,. 11 . .3 , THUKSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1918. TIIE CORPUS CHRIST! CALLER PAGE FOUR ( a Corpus 31usti Call j PRESS Jj Cwualtv Lists CALLER PUBLISHING COMPANY iTHl sect.om auMafcn on. 'JHVAiJ liEHN Ml Mcmbsr of The Associated Press Thn Aeo.lnil t'le- la . Ii.alvelv ntltUxl lo the for rupuhltafttlon Of wll ne-wa rrHHwl to It or not oiherwtwe in-illted In tnla r awl to the It aJjtjyMa tiibijit 1 hereto THC SURPLUS WARSHIPS MnKlng Ivlltor I -When murder Wtrrod her unit Hint A.liertlnlnn Manager, i rampant war yoked the red drasnn !tt i ' i.:... itbtii j..,..- .. .....1.1.,., t,. ........ 11 SECTION NUMBER. ONE. WaehinnUn, Dc, 4. The following easunUlr rt reported by tho Com- (HIT .run mir, nnrniiiim mm vm m . i-t. . . : - , . ,, enm-ae or .onWortlon fn- Houth waMm Onera! v( the Aim-rloim l.x- . . .. liMilllltnml-v Kiiii-4 Kit Ml III not nil. Subscription Rates 1 -r The I'nn-r JT M yearly b mall or It M bf WMTtor. 1., - v. n order in rhiingr ol aiNhrea ulioolil ftlvr both th oM .1 ., , . -i-ler uf T- 'fill. rv cah 'or Hwftrnmwi' anil r . x . 1 1... 1 1 1 imii ft waefea ur4it to aubrtt;jtrs TWir marstri of 1 , ,., i itmum will in- kvonlv Mi nhrrlpMor.M are due the ) ii T cnr IMlMtehlns Ci.miwm complaint at rvtre, order paper, mill rli.imr o' ouorvs imooiu ne ,i ml itt 1 tmnbfe 1 l ! rt.Tlfl',"! t utnn or rttwniine lHvw tfiummA r iripnnfl to CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT -PHONE 58 Amorkstn rounlillon In llrllluli anil olli- w '(irtlKn oountfl InvolVMl tn tlie worM cntnulytm wre taKM over l.iy Mllgoront ooiintrli'M In which they lifilituiimiy Kmcfrtt Klllcil In notlun. 80S. Oli'il of wotiittlj, 2S7. dli'il f iiccl ilcilt mill Dthi r iiitliH'ti. lii, Ole.l uf ittr- iilmic iiritlili'iti IS: tlltil f illi-itNi'. a 6,1 IIV- ROLL OF HONOR UNITED WAR FUND CAMPAIGN rmnmm ALT A VISTA. !f7.: " w . J'?':.;.. i l woumlrU HfVfioly.rilM: u-oi.n.lf.l. iU- " " 1 ' iKUH- uniUttfrhHltPtl. 2X8; woiindc.l UWWllt , ....,. I.. .,-. ..l't I -7 Ndw that tho tr 1 over. rom or, 7. . ,v !"' thfco Sfititlt AtiniHwn rotiiibllcx urn ulitlntlDK iltlr own ntiil the HlitUli AiIi-k .!' Im-lnmn fcinn .k,i irati, fii'i i'M'iiii 1'. leu -"ill . !nii ,.nti ut km .. tl-r. t iitd c -ond-ibnK fun irot'niiint tins bi'rn tmltiiil to hnmt over ihf com)lpttl Mitw to ll) kov (riimciitu which roiitractPil rf th?(i bittmifiit. In vUw of tin1 contoniplntml ontnli llnhniMtt 11T n Loncud of Nation to Knfoi iMnco. nml tm coiwrfiUBiil rt- ,nt. tiii.nx i .mi -iii chM Kn. in fin. iiiictioti ur Armament. tnor 111 imeiy in-, Th 1" ill. 1 ri.MlihliiB 1 iv:.in. All UcntH, ' iw u runniuruiB wiiiimin ui v' uluil'l'l t'. villi Hlwl ihi- (MiKinfftif m runius ClirlMt. Txa. CIRCULATION BOOKS OPEN TO ADVERTISERS ('orpus Christi. Texas. Thursday Morning, December 5. 1918. A COMMON 11ELIGI0N. It I '"(ISN ' Miprn1 in mintlti nnd hcartv of Amortcan men ami women, the Hod , i.,.,. (.r iiii-iiltai affection. Somehow or other, it 11 1 1-II! :s SII111PI I1I11H WlirillJ Ot KIL1'IUI UVVIIIHHI. II in 11 .11111 tf .1 ri 1 ji.