IT" 1 y' 77--:
1 -cr- 1 1
1 ! 1 I
Jfrr Sixteen Years
Svc Imvc been filling prescriptions in
Corpus Chrisii have been rendcrihR
C3(pcrt drug service. As each year
psel and new methods of phnr-
'mncy evolvedThomas Model Pluir-
rnacy hn served m n standard, Wp
, arc pleased to rest on the merits of
rour achievements.
by M. P.
'.Vfcrs' Expcrlsnec resident
715' or No. 2 Guntt Piano Co
C. W. BROWN, Prop. MRS. G. V. BROWN. Prin.
5 1 0 Mesquite Street
Dcrnnnd for Graduates Greater Than Supply
3 Want to buy or sell somethinir? List it in our Classified.
Exclusive Shops--
Yo.i may i confident that ir nw pjj,e Instantaneous
your h,t is purchaaed l. the A ,s tnl1y .M1nily.H Bleaching Outfit
r oinplote lino of lmll!' f
Bon Ton Millinery rotirty-lo.w.wr. -ltoniovo tan Hunl.oin find
J freckles. Uln-ctloim an Hlm
lnot Pall alytoH nro com- ,,i umt ev. ixuie can i;et
It will correctly Intorptut tho mi; in dally. result!).
Bryio"of tho iSouRon. '! NUttlt of
tint Qiion Thontro Ideal Beauty Parlor
410 Peoples St, E. NICHOLS LA CAMILLE COftSETS Pbonc 117 Mnrlnollo Shop
Let Us Send You a few of
the latest musical hits on
approval-Columbia Double
Disc records set the pace.
New music first. Phone 4 1 I
L. C. Campbell Studio &
PHONE 20 or 22
and Repairing
of Corpus Chrlstl for Etoht Year
Addrtss 1323 Chaparral
Framing Co.
nnd n ale f dmsscs that will Hiiriiriso cvory Indy ii
Uoi'UHH ('liristi V(! arc oH'oriiig most c(iiii)luU lim
of licaiil!liil silk dresses In mniiy difrcroiit stylos nut
in Hie w r latest i-uliuu iiu'liidin; blue, tun, uniy ant
(fifiiii. While tlio.v Utatt -vp nrfer tliuiu to yim I'm' niu'
lliird off Hie prii'tti rnnttinj,' from Sweuly dollnw
iipwrndH. '
Jersey Dresses
for fall nit' lii'jjiiuiiiitf lo arrive and tlmve nn- mu
pretty erenlionv ninoiiK Hteni. Of eoui-fiti only the wry
newest stylen and .shmlt'H arc heiiig sliown.
Georgette Wuists
are here loo in every eoneeivnlilo shade and in inaify
pretty styleH. KoIUk hnvo told tin that our line of shirt
waiNts is the most eoniplelo--nud we're Nine that they
idiue very ehjue to hoiiijj the iii'cttiest and daiiitient.
t'nilei'Ktti'inoiit.s fur fall hue arrived noiiic in silk -Milne
in muslin hut all new and dainty and nppealiiiK
lo women who love dninty thintfR,
-We've almost fot'Kgltt'n to tell ypn about tho new
Fnll Suits Umt nre cotninjr in--there are nllriu'tive
iihkIvIn in tho very In teat HtyleH and liotmuso utniKei"
ion him taken sueli u Imid on the nut ion the suits
for fall iiiiyht bo wild to dopiet "war time fashions."
LA CA-MILLI3 ("OltSHTM have the ventilated linokn
cxeluslvoly. J
Corpus Christ.
MIm Jsanstl CunsL Beolaty Kdltof
Phona !M
Contacted Conversationist.
He oi.i mule In n-piowm'
An' de field will oon I'O.UWfli
Wlf do lender HtntliN a -blowing
lien ii ttiwxoa uhmw ilk bcci'io;
IV lien, altc In (i -)lolf In"
'Hound do imrtiyniri. nihility Ktiy.
('mil bread nn chicken' a
D.ii'a 'bunt nil l Ima tu ayl
Hmd 0i wheat n iwillir
An' do licet KIM s" nlunir,
Mv appetite nln't faiitu", ,
An- m, hope ittUjiity gtronir.
