Itema for thla department should -phoned or aent to tho editor, not
if, ,. iiVft .'rtK tho afternoon, for publication on the
following morning.
Mrt. J. A. Mount,
Phona 8W.
Knitter at Rd Cro
Tho knitter t the Itod Croa on
Wednesday wwo Mm. tt. it. Calloott,
chniirnaii, ami Mrs H. II. WrlKht.
M tr, k Morrm wan the. chairman
Hiuradriy, and the women who reft-la-tend
wolf Maadaroee Uyron Wlllla,
fhartea Alhri. U J. Talbeit. ft. O.
' "Ok. Hr, und Ml- (V.r Mae I.e.
Mra Chirk peaee will Sje tr chatr
rriun I wly.
Scaihore Club
The "open two,-" at the Ktir'
H"uhor! rtuh H announced for to-
I'iBhi Tilt anlltted men
! muted uj attend
have returned home after aaverul
inoiithh' ubaence. from the city.
Final Report of StatUticial Agent For
Season' Giriniiiga Show That Nu
teet County Ha Shatttrad all Pro
duction Rteordt t Hi a Staion
Capt, John I. Kino Wf tea Interetting
ly of Dodging Shtlli and Living
In Dug Outa With Pianoi
CIH. John I. Klnc Who waa In -nm-
,iwinl nt the fonnlH Chi t Mtiketeei.
" ,wthi uriuw urtio or . k.. riorn
?iUce County up to Ueaernhef 1 awne!!; til Ftttrlte. " Mi frani- II.
Iind ginned 37.610 Won of 'Otton from I Harrlaon, rroUMfflgE edr of The fail-
till '.'0(i'h crop. compared with 10,- lor. teltlni,' of Intcrirftl r k tpertanree.
x.intly narrow
tcr the holiday
;'i tho pity
Clllmanc FUturn
Mi and Mm. Jo.eph u rtlttwan and
the,i non I,leutunant Jrmopli filflniun,
When vetir K-tdnevg htirt Hnd yotir
hifk feaht anre don't Ret arared and
,,r.M-.-l to lo.nl your stomach with a
lot or lriin thut exrlte the kidneys
nnd Irrl'.m th- entire urinary trues.
Keep o:r kklRvn rlonn Itkp.you Kep
umr bowela cloan. by fluablriK U)m
with a mliil. harrnleaa iwilm whleh re
move the Umly'n tfrtnouii waato ntl
tlmulatM thorn to their normal ac
tivity. Th funrtlon of the kldneya Im
to filter the blood. In it hoi rn they
Mt-tjtenant Ulllman ha been atullon- itr.t l.-.t.- crlritttful Ml a Mlmflat- r.Aftrut ' hill ttlmi tit uimn. Oltnl
rd nt Camp Zaehaiy Taylor. Ky.. uliifii i0ne .ur also, ami TiMI bale Klnnod t -'aju Hill la t tar U
Stitrmber. and hln moiher hiut 1,oen ;a nlmlUr )iol two r aco. "t-oelvl th Onlier
wltli him. Mr. Olllmnn. who In a ( The report which la the lost (hot the If they were ui, w
tmVellnif aalcaman. Imji bn out of the'fjOVommeni will rllwt on thl , Well. FrnK hl l a
eiry. looking lifter bunlnexx matt'r. 'non1 crop. wo maile by Thornaa M I have b0 all over d
I.leutemlnt Olllmnn will reslime his i Colaton. apeetal agent for the Depart-no come horn". I xi
courae nl Jtlre lntitittile, Houi-lon. af- rnnt of Agriculture. naloti of war. h
Ac-nrdlng ' tnnera and farmera ' heavy ahell ftr ajid h
poated on condition th total r(mlnua , to wooj flnwn and h
..it the n) of th aeaann that la prar- machine unit ami t'
' tlf-ally het, will 'rv h Vii qH eltttotl to
''otiniv totdl n f. w mnrtr! !) over 'your o" at BfKht or,
4 ' ' without lislila. but we
waw "THjir tvi nilv tw
I i i ih Bmmunltlnn train r.i
mine and one other. ' t
manl of thn dteiimi.
odptaln. and kuw I v.
rr ,rk for mtr pe--
hana-el a bit In the ain
but. txlf' ve m. It int
"Mopty Itn't Evarything."
