OCR Interpretation

The Corpus Christi caller. [volume] (Corpus Christi, Tex.) 1918-1987, November 09, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071134/1918-11-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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tMHi cmm
JtO. 'W
KTAYTN. MhHhrk'K ICdllor
Member Ansoeintcd Prcsa
VM Mwodutfirt I'rese is teltiMvl
WrtHWl t the liM- for lepnldieMJofi of
nM Mm fw;tfltcI t I! 01 not UwrWtMs
ttMtnmt III this jwi ami ulto the
weal wpwa rmiilhtHXl incrota.
fltibMriptten Rt
T!i twtro tif the emier f I? ad year,
ly by mutt or fry .tr.'tet
"flUfiwjlhri when ectcrlnN ft.
of nod it? Mm i HI 0i. l. ih tilt old ami
Hew mt.th kmh Oarrtnrs fsn The I'sllci
Vy rami! ftit their WU'ci a' 'I r' u"
utile tu extend mmt than week's
umlll .0 mthsrrlboi Then ta..rtn f
JtietH I Mnutl. end fen .vsrs Wttt It
Vci'tltr TeH- fill."! rlptlwi' iir. dm Hi'
t(?rrtw and m" The r.ll-i l"ui.tlal.u.
OmpKtU" tMlnplnli-t" ' efi'c -i
der to ri r 'II' .-en'imif drlliere of
liSper, tid 'infffP" "f ii'Mi'n. should
be wMrrwr ' o, i, . i.i ! !
AlMlrc'e nil lllll ! cmmiii.,:sMIns
mill mi.'" 'l nil "H.hI.. din- mncy
urtlf an. I ctpies Grtlprx t" The i 'mller
J'tlbhshhiR I'morsny. All Heme, ar
tlOlcs Bi-.l cntntn-ittlefltfims slmuM ue
htfrt4Ml t. tftrht
rtitor, 'ivrpii ciirtotl
Hntcrti.t mt sr ' matter t
ih jmttM'te In i . t v :i. it.il. .
Satuiduy. November 9, 1918
The licHiuu ' I. i'' rcrivnl tho
conditions for tin- mi. insion oi
i, I'ritiihtif' fnim Mai-Klia) I'k-Ii
Thrrc will In- ni i'intlnii nt" his
'lilitifs ponitinsr il .'ihfutgli
ihc Ucrmmi cnii n.is-.in:i ' .- -.kftil
the Allt-v to . hft-k fi'ra!i is
Tin' nTii.nts i,io Ikm-ii xvn
ftevruf t b'
their husw i r in
There vil' In
v tu ll'IMll'l', IJIkI
is; Ii st". or no.
,n ni'iT'iti.i'i'ins
Mitinliit. tin ai
will lio nver or i( riiinny Mill wu.
1liii llii' liruiu o! slituirhter and
cortiiin ilisordrt-
W'v (ire t'onfiili nl that (jermany
Mill iii-eppt thr iMiuditions imjios
od, Umvcvor liwsh ihoy may lie,
ami vi' an- not suir that it will
lake seventy-two hours for Orr
ninny tn maho up hor mind. Kp
vnlfMiiiN lirnknii nut in Kiel, in
lliunlnii'n. in tho Ic.vsor Htiw. T u
vnrln is in no junod to hositatc.
There nutliitte left but snr
rciulor, and the Kuonor it is do
ildcjl niioii the smaller the 'toll.
."AVjuui tho Americans entered
fed&, vim lUiidenluifK'K hack
was broken, and the French worn
not marking time meanwhile. The
e.aptnro of Vervinx i proof of
ihei' splendid ures,sjoii. And
the Knir!inli tin- lSn!iili avo
nn.nv mu ;it tlte ate of 31aulieu('e.
