Newspaper Page Text
ri . ii If, .Zfc CORPUS CHRISTI CALL KJKULTt VOLUME 20 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS.TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1918. NUMBER 216. WILSON SAILS TODAY FOR FRANCE President hi Elegant Address Before Congress Monday Declares he Goes to Peace Conclave Because it is His Paramount Duty K . OLAtriiD Ami 1KW0-KMitTLTff If: 4V it? r 0 ffi cers A pprehend 3 'ZiZZZo V-r ay - v j a.J.jjm vwmvw HOME-SOUND LINER Men Who are Charged With Burglary I The lonif arm of the law Monday closed ih it th article stolen bait baam'.;. utrttched forth to brine to an account- hid.lon ir, ti, attu- of an empty ilwIU1':- located iiouthweat of i if new ; SyThAii9elat&Frif. WMoton, lw -Tt War -J' Dttartmant nnitnunewd toirtg; v Utal Ui: atwuncr, Kroontand, Mittd from Finrtr Friday with alxmt l 4 A merit; :n aoHler ! ahourd It wu stated that taoat iX- of itioft hotnnward bound on th 5" t.ettael.arc nick ard WQUmtfd Vhe haroea are from variona fttK and win (. talwn tn gM irai icMt hopiti iMwr f hr!r )rm aw won as they rai h purl. In thr& mm ti'fcn tt.t a r,f " ...... " ' j.,,, llai'M iin.t U.n .nllitlit l,v hfnu-. rv.1. , inwlnf a Ktrk'H of burstarlc of various! Avenue. j i-HtabUshmetiiH, In which morchandhtel Officers went to the houie and ra ranKtatf from ohowlnj,' sum to KOlil'eoveied a wagon load or loot, that In-1 wntchtta had been stolen from evrali' eluded Jewelry of various ilettCrtpUons. 1 Corj'Uil Christl istoreii. otirarit, rJf,urttes. cpndr. ohawlns Btim.1 Almost daily for the pant two weeks! toilet article, die. sniokInK tobacco, city police offlcecH Iiavu received re- i fountain jmn?, waarfnir npparei and pqrta of ntorpN bolnif hrokon Into nud'othwr artlclen. rolsbfd, the list. IndudlriK tilo wtlUh- .The man urrmim wrr f rtwrel ho- : rtri pjir rjll f IAM ED A MfC m-nt ot Th! Htnmm. Sun I'harmftoy, lAnd C. Koy and Irivtw Jotifl Ktoi- UP OlA DlLLlUI'l TlvAIlLO' Uinghanr drug tr. Htdnon Dry tnn WW Aidrw Ciutnlp. all twins lo-j Goods ('ompanr. lsl-HoUrtjer Com- mtlat Crrtp 8rry. i!7ftP PUD Iff AM H AIWA TP ptuivundl Well Brother. Oy direction of Ooto1 Owrg W.'IUA ULunirlll UrtlTlnuL Th first clsw to th Mwtttty of tho. Van Dpustn. jornmJnd offUwr of fieera found th4t a yound lady tod mm vr tttrmd or to th? ivll - , , htti rwn n ritat. by ,-i soldiw. that horltT fr pri"- '-otton rhnnfi f? ,,. ', ,'i , l-orrtwpondAd in dewritition with on- )wf "d tmrw'arv wll! ! fid 'J J, . "' , MotPf from Th.i 8t imm. T r" t r tn '1. s ,' r.), BELGIUM MAKES CLAIM C. nirai i .U- f 'yi i ?)i'.o! ' ! .iii t .iftd w U i NATION'S BUSINESS MEN MEET IN CONFERENCE . ...i ...mi usty rtioUH) txtoif Jun- lUAry f.rm file witfc th atat Dpnrt- itnettt tufornMUton coHrcrninir