wiuujra ilk riAut jtlai
President In Note Informs Germany Condi f ions Thai Musi Be Mel II An Armistice Is To Be Granted By The Allied NationW
TOTAL $622,050
Nurrrr, county suhscriptiunc to da re
Corpus Christi National Bank
Pint Sttito Bank
City National Dank
First State Unnk of Bishop
Bank ofy Bishop
Guaranty State linnk of Roustown
First Statu Uank of Relistown
Outside Brinks
tlup Employs Direct
Texas-Moxjean Employes Direct
i in i i
fill I
With Committees
Total Subscriptions
Mnee County Quota
Yet To B Subscribed
Lem than latum" n m w -.ulin'i Ip
ilons tu the l i urtli Liberty Uiiitt n.i"
reported Mninl'V l.v uwi i nin.n
banks With fun live 1hi,'- n-m iuiiiik
fltSI.7f.ij rnu-t In- ,f 'In i i.miv
in lo hi kepi mil nf !!ic -I bet Hi!
fifty i tmmllli men ;t' imu --in-'.
iitnlllil I'm pile Chi letl in. I i Inn mini
her will tin' ini'i-i iik'iI in suit tiv S'sl
iieeilay Ai'tniK Mmi.tiiei 1-S.ililwm ami
the me liilitH'i nf hi uliiinitiif hih lt
tirmli.ed thut ihe finl oiiom Im- Nue
i'n County ahull be ulmii mid a clil
IDfiit effort In tMdn-e iiimoi- mil the
full amount Junt hh . i i i-M 1 v at ikikbIuIb.
It ut u. i-nflttir of .-mb.ii 1.1 ain-uif and
rhnartii tA many i'itieii-, that Niww
CS)Uiitr tlmi hM tliorp limn l(".0lii,00
in bdliM itttl)(iim t thin ttmo and war
thtm $3ft(i.rtO(Mn huvIukk depo-jlto draw
ing fonr per -Wml Imoroirt, atmukl tj.irtH..J ll. tii-Kieita! hi HUbm-rlfi
dllatm-v fn It-nmnar the awvmrirttt leu I thin tu Is.itmi
tlttih fSOO.OUu, tth the boot Mwiulty till Lieutenant Chun M. Petty, former I
tWo svorlil and druivlii" fcmi'i -ttv .ui itin.uMji agent fr t'orpu-i
anil onu-'iU'" '"r per rent intermit.
It lit now toHtlxetl that If tit fall
quoin U mliMMl that many if tnowt) who
te-j-ij otfjttfttiy Hiiuiiif' wyim wtri
ant tiiGi-eas-e their 'luhswn-livtifiiii.
N'llllltl 'i
iHtli Mi .'
All. .III.
i-il 111.' I
The tli nil 'iniium .I.UKKimn Thin,
luliri'tn lii. In i-il III hllsllll'HK f"l IfJlC ,
than visl. in tVi-pun I'liriHtl. oris-- .
Iiinllv Hiitii-rl.lti; iU tu the Kintrfh
l.lbi-ns l.naii Thi'ir ititH itlitlon I
t tsiv wjh mi l .'imttl tu It.SUV '
V V Ai nini lm liuil xillmi'i tlx-.l IJfiOi
inrrPiiHWl Iiik hilliii'l ipliun Ui Jl.HOU. I
I'llm-m. Hli'Mi unit KrmiKW with nil; iiLki rl.IJnti at ff.tMtfl. llicieatl
4f thfii nut.cfi-iwtoit to tSiftnn,
.lirfm H iltiihr. wtwi Imi! !
writHil IJUii. iiTaiiM hht MibacfiDtMiii
to llmi. 1. 'i. .'!!, wlni hml qtj
mif Three Messages Directed To
A 7 . f . . HI s 1 .
It il rrqurt(!ti that man and woinori of fiiircM County
read tha tin ex intmnnts that art rintl tirwith. Th firt n
teleyrani ,uldrs?tl tu The Ciller, fioni J. W iTbfmi.. ot th f'wlin jl
Hunrve UanU at tin- ifcoml m 1 pNOrl.tintltiui. it.ui by ftty
Millr, May in- ot the City of Cut put Chimli anil Chairman of ttm
NudCDK County Council of Dfn anil ttie thirU . till tii issnt
ancr. from Aetiny Chairman Hnry U U.ilivwin tf tl.ii Nuk Cuunt
Liliprty Loon Committr
Tho tlv(jrm hum Mr. tloopo at Jall.n, d.ltwl Monday
f4th follows:
"Tho Eicutive LiUorty Loan Commilttj for thin Federal
Distrlst lias toddy declared that the I iherty Loin situation calls for
soma jnd unpnrnlluled otfort .mil hurehv Uoi.ijnate Wednesd ly,
0tulior Ifath it (i day on which you nie callr.i upun to ihaft the tict
busings moil in th wholn of your tierl.oii uioluiliii'i many hu aio
now serving) on tho Ntiucfs County Comimttue, to make .i salrs
drive which Ml.tll i-w.ieh ovry man and in your luinniiimty,
rU(ifdlet of wlmthor ar nut they have Uuon .ipprouhil or whuthr oi
not tiy have auhscrlUttti.
