Newspaper Page Text
CORPUS CHRIST! OALLKK CLASSIFIED AD BRING KIMULTS BRtNO BSth.T. yOLUME 20 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1918. NUMBER 219. GREGORY TELLS I. C. COMMISSION URGES MANY RADICAL CHANGES IN RAILROAD OPERATION president is keeping in touch With capital GLASS ACCEPTS CONGRESS IS REQUESTED TO GIVE MONTH'S PAY TO NATION'S DEFENDERS . 8. MUST HGL 1 minvKinrii nitw RDER RANCH BY GREAT NAVAL RADIO! AT N MrN i ua m uat i iiiiui V JHL 3L 3u Ma MX URLESON SAYS BANDITS RAID HOW SEDITION WAS CHECKED WITHOUT CURBING RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SUCCEEDED DUn-l INu TIME UNITED STATPS WAS AT WAR IN CHECKING ALL ENEMY PROPAGANDA, SAYS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN AN NUAL REPORT DECLARES THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DISPLAYED REMARKABLE POISE AND SELF CONTROL DURING CRITICAL PERIODS 6,000 alienTarrested ON DISLOYALTY CHARGES Invettioation Rounded up 23,439 Young Men Who Attempted to Evade Draft Mora Than 220,000 Tried For Full- . ure to Filo Questionairos Statos That Country i Thoroughly Policod Recommends Retirement of Fed eral Judge nt 70 if They Have Served Ten Years on Bench By The Associated t'rte. Washington, Dec. &.--Tljo nlory of HyTho Associated Tross, Wothlngton, Deo -ueffardloai) of whether milroadft finally R" back 10 private muunuoiiiuht ur remain In I he lundn ot lh government, radical i rluuiKOH shnuld br made In th'-lr tneth- mIh nml thi"jrli' of operation to provide ' n partial merger under aotnc orl t,fj government regulatlomt, the Interstate! Commerce, PommlaHHih rtnya In II nn nutil toport inailu iiulillo today. The Cninmhwioii ballAVcc tlio time Is not ripe to recommend concrete) pro posals fur legltdatlon relating tu tlio future policy toiynrtl mllrondu, hut a whatever be tlio nutlon'w dcclnion, there Hhould he provlxfuii for complete unification of ttn railways In war tlm", partial niorKer in ordlnnry tlmo, Ilml uitlon of railway uonstructton to pub lic necessity nml ayHtcmtitlc encour ugcmenl of tlio development of inland waterway, una their co-urdltintton with rail carrier Jn oilier words, tho Cnmmlaalon Is opposed to I'KMtorullon of tho old con dition of individual compotlUon, in which pooling of traffic wo forbidden liy law, unil to the building of now llnoa without proof to tho KOvmimKttt that thtiy nro economically necessary. If It Ih finally dc'idad to imore rail roads tn private management, mtyji tho Commission, there should be 1eglla tlon to permit their en-oper ntlon, WIRE SYSTEMS Ur Thai Associated Frees. I Washington, Iec. S The Vnvy IV- pnrtment nhVioitnced i lirtit Hint It . hn been in .-onslnnt .r'liinnrilontlon ! Iy radio with tlio tm import OoorRe Washington Blnco It snil.d yesterday I with I'reldunt Wilson ami nthar mom- XPERIENCEO A3 A RESULT OF a n u iwp r I 1 1 t v f- 4 - m e,.rUVT VTja-; "ZZ.rn, rl ner of tho American d.i.'.mtion to the J J.- 1 Versnlllo CONTROL GOVERNMENT TELEPHONE LINES IS PRACTICAL MASTER GENERAL DURLESON IN ANNUAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR'S RECEIPTS OVER EX PENSES AMOUNT TO V9.979798 rc I erBimiini pencu uoni'-r'-rii'e tiooaru NOT ONLY MUMD BUT '"" t"s'tl0' of t,,c "hi" Whether VECLAneo postT; " " TmliT ',,""JU"t' V-Kir-r. nun, erenKI Orll any llITflOUlU'. TO uAo! VFT-mroitalloTto VonBreL tmlay, err- t A R FARF 1 j umwjinvt ,(rv of Wn. nknr r(t((, tho lmme. " PLANS GREAT EXTENSION It was ctatwl thftt th :reldentlul voMel. ak well