r rAGE EIGHT CORPUS CHRIST! CAIXEK SUNDAY, OCTOBER G, 1918 AVHtVUiT N?UTHVVR."T TltXA BIG DOUBLE BILL TODAY ADOl PH 7UKOK pr-iMMjm MM II Ul IV'K S Br iTfi A pbotodrama ih.it lilt dark thoughts into the sun shine. The whol- h r I. . i'I ' m I I l.i unn-s in lliu i nigh I lost o) alt photoplay spectacles. (A) tod First Showing of This Picture in Corpus Chiisli. COMING TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Photographed Under I m- Tin- must (hulling mo ment "i ihi lonipleW- rngag'-menls on land, on the steu and ii. ill- an' l.ulel and iiumt dramatic ol all European War : inn t.ik n by (vvekr -oldiei (.aiilerallien, ul whom I WO t 1 1 ki!! and live det dialed foi blaveiy. . Oil I irl Aim matt loin undei the auspices ul (he lirst National Exhibitors' t in uit. Int. Coming CUM lie 'Her Al SOOI JLI-IOTT'S i II. " . . ' Jl" Im .i . i Hin n iK I l I. AK RUCKLE in ' II IK VILLAGE SCANDAL" Hid M 1 Li 1,1 s (R , , v, I ..i i S, ,, , ; in I le puinttd the innocent hlv with the toh.ru ol iniquity and placed her m hi ;..! ;, ., ,,iil,1J . IJSing the bauty oi 1 p.'..' ,p. ' ' . ,rii.ii. -,! !,. i chauu to t li' umpatih hi uetunoui. liui ihr liiv wa ultima'' ! . il.spl.n'.t. d ni'o pun- soil wh.i.- luve sought .nit hr ' grai. e Coming Monday Virginia "THE MOST TLIri5 OF am r"i - te- -- i i t - ally Arbuokle IN Night, Nurse' 11 THURSDAY and FRIDAY fib -IN Safety Curtain COMING SATURDAY IN Country Firat" I ( IAI. WAR PIC 1 1 'Ul S Today. Pearson in "HER PRICE" TEUTONS SET EIRE TO DOUAI AND NUMEROUS OTHER FRENCH TOWNS i ( uiit hi lull f i mi One) 1 mm St l,)in lil.li linl III In tin vs nil tlx (milt before the iliiitn l;uit (iil-lii.iti li:iM s ol ( .Hill.) II. I)oii(l) .( .i(. (lit Mnlinilunt ei l imn ii slionii piesMiii lull the (iel iiiaiimnc m.il; . iiiK it Htti.iiN ilforl to liulil lin n posilKiiis until Un it wttvk of iliMinliitinii iii llii 1 1 hi ill Iheii Inn s Ii.ih been enmpleleil. i 't.rili i.f hi iju.-iiiiii ii. . niin'h havii . l-v . . M ..--...,1 ilrivin I'iiiIi.m iii'iuiiii t .I ii.. i t.i in.. i, n.i 1 1 . 11 1 ik a iii'Hin. Mm on- ('flUMPM Will MAIC thoM. ....I ih I-..M..1- m i. 1 1 1 ."I. urn. vjuuhviil ffiLij lit l at. i imti.'i hiui.i 1 ............ r... -mi. A NO III' r Al I I.TIU 1 toli ' illtli- Kllllc II. ..I li.v I ... li'liiK t lit rjl:ii juiiilli.ii ..I Von' ' -.1 llllifp III Uli.l!llr I M lll ll i 1 . 'f ri .11.1 I-..I..I. Ill 1 1 I'- Hill. . 'I Mi'lilli ii , I ' i l i li .III i ll.c'l. 1 1 il niv Au ill iiin 'I,, ii..." Kiivm i .t.llniii-! .-s. l..'Ml. , M 'I, If. Ul H01I I ' in. .iiliir.ii In .I.. I I ... I l.v . .'i i. it l.fi.ii ''I "' ' .. ii. ul. of ii..lh iiiwiik li'i-i. ' 't ''1 ' "" ' ' ' 1. Hi '. 1. I.iivi. 1 Ml in t Mint, I I S I 'I l 11,1 in. ' ! iii.' iW ' OH I. ' I'M I S ,'. . in. I f- I i nidittd . 1 nun ' : lill Ml. l ,ll .i.lililli.ii .! 