-.Misiiii irruT'". IeK, u eomiuoit m-ouuu ui srnn-c upon win. h iiirii ami Monicti f nli t-roetlti, rnces ami eomlitions eiin inept .1 3 rt toi-l ;ii lion! . in a futiiuimi Rprviec to 11 commoii humaiiity. h ik u porti'il ity those who duriut: the rceent war notlviticH dc Miteti linn li tiim-Tii hoi; itation work for various necessary wnr serv i. e ftjiuK. Mmt vhile s-.tm iliffinilty not limell, of eoiirSo, wns ox perien. i! in pliiiniii..i ih need thnl existed for the support of eer luiit ii'jfi.ii nml mliviliev, an appeal for the Hod Cross tit ways met ii fc-uih, ueuerous and enthusiast ie response. This itiny have been due m a measnn' tn the faet thai liy renson of its pre-wnr ae tnitie. its purpose atuMlte i haraeter of its sorviee wore more feu dally familiar to the puldie, hut apart from thai there is somethintr i.l.niit it Hint seems to appenl to the hearts and purses of mt'n and women. Tht' rollovlrut TvshuiN arc IiiuIiiiUmI In 1 ho Until Killed In Action. Sorci'itnt Juliet MpNjOr, Conenti COltl'QItal.t?: th-oiBt Arrtngtnrit NncwjilnniHn'. p-mntit l). vulval, 'jnuR. Uscttr Krvln A'urliaoli, o Mmllnu. MUVATKS Frank WmlnK. tpiniihls. Thoryim J. Illit-jtiatJ, Hmfsovlllp. ( whom there wan but i little while bbo ! !:""in1T h'.?.I,',15 tmvh furiouji haute to turn tlwm out .;'ir" front tin- tili)nriK KnRlniiil Hill mill inniiitnln a 1,'rttt linvj. for she bun no Idea of rohmjulihlniT tier claim u 'fflliitrefin. of thit ni'o;" ami the Unltitl StniA la KVInc right ahitiil with Iim nnvnl fironrnm, tho dlcn being that tho l(i;mi to 'iiforoi ppnee iitnt have th "1V" "'."..'.. . v.".... IK-nry AtU.rpy Ahllionj Krvni iinn nn... (.rT. ..y A.,,.ra, . n..l, son, for tlnrt' inaj lip nlwiiyn the n-4 ,,..... ,..,mii.':li t ...,..,111. ,P. or a nceil for tha war craft. ff even If tln're were nir t l nn 1 .. , iVw mor war. Th, may have other than ) ttn ivm l S war umk for nollcins ami for llilay. 1 DIriT' " .S K er c,u... i r.i. i,r.fi.i..,. 1,,.. lint win, iti oiaa l-rom Aceident ana utner uauioi Mt.ll.liBI lUlbllU. UlflUI MI1IIV WD i Died of Woundii, SI5IH3EANTS: llenjftmln K. SitiiMim. Aluilr llulon 1- Htunl'ij?. Itlvrmhlo. COtiPOKALH: Waller (' I'eitntnu. Hulntei. Alvln 11. I'llt. AUStllt. IMtlVATHW- Denton. Oyi u K nnihlim, l)r?an. ' r.... t..i. Wci'. 1 nc itiiiva inuv mi miiiummihi w, , . I...... . ui.i.ln.n.u nt wnral.lli lhi.ll ' rt ""1II1UK, .! IIU, wouhl prow nn I'lephnnt on their hamlH If tlitini were not xome iiienim of dlspOHliiK or the aiirplim Juillclous ly. It may be that with the eonelunlon of tho pence Hettlement In prOKrea th nntloii3 of the world will uniitiiatly overcome their ileslro for 0 (Trent navy.. anil with tile turning of their plow sharon Into primliiK hooka, will "on- We wonder somotimos what it is and, yet, when we remeinher I vert th.-ir war veH,i. no ionBer neei- . atnnVi; fnr and what it rorfllv .low. v understand Th. CrosH. I '" . ""'. W . 1ul10lien! of inerey, love and sacrifice, represents succor lor uie stti-; ,.,,,. nu, xhvrv ulu i,P utile wat- lerintr rest for the woiirv, food for the hungry and jieaee for the.afte. The woria imx learneii a Kreati li.iniinif soul. It in a fitting standard for a Christian nation and.ioi nbom aaivano ami avoidant 01 1111111111H .111111. in .......( WBMto In the punt four eam and the ; people. Mil. 1 1, Ip.hhoii win not be e.-mlly forgottvn. Kin.o.tlio ilnv of Cava rv. the Cross has heen the lodestar which , .. A,llnn0 i.:v,.r,.HM. I l.n .vmi ami u-mnnii in li'iLliee thoiiLdits and noliler deeds. It has led them, imperfect iy, of eotirsp. hut truly novorthtiless, somewhat 1. in the footsteps of ilim who pro"laiiiied an everlasting gospel f 1 service : "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." ECHOES OF SCIENCE 1 All tmo men and women today holieve, 111 tiieir nearis, 111 a cum- ArjtUl 11 religion -of service, whether they admit it or not, and the mag- ()(H)0l! wh icent, mnniier in which they have supported tho K'ctl Cross, which country m !fter all only a praetieal application of real Christianity, is proof . imrtwi 1,, Argentine nntiiralixtN are tr: liit to hether the wild borne of tliat are dt'HCemlnnl or liorwn lm- SpynlKh coiupierorK or of prehistoric orlHln. 