"This drive shrill start Wednesday morning, Octohei 1Cth Jt 0
o'olooli, with thii purpoto in vnw of tcunn('a utmriptiun fioni
nvnry person in your county uuil tu obtain a furthor 6uhcnpt.. n
vtllero n previous subscription hi n I ready been inado.
"Aiitomoliilm should tie requisitioned and business huusrs shutiid
he closnri and oil hutnness suspenrlxl until your fnt of the r
won. No man's wnrk m so iinpoitsnt that h osnnot it f-i the
business of fun country mid thi must tie unprestint upon (m
"Pteasa confirm by that tins plan wil be i lined out ..i
Nueeee County.
'"Pease piopasals do not ! f t the liberty Uin in any v. i.
Do everything pussitile to pioveni unlimited .r bucli, Unpojtit i i
sons from (pleading sui.h propoijuiida '
$ 7-i,0o0
$ 18,000
$ 63,800
' ;
$ :
msim !
. . $101,760 j
, !,.! i.i,iht rinimii j
, it , l th. i ii pit' i hi imi !
I . Ill.-I llli'll llli-.'llp I
t ui Jin Him 1
. I iptl.ili Hut I'll'. nil l(
il I 'miiiiiiIIIi'i .i ll'itn
I'hrixti, -1 nil now nullum'.! In
Mimiiti Hnl .h)i MitMoriptton tu lln
l'imt Ktutf Brtiik lu an utoiint of 160.
Ttn commit ii'i- uutnwala t t-ory
luyiii inuti mihI woinmn to tnv) M HW
The InreuNt ruIiik ilpllim ii-purtwli bnvi In l-unri me tlhltnif, ami t
Monday won from NVwIi-ikh- f fpudfi -1 help put XupfN t'nunt) nvi- tin- top"
son and Iodb, iiii'i ..f lb.' i'oipiih' liixi hh pin-kl n- puHhldlf
Low Rate of Interest is Renin, Charged
and It is Moped That Many Men
and Women Will l ike Advantuuo
ot the Offer
Wauled Ubf buiidii'.l 'iu ut t'nun
ty men and Wliliwii who dl mtn ''"
ilmtr wlltwwipihtii" " 1'im'h l-"'
erty lAan. To thiwe h wilt a-i-.t
tfjstr govarntttenl the bu n will U'ii.1 .
sltjhty pr nt rn ltt iinu.unt t the
low rate (is per cw.
I'ranwtv uwtr nt . i.-i -. ' tuutv ,
Who IWWi been Ing that t mj, would ,
bu glad tn InvvHl inn- nr thmntt
dullar i Lrfbrti Hnmb. inn that -
Wtjjw hWt up iHudy rth. n'W '--wllhuut
a ls t himiiiI "ii
Th imnk "t t'uit-u t'hrtml him
ptM tfUtt Will lit' i' vli iiiIi-.I tu inn. .i i
avu Who JU'i tn nu bn..iU
St(tpiHi you hdij Ue'il. d Unit v u
wuuld imft 4",,t' I" lithrit s Binlilir'
Tujta tltil I-" 'I. Hi, iimk iii.t
HUUUnoilMtf" ' patrliiU"iii ihal ih with
in ytW loll lh biiliHt i mil iu In
buy Jl.ttUM In hoi..! lit- will t.ik,
youi $19 I'uxh imi soitr mt fm
$tw ant M4 II vu !..i- l Onu l,inl.
Th Intu"! mi th- Ikimi fur ni
rnunttia Will ! $J4 IWnni tlwt hi.v
monthe vuur f,il'(i Hmi.l will - M
you m tnlwi' ii
It will i out v.. u 'ui.t C!"i io rii
vur ubm rlpil". I2 to fl
with rue. UHITI8H army in
rRANCG, Oct i t. The British in
thou attack in f luridm today ap- I
pro.iclioil Coutiai. 1
Counter-Attacks by p.oksd Uava- I
nana a(.iint the French broke dawn j
under a hot tire.
Thousands of prisoners have been
taken ami enormous casualties Ituve
buon inffiotnd on tt enemy.