an lie pi in- ipal oitcorl. th drondnftugllt J'enti ivnnla. are "luippetl with tho most ..i'.vfrfnl wire- i l apprimt'ua In the t'niteii states Nip. y. A norl featun- l ttmt wire-' iis toleiilionoa hSlVr i n lnatalle.1 ir ipniif mill nAitTrcl"" l,0'h vwmI, by wi', i, romtnuni- Ur AbiuAL IVIAIL KUUliiot"'""" iwtwn two ,..Mi8 m tile ' miiiip aa if land wlrflii i" '.olnit used While n route to Ureni the Preal- AnWC"ina Criticisms Relative to De-I drnt i. Ill be kepi Infon-. .i of world lay in Transmission of Mail to oventa tlirounh tv tMiv i..-w reiiort Ainerlctin Soldiers Overseas, Exeou- made up from oxotrpta fi-m sQClat tive Anserta 'Faults Lay Entirely jwl l'reass dlHimtclioB. Th.- reports to Vlth Military Authorities, Who th 1 resident will be flu-Hl from the Sought to Uo Away With all Mali i great Arlington wlrole"itaeton. Orderlies In Army Reviews War Work Done by Dopnrtmont, and Adds Postal Delivery Will bo Even Dotter When Army Motor Truoks aro Acquired Sy 9h Asacctateil Tress. Wa&hinaton, !. 6.- irevented, nml jancmy seerBta fei'- """oiuy or auvto unu touerai nu - gvemmi out for UK Bftlnt their nrmle8i"or tlM 'n rai road Bupervllon : offl-!lvce ,ln id, wius given to Urn public lodnv "f of "Pn"t and couitnott use vMnn, , ttoriii'V Ueneral T. W. Lreuorv n uf "tnlnaia. ,. how nemy aom havo been naught !'"'"c'IHii f 'i of railway oiiatlon from disloyalty aupproased. ditift alaokort I '"' "' sovrntnent reBula npproheen.led. daneerotw tlonnana til- :""",0' '"?;: cleaHmt away terno.I. nsnlrrnh ami other ,1,1,nt.iof thv "MUMK twilight aon.' btWVn obo prevented, nml jancmy seerBta fei'-' und federal nu r-ted n broad in Attorni'V Ueneral T. v. drestorv unniral report. Through a grmvt i-orpni 'he other tixr-d. If tin- puii. v .i (ni?nil llui loami ileetarcr im hlsi n- of Dupartment of Juatice tivll offliern. ff,vrc nmnt m rn-flip ahimW h- adopt- nmil report irad" public lodnv. Tho secret ngenta, and cltlxuna volunteer. ' '' ",e iTictr.l ,u,tUn to lit con- w r h shown ,liu' goveinmi ii " Hi 'I, .ol' of (lollt'l'ig i:nr i . i ,i. - "Iderert ,m Tli.-- pi Ice tn l.c luld fm ershlp of ti-li'phon- and la'egriiphu ' - ompllKh'-d tmld Attorney funeral ll,e i"'ad, nn'in of inivontlni? the ri'U n) "lund . ui.eBhti " ilu- Oreyorv. lth inlnlmtim dltti'r!noe ! rnilrnil fiom b mjs made auiirreta of lumtmiiMtct' genrrtt mivh. In repenting to the normal life of communities, und rsvenu t. the iv'inmnnt, and i.lao tile rooommendatiini which he has imide with conatnnt effott to avoid encroach-i,u mulntHln them ns elf-eupportlHK, tn previcu rxporu but which he m ik( InK on freedom of apcooh. notion and I measure tu define carefully the ra- (or the ft rat time ii head nt the gowrn- nolltlctil criticism. spotmllillltv of the nilhvnv udmlntatm- ,ent oirnoy eontrolilnK tli- Und com Hefcrrln? to enforcom-mt of the e plonniro not Mr. uregory aaln: By The A ssoclnted Vress. Woshlnflton, Dee. S. vor'otia rea nona were nati(Jhcil inombwni of the Senate Fdrrf)g Retniona Com mittee todny In announcing disapprov al nr Aanatflr rlllllthlin'n mtnliitlnn In Hr. u. i eiepnone ,rt n Stnitn antmnltt. i., ih. Vtr. lewgrapn unci, or tn country, now uo- ,, UO oantofrttce u, keon the dr gcvemaient contiol, should become , tou9jl mif .n. gvemmtlt ownl nt the condutftni of MiA iim.UMlom thr r ine uct uniwr wiucn me uw, , th neiaOfij-fttl now i tnirriieo, i',siinier VIRGINIA CONGRESSMAN. WHO HAS DEEN IN HOUSE FOR 18 YEARS, DECIDES TO TAKE POST AS SECRETARY OF