111011 nificent, is after all only a praetieal of that. faet. , . The war, with it awful harvest of destruction and death, is hnppilv over. Hut tho want and woe which it caused is not. The wounds of war must bo healed; the soars of lint tie must be uffaeed; !.,. i..i..v imict bo fod Tim battle fliiK has been furled. Hut the ii.erev flag must continue lo fly in undiminished luster and glory. And pvnrv man. woman and child who believes 111 this service of; njerev and lovo aild who onn afford to do so, must, help it fly. . , Within 0 lew dnyw they will bo given an opportunity tiV-ronnw tiieir allegiauc((, to reaffirm their faith in this creed of universal brotherhood. ,,.-, , , .1 "All vou need is a heart and a dollar." Surely you have the heart and surely such a heart can mjiiioIiow find or save a dollar for such a glorious, noble cause! . .. . . , n movable pointer which lndlente "Hvorv inan, woman and child 111 Nueuos t.oimty 11 memner 01 1 whn, 0l,m i purmbiaabio with the b'cd Cross." If we could reahno that splendid goal, wouldn 1 11 make you feel proud and happy! And wouldn't it he a fine thing to tell to the world T ( 'an we do it f We cun and we shall. THE MAN AND THE OPPORTUNITY. Kor cum pertt a compact uno Icing out fit tiKlni; folldlfled alcohol, which welKhs h'HH than two pound but with which three articles can lie cooked at ur.co. has been Invented. An KiiRllsh railroad linn built tha henvU'Hl single leaf rollliiK baHOiile lirldKe In tho world, the leaf belli): Ho4 feet lout; and, with iiiuiitvi wolKhtK, weluhlltB 0.3tf..0CI0 pounds. To keep the chairman of a meeting In touch with parliamentary law a de vice Iiom been Invented on whloh Ik any The elevation of II. It. Suthorlaud to the important orfiee or Cmintv .luilge is n just rewiinl lo a faithful and efficient public- MMKor more than twenty yottin, lr. Siithorland has sorvod the i 1 !...;.. oiwl 'iinei Cniintv in various off mini jiLijini in ,; , 1. j5linil8j, ineiulmnt atcamnro ore be eapatK t.. and u, eac . 01 111s w ',." " .. V'" Z ,,: rIiii hut 10 be wiulppej tyith radio hunot and fairnc wiiicii eonsuuiie prom oty n.s mum w''!'"'v"' UilenhoniH ami If oxiwUiltintf milm' charoctcristic. The pretlominiiling '-ran 01 nis cuiintmcr a a jmiiih herxuiit is 'i jrie exervlmdy a square deal. In The Cullers judgment, a splendid oppoi'lunlt.v lor rout sorv iee awaits Mr Sutherland in his new office. The crying need of the ; ..i,.,i ii..tt,.i- iiiiiIk. Tliev are not onlv necessary as a ii.eaitfc lor lutuie kViiwIIi but ulKlu!eiy ewiential to I he colli iniiwl ! Uie around. luHurla .mull planttt that S.rit o. .he Lm. and intorM of the county JX'Z What Nueces Count j ielly net.ls and ought to haw is ibout our 'W)j,u rt lt8 ,IK,. un, uaU. Imiidred miles ot firsi . la .h l.ard sui facctl lagliway. nui wut iiicr ur nut the time i i.ppoit'iiic for such nn undclakinn, The Caller does motion. An Knitllahman elalnm to have In vented a fraud proof eoln-ln-a-Hlot muchlrie aa It rejecta metal alUKrt ami even coins or the Hitme mI.o and welHbt u those Ini -ndetl to be iihcI in' it ir of Ioiih value. The avnllabio waUir liowar 0.f the United Htotea that could bo tionfiurved by waterfallM, linn been eHtlinated by the aeoloiftenl Hurvoy nt from 30,000.. 