Th latavt mparts nulloali: that the.
Urittsh broke al onu pluvu and,
are now advancing towards the Uys.
Late Telegraph
WASHIMtTtiN, th-l 14 l'rsalt
WiIkoh i. hi. i lil niiM-nt-!! in ' im i -uiotK
ViiW'it"iii im Kt iii'tintd I he j
UU'l!', 1 nun Hut Mil- .l'iM of tho
i ..nip.. if n i-ni.i.n.i jii.I -tn i it nulv IMIO .
Inn ... .. ii,.lil"l.0Utl."U'l btM.Il Mt j
vi i.i...! Tui.ihi fji tin- I'ulla-) dto ;
tfi. r lui'.itiil to fctiA..ii 4 )
ls I'KiilM l ii, i II Pitiable
m .'in s .in ninv' i-iiie ivitiicmwd tn -HeiieliitM
.if Kli-nl litHMH-H ul lifiuplv ali
biing ih in n iIoiik thf iikiiIh tis Mm
ilnnx 'I'll. .ii " Iti iihmIu Hint
S ill vv . r J. ii-,' ... .'inuiltil vv n I , reftlMM
Itiat ui .linn in 1 1. 'i I In I. i t.-e u . ntlri
To Tho People of Corpus Christ i
jin I Nueces County:
Obeditint to tha commands of the authci i id representatives of
thn uovorniiiniit of th Umtnd Status ind by viFtiie of the juthoilii
visted in mu a Mayor ol the City ol Corpus Ohrfsti and at
man ol tho Counail of Defense of Nueves County hltd tn the end that
every citizen, man and woman alike, uf this city and county in,i br
implored, iiitlucod or constrained, a in aaoli case nmy bo nocess.n y.
to disoharuo the full meaiuro of their duty to oiii- bslovml cplmtry m
tflif, the hour of llW oioat nctesslty, I lie ruby J;tjfiriiit Wednoaday,
Ootdlmr IGlli as Slioul l.ib.rty Loan Day in Corpus Ohrlstl uinl
fj not us County.
It is a shameful fast, which wo nre ooiiipellijirtO ailmjt Vi,th Har
row and olumin, tlmt tha citi2uniliiu of iff ic ft ami couiity, as a
whole end with faw rxr.optinii6, has flliin woefufli' short of tlio pr
l4"ruisno of its full duty. Many tlisro urn svhoAu turhell s dual
omt to the citil and muny motu thoro at who ltin.nt iloTir what
tlley Ihhi Id or coulil. We are, thurefore, futu to ftu wltl) tbu tilihar
runt and disuraseful pratipett of taking our piano aijttnd tlio Ijlkrs."
R.tit IV Is tnSfteail,irUr1nmitUii oftfte tfeiirr Titiv-u Com
mittee anil its iiiany fWltTiful workers that audi a rupiifjiMint lontin
llonoy shall not iosuII. To that and, soorus ol workaro, men and
women, will ho drafted for tpocial snrvica Wednosday tho tOtti mat.
They will reseivu propm notice uml will be mpectiiil to leport for
iii'jIriiLtioins at Committee headquarters iCoipns Clirisd Coiunier
ciflt Asioeiationl Tuesday murninij at S o loi h. l imy will then be
tpteted to devote then entire time Wodnesd.iy in Itirthernce of
tlio committee', plans.
Murehants, business .ind prolessional men and other, who are
not assiunod to sponat committee work mil be enpocted to imain
in their stores, offices and places of business on W.vduwailay, where
they will be e.isily accessible to th iuimnitte who will call on tliein.
T'h hour lus struck, duty his oalloil and evury loyal
ottilon, resident in Nueces Count, will be piveii an opportiiiiily to
answer. Tho sheep shall be separated from th goats; the pilnots
froifi th traitors; tho one hundred per cent Amenr.ins from th
Mon ami women who esijoy th manifold blessimjs voMchsulvd to
her sons and danijlilwis by Anioii.n, uvhu cUim to ba loynl und faith
ful to her- and her cause, and who yet f.ul ur refiM tb thair
dolbilti as well as then hojrts to then- country, giv the) Ii to their
professions and dii ve the scorn and contempt af tlleir ni(libors.
If (hare ho such in this city or county, true Amurioons should know
who thuy ar in ord that they may tape i.ontanlinaiion.
