1 . li
Wednesday, jan, 20, 1010
AND SUPERVISOR FOR THE state department of aori.
Dnwegt i'lui tllrtii j
I w timijvr ir 11 hmi tim raining tut,
hard over the real or 'fruit im it dirt ;
iti tha t'nrniiK f'hrhitl aectlon (hp post,
week. We ntf not uomplntnlng how-'
' -r ai we fuel wo should nut cry
"too much rain" In this section after;
nnvlaf? passed through wwrnl ,h-h
of drouth. Howvr, I wlnh it would
Rut mo tiatd when I tiuni to hold
nice (intention unit the paper and
flu people art- nil read to t eery
thing for u- they can. Well .nine, i
(hint: like Ihnl hnpf tenet! hint wet k lit'
t'lllpou I'lillMi. I. lit We h.l.l 1 ilcltghl
fill meeting laet ftaturdat, Iill in t iii
miii pniiom or the bountiful nupith,
Hotel We had ovpr Sinn girl and an
excellent piogrurn. Ho mum r.f m
glrln (Him ihf i-nnnty however could
flH gt ill and I WilM rrv illx i().rlil. .1
tr that. We are going to hold n
other meeting in April im! I m mire
w will ho vp lovely wenthet thin
I told nu ltt week .il.i.nl ha Mite; '
Wlx feck of the College of Iniltintilnl
AM Willi ne on tli In delightful trip i
through Hotith Ta .mil .he ttnr on
our program laat Hutorday Hhe nlno
hpoft to the gtrl. of the t 'rrpnn
I'hrlntl Hljrh Hchool and thc li
the nil In of the Aturijln and Win An-
tonlo high school, won- delighted with
her. Mhc hn so nnny excellent tnes
nnge toe them that It la indeed a
pleasure and nn opportunity to have
her appear before them. W nddreaned
the alrln of the KlngMVllle ftchonl thin
morning and a uau.-tt our girl audience
wan verv attentive und anxious to
iiem-tn fi'im all that we had to give
1 In in I luive naked tha girls In each
m iicol to write u composition upon
the nl.)et upon which Mlaa 1'eok la
apeiiMttK. "1'iopcr Drenn for Mchool
ilrlH" and send It to ma.
n.i judging the rompnnltlnn from
oa.-h i-hool. I will line them in aend
mg out to my thousand or other girl
to urn- tn their lul prngtntn. It will
lir mittn-ililriK wlven to them fmm thin
roih'ae Hint they I'linnnt wet lcaiia
e iiintiui wiieh nil t.f m denr Huh
Ulrl I tliouaht kI'Ik would tell In n
more Interesting win what thev hud
learned from Minn I'eek'n leeti'iea than
I Mini. I And I wanted their oxeellrnt
IdrltH 1 nt rli l on.
r'mm IIh- -i iTtt littti i-ltv of
Kinirnvttlr we ulll ro to ttlahnp Hnr
llnwn. Knn Itenlto. Mn n lll' Mer
iriliu I'huit Mi Allen and Mlnilon nod
llii'tt Inn k to Ati-tln unit Ali" I '
on to Hentnn. I Irtiat that I will hitve
three brands
sealed in air-tight
packages, t Easy to find
it is on sate
Look for, ask for,
be sure to get
Greatest Name
in Goody-Land
iir.rur,ti t
1 1 n'ri 1 rr 1 ! i mwm mmi man nfc ii
ire f j, iam- it
IT-" I' B
The H
T!m- polity oj tin I'dUl) Mi iTW 1 n.MI'.WY
itH urn Jul- tlie ltu-Hl iMiWiltir illi-e,
t i.iiHinti'Kt witl... diKidbk' 'iimlity, i too m-II
know 11 to require fonmient.
TlieirfiH'v, IttH'ttiwr "t iicsfiit foittlitioii
Ton TrtfK 'liwis
Lot U Hovo Your Order Now
Thea! l'rii'fs K. U. I J. Detroit
Glover Johns Auto Go.
8t. Louli, inn : Nw t.tli-nt will
lie .tdiled to tin Mi i.oiii Huh oi the
Amarlean I.eiigne In m iffort to whip
the team into chnmplonattlp trim If
Jimmy Horde, ratalned ua manger for
the 9 Men non. In Mtuceaful in a num
ber of proponed Irnden.
