Newspaper Page Text
fAGE TWO CORPUS CHRIST! CALLER WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2S, 1918. Liberty Theatre TODAY CHRISTMAS Thtce Show2 30. 7 00 mid 0.00 P. M. f" Don't Miss Your Only Opportunity to See r The Famous Kelly Field Players the Official Soldier Show Which Hns Toured American Camps 9 r : ALL-STAR VAUDEVILLE ACTS :: 9 AND Alice Joyce m - A ViUigraph Blue Ribbon Feature ? uTO THE HIGHEST BIDDER" Bonofit War Camp Contmunity Service f PRICES All Performances: 50c and 75c WHAT SHAI I RF four-minute men render nni r ,m tiif I Umilt m T0 NAT,0N II Nh W n Hr ireport in full filed NATIONA lli HARD (Continued from faco ono.l nli prol unit will hear irj little reKwitt'l . t io llio unit iltnT on,riiln cd from mmpH (trier lite mint a w damn in July 1917. Mi linker M:i!il )io nilrlMled that tle authorities Btnerailv wniUl not tempt to riconalttutn nuy or tho old Rnrt iiii'it ur ftii tmiinttni Kimnl lllMI after till illvlunlllH th.'V ll,l,l I.,,.,., , ntrBil wltli ifttini trOm VVtinoo WILSON'S VISIT TO ' ENGLAND GREATEST EVENT IN HISTORY i 1 1 LONDON TIMES CHARACTERIZES . ! A n .s-a-ati.. . - - ... . . . .. II I I AJ UltillUAU TIME IN H 18 I TORY OF TWO NATIONS I; By Tho AiiocUleil 1'rosa. London, no si, "The irrlvul ut I'tosident Hm)h win hp nun of the ' t?'-CatOftt I'l'dilM If. line ...,.. .....I I,. - - - - ... iniii twin III im-ncnn history " miyn (he TliliiHt In ..... mm ui --siramti tn istiRlanu or LIBERTY THEATRE TOMORROW You've Never Seen This One! CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "TRIPLE TROUBLE" Not n Reissue -Not n Rehash But n New Comedy Bubbling over with Chap lin's most side-splitting antics. TRY TO GET IN!! Also Ethel Clayton in THE WITCH WOMAN Jthr Amor Iran executive. , JI' will row" tlir- Time add, "at it . urifni perirri in our history. We hnvi won the wnr. Uiniikn In no nmnll tncs-uro to His pooplo of A morion. Peace will not be won for thin. country or for the world unions It is bused on warm, active friendship of tlio two ;roat Ku-itlHli-spon'kliiK nations. "A lonijuc of uritlonn. however, will seem to ho iHiticrmeii on both lami mid son The flrltlsli mivy alwny hns worked In behalf nf idotila lllio thoia of Iciikiip of mitfonH. hot us not throw nway u trlod nni) trusty weapon until i- in.- nuru inni wo unvo minuior iuhi ' ini'rn niy very nun ln- uh Rood. Thnt In Urn KiibIIhIi vlmv inni tnrnnl tho vliT'.rrtim nnil ininlil,-.,,.! IjoIIovo thnl whnn IiIohm havo hcon w"r' your o!itilz.itlon In iIqIiik In f-on- ..i-.ii.ui .vim nip i .iniuinioo on I'liullr Infot-mntlon? It, in sinoly tl fnnttfr worthj of slArojo ))ioclntlon that a Thf fltutl rrport "f h wnr ncrvlrt- of thr I' our Mlnhio v-n ian tiloil Willi llio iHi'nldtint Jui t.f " Ins iMillotl for Ktlli)ip. It nlunvuil n Int.. I . ui Ihn (Invt rn. incut fur nil tha ir 'ion of tli mi tiro oiifrtnlfcitlon .IhiIiib ifTjlitrn.o moutfiH nf lQl,6f.r. m Tlio rmt to im '.llotlc liullvliliiu'l" win. rohtrltimc.1 to tho cnnp In iiiaie nt i MGI4T0.