1,'tbtireline, call upon -ill loyal eititona to ua-oitorato to the full
rmtent oi thoir ability in mnkmij this day the mn . a it cnuoo and
puiposa deserve, bat lhar tw no "aUckors" .vnvny tho workort
sejustvil anil may thorn b nono ninonij our oitins wlmn tho roll is
collet!. May we not II persuaded ly Ilia thim-jtll thflt lis our Ursve
boys aro freely, and now almost daily, makmij tho groat sacnlico
"over thvra" and even in Irainmu camps "ovn hare" 'for they too
aro dyiny foi freeduni's causci m older that and all w hold detii
in lifo .ind hope, may live. u shjll bo unworthy at then blood urvtess
fir. answer, cheeifuiiy and (omph-toty, every .11 our (ounti,
upon us m their iuimi T buy s iy to us
ith the foe,
To .,o lion, f4litnij hands
We thiow the Toi.b
Re yum to hoiil it ttiijh
It ,1 I tiitli
With ui wli" lie
We t,4ll nut lp,
Thouiiii poppiee yruw
Ii. flinders fields
'late i,n out tnrel
my li.iii'l nd sr il of olfiue. in.s tiie fouitsenlh .liy
Given under
of October I'lllj
, Attest
.foaopli Htrach, ol Ih.- I'mpui I'hiiKi. U i,lo K-i
iilionul Hank, uiut . ti.jt Nun ' r ml ..-i i
I'ount men ami wnrniMi i-uiinidf! ibl.! , hi u....
queHttotl Hi' polnu.l .il' lolidu-i Ih-tl, Irani. Inmii
Ibl- eitUHIlon l)i ariioUM mul Mi.U K Willi i iel miini
tnU many euljaoilpiloii'- i-anituiK tioft
, istp tki-n ..I ' h
it- ilov, iiiMiiitf nrini
lily of Coipu ilii.vti ('iinn.aii (.viinc'i Hefense, Muxes .
C. CUBAGE. City,
MAT OLNTON Seiret.iry, Council of Defense. Nue County
Ti ii .! rlioui ii 1- nt peo
,.in,i.- .In.,! I-. .in noiihi'ifi
. I'll ' in v. . i .1 i , - tu
f< to 110,000 fot Nil-
Kv oi th- top ' ti
Vitiiili tt
.-ui tn iii i
I tin.
RAISES $52,000,000 FOR
NJSW VOIIK, tut 14 riiaihn M.
Hrbwoli, director or tin- Kmeitt'-m'
Pleel Criutwtun. aawunieU the- role nf
uiiQllumw toJov In an tinpn-ceilt-iitetl
"sale" tbrouijh wlih-h tin- nntimi ob
tained t5I,t)UU lltitl In In'' foiiim-.- tli.'
oajifiu-i at;aintt 'Ihiimm
llo bulbilli-.l 1;' HDD nun with wlni li
to Uyild iu'tnty-iwo ifr-"' ii t '
Kiliitw, food and sinmpn:'l.'n t.,
I'milfto, vvuliln twenty two iimm'. -Till
WjPm, oversuiucrlbtMl tvlthn.
hour t $5S.00O.OOi i-.iUfd. to tin "ii
for In PuurUi I.Hsm- Mbertv itonila.
, net, asiyn i
I snrf n in.'.
: that owipk
i Torkei, hu
' i w.prfiiile pe.ii i
' The I 'elilutl l"oi
I Tnrki' ii i.i!l Co-
ti it 'T ii. 'tm'
if Tort. mli I'ohl
in I'.il' ' viat In
h I . i .ii I tie -ffei"
tin if, HltuMllon
.I' m .'OIH-llrt'
will, in.- hmenle
'. i. .,1,1 -t.-.l thai
' . . n - l.llliKi
li tH Ihhi-ii
IliK Irom Herl i.
itlut hut urtM "
hlim uml Koto,
the ItunalMii I
i iinos Trotaki
I. r resolution
iitsH from
I m o ibl v
1 1 S'i'wii emanat
i i th.ii ,i tjr.'iii foil
i.-i v. ,'..i 1 ' i , mie l.e j
i 1iiii-i.-i Tintk. u' !
.1 .I.." il. ' oiii. :ii- j
i e ,t tun I in. nun
mul rtu " t me
Mohi'ow durlltv the Mt
W.RHl.V(!TO n 14 i:nt anil
Wt-st Texas TucBilay uml W Bdneaiai
MIW'KU'mU Minn '" i 1 1
IP lennrti'l I ille.l Ii i u)i-lak
in iv. II .ml tu.
Tina c-nilirUiM Will njieivi-d from
l.lent.'ii.iiil AiKllmin IVutgluo. forim't
iiiptinii of iim rnlnTklu .i Mlntu'-utu
t'UHki'iiuli ii ii-i .ii"! mi uf the
19!b t.nplitr footiiull K) by hlW
Tnotfir tr Louis Butltr Minneapolis,
tt''""' j JsJJBjja
in ,. . , , ,
I 1 1 I 1 1 i .. ml ,,..,, j ..