Hurke ftnnkl) admit that the ltll
need it ctrengthonlng I'rewldent I la II
und ltohrt gulnn. I.unlnm manager
of the eluli, have ii oml l him I hat
nothing will Ih left undone to htibtter
up the (ilnvlnnf Htrenath Mitrke wild
that I'reaHtvnt Hull .nmtired him thnt
where eaah w.tw invohed. he Mood
ready to go tli limit.
"I rtin not predli tlna whire Ihe -lnh
will tlnlMh next xc-Hifin.' Mtirki- Mild.
"Moaton. Chlcngo. .New York. t'lv-
iltind. and Detroit look ptett strong.
II we leat out tin;, oi tlioae rlubn we'H
know we're oiAln 11 fight. Mowavar,
we are going aft it nome new talent and
mi hope in hrtvi 11 orktna good team
In the field i the grtawn."
Ilttrko him the luirkina. not onlv of
ltii)iiii" It ringer tjiilnn giut the tilnv-
ix .i- will linim 'oik I'hnrK'' ot
thf Mr-itftif on Jnm "9 Urn .. nr
Klelder .lone rehitnid on Mine 13. ifter
the tlrowni hud played n itatne tn
which they wete ilprenteil i. U'nNhina
ton. B to 4. th- Hi-nntnrn hnvlng idled
up nix t nil. In the ninth Innnlng In
the interim Jimmy Awatln aeted a.
num Hirer.
I'nd' r Murke'. lenderahlp the Itrownn
won twentv-aeven und loat twiinty-mx
ciitne. a MTrentaae of .tm When he
ln.Ktimed charge the eluh had n reeord
of thirty vietorlea and thirty-five de-
jfe-it. a .441 pereentag. whleh ahowa
tli.'M Kurki' got liettnr re. tilt, from the
anme tun than did either J one or
Aunt In.
Hurke joined the rini. i.i.t aprlng.
lie waa releaaed h Detroit where he
li.nl m-ted it a llughey .lending', field
hei t-titn for m veral eaaon. to make
rooui lor Mill Tionnvon whom I'rnnK
in ii i .vner ot the Detroit eluh. had
' in oiuiki-d ii jol. irox iing he wua re.
,i. m .t o' the in iiiiifi'mi nt of tha New
I Vnii .inkeea
' ..' t f..r I in llihl(n . . 1 1 .. 1 1 1 l.a
Hut hi- it one, li. i .inie h vhIiihIiIp aaaet
t i n liniwni II.- In.tllled harmnny
j'nto t fiuh, Hfuooihlng over fancied
nil ii, il kiIi itirei hetwccti Plelder
torn h ,iik dir. piitvpr.. n the eonttli
ii. u linen lim-ki-'H "ix o" und Inlmitahle
-hiitti't livened tit the play of tha
lirnv. nn Morevir he won the eonfl
iii ni e of every mun on the elub and
when .Iimmi. itult It waa cwnaldarad
nl ii mutter of time until Ba.ke'a ap
pointment would le forthcoming.
'liven imll eiurr whoa pltohlng
aiaff wne riddled by pravlotta mla
rnnnngetnent und Injurtea to Mrwer
l.nwdeituilk und Mel Oallla. not to
men i loo the limit oi t'rlMn Mhoeker
and W'M-rullv iint m at lenat two vital
plafek. Hurt niide'ii' realty btnmend
alile Hliouluir l.ixt ion
Mrt. J, At Mount,
, Editor
'Phont 899.
Item for thin depar tment ahotilit ha 'phonal or npnt t (ka mlltor, not
later than five o'clock In the nftarnooM. foe puWIoatlOn on tho
following mornli itf.
Ban Beach'i Beet U "Too Fat to
Too I II t l-tlflu" the ex Itiueli
I'li'luie iuimIui ni I ni- tinlilwin. eorne.
tu t hi- mu.u Tht-.ttre toduy. ivlth
Ki nil, Mi-lntyre in tin- roiitured li.le.
T'k- riiiul.luitlon ot Itox Iteneh ua the
iii hot of patilofh- drama and the
n linn of I rank l'-lutie Ik aure to
itinKr a m. niuitlOu
I Ilex Keai h hgii ant l-'innk Mclntyre
ii.i tin- inie oi Nuitiiaii Itaiiyirtple ii
iiorimr lootlinll star now Known an
iMiuplen" Oerau" if hi. eweaalve
in- i miiRlll-ii ri o.v ill. irivifw.