Uai nln't no cimimc- tnii kfckln'
An I view ill- K'liml .ilftidny.
I'm n hi end an' thicker," -
A r dai nln't iWi mo' to stiy,
WiiHiiiniston fttnr.
Judge .mil Sim. Kit Imni Terrell hih!
cliiMn n nf Sam Antonio ure t lliu
Nilws lintel far -i rr..i, I d&y Vial I.
Mt n H. Soolt will :.itn.4fiQ Stole
O.ihi i.tlmi nt Va mi the 3rU tf Sp-temliei-
Mm Sctiti wu ni)iiiii(eil at
Kurt Worth u ic clmirriiilll from
thia enatorlHl illHti i. I
i Church Soeittits
Missionary Society
Thi- Wntnnn'H Mii'" u v Bocletv of
th. Flr-t MothudlM . M.i.t) win meet
in the f. Uowlnc ti.l.-. TlUiHilny (it !
... lock.
rir. ! I with Mrn c c tlnyitiin.
Cliclt. II Willi Mr. K. V. Arillin.
Clrcln III with M IVivid J;til,
Park Avanue Auxillnry to Meet
Tlio lnrl; Avpiiuc Auxiliary of tlio
Park Avmiiic Italillnt ohuitih' will niot
Tiiewlay nt four o'clock nt tl dliiirrh.
The imalMCM iniHitlnK win his flillowoil
by it lifilf lioiir'M ili-v.'iion timl Illhlo
Examlnationa In Nurses' Aid
The puiiH.i of Mi. Ncy, iljio lm itir.t
ooniplpttil n two wk fniirsif In Nutn
tv' AM. took flnnl x"intiistloit y-a-torilny.
The twenty out)K womon
wi-rp illvlild Into two i'I'ikhoJi ntnl Wdrm
tnoat onthllHldttlr uvcr tllP "tiiro.
Thoiio who pnMKit will li'" Milled upon
for lirmie mii-aerv In iiny omcrpenrv ' cnimc of food couHcrvntloti, Tho aplen
tbnt may nrlw dtirlnp tin contlmiin'i"- did i-pniiUh nuhlevnl JiiBtlfy the aoerl-
of the wnr.
Oonatinti Plants
(win of several plnntn were ninde to
. . . j
JThc rales on these spaces are very
Uin itcw He it CitiM liomo till rthltTfnlny!
iiy .MiMii tirttttilA i.. ul Myrtlu IUiumII
ami M iry li'ltittilmhiuiix.
It la Imped tllitt otlietn will follow
Uto lui-finlciit rtml tlmt nulHi n nmn.
hrr tif plums will Uiiih fes (jttlca jr
uia iKMtiiiiirntioii or tha new Inmio,
which will f nccupicil tlila week.
Rilv.r Tea
Tho Wntneit'it MlHnlrtiihry Botlety of
mo J'-iiKt I'rvHiiyieriAn fluifch khvo uii
-nJoytiblc "silver tixi" Hitlllnlny at tlio
homo uf Mm. 1. A. t'ook mi MtwiuUo
An unjoynlilc imialcal pnirrniin wiIk
illvcit eoiiKlKthiR of iiiitno iiuitilxirH by
'MIm I-aihlc Cook, vocal miJcctUiiiM y
MlaacA Alnm Itntikln, .Knneilo tluiint
ntnl DuVhl OrlncKlior of Oatlrta.
MIkm Annlo von Itlnclicr bhvo vlollti
Tho hoiwH hy Mr. Onnoahor wcro Of.
Illilfull romlcrt-d.
Aire. Hum HI CflUlwol! wnn tho nc-
Sunihvlclien nnil ton wcro net-veil In
tlio it in I iik ronm.
Tlio who icKlatfircil wcro:
Mpw1am Jl. A. Cook, II. 11. Illtiu
hum, Ooorxo (Irlm. Bnm Knnklii. Henry
IKHlnmiiil. :. Ifc IlcnimO, CUoiro ClnrK.
M. tl. Mntcor, 1 It. t'lurkiMin. J. M.
Honiitii-c J, M. Jntion (Ardmoie, OSt
Inhoimi). MIIch W'IIIIiuhh, 11. II.