000 to 1C,000,JOO.OOO howpower. way are auoceanful a altllloii will be aslubllirtted at a port In that eountr to uommunleutu with thuni. A hand operated, one-man umehlne baa been Invenled that dlUH hole In SOME LATE ONES not now pri-Miuic to 1i1t me. 1 ,1 lluvtt vei, Ihi Callir knows tout mi .siiiiicriaini nas uMiumn ( ..1 i',iniv .ln,l,,i uiih a fixed ilctenuiiiatioii t" brum about 1 soiui M.lutioii of tin nnil-li iii, and, neeillcNK to say. Ins eliuits 111 tiniii ,;,Pi;:,;)l:'u,.i app,c,.i..,i . .... ,.t n.e pc jz &..irc m u tile ol Niit'i i s Comil 1 iUx i t bylnnil. They were tllterl mi Tin I HUM H lllCll III MAKING GOOD. (admit imi 1 nl our iiriucil mrccs on Irnd nml sea have usU fought I"' 'he 'lenU which tl.c himw I I lie liieam ui ,,,!, It 1 1 1 1 1 nit diit to pln my full I'.Ht in making lii ihe ofii i.'l ihcir iite' blood u obtain. iulid s. 1, tni 1 'it ipiv -ii rrcMtl'-'it Wilson, woo 1. piisNcsh i,' 1 iiuo-1 MipcniaiMi.il ability lo nive vernal con o the spiritual feclingh u! ins iclluw-citi.eiis, uttered upon ul' his ,teM'l,irc t"t the I'aiis t niilVi-cii.e which will lie . il,,- orld ..stin. suiiw- u' tin- spirit and purpose til' . . 1 ' 1.1 .1 a in inc an. 'Ii - 01 uie voi iu ""iv vei ii! hum. 111 hisloi . replc .is U I itit-f. lias tin 11 Iii I'll writ ' 1 H so. ..,.1 ...., .it 1. 11 .1. that win. ii i .lis with AmciK'.i s ii'iln-l 111 tin- (treat est nt all ars. ,. mi it is in. m iiniiu thai the leader of u great people hone , uhilny to oii 111M1 woiils the iliiiughth una aspiraiious ui cM-rv net . . lm- i.i.idc him, almost by common consent, the 1 f ,.1 x i.il.l.wiile ileuiocl'licv. kIOIIi1 "lllltUc "i ' tiii'n' -"I in ' iit.lv pinched with hungor uicl cold. ; The one nuire wiwiIumI than the utlior 'kmiiI lo Ion .umiiimiou; I t'aii you pra, ttMl"' No " I Van jou alng hymn''" No." Wll. ' Haiti the flrat. "I t m have .nnwl)ilii)f rellMiOitx let's tunc n col li i-tlon Tlt-lllt is w ii ll deed h .1 chaplei lis w it Ii Aliu-i . ol heroism ul unselfish I ell -ei-pl ioi til.' . 11 1 nun Aim 1 1 1 .lld s. .,cn v. i.ati.'i V ntar. 1 ion 1 ri e nii'i i.. Ki,i..i '. ....... t 1. K 1 1 t 1 1 f 11 f.li ri 1! I In 11 ll cs ! o olilllin. .: - .. . .. . I,,,.. 1, imlrlols I'U.luilisS ol pally ul llll.il ions, tai.e, wi- in:nec, 111.. 1- iii tin mc!itu!-fl'iitrlngn of politiciaiiK in Wimhlugtou who seek imiolivi to- ibemseivcK by attempting to call tho Constitution into iiidgiiuiit . no in.-' the President in his. purpose to discharge thai 'whhjh, u. tin light of his leadership, is a matter of simple duty. 11 Wo latli-' '"( s'(''t "r ,,M' rait thai ci ilizntion begins (mil .. .1.. ..lib tl.n no.it ' What i ai I id " iii.liistfi.il deliioeraoy" oitll't hope to 'live and thrive unless there are thine on the laud prodiminir ... ,...1 eottou. the wheat and the iioliiloes. lleio is where the lo.iuheiiiita fall down: thev want to diu'.. bote the world's wualtlf in jlttw ttui'tutcprn of production. Waco Times Herald. Serious miiidtd Wai Different. Ilii-i-i (alter the proiHMUl) llnve uii r loel lielore" Hillth No, IViin' I have often ad- i led uii'ii on thvii tienath, couriuie. I't .lit j. Inti-lllBi-M's or NOiiii'thlliK like itiui. ou Unov , luii with you, I'or. v 11 is Ivvr tuahilis elwet What Ho Wanted. "Cllve nu- tin- hook about "The tllrl Th.ii l.imi II. -i I .bub.' " deiu.inded ' nun ,11 ihv ,i I'llc tlhrar Hie nthet bo ll nn . i1Ih vvarad tb.tt what he .um-il in i-.'