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CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER Baseball News News of the War In In- The Caller First The Caller First VOLUME 20 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1918 NUMBER 20B YOUR VOTE is your certificate of interest in your country. War against Germany is tlie supreme issue. There is a portion of Germany that is far from the Rhine. Clean government is good government. Good government is open-minded. Oppression abroad is not more hateful than oppression at home. Oppression abroad is not more dangerous than oppression at home. The liberty of political conviction is dear to American hearts. The Hafcty of the Nation depends upon the fearless interest of the individual. The right of self-assertion is denied by the man who boast3 of his ability to cast the votes of others. Tlio privilege of self-assertion is necessary to the progressive conduct of government. Are you a slave, to be bowed down beneath the weight of machinery? Arc you a dog, to be driven by the lash? Or arc you a citi zen imbued with love of country and eager determination? Your vote is your answer. You know the incinvlio seek favor at your hands. You know the good men and the bad. You know the magnitude of the duty which confronts you. You know the price of inaction. As the sun dawns, the new day is at hand. The new day is without blemish. It is yours to do with ns you will Take it , make it. break it. The choice is yours. Fergusonism Supreme Issue Before lexans Interesting Campaign lo Close Today When Men and Women Will Troop to the Polh lo Register Their Conviction. Jarions Contests I i .1 1 1 1 f-ll I llinipillK" Hi it li is In i'H fnufsht hIihiij new linen iiml Hi whuh Oil' lolrru tif Tcxim, UirmiKli tin Ki nf nn lift iHiimi'd t- tin- Tph.ih I.pkih Illtlll'U, llllVll llPPIl Ul't lllll It'll III ll.lM III!' ivonilttilmiHl of tlir Hlntp hi liii'li nil, Will In- bronchi to a pinup Imlii. lUlrlllK (lis wtat low WPekH mon Iiml wninoii hy Hid humpi'ils Imvi khih' Into i'i i v eoimnnnlty of (lip Hlati' iiml pit trlollenlly ImVo ninoil llinn I hi" hood Mini ivfllimnliooil of tho j-tiiiti tin iircent nccm-jslty iif koIiir tn llio pnlla mill ii'Pnill.iUnn KurRtiimnlHtn In Niipuob County Hip flaht Im In on liilwmply intatcattng In I tin t not milt Iihm Dip rltlzoilHlili nf thin i utility In on .iHkoi) to hnhIiI In llio 1 1 1 ft .It 'if I "! KIIHntllHln hilt In tllln 1 1 1 -1 1 h I Ml. ipios. Him ir Attmriuanlnm viiiim SI.T.1I111 IHIIl llllM llCPII U O.H'llll ll mill the intolll Im vo iiIho ht'im culled upon in Mililo l'rr nno of tho pnlltlinl linna- i of thl ri'i'IIoii mill Hip xi lf -m-knowl pdlipil linn) of Dilt'ill Couuti A Rill ll Hi iiurh cloan ami offniont. I Oil iior epnt AniPrlrnti n Willtmii I' llniiliy, A II. liarielt mid l w hIium . K every political tilrkpn known tn I he RiingntrrH turn horn implovpd With thfilr liurkn tn tin- null mid 101 -tn I u dpftuit fni'liiR HiPiti, Iho i :iik poll tii I.iiib with lliolr I'M'f faithful wind hfaloiH Ht tholi- hpek .ind mil Irnvf In on Honiirlns fur ami in-ar for vol, (Vrlulnly no man or womiin imii Ii In dniiht nn tn thn ciiili'iiini- of todm' Plpitlon. It I ileum I pi I lirynrul dmiht thtit Nuecc County today will nvpr wliolmlnKly voln for Hohliv foi ovoi -noi Hartntt for ootigrcim mid (Jluau coin for Stiito Monntnr. Thoro Ih ii now rendition ripi ailini;. Kioiu lh,i Itln (irmitle to thn Martin Hipip Ik n determination In fiircmr put nn Iron lirol tn mitoctacy uml tho wimp 'I'll II Unit