Joi. O. Collliix, .loMiph Mlrour, I
Illilutrt, O. I), llollcinnti, W. II. Jloll,
W. K. Itntikln, H. I.. MctlicKtir, (lonrKti
A. von nluchlT, A. C. Wolfe, J. A.
nOBrtim, Odo'rjjv' Kerhtn O. It. Hcolt.
U M. Johnson, MniiKlo Ihirtt, C. C.
,MlHoo Kntherlno lledmonil, Knthar
Ink Mult", IJcitlm WrlMht, Kllwilmtli
Itnnklit, .lotmi'lto Ounat. I'onrl nml
Aniild llluiliiT. Ahnn Itntikln.
.;. .;. .;.
Appreciation by Captain Plcton
Cuptaiti U.ivll IMcton, In a Icttor to
Airs. M. 0. llMeor, nlinhnmn of the
"nir Dny fur the Cottnw Ohrlntl Potn
pnny of Tosna Inf.ititry, prc.s.scn Ills
Hlncoiv-npiircalntloii of tho work of tlio
wotmin of CorptiR Chrlttl who umilatcd
Mi. Mntocr In tnnktiii; tho nffnlr n
Alinoat two hundred dollnrn wn ro
allcod on Tat; Uay.
.;. .;.
An Open Letter.
Admlnlatnitiir l'edcn iuIiIi-chhcr tho
followhur latter to tho houfiowlven of
To tho hoimcwlvos ofToxfln:
At tho npprnoch of thj necond yenp
of my aorvlco iih Kedeitil Pond Admin-
fatrator for Twxnsi, I wish to thank you
for vour hoorty oo-nperntlou iu tho
ficea you hnve mado In conformlnK to
.nt .inn uc.iieniiy iiiuicuil (le-
manda which the wnr Ihih placed upon
tin- inmicr talilo. I have no doubt Mitt will contlnuo an civilian ol-
dii-i'x lo comply fiilthfully with the
i uloM atid reipieatH of (ho Kood Admln
iNtniilon, by waatliiK tin food whatever,
and bv wivIiir aa much iih io.m11i1i of
the oHsoiitiala. for our bravo boya nnd
iiIIIin ncroflH tho Atlantic.
There la Fit 1 11 nuothcr Korvlcc, n ser
vhe of Ktoat vnlue, that you can ren
der to our country at thla time. It In
uiciiiy important mat pr!ccn bo held
down n low n leitltlmatf biiHlnesa
can bear. Proflteerlns la n familiar
vultun." In every war. HnlflHli irreed la
nlwiiya teady to take ndvantaRo of Uh
opportunity. -'or this reavon tho Unit
ed StatcK l-'ood Administration will
IHiuiuh denlern who cliatco for llccna
ed commodltlea more than a iciiHOiinlile
advance over tluecoat of tho pattlctilnr
urticle. 1 am Itilppy to bo nblo to Miy
that Iho larRer number of dcolera have
not offended lujn Inut thia rule. Hut
mime have offended nnd inoro will of
fend If the RUllty are not detected nnd
piiulHhcd. until wild Hpeoulation mid
inorilcciinp will upset huslncHti and
IttereilHO the cost of llvllll? t( all lll
Htltfriihlv di'ci.e,
T- incet thia altuatlon. the Knod
AduiliilMtratloii lum created Price Inlcr
liretlnc CommltteoH, eompoaeil of rop
reaotit.itivi n of tho wholesale and re
tail l rude anil conuinnnin. Theuo com
hilttoeB will fix nnd puldiah nt Inter
vala in.. Milium and minimum pricoH ut
which cuinmiidltlvH Hhoulil ho cold by
retollcrH. The minimum price In to be
paid h the ptitchnBiir who paya cash
and iMiTlea tho purohaKCo home. Tho
maximum price la to bo paid hy the
cuHlotnor who buya on credit or when
the merchant makea dellvcrlOH. Any
ilealei' t-harKlUK more than tho maxi
mum price is profitieriiiK.