-ne Strallim I'ul'tfir'B (ilil ui tie I uuberlosl " liiillinmpii Wrono Font. Itualuinil- I know a m.m will hav been inurrled tblrl' m.iim, and In Hpcmli! ovary etcntm; ai bouic WifeTiiar otiint)iiii( im. tove. Iluabaiid No, It Isn't: It's pat,iyti Notica. All ""i-nuul. dint 1 in- and nui p ib by I Itf-KlliU'i I.'., l'JIK. will be ..i.-..,I ml Hie band 1 of my attorney foi .-olee-' lion, 1) i. Tmulwtll. - (jdv, l Died ol Diieate. Corporal Lonnle O, FUuwinakei-. Klrk land. 1'ltlVATKS Rilly 1'iiilKBtt, Hutidcifion. Itlrt ll. Alien.. Kemtyi1nle. Wm. M lliiilillentiin, tleorni'towit. 1'restoti TemtUctOli, Duvnl Undo W (leldinncliur, fin mine. Oharlen A. Stroud, Hnnto Wtllle in atolicji Taylor Orovei- K llollomoil. Knrllli lainif. .1 Itnll, I'Almer Kuwili. It. .McOamiibell. lie. vllle Wounded Severely. I.ieui. I'olley U. Ullllain.H. Ynneey. I'UIVATKS John A Sutton, lluffsmilh llobeii l.-e Wahfi1!-, Alodinn. Meridiih . Waili, uNfiiorttiont. ltinlolph lllil. Snti Antonio. Wounded, Degreo Undetermined. SeiKt. llarnuy II. Unidloy, Holland. Corp. Wm. U. White, .Mctlreaur. I'UIVATKS Inliom 1. fbay, Soda, Albert K. I-'ulKs, A?a1ra. Joel It. llooil, liouVton. l-'rllz KocKter. Ijretlhiun. I.eonlilnK llimbaUKh, Auittn. WIIIIh I., lltlbbel, IHllnlre. Onlvln 1 Ward, l'olaqloa. ThomiiH Jones I-Mu-iuilit. Ni'Weaotle. TbouuiH H. Camper. Sulphur S.i Iiiki.. Wounded Sh'uhtly. HRItnUANTS: John Q. SandlilKC, Fort Worth. Hubert Kluhnrxlmm, Wllla l'olut. I) I' Kotiton, Hosubud. COIU'OItALS Henry O. Johnijoii, Oonzalen. Herman 1'. floiot-., Ilwi Hoek. Alvln T. Wtrown. Kddy. Kdward StuuasiUl, Iliirllmilon. VHIVATKfJ: llerburt Stall worth. llalllnKer. Jacob I'". Wallace, l.hmo. Ford U. 1'arker, 1'ronper. Waller U. I'oclimnim. Houndtop. Junius If. Htonples, IJIkIh. Cheter Van Standi. Hlo Vlata. Herbert Paul Votes. Trlaldiul. IM I'. Wiy rcn. Mullln. SECTION NUMBER TWO. Washington, Dec. 4. The followliiK ciiKiiiiltlf'H are reported by tho Com tnuudlnit (lenernl of '.lie Amerlcini Hx pHlltioiinr.v Forres- Died o'f Wounds. 110; dltMl uf dlmiane. 278; wounded, de vice u-ideiei-miued, III; iiiImhIiu,- in ac tion. SD7. Total, tfiO. " The followliiK Toxnns nro hmllided In tho tint n: Died of Woundv. rnrp. Alfred K. Joiioa, Anslln PIUVATBS; Ulven Il'lniM, l.lpan. Kitienl F Putllt. Moraa. Died of Dleoato. 1.IHUTKNANTS Frank J Alleir Lollrg Holtiouilw It A Ion. Hail Anlnnlo. Corp. AuRitat II. Hiiliweli. Uraabam. I'HIVATES John W Alexnncler. Houston ("hnrloa .1 Hoyor, Victoria. itilhiii t' lli.uii' - U-ndf man. Wm 11. MlnU. Thnlla. Unbart F VaUBban, Jowltt. ttiek 13. 1'atei'Min, fjiuon. Wounded, Degrao Undetermined. I'ltlVATI-W Manuel .1 llilrgoaa. flrand Hatlne ftobeii Klern, Luey. Sam Fletcher. Whltusboro. Fi-jnk Fu'd llaaaa. New llraunfelfl. Uodge 1). Wralfalt, III" SpilitK Mlttlno In Action. SUIIDHANTS: Juaite .1. JnekMin. ltrowiiwiwid. Thornim ll. t.npua. DuIIuh. I'ook Flunk Koeutek, Clmkaville. I'UIVATKS JauieH I., Couk. DonUon. Zalcp Fianclx. Wllsonvllk'. Aaa Olllcy. llurko vllle. .leaav M Stone. Ituokwull. HfiKcl A Welle. CriHith Jeaav t'laude limdy. A led.' John I'l.vi Holder. TiiupKon Ah-xuiidi'i Tn'Jii. LiiiimIh ll, iv nu. ml I Hi ul nl r.-. il.illv'i .I'lli lien- VMIbmn. WolU . 