ltd" unliiiuliKi the allied flKlitoi-H In their KtrnitKlo iiguliiNt tho KiiIppi Iiiik provnllPil hero in nn ef fort to uvr.rrnimi tho pnlitu ii i .im TIlP pollu opdn Ut 'i i.'i lnrli t h it tiiinnlnt? mill ctrifio nl K ii'lnrlv in- li'Cllt TM ON EXCESS PROFITS IS I BEVERYHEAVY UNOER SCHEDULE ADOPTED OY WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE LXCES3 PROFIT 1 AXES WILL RUN FROM 30 TO 60 PER CENT ON ALL INCOMES OVER $2,000 i W 1WIIINOTON. .Inly "! I'i.i pinfiti. "f llll bUHldPs lllll ' i 'll' fioin SO to (iO per -tii iimh" i hi'il nip .idopliHl hy ni.ijni.u nf th w.i.h .Hill IIM'HIIK lOnillllMli . ill iv Tin iiimliil yUild it 1 1 , . 'iu,iiMi (ion 'I In lui'Mint law I expii toil tn viohl Jl. 4IMI unn.rtou. , Tho rhirluln tiiiilnllvih hkipoiI upon would Ktant u flat "Xi mpuon nf ii "im tn I'vcry bustnoaa cnni'inn imd a fuiMo i i mnUun of in H'i in' on tlr "' nP8ted, uon alt 'no'imof in . v . ..t iho Hi pel i on! i x mplinii .loi 1 ' io m 8 nf li poi ' nt iho i .ii "t would bo 3" ppr ii nl on noi m. i.' iweon 2 and 'i' " '"' .Mild hp fi'l poi 'on' iiimI 'm ill u. . oiiip ahovo 5 l i i put thi ln. wi u lil l.i M piii- i cut Mvpii afifl amwiina Hi' w I .Kh i.iti'it and rnmhluluif iloni wuli 'to nn lomitttl trftfa on inrlividu.i! . I ' i I ito IncniiMtn, tho i-'iinmltt' i w.ih Imipil III tho dlsrmn.iglliM " "ti It would not hp poMtttio ' ' ' '"in tlm thips Nonri'pa tho, in i .iiiiuNi f which offui' "r H" iiiiBury iloparlmunt havo I'lnnilol I In lot il will Ik l.i h.W tliii i ' tii"io thun a billion and' ' ' " 1 no Minora of the ainntltt f. im.' " nfnHMd Uiat Hi v war it i. now what to do n mako m- i' p U' .,nont doflcll Thp tieunury rtrpirttivn i micd ipiin t Ito commltt tha ni i'- f"i fi' vldlni? li,OIM).MHI.t00 in ) uiwl In in. "mo mill cxpaa profit,, 'im- ' v iik' thp i-emalnlnR Ji.aop.non.i' to to Hlwd hy taxoa on luxm if.. t imp t.ixi s and the other odd and a i 'ipon u hli h It In cuntomary to .lu f"i a Motion of tlio tevpnup. Hut with tlio hlsti rtP mi "itni'i liirli Imva boon tuntmi-i l'..i upon, ilip cotniUtttPP flllda tho i" niihcd not more than J2.6. i.ddliiK to thin Up t.fi00.'iO.n whn h Hip cxcphn proflW tixca irippiI upon tndny aro odtlmnted ' piduip. ,ui.) Hip total Is only iJ3ininimin nf the $6,000,000,000 which It a hopod to ialo from thfo aonrio- A Icadlnx menihor of Hip i . mmit or " ii-i n explanation of tlr i !' "f tin situation Jt Hlmply moan Hint wltn mo liiKhPHt taxes on InrwiiPK and prufitti wo havu been aMo to ubipp upon, wu ore still ft billion nn l .i h.iif iQontlnusa on Va$o Six.) li' -p- ' , ;moiit f.'l "Una are Hill. J f in., in t" iiti- in iiMlnvH pillllll 11. ' I I 21 oh I H nf .ik o'.ii ,i lull lilnu.ii undiluted IlK I ll HI .lllll It li.itlllllliZi it IIIIIHt llll to II. Ill III IVX.m tm I IIP V'nr Ol morp. In Nupopi t'ountv fm hix months or innip Moii unli nn put l hp ;!' "I fi" vain inii-t I'li'u nl tlnli poll l.i in i om lion i oillfli :iti nt Hip Mini' nf xollltB Woiiipii iiuiHt i i-psrut thpli rPulKtratlon foi 1 il irnlpK I'pm i-rtaontHiUin ly Hip prpslolng iihIk' "f tin- plpotion, of tho ballot to tlio.Mitpr, tho voter ipIiip t" a mt hk liiiiiill .ird "'l.itihpi tin ii.iiiip of .ill i ,i l nil i In t fm whom Ihi) do lull wllt I" "to I'm insl.inop, ihi'io hip .'il un did. Hi' f"i Mi nti'iiaiit (tnvpinni mi M' tho nllP til.ll '."It .li'sll. In ! nlP f 'i .mil M-intoh mi' ihiniof ill all otlioiH. A hlaok pomttl inuxt Im ii"d. X'lti'iH .no i iiilioiipu tji.'it If tin ) une ppn uml Ink hi a hlup ppnoil in mink. Inn thP'r li.illol that