kaMmt I (twUtaea UlMWfftk 0rmn ttmarine i urttrfter. tlttwr twto or aft-r !h I'nit- Ktatw) uwi toMHNi wntl dctaiiD ooaem- j By Th Aei oclaUd Pr. calon and a tt tmitm for rocom' in , MiWf eMrgo or Pon! - Atlantic City, Pec :. Ortpnilzn- , tnendmlon t th Kcvermnjent . wopOKSr or f(ctt. tilMUtd b ubmit tlon of virtually ail .idutrlal and; "Tai mthal nhoBld tteo(rn- t Hn JTrty la nt tnurtd or oommerclni tntorestR of tn tion In- m(.nt ;urcun in the ctuieUfltton atfottlf- pta6y loiird, riar l to a dlnglo unit to roprsxmt MlnBM ! eontnirt to Insure th Utomt hmrA- M8w iuM mroowty woi .., , d on in Kcncral Will be tindertakon at a t.hliM? VThmt nhoitd b don MH tbe I Anrhran nr torw4Bn-ownd vc,rVei series of oflnfarnco, opnuiff here to- . narmen war plr.M hr nhi 1 '4 nrnsm 71 DECLARES U. S. SftVEO THt WORLD WHEN SCALE WAS By The Assi rvtcd Press. Washington, D. C, l)w 2. Contrary to all crpectaticiis, Prcs ' ,J.- 1'tl- .nt ..... .... tt.t.:...... r x-.... t..t. u,t ttip finer 0orRO Washington, on which ho and othor members of th i American peace delegation vttl make the voyage to France, It w tmffieiatiy tatd thftt ho will dopart sarly tomorrow, ond immr-d . 'rfysptiwil. 1 1' i i!,l,' j I (.' I in tiv ill t'" (!! ;:! r.-. ,'?! "if poto cwwri" OH morrow and nont!ai(n" .iitl! Prirtn' of v ., ! iv j-iii i lt:i- ' n't. 'n- tlon )ietv. th i rnnent and t)r , .v rspeiHe btliinira'sf Thre ne rnorfs !Tft than iOOO of tllso couiaiittoffx wh comnosod of the imder of Uio Iniltia . . J . A-.. 1. . .irt.lkrtK- . t i . . . l A. .... dUiilr.1 linw fttr -oii)d . rofm'iin tf'sa WAR tUUUV MUL1IJU uiinitv v t Sl i . tf . ft J 'Ml ft' ni i-jt utt rwM.fifii iy era; expected to Wlntf toaetlie liotwiw. ftnd will fn foroiirn conntrle.!- What j nyTb AoUataPr. 2,0C) and 3,000 prominent ouainvDK Kould vmvrtcnn burtnw mm jrlv Santiaflo. l t. Chilean aimv -e- nion to dlxcuos jirOhlema of rwon- xhc Burojwin 'Oiirtrlmi In -hmr r-jK.-iv t'.om th dttri of lrumut-ttn atruotlon, lndutrlal rolations after the hatiilltation? How closely should hml- . geroaa. Anlofittrnxta. Tai ni and t'twl- war. raw nuiterlAin end their nontrol, t)mH WOrk with th govrnraot tnjap, Hfao vtr: i-iead from wrvic trice ; "Biilation.-!, imt-ndrnent nntl- murivlnjc ni-onnfTirtlon n id dmaoldll-.m iiJ7 aniVlDJ'. Iia'0 txrn rvcaltwl to trust ItSBlslation. export and tmi-ort nation i.lanc'' What kind of sovern-; the color, was nnoanod here to- reguwtlons flnancwl auporvinion mu ,nPnt mpncle should Iw 'tahluhd ajy nlmilar ubjts, f. deal with rccon.ttru' tl.m 1 Whnt ,umtnonci3 to fanttswo an Import It Is planned to organise the ;n- l.