't; lidw.ii.i vv Yeaatir, Mumbi Henry mciuhhh? v..... HomkliiB HIco (Iromtvutdt ...... Florence Place)- It. H. Piper Heolt William Pete lluticlteiicr W, J. Jones ... Frank Orker IM. Pearso M. K. .Surnraon Hd. Mitrklnii . . W. T. I'veslon . John I.aun'hllii IK!. Till Mm. KrcoH ... .. Adolph Till .. ll. M. Doduoi'i f. A. vlolllhar J. K. Kjellbfrir,., VIOLET QLm. J. HeI)hor . Mrs. Chas .1. TfoetKoher 'deo. Iloeloahnr J. W. llvi'lucher John neklOitU Joseph IlneKt-rlt Jr. Jacob Ilanly II. A. Milter .1. F. Ordiiqr - A. J. HooUqhyr A. T. Klrdhe'r .. I. A. Miller, Jr. SVm. IH-liner . John Hbeserl VV. 11. llakor (ius Tlsluier Herman Ordner .. C. .1. lltbrlKI M, J. .stecltclmler , AoIoIh SohoenberBer . .. Herman I3oe.ncr l W. Ilvovca I.orance llruhneck Henry Mnrkutler . .. Felix Frltr. - Alfied Hoelftcher Clothllde KoiiHOhle Jonnpli HouKexl. S'h KOSTOROZ C. Ileovnr .. A. Ondntcock O. A. Sehlner John Ivobllzek . . I ti. t ivouy ' l I,. Knanrek J. W. HrnndeMky John Ilnlhd?Hky Guy JaokHon Andy PrOHpeek J. W. (Irlmes ! Ti.00 8.00 10.00 IfJJKl H. OD son I. 60 S.00 10,00 10.00 s.00 10.00 D.Od 10.00 16.00 in.oo S.Od 1O.00 s.00 .00 3S.O0 r..to 2.1)0 25.00 sq.tjd' 111.00 id.oo 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 6,00 10.00 s.00 ti.DO s.00 r.P? s.00 li.00 B.OO G.00 2.00 n.oo R.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.00 10.00 n.oo s.00 s.00 7.00 Vina Urrnlim I HurolKa, II. A lltra V. O. JnckHen J. A. Jannxok John Jniini.i;k"f ... 1J. (1. Yaunt . .1 W. C Hllnwm . . Frank Knuuriflt It. 1), Harlow J. C. Hlar . ..; .. Mrs. Mary .Marelo .. CLARKWOOD f. n. Talbeit ami wife Mini Pearl Itlply'A H. V. Walker Miss Dlokwnn! ,. Mm. llayfe . .. J. H. Mlnter ...i-" Hob Alexander Hell HI ls . . J. S Ilyerly . II. II. I'owler jIijxlrnn D. ( Cry'er .. . V. Ii 51111111 .. . Otho Xdakey -. A. II. .SriniltTra .1. T. Holnman O. M. MetafW Krnest .VIcI.eroy J. D. VVIIhoo - It. 1). Weaver ; t'. P. Xlflhols Islnuclu ltoilon ..... .... Mexicans ... J. M. Dumas .M. K. Hrown W. M. MoLcroy Tliumjo Holamnu .. Theodore Prfc BRIGHTON IM. Dimunn Pat Dunn .... It. It. (irohsmt lian 11. Darby .... F. H. Itlsahcir IC.lyar ItOHCher Joseph nt)tun . Mrs. I.no' fl. H. littler . Hmro Hitter Krlch Hitter Ktitle Hitter FLOUR BLUFF W. J .Welborn Hd. Cllne Hnm .luletifcDh Mrs. A. W. Atchley 7.00 ?.00 10-pO 7,00 710 7.00 10.00 7.50 10,0(1 6.00 lrf.OO f.rio' 0.00 6.00 r,M fi.OO 10.00 6.00 16.00 10.00 15.00 11.00 1 00! 10.00 ;,on in 00 r..io D.OO lo.oi) 10.00 B.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 10.0(1 1 17. B.OO 10.00 5.00 n.50 n.oo EbberoI-WiIHitis Clolhing Co. PURE WOOL CLOTHING You rficn who expect to pay $50,00 for your SUIT OR OVERCOAT come in nnd see what we arc selling For $23.50 to $40.00 Sure to Please. . .4 15.00 .. . 6.00 , . 2.00 ..' .. 3.00 ..... 6.00 2.00 . . 6.00 3.00 .... 10.00 . ... B.OO .. 6.00 1.U0 HH HH1 1 I i H I Li t, ! 6.00 ' C. D. Watson 7.60 , It. n. Parker B. 00 C. dO I.Ov. B.OO r. 00 1 00 Amusements : V WEATHER SUMMARY I X ' Norma Talmadgo in "The Safety Cur tain" at Amuiu Theatre Today. I DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE .Station If the opportunity to cunt your lot Willi a man who loved you and would cau- for you tenderly came to you af ter cruel and hamh treatment came to you and when the safety curtai at the theatre, dropplmr to shut out a nro from the uudleiice, also shuts you away fryin your mlHcrnmu past; ami f you thoiiRht that by drawlnif the U nil;.- curtain of silence and distance behind you aft you fled to India with 1 he man you loved, you would forever leave the hateful past behind, what J oaivtmnn wouiu you 00.