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CALLER CLASSIFIED AD BRING RESULTS ' 1UiVr U l) vUJlId 1 1 JnL La JU JU MX. VOLUME 20 TVtO Si ('HONS corwisc MMsri rr-wssiM) i (x lunrp. n mia rut i vi pvjs M'MBFJR 17-1 MflLSON S TERMS ACCEPTED CALLER CLASSIFIED ADS BIJINO RESULTS WASHINGTON, October 12rh (Bullcrin.) irrless dispatches sent out from Nauen, the great German wireless station, have been picked up and forwarded to official diplomatic sources here. The wireless purports to give the text of the German reply to Wilson's answer to Prince Max, who had sent a note to President Wilson regarding peace terms. On its face the German answer seems a complete acceptance of Wilson's terms for peace includ ing the evacuation of all occupied territory, and asks for the appointment of a commission to arrange for an immediate armistice. o ANGLO MMM ORCES (MINI LET ALL MEN HEED ULU IJ GAINING MAIN GERMAN'. ART Ml PPirM v r r I NO to tOTABLI'SH TTMPO RA P Y r RON 1 I ftOM V I rrtt-IC N nrr to r:ivrp orr a prr.TiNC ptAr r i or w5nru f imtfrs HANTS MEN ADYANCE TO THE OUTSKIRTS OF DOHA! In the C:limptjn Region the r.ench By Switt Attack Advanro Their Lmtt from Three to 1 out MiIm and Enter the Important City Of Veunert WITH THK ANC.I.o MKItK'AN At! Ml KM i i. i 13 Tin- I - ..ii th uthei't Mile c.f the ificiii wiliff tint I. been i hi tint into the iKiiiim !i 'm n.mtlii'unt ,.t Vtilintiti-nin -s ii- h.itiit'K monH'fiiarilv lieroi'e nn ' ti-nt.t.i 4 t.emisn JfeiHwt Ihie i.inii.ny li-oiu V i lenctannoii lu III uib- i m i Ih north and wiuth of inn. urea t Hut 0tDmn urn tUhfi leiretinntf i ttnnnuK ptwgnnuwi in a mih nave been upplvinr IKillfti "Mm to be lihvu! I .U .lit" llritnh hinds, tt-hlt" I. ill. i in .hi ei'Uie poHition The ii n.. ithiti oiu mile ..f I inn ii Hie wi-'tge tie.i'U 1 i' li 1 1 Mil- i'-ii-til. h",e lielljiai, tin. ' ti "'l!i .Mt I. lilt' lllll r'hltt'tel tt 11. '. '" I HI the All.- I i' I ' ' ''I iiik reneweil hlnw-. iit-iii' ' "" . ! left In iiii kf.1 I. .in It.. ' ' lll.l'l (it.MtlHI. IK. Ill '' Hit Mm K i I IjUoii i tir in tin .-. ti- ii 'tWIIIU lltlti I t. HIllr.lKIK 'fi- I i h lit jll.n In. Ill i "i' Iii lour Milieu mi -l.i i ! I tiUAler-i tillit tme i ito-'l " til..-. f.H tn the south , Tile Anieilmi r"n t A in- 'i.ih i ltd liulillm-ril.ii tJi-ll'K jii.i i ml- ontinulitc to sain muie pmuiM rii-1 liWinliM whilH In lelleui, .ii.- b n.j means yet in a tjte ut hrnk.-n imin nni they ciiok tin- rn- I'n-nt-. n di-i- ' pert ftghl from h- A-f-mw fw i i.. ih rtvur Mvutu !iiJ Hi - art pre- liurlnm tu malt uoiih ' twfure the Ano-Aoiwi"iii' , '"U'li l V-iieit clonnM. mvA r piriKii.' i . 'innfiiiKj I.- Hitu i.o.ittf.nH i.L.iiii.i I , Thi- n Teutmii t iii- ,. in,, . nun licwvr la Wry mi .ti.l.l. iu.i ". Urn ! Ii .md Anir'.i'4n ai aw ik ui H.