OCR Interpretation

The Corpus Christi caller. [volume] (Corpus Christi, Tex.) 1918-1987, September 28, 1918, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071134/1918-09-28/ed-1/seq-3/

What is OCR?

Thumbnail for PAGE THREE

"When a young
man's fancy
lightly turns".
Love Kons, the dear old
1ml lads that never lose
theirchann whenyou're
feeling a hit sentimental,
you'll hear them best on
and Records
ClanUiCtihaaU' inUMU yotl like.
'"tOur stock ire
the neve(anH
Oilttbrr ri-t firds ,ir' nil hand.
( 'onio in .Kid it(jr them.
Two Entrancva
t:i.ttii)Hrral ntrset
ami from Hotel
A oool. cloiin lunch room for tba
iieoplu of Corpus ChrUtl and Vln
llorH. ttierta (Jlreotly under rnaHire
niont ot tho Nuocoi Hotel.
lwrV C'nme tit toilny
2S5iiS5?. . live, up-to-date
1 1 in 1 wsn (I in, i ne 1111 'ion,
i.i-i won! tot 'hin iiiaeitltiua
ii.ia 1 ,, 1 wi.nl mi kix tfiat'rtlnrt.
. ,i mini fi Handing i l
ititiacun ' l'r niuiitli
Nueces County
1 In Niieree I'onnlv thei" mo 3.330
I ndimr.intK bctwe. ii in'- iik". t IB ml
145 ym, rotrltfrlriK mi September IS
(The. Co I ! i' is Dtilillililn rrom tiny to
, da) m Mat r aerial ntlinhfcr. Willie,
liiKc mill lulilii'ionn of lhe refflairnnia.
Th" rlirhlh Inaliillinant follow:
J I IB I'edro f'urtroii. IS, IO10 Ante
, lo., city, white.
i HOT. Juan HllKlHiIienle II .113 Walk,
, citr .while
I 1 301). I iuuk U-miu
!H. Mil Witct), j
'city, whilfc.
1 1IW1. Jpniio Ail...' IK. 1113 Ham
Itnnkln. pit), white.
, IBOL'. Vlutoinino I' (Iivib. 18, II
A itlit clt while
' 120. tlHte-n Homll" HiookH. 18 '.in;
till ffu to. rlty white !
Ul fli-IMuli. WhixIii' Finn. I i l,nl ilt white
( luksoit uddltion illy, whit ! 12', I Samoa I'linlnn, .Ii, llnmerit.
i 105. HtMilliiMti Haeiia. Wack ft cltv iclty, white,
while , !"'! HmiiMmkii tluhott 3 lrn. Del.
120. Jmi ( Itii'i i em. lit. den lfl rlty. white
oil), whlt. IMS Jumi Hen-olio. 36, (leu lid,
1207. HVi namlct Kali, ta. 1.134 l.enii. ' i lly, whit.
1 hi-iI St., chip N'unm Hotel, city white,! 12(14 Mariano Rio, 3. S2.1 Win .
I uK tinlcliinllo I'i'i viiiiIck I 'i niw city while.
' l.'i lactmta t 'ci v;wtten, Miiliunorne, Mcx.,1 X10H. .t.miea K Ward. 3. H' Scott,
(while. I city white.
12011. Noi wlcli Alwood Htnokit. I I JeMlr. ( Hivupm, 16. Bllftiilii HI
; 8ll Buffalo cm white !it.. white.
U'Hi Itnfiicl utll, Ml. Hen. I ml U'i7 K'icih im ion C'uhUIIo 'ion
cllv. white , l l ih whin-
ilH Wlllliim II. ."lc.liciiMm '.'ii ! .Nniicti, Mmidiaiton. 8 i:i:;
! Xiicpn Ht 1 1 while Autehnii- i white
IJ1L' Jiie A. (W'liiiliH 2ii lllir Bilf
' rld i'lty white.