-snl u;t)iiMln or nieani could I in-iant rtmfnrcnra A lnm number rf dtutiU'st rtir'ntpd them- son or tiuduced .:i ihi- r.ilt tu 'lter nt '. jvi uvUns are i.lniiu tu ksavc t'ttilc. mure commHtC into sroj uiisn- Oliliso iwkeii during t ivf onstruction ; cd ncc'ordlnB to intertutn. nl final- ixwiwl. fianUaso, Chit. Dar, A awat oa- ly into ten maiiter BrouiM. which will "VHhw l mjr flpmnol'ig pfoblro . f(rtlc inMuntrfction, dlnid swnui if4nite )i. n fita:l orcniatloii. rna . aurtnjt retonaini '.ion .- r- u wm row r.r jriwra.iy iim on liilDortonc of thin movement, its or-, metd -o -.i .. v..i ' n r..l i ts ( uued out. I rotditiiltt mniutiiMi etc. Hit orcanUera" ts ed ,.of.-r.'-a o dm. l'"t !Wt- that ItLwill offeet tit larBest oreaa rrnp s rr kuusi u ,j i i t Tfn in n"ts i i fiir u rcH NSTEAO OF JE fir nil IIP! UIUL AVE Waahsagton,. D. C . - in v rjmwiirx . . i t-ion(tt mmI tuomprtflit'iisive addrc&t of hin uarooft Prosidant Wi!, 'on tho wve of h dopnrttire for Europe as the head of, the Vnit ;StRtes ddogntloit to tlionlliod peace conference, told congress ttl' t that he wis going to nttond the peace conclave beeauso. the" a troverninontjt Imvo naceptcd his fourteen principled, and'thsit it - jj.uKt nt duty 4o he procioat at nilli fr tl,r divi vfli-'.. "X i ':idrt wAtfed ih mowthv .,i b -tt i' wKcn v itfiu.'-n ,. -ii Us tctttiJi v ni, i Htr by ',,bl ' I 'K .;.. 'Si at w!t kn tf.i i- in Kur'v f ,!inu li'it tlx-wt will h1 I't'ittwftHlp t arsv- d-iint' .e cut". ''" il$ Hif pPttfce (1frwi. . f, - HtrJMud fesviwHtt fHtii diitfTOtwW"T'j5V -fy - has corns." The lroidejit's speech dealt with ovory Tiitase of th a vd v. By The AitocUt4 rj. SVaihington, Dm: l' joint DMMrton t.d,v h Vh!i announc firni' i wowttrtjetion dny now upon the world, lie wdd no dcfHt r TT . . rrn if reenetruetion can be outlined at this time, bnt that - in lusiun urvrxxmc that Vioa frwtdant mtiit control of biisiiiww and industry in bolng released as far as , r.dt Marahaii tak v- th aMwtnv fuo- jW jj ve hearty cndorsemont to tho plan to raiso six bill; .ir hi puriK i tU.OK neon th dpsu tua lot Biwropo t- " ' . .... vi, - 1(lnn nnhrun, , morrow of iridiisi wiiaon. w aio doiisnt by taxation next year, and four bilhoniftoHars in lMM.- t . ... . ... .. .. .. . , ' , , ., . Zr:. , v k.,- r n. stated that he npprovoB oi tttc new tnree year ,rai omiamg p unvia. ).iid.ntiai atdnui, tn iu. kiu. m it uottUl be "nitwitte to attornpt to adjitsgAc future Ar T:JrXrVZ .MTrT na at pro-am whe ,h, world po:'oy U ,till titttttUcd ' to uttond th a..t"l o m? ymta"atT nv yZn "" v' w p ' ... . ,.,u,i .hat !ip nnuwtvoH of the now three' voarv.iwal building p tomnnt should n ttoalltir with nat..i l..wren- y Hnramit or ti ' . r ti'titr-thf -watr pr.llpm- Dra i tic hf-natora rM i-(ir"li iifW if new! c.tH nnnouiioftnari' wit- n Tha lt-.nublic'fta iMmtifn ri allnt a). dni 4ii.i h! edminlatralloa. 