-.i KUii t trnsMn i '-I 'ii. ' iimiitiHM if then ilriv. the r.etn ft tn he , null In thir let-ti.i ie'l jJu , I'tii-'i in tlrtvs of si'If si arohiiiH. Mfti's souls hit Ih mi; Ini iifil iitsidf-oul. Htinlt account artj Ik iiic t it 1 1 -v ili el. mid i Hinwl of lipfhl liikt s Ihe jiliu-e of dubious f-on-jitlun-. I lit- dnvi rninrnl tli iitttntls that men who h;m tln nu .ins Uu I ij.frtv bonds Where- ttit-v ri''. th- duv ' mint nl uill ,i i It ivi oiirM- Tin w r is being tmifht in lln inlt-rt ,li ot iteinori ai v. 1 hf iiilcn .t'; of d im r iy nnilii' it niif rii I hit rn n ihoiil.l In h tht tot . iju ill .If. i)l'lllil In th II lll.ltiTlllI piv.Sf vottll'. il i lift lint tlnn in "MIHXhki m (niius Ihi'Ii I. -nil on tunc li io.)t. tlr:ivinM loni p-r cnit iiiiitnni i,t iiii-.. .Ii, ,ii', ,iri ,l.ii k. i i..;irs. It tin ,ui ii- I' nl to lln- hank .it loin r . lit wh is it iniiovilli- to It ml tht-m tu tin' t iovfrnnn-nt l i hiuln r ratt- ' Thfrt' ha', not In-ill a linn- win n jfopl- wrt" n jih-rl lo thsi'OM r iiift-it in ollniv or to tmd riKlt'ous lanlt, Whfii a ni iii It nds .ili Ihal In n. able to h-nd, in urdnr lhat liftilom in i In- ivKtut't-d lo tin- n iliiiii'., il is natural Ihal In- shnulil loathe tin- taint of iinprcniiioMty or rti (! nmni.sin. I'trhfiji. the ilit'iT in fissit of tlti loan has not loin hed tin Itearlh ol ill nu n II h fur easier to Ihinli Hint H lnn nol. Ami el. when an Ameriitin ban had the oujmrUmity to rt'Htl the (dew ol his ( .omiuandei -in-( ,bief, there ih little room for diMtim-tion. America looks to the nsl moral infltieiife ot t IttH loan. Al it lime when the eoiumon enemy of mankind i heat-chins tor evidem-e ot lultewurtiun v, it u mure ihHhmp!croij ir) rhUrniinrn. " V)itfrAWimirmltnff iTVr hn il we full 'hort or Wnoaonu.OOH'' What eflVel will it Ii:ji Upon the tu nil, ill arntx .' I hi', i the lilDlin nl tu thlM- the Milniter of I lulll lliiiiutili lln I.I nk lii ni ul pt-ri t i n old 'li.iiiie this is Hn ii km in n I I' i i 'i ike ill. bi.iv . .1 i h tit I t ol now. i .no! ili lllllllll lit tliouuhl lei iiiiii.i I ion that we !i til i vir iii nit- iiiii-. i 1 1 1 ii I tu ilu iK pill lullv ii! ilil Is I , i : 1 1 1 , 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -. 1 1 . 1 1 I I si v 1 1 I Ills is tin illiolll I nmud MdA octy nidi umsndiiy Agrees to President's Terms And Will Evacuate Territory iiiiinii I'FiiPii: ARE 81JSPICIQ5JS GERMAN REPLY u U C O N DITIOI-C li RRtNOER ' I. 1HI- WA 1 ( tt vVTPO OP THF i Ni.Llstt Ot p, l.ilPD TO ALU otrrRS rpOM TPoirtrr. for AKMISTIt C OH TOP Pi Ai r TEXT OF PRINCE MAX'S REPLY GIVEN TO PUBLIC Action ol Teutons In Making the Tex Public In An Unusual Manner Casts Suspicion On the Note In Many Official Circles Onult I. a M Pfr'ue.l I i Ai, -U I As , Hi,-. I "tU f.,l it li I I I I Alt-9aty lef.teil s- .ne. i Out Teat a . . t c . . O'ten -1 tlrojth.nj I! ,tt, ij A. my I. i'lii."'. i.i : lily ..Hirer.- i.,l . n f'H 'V ,ii . , ., , . 