'I'm 'I in i, Ii IM .1.1 i .11 1'ima , .,11111. i I CHRISTMAS CARTONS TO BE DISTRIBUTED BY AMERICAN RED CROSS Thf ni ii- I 'mini i'Iii.i.i ul tlir , Itfd I'lum. In. i....,! i h. t,.ili. Iiik laii-m. ii' '...in hi mi'tu t rli i win, ifi irin . i I'l.ti 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 . I ir iiri.it hoi "i loll i . ii.. t ii, l,.i . III ll.l,. j "Vi .in iin ti.-s s. i j.. i i-i iit:itf. ; pill Hi i.i.iii in win i ii,. I:., i i'ii.hm Iijim I mm ii i mi I d th.' i Iiiv.'i inn I'll! In I . on,.. imI.' nj I, mm. .Im,.. .. ii. 'Inn. 'ill- NmIIimi.iI l t M.I II i. 1 1 If Ml W.I-- l'IMld I In III iki' rm in. il iiiikhiii. i iiiimii In the 'hnHi'i'H Tin- fi-ih mm nil lit ii h I IllllOWN 'Tin Win tni.-iri mni wllit-H I'arh I mini In thr m-rvli'i" to hnvo tin- prlvl i l.'i-i- ol welvlnff n n-ii-k.mi- from homo ' i I'hrlKimiiH tljiii-. hut hiiM Imii lortwili i" r.ili' thai onh oni' wml, mid of li -i n.lm-il ! ;miiI Wflirhi Mmi to pnrli urn Thcri fiiii. lh urm iiiithorltliH i I .uv dlMlrliHilliiK to I'.'ich inn ii il..- Ani.Miiar. KxurilitUuiiirv Kitm- . . . .i lor hla MM Tin- aol.l Wr will Ui.li mall Ihnl lll to i i.ilnllv. ... iri.Mtd to .. nttm-it.Nl Ii,.r hi htime ... th. iia.-kiiif.. whU-h in H. go lMik ... Hi.- ki.I.ii,., .i.kaic. will Ih- 1 "" '"" ''""' nnlw. II hiiH 101, it If.ti. ufii.-l.it lul.i'l iHH.t , Hi.- 1 -i.i.Ii.-i Ii- I mn... ami in il..- ,.uii..i- 1 -m I., hp. folks .it I...11.0 Tin- tt.-.l i'i-o hi.,. 1..-.1, Hid ... 10 diiiiii.1.1 th, hi .1, 1 ,k ! Mil I lllllll.-H Who .'.II IM.H.-lll Hll' . . ' .I....... .-.....'ti 1 . ..in 1.1..1H.S .it. i'h. in 1 I M. .(' - .1 I.M.H II f t . Ill' jlll-llt.lt !' M '.Mil-.. M Ml IIMpl. III. t( , llllll 1I..1I1 II,. Ill I ..IM. . tll l. I ll.i.iollKhlt .i .'..I hot. to li.i ...It.- I ll.l ti ilmloi. Not.. ml, ... Ii..,t ,il t-. In. h linii j .1. -Ilull- I11--1 1 11. I loo- .iiiihm.iI l.t 1 1... i H.il .111.1 I'oMI .Mil., I). . .1 Ull. Mil Hill 1 Im lft-lli-l 1 MOTION PICTURfS U8I-D OY GERMAN Ol riCGRS WITH TIIK AMI' 111. I . Mil '.:.- ! IN I-lt. Ni'l-: (ll-l !, IVI.ii.. K . I I.I' 111 ! to I..1 1 1 1. '..-IllWIli bol.liii' Hi i.-iliilll Ii.hi.i nc.'t allow 1: nun im; .. iiref . ol I he ii.iinltt lhiuii;h win, h in.-, lit. -...i.i.uHet. 10 pato- Mili um . pi opowu 1 .i.f . uiu-e Itlllirill.llM.il leai lied tile Alll.'l li l.li ollii-.-rn lee.Mitlt th'H mo. iiii ii. -tut.. i I,,.. I I... n pot ot- Hi. Het-'.'tl lor the w. 1, .-lit ol the 1 -riMMii-. who took pint in ih. in i. iimi. . win. ii t,ii't...i inn ir. .11 lh M.tllle .iii.l.l.- tin M"-l .11 .:- j hottii,,, i.-n.iiri nil .'i.'h.-s oi 1, ml ho I 1i.uI1.it ti Ha ,i.h.iii.,'ij Willi, I. . 1.11 on Soil..- 01 il.. ttooiiiii ,H .ill. to who r.'Vu!td IuhI Aptil when II. 1 imI 11- I'ti -le.wn on Hi, 1 linn. ) I In- -inli.il o 11 nllluill lefuKi'd lu .... ...' 1 I.... I..