II will not hp i niiitpil No pramiiPH in I on Hip Iik Hut uml It IHUmI " IllMlIf Milt III' iim 1 1 In t i fl in miy nvmnor It Ip iiiiik oeNiiiuy in toll tho women tn i "main unafraid and tn into, pin '.IriliiR iIip In a dPinnoi ii Th loftlnl.itui'i h.tu aiild Hint it sou HIP M UPtllOPIItt. paat ill ".IIH of MP and have iprIhIpipiI that vu hip on tltlrd to vote. If Dip pii-KldliiK Jud(;i wantn you tn oar thai yu hio a ileinopmi. take thn tout, if you aro a dumncrat. If you uro a republican or wipllt ou Im vc no rlirht to rartlclpalu n thla oleollon. Tho lopfal tout for loday'a i lprtion, applituhln lo tMith mun and woiiipii tn: "I awuar Unit 1 otn white, u tiumo orftt, and Hint In tlio laal Kmiorul oly tlon. 1 vntod IK I VOTIJD AT A I.I.. fur nil iIoiiiiipimiIp niiinltiPpa finm oipsiilimt tn oonatalilp u-ttiHlv , and I awoar that I wilt Hiipport all niunl m i'H of till" I" 1 1 n 1 1 1 " I'Iip pipmdinu J in Ik- "f tho ipiIihi nmv pi'ii nffi-i ndiil! louiii t .-!. i. in llii yiv and oiiIn ipii'ist ton for v onion to di'i'ldo ie- (.f Htvv nn- di'inpoi.ttii .mil if a dniniN'iiit. dn not pornul ..uiio I'oi -Kiimm liai-koi to iti'iiv itu tin pit Upkp "t .nt inn If, for uny rpuann you hip liu!M.i nf Mllll' otP. 'I'tlOIlP t I Kolil't t W l:iton, i hnirniiin of flip Nui'ii- ' "iin tv Hnldiy I'luti. 1 1 In 'phono nutnbci t idax will ho 7ST. ntom mo 1 1 mindi'd toil I In" Im o llio piullufin of miiiti iiinu ni i in illdnlv, wlui hoi or not ho Ii.ih oppoi-i i 'on Thn, if vm purp tn. von m.ix in lull h th'Wi' iinipoupil,h't;itp:i wiloio ntlitudp and wIiohp almid ml puhlli 'pi.'Ktoni In dlipli liilii; mid hIpiw nur Mitlng thn jin. ua ipRlatprlnK yoni diaappio'. t A Put of tho I'HndldalPK wliojic n.iliii w III n iei on tlifHi.illi)l li'd.ii f.ill iw United dates Onnator Mo. I I I SIlPpp.lMl Tl'X.II U.l.i.l I I It I U! II llont Chief Juttice Supremo Cuuit Nplann I'llllPlM '''Paa i uw iimlM'iil m i'.ttfr Six TWO ENGLISH VESSELS LOST, ONE TORPEDOED AND ONE RUNS ASHORE l.i iH i. I, llS ." All .'ftil Ml ll' nmini'i moiit "t thp .iilmn itt i ti. Hi's I'lul Ho IliltPth iino. mil i il In i, .iiinn'i. Y .i tm ppijooil uml Kin'. Tup dn hi ,i doini in iit'i!ii" Im 'I'p.i Ipoiii'.pi h nl 'M mi mlnlii4. mil It I, pi i Kiimi ,1 Hij' tin wiip ii" l whpn thp inipfciln hit thn , i m c Wi-dm-mltty, l.illihh i"ii-l" I' si i1p.,iiiipi .iti'-rp .i rut I'-t'i ih Thutipn of thp i-rpu i f Ki'iii P . otPi mini '1 thai 'h ' ln n di m il MAKING THE HUNS HUNT ANOTHER ROUTE WITH THIi AMKHP V AHMIU . Iil' 2ti I'nlpnrul Alll.inll Vl.ll, l' , Jir ji I- I ImPH l '. ill' Wltll " 'I"1 fmrn iipu: I.joii, Hum just received the m.lltnli 'I his kIoiii .'i Hi, ',inrf up f .'l i iniltp'teiJ in the . k ' ' i ' . , ii ij. iiu.i'i M'lilitrn .1 il Id H. ill"i so i. f I . . I'll '.ll,- w I 111 . Ill- is Antonlp wu IHnK In an i.luio pol. lUtpnlnR. whpn tho raid hoifan The Oprniaim nppnai'h"' In liidinn , flip iindi lipfnro the bitp toully wn Hip hi,.! ''ion rntlopd AntdniP I hid pi kpd .ff ii onriilHi nf Hum 'me of i tiom hnp,.i.'i hnlod a izipni'tp ih ii W'U'idiil tiim P i, 'ii 'h.'k- IM' t I" ll.r. d 111. PH I i i lion lie what nm imnimi.t .....i The Optimal!, thn H'meht miothvi ' rfmtp to Hip Kitn h linos Inn wpio ! met with ii fin- " mu dpr' ijv nn' llP Ipft f ftprn it" IP tr "I I "it up t il ! prlnoncrs. ftntl tUl in itmrder TO THE WOMEN OF NUEOES COUNTY: Nincty'iiino por cent of vou arc bom niul roared Dcinocr.its and have always affiliated with tho Democratic Tarty. To these I say bo proud pnough to swear it, if any election officer