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CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER CALLER CLASSIFIED A D.J BRING RESULTS CALLER CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS VOLUME 20 CORPUS CHRIS II, 1LXAS ,S NDAY '.G bl I I. NUMBER 121 GERMANS FRENCH ilArlriLK J AND CAPTURE MONTDIDIER Crushed by Imparl of British, French and American A ttacks on Line From Albert to Oise River, North of Compiegne, German Forces Saturday Night Start Back Toward Somme River and Noyon Canal AyIl7itfu French Patrols Reported To Have THIRTY-FIVE YOUNG MEN JOIN llUiLUhLUU lilt, flliei . TPUin iiirinrny r Knmniw Entered Chaukis, Teutons Base itAflo mmvn miukuai UTtH ,'!', ;1I'S".-I flU ,". ' 1' l I. iJff I'. ' 1 1.' ' . I r t, i if .- !!, r , . i I .M Ofil. : -untM . ' ' i. - r t .r ! 'V Ill 'lilt! !, - 'I! lIi-ir,'l tan lie. i .-. run m i& t.. (-ii KrK' i r t ri, tr.- ' ttt - . .- ..,. - , tv . , , With Recruiting Parties at Robstown, Oakville, Kingsville ur';r:..,c French Make Such Rapid Progress That p ' -.. v. .ji - -t cess in their Unve tor Kecruits Roads to Noyon Are Almost Impossible As An Avenue of Escape For Huns lil V "ll 1 - ' "It' I Mil i ' . .!) , , " f ( j . l j I . ' f .! ' - ' .! J' J ill f'lt tfU' .!'! ' (S .', " if, f j J . ;-. . nTt if 'I ( ...V.T " I ,1 COMRADE TELLS HOW CAPTAIN HARRISON OF HOUSTON MET DEATH HtuUon Artillary Officer ll K n H in Corput Chrtt( V btrvx Down By Crman Shfl Iftae wi Br nd Died Tvrt OfffW Uilr SHORTAGE OF LABOR TO CURTAIL COAL SUPPLY Itit.AOr.i.PHt Am . -r.r titt "i (irr'Ulrdt nk -i mei . . .-' r f ! Cnt'tkift !.! Mtrt'-w- i f.r. j r- .n ! t S Ill'-I U !i ' ' li ill SWIB ' ' . i . f ttu -i! iiitu .i.tll' : ir.t ii'ifd in M Jlti ' Ak 'a ruiiiitnj :j , , i a ii. i j ' ' liUMklli 11 ri . ! Jvatt'i t. u.'l w i ,i ..u i. i ' i ju.-! i ii h i : ' Kt. In . ' ,, ! l,utui. rinnd fn.!. ,- t. V' - .I."- 1 1- ( ... i ' m -mfor mwi ' I jl' Wu'.li I'l .ItlfV'" ,i H ..: '".i .a.i.. a vi It -n vol. mi, . J u.. cililUilff lir, tid lth ! rxipl"'l i'i ''. fmhukibc, ft l.v U)li'l.).'A!. .. ti a-'Olfc ' we "jr ;i-ifi .u .( in tnl .'iilp'i n . 'ii !. i I r : -i . II, jtw . ' 1 ' . 4 .( ' -' .t l" ilt-. I'll, .i i. . .. i, i : i iii I. i trt s CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE FATIGUE WORK IS NOT PLANS FOR Y. M. C A. RELISHED BY SOLDIERS DRIVE IN SOUTHWEST X'WOCW'-d Pram I Crushed v tit impii'-i of Bnts-h Frnc mJ Amcrttan Hacks on a tin" from Mbr o live Oisr River. North of ( ompiegn (m i tore- Saturday n?h' ontinud streaming back toward the Somme river and Nesle Moyc I ana! So far a known the Teuton ar- m fuM r-;ra all alona the front and it r reported tliat French patrol have entered Chaulen. the principal German base at the creat ot the Somme. Montdidier. at the tip of the German ftnt in Picartly i in the pofleaan of the allies and thousands of prisoners cut off retemat were taken by the French when they cap i turn! that town. North of the Smnnv h &1 nbborn (itMTU' n iitatwe at