.nut ir -rxl nntnreuly eeorneri by Hatea
lii-ewkter. the girl lie tovem. ' ttvar)
inMiirh of ttie nervlie tiaa turned poet
nimpteM-' down an "loo f(t to right'"
h:tr i nin to mean woraa than death to
Into. 'I'd give a log It I eon Id be over
tbeiv with the hay,'" he ae ye.
i-'liiully iikvh who l raieing mil
lion dolUre for the V. M. C. A, la Hi
atruiiHwtal In galtlag "DHaplea'' Into
tli.il apleadid work. He peovea hiiiieelf
u hero evert minute oi the on day"
and night. Then he remembei noth
inc until a l-rftu li officer atonpa tn pin
m d'coratlon on Me mill exianlve!
iioaoni as he Ilea In n iiaae hoapital. i
Hoeretnr)' of War -vton U. 1 taker
"Tile laak Which rt nfrorwta thl. great
aetvlre ot mi-rr I. utl Inereaaed l-v
the oeaaxllon of ho.tllltleH and aeema
likely to i-ontlnue for cVmelderable
period. I nm aure thnt all Amerlt-iifii
will wleh to put their hnrvla to th
work of healing und i eeonalrucilon
And of tin- ehnnneln open none In
worthier oi mipport than title."
Admlrnl Hime vwn
"Vtf he hvl mnny crnaijee to lienr
durtng thl. Wr. Imt the lied, I'romi h..
Iieen the 'tneef nnd beet of fhem Tlie
Ited I'm., man l like -i emibliintlen
of the I irwldent of the I ntled Htatei
ttie C'nMnet nnd Imth hii'iM . of I'mi-
'gre.e. Me inn make Inw a nulekh
!in votl ran t Ite n rlnuk. Tfu eniMern
'of the 1 : t fron if two umilf ple u
ltd Imm !-ld ne-itlv m -ro.il fieh oilier
'Hut no fai an I knw tlii In Ho- onh
Lit of red lane the'M- uot 'Ihm .u
, ihlllRK llllll IHM-Ieil l. Mile, ill I H'llt
tionn hi-n our iti'-n n-) oi
I wounded 'Hid i- need null k art Ion
I tinhampei i-l nd fm- tiuii whi-n Hie
Ited t'ron i omen t. the front. '
t;eai.i) l'.rhitiu- ....
"Thi nii-rl''rtn l! 'I I'tnae the r
ogrlted N.itlonnl iianlxnf Ion for n -Iter
work wlth-the Antf and Nm u.
time of vmr. II K thrnugh Hun m
ganiaation that the unit nnd omen
Of Amerlea contribute tlwr fimdn itul
their labor for tha rellrr and comfort
of the men In eervln- To the millionn
of women whoa heart, nnyl hnnda nre
conaec rated to the aervtceii to the mil.
mm of men. rich md poor alike
throughout the count r who have con
tributed und anerlflied and to the lull
llona of i lilldren mir nchiwdn it
jnhotiM lie niiide ile.ir Hint th lief
(and comfort cont i Huiteif l them
(through the Nmerlcati Ited ('roan to thu
men In errxh-e In c".entlal"
Carted Meetmo '
t'otptl. I'hrlatl rtevlew Number
Woman' lleneflt Afwociathm of tl.i.
Alacealieea In called maet tale af
ternoon iWedneadav) at !l;Jft o'clock,
at the W. o W. hall. The member
are urged tcuattend I he meeting, and
v lulling ntarmiera In the city will ba
cordially welcomad.
Waman'f Mandaj Club
Mr H. H Johneon wiwt the hoalcnn
thi weok at tha meeting of the Worn
una Mondut lub. The toll call re
aitonaea were troin the tmaaurea or
hlah . naetry. -and tuavny-. ieautlftil
thought a were expreaaed tn the iuota
dona given
"Tendenclen of iae:i Itevh iiIImim"
. gtvn in a paper hy Urn. IS. I- Hr
nurd Mlnu Mary Thorn paoo nlject wit
"Some Latter llay Irioh I'oete"
Mr. Hordon Hoone reail a pnH-i- on
the Itr I I'ronH iii-tivltlen In liam e
with intci-cftiing HluatralloiiH iioiu the
iei.K iailin Maa-axinc nhowii
The imkuii "A New Kartli " w in i i ad
i Mr Henr Itedmond.
Kdward .1 ti'llrieit mid tin- .short
StorV wan the ntilijeet ol a pipei reail
In Mr i T Itarili'tt.
Vlctrola nelertliin. iront tl i iiiii
milled to lite program.