Margery Smith- Mnrsrai.ta I'laher.
Kianklyn Hmlth- Jark Mower
Henry I Itockwcll .1. Norrts Koater.
' Hlamond Tim" Moody -Wwlcwood I Mr. V. H. Caynor.
N'owell. Aim. W. H toynw. who Thur
i ltett Nhii Kute I'rlre. I day at I ( m . waa lmi at H'non
lilrerior Kdwanl Rloman vllle. VVIacotteln. Keh. 2?th, 1S7
infantry Captain K-
man of th old Third '
She l hettte"mn 'olotjela rw,
Maiifri HmtUi wen' in Krankiyn' wna loarrltd to w. II urnor Nov 29 'hut r l'"i(etnt .
I.Smoth for rtdvbe Kranklln a very ( 117 Thai were five children born I -i,f rr,urw you know
wtee man and ahe HUprM""'l .inybody i from thla men lage. nam' ly Kred A '3.t, Frank. It la ui
Onvitttr. w. B aaynor. laabo! irnvr Mr Ibun.h W were in n
BfhwiterK iJKt C. Oaynor und Marie rfn,, hHll been In
ncw Jim. Sajnuelaon). ;olne u,, under n tert Ik
After thrtr marrtace, Mr. ami Mm 'fire thev wen I o'-or tiic
Km 1th nnd the only drawbaek wna. he aaynor wens to 8ouU tjakiita. then aiatoii-l until thr we--believed,
her apparent lark of brains. pioneer Htaie. whr they lived ton- "Tle mornlnR fei
He overcame thla ihoiiBh by KettlnR'tlnuoualy until In May, 1I7, wbn they .vd ..rdera to eaublw
he lo ln h conti'HRt hrebv ho watt moved to the Kin Grande Valley. They immunltion dump, i,
to become her manaiter and that ' remained thr until Aumiat of thla! to do and tha KfBer.i,
' 'Iowa
t ty and evri
', -A tbi-rn
,f H roimll
ini m ready
"Hil nl! th
hn undr
b,.d plane
' at me wtth
fine It l
iv ! tllV"
r'm.b'd i 'Kid
om pn lee of
' io tue fron'
i Ift rrym
Am atllt a
;i b" when 1
! hn nu
"f'iton ireln
g-Mt In the
i-i'l r;ood
ai Imi'Ii
-id w'-vriit
with Frank lyn In hla name would be
wtae mo. Uu the young lawyer woe
almoet deitltute alao. fowevor. Ii
saw ioaatblllti-s In beautiful MarKery
wna not to atw-ak. Ttiua waa urganhe
til tho "IlBUty lo lst" oorponttion
wtiereby tho borvleo of lha beauty
ooukl bo obtained to attend darwa.
ten and thfttrt.
year, when ihe tnovetl to thm eltv in
order to eenure better tnedlral attend
anee. Vhf had been in falllnR health for th"
t pnal four year, a Rand ahnre of her time
In a ahnrt tluie the competition for 1 having ben epent In bo!"ltal nnd pr!
her time narr--.red Itaelf down to Hen- .vote wanltertuma
While ther wre i-omtil im-.'ix 'be
tlnn well Utai It v, ,
Kin' Bob ttfcayr aid
only forpua Clll1tl
Thev me b.h wall (Mid
dier. Hob la first "'.inl and N'lck
,'! .ti.nut the
- rre !!