I IKfl John Urtklft-' l T K
' . Ity, white
'Mt JvxIIm I' lot CM Jll I M 1 1 I ' It
i IJir. Hin KciMlen t.miBiillii. 21' I'.II
A nleli,e, citv, while,
j m Memirdlim l.erimi, V lll.tHim
I In nit I n city while
131? Sllvixlrc t.Mimt i" vh lli.uk
'Itv white
I2ln .lohf -'l.irk ll.i ; ' i i.i
Mcxii mi. i ells unite
1310 AiimpIiiiii Mui-llncr. Jii. 'inl I
1'iii-e Huli'lilll 1 ile Mj I'll Hex while
120 Ambioottt tiumlii 2. (!en. Del
i'lty. white.
ll'.'l Torle KndrlKUeH. 2. cme lti.
C lti.il, ikuck. .-Iiy. while
I."'.' leUf lellltn. SO It I'll? HUB
I'.ililu i;nulliel (iiiiH in white
1 ': liecle lltlix IS !M I '.l.l' I-
III 11 tilt'
,.'.'l i .ti.i'l ilni.e II... I ii. Ih l.'l".
''"Mini, I,' ll Vlhili
i." i i i mi. ru'iiiis in r.iifr.ii'i si
. t i iii Sun i. Kneiites. whit'
l.'.!li llluliiue I'loitl.- I lien Del
- '" i.n
1 I if T MiliiiU'i
1 laid 11 KMiurxii
1 I thick mid Hnffulo city white. '
I22M flemenle 1; tilivuvea. 1. mno'
r.I'Mli l.enitii'il- 1 ill. white
! i::ie .lorn- (! N'leto. U. T0110 SI.
11 . while. ! iiii . , uliil
j 1231 Aimnlocln CnnaKiM, IH. Kobe-j I2H7 AiikiikIIh INmuu. .17. l-'iiT
, inwn i-iue NnSMiio Aevetlo, white. r'mplto clt). white
I.:i2 ICnrl Mntiich. ill, Gen. Dl.. 12. Anleelo rte Ioh SiiiHoh. ::7 Hl'i
'its white, j Wfc.ro, eitv white.
i.j.l TlioniHM Martin Iter, 13,' 1211. Maxwell I ' Dunne. 37, him
hi. Wii.o cly. white "Buffalo, city while
!2.14 liHbiiet Mul tllic u, 1 1 10 Hllf-1 1200. I'Mwiird HiiKilttll, 37 I'Mil
III" clt). while
!.-:!.' Iltlwai-dn (laivun. 34. Ifuiiurd1
SI. illy white.
i izat.. juuii e;. lionswiun, .14,
jHUiek city, wtilto. ;
1 !'.'37 Bah-nllne 1'antlllo. 31. Kami
It.tllklll SI. clt). white
:,w .ivi.10 jioieno. .11 ,.ue Aiexn.1111
( niiHlll , ,tv Whill'
! I'i I nee I Mi ' I l
I w hlle
' J 111 liiiai lido Hill
4 l-'l llulflllli
:'4 1211. 1'll.tpl
I" ill. w hlle
t .'I ' lliilliileu l.i.il, lille
, We i tl w hlte
I .'12 Vnloi ll.itin i ft, .11 Iiii I I'll
I. tin. till wlllti
124a T i lino Sein.i l I'link, ,.ne
T.tvllt! ilium i'ii ,ll Willie
1244 S.imi !: M.i'.itnli S A unit'
A 1 Denol till nhttf
124, Mlieii II I 'i lull! t., Lnkfi'
Ale ,iu aii.i,
!' It'Uniil.i M i.l.in . ;, Anlc
1, 'lie Si .Hi '.hue
121. i b.i D s.'ll.le ;, i'i,
l'iuaii ,t,u.t iilv u hit,
; U4K. I)eliim w. t;m.im .1. . . .ii.. Hi'
linueiway eit) white
1 ! 24:i. I'i ii nk Yniiiiu, 30 ln4 Kaiiie-
. Hi wliiic
i . .a
if.ij'i tt t' I lat' Ii -li, : I'' D
Serial Numbers
Star Route. iiy white.
I.'.il .lolum . W Walker, 38. I'. II
Hon HI I Sim Home iilv, WlilK.
fclM .Mm, al Black, Sft. Scott Avil.,
cltv. whlto.
I J 5.1 AtiKm l. Itomk. 3$. lllller.mt.
Ml. whit.
I. ".1 Leon Hodiliie. 34 1104 Mi
A lnne ill- White.
ii.v. tvi.. .Martinez. 36. rlly. white.
isr.H lii-iiHio Hanierex, 36. 13S0
U'ui.ni il. cily white
13f7. Kulalen liHiulsmlii. .IS. 1810
l.lpati. i'lty whllo.