Vn little nt l'Vanee remains in
the enemy's poHHewsion. Hvery-wlien-
the retreat liordorx on roul,
and iinirale ih a tiling of ye.ster
du 'I Were ean lie hut one end,
Jind that Hpeedy. 'Hie world in
about io n waken to the Rlndden
da.v sun? (!od lirou(ltt order out
of e linos
The day draw near for the ap
S ointment of a l'inli, (fame arid
yster ( '(immWimcr, and we nan
no' believe that Governor I lobby
hm Will Wood in mind, even
iJloiieh Mr Wood in emifident of
reappointment If thr lioveinor
wants in make a m-ird aloiiR the
general lines of eonservation, he
wi'l appoint Willi.im (! Hterett,
or a man of Air Steiitt's forte
alid ii'titude There in a (treat
opportunity for itfeetiw work,
Tlii Hiiiwint title n' li,i! iipportiin
it s ilHn Id fit i '
A mid There h;i -
ii. '.ni. 'i iii TV i-
Sll.'c . I'.'1 ton ...
.S"i n lui hits i i .i
M- iiuH tm- (n t
lied b Will
lllll III I II II 111,111
, l l! Ii I In' nis
1 ' in. !! I-1 i i.. ti
i'i iippi .milled
oh t-
S u i-,i l iii ,. .it I in t! it s h;tv
r. i id 1 1 mil In mi i In. i . st i ict it ins
aji.M' ' inl'liit't. .i l Inv niiirn-
ii'!-' I in i niha .in hi.t', hit iticHS,
ii i ti ' : but v, tim hum. in liTe
I .1 I OH , llll ' " . MlOtlllt 4 III
ll'lh H II- hi I iii In I I.. ,lreteh
1 1. . ' ,irds 1 1 1 ;i i . to . i.,t mi-
ii' I Id't'i'.U it .s a e dwlllit
t i nt i .I'ti. In . it, T't - o -. lias
ei.. ., pod . , I i (. 'i ; i . ( 'iii pus
V .ii'.i' 1 1 1 1 1 s nt . I'. .irtli
inn i ' iii e (lovw i y i 'hi in'i
,M Ii im ill i en i 1 1 1. 1 1
Sin o ; 'ir liumt i . 'I h,
trull' i it iit;irly m iiuiiuI hm
ilie -pi . i.o If i I ii clitlti t nit tii'i
ii -
h moo to i' ot" i
V, t I -i o , l,. 1.1 i '
eilvi"i . ' rf1 'i .
iiecu. foUIH - I
inin ii. ivM.Aflt.
If vnu r i'i' iii ut I., ihc whin io,
. .ihtuiluec ..it M..Mti.. ... -me i.
JCAVn H.lll' "'" 11 'i
Hwy 'man, itwiwii mi "ini-i must
siii -Jdii' l-M f swut tuunh sow
weekly lesson iobucd by mr8. j. l. landrum, organizer
and supervisor fou the state department of agri.
culture. of girls' clud3 in home economic and
IHatHrt A Oli I"
I iiitw- n iwiiF't h wiplj dull lot
i.i rr twn nvwh nn nrfimtit rf Uin
.'lp-.lw l.Pttii; elnmatt nl UtH villi not
iwlnj. .ilih. to mwl iirulsflj . 1 m Ih
luiwi". Hi all Ui (iihtiol will ii---,
it iM wpfli uid w' .Kin riM bai k
i.. mil 'irVit i-ltill wrk
AW ure Htltfim li Imvr letn f wnrU
In ! I hlf. IVllltl I Hill (.IMIIIIIIIH l
tn. .hi vntnr ttHiff of inn hi'.itth
u..ik tm iit'i'iiuitl nt tliic dwtitftil
..,.'rtll. IhioURti wlileh Wf !' !
i i I Ix'lM'M' Ii will til- n KikI islllilr
ii t it-Mow ftom. uf oui wrk
i-.'.In l.iki- ii. tiui lioillth ilwnl.
1 l:i'il Ii'IIk tin- tt' linn mune niV
t ..nt whieii - will onJ lo yoti
. .- urn lu fuiiimlip ua wttli ilirtil.
! ii.no .tum ii'iuimil fitrtn Nw Ynrtl
nliiii- I hnxi- Iiwm In IU"nUn' Uitm
i rrmMfrtW ff Y M. A. tiwii
ivivrkciii. I hrt wmii wmtir(ul !-
i uif fnwii nt ntwi wttnrti who hv
rpturiiwl twill I-Vihkt mul ItNtjr
hns r n lilfn hnw hititly t)i.
nnlci lunMtt' .oni!i' arc B"lnc in ni'ttl
nil of Ihc wi. can (ilvc them, nut I
(uud vuut-aLiuii nml luuiIiKUou will!
f'AltltV ON with thc I'nllcil War
Work CainiialKiu
Vtit'It Ixjy nmy lx huiuk them
i.ivK to Hi t nltwl War Worlt Cam
iMin I"nnt1,
nu run buy yourself !mpilncnti--t;ivn
t th tliitlwl War Wrk i'm
imiIb" Puml.