4Mtajrwl an of mauriata mi band. it ".rouiftiout ih 'brit. Keetf' .imn th i'r-n.d mi f rt4 V v,i tur -nd ftci'nv f Aio-r itr aMw b. d aaiiora. TltrMltMl (BM 'rfiih- If niw rfao dlaaHpiofe of like BwrmwaH irt ihr n.i- today that h" W4WH t- ti w mil dues a .imtkkr ratuttMi . in t u wt'4 .tJii tn onto or ! ;nt vart1 in tmnMoti a tlw t stHMf taa Unfttwl f?Ua- .uued Mitt.l midMfcltt. H waa tho .rcai ewr mu In aatte$a and lit- atilfOitod 1 iuO.A aim nair thw antlm tMantiatkNt izailcriof- tuln-it Interests ever at- either by the Kovinnt or pujftttld I t.iWn ;io aee of U nod -iB. . ...... t'. t v. ttMi,A.i u,rt(ju m- vdii of lM3Mr-rjnitnt oruera. tifltt 60 t.tftnrinA rv, 1m asm ta ih na. -.. , , i. .. - ... nu....t.iiM. .ium.k, HjkfAr t The conference waa oa Id by ta,9,V'""" ' , VJRT. ..."r ,r .ZI 1 f ' ,61'wtl' ' "."A.. ' J ., newtat a Mtt&tor ibh uutr Arnma 5" "hw n Minmi Bttaiw ami a,lKiWHlMBa tit mat.Hallaa. ?' avaoton of tiw SUtty-UfUt Ombku, wwjrwow r xturtsK MM am naoj of t.Mw - Kaw iitwntew um Bf tnnw B,i othBr. tnotlioda nnri vrnitUuu woaM iKt-ldnwnalrmtlon imm the irwMMe f Vt- Ras , iMn.iiimd w-oiutfoB orov'.d- ;and th Ooora iwl nUwta f 4lw to- ,lrj.,l... . .. t ..II... .t,. .1 1.VlIn ,1 llr .... t J .A . ,.. , ,1..... ..M. . . . . . . . ,. .. .... 1 .U I . ifovernt iont nscncltti m regulation Of K"lf . r " " "-"r- ""- B tor tup MUn a ojtnwt ot ; moat enamow were pnr wneu the l'rfHident to Rive careful in ' r i ' ' d. it' Chamber of Commerce or tt t-'aiwu rT'T-V,miTn,m mat hod of omt aa-1 iSSr Mthtna. which has awlKtsd In tho r- ,w U.V .".'L??!? ,an.xatio of .ar ,rvIC. rSS' P?X MSL.T for each "till !H. t JV..I . ti " ii a"'1 -i 'it-mi if ,titi i.r! )- jv .Mill'' : !,n r'. -n t.j .''( t. us! uitSi..;'' i,. di I .' i- li'.st Iuiotmi that i rt'ftdy t t t?. prviaion ht .-i tcr n aatbtfai ,vy p ed out. the war nroduction durinff th war A nuinbar ' L.TTTZT' v,5?" fT: ?IJ1? 1"' ".L" ! ttvent,? What opBoa. i nau foox RaUittean iraflMort to lria to'olMt and prominmt prtfi trwt iK Am" in W tho wur inline tribut U h eonduct f th rtt .f tb orW- we otl!d - tu !) an : UMiiwa una Jiiiitt.iw.ii . w,T r !, .:' , . ...7, V,r: ry t edwaie th ratalter aaa toi- formed II awn pnwm ot to plow for m - Tho rtWKiir esmniwl on tho fact llUl th Stafuica autiuarf if tka uroaxaaa all Barta of tha wortd that bufutrtda at momiI Arntn ftaaa . Wfre carrtl h the oc tha Jt.ft 'tMrtiati nolshbors. TV !, r.r:i..;.al tmir-iBStf JM.rajaw- ,,,..,.( V, ,v, -l,l4fM4t. " "''I'll .,!, . ... ..i" nw, '' ' UM'. i nsnaut dwrtm; t ,e i..