The profiteer will he puntahed, even
to the extent of beliiB prevented from
baiidlliur llceimed cumiuoditlea durliih
the period of Iho war. Hut (be I'ood
VdmmiHii.itlon cannot rcf,ulatc proflbt
hy nliiilalilUK pnifltecm iiiiIchh lufoini
cd of vioiaiiniiM. With your help. 1 can
and will keep profiteerluK down and
(ven ni event It entirely, in a puhlle
offlmi. inlriisted with tho nerioils
work of Ic.i.linir Te.xniiH. In cnrryliiK 'ill
the food iiLiuram of wnr nctlvlticH, I
urn jiuw moat curiiostly nUlng you,
colli -lively and indlvldunlly, to voluu-
tarlly .ic rpt the poKltlun of honorary
1 ifreiit or the Food AiIimIhIhI mtion
will- tie- rnllowlim diltbn Caiofullv
read nid faiulllaiiEO youriiulvea with
the I'UbllHhcil pi lciHi of the Price In
; tt rprrtniK I'omniltteoa of your omnia -i
nlt. k your purehaiteH by buoH
, list., i.h.i pay excetfdltiR the mnxl
I mum pi ice fixed by tho committee,
i n.i :i-i...i to the, local food adiiilula
iiator .ir to my office the facta con
i.einniH cny oxcewt prices charged or
Idrmnndcd lij any retailer of you or of
.dv i. l-Hoii within your kuowlcdKC.
j I r.Mlize that my reiiueHt lniioic nn
eld. .1 ,md dlwiKreeiihle tank upon the-
ii iin nf Tcxiir women. Hut It Is u tnU
who'll u alone oati porform. and I
1 am 'un. that you Who have so chcer-
fali hivhi your brolherR and aoita lo
I'.e . nise of victory or death, will not
. within. M from that cause thia further
'.oiKiitiullon of wnr BOrvlce,
I lteapcctfully.
Ii A. PnnhSN,
I . ill i ii Food AdmlnlKtrntnr for Texan
Notice to Cr"ditors of tho Estata of
W. F. M:Loan, Decased
Notice In hereby Klvcn that Orlslnat
Im. r of AdmlnlHtrntton upon tho es
tate of W. V. -Mcl.enn. decentiod, wero
in init.1 to me. tho unitomlcned, on tho
jird day t t March. 1018. by the County
Court of NttocoH County, Texas. All
I Permian bavins claims annlnst anld
r-iite ate liercby reipilrcil lo preacul
tho Kinno to mo within tho tlmn pro
acribed by law. Aly realdenco and post-
offlt'o nddreaa la U17 Staples atreet.
Coriua Chrlatl, Texan.
Adnilnlatrattlx of Katnte of V. l lo-
Irf-an, DeeertHeil,
AdvJH-Alih'.iri.SS.SO.Scpt. C.
Client oveniM nro tranaplrlnkr. Yoa
M (HE cmntcKs
First Baptist Church.
Hcrvlc.o nl (ho fli-Mt H.iptUt chinch
((fin y wilt I'Ki uit followM:
Womlilp from 10 a. in. to 12 tit.. In
cludlilK Ktimlay Hvhool uinl prcnuliltiK
by tho pimlor, with apeclril iiiuhIo hy
W. V.. Allen,
Tho uvenlm; nervlco will bo at 8:3(1
o'clock mid will Include by
Hie paHtor and (iimir aervlcc, with nolo
by Or. A. W. IMvIioioii.
Tho II. Y. P. I', will bo nt 7 p. m.
The public IM toidlally Invited lo
nltciiil all of tlicup HtrvlccH.
IIUI.KN It. OAItltOUi, IMRtor.
Central Christian Church. . "
(Corner Taylor and llrondwny)
Illhlo Hchool : JO fu m.
t'omiiilinlou 10. IS n. In',
rrctiehlilK 11 it m,
I'ritlebhiK D p. ni.
Illblu Olnaa WcdncKdiiy H i. m.
All IHoeiplea nml other vIhIUtm nro
cordially Invited to wornlilp with un.
L. U CJI.AONUV, I'nHlor.
Christian Seionce Society
(OppoHlto .ViiccCH Hotel)
rlunday eervli-CH 11 n. tn. Hubjeet,
"ClirlHt Jobuk."
