . I 'HI' Lin I .IHI" .'.in
1.1'KllilHtlirr of I of lh. r-.'lilllli- mid Hlthol it III- "Ki-'1 I
I fnni'ilm nl n Imoka. inii III'- 1"! I
Locke'a Fino Ability l Shown In
The il.Irloua flnvor of Wllllain J
lu-kti'a novela, their delloary und
chnrtn, l rraMiualW for th fact llmt
whim they tiro nonnsrliirlr'nl for motion
picture thry illnplny a novolly that ia
riai'titlnlly unliiui' Thr mail who,
irati-l The Mor.-ila of Marnlia lir f
ih-nn1 " 'Thr lli-loifd iiBBlxiiino '.
Hfptimiin " "Tho Kortininle Youth"
"MltdlB Maria," whh-h a nimtl
pa l hi i7i d fin Mar) Pnkfonl With x- ,
1 1 am tllnai v aui i'ini, and 'Mirimi iln
.Icairi ' mv hi- iriiHti-i) t.. i II i
loti In xi'ilKnllv f.irthimi i." liint'i'i
w'nl .-o'lijfi-l hi- m.n iiiiu.ai' t" .iti
Im ' I- . tti ' III' 'l Ii - I n .. .
Quirk Ihi- sr vl. Prnmci' r.ir
age. Plionn IV! J. -A.lv .'.st
'I'l i-aaui . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , i
l In. p. in tli I .il i : I ' ...
I III till ll W'l'llH pi t t
in iii ' liti-mliri .'S
i. lulu r 19.
I. I I 'l(
m mi. ' si. Ill
I I.. i. ri Sat
.i. d Saturday
Mellon I That Aitiil.ti 3mU .mil im i oiniiia ! tow n MaiUK' I IH'-it"
.IUII7 nf i li.ipicr 7. THIi I'l, nl I liv tin- ' Iht- I .! 1 1 y imii'.uii' rr II. .11 lo I'1
1 laid Civil MIRUitKa nf Ihi- Htuli of ' booknd tin VHaiiiapli mipi 1 f.'utun-
Ti liu nl pill. t . amended hh ni"uai Th1 Tup ' won h win. imidi- fiom j
ln lenfll J n ail aa fotlowa. 1 KmiMjy'a Ii-hiH, und Ihi- Mnai-ani will '
Artiili- Hiaa. No nwji t.mn urn pii man hh the atar i.r ilx- piodti. 11011 '
aim al tin. tl tltnc ahull he innlt- Tti IJIwrty for llm-i- dna, ftaitiiiii
ini in in 1 upy any one ininpiti mi ni. I today
Millnn booth 01 place prepared Tor a! Thla I liolmldy lh. moat impoitani
vol. 1 inn ahull any ftnaiaiani o b.- aiven 1 n which nam come to Kx-al nrnt
1 -I, mnuaitug loa Imlloi, ,., , ph tui ' fana" m an . hnaiuw th -.
tr la unabli In mi'imii- Ihr- an imam ..1 rmimy m... .
U .HH'
II. am
11 will. I
.til of tin iiiaani'liatn tb.it hn 111 id. I
him i of thr nmai noiaidf p.ioii I
alltlBf ilni'lopnl in Ihi- wm Ml...
K MBIIUl. pitialdllll of the 1I.1K1 ill,
l.lll III
- nn. Inn-i ,f hfoauar uf mmii. Imilllj 1 '' '"' " "W ''
infniTiiH, -nth aa indt-i-M him phjsi 1 infoimatlon inil Im
..-.iii. ..,..1.1.. .. .urii ... ,,.. ' Kmiaii will ;ihhi on Un- mi
i .in ! ,nii', 01 bun lii i-n .t ' 1 1 1 At-11 of
tin- ( niii'l ntittaa for .'1 . hh mid Ih
'jn.ililf I.. 1 rail am writf in wlm Ii 1 im
IHn mil.-. .f Hiloh li.-tlim mIimII jim
Im but, liny having li-iiii fnm awoin 'lny, Ima pi -mourn id Itiin
These are the remaining stocks ot shoes that have been on salt the past week,
reduced to $2.85. $2.43 and $1.93. Today and Saturday all at one priLc $1.95 Pr.
