OCR Interpretation

The Corpus Christi caller. [volume] (Corpus Christi, Tex.) 1918-1987, November 08, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071134/1918-11-08/ed-1/seq-2/

What is OCR?

Thumbnail for PAGE TWO

jpm;l CALLER
iHO, W. HTAYTON Mawifcuitt Wjtor
Member Attscxrintecl Prcs
aln tt tltt ll tor t, jniMliaHnt) of
frit n"wa UTOflH' " " 'hrtte
rf4tt(it in Uil vtjirr ml Uo tills
ftol.tiVmllBn Rates
Tt urtr ot Uift CftlUr t t". 10 year.
,Xr uymfcii or ji.w oy mw
vt v!(1rt irtieuM trir 1'irtn th om Ann
t.w au.iriv. OartUo for The tv.lr
tmy wsftt fur ihir par?r mnis ar n
Ma. to utoil tnn tha vMW&'a
iK'flll tn aubwrlWa. Their nv.rjfln of,
titoflt I ftmall. mi few ! Will io
Vttmiy Nit. Sut'imiplhJH n IM til)
trla awa not Tfcr I'Miro PuliUiliinc
iomrmny. tomjalnt nf rvM or
Mr Id start r tUaetotlmt vtfvtf
jwirr. mul ivf f nflitrfw. in)ui
AVUUfS Mil hWMnrsw nH'tiif.ti.'ii
ar tWoKv IMt All ' -vVa. draft uvmf v
hrtivra M4t nprv otHfitt to Th ("niter
mWjHlflh ' -nlnjf. AM Horn; nr
tlerW k n.t .-. iintnr.lmtfcm i-'tM'Til he
mlrt'v1 t . Mttor. CJonfu- Ohrlntl
tisUM-wJ ' .! .-.- mailer at
the iwatoflBce to vrjnm .'ti.i-H, Tea
n?ntiny, Novcniber 8, 1 9 ! 8
A''"'m,y w ct t mr nailc'l
thjv. itiivf., tit hot . awl nlmtaii
&v .hula' t'MMrs mui over
,lil2- hsillr8s, rfin litntaritJs In
iht ritthwani aot a mighty joll,
iU union mtffp:j;i'. nliii-li liml
bop-! ofCifinlly frt'M nwl upon, ro
t ti-. tl The nnrat i im-mI pntloratf
inM ln Mi! .ludiic Child
tt t'l f t1 r v hrs tHistituciipy
Iff w IiIht.'1 in In-- views;
U'cutiKlly im
.1 t.. lo the
HO to i nck-ur
iti-i' jtiul tiirlii
t'iplif thiiiE.
Ttti flitninnf ion "f An-lup Parr
is not fftaiis. ,PhP'"f ttix1 ponflint
ind riportn. But then is reason
to IH'Upvu that Jfr. HinsscocL won,
am it' lip tlhl, it was n victory
whioli tuiwuntwl to rovolutioii.
iMonilJy, ho wkh pntitli'tl to plcn
tiun. Thorp is uo donht whalevor
tltat lie wmt the liniop of the
people: that h rwoived n pleur
eni majority in the .fnly pri
Jimriiis. Tin- rourt lold?d ajrainst
him, nml if we did not pouteml
for Jus olpptiou it whs uwmme wo
1h;Hp;kI that it was wiser to suit-senho-to
error, oommittod not'ortl
itiR to law. thun to ovcrstop auth
ority and (oner thp liars.
"Vhat wt chiiiw of it, this pac
tion 1mh pat pd Hit' way for dp.
t-atiov. Ttu ppopip, ly thpir bal
lots, hnvc prol their mood, and
tliey nr- m w humor to triflp.