Sundnj" Hcbool 9:30 a. rn.
WednoHihiy evenliiK tentlmonlttl meet
Inn 8 o'clock.
UonillniT room open wrcU dnyB 12 to'
5 o'clock.
The puhlln h eordlnlly invited In the
HervlocH nnd to mnko Uae of the tend
lint room and freo circulating llbrnry
of ntttborlied Cbrlatlnii Kclenco llter
First Church of Christ, Scientist
(105 Sclmtxcl Street)
, Hutulay aervlrew 11 n. tn. .Subject,
"Christ J"huh."
Hominy .School 0:30 a. m.
Wednesday evenlnt; teidlmoninl meot
IrtB S o'oloek.
A rendlmt room Is innlntnlned each
week day from 2:30 to 6 p. in.
To thin an well hh to tho wrvlces tho
public la cordially Invited mid iniulo
welcome. Church of
tho Goad Shepherd ' '
(Chnp.'irrnl and Taylor Klreets)
The Hector, the Iloverend Or, fiyk'jg.
w conduct tho following Kervlees lo-
11:30 n. in. Sunday School.
11 n. in. Service and Sermon. Knb
Jeot, -Do we owe (lod nnythliurT"
8.1G p. m. I'vciiIiik Pinyer and abort
We eordlnlly Invito you to worship
with uh our aeats arc free.
Do not foruet that tho nlfcht nervlce
baa been resumed.
South Bluff Mothodist Church.
(Chnmherlalii nnd Uaneoqk)
Kuiiday School 1:30 a. m. I. It. Vnn
noy. Huperlntenilenl.
Preaehlm; 11 a. m. and 8:1C p. m.
Senior Lookup 7:15 p. m.
Mld-wcek prayer aervtco Wedncadny
K:l& p. m.
A Ir.vltatlon extendeil tho
1,'cnoral public to attend nil acrvlcoH.
.1. AV. CADWKM., Paator.
First Mothodist Church
(McHipilto and Mnun .Streets)
A cordial Invitation la Klvcn nil via
Itora In tho city to woralilp with uh.
Thi' hotii-H of worship ate 10:5(1 u. m.
and S P. m. Tho Sunday School meets
at 0:30 a. in.. David Peel. Superinten
dent. The Kpworth I'.iue ineotij at 7
P. in., ltryaii Hall, proxldcnt. Mid
week aervleo WedneHday S p. m.
At the morulntf hour of worahlp, the
choir led by .1. W. Klrkpatrlck. will
The Nueces Hotel
To serve a
been our aim
And our
every one
ner is
m a n i f
The Nucei Counh
Boys Have Made
Supreme Sacrij
Corpiu CI
1.1KUT, m. r. uiiiuca.
Cnriitw 01
Corpim Cll
Coiiium Cll
Wounded In Action
pvt. SAMttr.'.t. t. ui:trii
CmpiiM C'll(l.
i'vt, juan .MAimnritx,
Cortina Ci
Corpun U
g !1
jN1lsslnu In Ac
CorpiM ChiWI.
Hlnif. "Prnnnrii Yn tlm W'nv tit tho
!Tl.i)rd." Kpecial number nt Hie nlKht
'itervlc'o. Twenty. nilnillo aorinona.
KltANIf II. lll'i'HANAN, Pastor.
First Presbyterian Church
(North llroudway. Illuff)
Bundiy School 9-30 n. ni,
MnrnluK awvleo II a. in. Sermon hy
IMiv. W. It. Putter of Mineral WelW
Klii'clAl muale hy the choir, asalated by
Dnvld U. urmi'Mher of Dalian
ObrlHtlnn Kndonvor fi:-ir. p. m.
Hvmiliif; service 8 p. in. riermou by
Itov. W. It. Poltor. Tho rltoir will bIiik
ti npeclal aelcotlon. Mr. Oniieiihcr will
NRW YOHK. Aiiff. 31. To ue aot- J
dler crlpplca In iirefei-ence to anyone X
elre. wherever poaaihle aftei the war.
will be one of tho plana dl'cuaaed ti
the Vr r Work Meeting of the Amur- A
lean Inatltule of MlnluR 8 Knfclneers, !
which opena In C'olorn'do qn Septem- J
her 1 nnd continues for six day The'.
