TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1918 en a w x n EI) I amyf CORPUS CHRIST! caller MM I . MnHHHHHHMMAHMMMMMMMfc ,0 Jl laliift nud bin "war Itwrtin. " Drew CUen When Hete Died. There or man? Ult- f bfi. IH the flfhtlo;: in Prwe. O ' ceros a numtr of txjf bons to in artillery irrotip, whU 8 rtt of constant lire found itxelf short of atnmuntilon. The 1d had rotaa imed to make a three-arile trip dwn the road, ertry lueh of vrWeli wa ahell-swept. to order to bring bade a freh supply. Before th return was completed the tortm attached to their cUon wesou were alt J;il!d. That .irrtinutnnee, hoeer, failed to deter the Amcrleoni from laboriously dmfging the wtgoo tlititueivett. AiuftviiUJiens in mis community They Got There In Time VP" ion In, (Fw tU Nt Yk Vjtm, JUa 17. 1916) We Must Lend the Way I hey Fight We Must Buy Bonds to Our Very Utmost! They are in the fright with every muscle, every faculty of their minds, every drop of their American blood You have read in the daily news the story of what one detachment of American artillerymen did on the Marne when their ammunition was running low. Every shell in that caisson meant a speedier winning of the war all the horses were killed but the shells got there just the same. And they got there in W. , Where shall we draw the limit when we read what they are doing over there? Now is the time to put our full strength into it. Our strength, coupled with the power of our Allies, will win. Let us not delay even a few months. Let us get there in time to hasten the victory to save the lives of our sons. How can any one of us, back here at home, set any limit to the help we ought to give for victory? And we must get it there in time! This Space Contributed to Winning the War by Taylor Grain & Elevator, Company PAGE FIVE i 'at rs-