HnjiiitnoUB can ho uurflttifwl OlVia
m Hie Ualtwt Wur ofl; OftnumiKn.
M.ikc thin n "Merry" I'hrlnttimii for
ii- otilcr OIVIS the t'nlteit War
WniK CfllllimiKll.
He iIvp twtco who Rivei" tiitPkly
tiilVK n. the United Wni Work Cam-
)iIkii l'timl.
a )iliik in tlte lniay roa.l to t'orlln
1'iiiipd War Work Caminilpn.
timl !mtf n U'urful givsr.
ifnllcil V$r Work l'uml.
Von cannot ilo tht work but you can
Kivo the namoi'.
Ymi i?lvo the iiiimoy anil
workers do tho wmk.
Uio "nr
You Hive tho moncia"
atiU tho wnr
workovs will do tho rus
Tho wtir worka will Inols utter
yoar boy for you.
Cnn wo over pay our bay for what
they nro ilu'iift? JsO.
2.(on.on0 boy mid U.OOO.OOO lrl itri.
rbfhiiiiK nmt workliiK for you.
(Slvc! Ktvii tlto lioyw "fit."
The inoiipy you will dive will brlnn
ht-ci ant) atrriiKth to nmny aoldli'iM,
Monny in pooi Mtuff uiiIi'sb yon ubu
it rtsht.
Harry Archer will demonstrate, one
of his E. D. Farm Tractor in Robs
town Saturday tlto 9th. Come out and
&C0 it.
NKW YtiltK. Nov. X I'lodk'tinK th.it
the homo folks of tho American fljcht
i"n Mould cist- n iiiiiiitoi uf u billion
lull. us li tin- J 170.600.00 dl'he ur tlir
I'utl.il Win Work I'auipnlKU "for th.
Im.vs ncr then." nn the work uf Nm
eml.ei 11-11.. .N'ioholtts llliuly. tin
flimtn'lii . today cii.ltiitn.il lhi mint
joint uievemeut of lln- y ,M. t' A . Ihc
V. W. A., tile .Siil.lotltll Cilllioll. Win
I'min-H. tim Jswish Welftiic tlo.nd uml
'tVr 1'iiinp Coininunlty tjcrvlcc, Auii.it
cuii 1. tin in y 'AsstM'lalltiu anil the iSnh..
Hon Ann j
"Tin Anno l. mil pct.pln li,.iin nm
MUl.Mci tin- Uu H TO.r.llll.UUO I uml iriiiilii'il
f.,i wbi welfare work tor oui noltllii'.
uml milliiin llirtiutth Ihc acted Hplcuillil
ui KiimiUona mitt allied in the I' nihil
Hii.ii W'oil, rwnpHlKii '' Mod Mi. lini-il-.
In any business enterprise cmpltn
iv millt'uu' o (men this sum wtmlil
'tol lie coiiHlili'i't.U I'X.iKhlvc for Hlllillai
.silttii. nil ii i tics In Ihc ki Bill u nil ii
t ikmttt to nil kit ulmost into) Amciietin
I imilv I in.-, a. in a ifuni. i licl tine thiil
"if people will pltirc nu limit on tin It
oppotl of Ilie il4om le that Will In ttiij
i -Oie inmfoil and Inriutnieon to the
iMtichts. Antci Ii ails will detij ihetn-to-
mis I liln to iw.iuix' iwi) po
tile lomtorl to their 1hh nliioad.
-I.i, ii little lUiciulity and stuiiri.us
"i- roiks ut huMc i an st-nd at least n
I i uiet or u billion diilluiH to hiippotl
this I Hi led Wl'iir Woik ('uinpumni.
nod uml I l,eltee Uml ilicv wli do t.