-. I tn iin- 1 i. miii, .tin j eiiiiii Inn I'liiiiu to thi1 Kovmiorahlp ''in. 1.' ii.. 1. iiii.ie. ut. ni. 01 the t oi 'r.ifiiHiilipna In allrmplln;. ai-ourd-i.n.ii in. 1 V .i hi n linn heKtiti ; 'OK i" i.rinliil lepurtsi. lo a."ui- am .1 i... .1.011,11.. ol tlllt I .i.-l. It ' u-M . Tlu Kill el-ltmi-lll M lrillN Hte 1 .11, 1 1,. CASTORIA l''oi Infants and t'liililrca In Use For Over 30 Years ih. it 0.11 mi SAVE BUY Your Clothes 'Eighling I.utth" Bonds LET EUREKA HELP YOU EUREKA LAUNDRY tL'M l(K)k I OR HUSSION iiuwiiiuii l Ull ; NATURAL GAS BIDS It ik H.ptflnl Tint C, OliUm 18 th Numi Out Company, ,i Con earn c.1 Local Dutiiitti M.n. Will tie in . I'oiIiom Vo Make a Dutlmle Of for 1 ' 'n ''iiuniill miM'ilt.K yrniiTiiii) iiioriiliiti In n tena aimntnn .1... i.l.ri ... nudfi-li for bida o Miipph th t'lt ""' ,rn "ni" 'mi ft" a Kruvloim ahock ol rorpiw ChrlMtl with nlui-.il Rnn ' lo ,hr "r" '''"Ployi-H Of that Thi- rotili.'tl mm OaJI I'ttl I.i.Im ' I.f J "'"I't"" in will a to (llinilri-dn ol opfni"! .in Uctuhir i lilhvi fili-tidn and f niialiiiiiiiriMi 1U 'I'll- Man fonilmin hrn, lin-ri ' " """' of I In- lriiirnn p .irfiinii . .1 with a ctiiiitui Hi.H-k 01 f'.H I "1" WniMdm and llowerton '" im.- naif of tlio inoMiii hmliiKj "'' iw l 'a hi" wlfi l.t hln l-i"i p.'ild in la ttMlni-KM iiihu 1,1 ihli "' M' S ''' w,,,'",,f a"'' t-lt .nut thi- gthw iu- half l. r I. ' ,,v ' Mra .Mola Wrll and Mm WltliiTBiioem of Stan Antonio lllai. N ''ium ThlH ii.nifrti thai u 111 uink ...... m. inori- wi.lla. nrobably in ni prtiven flfkl. at Wlilfa Point la (ictt to tiuhmn an offr to soil natural gaa to thi- oltt In wticiluan oiiantltlea Ii thi. offer alioulil r accaptr-d la ' 1 hi t'ounrll tin. tioxi ati-p would Ih. , mi- a 1 unit nf an oi-tion to iiiir i mini, wlwthrr or not citl-urna favor thi- laaimnce of lnmila frir tlii purtioac of hiillillrut a pfpo-Hni. to th- Wflla Tin- IhjisiIm wimiIi or cimtn not iHi.id or Mold unlotM (t.m In iuffl. lent iiiiintiii Hhould ho found ,n 1 1 -- fvi-liK Una tin Nut-ea Uuu rnimiuu will "''pi.. 1 ...1 . .1. ' Th. h.Kh ii.iHln.ia. maniim m th. l.. -- m-... .niH.Mt. tluii . .,, u L r.'., 1?"! ",r "","Hr'',"''ncr" .. (hi- ,..l.-i Hi... CorpoM h.lli with '! Bf,."u rW vv"' "!,v- nhiiiidi.n. . ol niitiir,, .,, ,vtlu, m-oliiKisi i.iiii ihc t'lriii-f-t IIhI.I in in.- 1 mil l -t iii-h in wiiii. I'Mim LIBERTY BOND WORKERS REPORT SEVERAL CASES OF AFFRONTS OFFERED , i-om..........K n,.t.,, i,-. 1,1.. t t ., . T , UttlII ,,., t,. i( num,M f mihIihich I , wU ,, rt ,,,, t reatnd dlacmir ' I tnoualy fhalnimii Hot Mlllt-r of Up.' Noewa Ooiinly Coiiiioll of n.-fi,ir. hi. K t,U0nI wtth tn.. L... y.ti.i daV Ih.hnI the follDWIim atHti.nit.nl ' -it haa xvn liioiiHlH to mv iitti-iition ih.H a.-w.-il nf tin. MbiTt Loan 00m- Iiiiiii..-. In tlulr canvaax uf tin- rllv I'mtav . xpei Ici.-od afrronts from ovr ! tain piTKona whlrh tyni-H not only , lis ' .'llllltiUK I.111 ulintmt Indi.'i.nvi. of dlK- " ' . .