TREASURY, SUCCEEDING McADOO, WHO HAS RESIGNED ANNOUNCES THERE WILL BE NO CHANGES IN POLICY. AS HE HAS BECOME FAMILIAR WITH NATION'3 FI NANCIAL PROBLEMS THROUGH ASSOCIATION WITH RETIRING EXECUTIVE SAYS IT IS NECESSARY TO HAVE LOAN IN APRIL Outgoing Official Warmly Praisos Selection of Veteran Representative os Successor, and Predicts That Ho Will Glvo Great Satisfaction to the Entlro Country Wltl Assume Now Duties December 16lh No Ntw Director General of Railroads Named dlatno enactment of legislation which will permit tho payment of Errntulty or one month pay to all soldier, army nurseu and army flold elcrlta who ore to bo discharged durlntr tho cotnlnr montha. A few hours later In tho Hotiso a. bill contnlnltiff all of tho provisions Inld out by Secretary llakw was Intro duced by Representative DetiL who Is also fostering ft bill whfeli would permit every discharged soldier to keep his army uniform. MEXICAN OUTLAWS CROSS IN TERNATIONAL LINE AND AT TEMPT TO DRIVE OFF HORSES FLEE WHEN DETACHMENT OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS APPEAR ON SCENE MACHINE GUN CREWS POSTED IN ANTICIPA TION OF SECOND INVA3ION VILLA'S FIGHTERS AGAIN AC TIVE IN CASAS GRANOES DIS TRICT AFTER DOUBLING BACK By Til Associated Prnn, Wathlnoton, uc. a. tn a formal an nouiicemoitt or ni aootpianrc or tne ton la further appointment of Swautry of thu Trons- nort ,hon the ury, ObnoreNtiian Carter QlaM of Vlr-, i Kinla declamd tonight that then' would t ' i h ingi- in Hi pi.licy of th Tr, Wathlnoton, Dec. 5 A delogntlon from Onlreaton has arrived here to Induce tho Wnr Department and the Khlpr-lnj,' Hoard to make Galveston the port of debarkation for all soldlern from Toxns and yio Southwest who are rctnmlnir from I'rfince. IteturnlitR aoldlera from nil secllona of the ooltnlrv are now being delmrli od at Nw Vork, Hoboken, lloaton. Charleston. 8. f and Newport News. Va, Senator Shappanl took the mat ter up with the board and tho department. The War Department had already SAID TO BE MARCHING . ON CHIHUAHUA CITY General Murguia Takes up Pursrit and Pltehod Battle Is Momentarily Expected Mu. aula Relieved of Com mand by General Jose Coitro- Sue ctttor Fears Murguia and It Co eantrating all Avaliablo Troops. By TJhe Associated Press. . Fnbens, Ten us, Dee. 6. Ame-I- Indlontcd to Tx Congressmen tliat ""'fhlne win patrols were posted nto thl ennnot lie done beaatlKe OttJves- nvsv front Vrcnah other porta lllrod 1 1. t.i i ri"nhe' of thu "": that surh a stp roi) ' i t I.' i' mtrf .foil'" ii II '-t ! , . I . . . .Ml' I ,-fil l W .li I 'r,r intlfl ittoii rr IikcK that the p delegation v. ould Thla dnparttnvnt throughout the wnr baa procuftlud upon the general principle thftt tho conaUtmlonal i rtjrfct V, If I rtr ni'V.. lieu Dnnfiniii,i iiu j'w- t'.tlon exist III war time na In ponce time, and thnt tho rli;lit of dlaiiston of gr.vommontnl polloy mid tho right of political agitation nro tho most fun damental rlghti! tn a democracy." At the Kuine time, tha Attorney (Jon- ition to Congreaa and other federal and municatlon line. " Henator MutttTnliih ... , swto au-noriiie; cuarjuttrea .icramst, ..t., ..ri-. ... u mmiit nt thi, , VV: ' time, naked tIMtt It be i Hen-itr ruilendac fm fin 'einlitp of the toleplione and telcgruplta nti0,,, 'w not only Bound hut tirncticai" Mr.' , Homo sort of goveramont letniiathiH Ilurioacit nays. "It hna been nocaawary intrusion or paniann politics into rail-, pnmimt .r hllve fujy d.