Chtptily Spur. i hghth domt natmg the whole Somme valley tn tat regkw Us been hrokett and hc Gerntditu ncrth cA the tivmt Skurdjqr joined thaw comfiwaw in tpmf , , . Sontk of fcamMdkfar thm FMiitimMmmsffl: Qtamm ham on the hUls west of fh tVlml-r river itntl art now in the Hfetr valievat Studying the tituntion on the war map it t ely een that the German eat i Mont didier are in a serious position. The aUtea K sve cioard in on Chaulen. which has been under artiti&ry fire for two davs. and if tfn. impjrtant railway junction ii roinpietelv plated under the control of the t!ls thf (..vm :n will forced to make a lon and perilous man h eastward qjver country roadtt towards Sor,v. R.'pid progreaa ut the f r-tK h triow lnt didier ha placed even these road ondci hrt- ,ind i' almost impossible .is n avenue A cape for the harassed Fluns In the enter the Germans arf in tuli r-'M-at. with the allied nrmu ti-.r-ma ta th road are filled with German motor Inrrie. n whith airmt-n are throwing twyi.'js Bridies ( r(i th Somme -outh ot P r' art- urider tir and m i ' tonne i- r ported bfoun up I.ntente tire Thii wilt Uu-m n-w wnipiications in 'i.f ' rriwn Htrfb Commands tak of extrittiriK its sliattered -finirs trom th' t letd of defeat It appears that the German line were -ripped when hf iiavarian Prtru "-nt trrop to ihe rescue of the German rown Prince sou"; of the in- three week ao 1 he Bavarian Prince it is known, however, ho . Urg nuwiber ot spleiithd troops who prolrtli will soon be thrown into the battle. The numhei rf German prisoner taken far i. known to exceed J HX) including two divisional headquarters wish their taft No important fighting is reported on tit" Vesle-Aisne tront where H it believed that the Entente is preparing for a new offensive whi- h may have weight on the battl farther north Nothing additional is known ot the situ, tion in Flanders, whetr vhe German on Friday were withdrawing from advaned position f-blg in hi ofiitiai report hai rtivi-d tt at the I rent t. I irs Arm t ad tie honor of capturing Montdkiier Saturday, and he n his report that tliousands ot prisoners with areat quantities of maferial hav- fjeen taken I'hr niiied general liti- mi Suurfliiv not ran l.ihone to 1 h-m, t ., LiKnires I l II. anu "tu its i oi.i I it- niliiia! 1 rfiuli -taternen: .':d th.v capture ot 1cntdidier ' nndday he adv.i on the front at Ande.ii. wiiicn .a m:hii jiu -ten miles southeast of the captured titv The oifu lal (c-rmart i ommunuatiori i -he iiuii:-se '-t ' h- I fin h British troop didier hv ' fie I r-n h. I he Utff ' i--ial'lr- iti Me n w i!tiii. 'it? i 1 il' ,. v k. '-iliit ii.ilt l -11 'r-" t ' Mji.- t ng- r . i US. -O..S ! . to: VM r ' .,twl ' I ... w art ) rop us i , t -i ii" twtam i r tmr o' u." l-'.i'.' . At Ml' J4't'. ""r a sfttlr -a "- , i ilHSbl fct.l )kfii 'i.o s, . .i - ' . tl (. fi.i W. ii t .in. '.!.'- : M I ' M l T - ji-jk r 't- ..r'h t : i..,. ( v. ,!. ... ,a iW MAWHr Kt-uMSISMW, (.ins aaa t ...... .... . ... J ...... M V. ..... . . . j in..' i ' t infi:v "n t in t . in wr,-v. lal shiir t, r.f 1 'fir f'.'" tif rr. iu?'lw- 'inf! i'.t ' ' W . 