Mr. Illi haul t 'ollluu uml Mlaa Mun
wite gueata ut Hie meetlllU
CaimtH Clwh
Speelal Mtiti ami Pre(jrm
The neveral Mlaalnnary Hoeetle of
the I'reehytcrian Church will unlta
thin cw-ulng In pralar nervlce to lie
held at thi church at 7:l o'clock
tot i he oceanlon npoclal munlral
number. irinnliln of xotee. violin
and iu tette riunibern bav lajen ar
ranRcd A ttec-wlll off ring ror the
t'ident Loan I'und or the church will
I iv receh.d.
One O'Claek Luneheon
The Tuceriny Hrldge t'luh entertained
yeterda with a one o'clik luncheon
given it the Nuei-ea Hotel, in honor
or Mr. I t'Milen who en p. rrl
d.l ror a Mull nt Helena Ark lierore
Roing to In i new home in the Hiate of
New York l.uni heon in ai-rvel In
fine or tin .it,itc dining room ot tho
hotel S.tuini-' were the flower chon
en li., i. i, t . r 1 r ; f center-piece tli.it
aiiorneil the i ile Tie place cardr
Were iti . .ii i 'i. In ellnu flowrrn atid.
In.tcnd o' l.e.ti-in the namen ot the
!nuet i! ii lull. oieh in ninie
'w.n i li ii.. t. mi-l the iiirtcrent one
weit umi-iI and wire later read aloud
thin i Mlnu i.li-l I lllienl to I he imi mum.
Alt' t i h- liiTK-hi-on aiii'tlon brliltre
w i I'm ! i . :he i...n.U.i ioll Mr
I Kola 1 1 .t.t.-n uon the . luh prlxe
jaud Mr- ! ?i l.-n a m given a prettj
ane.t i ivor
j llenMen tin hoitorce the guenln Were
Mm. A. K. V eil of lieneva. N. Y :
Mm II iniok Khelmnn nnd Hinn
Ami Knhlemnn of laira'anter. a and
Mi-Hdittnen W. I. Hammer flavtil l.ia-k-cr
W II lialmwood tl II. I ltd kin. It
It Itiif-ell. fentet tinnrt Duke flat
iti'in I. It iiii.kln and Hubert Htaj -ton.
- u
Misaionary Boaiety
"The fall foi I e ulnrn" Man the mhIi
Ject ot l he ntinl T-eedai in the meet
ina: ot th. oinnn'H Mlnnloitir Ho-
rleM ul the I'i i nl'Vtel i ill I'linr. h hi hi
at be church The prnitrntn wn con
dti ted l. Mm I T Mm it let t The
devotional via led hv Mr Henr Ann
tin. and Ml K ' Wentervell Man
the hoeien-i Mih Weatervelt nang onr
number. inTotnimnled liv Mr. I'rank
Tomphlnn nt the piano
Mr. UIiIimiiI t olllnn or llitelonl,
wnn a guent at the meeting.
n t
Mthalbjt Vamen Meet
Tueaday'n meeting of the Woman'
Mlaatocuiry Hneietv m the Methontnt
t'htireh, held nt the church, tTn. large
ly attended. Heebie a iiu.ine meet
ing a program on "The i'ntennrv
Movement'' m given In a verv In
teresting ai an nor.
Neil Croae Worhara
Mr. .1 W Kyken wa'i u i tmrge nl
t he work rooms yoatorilat at tn ited
l'r.a lieadiiiai-ter where refugee irar
tnntn are lielna; made ii-in week
The liillowln Huiiumi reRlntei-eil ii.i
work' M. Milimn h I I' II. um..!,,, i
Surrounded On All
18,000 Barrels from 4 Wells
within radius of 500 feet of our S
acre Lease.
Two Well Contract
You will have to Hurry if
yon get any of t his Stock. Only
$60,000 Capitalization, only 380
feet from 12,000 Barrel! well
The Largest well in Burkburnett
Pool, Only 35 Shares left.
$100 PAlt VALITJI.
426 Starr St.
Send Bond bv Rcpjalrrod Mh.i1
i.i i
cat n w i. t ii'-i i w i i
from Hptimi nt to iw tin licit oci won
other Muli'ini oi ii. a !' with Hy The Amaetat I'renB
the lerni" ot tin ii niinto i- ''i.i. in
PXpertn 'luiid- Ihit i-ii
rnotititi-il n"t i i'tv :u i iimi w
WOI III t 1 II I ii tl I I I1'! v.