The liossr -i rc donp for. The votp
UfiPOptibi.' t. niaiiipnlalioii lnw
taken to the cac'iis. Jiok t
liaval! 0i't- tlipr., where Prr
was narattumnt, and no pud of
InrelingM awaited lim order in tho
old dns, the Depart went of .ht
iive had cyt ,, aitd they were hard
fj'es, iii tltat, bent on spring the
perfono.i () throiiKii. Inn for
Jour of thp law, Onval would have
fiwolvM Part in uch wild tf'ee
that it would hove taken an add
ing machine to rwdton tho totnla
.... and you have counted tho
vote for Duval I
Casualty Lists
ttstu It l n tiiillnintUlitf fact ttmt
the Hftsti OVftUttj ltomlr which
t now rfUie all paHti of ti- .uun
ir it dHt rtaTmln, fur tnm- t-tiros
m (Ivritian trulvta Qt h twttto
f.mt .f iiMro AlUimtth Ui. ivtl
nti.t mlllttn .iath rlttf hvp uprt
( In "tW" llnt tttt i1t- tn ! in
iWiltift, it 111 JtluttillK VU UP Hi .tti.'i
DM 'ontimt-. 1. 1 M".flit 't i'i nintf
in mi V!n ttic .lim'hw i an t
. . 1 1 i,. li-.i.liMg .utl,iii iif-' ilir
I m r if iw)tuii nt tile humnti -
, i-'in .mi l't f Mffii1 th.i! it i
it. .. i.rf iitmoKi n mfftiiHi. not
!i.m rMlitr Xttiih iiiflvi. nun,
j ; i. It It ollf of !ti. Ill.i ! .iliC'H
j i ' I . i .IHK kltiitvn
I ! l pvmtta" tr. nittf 'HR fi nm
l)..w.-til 'IHn t'v "ti.. tn Wf.ik ;nit
; rtirutowtt piiit w!,i mm net tho
j-tit-nnh in thrn .i nrr who m iltv
hirt ri tu. ,.,. httff. ihib ftim n
i' '. .nilili - ii.'l ini.itlun Uip
Htln llv ltd nitu till" 'IM I MlOrtflllV HWfc.
,.11't'l'ti tin itifli:mrl tiiuiun mi' m
i MnltiRn nt tli 'iiinr liiifl Itiiival
, , . ii-n ltio t tie Kprttm Tlite
I . i .nt'ni in ilni'rwt .tin ,n H(-.(itnjin-
i. ' ! -Krril i"li!ililt i-X Itt'
'f nt-c jruffrtlng fmm un-. o
t , symiitotti. nothing on pmtii wtll
IbinM j.hi up nnd mnttiutlicn mhi UUo
!T,tti..i. wtilrh ronlaliiM the mot .nv
rul t'inj- iirojwrtlfii Itmra n In mi-
! Tiit. KUtcmmt In citnlly jirnvwt It.v
,tli.- fact tlmt Tnnl l now hnvlitt; tho
I nrfXtfui wilr of ;in yiitim toltl: In tlti
l it.ir of moilr.-mtf. In lcwt tltnn fottr
nr tlm wi Tti Million Itinllft
hnt lim oM atu! Uw dottitlttil ia con
Ktiinilv tuiTlitn. ThotigtitiTlii ate us
ing it tiy tat tlio ti ho vii trouble, with
th. most antonlahlntr ami (?rntlfylitK
Tnnlar lncrpmB ynur atrwuslli nml
v,.irtit and cron ttu a mm. Iimtltliy an-
ietiu fr niiuMhlii(r fooO It ki-em
vim pnvHtrniiv rn iittil tifU f-vcrv ur
v in t f tln tkTMty iW'fform It proper
rmirtkii, tn tho natural v.m
In I'imncctiun Willi the Tanlae lrat-
miit 1 tmrv nttit kvrp tilt limvolv
muni Uy taking Taiiluc ltxnttvr Tnlt
ii tMQiplca of witlrh nre liieliidt In
.ry bnttlp.
Tanhtc la sold In Corjtu CUrlHtl by
nittff Drug Slttro.
! I? D A d np t m n I
m i iv j i m if i
i i
j l.INOdtA-. XiK, o T Tlio i i.
'vw-Kltv nf N f'.jti.fcltii ftinttxil) iiuniipi
(tiirin utigiiiu; for tin nttm
nmiiKKUiMnc nay tiiiftttitmntim ii.
siik to !toj"l in Litnruin.