-"i 'Him- 1 lllllllMK ill II I' IJDHril' I i.iviiiiv iii ihi.it churncttT . l ...,.. ,.t a,., 11. .1.,.. u. . . . ' "in""iiuii mr I'uuni) 001 niliKHiiini'i J u r. 1 .il. , l"H " T1' l"r lU'liMlow-n Hi- ho: district 1, . .nit ttiitti-n I iK . iiinpollliiK iM-raoitH in, n.-.i wnh loinmoii i.oini.-xv thtlr fi!-1 xi. . . , , v ; .riTo-'wt,, Pea ... . . . . n-.r.n . .0 i.t 101 in' ...... .on in mi i'oiit-ri iii'd. mid ea- i.-i-iiilly for the iiifonni.il. n. of llio. 1110 1 iiiteit-Ht.-d. It1.1t at lln- ptupiM time im-ihoiim Kiillly of ati.'l. ....'v.-MFiible .Mlldu.-t Will III- llivllf.ll lo uppeut bt f. . il... r.iunty 'oiim-n .,f Ui-fi-nao ll.l l.li-.H.ni HMi'll .vXplailHlluiiK .in they tn iv lint- 1.1 offer "Thin i-oiliar will bu puiauwl in Hie ' Utlfin in turpiia C'hrUtt , no.i iniu .1 retlliori In I urnile .f sum." thing that liove r-rntly o' ZZVWh '" l" "UUB,V b I LUI8 CAOALLQfiO DGSIH6S TO aaOURE AMNESTY , ., """ Mhllni OITV Oct (. Th.. fornu'r, tedeiul Kenerul ol illvlali.n I.uIh i'hI.-I , mn oiniitiuiuil miii run ctei ' Renl Progress. '" 1 tMI He 1111 inm aru ou hi-hIiik on with tout .'ill...'ipjf for Hie moUIIhi-h " Sh Mpletididlvt Pi.- l.uil nit iiiinn in Hi. iWilpI 1 tour ItlUt-a .lll..dt ..t.l . llllll. I 111 I WEATHER SUMMARY UBPAHTMCNT QF AOHICULTURE , Wmther Uureau j Weatlmr bull, tin for tt)u il boura inliiilf . tn. TSlli 111. Hillau tliiio. I ililntiel t, lain I Ktallona SUxl- Mini- ! tnuin in mi 1 Haiti U.lielle tt, Vl.l.tlllio 1,-i tlm,i J mi ti uwn .t f li an ;(i llaT-41'V 411 hl...o mi S.l '1 IHITH t IIKIHTt (H TO Ik'UVer SO IS Hodsje I'lH ISK bit lilveilon SO 7.' Holvna 7(1 in Huron 74 S luokN.niviM. , Mi 7.1 '-isJHUIe " ' tt . . 61 1..' Vi-mptin- Sn vj inn. ...i;. s tt '.-w . . i. in-. tit : V ."K Ilk K." s.irth I I at. , K iklnhoiu 1 SS 1.0 'uli aim. n ii:' 'Ittabui s-li ?K r.O -tt l.oiila SS ftS ;.,lt l..ike Tilt 76 &l Antonio SS SI ,1 ) i.rlM-ii CC SS Oh -! .. t. noil 90 4 tt i-lnliKlol- . .. 7R CO tt .nriii-i: .. 16 UP U U. HUCKATHOHN. CHAS. WHEELER DIES FROM PENUMONIA AT CAMP PIKE ARKANSAS Well K no a n Yuung Corput Clirul. Uminmi Mjin Who L(t Her Lit fhan One Month Ayo To Cntr Of llctr TrAimnu Camp Olt Afltr Orl.l lllnrn A tl-!lHln iHritwl Irtli. yrnlvrilit) nllrn..i.ii from l.litlo Horh. Ariinniani nnnoun.'i'd the ilw.ili nt e'nrnp PlWn nf riirl-n uiici i.... n won knotV-n ynunr inialncNii iiihii of I'orimit Phiimi. who lm limn a month ico i-ntornl thi 'tfrtr.TR Trftlntni; I'Bfrip M t'amp I'lkP It wn nol kimwtt until Prftlny I lint Mr VhnUt ifm III III wlf. ot inal time rofi-lved n mensam. mivIiik ihnt iii ill wiMi inxiimoniit and iii rutiij anlrd la Mr Wliwlort llfr Mm Hun N Curli.r rIih Irlt hi'ri' Smiird.-n mornlni: for iltllc Hook Th mwuitic of hi-f IiiikImiii.J'h dMilh h Mduvnl to tin ul Hmi Aritotilu 'IlltH WJiiu'Im ii unlive Corpun ('hr)ii(lan foi niirnljor of vwirii hnd l,.-.