I ir.l flbtin
.Hid the lira
m.K'hlne un
t' and nfver
.fi down
Irivi- I re
.ii udvanw
I pi noeeled
-d In lot-
lined 'fump
.i k .in the
with rre
"t'teniltd ol-
la mean eritutnj. llati
he muff thai inftkoa K
We lived in dUKflUt-
atmin Mom it too gralna of arid andlryp. Itookwell. a youni! millionaire and
miatv. xo we f-an raadih underatnnd "Diamond Tim" Moody, it man about '-me imuw -1 lie,l-ib n l:ii,ht' 'mrit line thre
i iltjl import mre of i eoplni; b ' town Margery Hmith'e feellnaa wer ' Dlaeaar. 'me ,, fn.-t my ramn
kldneja aetive 'huit when Kranklyn Mmlth ahowed her I The funerr I witl l ,e'd satuiday ,h' ''" 1 """ u
Urlnk lot. or v.ater--on .ant drink ri, for u home he waa to own and morning at ft JO fiom Ht. faiti.'., f.i- 'here .' were taker,
too murh .ilo get from .m pbarnia- when ahe found he ulkina; ulK.ut throdal. i.fe, ., hish me midei the ' v,.w 'h..t lhi wa.
. Ixt iihout tour otinc-ee of I ml ..ilt: ' . bai-hetor'a houae uapl-eji of the UjtiI Knia;htv of ,- II a-'ieaelna- when w
t,.ke ii tnblekpoonrul In y Klaaa of v.n- ia i lumbua. ..f hlih Mr fianor Sm an r,i und I -iet when .
ter liefore breakfnat ea.li mornlnic for' The rordaon Traitor. eah or teima ' mem;r -.nd the r.malna mten-d m 'belded Juat u
i tew da end lour kldnev will J plowai In to:k. (ilover John Autoiclvan .ect.on ef .oe Hill ivmter lr ' ''' been t" I
fine. Tide femoua nulla la made from i f),, deeeaneil waa "f i b,able nn-l''"' mahl eaeh tirn
the cld of itrapea and lemon jutci. t ( AilverUnernonO motherlv diapneltion. .tid ,ili ro ii,h nr'tn ei bi t wan- '
omblned with llthki. and hsa bn . - her nfekneaw never iitrel one word iif'Hme r,..d . th pUi -
need for Kenerationa to elean and atlni- romnlafnt While lha tnr wn
e eloRRed kldn: alao to noutm-) The funeral of Mr. and Mn. R. W.I (,n(v wiilt.-nn Ken nd Inahel Mra. i"" have any klMl of
ihn inliiw in irlnn un It rtti Innpiir I f Xnllit uhee will h. held from tk t-Mi.t . .. . ... . .... . . ' . . . . , .1 llilti n
ti iv plenty of
he H n-ien-
i rrv we ,
i n piano
wl t , ,pjV
' , u we .'i re
' K-l bom
id thW I'
'If -A I! gf
i 'ivp-e Ju'
I like .
l ' "ne rnore
m the Ita-hte
i on ' uld
(Contlnuetl from f "uKe jii
dnlcuea are dv- atlnif Use iieatrur
Uon cf lf !! Mlt- t 'I If io. oy'
wh.it .4iitbinii
The iei- .it,- , ,a b-fi . the table '
without dlf ' iloti. and Cfmlnr todpf
may ton-', opon the ub) In a apeaelt
he advlaed today he would dettver In'
the Heftatr Xaturdar ,
While he imire'n bm hen rHn(
'that tin n 'teoHi'meajt protwhly'
would in,' l,"l th fn'or on eendlnz
be rjrm,,,, !.,, tu the bo'lon, aom :
offie 1 Hilned t ,dv to praohMl oto-
ti-le to br,rt,tl'in of the Mrendar-
ed veaaeta by the allied ami AmarwWI
naM-a Thv .id that, owlnl; to dlf
ferene n .-n and rOtPfnt be
tn the (splint rraff of the ntrmn '
tft- nnd i,, ,r ,,r,v other naval
iK.wi-r !,,- ir,illt.i,v v..lue of the ah If!