1 1 ! . ' . . .( ... em ; :il If S t - r 1 . - . tlin2 . - 'I 'r f"t ' - ,4 ' . .! i ..I . I i f ." . i hi. i . u ii f rrM,' ' t 'i H ., . H ijrii.i c. l- .1 4 1. ."r i i M I'-ir.. tlt. I, KM l. I.. ' m II M in: r . v. II C ADMV AMDIU AWPC v u. O. MlVllll UtiUULrtltLLj CORPS NOW CONSISTS A"ntu n Wr Cain I Jt..r. he f-rn' h r,lt-r advam .i. i-o '(i after llieir d their i.n-i to an awa' p'h of ix mile tiori!i' ot Monldidtei. - Shn'ourt. Kuik rd Satiirti night acknowledged "in parti '1 a'tempr t't iriiiiitnte ih'- i.ipi'jif "i Mon' OF EIGHTY SECTIONS Wr ?K Fjti Scry cl Thri Wf "i-fu1 6evc But t'ttlf Kntwi t u o ' " T T .i F.l4i. 'Hini-i i.. '.ii.ii..' nVt Arm V M A : ! ns.' in H"i ' ' .) .1..., ii T t., : .. f i S'.. n: B f !'. . " 'mil' .f th . iiiii.:'. .M lh 1 i i . i i . : o" v t 1 lt.t ' . -S'- V : ,1 . i. 1 tX9i T1' '".i . ' . 1 f J il. ti - ' '. Kro ii. lklli !i lomnmtf.- M . iw R si Hti;n . o Huh. Wo v . ro .f lUf T .itn .lirctoi fr! Id. ''iv tll im4Ii.. I Jk ' . I' l'.! - i rf.i.u.. jiti. i f 'tibial. . . i . , mi ii'.. . i I rn ti . . i . r ' ii-' u .n ltl 0 I' s . . . . f .: ' t iu ; . n hiding ail kilted wonmU-fl nl imxiin. are less than t.Hti or nut mmr liwtii on t..urtli ot the tmnilr ot German itat nave neen taken an prisoner I he eleen German dtsi ons whah the allies have torn to pieces are already m su h onditioti tliat fhev tan he ..! tle use to the German omu-and for a long me ami ( . .ihlv - mi ot h-m - an n-v-r r reformed. ; In ,,. lit v t. . - - !-f 41-' i'i..f G tniin wounded i"d o i". ".tation :iuiti A iied vnunded Man German riG ors and hospiUi a'tefidata iiivr tr-n captured and are doniK rfood work attending the woot ded. Since Julv IH the (ernu.i luve lost as much material as thev -aptured in th-ir big otieneive earlier in the -ar ( l.-ef ot Staff VWi1' la nnyht a- Vat rigton an ds uuig Mir -.ii-ndid o ot he aihes aid " 1 hi the tune toi out yrait 'trr w e mut k--p on- ii.-. I hat i- oe reason tii die I. tilled States, i bejji a. led i.pon for in.rivd nuip.wer. I fiat is the rea son that we want to raie and low.-r the iimMjot the draft Tin i" no ';me . 'atk about the war beintr over I' i the tune to hit hard S??- c e now hav- "he ruinv un.ini.' inUH:d of doing th- guc'.-iiij; oorseuc- m'-l,i" "V- :T 1 1 Ii frn. im-t ' -v n i i it. .. 1 "H frfX.Hi, ) GERMAN DESTROYER IS SUNK BY THE BRITISH l jSLioI. !tl 'C A (tt-"r oti vf- fc . f.t m' n 'n H4ll AMERICAN BIRDMEN BAG TWO TEUTON AIRPLANES ' ' K . tit . ! , . k ' ' 'i ' U(t ' 4' i. H-J' ' . 1. ' .1 i - I .-t iU- V . a r ( j'.i2 ' ft-tsl ; ' . i - i . .fc t 'H. "X!. ' . t iacy a.i o. . : t L' - - t ' . u.n II r .jt'.t'i t.c.' . . ! ..U i . i j- uti a ir plain j .. n. ; k .- ran.' .! .j. T .ij, . .-- j jfi.i . i g ir, . r , if , ;.4 . (t . I ' . I iU iri i - s .j.. -ta f u.', It i 1 lpt4 - i; :n opmtli .v . j - ' l. .ii "i CJ t t i ' Hf TXh t3ff n. tion' t-r . i JSLSt