(in Tlir tntnf fjtf ii.inl.t.t Anul. r.T it... .nri tri 9.l.00.l.&, l'Onyix btlllMIn- of Infof imitlou' vcro tent H RmK. 'roui Iii1iiihi - t'rk rovrrlijKjjiiio 'iftinct inni- tititwnn of fnfiii-Ti.uii. . inHntt.fiin.1. .i.i.r djrtflt, Ae iimcluiliin of Mo woik tliof" 7,-IOS oignnlWi. tluns ciiiillilltir . 'V-tu-.. thhiiMioii tiifunhoit). It lim ).. . wtltiiittrl from m-ciirnta sUtli'ton mn mile tliul nmift II..... .4 .ihl.. I. . ....... u iiiiiu..iit iiiui tiiiiiiiir1 rijivcrngiv WOIO llltll l-r.' lit . inimlinm I,. iuntlriiucN ibtniiiiR r. ir Imndrod mil -HwiH. Tlio iivaniuo .inhfir of itixioolnw dr-llvcrort .Until); . , n illalinpt ryint lntlKii wnh nhoiit Sf "i. mid tint fiver hko oiiillonoo for i onuii.i;n ox rfMird tlovfn mini. I'nrhniia tho hoiit irtnce of'llio tf floiioy of tho woik I. fmlnd In wimt tho OXOrMllfvo rtffl. . of Ihrt IJovotii. room hnvo hnl t. ut It ftom timu to tluio n ilia wni i i.iRiwMtii, On Onlohor tflth or, hond or iho i'i.i ullnlstitttlon. h rot. vfium of t)i,. k0, followlnit wordx: noto to nollelt In t, U)nirt of tho l ' '7, Unhurt Moov ' flliiti-ii I'oifd Ad ' 'illcnlluR the Mfr ' nutr Men In thu i nni willliiK- ihiM itloiilnr tin. nr-ilvo Mlntito .Mimi If tllOlr Wlllll OH III.. I ,,vl ....... I.... ...til I " v ..j....i.i ivill ho n ontlt!iatjitt mnl offccllvi. nS it l now inovlilc n tho r.ihorty i, I'umiKiiun, I inn .'mitt-il ttltSt II li.f-1 niul iHirtnmictit kk. , in our rauim- utiii ho nfcotniillNliiMl li- your nlioiiltorB." On N'ovunlx-r An MII7 in,. .,,.i.i..... "i tin. Million pi .ton Kont IiIh ril-Mt ooinmuiilontloti Jo 'ho fifionn thoumiiiil I our-.Mlimtu .Mrtn or tho fnltctt Hlntfca: my i nni (ixiri'Fn my very roui In CHARGE COUNSEL: MADE EFFORT TO COERCE WITNESS we uf'licvi' thiil whnn IiIoiih havo hi-on oxonniiKoil It will ho found lo ho I'mwl lll'nl II.H"m'k. mIkii -n lini-mnnv- . lol. nd dnoj. onoutfh to dissolve till' minor tiinruru. ill (Conl Imird fniin i mm un WltnOHK nnil WllH JtllftNtiOflOll Id in i-l Ul III'- lnltlTH hy 1 llntrll't Alton.. t'lemUw Wlicn I told htm t v. , i. t.. Idontlty rlilu-i li-M 1 1., t.,ii..n. . no- with Iri.lii im. ui ...,,.) Hi ti l jjlvHii my wiini-n .iii.i mill mi illld llio clOI'lt to I ho i.ifioi. .,t ih. irloi Attornpy mid im in i.r . tin- hiwi tmln lmi-k to Kn i.m. i Htoiii-ii In tho conn IlKllli i.. hi-n little of Hit. irldl nnd thr-o ai.-. i.ii i.i iht- d mrtiH.nt (Jf Jintlri- mi., Tlmn I w-iit to tho orrifo i.r i-h. or Hi, lAwH-rn lor thtt dofon nU lotd wh .i tiorurrod." youi hull.. I In. 1 vrn.-i irrnliri-'l In m.i. Iiow fully mid mpoii: "iv llio uhj ! Iind . li liiMHU-l'Od noil how wi'll Hi. t'llD'.nl littd hotin phlMK-l lli.- m;t,y. , CHino n( tin- urtlvi'lo of l,. .'