I ( u- In 'li .i ni iii . i i I
I ' I I Ml, III 1. I,
, I v I . Ill l(;li ,1. i. i, I, n HI li
l toll u .;
j oil the "
snnnr hiiarantf
5 1
a l-UilllU, U itvwa Oil..
utb fimit of Urn trtiiry.
President Serves Notice That Genua
,T I . . . . m a m rm . "M m is .
a Ml I fll aa " r M ' u if jr a r u b . a ja i m j j a t k f-
do Before Peace Can Reign
(IlV till' -.NOfl!lIt'l I'l'IS'i )
WASHINGTON. Oi U.hiT I I - Wil ton Im . miswcrul
iti niv't piviff iMtinositl ivilh :i fcct:,mii wluoli Itilfill the
! t hiliKii of tii)oi'tun! of Inn (liiloinncy nnil tlispi h the fc
til :i II V vrii s I i'lli ttttni I lid I t Hat. I hinn tl.ktit it.Aiilfi Liilt-liliiln t
I ' it assess III' I MOHH 1(1 1Vk4IW HIM llllll (
uirieu tn ilium wttii tififiiis ni tliplumiH'y nun pafp tviui k ii
i-hi .itnii:nirv imiHi n. no iirinisiu'e- onu ni inoiiu ill ul v
l' iiv I'tiiilitnit-n lt r iiliDi-i tn on hiiul mid m-.i uno f.n
..... i... . i .1-.. .i i ?, r..ii i . , i i . i
" iiMitinii-u ii nun -, ii i imi mi l i'i ity Milt 11 tut
in iinlri-1 on tin- fn hl mi sih-Ii It riii-. t .I.Milutrlv di m ith M
I. .... .1 ,1 ... . . . . 'tl" . . -
' .....,., U.,.ll ,, I . , ,,,, 1 ill I IIIIUIl -. I tfi V ill Hill I, IJ
il fiflTlrr lis III i i i unri K i. Wi ..mi k iitiKW. r If I tv
""' itiinu ii wliii h iiri it iimrc tliitn uiuofidiho
iin rntliT AJHi il iliiiloiiiitts ;iiiil Anii ii. nt ol'fu i.iK Liluvo
1 1 1 1 1 V l-llllhl' 11 1-,-Vfillll Itm 111 I . ..t-vii,, ti v I In, I, . ,,iffoil.. It,. nraiulif
.lii-.isi s ill ;i iliiliHiiiilu- tlot-iiiiK-nl. i w .t i Wtl.son's woril to
ViOl I.I licit In liuil Itol llllillllll ill Hl.iiiliillil Hu- 1'iplllHll! fit 11
it It's I III- -Wl I I M ) a n 1 i 1 1 1 9 is it' ui.t . illk It l 1 1 1 it I lelii .Il II, fl t 1 1 ktsVksVl.
u iisiHt -. iiiiswi t- wan rt-Hil thi'if. in tsliiijrtton, and in new;'
...,. , . -.ii. .in in .iiiit-i in iiiiiii i in iiiii;:ii)tu nil- runiiii lUJilljflfMls
Hit- ! lily was tinniiiiiioiiHlv anin'oM tl. I lit- ivnlv wn . lt livcraE'i!
-,1. .... . i. . ' . ..l
I til- ?.itiiiiiitiii iiiii' iii'iiii-i li, i I iiii'tti in iifiriBii,- 1-. til it ii inraffrrjfffv
.iiu inin: uiry run ouifilll It v gt lHIl).; rill UI Ilil K II r aiKl "T
lii hV4tt.Mii. (ii-iinliiiH .111 ;u-inisl!t:f to (itMintinv no w'ould ik4
l.'til: I' il'Kl. I'I'.'.SIlllllll III Mll'lll'ilil'K 111) hlllll Mini -.1 'I -lllll Kv4llffiL i
.1.,. .1,,1 .ii.... ... ii 1... ..r it ., 1:.... ....... -L:HrT'A
in unii nun in im- iiii- mi- 1 in 1 .111111 vii.i oitiu .irrntHAl'
iliii i"lisMit'iiiiniiiiiii !' 11 If f '.i.mtinii 1, .i-,'. .mil , ir. i.W'fi i..rl triifu ;
. -A . . . . - , . ... ... ... Hliiiiill kuui, 11
V , m .4H,,l,rn V. Ull Vl. 1111.111 11 I 11.1,14 IV M11J1I irllltkCn ,
.tnd Hit; o(?ciiijalion ol till iioi'iniui siiiiiiiui'iita buscn.
urrpiiilor of Dip (Ki inim f'htt.