to tn vir-or?r ;rtr f om a afreMt an
mlh tie tn-'tiaht ri, (Jirni.tn hlp
e, bull: i.t. tl.ior'. fjiittementully dif-
fernt fintn H-itlab i-"reneh A merle-A
or Iialian idea a of n., vul conatfwtlmi
, "nly tn the "iw of th mnat modorri :
bhilleHhttMi oi TMperh would the ex -tr,e;'e
rtii.n-tnti I - i w eaor to
make tnem pt' of bonioifertoua firht
(OR fleeta be Justified
t i r-eai-e t me e'ernept of 'b- ni-
tea rtf the nnrf ia'ed iim lu.irie r,f
fl'ra were ii med ' think 'ht
blef ,'n it tin mlneirv r-f aur" " '
deie. , .i.UhI iiaf' -won!.! i'e m ti-,t,b
ta of v,rtotv l-i ' mled ai i,-t
object loti to an ,'iei i.wer th.it'
; mlajh' In -orte awe"ed with umbltlon
, for world corniueat i
It w n ' a, led howevei lb4 Mime '
'of the Hpanlah ahlna auriV b the Amur - '
i ira,n Dee', nt Huitiiiiro m tS wre
mimed a "d uf -he Amerlcin'
navv nd that .I.toan made the'
.,m uaa r,f P'lKnan ablpa nplre-t in
U04 af'i rebiilldlnc them 1
At the i.u'hten of tho worM war
OrU Britain -omtnandered a rmraber '
jof war ehlpa building I'-i KKTpt "id,
! ftcotland for TurVey and otbt foretffn
ountrtea im-fudlnr eorae Sautli Aroer- '
, an "ep'iblira, .'.till thaa were notl' elv
enjmired with the rrand fleet dorliiK
t;ie wji
By me AMoelated Jria. , ByThe A.aaelated Prea..
London, liec. It. nnm;nmnt of. Waihinglen. Dec. 1 r.,(... . ,f
f'rMldetct WlMftn'H reported tnfeeitmn Hhe Amerirayi RandUkmMr y e..i-.-.
to -ome to KrMfland lrnme.llf.teiv ,rt wftt'h ha.e n beei, i lb!t-hi-d bi
er bil-ttnta la printed prorneriU, whMi have hn . lm.-jin eat offi'-Ml' .'
t the morninif newpafra There la. b 'nrl I -r.i,,..K !..( fi-h l
no romment exe.pl fr t.rief liutanre noon, fieremr- i 'ital of f.S io
ta ti brief introdiirtor programs Three the v. i d'f i -" nt I
that there will t a etneere walrome. i today. w re lunaiflc f- 'taaxra-
The Time irdl-te that ihe perni'- Major i-ii-oHie, 'w'u.iin mne-i
dn' neieome will be aa Iwart) and aftion
a (-rob.nired ua that Rlten 1,1m ''
i'aiia I- dechirea thnt the new ar- voy,.i
rangvmrnt l moat etUftor Tb e- T,
;haK In plana came aa a Kreoi aur- A
DTtae to the nw ataape.ru. it did nam"
e-rhere awl their Inabllln 'u leari . m
anvthlna bvvond the offlehllly nothor- havin e
l f.t wn'l -4 d --f
m1 dleit .1 i 'hi-r I H'
A 4k2. mi'.ainfc' t.nd f.ile-n
f i. o(ort'i". ..f the 4 '
!itd ni,ni!il are mini
i' v , tat .' rnalrly pa' '
f n-. ,-red iind return '
taed amtaiBanui waa Judtcnted by thr to di -
laill-. "reeii -nd !.i"o
K.ei ,thlna w.in i"f
inif '.ate ,r i l-'e h,
nUtht lo the iiof. tha;
.ff,, tAt-d " 'tie tout l a'
In i-i lnlf- '"" 'I " 'he fnrt that f in t
i v b oaduy i T'ereh'.nir'" 'tal mrlu'.f.' narti ihii
there MBtd'!tle .,. 1 lOi killed a;jd mo-e
be more .lef.nl'" .tforir.it ion t.la-. nt - no" wiunieej. wmen airean- nave oee
Krdtn tue pr atdent'x dealrea and In- ; pobbuhed b. the marine . . p h. n-
fhe Hritlah government -'ill waa'
wlthtt rtefutlte iniormnilin ",ia .-ve-tm.if
f I iraj th hi. 1 'In'' '", wbl'h
tie '.in-bn' will i lait lyondon
T'i : I hiiWMi ire ".ftk-
i, IT
' ,:ne
ii rongementa
i"na . "
I i Mr :
- th.