-monaUatad t way nmnngement. tmd . reatlon of thQ, lh nrinoi.ite nt mvernmcnt own- plll-tlCC II J.lCf.t ' .all. I If. K'i HI 1 . '111,1 f" ' kind hi . itiricAttyn. ng that IJWwe "tlnn at thWi i.icJ OB the re rosrtSde. I uMH I AlnAtl-'.i i I ' Ml -ti ll.' Ix-fHvnie t mil. !Wt l .!t . - II mini i ' tin ih IlKUde of coust mm vote LEGAL IF NAMES ARE WRITTEN ON BALLOTS tho International hw nAfit r ' W n ')( .nrr'liM ... r'" i, -Tdr Ti '.i r i i , .ntl). t "t it nmci. n i. ay Tl'e A3fiaiPrs. here cJ h V t " .J.f ' . bin Otrt!' Meie, dli h titiii'led I.- ,i ;, .' . S.'llt l ,.. II 'l. M . . ml- M. II. i.l V I! itl-lii .. ' 'am k, tl M -' (I ift' t I 1HV' is aucHeMied by the Cnminisaloji In con nectlon with och of the five altama Uvea of fultire policy which may be act forth by different Interoata in the n'lir futur nu a war ineaaurw for CcmttreiM to eon- iilw ! K.alaLioti authorizing the I 'resi lient to tisKtiuie control of ! telegrimn HtA tclaplione aystamii of the couuttv These nlternotivea are: Con-j While uch control la, temporiirv. inm, ernl expinlned. tho Department of . unuauon or me pit-m nymf iii oi gov- wiu exiai niy nniu me rsnnraura "i Justice bad tried to dwu aovoreiy with ! eminent control with private owner-1 tha treaty of peace, yet the bet rpaulti( propognndn having for a. doliborotu vmpw awoanunp wnn nnvsw ma ouwiaa oniy wins uses j u-tob are uwitw iy i-.mi sunnninfFm, PEACE WILL NOT BRING DECIDED DECREASE IN PRICE OF DRUG ARTICLES !'"i'Mllli . l- . . V .1' Doccpiber lth, S .- V,.. mill nid (. lit Sitl"i( .'lA ticii ll i- ; t 'i-l.n nl t 1 t no i unti' I Ml ! . c nurpoa the dllntiirttlon of Hie conn- opomtwn. pnnu opweuion witn uv trv tvar rtreneth. . . .hiii to roiwauBn uu iuranwi of thu Amurlonn people," ho until. "hM tcomtlleti if MriiPBtn. a ML.. "WT!l i mfjmmi . . one or the tuatinot W)iiivvmntH arfr a-i, ,,.i,i,, .i i ... .i,. ,.u ,Mr, .-a n.h m,uim. Tie tjijti been thu mnlntananot) of order, the copipamtivo failure of enein uitlvl tlMH and, HpiMiHlnc broadly, the gen eral sell-cnntrol nml aelf-realraint 'K lilhltud throughout tho countis In tlio critical KttuatluttH." Tho Attornoy General disclnaed that only 0.000 ejionty aliens have been :r- rnatoil on proaldcntial examined with a view and that a considerable number" ol thime havo beon plaood In Internment in tn pa administered by the urmy The iMilanre wero parolled. Most enemies Internwl wore (Ionium men. and there wore tomjirtlvly few Oeriiinn wo men ur Austro-lluliKuilunsi. About 4SU.O0O (.'.CimHil.l llltve bewn iegUtril In the nntlm-wl( oi-i,.iaIIJ0.00 nmn and SIQ.00O women. ChteafA r , . .i i ii v u n . m-iii . i . iii- la-d .n ttnnor- operation. prufim oi KU... ji.t(-iug rcturn-i on " 1,1 l"l,,"'"J,'r' 'na maw The report deals at length with the; trivatmnt. Oovernm.nt owmimhlp of'M " not "nl Predict thai prem-ni lllit.envnl ,,f ,-,..,tlon i-iuhhI ' ih lliminhii :m.1 'i.nhnne ahould i ' v wiil continue for flom 1X In liv tli v.'iir vi.l Ih. mii'iirnnunt'i ii. nni 1,iiiikt. .li.ln i-ml n,l h n ,Mi,fl , O ,Ji0 I'lOltthS, Niimptioii nf utieriition. and the u-l.i- uf I'lii-igicKV in IliN matter 1 u.gontlv tinn of the tniTntiite fmninerce ('unr,- reromlnendi d " ' inlnslon t,i Director (i.-nerrtl McAdool operatlone of the l'uMffi-o Dep.Mi . and the railroad administration. The,n!,Bt fr ,hc f ,,., ieAr Puing jt . cimmlsHon Iium .-...uperuted fu Iv with ! .?, rt.snu , ,, mouii of n-- urrnntH nml'the governmen miinnirement hub tin-, OV( ,. , xni:-i'i! of I9 '.ITS.TIHI. i'-l o ini'"i niwm r-pori. nut ine omininsion mil r.