Notice of Regular Annual Stockholders
Notice it hereby given that on tho
fust Tuesday in December. 1UI8, thu
-ime ieiur the Srtl day of said month,
it 'i .1" o'clock p. in.. t tile (lencriil
ii'fieo. t the Amaaos Harbor 'J'ci
iiiin.ii Kailway. in Aransas Pass, Sun
f.iuiii,. (Viunis, Texas, tliere will bo
.. in the iCBU'iir iilinunl Htociliiol.lcra
ni.-eiiiiK of km lil Cot point Inn, foi the
pui i.oM' ,if . lu. llmt Directors tin the
io., mm sear, uiui to litinsavl nil such
"tit. 'i I'liviiosfc .it, may properly toiue.
oifoi. i he itiiir annuni tpeciintr.
wtirier-- nis hind nil Jlih da of
.'... 'it
i l W HHUUJn, Vlie-I'iesidi nt
. "i I '.'7, ,Vov, S.7.10. j
Ml. Unlit! I'ecl .ii.'l ilai Koli i v ii
I 'I. 111... ,'Un ic.l f'otll i Willi'
tt i.i. , i in -tm, Mar. "
louf.'nil Ad tneiiel In tho col
i urns of Tiiu Caller bring results.
linv In In' woiiitci fully litrtpiineil uml
mil rtimtniiw nmrr fiot'ly Khfli In
tllP futiui- thrtn in tlir pnm ir turn in
iMUili otir Ktildlpr tnu'K tiro untriK
to if1 u Wlitly Inn. TliPie In etilUB
la tin a mutt liufp llmt fur us. Am noon
wt nun fiiillliii' M'.njf )iliin if wnrk
fur )'im lo it it I u in n-i foiinlinr. e
will alve It to yon.
The Hil Chmmi will irtlll ncnl you
and nil ttmi yuu nn tin rnr II I nm
tolit tlmt II iliirn U'linilt'ifiil wik our
itrfl ton. H Wll nn lilt tltlli erKiinl
xutlonii In tho field uvi-t ilirre. Sti
let i nut torrtliw now lu iHr luU
woik iii! our anfni-ewl Jiljiiiiiiuneni
anil licnil nil tnir oiim'tfiw i" On ihf
titwt w can fur ourm-lvonmiul for tmri
1 ftiul a niimlid of eiiili ittern
aWMltuiK uio wliloh I will imnwiM ii -"n!iy.
Mr Wyn ent nut vr?' lm
v.irmiit etiib lotlprn lat wcok to ilie
nllitiii which I liiipe nil Will nnwr
1 prnmntly. I nm mir1 ynii will lie
muTv in hem that Mm. Wyatl In lit
this w. fk with llic Infltiensu.
With totit of love nu nil.
MltS. UA.N'lJlU M..
Mr. ami Mm !' W l-'ariow of Vic
toria HH nt Sllllllll lll'IC UK KUCHtR of I
Mr. nn.' Mrs 1. V. Kii'tow.
Mr. nml Mm M. Kcltcri nnil mm Ifft
Sunday for Kountmi whore they will
Mrs. It IS. Hoe returned Tuesday nt
a short vialt to lfouton.
Mm. J. M Hack rcturnid Tuomttty
from a visit with lolntlves. In llouaton.
Mbw Alma Pnutfiii returned from
Mi'Allcn Kunday where jihc had b(t.
vsltlttf: hor rmciltB.
titirn, to Mr. nml Mi-s. J. n. otto on
.Mimdtiy, November 4, u Ixiy.
Horn to Mi. and Mm. T. A. .Slinon.
Slomluj. November t, a hoy.
Mr Ktl I'riWM of flillhid In u Riiont ot
Ur. and Mrs. Kit ward Crass.
Mrs. Alex W. Adams leturnetl Tues
day from n ilt 'With her sinter Mrs.
Illrd Ksliula of Hottbnmk.
He roaily when tho' Commuted culls
Monday. Adv.
No Worm In n Healthy Child
All children troubled with worms
htive nn unhcrilthy color, which indl-
oaten noor lilooil, and as a rule, Ihero-
tx nmro ur Ickh tttomtiob dlHtUrbtuicn.
fllvon roKiilnrly fur two or throo wepils
will onHi'.h the blond, improve tho
illffostion, nml not an a Oencritl
HlrotiKlln'tilm: Timlo to tim whole n"
lom. Nnturii will then throw oft or
dispel the worms, mid the Child will
be lu purfnel health. Plommnt to take.