ny The Aiaeelateil rrt.
Maneheate'. I"' r
i.Tr ir'-nt-
l-iealilefi- il- , injer 1
fnft" Orlniitdtw and potl v wht' h
alll.- r.i-l '.irnialU ot.d 'intt-l-
epted (..ii the president rotiM
but' 'n lout; In ."'aria It jdrte. w.'h
out dioerriat what t -Mile '
tnili. I '-rtk.nr le- I,, i .veen
tir'e.(t , . cttpt.iri' i -d tte '''
' i. . on
"if own
ii rA'.Hn '-ie..w fna I r
1 ' .eorip- ! ir-. to i t '
an -Tti hi
V '.i I
R lf I Tl I
iton nw in ifrirnan-t ift''n lwn hu. if.
l hi '(If.i t - lpl ' j i i aaaatafBB "
-tit.,,., ti. n.'i(ii i. .on the NATIONAL HIGHWAY PLANS
pi !'" . iB ot ihla idilen 1 1, ma
p. i ,ii or.vmuaiy trie "ntl- : nT Tie Aaatlat'l Pa.
cntiuna ui the moment nr.- not auh j Ktnm City, Mo I"
aa to tiri.ok dotay Th-.- n-wapapar waa laetled here t.Viv for
r. i
from 'lernvn H ibi two thlnaalwid cufeienee to
llze the .iclda in urine ao It no longer jftdllaKher will h held from th i-aai- 1 rhiiatet-i win he ante to mem! the f" fr a d-
Ih n aourro of Irritation, thua enUIriK Uonce or Alra. Muty AlrlionouRh at 'fonrB. fhe other two hildren. Krwt 'bln on vou
blndder wcukti'-rta. o'clock thla afternoon, and the Inter- Mrle live too tr awav t-i teach "nd. lefktilt attaae It I
Jd Jtnlta la Inexpenelve: cannot In-lmonl will be in Hot Hill ('einotery. , hjn in time dull n Vwi ri
jure' make k ueiianitui encrveneeni .
n Ik hi XaJad
illd -Irup aiitne-
I la
he l ie
. aunt o.iw o 1 don't k t much aln
lit hia -wiitnr drink which everyone. The Reed Automobile Company hail 'fhe Fordaon Tractor fnah or term' f1" ejurttdpaeM' to.'ieil t'-n
who. Id take now and then to keep' moved from th cornet of I'eoplea and ..pjoaia In to k rilovet Johna Autn audden but we cainc
their kldneyn clean nnd active. Try Water HtreetH to the N'oak'-a llroa un the tob and It t .
thla. ilao keep up the water drliikintr, .corner, and Ihe iiunooft Motm i.'om-j ( , frtB.ment I lW ' .-veivone'a .-,i
und no doubt ou will wonder what tie-1 pnny which baa been oicupvinir the, t;He mv i"ard i"
iii'ne ..' jour kldne trouble iin'l Ihick- N'Kikea llnvH. orni r bulldiiie. Imx mo !
iii-ho - Vdv. .ed to Mi Water Street
Iteml the aubi t i'i I'm offer.