'law Hi. i I. "i ' II1K I ' i 'l I i anh.l.xt.iti I in- I p1 I .. l! 1 , untu rjitain. ..nuu. i I HKll m!i-;J r Ill' is . l.n li,-' i it'.i- tiithi rti.v. i. mini t i i.ui it m Iiuwj .ii .iMjoniih! t atuLumi ,ur sua- , rtr: in . li;,hlc, (J -triKl" I i. . ijn. . nrmiifi, t i I to-" . t t. tr . ii . t t , i i ti-u ' ' ' t , ' n - i 'aim ' 1 "I 111 I' r '.I . if I ,. i It. ! , . Hi . , I ,. - I 9 I I " . '. -,,. NUECES COUNTY LIBERTY BOND SU oh ON $603,200 WABHINHTON , Thuiditaj ihe Vn;. .'!. jur i ..til rne tttMUuUu i : l'i"t.t,i-lri ;tlO!liL ti.e ti "i Mi Hit- VIIKI lv.HH;- C'uil.iiiu . !' Hi t-t'e tlill ilvi'liet lit- i.ri.tiii. Ir .fi't. Vnet -i I Het -I'm- ..,.,,!! 1 ntffht "lut irie Ali.eri" HI ' !' i't untied ten ntllee -it. ii'i mi 1 i i-sLM' t let I 'I 'i. I a I ' HI. I!K HiJ V eM ! I . i .t 'luitt ifc'i t Mj : i.i- '. ) 1 tl.e ' ,1 I IIMU f4l e't, !. ' - J ', ele . u.MlttUleit Nurihwvat ul I ei - m n . 1.1M t. : JtVMdl -, i ,lir ' li I .-ill t.,0 tlli'l 1 ' Iii-i uete iejn't i.i i 'iiii., ii i. t. 'i t". . I ll. -.,i t . i'. ', : i '.' . th; :' a ' i i' -. THK x ! i I .til Tt in-1- I' I it.' ..tU.iJ tiei'- rturrrK i uuntv .ui.r hihtions to date THHOUt.ll - Coiftu Chiitt. National Uint SH,A) I ... Slate Uni- ilia,(i'0 Cty National Bint ,1Wi,3bO r,.t f.t.te Bank .it t.ii..,, i.000 B.tnk uf Si-hop I I6.UU0 Cununty Stltf. Bant- ol Hottc..n 0 .QtM) I ,, l 1 t jU t'. mi t fit Let. ...i. t 4 iltxJ Cutsi4e S-n; I . i.UHU .ip f mplo O.reet l 000 l'l Mnn frmplove ? 8s0 i uotrnitttti Wti r ,tal 'iubtripttn WIS, tW Ni'iiii ( ounty OMQta 1783.800 Yet To II Subscribed , IBO.bQO ' II! I I, 'II. ! (By tln AsBorintc-d Prrsn) Vrldi.itfEtfW GMrinniitiovur.rinmMbiiinh latent note nrcnpt tine btrm Inid Io-vn W wiltori in fuTJrom on lrtst Jniuint'y'w; jfffll'nlS in stiliBcqurnt addrMses. Tim t?xl ol the (jerman reply vn received here toniglit through unofficial rliannrhi Tin ( K-miiiii noie- hl.iU'tt that thr dennan nuvrmmPitt i in t omplrtr iircorfl with An tria unci I Ittngarv lor lln puiposif ol btinginv; .iIhjuI n iiriiinttnr- uicl ( irriitituv . inters i-. comply witfi Wilson's proposition rft?.tttlin thf inunrdiatt i-v.n o.iiion ol .ill Irrninn t ti pifrd by tlw Cjciinnnir allies. The txt tf the Cjt iinnn rt-plv dated (odav at iirrlin and siynfd bv I'on'iL'ii Swir titiy Solf, reading us lollow "The ( ierman ftovt-rnment h?i act-ppt-fl tlf tpiins l.nd down lv I'rfttidrnt Wilson in hitt address ol anunry o and in nubsu-queni addrtisses an the totindatmn for pat- e .i.iliIiliHl on justice, i ortsftpieiitlv iU object in t-ittentiK into a diaruitsion would lie only to aiet- upon practical detail of the application ol these Imihu. "The Cittrnuin govwrnmwnt lenlevo tltnt the powert nfio iatfd with th government ol the United States also will take the position tukiMi bv the Preiiidenl in Ins nddmiw to the ( ,rr man govarnment. The Oermnn government in accojdanc with Aulrta-rltinarv, lur the r. purpoae ol bringing