-nt: .un twriod Ujr WKi) cn)tralied ncbturau of orEnliiiloii Hn ato Koine Of the bum import ant question to tfo prs5ntl for di- 4(1, I, , t . . lion using hoosier hotel General Lauds Marine TO CARE FOR WOUNDED In Service Thirlu Years For Heroism in Franca i !, -i;.f. ' . t- -rv v. ) SOLDIERS OF 3 STATES' THE WEATHER. Corittt Chfti Ptttr; ilrMtt nortb- rVaitM anUr fair m T6: Pir. T ItAT Itttta children may m nutaty rid Tha 1Mhi ea waww of Thy vnti Chruit to iwr alort , - , '. i w ' ni- I VH I'AUIWi-l V 1 1 1 l ' VVat Btaan. Irni, lc TO PRESS HOLLAND TO EXTRADITE EX-KAISER Tli A oeiltid Ftta. Uverpeoi, me. urstuw war hRtJi8, ,mMI h,rr b h - r r Th AttacUtd Preti. h diilhi. and at "i" rf h- h. ot !n"1tat i w.iiri-iod ..'tit-M fnm ldtatH. Iliinoui. Kb'u ay. Mia ami Mid Ohio will raasin their miMfjii Imi ttiuaht t" '-- f r thrra aalvaa if thalr w-.iid it f I'Uf-b ti natuxv a to iut- th i tru- ttm. AIWt th fir uf .'in o.dtar tn ha mutte at th imim nif htf io t.uttve ha d'r.oed irtnuaotwly a itoiSaod to tUruWt th tonnw war, 4ttrw?y Gawta fra- ..iii - f" rtfv i.v V. B.itVr, !'. 17 VI." AitMiauiA 7ril. S (.Oii.j, Mo.. ' Vftier hvin t-U 3" t 'i" t, 'Ull '"! .t irv IfMe l'3t. !t t4i H Mrn- m- M tj'T J -bn H tjmfk who .It. 'he C ii,.ntil M 4l itf M-an-r itj.i Itir ll-'iia -h .t'rtrbfr .'rtir t n-1 nii ! ii.ui, 4 to li knm 5 1 ... f. ' i ifii'it i r. d b in th - .rfjt ir,; i ' M.'Kr OaiwraJ Wttarw i iii i 1 n In QukH dul.Ui I. i' ' I nth i'Mf i-tjo ! ' ! Y'.ut ixiil !.' w jth-ti t 'r,wi ...4 1 1 B.v.' or W- coaueUtt not With tfcraaU or bracart boast. Hear tin, Lord Owl of Hoaut That Mbetty be not betrayed aDd old. And that hor ! prove worthy ot the breed; . That Freedom' fbe may abetter as j Nor deoorato the shrine; of GoW , rind fSreid. t We coma; and on our conorated tord We at.k Tby l)te.ilne, tord. That honflr ha amdurs tbotfA i'rtco. !es,th1aB Wihout "wWoh Wfe bult JSI t ilttl worth: TUM eovnanU be not the uuort of Hinjt. v That freedom h?.H rut rerWh from tho ctrtlt We come nrrosji h sotrr" an" btoodUinfS Mil, Lead 'tw.iAtmJifht.Cw't ii, ... .' i iteattlc,Bair w'' h tnni-cui(td haft taijsy .. An.'l.rUtBi -t ' . p . , , . u it it t i. Mi 'i . ),,,..,, . , r' ' i',.-' uin.'HV v".' !. i '- ' ,. , T,-, Ta4. ' 'it!.:, 1 1 t i"!U.-r:d lt' tnt ' tt , f . 5 majm irofermnent to b v - the torm-ri , ,th. rmr.ilUi''n --.t ' riikir tried by Otfrnvan tribunal. That(w cuuaxry Watetara not ottty wUl t rwerament, it i aW. Ptena to Imma- k,4, nhvakttv and menutty fit ttcain. dtstaly submit bo auaattgn to tho ,a- jbwt wltt etvCB ,Bo n(,war to lafca COAt OPEBATORS PRBOI&T tkMUii Asmbiy. Sy Tka AnocUtsd Ttttt. Amttcrdam, Deo. 5. St vara as."