.iii, MlnotP Jlon, I rcallzi-d UthIv too iiW pi.woi fi.i- puhliollv whli li ttu,. in, , hodio.l in youi oi-iTiioi illo ii Tim i-r ( iMtnillon .mnn to Imv.. t.rr-n nn Inn. i dri.l prr rout .1 mliii-. uiui I uuli i., oxpriwn my npprt' of im pm tniil nm of Mini i-. i.w." On tirtuhi'i- Ifllh. In .lolm It Mn litrei'tor (lm ml f ihn li..n. .i iO, U'oit. P.riimnlrri. arhnowlvdito'1 lh- ihnlf J pia i ui". i rMP v'i' 'V vrr ' t . . M- rin t yet t'r- mm, po aiblo profit i iv ui" .u xudji anq i i... i 'ii. ot p idy j gin.- ul ii tii cvtiy year. ni i. v, '-ii.; I"-. i I. i" i''1 1 Im i .to i-really big ci'ptM.I ill i Mr rMalrdl l-oi'in Ditcher, Tarracer anil Rod Grauer T: lait i'-oi m tho witw t'-r IxdMitijf l?rr;i to t) On wuhiviK tiwny u( V y iit o hill .id ltd mlllpK i ?mit, llio I.. ; .1 UK I llilillt .. hi- Ir-fi1lij (.!... pnr iw m ' I .'i in . M'" u i."iBH.' . - ,; . p .i- ! I . I .-! Ml "l t . . ut ' !iM '.' . r r thl '.fit . i I ' ' ' If" pi' in. D. Wo,! of ion Men - i- M-i'i i . " . i iol .-n't m i i ... . i .i fki I r . IJU.I.1J11 uto .Men In thw icrmn: 'On lijdinll of lh fl( iicrnl CnnmiHten of flu nnlt od Wnr Work CHinitnUrii, on whitjfilin outer ho noon m thf- icqiiitui of ffrm. 1. 1 'I i,. w I I -I I- ' Him- I ho . ' I pi-iM ui.-d lot lh.- v.-rtuuv ' f th' 'ivoinnietil X..v wort! hii utnr. to ,t min jTo our esteemed friends nnd patrons, to whom we owe much, wc extend the Greet ings of the Season. r-irt- TT-r t . v , .... v JLioerty iBeatre C. J. HEATH, Manager BECAME AWFUL STILL SAYS "JERRY" AFTER Msmbor of Fifth Enginoort DoscHbcs Lntt Fow Minute In Tranchos on The Memorable November Elowonth firmed, and thou they all Itopt looking .it their wtitehoH. ! 'J'he l.-iHt few tuluuteu lu lumt dimcrlb- ' oil hy Jerry in Ium own wonls: ' "Itelloi-n nw. Hint u..t .ir. ...i..u A!?RTIC!Tfri7 QiriUm u""' t0''- Thu Ronornl flr- mUUliHllE oIUlXEUi'nK kPt drlfllnc nloiiK lo tho rlulit. Unit every nuw nnd thon iitins In h.-iol: "f im, our Kinm. would fire n fow lintK. Am II not ehiKor to cloven. thliiKR pot imietei. Klnnlly 11 o'clock nirlv oil. mid li won perfootly BtlJI. Thon II liW'iimo wful mill. AH at oner bIoiii: llio Coi Hum llnoH ' liiimil iiimn .luiuiuji iiiiun wo nonni imim Jerry JiUmi or th.- I'lftn Htifrtnecrit, i "'"ndlrn; hunliw mid uhemiiiK and' wh will aiwisja I" 1" Id in imp!i- WnBlner. Ymtonliiy iiiomlnK they dill iMWncf ty rorpim chrtiwl utwjflr he- I"111" thlnj? and followed It up with tiuu of tht'ir t den. luu wiittrtil,,n IwrniKu flro, no you ivm an lutt-rMUntl teutr u- Tl- falki dr- IniiiHluo ovoiyonn nionmirnd lliolr ilimanii' to a ilnuiuii HiwU imo nnd tho 'HolnloM' Itopt on llllt llll ortbillit lh 1m1 fw hnun in tha WMtuui in Krne uefuio the Klnlnff tt Out uimiirtrco rrwulted In th. eeaa- urn of houiittie. itary Mtluii of "The Happr," wfeii-h u.. . 1 . 