nlioiU an nrtntUce declares itself rendy to comply with the propomi ion ol ,,,.,, Preaidont Wilon in regnrd to tf evacuation by the Germnn governmenl na the President (SknhlAN I RQOPo WI 1 IllN ngftMted. and suggtlNil lo the Prwiident the muc-tmg of a mixed cammitsion for the purpose .y .... iNinno'f if of making ne.esmry arrangeinents concerning the evacuation. MA lillLilO Ur liYli lK I AN 1 "The prese-nt German governineni whit h linn undert aken the I'-ponwbtlitv lor thys j'y NISI IN SERBIA towards peare has been loimed bv outer ent et und i in atei-in m with a nutnJ ' 1 mi in i' It mi .pit .erf mi it i . ti,i I Ireimiiii' a . r- u,i , , i t iieai.m In ', It! intuit --ii the fieni .( mt'iris ,i,t step towards peare has rteen loimeiJ lv i outer ent v unci i in aKie-inni with a fieri ntait,. tty of the memlters ol the KcilIiM.ik I In- hantellnr in snpporteil in all ol Jn at lion the will of thin mt'.rily and he ipeaki m tin- n.iiiir- ol the government and ol tlx ( . t man paopla." Altliousth ii its lui - the tir xt ol rt.t- . .i i nt ' note ireun; it, ! i oniplele' i,...piin.; Wilwn'ft leritl 'he peopl" ol li.r I liiltfl Slate" lid om lhe.t -liuuld be l.tltlioli.d aaltiM accepting it as . tomphance ot the President h demand will jhchi ,m unmodi.ti .' ..j tion of hontthi Premdeni w'tlson ih now in New York where the Asho ialed f'tr..( (.inthi (,t- tn, copy ol the note 'he President det lined tu ol ier any oninmnt ' Memlef 'I the Pre-iidt rit i otluntl i iinil v tlitl tiol i m In (- ik lot I. nn in iii olt- r .my opinions. Ihe "ItltiaU Wen- Vi-tV (iomIiVi in .ttefiiiK the .e-i lii.ifi iltH illin ill luiuld not le arrepltil as meaning that the war i- an end Ihe note vvtll retinue i.m-liil oiisulef itiion ter.iie tin- nvtis oi t , Aiiihh .hi s ted. Should V, iltton fm.ills decide tl.,il the leni.,u lt, in-re in ihr, lUell be neii sJMIV lo traniuil the note to lh- Aliu s .' IfOtm iri iniixl th tt I nt'l-ii"! Ir-tntf It il mi) '!.. i t ','ci,!i' i, (i,.,,,s nsideialniti !i . d i ion .i t wln'ili- m n,i ;h. nm, ilf H'lLI ETIN( rni 1 HI. ' -. i i i .-. r i.-i '1-1 itl I4ll in-Mv-e mid 1'aiv.t.iw ' -1 wuentlt. Th- .wen- ia unt ' :eti in d...el. Ii - .em ai hmwllt. ."i Iti .1 tli I uui th ,u 1 1 Marl .. in w i "P ( . . :j I - -1 th- tight. Hi .. ill .. ri-(.ol t lu lll I 't.i. the 4 mr t l-wt eiptii llfirij II" Wei h' ' . i t tl.e Ul-l iled .i .Mill i ' ttivljj I I I tltiH .-Itllillj ' ,it : ' - .i.i;tMMdl!; v. u. 1,1. Ii tit. - 'i l'ihl I I,.