60c por bottle Adv.
Ho romly wlion tliu CommiUvo culls
Monday. Adv.
Notice of Regular Annual Directors'
Notlco Is lioroliy Klvon Hint on the
first Tucwdsiy lu Deeeinbor. lilts, l ho
nit mo helm; the 3rd dny of Koid immth.
nt .1 o'elook p. in., at the floiicml of
fices of tho Aransas llurbor Terminal
iUiilivny, In Amnsns 1'iikh. Hun 1'iitiielo
Comity, Texas, I here will bo hold the
roouliir iiH'i'tiiiK of tho Hoard of Dlrce.
ttnu of wild CorporoMon. tor tlio pur
pimc of elciitliiK officers for thc onsu-
I i"K year,
n ii (1 to trtniHiict nil Hticli
! other biislnesH of said Corpomtlou as
may properly conic boforc tho regular
a iimtn I ineiillnt.
Witnt-Ks my hiu.d this tho 2-ttli day
of tielolicr, 1U18.
J T. WIIIJULKIt, VIce.l'rcHldent.
Ad - -Oct 27, Nov. 3.7.10,
Hot water
Sure Relief
Wu Imvu Just
received u
frcsli ship
ment of these
Come in mid
choose from
it wide
i i
N -"Til IV -'
SP 0 1
.MIMS'ltAI'di.lfi. Mi.mcwiin. Km. .
fdoiimii Hinm tif iwi" 'tnyi ivtn twin
lilo on tlir S'lriillcl j, nk xrlillrim Ntiv.
it. ill H i Mil in tii) -itus iiiiitertt. Tile M,.
a. T c cImcii uf iniii.niv'ly iinrtitni
Will inccl llto N,i,t s.ialKiii DcHU'h
incilil (until.
Inlin .Mimlli.lH.li, lllchtraui'ij 0t ta
int It, In i.'iuirlilim I In.' i .iniOTA HIHl tm
fifXlK til ilay. 1 1 In wjiiail lnrltiiliMt A'ff
aorttn, Villi. Imit ihttk rt ltatK.tHiK't.u
WlitrnMHln tiicklc; .Mcnitonllall. loya
liitlf-liinut llliiti-r, mi Thaiiia full
Ixtrk; I'tmiiy, pFiiiri'lim lutlf linek . and
Slionipy, Wlfcummlii tm uie
Tito Dinnvtibily luiilutv elevpli linn
llltioiiHliilnt, )7dmmviwuil.i lli.cmn
W'nlff, lrnk, Imlf-iw. u nml Hlwrptaa
nml wiit frrtm Ciii'Jtiti.n loltcfc ii.n
Airaiiai)iiintl ntt nu cine mmln
to Hcetuii foi-?)!"! ei I (Utiilric fur military
ntlil ixtvni ofrti.! nml it Ih irit. ha
tha t nrliiy nail Wnv ih iiiiittnli-ntlnwi
will taki- nlaec Iwfoi.' ilie lotitcei ttnit
ljrawwm tm JrtHrtau
WttfN'KPjiOi Hm
Bourn nro niffiin em:nBcii in .i i..m
ttaiBn In ml! rand toi tin iiud from
and It Is evpeOled tli.it every etui- nn
tlic Mnnltolio in-alrlen wilt lend niwlut
"Chtrik" Hvims. the Amrrlesn chnfn
pie, has mit thc foul ilut. ii t uf
Kolf clubs wlitch ure itupllcaics or Ilie
chilis which won htm the untlniinl untl
weslerti tltlos.
Theso cluUs ore to hi put as prises
and .tuetloiiml off at iioutj tournH
taenia lo obtain inun
etisli f t the war
ri.KVKUANIl, Nos !. Ilowtii.l IP .I
iliiRer of Oltwolnml. nun ninatiit u.ir
ehatnploii of tait, Is tin bin wis n,
Hoiiln via tin. tank route. I,,lln..-i
who Is morrii'd nml bus one chllii . n
Hated as a private,
Corpus Christ! People ShouU Know
How to Read and Heed Them.