1 k .... . . . . . . . m.. " 11J. l-lir rillll Fill- ...... ..... '(. F KMiet'i's wlill. Ihi-y weie In n- Korp"' ""' B"tllR to null off any trlrhn iML. ii... ........ .i 1 lie NHVn IiIh riiitinnnv u'nu liinttt.- .i.tli. -" - i. ..(i... .(it., .it.; tlllllMI-l ' ...... . .-hi; tut- Ii.k! hoeii t-wiivd wmk tiiUtln hut ''"'"i: wnuuilml. and Ihut hut h ittitwi .1:1 tin fio.u unit flow the rtthtly hut wlnui II o'clock unino . r .... t m . fthev wm o ti-li...-.i iI.m.' ..-.m.i.i ,. .....I. ....--..r-.i, "I .n. nr iiimiji or inn- ti'iM ' , ...w ..... i.m.- u--.., I .. . .... ... illtilv ftllVI. LlU.kl bll.i-l. I I. .i- .-.... ill 'no itillll Ol IU If- I it-1 l-iimll. -, wa i.ffl.'lnlty con- Wlth their BlllKlnc. OoiitinuniH, ho toll of tho utjoioiim on Hie Ailierlonn nlilo whnn It won tniHiiy re,Kniiiod Hint tlin "UnlnlOH' - " ."c ...... .... a.ii ......n. J-" hi i-ouipnny wan luufcy; only Wy nve kpt Ui-h a riuuiil mueh nni nor. To ail our friend nnd rustoiru r.s w- extend beat wisher, li-ir an enjoyable holidav st ancin. UaESSSi INCORPOHATLO K,3I r TV HR IP. VI 1 I IIIUU! STORE CUBAN NEWSPAPER IS AGAIN INTERDICTED By Tlio Aasoclntcd Vittt, Hnvsnn, III. :'4 The I.H.. ih-wh l'.i-i Kl lli i:il.lo do t'uli.i uhleli tM'gHii if -ii I 1 1 . 1 1 im , iuiU ililn iiiui n I iiu lift ci luivliiic ln-tii i-hinvd mine I hi' lut levo hltiuii atfiiln wiim Intel illi led :nln flei -noun h the pullei. wlm m-ixi-d tod.iy'ii edllloi. R llet'iihln l cillt.-.i hy fur ii. iii-iiiiiui;i, eaniiiiiuie Im tlio vi.i (.icil'i'iiij in tne ium eleitioii who Tied t" th I nited Stiitn when the levr.lntn.i iiiIcm Vtre defcyt.-il Kl Homlilh puliJlaliiHl it Imiei attack il uiiuaniHd iM.iminn. but whlvli prop til) hod been altrlhulod to hieltid the pieenJi nl of tb remihlli' The article im. iiftei ii pi.ittrovct'Nx bfltween He nun Mum I let a nnd e'ood ('nnir.iller Aiidi'en Mnndtetu eti.UlvnKl Andion in a ilui I l.ut A mil it dot lined U tight BOSTON PUBLISHER IS DEAO. J By Tbo AnoolaUd Frtaa. Dotton iMau, Dc. 2t.lhiujainln tl. Flower timffiulno n!-r nnd until .i eiu- iirii pioMhlvut of the Muniu-e riiliiuhiiiif Coin puny of Auroi-H Mo Ui. .I hen toda Atnonir thp imhu ' . .iii.iiih he cdltoil nolo tin Aeih-i lean luiiutor. The TnnntlDth t'untur. The A mini and Tho Ainorluali Sontl . ii 1. He wan tho itpthor of man ; I'Oi.iin of rollKluui nnd political nub- I fl tM. Caller oiimsifled verU8cinontn cost alio hut iirlnf Lli; retuinn. Try Uiem fui itnulU, SOUTHWEST SLOWLY RECOVERING FROM EFFECTS OF STORM FROM FOUR TO TWENTY INCHES OF SNOW COVERS OKLAHOMA AND WESTERN KANSAS By The Aaaoclnteit Vine. Kanme Clt.v. f.'o. Doc. 21.