I'rof. II. II. $'t.tt( titlitolle tiinnii'"
Is oajwWcrtix: jiwltfllltiu tho Kolitioi. i
ifrtrthU't'Ktwti Rilim', tiriiviiulHt fm ..
$t, 'tMrhy Uy. N'ortliwHimu ,
jiwi'mUwl ft.Odo Ktmnttif f"
the N'ov, is tilt vilcn tlio't.-ntin- ki
wntiniclpit for. till! rc-vnth (.ffni..
Wi ttwae tw lluUlci IIhi .Jrtti!i.n
itiHiinKctii.-iit to i-itt tlmt flmirp tnn 1
In tmif i'n .'M'flHiit ot il inv h.i t
j nam ml vfonttM f 'be arsismi tt. i-
Iliivii tto inlitlii.il Kim) ,inlw i
nmml it ti'iiiuTtV't- tn tht liuliituy Pint
If NnitlittpMtim m.-ioNt tin- TliMnk'-
jKtvlnic ptiiAl. It It nbntti rtn lni
(Uitton will he fxtfii'tiit to tl'p muii"
(t mi in "f t'linit' Fui)tnt Hi tun t .fwl 1 1 .11
hn on tin. Ini til ftclil i. n 1
Thin .ii i iiinjiiiiu'tit iv mi lil ni v. i hi
Co'nb'.iKl.i f the foilutkitifi ..Tii'ilul'
No.K MihmuIiI at ("oluinliiii N'iiv H
Ktlilii) Ht l.lm-oln, No. .'3 ilitiM .n
at t.lm-olii ThnnliHKlvInt; Nwrtbui"
tern nt l.ii.i .'in.
nr:K vr i kks. hi. i. 7 im
Doylt". the lliilip Kuth" nf !n.it likri
him mIkih iI .1 lilii lni.Mii ii'ii'im t, II'
l ;i Si I.ii iin :imii:nil lm 1 Unfit tl 11. 1
iriMi fm- Hie Mint Hi'Xllil'.'i' Itlll.l.lt"
ntir- of thi "troiyfiit 1 lll'i" im "hr H'l
lion. Mi- l.ii.hv Into tlii llmillKlit I"
ft.iRKltiK .1 Innne run nw i ilio '.mi'
l)cvo drill ball, a nmitHli Hint iiiikIi'
bo rottumri'il It) tt lift mi1 the li-fi
fpttco of nny tnttjor lunRm ji.pI..
Not only ulcl ttoyle li-nrt the lonjiiir
In hlltlDK lull Mime nf bin i.hn ijinK 1 1
ronlK uro icuuirViilili. f.ir an nlnnti-ui
IIt sntlterefl 11 ihwn tmnii' 1 mm mul
nllip lrlpk'.
tip lias dlidli'il wllh t"p 81. l.i. nt
Curillnnl''. till' cintrmt 1 . -11111111 fur l-ix
orvteflli Hftir In- In tnudtini il out or the
navy. A ttpcctiil rtmlrnci fm itlin
drawn by the ntiilonnl ctimtnisaliin 1
forwnnli'il to St. Limit).
Doyle Ih Kl yi-rti-d oltt. lilts nml thiow
rlttbt -btimlt'il nml tntrs bta In-nil.
Syrup Keeps Down Food Costs
fWhon everything; now is go- tious and healthy and at the
mgjsKy-mgir ana fi nearly nil same time not cost so much,
articles of food have increased j Syrup is one of these lew foods,
as much as, 50', it is a good (Not only is it hrnltl-v but it
jol tijootl .which .will be mild- 'needed to keep it going.
IDlinha 's King Kf-mus Sninis tJtcwnw for farfow m nnitstn.- r -
K 5011 to buy. It is made in Louisiana riht Kv K uni i. . ,t. ,.