-tfin ( XIMl' i .rding- to thi' it-port. Ai"iuiisimately ii paid mvr to nlr.-Hed pouta! liv tne (liwi t'.r general. i Traaun th I'.Hilroinl vuliiati'.n woiV of tne firi-' eharg lmion"d fur war revenue. T mlaalon. which will baaioinn nf great i tal revenues ..f the di partmant fr .m all Importance In ciae of govrnio'int pur ' nouroas during 'h year .ire given .is. rluwe. Ii pro'-eedlng with link- inter 3W,07& MS. t;iinal 13311 72 1 1 S for (he ( ferance'on account of the war. Hnfetv liilT fiscal vear. Total i-xui iidltuirs I work has been nnaiinuMl imrtK- lv the. ire reported n railroad administration, bill education-1 JSllt.SSS.Tl In 191T. riircgardlng the nl worlt I being continued throughout i Incrcjtsert poata! rntea effec'lre Novem her ttiAl lncreiK) in pootail awvlois bulns during tin yum la placed at i 17 Pfr j ent, whl aapcndituraa Increajwd Lit Vqt cant. Mr, BttrleiKir. for th first tiwiet offl cUttly reMirUi uiion the us of ttirptaneui for trannnkuloa at nuttt, ami guwrit-maot-owned trueka tor ttio apeiatlon oi but ven then re- adjuatmanta will Ii'- kIow ami largely "iitlngent upon th.- uvallnblllty of oar. K'i Hpare tn and from Kmo, .n mhib .IIIiI UHM1 pOHalllle I.C.-llinllllitlOIlN nf "ruilc diug aiui'ho supply Hlg dcaleri. d i Li i in hand ure hluh I II.IIIIIW iihI roostll jvldunl ltms. "Ksucllv thnt Ii I industry in l ugclv IJ'cttire," said J. W cago daolrr "My 8 ((.NAT if feHEWMAN ATTACKS PRESIDENT AND GEO. W ifc -o n . i . . ' i'',,f " 'I Miir' ii- ii ' r -1 the pence nnf r nre d'-b-ite In 'In- II, ,t, . I ''IK ht lind' 1-if.nd Iv'ir'-r-.S'N' in 'if ilu- (""mmlttee on I'ub Infitrn t'-n nii-'.n'd irniW' tli.-'itK fur '-jl'lnn'tilf" ' lid np:ie'i f., Hid lis ') ' i Y. tltf 1. t'. i ' iC in t. ..,.t 4 .i-il didv( tiuat i nod I'lnl' , ir,.-ti I .t'HH ' i ? i -III . 4 etc lartt i 1 tli t tiier.i ! I If l .. n i ir. .' .Vinui :i'i l.ul-iH r thnt where a ..I' .1 tii I i 1 hi-r v f.e ' ' mm u voter deal re c 'd" B r T- AeciMiiate) Inw. San Antorti, Texas, Tec r. - 111... n- i , 1--iper. i,.l !. -en,! .Htii'i'fi i. ilu taut ifii'ilbW in i,r.- i Ih.-'m i i i - 'iftaa tcootiH ariil tuifv- . : i n il M at -.mta, a resu,: h V ,- i t . . i ' - n 1 frn-i t.nt w .h mi I i iiitt'i i.i;ii f'ucrttii4 "ii'f ij.i: ' i tl ,ii ' ..itrai t ! . i. , t . I .-in. .it !' i.l$ui with urn -n u-uj jjn.',.'r-i;B' Wl aswj.lui" :rm -, ;. il'iiil-i -mid Oui-nngij I,, f, i ' . if , rhMnuuiita, (etM M'ii-;u... I I'd.' t unil..fWSem Tllf Iff 'TnilMu- thr '...r contain! 1 in ittd Jleslco Citv d. patches. w-jnt soon covic HOK r ll '''lie Am r,i r-es. I ; i th it i I lll.n ll III III ill. Him ilsn l '! fl Uf AVitlntg the . m itter if i till Mortlason, n 'hi pinion " that wr ( Hi. i i:..t"i' i . inn . I h W HI'-I tenure he wi.- n- I, ,1 ih' r- .I'i',-r"d"U'''i"J!f' etng to a a miwthetiu dBOlint.,80" wh"' .'"W'!,ul,in trlo.a that will h .ve nothing wnm ' BSf ., nl. ... it n -.. I i- i M 'pn fur his at thi . i-n i'i-v W'S not tn svm i i-i i".' i. oi nf PTmnt Wil lie in at the pence ffnfi - ever In fHnmon with conOIUona of up to mat juiy i, uojwrunoni ; ttm couniry. The commuMion m tha Justice InvMtlgalors bad rounded up ,flt ymr hn ,,! mm. ,ri(Iw, ln 23.43H youtiB moo who go tight to oa-iMBhltHr ifl punot, iu,f0rm rato abw cntw tho draft, nnd had cnuiwd thotr i am,M1inn. ,, hu uiut,,ptakn . num. Imluotlon into the sorvloe. llore than lir,r of otiwt. nVatlieUon of rt o4 MU.OUU 0ii Ol mpu wiiu i..r ( prTICtlCCS. ranaon or olhar hftd foiled to file their i T)ia t-eport. Includlnif Out alntWJlnt. lui-atlonnlreo or to appear for pliysl-; eoncornlng future potlelon tiwrd mU cal examination wr lnvostlguu.d. ,roda. ia Klunod Uy ail the ootnmluion- l-nohlitu forwunl to penee condltiona. ert ex4)8pt fjaiwge W. Anderaon. who fhr 'rfai. no one lut fhe c 'il t hl'' I, I. t- nf il -if rr-ifir under the w,n xax bill, the m -t t.. i.,j M,lde of rhlo.g.i n u tkrn4Mmt u, ., ' Borah of Idaho IlPPuNilein, Intro. immTtZz v"n"rn rvzir en OX tho war Unwed i.e,y . br "W" ' w. f ... .nmirtsisd by Vm1i. normal nrfwg. I am fully ,-onvtiM.Hi l'non . gnd watag w(ltiat hwvr the., thui trill not th. r ,.e i " -lUann wlUt iftUflitUw "none The labor situation la uneasiness n th Induati v. ' 'I i-t M-mn simkr for Ivd l''.rk -nd the .u'h wlrtnn the dlrewUnrv c'-i Tw. w. of tho authoriuo, nn nmia. Is tnt a vote shall be counted where tliere has bMl no violation of tits law and the votnr'M inttintioil no claor nx la Ilia dlolM as to ptitHriUdo tha Isaat daM. Ue further Hia that the eanvdeiflmr t aimiiu It a p.dt'tco! and not n Jt- Otltein arc Winihroti M. Daniels, chairman. Rdg.ti K CPiik. .rmnea H. ItSrUtn, fharle C MeChord. llnithannr II Myer. Hnrv r Haj. rivde It. Attehltton nnd Robert W. Wooley. tho Attrf-ny liatturai mii a iiumwr rereiillv resigned to of rcoipi.VHdtiOh for reform of tho , r,inl apoointment. JudlcUii procoa?e. Although be refer red to 'ho difficulty of pushing anti trust proueatttfon during the war Htnce tho govarnmont Itaelf ha been in the bustliem of aupprotwlug cotnpe tillon. lii mailll no Hiiaeatiotia tor new nntl-truat legUlgtlon which Longrcsi la expoclod to undorUkci soon. War nollvitlttu claimwl the principal portions of tho rsport, nnd .ftor re forrtne to th growth of the Depart -nient'H seorat aor'tce to hix t(jnea Its titws tu 1916. and the efficlanU orBanl antloii or the American f'nateetlvc League or StO.OOfl illien VJlunteerK. 51 r. nruvary Bald: "It la fo to suy that itaver In Ita history hna! tb4 country bn so thonmghly poHwtl a present time. "Whoii It tceme pow lo, through the lapau of Umo. U) dlacloaa fully the i urai paiMl-poat toutoa diarloaing . ing from th mrvl log thai tha tiMMiaan.i of mu rotutp- not cnusiiiK dialers sa ,TRLLa flP AI1MHNIAN MABRAilRGn th V u u ,i .i, mk divlsicn . I 'itnh' W wnitJll coon be sen' bad. th (.'nited Stats. U 8. PAID 8TUDBMT5' TAX nccept mother . f,)f mil" f-it. imli.n of both fa- thi-ougli the many i will be abaorlied i Jtii-ta long di lay- , Insurance Expert Claims Nation Will Be 25 Years Recovering From Epidemic 'i:ift. it uto rnw nu pri iiuusu iM i,y the ivur. maae rwomm. ncun.on umi p'hiism' i a glmiar situutl a obmlns in thai tera now s.ppointeu oy iiw rn-muran h-mical market u h..r i.rioe junUnrnte will lx i.,w uod trade rv-or gattlMti'in li pa tuk. n i;u"niudy. c-1 . i.idlna In i.llgi, pi iM.ilc.llH lnttit. I Iii i.fili diug,. i. I (hraaHain, how-; 1 1 ibiirp price i .-auction tnaiy i SaionIWi, D'c n Armcrdan ! , r I'. Hi. "'n i.odav II- d 5 - M-K-U Ana-Adwn drr .nd formor offt l-h ii v -irrivd her r. d t'i 'rtnan n id -Hclo ttn rfifnc . ill. . TIP' !M I' r rtc'erl AuttH. the mi.! Tessas, Dec -ivw Wf f t i'ic fv-ut .ty i - '1 t' -ll i hi .r t' Hhould be aeteotad unticr the f.nipull (Cnntliiuid on i'.iga Thrba.) aw Hi un untrti le- tlf nrlilxh sti''itli- wh'cb na ! f-rt mini- '"'a ii'w d thi' uti untn,,,. r that time I o&C t.l.u Ai ni. in.inf, Und Immiii w,hi,. m iu- Twaoty ! nuMMiacr ail. 1.' hid lal Olatrit't IA th phtn nf KtvKtt- fa- xr::::;;:r Voters Swing ' teiHM- ji-i.ii, hiiko AiiKUf.1, i'.it Among. Majority For Parr In Race For State Senator By The Associated Pitts. j Now York, Her. UThsi Spanuiii In I tluvluut epidernia w rrw awefii I lit -. I ioiuitrv dt r'nr the auliimr. ' hto!.