- The wornt ot the wtorni hloh lmt nlKht ami early today held nway over tho uroaier pari or uir nouHiweHt fliaH paHHOd, nnd man . olnU In western .MliiHonrl, KanHnx. Olilahotua nnd Tex- I1H lire Mlnu'lv 1'nr.rivt.rlr.r tm..i 11. t. ..r fectii, iiccorillni; to ruporta timlylit to iu iocai weaincr iiuruaii. Tho Htiowfail ratiKod from four Innh ch In Oklahoma to twenty Inches In wt'Htorn Kamia. Train Morvlcu tltroiiKli thu entire region was reported Imd Ij iloiuoralkod. Truffle comlltlntiH In KniimiH City wore crnallv tl... streotd hnvliiK heon rlonrod of drifted mmw. pormlttliiB the operation ol mo tor earn, tins public'! nole mrvnm of trnmipnrtatlon. nftur dittili. ImmiiHi. nf a uttoet oar NtTiknt NOT ALONE IN MURDER. 11 y The Avaoclated frim. Muakenom Mich., Doe. 21. f)ffclal here art not HntlHNed Ihlit the hiiI-cldi- of Mlln O. I'lper who war. ehui-R-od with the murder of Mum l-'rlodu Wioolmmtin or ('hlim-o, no1vi.i1 the mystery ot the Blrl'n dmith. It liocanie liiuiwu tpditj- when lullce iiniuninci-d tliny wnrn preparing to nrruBt n Mub Wkoii woman In oonncotion with tin) cane. Now donlopmontH. tho nrrieoiis mo. convince Ihetii that lit leiiHt two Iioimoiih took putt In tho hlayliiK of thu ynilni; voinnn. I'lper wtm blirlod lo-diti'. body of thotluhtfiil OltlKAOW fOllll ll.h henrtv r-i-opcrntlnii of the mminRpr "f moving piotiire ihertiom nro enitnvrod In tho prcncnlAtlnn mid dlxclHMlnn of the purpuric nnd m6nireB of tlione oiilleal dayH. ".Men and Imtlon ate at their woint "i at tiielr hct in nii ni-oat Htrusnle I'I.I. H....1...., ...M...1 i .... . ... : ""in i'hij 'iiiui mo iiroi 01 I pnMtilou and uni-i.nM.iti tr it ....... i...i.... I. - ...o.u.l -i.,.,, oiKiicKt, acilon ami iiobloMt sncrlflce ' ,' I" a nnt on or fi-eomrn 1 i.r.n ix.i... 11.,... : tin in the ..f llii whit t i umini i i I lo-l.i ... ' ! 1 . i. ' I' if . I, linn i" ni ni.. . i 'mr-til . I'irtt i nil' ii- 'ii .ion' ! 'i ut it' ll proffered HaHlatmi.-o nf Ui Kmir llellt U'llrtl.II I IvlMli to itniniaa aim prafouiMi ninireeliitlon of Hie mrffc itnd linlliipn(ilii' Hurvler- wlilch yoij Hie to render In tYMIklnit WrHilhtr) the. full atiDcwm of thin tfresit nutriotltf Mnemv or. Ijet me ut the sainc Hfne vontttre lo expi'-KM my own ciinvietlon lAi there la no uui.ocv i.i luxR ,.r m.. i.. " - - - 9 IJ ...I1...U.I.... ...U .... .. . . . ... ... .iMiii.ii ivm., Kini-t- Aini'ni'ii eriToreo ; tt s . I( ino War, nnv done aucti cffnetly. work i i. v ,,f ,. t" OdtlCftte, quick--i rotiriClerii . nod j w n, , ,,, , , ,, HtimulHte the tiimelflKh Hctivitlen i,r thiij i,, , ,, . Altiertciin people mx have your ret ,..,. , , ,, , ., i, eomnany or apeakum and li udera," , ,,,,, ,,, ,.,,,, ,,f , , On Novotnbcr 1-lth, TIii.iuiih K. Oreen i , , (m,,i, .(,,), ,., of the Kliimkern' Muromi of the Amci Icnn I tint Crotu ant. I ru . 1 .. .... Iteil Crowi thorouphty apprecluttK and ,,eri,.,i ,, ,twi ,.-,mi, ,i,.i' urlBtlly bonr viini to Hif grant i wim-ereiv rid ii; tvi.-. nn- HI mitt n Ft trmil ' kVlai(ylkM awk. w II..U fft 0imIh I. .. 1 - .5?Gr-. I A 16 Days' Trial at Our Risk C. HARDWARE CO. FEUO t-MDS IN MARMU,t My T1 4at'.ii!l Leiooton, K. I 1 1 .'I'lul". I.