1 vli to the sttuar cane grows. , ,imi ( si-; (. i,,n s,i ,
3 ua.s uk1 uavor 01 tnt! ctinc itsi'li. it i m, ;,.,,, ; Mmtvn-v
110 ' 11 (lie Cosl i) iii;
V. II. Oatroit, (Iniiiolninl, Taviin,
W. K. HuAllstor, Wlntisburw, Toaa.
ricrtimt) HiieltflnUl. Knox lty, ToXtm,,
.1. t.. I.lltflt. WltCO, Tt3M0. '
J. A. Ptnko, MisiUlti TtixttB.
Wounded SHahtly
H. A. MeKlroy. Troup, Tatau.
Wounded (Degree Undetermined)
a. H. llarnnivt, Twitirttitnit, Tuxiib.
J. B. llrtnor. Slntlo, Tosna.
J. V. Simrlui, Uronvlllt), Toxns.
Misting in Action
Oultl'i HIA1-S:
E. MfConK. Weaver, TuXue
V. F. 'tlht. (InlvtKton. To.taf.
Present lor Duly I Previously Reported
Died of Wounds
K 1 1 Hill. spriiiKtoivn. Tvxtu).
v --
WAMlN'n-.V, JS.. 7- Th follow - '
it .MMl(i at. niM.i't4 bv im- mm. J
tiiantfinx rw. I .if Ih. Ani.-iS.no o-'
i.BIM;oj, i ,.,... Kltbtl In a Uon
''' ''' ' 1 .ilfiit ji.il iiUit-i ,.t... .
il" rl ..)' .1,.. ,.. , j, I
KH' mul- M-i Jl-l I 1 it III llilHKinjj 11,
4 ll W.I ' 1 " I I , i'J 1
Killwl ,n AUn
I'I" 1 fv
' ' ' '" "i. '. "i um. Ti'x.k
.. r U.iIm r I,,., ', , 4Hh.
1 "' ' U Teas.
I i" V frtitiii '! . v Jh
. . .I ...J. ..cic i;iKii 1 nr
I . V.lf OK ,(.! '('.'V ,f,
' '.I. .1 Inn,. ') , y
" 1 n'i.iii-ti l-a Tn,i
' ' 1 in' Tiimi
. I I -liHIIC. I '01111, I . HUM
U ii.. , ,n. mmn l , u, n-
' ' I " i'llllnll. T dd
Do ! VVountl Ran 1 d in Action
'ii 1 .
' 1 'i 1 .. 1 lilltno, Ti tnn.
1 I v rl.i. Tcxa.
Died of Accident and Otlmr Cauaea
I HI .11
,; I ' il-.lb'tt. I. T. v.u,.
" Mil" nnj.,
II I 1 . 1,1.1 Will . Tvxu
.1. 1 I . .. , .Villli'5, ,ut
lf. - S I
Died of Dlscaco
J'K1 :
1 ll. 1, HUtlill ia, 'l'OXta.1,
1- ' M I 1 1 1 In 11 ,iilv. ''i i,hs
At Mi. ' III.. I 'u, in, 'J', , ,.
Until 1 1 i , , 1 iMtHii-m-. T(-ai.-
4.1 i. j.l. i.j Mi iMu-'.Mi', T. .!,.
It if ',1. 1., Wuiiowriglil. T. u.
,1 V ,,lWll H'iIIh, 'I'i J.IU.
.1 I., C ii'in. Win I, jio, 'ivxua,
t'wjilf Irww It I11 1 111 on, Ti xjin.
It. 1- .Mutt, M 'IIhi 01111, TfjtuK.
ii. v ut-t (!, Ai.iii i,i Txmi.
V. T. Cliiietnui. 1 "., Twxaa.
Nw vorfc close atcnily, 3Jec. 29,4liir
56. tun UtfUM.
S( OiIuuuk dom aloKily. Dec 2S.71
4ffli. .Inn St.lUUtt
Houston atiota Rtundy, mlitdlltli:
il.ii, mltm tfTJ.
Oslvivaton aiu unlot, mlddlliiff.
SI M, tmlea IT.
Nw York miota. uulft middling
31 anlott notiv.
Nt w Oi'leno afiota atoutty. ntlcMIInK
so.se, aatwi 1741.
Aft the aiud mul .Muck of tlio
Tr..nrheK. tho Utillud War Work Cntn
I'Dinn Hutu Ait' n lilt of 1'arnilim 10
h S.tl Tlr.iJ gtfljfor.