requires you to do so. He at tho polls curly and stay until you vott Thoro U a rumor that an insuficicnt number of ballots hnii'bccn printed Bo on the unfc aide. First come, first served. Lot ub ninko our victory ovorwhclmino;. K ROHT. W. UTATON, Chairman Nueces County Hobby Club. TO WOMEN Tho polls will onon nt 9 o'clock this mornintjand'close at 0 this cvoninc;. Have your registration rccoint. Uo miro UwTWho propor jirccinct nunibor is on it. Know tho name of tho cniididato for wltomyou arc going to vote. If at a loos as to the onmlithttc for a partlcuhirpffiuo, it ii pcrmissablc to scratch oaoli name. f 1 Do not vote for moro than caption. Take no memorandum or Hat place; and ask no questions in tlio polls. Uro a lend pencil to do your cratchhnf, and make your pencil marks very plain. i Bo positive that you mark out the name of cvtjry enndidato for whom you do not wish to vote, and do notmaryour ballot by voting for two or moro candidates for the same office. If challenged, bo prewired to swear that you voted for the Democratic nominees in tiie last general election, IF YOU VOTED AT ALL, and be roady to promise to sunport tho candidates who represent tlio Democratic party in November. TAKE BATH GET MEAL RULE WAS VERY POPULAR i RHD CnOSS OPKFATCD A BATH i HOUSE AND niG KITCHEN IN J ASSY AND CAVE .RUMANIAN PEASANTS MEAL TICKliT IF THEY TOOK OATH i SOON GnUW IN FAVOR I i. sill i 1 1. 1 s ,'l, I (iv Am.hi i tod I'llKM ( '.'I umpl.ll.UlU M'lllHV I, Km tnnniui A hi il Im i 1'itti w.i" Hip AniPili-an ll-'i rn.i." ui' U"l "f t" ii Ii i.i, !'n ruin ii'Ihi" I" ' 'j"'ii iii'ii I'll' llnfil '.llo "I o ill. 'lit' ii 'flu Hod ll. , npi'l.lll'd il lilM' hilll tl'U'.P In J.isi inrt pv. P'iwiiii. vvlo. pitmn Ixpd thin in "iitiitioo i. in o .i wi'i k I'-. I'lV-'l A .spJilnll Hi hi I to Ho AfllPlo .in '.iiiIppii Hit-In i Tin - iniiHi l liim in ll tt"ll, III IT!' l ' .IM 'I i . .Hid ' li'lllll'U ,lli,l tnoill' ,il ,l it "int.' lo i , i i , 'i.'il ',( ll i' I . ! ""I. li.ltllH .."i .1111' I I '. puplll I 111 I U,,i M,. rfl I ,11 I 'li' I ll I- n- ll ll hl, h h.,d I'.'- i pn'-ii .on of l inn I llo hpKt lll'.il. .11 1 1 'III I I , ...'Ii f' ll. t HHP,? wi'n "Mi .inni unit. ii p ilmns l1l A tiM'li .it Hn Auk i. m h.'ll. looino .mliirtpil i ot ml v i ' i (iMilriB with ii ,, i, . utMll'l.t A, 111 p tl np lllll. I III', il'., w iflllli llli'l, 'I'd Ulph'ti St i.llC t , ji or i li'hi'.ir 'I'lli i .1, ,i ,. ; 1 "i I, in i'. , n 'ifllpllsllr il ,', i ro o I ll" lin.wi ,i . III. !'.' i ' 'l lij, I. I . . ' . .no i , i ' I , ii I ' - Ml 'It On 1 1- '.ill' h'. i, I 111) 1 1 4 1 . 1 .1 Mlli'l ! i, Tl." ll' 11. '! .mm ii tin. ! 'i t ,i, r wtiainui ii tl.o wi,. -i.fco ..giiinMt p.dpmlo t I liuk. wtr mtinduipd Into Itumunu .lid fM'ifppod ly .in AniHil'un dijoldi l.lntpnuni f H. lH'1-iiii'Ht of Ann AiImm Mlit. who i'i I to Hiimiiiitii ih"n thp fn-ji M"iii'ji, " iiIm 'h ut ty nhu jmkI ii 1 lit- j'ltnrd the Mi.. . i i i:."i . hi ,.n Im in .l.m-i In Hit. il ,n... mi, i lot.UBJI mi'l I hUiiket iirp lthm luikod m utemmct I for h tiffii.lenl tltn t" kill all In nei tn An tvihu ih I'lliliiuiiitotPd . Hoicly thioush tlipa. -II4PI if Hip mod ' tiHK'ntiHl stpp iii i omh ittuik Hii Hpi'MMl if Hip ppidi ml' Ih t" ' t ml n" tli- n. rn In Tt;i ' I'm i '.' In- i. p ' 1 i iii Ulnp'C'l Hi .lili'l' .1' ih- I'.iliniru I , .llll. a.', "' tn. do i, .ft of I irmy rppptitodlv iIpiIiiipiI It up niPd tho tronp f i 'jin no i pidpmii 'rt'hl tl ' "LP limo 'III Pi ,l"l tn ' t ' i if nun jed n i ieo a x 1 VOTERS. I a6 k one candidate jundor