-ii ciiiiiloK-d In tin- (Virr.UK ChrlHtl I Nii'lonal llaiik and the nowii of hln ! Tim lodt will he alilpiiw) to ConniH iiiimii rn mnaral nrrantrimi-iit will hr i.nnouii ! MoiKlny Thi Hurf haa aa up-to dfti- und mm plclf -lodil fountain aa ynn will find ! ,,. whr Adv IDE City News : : : : : : : in Brief An" Cliabth Soogini. two wtki ,., ,Uf.H, t Mr ,, Mr, , ,J .Srtipllls v,W(Iln, Jome (, innkn of. " '"'""V '""J luvnra h.r fatrtrri puuh.HinK for l,.-r aorount .. fifty 1(l1"" '""'l tliroiiBl. the c.pm. i'MIsi, Nltllul l 1Jtl,h I Born Saturday, to Mr. and Mn, Tom IS.iat it hoi. Tli Liburty Loan tubieription of C. , VV Diinnuu-ay. rtportil lliroucli thf j I'lrnt Sluti- Hunk In an amount of l&O . ahoukl haw n-nd t&0. A ivrn 0nir.,Sc,P of IlUhop havi bi-Pti appulnti-d an jury "'imiiltlMint-m to draw th.. n.,xl juru-M 'or Uv 2sth rlvll dlslrlit court Joseph L. Gllllman, a member of the Xufcvn I'.i.imv I.ll.rTt y Itun t'ommlt lw. I1.1 vultintfi-ri'.l hln anrvlcn for th I'Clti.iindiT of ih.. i-atiipiilcii and he Will lw In .-lu.rir.' i.f thi' Liberty Loan de pi.i Um.-iii uf th.' c.iipua Chrlatl Nation al llcinl. On jecount of Judge W. B, Hopkins 1 br-ii' i-illf.1 to Kinjpaillr. tomoiiow fur' II. Kli-brrx i-niiil li-riti of thi- dlMtrl.-t .'miii ih- JitikliiK Vi-li-h ciim- invoiv I rtin; ;i . otiti-at a to tin. Dcmorrutt.-' Lt ' . . t)lfJ .f u-i 1.001. at 3 ti'io. k a tii, I i-.hii I hiiime A nuinber uf inult-i-. 01 ' iliipoi laiii'i aie to be t iitisldered SiitidwiiheN all kind., al .ill nine-. nt Th Surf Adv 103 Gorman Papers Suspend mi.'U- vnftiv 111.1 t. tti,,,... i,u. ! ,;,, f thl. war 3.68X (Iwnan pews .,,., ,i tTir. i.t-e ,ii...nni... .ml imbliL-alloii ellliei' porinniieiitly ut ""'li.rnrlly iioUIU'e.l bi Thla la Offlclully an ! ihr (lirntan jiort.il an ' Ih.n Itlir. Miyii llu- Herlln TaK.'t'iat 1 ln (he .luttn perlo.1 1 tli. in-w publii-i-llnna wen. liettiin The total number of n.-W'pi-ia and itniKiiiinOH 111 Hi 1 ..111V .e.. H.it...i ... i aon , m French Cafes Closed I-AHIM (l.l 5 Two nf the leading reatuur.intn :il lloi.leiiux llt- been t-luiwit to American moIiIIoi-s by the tn 1 II 1 :i 1 1 i.oilioi iii.mi liv.auae of eur i. until pi 1. 'eh .in.- tufe la aald to Liite . h. 11 n.-d two Ainorli'an ufftrera JS 60 for foui etfiti und two small Klaaaei oft I i. Willi. .Ill lthel 1 .i. e.l $1 So fill . offee .Senlii. s w. te ulaei'd at Ih. ' loot-. t. W..U! ull 111.11 111 Ami 1 Iran; u.iil.MiiiN that thet wet.- not allowed to .111,1 ..th. 1 -".1 il.li-.lllinnl I IM It Is One Thing to claim pure drugs ac curacy in tilling prescrip tions and dependability in service but it is quite another thing to live up to them. We want you to let us prove that we de it let us fill that next prescription or let ua deliver any toilet articles or drugs you may be in ned of. We are a new store inside and out we want to make your acquaintance. The City Dru Store PHONE 44 Our Fountain is Always At Your