Kii Their llMt'tti StrotiK, Tlli'b
."im lti. liilclil unit Their r.iurtiBP lllKb
'"' 'I. (jiui llbiB TaaU 11111 Tin n'
'Km I.ilii'intly to tlio I'ni toil V:n
'A, .lk 4'fillltMIIUIi.
and unaduItoi-atod.sJt is jutt up in a moucl
Dunbar Molasses mi Syrirp Co.
TV.- - - ?)uiV,tr
- ii (i't
I, ' ,
si: . ' '
Your t'ontrlliutlon to the I'niteti
Win- Work t'liiiiinlKn will so totv.111
rti)iillu(' tin- I'ri'nlure rnmfoitt, Tbn
Ho Tc Make 11 Suldtt't'ti I.ITi 11 1.11'h
Mom- tVmtli Wbllo.
New Orlonnn
New York
Red Crost Cemmltleo Will De
Chnrno of Vigorous Cntnpaign
That line Started
lloKtimlnK totlay 11 romtnltlo" from
till' Itl'll CrCIAH COIIlpOSt'lt Of MiMHI'i
Ullaiiiui Horn, I.011IKC lWtuird nnd
Annie Cronltoy will romluvt nti netlvi'
conipaiKU for nut kIihII.i nml fruit UtH
tn In- uceil In llw imiiiufnotim or onr
buit for infittkH fur Atui'rlctin soldlrm.
linfritlH will ho pliici'il on downtiiwn
i"tt.iit enrnurs mul It Ih iriiiirnti'il that
") who havn aavcit tin- pita nnd
slu'llH ilopimlt tluim In Btitih rocoiitnolefl
or il( tlmt tlii-v pliotip 112 nr nml
.1 Hoy Seoul will call for tlifpuckflKP.
II Hlioutd bu I'li'urly itmlointnoil tlmt
tin- Atnerlotui Itwl frtiaa hud boon nf
flrlally ilcxluiifilcil ih tho ormiiilxiitliin
In I'lmrKm of the c(iiininU:ii for 1'i-ni'b
Stonoa, Fruit Pltn unil Nut KhfllH
throuitlioilt the fiitintry. Whllo tlio
floiM'Bl co-oinTutlon of other Knvciil-
tnttnt ilciiarliiifiitH nnd onruiilr.mloiix
of nil kliuiH In uumoiitly doMlri'd. mioh
ili'inirlinviitu unil orRTitili-athuiH xliuuld
innliirntaiiil tlmt I be Itcil C'rutm In in
romph'to sharKC It huppuiiK thnt n
Kront niiitiy urKanlautionti nnd doimrl
tntinu wi're nakotl Io jirotffd with
tho ontnpnlKii wlillo pinna fur tho liod
Cross liartloliiation woro bolnj work
oil out.
No more important nppout lina becm
mntlo to thp Aintirliian pooplc thun
tlita. IJiilpf.H thl.i otittipitlKii Ih it sun
ohm it will bo ImiioMlblo to furnish
the hot tnimltH to our tnoti ilurlac tlio
noxt few nmiiiliH.
Two hiimlreil potiol) atonoa will nro-
tltico onottth rarboh for otto kum ninal.
KnVfln lioutlilH nf nut Hht'lls will nlm
jliroducp viHiiicli purboti for one tnuli.
Vtuir ('ontrlbutloii to tho I'nltml
War Work Caiiiimlun l tin- .Mite Tlmt
.Miilntalii the M.uulo of tlio Aliiprlcun
hill, cook: and pope
In n iimal' r.n- from Iniln natok h -ri'iilh
oiifinilii.il n Kin. ill in. 1 .in,, in
lior coiniiui'lim nt. Tin i nr porfi' nw -
I litj; It In lipi bnintK ntti inptcil to tnl."
lit from bor. Ili'luw ti youait woman i
I Hliirlt, alio Krnbhi'tl tii a plxtol, wh'ri -
Upun tho jiortiT ti-il upon hii unuen
nuil bPKiji'd fot mi'icy. With a I tt t ' -putsunalnn
ho 1 1 imIiuimI from I m-nb
tbt younif wnmni 'H lnoth 11 ilrnn 11 ito ii.