-.I tl'' -I I " 1 - - ol i S.!. -rut. in . I. Ihjt .1 1 me M nw ' .ii J..-I- to,!- i, I .. 'Mi M it ilt.i - ' Ol' I r .-Jc: ill lo - ' i i-iarl..-' -i . ' - ut ! .nl i -.i - .not in i hi'-'. i' irn-.'-i . mint v .il ii - i.; . -.' jti n ii i ,i .it I. u ,1 i rMl'llr v .- n. n pro.ft )i-tt .i. ul il i n-r ilf - i j pint--, r-i.t ifi.ii-iii. in in veil" ;ik- ' alBtiinco your -, Im rn-Wivni have uid.-i ho i n. our preT!us oompMim.- nchlevement of "in .ittni. a nntlun or freemr-n. 1 pou your Four- ml " 0I"' l""e't' rtP Minute Men, who are ehnrnctl with a u ,Nov'nhw llt, it letter Hpoclal duty and enjoi H apeclul nrlv- Ilrtvc" Vom ltl0 ilfn- 3bwlfr I lloiri. In II. .'..... . r SlHrmiill'ir nf Iha M.iinr l !. " v ...."...i .n .v.iiii- iiiiuioucen ...111 ....i l . . ...n ii-r-i iii a uouHiiicrnnie in-Brce. His tllHk tlf niDUHlilU Illld Illf.illnlMi- lli Itrcnt hnily nf oilr people, hii that when the record of thco thiyn In cnmploto wc Nhall lead naeo for llncrn wilt, II,., deeds of army ami navy tho wtory nf the unity, tho Uilrlt of rwcrlflci,, tho unccnsliiK lahoij, the l.lf-h oonriiRn of tlto men and women at linmo who hold unbroken tho tytier linos. My bout wishes anil continuing Interest m e With you In your work as part of tho re serve offlcor corns In n nnil,,.. ti,,.i nrmed heemnie tlit'nti-h t..,i.- ,.rr. , .. t. knows botlor tho Justice of lis onuao nun ino vniuo or wimt It defends." fl n r.......M. . ..... ...iviiiin-r inn, j;i7, mo Jlon.l ...jr. ..i.ti, i'n ,iuni wjiwr? Newton n. Unker. Sccrotnry of Wnr. In i 0 "u",,, tof Burope, lh. pit-sldent .l nrcnptlttK tin offer tn prepare and m'.nil I ,,rt u"' 'lryt"ne to the aic'i of ..pine- hullullns to army commanders com. !c"lvo comment on th.- wjr m,k of. lolloiv il I1.- .. tin I'ftitar riimlftiMi. 1 . .5 i'i- CiHer '! '' ntv . ...... ..u... .,.u j.nvpiiH lineivin, KMrre-Lni-v of I ha. p44r i. .i... mnilo tila fnlliiwlmc sWlcliiWW: "t rtoli to o.viiroii my Iitah rtutSiiten f On Kieat tHtrvlct remlorwl tiy vnar di4.i, with A0.0CS ajxHitatit, (wttrai thruj, out tlio country. dtimislntt vital twMr-j iiunnif tim wnr." on November lStb, vuneii r. tp Cormlcfc, Dlinlrmnn of tlio Wnr Trrfflti Ijnaril. oonoludwl it lottsr with tfiff fod -lowlnw oxirrttsston: "iMtiy I UfarfJfrS ocauslon Hi oxprotw my nnprtfcKfipn of tho very offcntlvo Mrvk-o whkuTnks heon renilnred hv vour rli.iin At eill'lnif lll.l ivhnlr'.'fiv.l n,. "irvtWnUH I nf Ihn Amorli.niv iv. ,.,(,. in j,iini 1 1 wnr moHKUres " On November r.ilh, liM .ut before ' ALfc QtjRj I'BRIENDS FOR THEUWOST GIERaUS PATRONAGE AND-GOOD' WIL'UB WE WISW EVERYONE A HAPPY CHRISTMAS niiiiuiins to army commanders, com-. "u 0 oo'nnient on the wjr in.i menced his letter with tho followlnc t,,e ''oui -Minute .Men. In the lol words: "I 'desire lo express to you '-'Hcr Hi'kiiowledKiiiM iei-eip of my appreclallnii nf the