Continuing The Sale of Women's Ready-to-Wear
Includes pretty drcssos of voile, organdie, crepe, lawn, hncn, bati.ite and net at
1-3 OFF
that lb . nil: mil Miaju-fM! In wind nr
nlKI! Ol ... iUim-, how mi. Ii vulul ftball
votr. ' .' Tl.iy will mo.i i' tliuli
ll-"lMl;il ' ' inaWlTII'S Mm 'I III St 1'IIIM
tn ii iin.i u '.iiidol4ta 'itul 'In- i..litlt-.il
llliPH HlH'h lhi Ill'IOlllS, .111.1 thai
1 1 ' ' I. U '-.MII. Ill" lllll-l i Mil' h
'lir I. n -Mf ulirtll tliri 1 ii - wtltfft
.111 1 I-. ' - till- In rfJII'll ll-il .. I V ..!-!
In I'll-! . a h.l llallol. Ilium 'li.in H-.l
l.iaa .In i-aictHPd. lh. l.,.lli.i i.r
mi. Ii i '..ill not In- i nnil.-1 Tin-
jii.liiK ii ..-.aial mull a mli-i In iic
j' i -1 ii k ! I'-illfit ahall la- uf .tiffin nt
l-i'ln l. i 1 i ' ii' if lhri- i.i- ui h mditi k
'l. M lit ',l ,111 Ill-l'ltOll Ml(a ' I MII "I
1 1 i v i i - ii! i li I'li-wni. bur mum
I ' Ill ill! ' ' I KI 4)t 111 I aac uf ,1 IttKU
I'M it i inn uf Ihi- law
Aitiin I'll.'. Krt.m lh t.ui. ..f
I- i.i- ' ii-. i . . i :. a j 1 1 1 ! ,i,
iniiiiii nn ni nf lb raaulla ..f th- c4it
ii"! of i-.i.'ii taut and Ihv .iiiIok of
tin- i.ffnnn "turns., thr liowa and of
fn lal l..i ahall It k' .l al thi jwlj-
j hiK I'll. in 'ha prtli. e nf "tut or
inm i.r tn jiiUk and iia-i viora, if
, Ihn.' .ii -in, No pi-i noo aliad h All
lion in
rlorka .
Iritf JinlK.
ill nf i I
imn tha imn wln-fr thr Hv-
tlu- Kituteat natural n"inn b- m
M w ,ii"l h al-n aavn iii.ii Kmp. H'i
l.-0 M-imUtl I ' rw-r i lb.
ii'iii ilia Hiillliiifc ni.iiri. ii I '
pi-l Il lH nl .luring tin- rtht an ni 'ntbi.
In- finiaht llm Oiitnuoa In liaim
' ftml.rv l xiinl I" ban lion. Inn
in itl-iii i linn. i-li''antli and ntn.
afttM hi bad bi-n ..i-v Ini -d Unit .1
milium pI'-tuM- Willi a i"al Ki'ldlm a ,
tin 111, ...il fiauir .H"l .i-uiH flit- 11.
idinii in Hip lun km -nnil wnul'l im-,
of ...1. 1 in Miilnlifv ma v mi ban 'In
ti rmlri'' 1 'im In win thf urn Pi Inr In
.ii 1 1'ptlnir tbv Vttaai-ndi ptopoaal '
1 P.iopf 1 ,i ilfi llnd nf frt 1 from tin at -11
al in. iafia 'inl motion pi'iuii
, uiaitJwi dilai Ins lh it hi- oiiftffei 1 M j
1 1.. nn -. Ilia aliauil I" Aajlirlra .ir- ,
nail IIM'i' hla n Imn tn thla i"uii. .