Kllilllnr 1 pat kniri . Tin y aitm il' il
HfM'i.il ticiutul nt ot'ium,
fllher Atneiiviiiii un boaru win Mim
tnmu'il awl it nvan K idetl to tiiin ovi i
tb upium nnl tho imrtor to tin llisi
1 iiHtonix nfftioi- i-m oiintorcil Tbi in -Ihk
iluni- In thp ntatlnn at Htirbiti. Tin
ausloin offlppr 1 unfivoaUid tbf ilriis.
thirdly I'lirnliiK 1 iPWItrtl of hh rul
bunibiil i'.iiiIhm. out ilifultn t'il bo liml 110
nutboiitv to aiii-ni Hip amuKKb'i- ami
tho piu-tpi' wpnt hi way.
il., -I of ihou'i i lib- 01 i.f
b'. Un- soMii-ih 'In iii,i . vi c.
-t'l n io iifo.kiriK iiim n .'" lui'
'I'iv.'d mai.. t-h toia-i mn tomlo, .n, . 1"
by tho folks nnrk bona, alnliil in ' 1 ::UHffBflf' 1:0,.
thp louul ii' ih itnl in lh 1 uutle'it'
ruJuniiiB of many of lu I.-olinu m- n 1
y.lm'H, llotv in ,m "t!;.tpi fi .," . , i-
I il If'tti f. writt, II I,'. I '1, . f. , m
H .11 o T"S.t.M
'1 am in an offi, , , . mi, ,: n, , . i..,,
Hiimcvi n-i'p ovttr h.n. , .1 1'
or any of tlw othoi oraaiuantltinn 1 ' - vi ,
u v
flop. Tlc i"iii ,rW ii
.or; rei' mln i- .! M . .11, n,
' r Tl'pv ,,n i'n tl" ".I. -. , 1
I bnw hn in -ruf. mli'! 1
1 , -
TOr-p A 11 vo in KVQHY HOY "tiv.ii
Tlipri'" t',,o l,lf nml Spirit or ' uvpi 1
IloiP.'' f.lvp to the Ullltatl War Work
CtimilKii '.
Wonndod Bweiely
tlXl fJlMVOU, fUPII L'll), Tfu.
J-iUrUftif Jonca, uraimv, IVxt.
Ani Sow Stoaacb Cauierl TUl
bidy Much Suffertag. Black
Draught Relieved.
Mtadorsvllle, Ky. Mrs. Pearl P
rtolc, of this jilaco, wrltoas "I waa
tar)- ootmUimted. I lmd tour atomnch
anil waa no uncomfortable. I vent to
tho doctor. IIo eavu 1110 lame pHU.
Titer wcaUenctl bio and oeomod to
tear up my dlBcatlon. They woulit
rrlpo rno and afterwards It eeemed
1 waa more cotwtlpated than before.
I iwtrd c( Uliick-Oraueht nad tits
elded to try it. I found It Just -what I
needed. It wna an eaay, laxative, tuuJ
not bad to uwallow. My dlgostlon soon
Improved. I got well of. tho oour Btoui'
oeh, iny bowela soon aoorad norrual,
no mora Krlpinc, and I -would talto a
doso now twd then, and was ia good
I cannot nay too much for Hlaclt.