- imiki you hchi; who bulb bunds the happlnoKs ftium- lit your w.ij na Puck seized It? How Puck, the little dancer In a cheap mtiHle-hall In London, meets Men you on leave fiom service In In dia 011 the ulKht of the fire which wop- arales her from her husband who has beaten her for fancied attention!) from another man; how- the safely curtain abuts off her enoaiio and her life, un til Morryon Icttpa to her aid. Is endnn tteied, how bIki reads of Vulcan's doath In the papers and cotmentH to a mar rliiKe with Morryon with whom she Kovs to India : how she realizes that the reports of Vulran'a death must be false since her own name hud been listed urrfliu'OUHly, how Vulcan, who Is alive, conies to claim her and rather than ruin the iiiun she loves, Puck re turns to him. Just as he Is dyhiK of tho plaulie: and finally how Puck Is released from him and Is free to return to the man she loves, all so to make up tlie thrilllut: Incidents In Norma Tnlmadse's 'latest Select Ploluro. "The Safely CtirlHln." whloh will be shown .it the Amuaii Theatre today. . Weather Bureau Weathor bulletin for tho 24 hours cndlni; P d. m., 7Eth morldlun tltua, Wednesday. Dewmber 4. I Dili. Maxl- Mini mum mum Haln Abilene UG 32 Amailllo CO 32 Atlanta ..82 -12 Drowns villi' ....72 3S Calitary 30 Corpus Chriiti ...64 64 Denver . .. CO -10 DodKc City ... 72 32 'dalvestnn 2 -18 Helena .. .. (14 64 Huron ... SO 2K Kansas City GO 40 Memphis 00 42 Minneapolis 40 26 New Orleans Cfi 40 New Vofk .. .. 10 38 North Platte .. . 70 US Oklahoma City . .U8 .IS Palestine 70 40 PltlsbllrB .. .. 31 31 Hint Lake City.. . 60 31 Kan Antonio 70 -14 iKau Francisco 7U 44 Hhioveport . .70 42 WiiHhliiKtou .. id 40 Winnipeg 24 18 .21 .12 Kitty Gordon In "Tho Wasp" at the j Liberty Theatre Today. "Tho Vt'M.sp'' I the ti lo of the now VVorld-I'lotuio ltiady-Mado which will tiring ICItty Gordon, tho Internationally fiiinoua beauty to the Liberty Theatre ! today. This, attraction Is a stnrtlhie tdrumit of apuudy action, and It pre ; 11111 1 m MUa (kmlon In one of the moat 1 iboiuUBbly effective rolea In which site ih.it. rvei been aisfti She plays the . hHiucter of Orace Culver m this Plo lure. flire belnu known as "The Wasp" I liecHime of tf ntliislnc nature uf the hitter i'emark she mukoa about her rrienda and thlnifa In Jteneral. 'I he actum of the 'lory oes at an exi evduiHlv speedv rate. It tells uf the i f fm is niadc tiy a Herman apy to put out of 1 "nun Union tlie his war muni tion,, faeiory upi'i-ated by Ornoe's fath er It tells of (Irnttp's "frevsh" now liautfuur who provas hlmsulf to be a man and Ki-tillcmaii despite Ills freeh uii. unil it telle of the aurpitaiUR man ner In which happinwg finally eumea to the eynloal Uracu after who has lost faith In men nnd life In Kcrneml. I Many of I he sceuoa aro truly start-1 lluiB. Tht whole production lias been 1 HtauKil on n eule of tnvlsh splendor TOBACCO MARKET TO OBTAIN RELIEF FROM BULGAR SUPPLY By The Aeioclated Frtee. I Salomki, Dec. 1. Tho openlnK up of lli-.licarla to the Allies has eausiil the release of Jii.O00.O0O worth of the Vtnerlean-ownod tohacco in the towns of Seres. Drama and ICavallo on the llreok coast of the Aegean Hea border Iiib Turkey, occupied by the Hiiltraix until their surrender. The transpor Cleaning and Pressing; Alterations and Repair ing. All work satisfac torily done. Depend able, courteous service. Royal Cleaners Phone 779 We Call and