a givon nf any kind intplhu polling MAY DRAFT THE STRIKERS LOR THE TRENEJiES COMMITTEE TO INQUIRE AS TO CAUSE OP MUNITION WOMKr.R! STHIKK: PROMINBN L A II 0 R MEN C 0 N t) E M N ACTION IN STRONG TBMMS AND ASK THE GOvaRNMENl TO ACt l.nSIHiV .ll I'mmiPi 1 Imd opuigp .iMfnoini ' 'i mutant tht uii innnltinn iinthi'i whn wiirnll ui. ii' tfc him ! p'i ( "in wnik. .ifii-i io i M id'T 1 '1'' -'' " 1,1 '"' ""'I'l'"1 "' hit iok ' Innl'li il plni'il I lion. .1 lii ..ill -nl. ,, Hip p, il.'KPH III I'OI llnS ' niilnlll'in nlktl- Iiml Hun ..i.i I 1'PI'nmP llutlltl t .III' pro-. Imioiim nt llo niilitai i io t 'I'hi- dill pto.nlii K T"i thP tltlHl wind .t-U up "f Hip Ijioli'.ili h'ltlkn iin,i, n I'lriKl.ind iiml ji i i-i"ii wlil'ti . tlmi no lli'im.iii ' M-d ti.ittk In.!! opoo in Hip I'nltPd k, k'tnin fm Ii .".i (fill III i pi-IP "I ll" w.i- J-"'''' " iphIihk hi Hip i , -.f I'mniii' i' I. Ml.. V I.iiMiiiN Jul. illint'l Ii im dn '- I. I IIP Hi ll Isli .: I I '',' f ( l.p inni i , , t I 1 . , ,. Ii. , in do III"! i 1 llltl'd ill o!IP of lprni 11 I'oli ipn. if.ivp hint ti. i h In Ivinilm Wild it di i Impil tin tiKht to ripmpii'iii , i i- it ,n t h P!4 dnlOK HV'.lK i fialuliMt ii'Huiii. . fu tn ii. its I'iisp Two i oil., .i. .urn IP I il .i i-proi'"' i In' rn'ii ohijc pn , I t lit IlllliintPi nf llll' . ffi I 1 1 1 , " '.'1 o w hoi, wiurift mun hiid fi mi mtiitm s, KioiiikI Hii! Ho IIIOI- H llJMltip Hl.l l TU ui viii iifm c C'linHnii' ANOTHER REVOLUTION STARTS IN MEXICO SAYS EL PASO NEWSPAPER KL I'AHH. Jul, H Ijl Itppuhli'tt. a Mtxipn nrwaiatpe- puhllnhi-J hi npd it xti i f'iio todm in in .i g ti.-ii jioio ti taurni mid j-.ii-i-'- Nfpdlnn h id (i-i-piI thu Mpxlmn iKir Ipi from Ai lion i int-j the atnti nf (.no'ii win. thr puipom' of IiioiipIiihk (p .t it . r t .t'suii the coiuilitut'on of IS-" RIVERS CHOKED WITH DEAD GERMAN CRSTICS 8 L 0 AO Ml ! S pay rmnufE to genehal foch AND SAY HE 18 LEAIININQ FrtQM expcnir-wcc; conchoe ambp. ICAflB AI1E aAPIULY LEARNING THE AHT OF WAII IMSTKItlUM, .liiH -.i. Tho loi man in llllii . i.iiiiin nt ii'ii i ,ii.. lpin nlBK lo p Ui io ml I ..i h i miipltini-ntx, It not In IIIK povillilo In Ii.iii;i. itnnonnl (inni the llnnwii pnl.ll' tho hiipppk oi Pin tpinmkaldp .Phi' iiKHllmt tho Crown rilni'o'i iiimi Tln v ipfor to him ii.i an "nlilo hndoi" :!! mu-.ik In niliplllllollllll til nil nt lilM "IIIIIM'tll Oil."" I nlllltOI ,,ii nwivt I 'olnni I lOihinl ;ii-(li' p.. s i i IijindMnioi- tttlnitp p. tlouoiiil I'iioIi nod iiir tint In h.i'. pniiit.'l lis pant ox pi i Ii lo -uiil iiiil-o" f I. m ,i 'it 'mini lug 'iiiiumi ii'lunsiiiu 1 in Ii miri o,'ii'd .itjiuh tin in mod m'hi .(.inn ril thp A hum ii mm piiopil rttpititi 'Chi ton iiiiKo t'li- A iiioi ti'inm hii i- Iv on itl'li tn onimmid iiml iho niotiNni . nt Hiifrii Mip hull' .idnptod tin 1 1 .iiiiiMM HtiK innpH hii'i i-i. aided Ihoin lo lo me Hun dri-d nl Ihoiiiandf' o) i ipn mi', Iho n.'iim uml I In ui' nion ui- i tplrilv mi wmthittiiK 'ho ;tit M . i I'ln v ho inn n t lion "i I s p'l' ! t" ' -no mid (up Ihuik thiniiii'hl linliipii" SUGGESTS TOUR OF MEXICO BY AMERICAN BUSINESS MEN BE MADE IJA'il.l: I A.'s.s., 1 . All.s ,lll M. A tour nf mpxIi o in Ampiicun lumlnuee i mon Iiuh lippn HiiHgptNl ly Koftiir 1 Tinilmn l uieiPrnN Mokloun 1'ilmill j 1 1 , t - .is ,i no . ins of fm i lii'i Inu frlpndly i i I. Ill, HO' ImUil'll tlio I ll 1 1 ml WtutoN .mil Mi mio Stum I'lpnioivk lm ujt i. iiii 'nil fimn Mi nh ii 'll whurp In I nl .i i ' n ti i oh! n it Ii I 'i 'nip nt I ii i ,i i u '1" li'llololl siiuip lid Inn Hip l, Mi-:iii I