I takxonvitle. I hi I u
. I i llll tile I ill. ill i li V
i i i n-a i n 1 1 ' i oi . i
I .1 I . . " I ll II
male i-il i'ii i-'.. I fi.iiii lima to liilli p,meil throUKh lactaMHit Hie en
tpen of tiiilliiiii ImnililUH liluien m-i. Ihihi Havana to New folk.
1'Wii V.IHl.li 'I ihllllteliwi i fet' il' il tthillie Mill l.ihl lor tll. .'
Mil .ItlUltlW l II ' 'II' '' 1 -
tutni-'l i' iiii-i. ni " ulaPk
W It MopklllN
TnI.i Mm I'.. I II.
chartfe ot he work
Keith llliain
HI I loll w I U I '
llhnlnteil I
Realty Transfers
The meeting Monday ot the I'onmnal
Club wan held with Mra. I' Tbomp-
moii at Hie Tout let Motel, with a pio
gram on Munata, led by Mra. W.
f rndle .
t urrent iventn were given In ro
ttpoiiae to the toll uaJI.
Important even la In the history of
Wilial were nurnoHKl up In an Interaat
inr paper by Mrs. IMa41ey.
A hiatary of Ituaatwa aravy and pre.-ent-dnv
tender was well given In a
paper bv Mra. Thompson.
It was dei Idad that the meet man of
Hie .-lull hi" illmlll Initeii lor Hie ptex
elll on in i lOlll ol l!noK HIIIOtIK the
nieilib rn.
W I" Hi'lileniiiiei to Kin-i 8 John
loin - not 4 liioi h l i I'ortui. II. in h i
Sollh Aitiltlion i nipUH t'litinii ' in
nidi i ul ton tla iiii'l love ami ai'i-'imti
Manuel Mlaol- to I'tpprl iim I ! t
union. V,. Iii ti' I"1 Mm k .' ...iiii
land'a Addition. -- iitir iiiiinii
J4eraioo i.Ti
II A VNHnoiiaMi 4lli Anon I W H
OH. to II I Hi .ilen. loin Jl 1 1 1 I i
block ii In oi lutiiul Billl or Hulii.1" H.
cniuiHi rutinn. 1,t04
I.UUI I'etru to A J Hoi IhIii i ' tn
I. 'i I. 4. & and part of Hie .mi. .in ion
tot e; cnnnlilrratlnii 1 :.on
II M l(uwr and wile 1'i.u. i tin
ni in II A lliiat. V. - oi vv ,
neclliill M ' III" ltt"l'-Oll I'flBttlt'f; (1,1.
ntileiMl iin i '"'I
V uu'uh ALM ontoraiinxu j
Magazines With The Daily Calltr-Herald
Yoch $7.20 Orer Now 1
huh i.xi'i.i'i ioni. niM.it ih (.null i ttu a Hiiint r i mih iinm
nnliarlllilluiiM nm) It. nnv or reiiennl. tU rrnennl niilirrlillnii. t 111 ho c
tendril for tine ;rur front prrnrnt dnto ut r tplrnlluii.
Children Cry for Fletcher's
zzz " '
uu iii .nn.nn.Miw i i 1 " " ' nan miisiii I
ri mm iffmrnrm mmmm. j
P. iii I
Hecate Lava Make Uow At Vttagraph
Star in the Rate af Sue.
Hartered h her lather ror a grnh
Htake. Hoe I Urn lonelieat and Wtoel ni
itietn flsoie go Jt'ilnia i'latnn an the
vlie nt Ii i I'.eani ii'V. doomed to he
il. -I die a .iu. Inc. i nli.vely anil 'iiiIomhI
Then i omen Hi In t junl a flei'tlng
Kllilll'tH- ol wh.it Love might he lot
Love in not fur Hui anil bet i .iimiihi
ii -ii 1 1 oil inui on the wlntln to which
-.hi li-l-n i ill tla) lull I-il! w (ih li
i i i iii hi i .in.i hii.it
ni ' pltll il 1'ialllc loinaii'i- In told
in 'The I i.i w ii of I nU ratati'llnx ' he
it iKtafih HJuc Lil.hoti I'c.iture whlili
mil la- men in the Llhert Theattc to
1 1 . i itul wi.nh will 1. 1 1. .cut lleuale Ixm
to hi i I 'tatx ni I'liulit-tn a a VitaMrapli
tin. Ttie hi i-iiario in ...hipteil from the
'aii'-iiiti xhot i .tot', hv Ittel Hurt it. Tin
Iu'Ikiik o' ot IfoiitiMN I'lbi in. ' and noth
'.k in li.nl ol the lolutliil Hon whlkh
i hn i .H t-rt4 ail of Hret Marte'n ieti
tm tuten ( the Kai Wet when the
VA k' u im ) oung.