uy at'ii uiahli'in inonili of tl-U 111
toe iiei'Vitea id t-iann-. Kmprt hua
' drvoud MmU to p.itilollt wok lit
(Hiravnal alpaai. hai t tmn4 more than
I nrw mlUiaw atathtfa for tUa H'mtnl
UlMrrty Ixtun. ahJud tha Rad Ctnu m
dhara way kt yaa MLMtfms Inf ltirn
In afWrtllUlt SaJlhUiiantS fl th- t ml' 'I
Mtatva Array and Navy. Kla b-.k and
hl UtclurtM nhw liAWi haaa ooii ni ,1.1
1 iK h W. tt Ihi Judam. j jn, u uf (Ha OuvirnlplMH'a wai pi-pa
..ii .idmittni i.v inn prvatd- , (anda.
f. 1'ieaerv ndei nMixrvt
for tho
!l. Till
I he Hlai- .
umandt'l -ioka.
tii m 1
A1I11I1 .
fliarr of .
vott-i to . .
a ott'i v 1
i.y tiiflim ,
hi If ahall 1.1-
Irin'-Miioi .
fii 1 1 ..f an
tmn, and p 1 aoni ii.lmlUvtl,
ill 1 11 1110 of Vlllll K
Tliit ArtlcMv 'tiapti'i
if lli' Rovlaail Pi-nil .!- uf
nf Toau of lil.l -'li. I I,. i.n
lo ll-oftl 1 I 1 1 . f..,
1 Any jiidai' 01 ntnor 0I-1
Im. turn who aaalata any 1
..iii- IiIm ballot, nlhor than
1- prt'iantcid b M.int laid-
fr mil pi i-.ai inlj uni- lllin-
i.iinid uuiliy of a nn
1 .m jiiiiyi 1.1 uibf-i i.r
1 Iti'll Wlm -n .isms' .n a
li.tli nil II. .lilU.lC. l.i piM'l IU!I
' a'l.ii 1 ill ii.,iri- thu -.inii' nthti
w.)!. tli.. ii mui-Ii voter ahull hliiiai lf di-
1 ' nan dinned iui!tj "f a mm
lino -n- Any pi-rson tonvh ted under
u A tr 10 bliult bo iiunlalicd by a
"To Holl With Th Kltr" al Th
Ammu Thoatra Today
Tn it'll wUli the HaUani Tina
l.iinHi'-.ii Siaa hmn aatd. 1 ithm i
I. niH . I'lud, I.y ii 1 i -i" Ann 1 1
. ,n ..nil I'lltol 'i uf di't i-nt l-lii
ln-i' ! ci inn- aanoa i".i- thr mon
atr of Kilti'le la n-il fit i' live am
iWrM-i t vli '
llul in ilui. miiltipl.- ni-l riiiiin
laaaiiM, Im fnaluii ''1 i-xpi-Minn
is i-iki'ti inn 11P Tha lliolm
In hkI im ailuallv l.i-ttn 1' 'tin- i.i'
pin' 1 ' How iir en- ii" and wbi'
Mi.'nio -f hi 111 ..fin - 1 Hi ii ' . m
dil iniiii. inn 1 11' f 1 . w 'nib 1I1.
pi. I un
it la niilv .1 pin I 1i.Wi-i i-l Nl 1 li '
Willi c.iiIIm 11.1W h 1I..11. .1 . . r f
I nil, in. c arid nj iimna II1
of Amei lulus Dins in t-uuiio at
Lei the Popular Beverage
Cool and Refresh You
There's nothing quite like
Tango. It has a rich, malt
flavor you'll like; it cools
and refreshes and makes
your palate dance with joy.
Try Tanuo today at
your favorite place
of refreshment.
Martin Tea & Coffee Co.
Mode nml
Bottled by
Lone Stnr
San Antonio

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