IMvuiilffit WfUon tines not ;i 11 pt tin- M.ivimili ui
im ill as anvlliinn lint utitta ratit-
fiRnnit. f HI Nt II AND HI-'I.C!AN
lOrttl'. IN U II I V C IOWARD6
f ROM I HON I If R TO tOAftf
111(1 tlio
m t rn-
1 I III iiiiiii ilil n il
w . a, en r n .i ,.
I Hv Iin .'.iii'llili tl I'l'. ss )
WASHINt. I ON. O. I.-I,. 1 II Pn sith-itt Uilw.n Iml iv ill
loiniiil ( .11 tun 11 lli;il Hu mil-, 1 iiliilllliin ujioll wllii'h ill ilt'lll-i-itlt
I- r.ill lie in .illti'd Is l .11 III III :ilrui-i- ml l.iml iimi stn
shall 1'. .tilt! In ,ilv, ii,m n.ili.i y iiiu-,1 f.m w
t ill i' I Mi ll i H I 1 ill 1 'lllll
I In- li Kl ol tin .nut. I.illtiv .
1 tn i'i ; . inirn at
o) Hit li 1 nt . I ml
of iiit 1 ti .1 nt Ins
in huIpm mu nl ,ul-
li; Thous.mds of f'risuiwrs
Taksn lly Pocli's Man
A re '
in .1
.Ml. 1
I fly Atsticiutad PteMt
til IK in C-lllu.t! 1111 rivf IKU n M.
t,i. .,'iooi- .1. ih. fU14 -en
111 I mm,....! ui 11 rl lKtili. lu '
1. nn . ..'inilo'l. I.IHioi
,11 M .niii' unit inni? In Hitslin
' . bill,. I "III 11,1' ntil lulilll
, -I lu uir F"i.l fuittii'i 'nl
ii.. tttv. -r m nuimiititsio' won ii
I. 1111 Mi. 1. ei 11, ui. 1 , tirtli.'li1
.,1 I11V. .1,1 tll'IK fi'lill.'-. I'I. 11. '
j..i m... ti. lit 11 it'll l''i .'in n
!, .11 ',, li II " !l .' ' Il II I'
111 1, 1 I". I ) i srr-.i I'
I ' , . t I'll ' ' 1,1' Il 'Il IM
II . u.i. 1 . 1 . ak II . nii ,il
1 in . ii m I kg iii in 11 II 1 ltr W 1 1
, . . , . , . i ,., 1 1 i n4 !" 1
The Executive i.cninuttee has received lemand, not a leqoest,
fiotti liaadiiuiar-tei . at Dall' every loyal American t it.ien must
devote vVednesday Octobv 16th, to raising tl.e balance of 01.1 uuola
for Nueces County fur the ruurlh Liberty I . .n
Mu, .unit In Hi 1 I 1 1.1 i i ii j'd lui .pi ci jl ml n ' .1'
; Chairmen ol comi-mtte t . meet, -it the Coll"- erctal Club room un
Tuesday, u nine o'clock to rooetve I not instructions with
1 , eferencv to tin drive "this is notic to y ic if yto ar oliOirmsn
I of a committee, to b present, vnd no' excuse, --dpi sic!-nest m i,ui
family will be icceptud. Tiie fact that some of . uf smployeea are sn.k
i ii nd you are shoit on help in your place of but. nes is no cuse.
t The fnllowinvi e 1(st of chairmen of the jmou committees
O O. Wouilmin. L H HatHiii. LinWitt Hv. t. tester Const. Mu-
note, nit!, l-ii-.ulit.t , ,,,, i, ,1 ti, , fionmt. A C Moll,., k O fi Flennst. . Joe Downev. Mis A
,-ied ftotn I'mWv) c Pr,day, p. c. Otarnrn, Wyatt Garejile, Mrs. wuy Dele, A C Mc
, r i i r i . . r- . r .. .. VI . . a It. rt-.. ..
t Is'lUtfrian. rreo liwueeis, r rerm UIKOI1, I 119 re..i,i, r. v . o,tvn,
Joe Mireur, F E. Rtny, Hairy Archer, Mrs iV B. Hopkins, J. 0
Chambers. C O. Carrett, Mrs. W. H. Cnfl.n Jesse Wrlnl't. E. I
Caldwaii, Mrs. V. P Holssher. O. D. Dvuyl.. E U. Etdson. Mrs
E. L. Caldwell, rr.n'k C. Allen, W. P. Hoelscln . Mrs, G. L. Coleman.
J. C. Blasknall, M. C DeTar, 0. ft. Johnson. 'irs. Frank TompVins,
Mu. Cordon Boone, f. E. With.