nilpil Si ill. w m.nutm i'iiis Slii-pp.ii il .mil i niiKiPttimmi I'.iin i . ii , i i'i ' ,i-K' il in di : 'on "Hi' til il-nios anil i, iino ir llio .posi ll l II ' 'i h"t I i i'li l . H ml ho lo hi il p , i' -i if i; ,i"l will fin IMP I nltP'l Si. ili- II - 'I"h .ilxl 111. il Hip pin pip nf Mai nld lo' Kind of Hip "Opi'i i unit nl i ii 1 1 1 1 u .i doiuMiitliin nl I,,, nn n, iio-i, I.., ill io -non nl ipiPii t 'noil P'l Ho'll lliilii,il WfifillP j AN INTERESTING OLD "CHARACTER" PASSES ON! N llTnMti, T'li-i till-. '.' I inli- llil! I'l.mtii In di'.id "t'mlp' v . i, indlt'd with Im'Uh Hii m ' , . , ' I Alfn'l llolliv .' MlliotIM 'mi i ! of thll i'il l 'ii I wtiii! li lli. ln Mm im nf Vli.lfviHo )!! and iilKlim in Mi l, wi- I'linh i nf m ulii v I -.1 Pl 51 1 1 nl 1 ii.i d , . i. VV Allnil i al' li'lflon di'liv Hi'il I 'II'Mi 11 11-. ' 1 1 nl 11." l'll,sll.iHP ht W.lh (llltPil I'i lulli Ill Ho li'"li.'. til V uilnio in it inn,, nt io.. in- nimn . i. o.i in , ', i. ..... ., t . ,i ii., , hup I h i I. 1 1 i - ' I ii,. I'. iii. 1 1 m Tin' T1 I', ii,. -i. I'd Tn- ion ll'llllli .-n I ' li.ii,'" nil II" I uifcl- in t l I P'l III' 1 ' Iik).,i ll l'.l.. l ' --f ll-l- - l.i ll , of In. H. i . . i jir i ill no,., d Ihii I,. , V. oil il . j . - 'I o iii !om i. ll II I ' I I - ' I ' I I I...' I I ". I, II I . . ' I ' . I II I'I II.I' I " I" 'I '" I ' 1 1 I I k,. ,1. ''Iltl I , I. 1 1 ' ' I II t I I- - ." I' r Ip.t ll, I' I I ,1." I,- Ii, . . , , ,11 , ' I II ill, I , .. i nl , I, , . 1 .1 U' I. i.' I ,1 'in 'in i .1 ll, ln, I, , I ' i.. I.I. il , (1, I .1 ' 1 1,11 fmlilo , 'I l A ill A I I.' I. i ' ' ,,)', . SIBERIA PROCLAIMS I. ; i,'i(ii -In!. , Tin- p' oi, unin 1 1 ! M'"- ' lill'PIl' ' 11(1,1. k llflM tlUMUOP -t Hlf ..i.icmi ,191,1.' il in Sihi'fi,, rtiol Iii-i j ,-( oi imim il in indi p inlpii'p of Mi I lH-1 I I 1.1 V " 1 I'Pl'lOa dlHpySl' j H llll IP'l.'hl'Mkl dl" r"n hlVP hi'i tnii'iHid 'nd Ho HIP' i Inn dumii if KtmillHburi. Al'pl'il il of thl! HPIlofl I ii.m liii i iii'i.ttnl of tin Vlndivoktok i oveminpiit I ORANGE CITI2PN TUHN8 FROM SUf'POHt OF FER0U60N iliANfJK. Tp l ..ii it lamp K I'oiauHoiiV k iiii thn putiioiitun of ItilaadtPi (! dpi. i ! J 1- Wotaje w ion much fm uiip 'O lnni- man, long a di una Kprfimmi .ipimu-i Harry Wrt-tni-n haa iii Im. I in .i spi-p. ii thil I I'ltP fOI I'll. 1 'I' 11 I ' ' I'll 'l,H Bjy an A"-plno i' ..I...... jllll Z. An I. ;a -' ' dun- f m i iiii i priipijAPi, nftpr the wiir n iii iiiiii.n-ttii i -1 i miui illzi il .tuplaio-r--i j.'iplll.n ii-i sl,i t ll iipiili f , i ! ,1 I. i i i,. ir, . r . . ii'n' in tirlro of 1300, ARE COMPELLED AS ARMIES TAKE BREATHING SPELL Ncpl,cw of For,nt,r Imperial Chancellor Captured; Wns Great- ijr i i iw umin ui ijiiiu iiiiuiuui ui r-vnici icaiia in 1 'ranee; StaRc May Be Set For One of the World's Decisive Battle?; Allies Gain More Ground as Jaws of Great I'inccr Closes on Desperately Struggling Huns; Big Guns Shell Entire Salient Crowded With Thousands of Germany's Picked Troops WITH Till'. VilKUIfA Ali.MV "N TIIK AIJ-INK MAUNI.. .lull ! Aiiipi oii nrtvanrlnit on tin- .Huron IPii-mptTil hundPPttK of itfml (Iprmiine, J who toll Iwfnip (hp ti-irlfi- iiuti-liino Kiii! Hip iliirlnK thu Ti utnn iPtiint In ' .1 TTrlUltl llnlHPHhOP 4h ipoil .111(1 thl Kimind wu llti-rnlli no pi oil wUh ,P .i i i h i in.iim I: w.i.