, aad aend the -a port j;
here" p'
i-i ',er.' tr do
rn-i'teti .nd
r.ii-l ion
i f. f lernU
in e ntl'l
By The Aaeoclated Pun.
Cbieago, I ' ' 't'h. fimuli Mideret
of Mr l.lrnei K i'.ill of I'.nt WurMi
. Texae. wife of the nrajmiizer tar the'
t Amltcamrttel Meat Cuitera and Butch
'ei Wor'imena I'll'.i In that ilt waa
ftead into the packing hotia" emplovea
waste hearing- '.Mini befoie F'd'rai
.fudRe Alachup-t jittinM aa aibtlratnr
Th' l'.t.il . xpennca of lir f.'lnil'
Willi It Irrlii.l. foil hiht'i-n ahe u ti
U Snki:i- ilui! Ihe lAat vwtr Jlr-r
tmabend'a It-Lime ilurlntr thla ,-t LmI
wn I M? the dlffereto e It- mmle -it'
heraelf I.,- woikintr Mho "..Id t' : '
wii !mi.o-.alble t- II v. o-i , i-i - .,l .
fliir .ta in Amettc-an f.m I- ' i I
ire i m n't-i ! It
mil ' 1 1 le -fo
- I.- - p.'Sai ton
t ,1 ,.., n -rf
inlili'-r-, mil ll''.'
oil ol ill plo .111
m' not h inn ft '
1. lloei b
lol'niaht He
t'. I..- kafrt'l-ttyr J i l (,,
I'l.ilntalned tratlon of the ff.,,!-
'I nd the .oruti,,,,. through-'-.'
ftumtne: 'h- w'M,hmni f
ra thrown ,.f hlvhv- iva
Th' niovemen' -"
, . i, nu-'.' lnr ii' ' 1
t in ' . Ifltlon .' S
f.. I.i ,t d the l.K..i
mil'-' l
ot and let v.c hanr
ii I inie done
a l-4-en i,-re n.-nrli.
Iiuk i i.int t.iflk to
h- Id In Ktiaii"
iihv ita n.rr'.i
f Mjthw .', i - -'
Utlt tf r ,1
,. . i . m I ,
h-l i 1 1 '
' the Arn-i
H Kit win '
iridlMtrl.il A-
( de.'-a- ,t .
of the ..a
rw O'" '
,,-r'.'rio Ifaa hi- nil lb rt-eoorr.- and yttt uttioi j-b-veri! ' ,i
II tie .mthorliv he t.'-e-la' Me b.ia i , m , , nllnir vti.i r.
Immmenae experbmo and nTK but ''mnal hbjhw- n.m.. tut
no non . j.ti make nrlcK wlthrnil eonw ! pacied to aitotid i' w i- .nnoun- ed t.
nd i- ore not no aiire ubout the niKht.
uraw "
Hefore b" left I merle." aaya the TRANSPORT CARRYING TROOPS
tlwardb.n M- Ibiover a,. Id he favored ' OF 113TH F. A. HEARS PORT
lb r-.lainx ol the hkkade bt.t hia nv Tli Ate ocJated Prtaa.
atjiiement to thbi eflct i' tut) a. waa. Norfolk, VaM Die m- The ,rm
1 not allowed to atfeMii In Kmthtnd. th tranaport Mrtka Wblnston t im
oppoxite iinpresabin in-iner conveyad I m hoe tht !lth Field AfiHei.
Ua Vr li.Hiver l-een o- errole.!. or IMed m.le off -I or-
!k ",e . -iip i-ndlna;.- the aewap. W oi.'k tonivht. nod b,.nid
!H., ,,, ,.,. I In New Port News aft. i nndnr-l,t.
. ...ii:in -efera lo the Impoa- The trnapfrt Menu . ....mpinv
,i. i .. iti.l.fin'e ata b i rwl- ln the Martha V ,ibn-K" ' ' 4
, a. in ii iieop. wtio iwd cvmt Kill! dC. bean tabled-
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