KM. MmuiIcIo M. tlaie.lii. it 5. lull
Amrloio. city. whit.
Ilf.i ftnrrv H Baikei . 18, Ar-
term u white
IJBO I mm Ian. I-
Motnulo. M, 919
l'fi!' Mem
. ll .!.! I
VVlni. .Ill iur I'.itl,
II ?nt mm I'i
lthn 1 i i f v whit
Itv whlli
l'.'7.' I i in ' .
mis, hi. :ik snii i '.i i j,
'IciihIck M: huh .- ii
It ilihlll lis uhllc
! JT.I. Iti in Lin
Mil Hcoltl
. it vwiin I
I Hi .VI mini It t.'Mlltlil t.i :Ui. I.i."
Anteli'" ' 1 1 u hiii
127". .t.'Mi- S M.mno .Hi IMI. Kci.lt
Ity. lute
127. .1" S ilii.u 17 lien Del ell
while Ii17 tiiii.li., AkiiIIii- 3" IWJ Ant...
lHie cil while
U7H .Mkiiik i ;mca. :i7. n J I Hum
It.inkin em white
U'7! Sllil"i Tejed.i 17 lloli-
inwn white
I2HH Met tlielll.ili, I'erel. .!T l.'.l
' 'llllHli' 'III 1 III''
1 2X1 lii. in A t,ii-ilt" 117 !'H Ac
,1 lnie ill; while
i ' iii.tii i .ii.ni in ,i; ii' s
t ', ii. ill ilin.i '-ill while
U'SI .limes A Mule. .'!7 (.. ii D.I
I eit .'olin eil
I 24
Held M 11 ,u Coiil 37 m'J Win
iielno. clti inlmed
12HA Dm 1,1 Hell .17
Alibi 1
I2 r'limU W.111I 37 HI
Jon. n. (Its. while
1JHI Sain liriiiiit. 37, S7 Winn I
eiiv , oli.iv.l, j
i.ij 1 .ein'c vs 111UCT1, iw, tiniT
Ht . clu. white
IJS I'isMlei n k WTtPViinnnd, 37.1
VllmeN llliv HcIkIiIm Hy, while !
1 i iiiiiiiiiiih hiii an. ,i in Atne -
ll.e , 111 white
IJHt. Kllllici., iillntilllllu
S,t ll ;
It. ink 111 SI II ' w hlte.
I I ''H I', iiic.i V I'Yi man Is
Del i 11 while
l."'7 l-'Ulia I'ellu .IH. 'H'l III.
"It while
I 'lis Kdmund I'.' hueail .is 'in; s
T'lll '.ill'l.i eltl. white
I2ICI .lime II SalUH, .IS H'l" IIUcK
I, '111', while
131)11 Mintllil.inn Mulnu .imni, ,1k.
1213 A'.'.leloiHi, city. Willie
1111)1 Antonio RnmereX. 3. North
Imiidw.iv illy white,
1 10? forter W Teoltoi. IIK. uema
M.iv H'ltflilH .lt. while.
una Aichie Mall 3H. Cltv I'ouiid
Meiiiii Ave city white.
ln Antaniu t5ehitvviii. 33. Hid
, Attrelnue, city, whltfc.
I3M. Han toe H Bella vide. 33, Block
!; Ilia, k HI . city, white.
i juti. Kui Mtuuni. ih, am. IM.
boy diwippuitred.
Mis hither udvttr
htwc! in 1'he Oilier. Tho
next morning he lutd a
fhone mill find located tho
joy, Tluit wot an excep
tion. But every day oiiu
one profits from Tho
Cnllor Classifieds. Wo
Know They Pay.
BUY W. S. S.
These Nueces County
Boys Have Made The
Supreme Sacrifice
CurtiuH CiirlHtl.
I.IKUT. M. V UltlOT'8,
Corpus Clirlxtl.
CorpitH Cliri tl.
Corpu Chrletl.
Waundtd tn Action
ivt. ham urn. i. v?am.
Curpttt Clirldtl.
Corfu Ctirlitl.
ivt. nucisNr: tumun'so.v.
Oortum Christ!.