Deliver Give Us a Trial. One Hloek tfouth of I'natoi flee. Christmas Shopping Should be Done early! Lots of Useful Presents Here. INCORPORATED tut Ion of thls'supply 11111.1 materuilp affect the shortnfie Jn high-grade to b.icco. Since the bcslnnlnt; or the wa: iuiko new aereiiKes in Hreek Mu. t-ilcni.i have become tho principal tobateo source of Huropo. The 1 .n-iu has Inereime'l 75 poi coal iluruti; the war. . The labor comes mainl 'rom i itt.lHf'd Turkish piowers who escapeil fiom Sniyrim and Furopeao Turke to prodlicu tobacco In . recce tor Kn teulu iilinlOH. Ill sasal CITY DRUG STORE PEASANTS' LEADER WARNED BULGARIAN KING ON WAR By The Aeioclated Vreee. London, Deo. 4. M. Htamtmliwsky. lender of the Peltsants' paity nml head of tlie New- Peasants' sovfi-ninent In linlgtirlii, was niuiinn thosu who wiught to prevent Kliu; Ferdinand from rum nilttiuc: lliilirnrla to war on the side of the Control Powers. VI a conference of party leaders held with tho Klmt nt the induce, M. StambuUwKky spoke his mind finely, tolling the klpg that he was laudlm? the country to dust ruction, and that ho would pa for tils crime with his crow it and perhaps with his hutiil. To this the Ulnn replied Hint Stain- OnTsort corn has lb com 'pop .ularuis PostildasnEs guch . k d M Vl mm .,. , . . ... iW- iff tt'lil, uii,.)t ..ii .nU.caut 111 l ittni'l' utti-tl ..f.-.tiv siaulm; and Uoh a yupieme'''"'0 need have no eonoern for tho st.u It ih not htirprlHlm: llmt 'The hii' coimtltutos such suiierior screen entertiilnmeiit. I 'royal heud, but bail holler take caro I of his own. Later Stnmbutlwsky was imprisoned. .SECRET OF GERMAN LONG 1 RANGE CANNON IS GUARDED. RESTRICTIONS GOVERNING NEWS PRINT PAPER DROPPED By The Aeaoclated Preei. Washington, Dec. 4.- -Kffectlve Do- Wilh tho Americhii Army of Oeeupa-icember 16th. all (lovernment reMtrle tion, Doc 4. illy courier to Nancy l- .tlirns affecliiiK the dliitrlbutloii and tlue The inside fact a icn.irdlni; "llln Her-1 of news print paper will be withdrawn. th." and the vihci moaxtcr tiermitwas the announcement tonlKht of the cuiiH mav be locked up w ill tho nU iWar imlUKtrlca Hoard im-iouM Keri.-ts of f'.irinany. Infornut-1 This itillnu will come nu a crent re- lion that reached the American army, lief to every newspaper In tho United official is lo the effect that (terinaii States, as it Insures a liberal supply of it-ins of heavy caliber ,tt vailous points newt, print paper from now on, .Vluny hove been shinned lo the Intel Inr on dally new-iumpcm have been rcoulrcd tnit earn. Hhlpmciua of ikuIs of hlit durhiK Iho hint year or so to Bioa'tly Ituii mpliie. .iifiils are also reported reutiro tliu size Of their papurs. rit'i-ni'is tntoi roeoU'd as to tho dli' "i poiution of ibi llertha" and Uu1 other Caller nl.i(lci advertisements cunt llaiKo .-allbeied cannon, claim to be Ilttlo but brlnif big teturiiu. Try thorn norunt uf tnlr nrcnt whereabouts. ior ruiin. This is a Service Organization The foundation of this bank is helpful service. It is more than a safe place to keep money. It is a service organisation which takes a friendly in terest in the affairs of its customers and the com munity. It is our rule to give INDIVIDUAL service to every depositor, large or small. FIRST STATE BANK CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS Corpus Christi, Texas. Commit us freely regarding your financial nml business problems. "That Hank with tho big clock." ..ft T .T' n. Y ! a- i