Draught for It Ib Uto flnoat laxative;
0110 can use"
Thedford'a Dlack-DrnuKht hau for
wuny years been found of great valua
la tlio trratiacut of atonnich, llvvr anc
Loivol troublea. Eaay to tuko, kouIH
aud rellablo fa Its nctlou, leavlne no
bad afinrffecta, It has won the r
of tbouuada of pcopla wUo Uava . j
(fiontl-upd front Tuko OntO
Ilia Hondo Parr ?. iniimo o'k 3
I .'11 inomli Hie. i'lr. 111, I I-llii t ii I'.iri
t ililMHI'ol U U
lliownm HIp, i'i..,-lnit Hi I '.or '&,
uiiiBsroi k 3: I n 1 in. 1 1 1 I'Hii 1 niuaa-
IliiixKi'Oi'k S. I'li'i 'o.'t l (llanH.-o. I 13,
I'.in :tu, I'l-erln.i r I'an .'!, Uliina
oik fi; IltH-im t ao. l'ri '-i;. DIuhk
link :,; l'lfi'lui'l 21 I'll 1 1 t:t
Yillitnui'Va. l.o KiK-iiiitiiiin, saniu
Alalia a mi l.im t'onl(H liaif inaili' no
r'ioi tn tllaiwoi k n iiiiilnrll over
IYiii' on tlip fnrp of t ti .- K'tiiin im fin
iim'I'KmiI la 101.
I'pflmpa Vol'H Um tn Amorts thptn!
01 VK to the Cnlii-fl W$t Work Cum I
pulKii Fund.
Fot nulla for buying lauit'i''"' fnt
Dili biililli-iw ami v.,1,. ...If -l3l' 1' In in.
FnltPil War W01I1 1 amimlan 1
w, 1 (
Jiu.t One of Tttouiandt. '
Till' llPSt plIKif III tllp WOllll ill Will'
tin- w.i 1 wolfii-i .itfPtit'lrH an d""it;
for tup '-olillpi'. 11 loiiml in tlo Inn. I
L. J L L-Kra
Y.iiir iiinli iliutiiui to thi. UniliHl Nr
U01K t'allllMlixn kUi)Ikh tho I'limloitu
ami influi'tioDa of lluutt' to tlio Uoya
llVI'l tllt'lP.
Ni:W YOHK, Xm. 1 Slupn have
bi'in t.iki 11 with tt view tu iinltliiK lUo
t'limi'ii Willi I'krantii ut) a a Hurliu dia
,it, n in Da' I'oloKtii' (Ihjii'Uo.
Yoiii I'ontilbulion to Urn PnllwJ
W.u W'oik I'mripulKU Will llriiiK Kllli
hliiiio intu the l.Kiw nf urn IH'tir,
Kl.lVi ioK.
opium smuoolTno orrErts
NmuititUiiK from odkUiii .Siberia Into
I ' urLiln otrpi-. sohii nllurlnK iuwnr.)
that Miir. ol) no oi'poi iiihun in omi
luoki'il by t m 11. (Hn lriB nnd toiiilmioi h
1r0MH tho M.itii-liiiriiin fiontipi tin.
lullnlilwi aio alilai with I opi fn lil
'I ho im iiaroil iImik will Iiiiiib tuplp H
pur. ham pi I..- if K.itly In nod int.,
'in Mutirl.ui Ian iriwi,
A youax Amtii.aa woman, travelliit:
Wo hnve just
received a
fresh ship
ment of those
Coiini in and
ohocijie from
a wide,
At Lit htcnslun's Today, Continuing Sale of
.-fi m m tj
tmsi mm ms
IfiLll 0 P
mm tn m it w v n ra sis x-v
u 1 1 nil mi
-; x -rn r - vat.
Thrre arc 148 pair. of Men's high grade button shoe in the rcpre&etv
la!, si- innket. including' Edwin Clapp. Ncttleton, Douglas) .uid oif
win spetinl brand.
In the bent leathern and iauts- inoludin kid, gun metal and a f w
pah in Russia Cajf.
---Ihis is an unm.u.tl opportunity to save on your Winter Footwear.
Com in this morning .ukI let our expert hve ihkii tit vou in at least
two naira.
$3.00 Button Shorn nt
$4.00 Button Shoe tl
$4.25 $4.50 Button Shoe at
$5.00 BuMon Sho4, at
$7.00-$6.i0 Button Slioea at
$10.00 Button Sboai at...
(Shoe Dept. Second i lour)
$2.45 Pair
$3.15 Ptr
$3.68 Pair
9&M Fair
um pir
. $&6 Pair
wiiiiw-iaT-tit'iHiui..T. ., -rrnrrniii
1,1 a, -in-...

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