patriotic woik fl"aI "'f":'t "' their woik "l l of the orun Ion of he Division of rw"' w"t' rent Intei-'-Kl the -r-por (110 Jlotl. The llt.OOO vohlli- l,,,v"s- ""i I wn-li 'ii i t.n- kers In. Hprendlnu Inftii nm- ",y H,,f'",'' "ti'i"-mirrm ..f the uik I'dlliK thp work of tho (toy-'1" t,1B "vernment of your offoi tiv. lo tiding ii moat priilseworlhy !'""' "'"MUliiK .ffoiti- It n U'lniti'l llio i ffeot of It. which tends , r,''',"',l ,f 1'it iotn- iimtdii h ll ..r i.i-.. . . ihut mi ,i,.,fv.ii... ..r ,. rolir-MtllUlo Men. Tlie lit (inn ..i.,.. vom 'in niiini tlnn reKat ernmanl mo work, and In brine all of one eiti..,., I ni"iit that mi nrumilzittiini of .. . . Intimate cumin, i will, n... u,i.... ...... 'five t bout-mid xneuki-iM lo-ul.i ......Ot UINU II I e lioliiu ilone for llinn. rn.i i... n..... crril mi m. i xiensivi u nri ounnoi no otlieiwlse thiin wholesome" , mo jinn or February. ISIS. Hie HOWARD COULD SICK IN LONDON By The Aaaoclated I'reaa. Now York, Dec. SI. ---Howard tlnuld, thlnl sou ol Hie late Jay (Jimlil is iirl mwly III In Loudon. liceordliiB to word ICCeltcd hire tun lull) Mi lioiild wlm Is 'IB years of . ..h.iu'il i .iiui with his two brolhnrs l-'rnnk .1 i lould and tieni-p. .1 iliiuhl in iln $i.u'O -into m their father !"A SPLENDID TONIC " Says Hixson Ldy Who, On Doc- tor s Advice, look Lartlm And Id Now Well. Mixtion, Tenn."About 10 years ago I m." naynjdrB. J. It. Oailtl, ot this place. "rSuffuroa with a. palu tn my loft Hlilo, could not sleep nt nlelit with this pain, always lu thu lott Bldo,,, My doatar told mo to uro Cardul. I took ouo bottle, which holped nto nuil after my baby cnmB, I wan BtronRor tttid hottor, but tho pain waa still tlmre. I at first lot U bo, but begaa to get wonk and lu o run-down condition, bo 1 decided lo try uomo moro Cardut. which 1 did. Thla last Cardul which I took tnado mo much bottor, In fact, cured me. It haa heon a nniiilirir nf v,.m iin t havo no return of this trouble I fool It was Cardul that cured tuo, nnd 1 recommend It as a splendid fe male tonic" Don't allow yourself to becoma weak and rundown from womanly troubles. Talco Cr.rdul, It should sure- ll- l,Alt. , " M I .. ... . . . nuij. juu, nu nan so mail l noil .-".nil mi' kenoini ;sfliiiiii Heels. r.ando of other women In the past 40 tiontnmbrr luih. in the years. Hcndacho, backache, sldeachp, fotlnwlns terms: "When ou V Mted nervouRHMS, uleBpicssnesa, tlredKut me some weeks ami to nrrnuKe foi ic feellnsr, are all eIbub of womanly trou- '"' f the '"ur-Minute Men in aecm bio, Other women Kt relief by taking "? i'iihllnt for recisti-ntion d.. i Cardul. Why not youT Alt drURKUts. ltu no adenunc conception f ne ef h'O-131 fecllve now. tlmt could bo tweMed vn that manner. Upon the pubiicalicra, of prnnldont recounlxcd Hit, t,,ni,irio.nt co-operation of the motion picture thcHlrOH with tho Knur Minute