Com-entlon will l;e nltended by never
al hundred prominent mllnB 'om-'J
panlM of the eountrv.
.Ml?ilnc enRlneorM are tahliiR n pee-
lal Interest In the problem or the ,
emploMiient of cripple niter the wnr.
and cncli of the fifteen aecllonx of the
national Institute In undettiikliiK ln
dlvldual work tending ti prevent Iho
dipplcd nultlier from boliiff a charRO
on tho piihllo at least no far aa the
mlnlni: industry la concerned. The
work Is l.eltiR dono In direct coopera
tion with tho Government tllronijh
nome of (he hundred of American i
Inntltiito meinbera connected with tholj
war work dtpartmenla at WnshlnB-1.
ton. 1). C. ,!
G. C. Shaw and W. W. Brown of San
Antonio Have Fina Luck at
Flour Bluff Saturday
O. C. Shaw and W. W. l'owrt of San
Antonio, who nro Hpcndiml kheb vaca
tion In Corpim ChrlHtl, apent yesterday
at Kd Cllne'a. Klour IJluff, and ualni?
IlKht tackle, each landed a tarpon.
Mr. ltrown m.ide tho flrat laudlnt.'. hla
tarpon menHiirliiB flvo feet, nml three! track. Mar. now a memher of ait uin
inclici. Shortly nfterwardl Ml. Shaw iulaice uorpa In France, haa been
lirnuKhi in a tarpon nuwiurini; five awawlod the French croix de Kiierro,
feet eleven inches. . . .-ordliui to word received by hla pn-
The tarpon flshlnc at KJiwr IJluff ilim litre. ,
dinner that would please the most pnrtiutilar lias
since we started serving regular, Sunday dhiuuPH.
Sunday dinners are inci ' witli thunprovnl of,
.of "home folks'" and qT nnsts, and ijtiusts nliku,
take dinner with us today took' ovur She sphsiltlld
meini wtiie", wo assure you wiiniooK uvea
snowy linen than it duos in print. '
M E N)(.U
Shrimp CoaWi
1 Atoeli Turtlo a VA
Cho 8tr-
Tctidiurlutii Of PlOUndi i
Sarutotra i
llnilaod Switbreuil
Huimr Corn Stowd
P.olla Con
l.etltioo nnd Tomnto, Fi
Chocolate be i
Dijvll Ci
ia ?
.r Sauro j
loro a
m I'otafoeji
DropHlm; j
Ice Toti
' -Mlntp
t 4
servetl at noon
from twlve until
hi the evening front six until eight-thirty. An oseellent or
chest rn provides nnisie dtiriiifj thii dhmer hoursi. -
O. O. Woodman, Manager
Wo have one of the most
('tiinplete plants Sit So ti 1 It
Testis and nre prepared to
handle all w tire rt'iiair
work p po ni p 1 1 y 1 ami ef
ficiently. Driii't thro w away ohl
ensinir have lliein. .viilcan
j ixeil we Jjvill gludly give
an expert 'tp!niou as to
wiiclJitir tho lire in wort h
XjxiiiK or not.
Quick Tin Service
When you 1inve tronlile on
the road jimt phone l'JIJ
iind( our service ear will be
on its way to relievo your
worries. sVhen in trouble
Emmert's Garap'
Tonitir JleRquite nffd Taylor
Let us save you mon
ey by having your worn
tires vulcanized by
having the blow-outs vul
canized before it is too
late. All work guaran
teed an expert tire man
in charge of vulcanizing. '
Auto Tire Repair Shop
- .;. f(. :- ;:. -:- ;. -: ; .;. -
auld W- be' exceptionally how! and
cutcliert uro li("lnfe- mado dally.
SIOUX CITY. Iowa. Auk. 31. For
"dlHtltic'ulHbed behavior under flro."
llernarjl A. Ilrown, former Miirnlii-
aide Collej;e nnd Drake Unlveraltv
DCirenon white,
t '
one-thirty ami
need to read tlio nvno. U s In tlio Caller,