Mining in Attlon
CorpuB Cl-rim
Ity. while
1307 William I. Dellm he
ulOluiM. rlty. white.
I 13M Dli-iro Ktrnbeftu, 31. lie.'. An
HfloDe. t ity. w hli
13U9 rVnntiMit Ktimlrtx .!.
I.BDl City. White
MM) Domlcln OKrcl.i, . ' K I I'
Still ItOllttl. cm White
1811 Hmitii'l,, (. Mititlnex. :r
1.12.1 eit blt I
i12 lliil.eit l ' Hteven S'l !...!.. SI i
ltolieit i Hteveiif. 3!, l.uk
Inn M iuiuiiiiii. 19 tdke St
li v. white
1311 III tin
.illion. 3D l.en, ii . H
lily, while
1315 Kieil ! MaBtinll. ;i" ?'i" Metlin
tiU. while i
UK,. l-'elllie I . fiorHtllle- I'' lli,',
8t . lilj. whit
1317 Kilivii i i'Iiiiihiuiii '
Del ' 111, liec "
I UK Ittiet .w.M ; , i- . i 11
-it ' SI
I! .V l III n,i,
l.:l'l Ar.in, 1 ollie, '
its n'Kii,
I .L'H doll 1 I mlei . 1
I iOi". ' 111 Willi,
u 1121 Tort". ltoH.il.
St., ! Ill Willi'
1322 Venli" , I'en 1
urt al. i 111 . w h ' '
1323 Slim" lim'i.li
cm while
1 .12 1 Vito I linen l'
I3 Uiijit.- 4.iii.i 4" 1220 Hllfl 1
lit). While
132(1. Tenia" li ThvIimi. 4D 1
Ailelt.ie. 1 II) while
1327. t'ltir. llMiilnoaa 10, 1 me 1 1
lf Co . cltv, w nlle
18X8. Allini' l S Uiircla. 40 HI... 1.
Hi., cltv. while
IIZII John ii. ItUNHrll. in. 1034 Inn
full), city, while.
1331 IfmiM ('. rUltMii. If), liu
t.'lMpllu, uliy. nagi'ti
mgi j, vnilUiillii 40 HOT Win
nelmito, DlfwmeBKh
l'raiik I I'bjti III 7 ) Mc
Hil.l Hu wl.il..
i 1 inj v 11. ,n 1,, 1 ... ...
It y. white I
I i4A. iiiiHuei .Marline i i.ar 111 !
eloMf 1 ity whili J
I3SG Mimic! liu.loy. II' lien lie, '
Itv. while
1337 I. inili'i In 'ihiici 'is 4H r.ntl.il'l
Si . clu while
1 3341. l-ir.iiiti giiiniimlln ! i.en
Del. till while
I XI!'. .Ioh n I' So. Ill 41 Nile, en llin
I HelghlN i Its white
1X40. .Ine A l'Jilirr. II forner Sun
Rankin and Cliliillo. clu white.
Kill .Ii'kum Itiiinli'tir 41 llnffali. Si
cltv, white
SumUy at 3 p. tn. 1
Titat Should Bo Heeded by Coi pu !
Chrnii Poonls
rheie eei lulls dm ridel In uenlnuUng
tttiy wwiknin of ttiu kirtneya Tha
wrnln that Nattir ajtwva fchunld not
lie itaikKikfli. If tiouUiad by too fie
in. iii iauirM nf the kldtlev m cic
timie tiurnlim acuWlnit. if the w
tiom are hlgtllf 'Olnir.l and ' on
lain acrtinienl when IMI aiiutflMia It
on have li.ii'kaiilitt. loo, with (intMitit
hw'ia4'hiti atifl iliafctiHwv make Uf your
muni that mm kidaer ato aJIfecteil
ami hetm ninK himiib leliiUito kldnev
lem i) Death from l.idne) dlxeiwo
have iitried In the I nlled Staler
atone, 73 ia-i cent tn tin a at W yui
Tim ink in wiaat you ..ml ..fluid i"
dekii i otpjn r'hriati tieo,.)! leiom
mend D.UII,'' Kltlne) 1'i'ln ' in t u
aak lUI heller .l not of llieiil Ihgn l lie
atatrmetil "f Una t'ortma I'linull km
h M ' iliiilli.tiHi I .' I J.'M.in .1 a)
Some . ,i - iU'i I i ilkl'lng ,i tin
north ami ' nine down Willi an .n, t
uf laln thii'iivli in) li.uk. r war ii-.