-' Hi tivitlaB of theaa vaHouv munt sen - nyjn,,,,. , ,hP .t VMra ui tn from . . . 1. . m l.-r. tt, ...111 aluai,! fill. bh i.llll I . ,mti-.iui n.nuiio .u iiiv - . ....ano. li-, their work will autud out as on of tho substantial actiiovementa ot the war." HlnU of an Anierioutt espionage sys- Contlnucd on IMge Two.) WEATHER BULLETIN. CorpUH ChrUtt: Kfolr. wait UgHt icutherly wlnda. East and West Taxas: aqneml falr, Friday and Saturday. 1TTI.B Qoldon Senloo Star, -i Hovt 1 wonder who you arc Doe a fltfieetlieart. or u wife, ijV i'OMy llttlo attir of llfot Or a mother, proud hut sad, Who gave nil, her only lad? When 1 firfct buhtild you there. Vou were blue, born with a vwyT. Oolden slnr and utar of bltio, U'Utv ono soul Ood gave to you Do you know how proud wo nro Of tho Golden Service Htar! Until NicltolH. Henry Molr. an instirwn;! uthrii of this city. dacUiril bar too?. The avemga ecouonvic !uea of BCtiv life in uach cnae of death frcm the l na lady or Ita aftermath waa at lauat 9 yeatr. aaUi Jlolr. etnphMixinit the pucullarlty of tha rputemlc. which found moat of iu victims undvr 30 year of ago, aa comparml with the average life of 6 and 04 -ars ol pnr fcona Insuml in well sUiblished iui-panliMs. Addroaitlnc; tno Association ot iare Inuuranee Provident. Mr. Molr, wh"i is president of tlio Actual Society oi America, described, how the epldumn and diHloetttad tha mortali ty experience of tlio lnurgnco com pnlna In the petal IS ara. With no pcstllonco taitlitK toll or tiven In tlw t'ntUd HUlo gild Cannda .! n iiig H' period, he vaid, the ati.ndard - of hcuKh of peraona umlor fO were fmi.i l tn b much bolter than at any rccoM...i time In the past. Itut ltt mtiunii pi domle, causing SMM d.-.'ftn. ' it if the lanjo cities in light wek. or an avoraco of four of every oj the population, he added, l ad brought a new element into thu situation in lui'EC Itiauru'i'c . ..nip true he detlar e.1. ahiw.d tin.' "( 'nt ;f tlw diths iff ii i Inlncnsta and t p.-r cent. it. pneumo. li follow inv ln"-'-1-iKn, niille icu3 than " r tent ware f ;.- ,,.- ' . n 1 . iim m :i."ii',tit KO pr tnnt uittier 10 and VI Di ncnt under It. Prom theae figorea. tha actuary said, it w&s apparent ttmt the Nge of flu- .iilii l.-i, i p Kiv i nn- A numbm of big wnr conti a i i f"i- glK.-rlne have jlin.-u i inccilee). ' ' ; prim also ro ijfcM.'i;ivti in mump tturm wnnt The iHtiin iraiii , which i xpn1ncid a lug overturn by 'he'a stagna tion ot th" liullding Induatry, la ex-1 pe.-ting artothar tr..'ifrmetkn wii'ii nil gov rnmciit risirictlema havo mi n , !lft.i ind the prdi'"e4 building boom n Amir, a Is und r way. Jugt when eri.l lie. how. vi r ra in 'h' tr.lf heirjtsle to pr4Urt Tit auv m. r. miii ftrat in a 4tvrtlng of la Mir nnd ma tor la In from tear work to, pe-ace work, and thnt this rhanjt will '." gradual Moreovrr. conauintr of! paint and paint maumaaa are not ex Cicnti !"dt.c Hugh H-itherla'.d 1 -. f,.r i .. i ' ' f!fT n' ' tk 4la4rt0t, THE SrNATdRlAl. .rt- maximum Urulnc. of tha eptdmir. pu tad t,, baovoie heavy buyer until j ' MrAllan .an iwn unuei at. mam mr luunarlona decllna with tn and Mgorous - tho. whom we ex- lWf warllrae oondl'.'