- i i. -1. ..tin i . il ,,, , i t -. i . At I . .11111' . h t itient i .in ! pottal'.. it will It hIiouM be uiken into I he- yit i AmernanHi it An uih o to whit h the vern . pn. AGED SLAYER OF STATE RANK S0MMISSI0NER IS WYKN COMPLETE PARDON I d.tli," t lolllronl' the peoj.l ,11, . , hi too ha.tily onsnier th- t .nan proportion i 'iitiotml surrender rIiouIiI plaed lietore the Atnern hi pei.plr ' irrtaiih and their .tlhes iku-.i ,a:T said olfnult and .j vv.uihh ii.illli. . tolli 'III l.lll I it ii tli.ii f i In u -. - I " .In -i lie hi out i ibuiK -ul l!Ar, Itif 1 (jlll I UNL A i n "t 3 I Day Scout Catch Mice AI'STliN'. Taiuiu M ' Seoul- t.f AuKttn f- tilt Jl-ll i . jni..ii. ii .rt Itltfti nvi.i ! he ilmi-il In I. t w it h Ihl' i in ' ' .i im I.. I l"i ttiouse . . tt hiriB mice umi i mt t h- t. burnt" nk Ii. ...nn treiitrii' it t in. uin... t um- " 1 ' " " l.i.ill- l atll ' I . I " ' I , I lltiti-dm I 1 ,i nil f til. Suullirin I it lu I I iiii nl (.1 .'I -.lllttM . 11 11.111 I.- 1 .--.till ll. u -' "I. l.l.'UHlit till. .l il.e .itnriij, Jint tu' itii'io uic .it. Ji.l In a, i titin i vttikufti. I IlKlltl . I'll.' I. II I ll,. I IKI lf!l I.I 1 1 1 1 1 ! . i Nl Mi I.. I. ' I i , I.i i , . 4Un !l 1 I. !.'. I . Ill,' I I "i-ij 111. i ' M l.l. lit! ll- ll .11 t .1 t : in l I i I l ...i. i l'lTTSt'Ki. i). I- tl.i, -ll,l! ." li- I. ,r, i ,i ', ( . ... . ni fe .'1 it' . -i i r -i t un. 1 1 it., '.t I. .. h i .' I. it. t.i ' ' 'I ' , (lu. II Irf -,l, I'. .1 . I 1 , '. I ,K ' ',- I ' I.I II It.. II'. . . I l ....I 1 ''J hoe tint, nl I I. tlutt there inn 1 no relntntK "I el tori;, m t ontinuiriK allied vk tones nul m ., .: u the I ourlh I il- rtv Loan All Washington wait at a romplete los to undeiolaud the it m ot Itte t u : l. I I i M:.l. ... A... C-... fs . .i o iiuic (.oiniiii in oie ptioi it in Hticn a manner nmuicr me jtute ivepariment or me rwi .s whuh represenis (iermauv. had received the German reply und it w.f. quite reply had been made public through a typnal Gt' l.iux pus. no ittempt however, to dispute the nuthent il s ,j the note One point ol i t looms up Mtruugly i whether Prim-- Mux and I oreon Seiei,us repreaent the (ierman people. Official' otuyht are aakinj the queMion: "Who i- h" present (jerman governmenl?" If the po- ent government means the I loheii7ollern family there teems to be no doubt here tie n rui. ill rupl will be uuuccupLible. Some ollnials express d the view that the note was framed by Germany to discourage the Liberty I "n and lor ihe pustiible etfed on the morale ul the nU-nte und Ann ricm troops ;ii th lit Id and that the unusual public itioti wu-. unn it ot l-tton tun- ee I 111 I .ll 41, : Legntton her ";j evident that t 1 here v .'" the unoltitiui Solf in renins t ntire Town ! ,ld iti.t .1 1 1 .. ... i. I th- Ulrie me .' , " Ikieuim ir L - In 4i 1 i ' i t . i , in. ijxii.l . . tt,. j, . HI1( lit ll i , ,, lit. Hftli l'el, , i.l'C!Ae.l ' . ..t VVh te ipwrtcmitn fvr . i ' " , In tlie it uri.i . i uti I mnuuiit-eu iv a- '..vtn t..- .tf.i.-d i. ll, i I .tl 'H'."i lUlilf k ...111. i . ilv name, tn,. aim iSIll kit. 'Mil ilblit id Staltu-itlge i -tun iImc tttit i.tjor tuj c-t..i iiiilii' wh' anil if 'il - '.IM it t. ihu i ilon t 4ken t.iii i ir" tti t. i . c i iuii ,f tin- lit iit.ri. life t- i. heat ,i.i futn tillll iitfilflj tQt iulw. itt.. 1