- i ' uii.iii il Hi. it . t Ii i tiimni .wi ro MI!ol h-rt I'hi' Aiiii-i Pmii-i Inn iril ;i mu ti s iir HlO tlltllipll (IM It W.'fl p'isslpj,. I'.iilUPi'i 1 1 v IHK iilniiK tin. M Mrt Unit inunv (It-nil I., "In "t i n, ,ii' flouting down Hi" -tn i'i i In iritlllni'V mo pi inninu Inni I n II '! nt tlio ill. III. TAKK VON DEULOW'S MtPtirW I' ItlK- llllO : .llll 'III, I hi "i in i it ( -t - iii th" Alio ln .ii th lp 'ho nrphpw of i inn I 1 low, Iho fm i;t i I ii (il-ii i Ii mi i n.. i ' tlprmmi, llo wim orv iinnli i i"n iHlied to li-iin of thn Im no iiiiiiiii i nf I AUl(irloni In I'mnro Hp nhkI iIii HI ; thn flprinaii whiter-- Ih-IIph- in ure not over M,(H)0 Amnrlon in l-i.intp. I 8TACE MAY U0 SI1T S UMINU'i'tiN, July 2 IklHml Hiv iipp.iisvnt lu.l ulung thp AiMtie Mihtip UttlUo fmW tlte HlRli Catti nimiiln oT the Allloe ami the ticritwu in mine iPy iiv no'. Inn th aiatfp ter (N (lutft-ltv Iml Up of (hp uinr (ilMwrverm hpr nay tlmt it to not nt llitl initUmly that tho foiii-th onnivir kki of Ho- wm nl' wur inuy hpp h ! flume of tlKhiln-- riiKina; fioin pimt of ' Kholina to tho .'V -rl ti Hou ENUMY PHBOSOD RACK ii riip s '! i.iti d i iml i I hp ninth dm nt 'hp itniH i-loti-i- n Itlll-llll'- l-ffl in-i o KI H .1 l NHPIIIIIi- "f t III- lllli'imlll nf llll p lllll' Willi h ll i i.i-i-n i.imnK in thin -luliimt AlotiK thn A I 111 I It Mill' nf I In- t-J. ll nl mill lli'lt'l tl liiiiniiiK dun oirt .no In pioiph' O'li .llillll! HlP M.I-TIIP tlOWPVm p smilll i-' "f Khellni' Hip hi piii Ii Hip Vmi'il- ikih Ho' Ifiillmni uml lhi I iliipli ,ii ' .till MpPlltllllt lit Kilpn with llll' Oil (II, lll'i In til. dlffllplil kioIdi-. n ll,. PultlK Tho otiPiiiy in InWklnK vnitont if Pot i to l iipl Jm.k Hip I' i moo Anipri. in-, in I tip IinPiH.s inn Hi id iKp Miiriw, In iniuliji d linu. hlPK fi'Hfi lh wuiii!.. in nti una mliimim Kvpi vwhiip h-iwpier. thn iiipibv Im tiewi fonKl pliahtlv liik tn Hip north and thn fount'. ;in now nlliBiol pi1li'i'! 1 1, hi ui thn tJ) nimm Kvidentiv tiPMty (inniiin if-lnfniio IllPllii- ioliP ln-911 'lllnKil III ioiiiHiwp -r I kin im io ii.i'pi Hi" itritljlf, I icm ', uml lufUtiH fiahiina ii"i In Hip tmmvdiMtP ii-i H. ml wIipip Hip ii.iHU Imp loins si.,it, t -wind Uln-ini. Hip I ipiii Ii ii.,, . m.i . d "iini unpi.t-i.ini - (niiMp nd ha'!.- dnnd Hh-ii nor, i waul. nHH di s, mo ,itp ,, m.i uIImi k ihi' in I,, in. T" Hot p." 1 , ,.i a in 1 1., i . .in 11' f Ii Jll ' I Mini I i - i I, ' lipl III pit I' " . 1 Ii" -I - ! I ' I I'll! (to I, ' I 'I iii-i I l, - i V lull,'. I- it.t p. .1 1 it .1 !' .i t. 1 1 ' i Jii'fttir IPI l"i ' '" I ' io 0 h - . i BAKER EXTENDS TIME TO BASEBALL PLAYERS UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST , .'up i, , flki'l ,iHtitifllii t-il ho- 1 1 - i t " Ho p-Hlin ii.pi' ' t ' i, it. ' pi Ho nfm i Ii. put of II ,t lllll I-, li'Ollll, ill ptlVPI" III Httki I l il l i -I k iltulli'tll. It. II., tl'l'U l" I'.n.- - nl pluiKrn oniii p'hmnpi I IH ''in Hid" lit , ilm i i silili-il 1 ll. ,!, ill unp-t find punt'iiU'i) n. i , ui a" lnli th m mi Hip "moduli in.iii.i jcpip w.mi'il lite (lain nvl -it ti, (.li ( !, ii,(pi. ,( Hi p tembi-i 1 COLLECTOR'S OFFICE TO FURNISH AUTO SEALS Al'ulTIN', Tut.ia. .Ii,l 2 - onoty lax inlloi ton who until i ih law now' I'Klalpr moloi vehirlwa and turnlah t nlah tbg- Utto J with npiilr alao wilt prot " i,'i-1 1 .1 i"n i hi1. . plit. - i' i l'tf '., . I. i i- ..I, , i ' . ii jt hiijlm i 1. . o ii ' I ti, i. h. i , nn -1 r . " , the iiiimlioi pl.ilpn hpi'p ohtalntHt ' Hip 'tiotoi 'ill li I'lim-ri finm thp .1'"' t.lghVt.'tli i "ll.'llls-.l"M 1 ', !! M I , , - , -" i ' i ' ' ' ' i ' ' io ( I J.-t.ii ,.t0l o the ''. ni'.irU .ill ihpir uiil (.lJiP'OT'- lint nio hai i ihhIiik tin" piiPii y with i "I'tatit Itltlll-llM Itpf-nra th flIUP R dli d d.mri to olKlit on Hir wpmi-rn nlil- t tho li In im- Solitni p.illpnt tlio II iips f I'll, tn ' Ii.i till il Hip) li'.in. 