.i.s The whole In pwcted to undertake much ot the duatry, in far, i awniUng dovalvp world'a woik ,raenta. but every produoar ia looking Mr Motr warned tb public that ,had and getUng n-ady t supply tha tbare ik no uasman- e that the dangar in. raaail demand expaoUKl wiion the v. I evibe f.!, i II.. i d An furnlH' eil the aixtaan conntie in a,' e to A i cliia I'arr or uiivai i.oiwty a i majortl) of Jt 'tea over D W. Ofataa- . ! .1. Ituatlon cleurs is laist. "Ui loam" he auid, that Irifiuanut now rei lading Kurope and this tUne there are indications that It muy be mop ol.ji'Ctin nibli. th.m the milder form r,f r y xhu.ilil' tlicre fore taki; waritittg fioni tbut rauuritntoa und olnsorve natcnrnl rara tu prevent "Tnlted HWtea fnr'her lnfertlon. since the disease has nf ud(ibt dncsm (I "it.ii'ils ilw'i. used, and molll. In te ti-mlier 1. 1!1 in iting out In thu i .iiiitr Th or. aaunty that faiUtd to osrUfv ita 'ot waa Zapata county whkill cntlt ii votaa for Olaaacoek aad M vota for I'arr. in connaatian with this vh In thla MiHttorial elwetlon It souid Ih x piainad tluit dsepite tha (act thut Jwlim -.iisscm:k mi i.iwl raioritlaa In ten of the KlrU..-n roop.lie in tha dlslrlr' i ' ' ii m n Hn: tn ill b'il n. - i. . I i - in fiat. o! - . t- l-i. . St. Louis, 1hm- ". The Inilinvirji I'lONlmt ni'il'-r ilu (,"u.n tiglilen. .1 . in luilowit, -i ' ii'h rernrd ! i i7 new casa reported yesterday. Pirtlow- U. S. TREASURY ISSUES CALL FOR CERTAIN CERTIFICATES, Dallas, Texat, l- - The follow!'- i" in rec- h.vl from 'he T"tni- ury liepsriment i..dy i tenaurv .erllftoate , i . -n 'int.,'.,. f ril- dated Hp i " ' i-n- I maturing January j "rlt b-t b, the ' ill re' i .... . illed for redeinp- tain pnclncts to make reports ila 1th, I'JlR. at iiiii-i link l'u more than 10!) vole that MaMttitao lUunaron lean PaUn-n. Hklatk-o Wlllaay .. Laatolla . KkrtMrff Itrooi.a Htarr -.m V. ell i . sta tu 3 I W "17 'A 14 2 lais, or her t, t.i.n i') iJe-'.'irii" ai 1 1 ui it n t. i provlKii.n f i -'I' I td in tin i" f ' fi i' tUlS. Interest i T"l M. J.J 'J , TE'.A U. CAPTAIN DEAD, t. e. itaoant . ' ' n . dnt of tha Untie t . 1. 1 "ei ' J A,. I ll On. . ' liv . . i , It. J '. rtu, ANOTHgl- PttSH POHt r ti . a i i a i r fu i in it Ml-"I li V' ii Lli rrpovl iltal. I -taied Trtst, n. . -X.. i ' " , ' h ". , i i.n.f li.i.l told i Would f c '1 nil and ra t Hard a ml - trulc h r i!l-)i. 11- C'. ha 'ri u i .1 4' '. :t . PCPC "K:, Pr.A.f. f R A V 5 H pui'iuunt to the. were i.aat fur blm In the oleullon. 't'd'-mptbrti contain, Htgti cunty reiorted nfiieiallv jit t -t liccrnbyr 10th voloa for latr and t rm tilnsson. all uertlflcntea of! This Ih tho fount' wharc a-ents for ay tnr At.i Rem? i . d totln y ! 1..,. ..l .- I,,, Wnr'd ' . V i lrua tt I .n slit ng vcatlBatlim of claims before ucvcrul Uor the ban ing ll:e second vlosing of the schools wild series will i-imhh to accrue, dated the Department of lustlce i.c rd a week ago today, nil cntortaitiincnt ljecrmber 4th. i'!". 1 dov umonUiry cvldenco that not onl and eti lal gatlterlncij wcru placed uf- I W. (J McADOO, tho great majority of the niters were ,1.. . stnncea olei lion . . ' 'ii . ' the Ku. llsl. Ian nid -u i- i. aflldatltM they auid they did not know tt-. 'We'. ti ll. . ml' tt 'lilll l-. . - . Il and give to i In- word pe iCc fyuyltjl ... j " - , - - - -. - - i fu .1 in iii-i'ino u, viiiiaiiuii juaiivi. Sccic.ary of Hie Treasury ,' alien Moxlcnns but that n marly m- iCoiuinutd on I'asa l-'our.j ana luv.