Ulsordcred kidn Rive inutt sIb
mils of illstrosw.
The -feretions mnv he dark, eon
tain sedltnonl.
fasaces nro sometimes frequent,
spstnty, iwliifiil.
naekaetie la often preswit dny and
HdHilmiios iitltl illny spells tnui
Wonkpncd iddneys should receive
quick help.
lloni delay! Use u siiooUl kidney
Doitn's Kidney I'lils nro for weak
klunoys. Imokaehu ami urlnnry tlls
onlors. Corpus Chrlsjl evldenco provoa their
H. L. Millorj-liOT MostiiiUo SL, aays:
"A limit a yunijs ubo I noUeed a dull,
piiln throuch thtMronll o my baek an
across my Uliluoyo. I suhpuutetl I hud
kldnoy itoiible nml seoimt Dtmn'N Kltt
noy Pills mlvofbd 1 dootdfil to try
them. I iifimI only ono box hut hey
removed the trouble. I Kindly rec
ominsntl Jloan's Kidney lilin to
I'rloo COc. nt nil d.orilisr. Don't sim
ply ask for a kitlnuy remedy kci
lloan's ICIdncv- Pills tho sHim- lhat
Mr. Miller had. Router- Ml Unit n Co
Mffns.. Huffslo. X. Y.A.1.
Uvery man n-oman anil child mtmt
tin their purl if Xucccs founts' koi
"Dvei the Top." Ally.
1'TtANCB, Nos. 8 - Compiired to the
Ucimim soldlei uf today who b.foic
thu scar was mipposctl to be cis illicit,
tlte Amcilcim iaio of fiontiir iI.isn
Ih tliHilitrcd bv .m Amcilcnn nicillcil of
ficer, to lime tit en lilKhly elvilixetl
Tlte 1 ml I.i ii in ar pitUcmled to lt ;my
UiliiK tui n uii.nae. says the niedli ,il
officer. While the Hermit UK h.tsc be. u
I'letenilitiK to in. penco losinsr timl Im
man for the pimt cQiitliry.
Hcllbot.ilc knlliiK by tllr 'let m ini. i
j ltd iiocs jo kers cngMKid .tt. t'i,..
Itttnli of mt"i on the Imttle In his his
'(iioukoiI thc v i lli of Aincilt.ui tuns
offi.cn. 1. ix riasertwl I nut nil iluui...
the Maine lutilc. tho (lernntii .isi.itoti,
hWipt low OV CI field lll'Cr.i!IK stall.'!!
I" "ii 1 1 Ii Ii iiiiiiIiiw mm builclK iii in. .1
n ul unit nn tliny Inlltletl tin uoun.l.il
.mil ilioppliiK lioml.s on li..ijt..l. a,
iIioukIi ti Ii.'l i i oss iimlKnl,! wan in
plain sett. The I Inn rin Ipci'N plcketl
off lied i'iiihii Hiretcltci ltuctM .in
.pilekls is , ,, mi, ul. tot tjol'ti,"-
"Tb. s .i t ti likt ctu'ncreil i.tts tie
I'inreil .tn uu il. .in lnf.intr.s offn n,
"exeem tli.it ni'iNt of litem did not Ii. Li
the lolilllKt to fillht In 'tie 'It'll i li
When tlies wic sui riiinnlcii uml h.ol
no chum ! ..In .t ss.uild conic out uf the
lllttclimc Kim nests wlttl iciiif in lb .tr
eyes uml .ti.it of ' ksmciiiil 'l tic
(terman Hobliei in n pleildln : ,iultinlc
l the merit iotttlmtllllC and llenpli il'le
object tniiRtniil'Ie.
If you cun'l he at Home when the
etiunnittcn culls Momiw). be huic hi
leave uur ctmii Ihutintl. Adv.
Administrator 1'od on la n,lueil l.s
the retnfl section of thu fmut ailiiiimt.
tiiitlun Hint the muvlimim ivnnl nvn
Ins for l.utlei hns Ins'ii ih.inHc!