'n tm i- k i ' hi I'd t i ii-,. 1 ft nd i.i i ", i I atK nn ! ( i in . i ,.! i i i I'll, i ill ..r i ,ii 'i j 0,11 it- Ho- -' I ' Hi" 'ipiaht'i n-'t io, i ,inc I 1 1 I i,i i I ' ' ' Kill I tlllll-lll-'lh if I ' 1 ' tl ' , hi' , ii , . III .'! hy tii- I . - n-h nll'l Ann l l ii - (ill! .Ill" 'I i n- of 111" , lllll' i ! i. on 1,,,,,-t , mid -no ' ti i "illy Ii 'llio- ti tnri iiWir wlil-li ii Im lin-u ni'.o-i i , i hhIi forwat'l im hn 'iiptni' I 1 i -i-n'lpii"i tho onpoi i. mt i.' i in ui i-mpply Iii,i- wipn Hio lino is i I!-, tar Ho aita. I. til Ho llo .'.ol .inn Hip IllK K'l'i fiotll iiioi tho iiii i aa Hi-nt iiintiii'i- tn ( hi nn Mlii-lls (.in u 1 1 .in kIi-- im i Hio (l mm fm i is eroivdild in'" tho liopknt In Ho I liiinlum apptm tho Hi itinh Hun' In on (iiiipellml to .v 1 1 Ii n I r, nil rto Iftit mui kh f i tail Uii td illiiitts in tlio vtltiii of ilollmriio mui .M-ipipii hut at efleli point Ui cinctny Ii.ih ih-pii rp IMltawd with Iipih y tttftuaUlP , REST IN TRENCHES I'AltlMi- jnir IS TIhs fuJA tifftaini HtatoniPtil tonlRlit liS'h (bat (fills' nitif lory nrttMt) (ititi'mluti ("ritlny noiilh of Hio i ui i-( imd tint t!m infuniii on 1 1 ' .hi mu- .1 mi imae Two i SNIPERS SNIPE ITH NUSKE1 If 7HUY r.AN'T OCT 'EM WITH THE Rl'FLE THUY USE THE "MUAVIES' TO ROUT ENEMY OU1 Oh' THtillt U0NCKEIE SNIIMNQ POSIE U II OiUIUflM I.I I II Nil "Til K III II! HI 1 In s I . 1 I; i I, ihii- jt) i oi i. nun I ' p .f I III I - Ml. I It. l I'l ' II I . Illpll.l. .Ill I ""I ll I I' plOK I PI li ll il- I I I II" .1' I III ill I II W.ll f I I ' " I ll" io, 1 1 1- .in...' i. i iii. in. .'in" 'i i' ' i of III' I . i' ' i .l.tlii. I I 'III 11 oh i t 1 1 1 1 1 ii i ad .t ( iv ,i , a III Ho I I I I'l.l. , v. ) '-A ' ' . ii l,( tillll ' iii ,.11, 'I itlhgll'a 1 'to ' I ' t ' lt t ' I, ' 1 It, 4111 II 1 , ' ' I ' l l ' l 'I I ' . I ll I'll, lit-- i ' W I IK "K 'l-i I !! i ' I. ' i in i tn it j , nlil. i At i ' Iii ' tut -n ' i-t - I, ,i ,, . !, It null i. na 1 ' i ipc ,' ' , I I I ' -ll, I , ' ' ' I ll I 111. 1(1 1 II, 11 ll-l' ll.,. i . i i nl ' 'iii . . i i.r I ' ' , - .,. Is, ... . ,l"l "o p 1 t i lai loan . w - t 'lilt- I ' v p'tfil o t "If i. Hi'! t" Ii ii-i ' .i.i v o tux in i Ipt-i- i'n -i ui t-xnuna p .! - ll ui , oHiui t i ij,1!- I in 'to ' ., a ' h alio) ! 4 ' oi in 1 oi ' . " l.'lnii i Iml hi ' in.- I i - l imirh i 'uui ii, 1 1 ,,i' , .-ii, i tp . r , in .irk,.' I I . i . i-. ' , 1 1 ' , I Inni ii-i ' i i lit . '.'i.i i , a tar vi in I i 1 1 ii oiu 1 1 llll . .1' o.l I, ,1. Ill It, , (I'll "! I'll I ' M ii .i' i ! .' ' i . "i ,.l ii, i thn ,i i v iiii I -'ion i o. i iy 1--..UHK W'l' '1,'tll II i i ll. hv i y ' 1 1 illpi i , I "i i i t. ui mu 1 1 't i'ii nan' .l.i. 1 i . mlj .i Ii - ui, .1 nil I til.-. ttlllP i-Utt-.i!u P I i Ills Major -f on. nivvn ii" (It ll '' ! mon nUHDvlPd Ho , Renin 1.1. i i in knoli hint ii ol ilowo na ti' i 3 fmiii l Hip M . I' wl.o w.m up iiiriuy of tin n Un foi apaptai tai-cplf hint or w had dPicloueit hrouijht the lluj o Puck and u ir.lnutP luloi hp wan 111 tlm aianul -i.ikoui tplepUoiiMii; In at i iKtiorm to hi" l.ittiry Mi-.inwhilp l.ipiitpnant Ja--kjoii h-Pk-"n?t tin s. rt;i;int auuy "at Of tho Ma j... - ti'.iiinif "Put rhiKxarty und Hi, .we, -it,! l'"t '. ricryuunt." he oi I dmi't think the Cermmta huvp uny thn roniinunlcntlon into tlmt pmit ' i hen atnl they wilt haw to i, . it fm .cp.i'i ner tho rldgi'-" cont.nueJ on Vago J?ls.) f 1 - i tr