Service "Dollars That FigHt" lit "i-nfitnr llrir' rhct I.',.ign Tlie expenditures of the Government for tha ensuing year are estimated at TWENTY EOUR BILLION DOL LARS A Hiirn which bafflen the imatpnatinn. Nueces C ounty is now asked to lend our country $783,800.00 That is about one-sixth of the money on deposit in the banks of the county Do not wait for the committee to call. Call at the bank and let us enter your subscription. Every man. every woman, ought to know how much he or she ought to subscribe. We can not raise thin huge sum unless every man does what is honestly his part. Its OUR DOLLARS or OUR SONS' LIVES. DARE ANY MAN WITHHOLD HIS SHARE. WE KNOW THAT CITI ZENS Of CORPUS CHRIST! AND NUECES COUNTY WH J. NO I I AIL Ol- H IEIR DUTY. THE CORPUS CIIRISTI NATIONAL BANK ..I. ...... ( This space now used for Patriotic Advertising). Th Oovrnmnt Nttdi for OAS MASKS' CHARCOAL made Irum Puct Stofitl. Pt-Un, Plum. Apricot. Olwn and Cherry PaI; Q.itf 8ed: Brazil Nut. MieKorr Nut. Walnut Butternut Shollj n0n but thota mantiand. 8jiv. d , thoroughi,, and hand n ticki tt our driven o. bnrto, to to lie eto-e tit. quan t.ty too tmall U. u WEIL BROS. -:- GROCERS 0 8 Food Adm trat.'. L. rente l Caller Claasified Ads are 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 rnnnnrii SPECIAL NOTICE We regret to announce there will be an interruption of lighting service, and possibly street railway service, due to a serious break in the generating equipment at the power house. 1 he coils in one of the largest generators burned out ycsterdfiy and the cylinderhead of the largest engine blew off yesterday afternoon. Other emergency equipment is down awaiting re pair parts which were ordered four and five months ago. The delay is caused by war orders placed with Engine and Electrical Manufacturers from whom we depend upon for supplies. No expense or effort is being considered towards the resumption of $ervice. Under these circumstances we ask your indulgence. Respecthilly. CORPUS CHRIST! RAILWAY AND LIGHT COM'Y By W. J O'BRIEN. M anager II II II II II II II II I r SAMSCO I Irrigation I v S. A MACHINE & 11c 110 c.,.u rt..... . iiw u iswu.i. ' 1 .1 1 - WOOD Buy your wood now tor winter u-c I an sell t,od sound A foot mesquitf Wood at $7 IU pel curd, dehv- ered in yard tione Nu Texas. Whereas, The Fourth LIBERTY LOAN represents the security ot the Nation and every business enterprise in the Nation; and the success of our army in France Therefore. Be It Resolved, That it becomes the imperative duty of every man, woman and child to consider the forthcoming loan this week, in order that adequate pledges may be given on Sunday, September 29th. . u ti!i&&tiM LD. Garrison Lfcr. Co. PHONE 14 Corpus Christ!, Texas No C. U4 'i rrlrphon :'000 little "money makers." Try one1 IVIacHinery SUPPLY COMPANY ... .am rrone uw IU47 ..r write I lathngen, WILLIE GOETZ.