Esoh of tho above chairmen will have two 0' more iHiiit.inlB to it
titt them on tho committee. We aro still l rt $l79rtilKI.0Q on our
gu-,'11 in this oounty. In tha prutpcrcuo oomi ''on tht J, lire now
in it will be a disgreco to every mon. womr- 0Hl oJlttrT id Nueces
County if we fail to do our pertmn o ilie burden ptasod Upon us by
the tiovernmont. I want to imprest upon you 'hat it is ,nq more tho
duty of the chairman of this oommitteu than ' is that of any other
1 allien of this county lo seo (hat Nueces Count' goes "owr the tip '
A special proclamation has beun issued by th Mayor In response t
the demand from Dallas, and I t-arnestly u'U that every citizen,
rich and poor, hi(jh and low, big ami little. tho call from the
authorities higher up. and let's go "aver the t . " and save the nam
of Nueces County.
Chairman Nueces County L.uerty Loan Committro.
jii ,ii. -i ui lln i
ul lln I , en list, u!.
IdWIi lV tilt' I'l l Mitt III u! tin t llltt d ?,.it, ,
iiiltlrpth lo rfitiiii'i s-i on I'tst I iittiarv S ttntl
nnans Are Mktni D4pr.ile Al- 1 Clrt'SftCH jllMlllt-x lllf ITiHliltlil in (IlllKinM it Iraiili .Hid d'm
tempt' to Keep ValentiOilhtw From Ntfl tCUlfll I ol ItlS llJ.lttll Willi tar(b lo lllf i Utllllllllm llllllU
i sunn, into tu nanus qt tn .-'' I ,. ( ilTllimi i.iim itililiMil ol (I, inltni H ;ito V nst
il iiiiimI In- i It iii'lv iiiitlfri.lootl that the iioerHf. of f-vncii-ili'iti
iimi tin I'tiiidiliniK ol m ,n itii;,tu urv ttuitl. r-, a liicli
iniiwl In- Ipfl to (lit- ititlgiiitMil ami iiflvitv of tiip mililary .'itlviscr.n
of Hit" govftiinifiit of lln- I'nili-il SttittH inn thi- AUil f'ovirji
incnlh. iimi Ihr I'n .tidiMil ftt-ls it his duty lo av lliat no ur
i ,injj,t mi ni i hi In- n fi-plftl lv Utr MoNt-riuiifMil of tin- l uilt'il
Mali ! whit'h tint ", imi proMilt- an ahsoluttdy isuli.Hf.ti-torv -nft-(ii,
oil ttud nuHiiiiilrii ti iiiiiiiiliiuiiim nt the ,ri'Mii( nulitarj'
siin i niiii ol tin- .ti inn . stil tin I mli it SlalCH mid .Mill--, in the
Iti ld. ittitl In- It-t'U i tiiilitli iil In- r tn -.altdy Htiiiic tins
wdl In th' jml(4fiit nl .mil th i i au:i ol tin lin?d ui i iuui nts.
Ilif I'rt-HHit-ul It t Is thiil it k also Iiih duty to add thnt
in ilin i lln-i(nM i mm nl ul tin- t nit' il Stali-v nur i- In iinti sure
tin uot imui-iit Mth v.tiu lt ttn ot niiih-iit ot tin ludid
Mali h is iis-.ui lati it i .i In IliM' It nt. w ill collttfld to .Hiailt r an
annisln t' mi Ioiih a . iim. il l.iiii -. ol (it rtmiii) tonstituti tho
illi'Miil ami iiihiuii.iin pi n tii. . i- Int h tln-y xtlll pi-isist in
"Al tin- ti linn lln tn mum komi nini'iil iippru.irht . thl
m rniiH iil ot tin I iiitiil St. itt with propos.tls of yn- ui- its
ciiliiii.H Uir.s in , ii, ) in -.inlvin,; paisi lifji I thtps at .i :i, ,ild
tot tin slups iliiin lull lln uii l"Kit lu . tilt'It tln-il p t .-.fliy-
t -- md fitvi . mi kuit to tin ii .. is to Mifoty, .mil in then
iii ,iiti i nfill i ill n iilnli av, nl 1 1 mu I I, indues and Fruiur the
h i in-lit .nut s an purMiiuit .1 . uiitv uf waiduit ih stMietion
Im li alwav. lias In . n ti I'.tiil. tl is itiiliri-i t Molutiuit of rules
ih.l pi i! tu t i ul 1 1 1 1 tt'i I ill in t ilif uinl llhijs, it not
li '.Iiiim-iI. an Lt'iiiK stitppi il ol -ill tltt'V I'unt'ilft, and uftfll of
III. II l-l lllll. llllt.lltl-.
lln iialioiis i . .oci.m d iaiitNl iii-nnnny t.mnot ho i-x-pi
rlt il lo .iH i in j . i mutton ol anith wlult- at it) of inliiiiiiiinily,
,i,ll,,tiiili .imi tli stil ition an Im iiim ioit,tiulH'il, vsliiili thi-Y jtist
l looli upon s 1 1 ! i Imiioi .md loh littruinu lit;ni Is.