(rom five and six eeuts per pound to
siK ami seven cent-,. Allou.iiuv foi ,i
flat;! tonal et.hl ahimld n- bi.-cti on .ill
traiisuetlonii an in iccunt oleomuiKt line
Iletnll maiwlmt on cIuh'm lusc been
clliiliKtiil from six and iw-.nt eent.s in-r
pound to Meson ami elnlit. Alleuiin.es
tor fractional tostfe to be (he ..im. ,nt
butler. This Inftirumtfon idf i upci'i.ills
sent for thc cmdiilifai ot 'tin umll
uiereliauis. the coiisumet and the i.
Texas prltc intt rptitliK . oimmi'.s't .-
C. 1 bull of Temple, Texrff. hu
iiKioctl ti) 1'OHHiliiHo I0 to the Hell
iiitiilly ltod t'luw a n penall.s for t ro
litceiitu; In initttir and moIUuk snfEur in
lamer ntmntltleH llttin tsso ituunds por
V Unimi'l.imn. ii iclil inert luitst uf Hie
same cits. hn inrectl tn close tin stit
for a peiithl of three tbtys ti .. . n
inn. .in for pi oflteei inn in tutu
nml flour.
lkie in sviitu lloj Coiumltleu alls
Moii'luy. Adv. maLif
Jsjcvcr A Night
s i
Hy Htttici;
Tim whole town Wits gathered on-tlieplatfnrm'
that utorninR to eo tho train pull out iiuin and
WonWn ami childran, waving anil cnecniiB ami
tryitiR hard to fcefcp on umTlini; tlnnuh tlnitr
Out of the car windows leaned tho boya to
wave a lust nood-bye.
Just average, elenr-cyod country town hoys',
twenty of them altogether. And itvmtHn of
them had tiftftr iltpt a ntja away from hume
hefdre. !,
'flioy ac dwelling in a ttratyte land tonight,
whose laitgtiflgu they cniiiior understand.
Hut aefrms the mud and file snow a ligbr
gleams warm from a but on the etljti f the
town, and imidc good cheer and hanpiiHtN ra
teadv for whoever will curac in to tiaim them.
Friemlsbip dwdk in tfi but. keep its wrni
fires luitnini; bright: tins winter, !. r it he .i-r-ftictiy
clear to tlte men over thtrc that have
not forgotten.
to the men that only a little while npo were
boys wlio had never slept a night away from
The t'oijiUx !lil:tl I'llfi Int. H't""
ina Coitimlttee nmimi'i. ' ?t Me fo'tow-
IP.K fill pi In- Hi" t, t!" . i. -I..IV
we k TI - o i. . t'i list. ,i ii
pt lee III the letltlei "ill ti' .'
llttt-,1 is prii e to , ' i sum. i
.Wt SllekB c4UK.il 1'1 f
i If irtirchased in - imitt fn.-e.tv
wiripped pkR. takes .in .itti&tii i ut In
imints over bulk oi bbl. nrkei
11. 10 I'Tour IS ih Kln bsi lit -
tnilers net profit sncp I jo Mil m oior-
mnl mill pklt. oi lc lb. when ormimil
pkfifs. are brokon.
OR4t5 l-3e-Itye HoU!, ..'ill I -i .
Jl,20l.6 Cornmnil. LT. lb ,ck
Jl.aeff t.t& Cream Meel. :-S lb kt
ll. OlfC 1-tC.
10 1-Htl(l S-c--H!ee f.tney tFrin.
nttraii t8me.
0 l-ikr IWer. fancy Blue lloee u !-Jl
Il.83.e llotletl Oats, packum.
ScIa-catl, 1 lb. leaf loe.
$2.iil Sulmoiu tntL ntnlk, cum xii
i'.'.Mfi'i!.0O 'Salmon, tall red cihid
3ii it JSc.
$3.75ifi I.0O- -Snlnuin. f i.tey tall . hih
I -i il -llic.
71 1-2IM5 l-ic- Milk, Mnbv Kvap.
t.n 7 l-2Sc
11.3(111 1. 87 Milk. T.tll Evan, (an
11 l-:"'i 111 l-3o.
At Lichtcnstcin's Todaj, Contmuinu Sale of
Thore are 148 pairs of Men's high grade button shoes in tho represen
tative mnkea, including Edwin Clapp, Nettk-Um, Douglas and our
own special brand.