-'' and workmen's ounc4hi In dlff''9" porw of the Oermaa emitlra have g m- an retsoru a f.ivortnR an oarty trial oa fare o German tirlbiinftl of the ?s-Kaiii-er William, say a Dsrlln dUjjaU. The ticw German Kvoanitnt the report add has been rntuat-d to th th matur Md It wlii b idat! tiffoi !i' Vitinnal Aasnaiblf t n ary l ' (hoir S'Uoaa aenla in society aa iado- iwndent trane-twrranK oltiteoa. TU By Th AtoeUtdPr.i. i-irae fcwi bulhlinga for nettorai lu- , V f". , -tlon..l un.l vocational work are undr tlnf, which b tuxm NORMAL PRODIJCTION S00H irit lug gtaetVi ,.' i n ii 4.11, taw Klfomct rat ttervl tit4d t tvtiy ".tn .' ri .' - ' f.i a i 'nd tnt-n f trwaunrnt wiii lm iv, and l ) nv a -i ft rr.nH'ta wll raiht irrAt unlvem'ty with a buae dorm Itf.ri jrymjiatilum. litAtnxloM trii d" , ' 'ib lmltH- 'I -lit. n-e t ('uu itfit tl i I ROYAL AIR FORCE CLUB. Anthrai lte i Mine ' nyTn AaiotUUitPr. .'.r (Ji ll wta i tt-r. wd rwision r tt i Jrundred tlxo !Kii it't i- London. tHm. I A Iloyai Air Tore-- 'tih , ehrrtiy to tw eatvbllahHt and . ,i Ci.wdray haa slvan (tao.uMi u n ; hattli ' t Hi ?' ' 1 wfei the f-tt 0? the who - M I Meroed U hanic in lb Uilan- m.t thraw freah trnth Into the fit1" of fraedwrt, and itirotd the tifti" tl- ni. .w i '.;t n ' .r " 8 tit, lilt .f e fa'ul ! ..fl.,.i . , 1 ,NH. WNf !. Ii.ti.3. It hopea that it wiM be Mue- f,iwri ltnw tnetaarira btaa. J4o av.,tm. URQCS TAX ADJUSTMENT Auttin, Tx, IHc ij) ltT llt ,ft twit' fl,"li J f'laim! it V.ivlnir r' -titr" tnii miin't- nidj that domestic conrerns ptt' m' r. t r'h'-' urt.' rnr. rtr't"r 'nit'ii" thnn do ort of r o ... - .1 -r " - " iler tVtMirasent law-. Keureur" o' Hfn w " 1 e j. . tt ii .i K.Mt.m.iJM trt hitr i'f.' XX vmmA W In'-r tn he (torn i biennuit report, an adJtwtrwn Of tbo maadlw? offlct-r. iRilor II, JI.'B.nwttl ttiraclte, -which toaj company lteb.ywfc fntabb tax. paid, by doipemlc andiia in char of, all mnoinlliuf wora TairV-llv 9Uim aw oa ed in ftulldiof wtttah wHt b wrthjr itvuli- '.r- e-i-nirM ire i f-t ihknt ' ' Mnri ia a iUMrtal of Its "Ttioae of u who ttaytd at lint t, the war, ' .i , it t n it ii p iwim v.. " PlA. MTJtVICGS RESPECT , . ' .. 'Ti MitS JOHN W. GATES f ".Arthur Txa, Dec t - Mmor ' rv:er. rtnrenai e of ratp.t to h late Mra John V O iie wer h' ld t F r Me'boilia fhur'h her' tito me ur 'he fu r t rv t e werr con ut ' d at K w Tho program, Included ativcrnl lt!jV IK An .. t . - . t v. rna r-. .a fcafu--!- that. . sa. v.. vfti tfeaftift wi-wt am? , i .-..ti iik rdneid to 4 MRiauUn. r. Mtf.R.1?. FOft LATIN STATJt By Ajt(K at4yr " ., - " - " i ' ri . i inf:.lH p?i c meet. v(e eeN mtexnatioual American pott arr camicrt i t,(Hp " K' ordfr " n t salt -.e it-.t - tsay ftrM off ptore than a mUKoH tonjvoal miniltfa wid tvion. Several lo-j Junttfte, not rorly domentlo wtfety.. number of whrranla vak tbai ttha!t dy. ' ta QMbrp wilt ooa. twoms aoraal.oi) -iUtUtr( official d I .,., ll..l. ...I.., U.. . ...11. 1 ... ..,.1.1 1. . It 'J.WSI ; " 'ft anyHiiuiaBriu WE