Il is in ti ,iKo, in uitli i- that llu-lv mil), ht- no possi
bility nl niistii I' i-aandliin, thai tin I'l't'ildflit HltOllltl iry sol-
ii i ii I i ill il.. lit- iitioii ul tin unvi i nun nt uf (icriiiiiiiv to the
laiiti i' ""' t'l "i ml nl ol inn ol tin- t'lniS of pi-iuc whic)i
tin- litruiait goti mini til nuti anptt;il it b as follows:
lln- in. lion ul t- i is ii hiiiai io h i-r .tiivwhiti' that can
M-paniiiiv. niftiit. .md ol its singlt- ihoioe, (listiiWi the ponce
ul (In- world, or. it ii i tiinot In pit siiitly destroyed, at Uast
lis t llllt 1 It'll to Mltlial nnpolflK) . "
lln puwii uiinli ha. hitliiilo loiili'tjllcd the ( na
Iimi is nl tin sui i li.-n ilt-Kirilii il It fo wilhiil Uh- choict of
any (ifiiiuiit iiHtion lo ultfi it. The Pri'sUlentVi words jtiht
tpi'olt'd iialuntlly contititutt- a condition prccotjunt lo penct, if
H-.K-t- is to t-oiiit- hv iiclton of tin Uoriium puoph- thtiusulvcs.
I lit President fi t It. hound lo say Unit the whole jirocftss of pence
will, in hib jiidgmciil. depend ii)on the tk'fiiiilfiu-i uml thtf
s.ilisl.niois ciuirnciei oi Kiiuriiiiiee-j which can ni yieu umi
I ho In I,
mmuK tn
mi,-.' it I
I in Hi
iMIi-jh'I lllll
I , I'I. ,1
A lib
'.i'i , 1 1 ' .teiiMriit
. , i, i , imi.
i, !
, 1 1, I ,' . ,lne, I 1 1 I '
'M' ' .t'tUr-f! iin.l II' l
i iii . 1 1,1 ii n.i t
t ... I. M.lll lrf i
i ii it t 'i i y '! tl ' "in
.ml iiitinei nili i ','.
i - .... t f r
I 1 , 'I'll 'll'I'JI I I '
"u1 I b" id. I, e i, in
tilled IroOtlX I" Wllhlll
','iitiai' ryiainl iU'i..h
I. fei.
ui.t il
have nffi-i . .1
M .11 1 i.ll ,
I, v.. .1 nf ll
.Kill' I '
II., tu.,
111 'I .
f tht- I
1 1
an i
SI , .
i in- li-i mani. s
f tun I he lexi'in
, mil the entit-,-.
. II.1V. tu I I '
i I. Hni'.isn. the Ki em I ' .
Itl.lili' fililtli-l rriMtttHiaa flf I he Alan, i
. rivet fi-nlmbly the grKMlmit iint
I jmv wan fared by tint Anim Ic ni mi
j Iwilh Hhlfs of lV 51litl!l HWI. Hbel.
'Hit' Hun were vit-lull-tly ,-uunli i il
. i ,. ( t'.'.ui ,ii, iffuit tn b.ill II . Sm. i
" in- i. b" ti . ., ..I iiik with I '
::n.;, '.;::. ;:.r; - u i.uiisp..i.snhic that n.e uovornnu-nis
! ii i'l inir in iiKuinr.t tlio Ami'i Icanu,
ill 1 iH.i-tfa ini.-il b.u. wiih
t sluutl h "iiiili'1-utu-.'ku. and tin
! Aiiu-i i- an itrtnu-iy in aridivtrirb 'm
Oct nun en. i but for tlio'
assoeiidfd iiaaiiihl liiriuaiis should know hi-youd a nenulvtHi-
t in i with sxlioiu lluv ut dtiihiu;. ITie PiT.'ddcnt will nmke
.ipii itt iipl to tin iiiiin uosirniucnt of Aualriu-VIungaW,
1 Ibiancil) LANSINQ7