Men In nre wonik nildreBsod to the National -nieciui. -jiio mrjiion idotuie thoa ters nf ihn country me runderlim n suhstuntlal a soj-vjeo -In sldln-," the Foiii -Minute Men as spokesnien of the national ommo thai J wu, wiIIiiik- ly fall lo nckiidwiedf.,. n,p (,, ihe cnimiry 0W8 to Ihesii HkhiIoi- uiininK Ois. Tlndr lesponao to reiiunats hnn bean liintrty. and thoh o.......o,..i most helpful, win you o... , ,..., io thorn my nnnu'Ciniioa of in. ,, ,n,i In wlvlnu- this cmiMihIvo i,i'ii-nn your hi lea kurs''" In ii.'kuuwloill-liiir tn,. ,......,..t ... ... o... niiirs chronouiBtcrs si xtmii. . i, In reaponso to th onmimlmi - r r. i, iu.h nth. i mi,. iais. (.niin.i i.- f"i Hie NnvT. Kuiiiklin n n '..i. ".s-i-taut Kciiiii,,r)' of tti, (u o,.i, iiio loiiowliiK sisnifianm 8tat,.m, ,,, a ! Her ,lntd .tty JM, mis !,,,, inroi-mntiun riiiivtHl In i. uoim ..r i. mntal, mid fn.nt KklNse- tin wind.. I In brunches of the Koiir-Miiiute lti. it Int- been ml. ulatetl thai .'3 S.'.J ..nt ,r Hie tutftl of tl GG reeeiv' .i fi-,,m Hint! then iuuiip,iRn slar-. i to , , . me the illroct rcmiii' of the, ,r forts, such .i tdinwiiu- u hlRliK Kl ,i, fym. mil on behalf of the ':u, i wan i to thank v. hi. timi ! oi. . ... eili h .uid tvei-v l-'otir4(t- nt. Man si'olHtnt in thin emnpii ..ii for mi, i, apleiidltl lonnlu " n June 5th thu ITon. u M-,i.. nev reuuy ur the Triuimirt i ceinina mt, .!,. operation .f tin- p,,u, i Minute Moil in a War s iu. . -...,-., , ,,v. K.iiuwiim i- un cm. .i.i O'Mii that lalloi ",K So. .larv ..f th. Tieaaury, I imt,. rwiiiwit. ! tlio .,. Minute Mwi to lake unrt In Huh , liortmit t-Miniiulcn. I ...... .. , hem-t co one ,xm,n. Tio vtlln. m Mini work can nut be nvci stinnti.,i All ileimrtnients of the ' .ei nuiein teniKlilii. tin- -i.lonilltl iifLiiuur N,,u hi.e ititen eveiy mitrinll. , ,uiS0 " In i letter ilntoil Hept. nihoi xth. Ii-is l'i-ovat Marshal Hentn ul ( .. wd.-i acknowledged tho tisitlstitn.-o m i. lVtn -Miiuito Mod dunnc ihi nnin iiKn reciMiintt llio fcCCOtul Nntlonil I;e-ls lot 10 the Oovi rninent .if (tl one ItundK-d thtt'i! ind ' ft.l the olUUIeen-mrmlli poitod li-n. th-iti tilie dnlhir vearli on an Imiiviiii,.. : i... tile. Unrli ineiiihor of Hun, In n celviiiK hi.n.n utile dts.'ha-Ki from the H' may (uniiy f. n Klow Of iirnuer niiilr- In lh.- inri il.-. i lie liu pl.iynl in holilliiK fast the In nor unci., .n.ty I nuy n,a( ,M.n...ii ally, lriv .ilwn.-, t.ik. ii the .(ei pt-1 and most sympathetic inlont in yum r TH(r SUN1 D waai-wsi-Mw- srraii-ir--riiKrniMi-l, irl- vlii-wia-Jlii.immm.Mn-..- -n--fflliiil-ii-Titrirriiiir..iJ In extendina our most ear- dial Christmas Greetings we hope that this will bring, to each of you, in creasing prosperity. i MirifiiMnrTif.-wn-t ' -nrilinWWffii-ifrnBiiinia,, mum--ftrti n I' ItiB f. ii. rv i.r . -1. .ii I he .'.i.i. niiii-tled h'-n . fitJtO'-l i 'rli-min nf lo