ll.ild fo. ii lia., m hend ffi lealv
III ail. i 'id II lull! lie I" .'I Hp
afler kUIiiiu tamii a atldney i'iIIh .,
TlUt promiit i nef. '
Hliei at all Jllaje Dull t .ini.i. .
aalf ni ,. Iml'iev teme.li -ttet i,...n
i.irtn-i l'iiv i he aamc I hot .VI i i 'urn
mlufca h id I- ti - Milhui ii N. MtM"
Buff ah. N A4lv
flunday al X p. m . ,-
City News : : :
: : : : in Brief
Buuana Utynan. a Corptii Chrnii lad
who at ii inbrku! ul tin wm )".,, I
th N'a i" hatM fur a vlalt w,il'
mottMi Mi A. H Ootjld, und h i,,i
inuthai Mre ilaiwi Dor it Th i.,,i ,
aillu '.ciUr attttioo' 0 al Su
The new Liberty Loan tonne, 0rr
On' ami Holm of Alliei ca i-n hick
laal iiidl.i at 1 lie Amusu ni"
LllMily tin.,i. i.v j w M'm. in..
and a.t the Si.l'lleia S"ui,,, i,i
I'rtvate Wlimin uf 'hr i,ncii I '1,1
Male teacher of the Corpus Ihriil,
liublit Mhtajlk met yenttniUy aftt..,u.
urid i'i kuiuzikI tliu t'oruilM f h lei 1
Srhool Mu tit era' Club. I'll s Sup, 1 ,,
tCidi'lll W O N'Otitiy wu ele.iel
liiiHidi-nt J M. OiivU, uotrtlar, a .
J W. Wlioiey, tiuutmrcr.
l MISSP- ' w w
Do It
m&u: am-vm. .
fep! 'By Wilbur 2). ftesbrt t
You know you are going to buy Liberty Bonds.
You wouldn't be square with yourself if you didn't
You couldn't take off your hat to the flag with half the sense of
oivnartihif) if you didn't.
You couldn't cheer the marching line of troops with lull the
thrill if you didn't.
You couldn't watch the Jackies go by with half the pride if you
You couldn't glimpse a battleship off the coast with half the joij
if you didn't.
You couldn't read the war news with half the eager faith ii you
You couldn't be lOOf American if you didn't
You know the Fourth Liberty Loan starts September 2flth.
You know that buying a Liberty Bond isn't making a gift.
You know you arc simply lending your money to your C.ovsrnrnt'nr tn the
best ftiavi you and your mother and wife and sister and duul, ' h .ve.
You know what security in back of your loan security that m i. xd
interest and that your money will be paid back t yu.
You know all of that you know tlie business side m vsU as t'n 5 ii tic
side of it.
Then, buy your Liberty Bonds the very first day of thv loan. '
Do your thinking beforehand. You don 1 need t swiff
have to be argued into it - you hnovi you will lu ! Tty i. 'H: ,.
Be one of the first to get the badge of honor the Liin.uy i.ond bur. .
Ciet yours on the first dayj September 28th.
You know what an example that will set.
Make September 28th pour Liberty Bond day.
Could you do a better thing right now?
K&i.xJ TT"" Space Contributed to Winning
Corpus Christi
,,r tin It",
i , .1 i, ,
f .'.MlH'l An.
1 1 'i i
I'l.-I)" IliallHlK Ii
S'ew i tick, w a -,
he !i..iia um w.inieil 111 i (mi. .,,1
!li 11,1 ul I, . Th" t .' Hi 1
ll ,, .1 ' - " . I ,..ei I l , , ,. 1,
rig' An- Hi i.lie.Tr win 1 '
fu;u tiu tiH'et t'tupiing oifua o
the First
U. S. Government Bonds
Fourth Liberty Loan
Buy Your Liberty Bonds the Ftrat Day
Haiiway h Ligm m.
iid .
-Sunday at 3 p n
1 I r
i. m't
th War ity .
if en.u j i'i
WfcATKkrt BOLl. I
,1 m.'I .
1 s.. .
ran, 111 ,
ay at-aS p. m. .
-5j"'ay at 3 p. m. "
I t

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