In the beat leathers and last including kid, gun mcUil and n few
pair in Ruaaia Calf.
This is ui unusual opportunity to ,avc un your Winter Fouiwwr.
Come in thia morning and let our expert shoe men fit you in at Ieust
two pairs.
$3.00 Button Shoes at . . $2.45 Pair
$4.00 Rutton Shoes t .... $8.15 Patr
$4.25-$4.50 Button Shoe at $S.6S Pfttr
$5.00 Button Shoes at $34)5 Pair
$7.00.$8.30 Button Shoe at $4.05 Prix
$10.00 Button Slurtt $5.5 Pair
(Slioe Dept. Second Floor)
Before Away
t . W i3
IIahton ' ffM
1 ., ' in ,. II' ill ' "'f.H I , -null ,
V lo'' ' v
" .III OH 1 I ftl ii' '
, !" 'il , Ii I,-
' I" ' I ,i !.
I .',- ' !ltl . IS'i'C
Packing House P'oHucta (
i i .'. -II.1IHH, t .oi" hi. s 'Oh,'
ni'i I.!. .
nWrnJc Hm. on, l.r ."lf,,.t I, .
; tiv
When iient to ret.' i.oilt i- ,.
l.lStl'l Of i'l (0 1,1 I. I fHltll.tl I '
Hi. -I i I Jut 1 1 "..rtiiiv ' ,r..nfi.)
punts Su'.ti?i ;
Srl!i i'hfietti )lfiv Aineii"e.
5i (
.'Jr. '- ' ', ' i'f ,fi,. ,t ,M '','!;
i,ei, il . r
.'IJ-.' -11 :il lUli-ttli t'i 'lilt. .'!)!
ll , ,
tin ".lit!.' lb ttstu ictailers .-im S3t ;
t be nr.ld on IkMk :s t (' Hi. pr.tt i
when Uird Kubmituti" us- mtM m ...m- r
raeichil ..i ktiiies letailfli ih 'ilfoWMlj'
nMtttl .UUfi I'qiaMHs Culirntlti .in
tdiiho 3 l-iHg i-'e.
17 i -'itlSe -- W.-. K.iiuuth t'ni'
St..) nu- ;.).
Ii : "ti in . I,- n i", me whe
.t..m,M .- (' M,,i o . I
..si .j , "'.1 ii, 'ii. . . A. t .
v j: hov. 'a a
r Savins Staraos
PejilfrNlicelt. Drive Them Off
wttUDr Edwards'
Olive Tabluls
ply factt HI not ttbaraes yp
s mmr you ruvc wumi uw
(ttirwtMJand thellvcr
rawlyOve TaElita, tlw uo-
U..tfWf-alArrir. IrM.n.'int'tfl'r
Uf. wis iiiiw ' ""
vrhieH criowt Ooes, and Jutt fis effectlvety.
tmt er actten to& ntic and sale mead
of vtre and Irrl'aurjf.
lo one ho t.-U Olive TeWei is
aw em wW "9 urown t; '
i bedWwitli, thill, ltrtlew, "no sol'
MiBft ciwMtKit" torpid Irver. bad
wards' Olive TaUeta arc
veffetawe cwnwwwi naswi
i oik vnti will v.t.w them
iHtvis ratfsr.
T Lyk,.fJl uoif tnatti airtrtnr nil
iy witw.w wmv, .
Ifento afflkt m levr .i
ampSatrit", vA Oflve TaWrte are tha
Iiwwwwty ettlwtr wwiJt.
Take one or twa taghUy for a voek,
gee how ncic'i better yu feel and loos,
VJc u i&c x!f Uax. All dreBitta.
r '1 ' I'lll'tl- WM ' vlltll
Amefli'.i" it' v, it' . f jpir
tie i 'i iri. i " i. 'it'"
TCrltO--i h,'.,- '' lO'M" .'i 'I!,'
I "imWiif llevvi isf twwt'
A Special
Sale for the
Next Few Dav
on Coid Crrarm,
Talcum and
Soap in the
F mloua
Palm Oliv Line.
Adt tn ic
- ---.-1 1 1 -I i
i fir kd
1 II MM?
' tvltfi r.o
hm rtselr
i '
t iU it-ari. , i, n t '..in " r ,(.)

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