Battl Bbig and Poatrayeet Aes Ae- ,
embiifia in Dree far Return Tetp. 1
Br.t, Ian the new Anaencan I
I - ipei .!i culiiaviKht New Mexico arrived I
.it Hrcnt t'io The hatlleatilp ia lo
, 1. -,i the nti-amet 'iiorge Waahtng
tai M'hoii that I 1 eluriM to the
I iiiteil Htaten with I'renldent Wllnou
oil I10.it I A f lei 1 f A me 1 learn toi
pi- u ho.it ikt-atioyer al.o will lie l'i
th- . iiiMiV. i'ii. Admiral Wiujon
will 1. ilun hie fu on Hi New Mexico
Int. of inieriMtlnu letter from the
. ;uh when I teniin tn itetill. I ,!
.111A.0U8 to l(pow tow mtcrvfted you
I tic going to he in I he wunilerrul ' Oil -
t. -it that we ni.- winking on tor tha
tie meet to '" 'nnl m Oeiitoti this
I'ling You k; iv t " i '"t otlUt
1 .1 iti nothing i.i ...:rtau and en
. vj-s with lot of love to even
,T. , I I '.
Our Kifciiic WuUm ltiriii
Hiih ew I lie problfm nt Safe
JlriiikiiiM Wglfr
J a v 0 1 1 1 f n t o.
T. P.
( '"III llnli il Mom l K' ' " '
f'.ni ill ut line. I ' to fhunl , . .,
hie l i 1 1 1 1 ie.it 1 thi II.' i -v 1
i' I'lj HI . 11 th. inn-1 .
" Ulilrl I 'I Oh. ih! 1 ... in. , , ,
I ' ,.: 1 . rue-i ,. - 1
W ho joini il the 0fi l - pi 1 v I' 11 ' I !
Will he dl'lllohilile I Ttie p.-iv ' I '.
nio iil.ioiii win i.i i.'raet) in . 1 .
'Hut a law i in lo ol n.i vi- luti o'liii . 1
j The iii 11 i.iiiii' I '.. .. ..life tt.i .if
1 Ijntti thi if. 1 11 1. 1 1 11 a. 11 law
.t.lltillOli l in 1 .11 tin W .' 1 onnlll
I I 111 1 MM f llifllllritt flllo I ion- IUioil
urii .in flHtiting '.' eii.!o . - nt III
Inn will h 11 iiieii .1 ' k'ii I'iM-ii fo.
III. rn then im wai ii.i a- x done
dining the whi tot the fiahtiiu men.
t)y The Aif0ttd l'tea.
Vienna, Inn .'H iH-nMint n-volu
lion ua. hro ..en out oei thn length I
HO. I hii-ailtli ot Kuiioiiiim n 1 iii-I.iik loj
11 -llnii.it. h ir. .111 lliiilHant A t-1 nil la 1
llHlIIH IMl'lIl'll l'i .ill till' Villagln at .1 ,
fUeil ho 11 on Sat m da when wj
mince lioitu' 1 uintiiK ."Idler, IwnillOK
tin Itinui ui nt lot. i d 1 Sett wa into
the i.iti'-iii i'..i- f - 'ny i Ling in Mang.i-
Tbo Kind Y-u Have Always Bought, u. rt wmch tus bcn
iu ug fur over tii;nv y-irs, i. ta bnue tiie iunaturo of
All CotintorfuiL , Imitatpau ami " Jut ,n, ...! ' am but
IUjierimeiiLa that trifle with nnd endanger the hcuJth f
lnfUU and Children llximtitncti aatttai fcxpvruMalt.
What is CASTO R I A
UuMorU U g htirmleag ti bat i tine for Caj.'.or Oil, Parirla,
Drop nnd Soothing Syrupa. It in pleasant. It coaMlaVC
ftlthw Opium, MorpJuna nor otbgt narcotic bti beta nee. It.t
! Ih Itt Ruarantee. For mora than thirty years it has
IsMn ia cittatant uae fur the relief of Conatipnum, Flatulemiy.
Viftd Calic and DUxrhtxw ; alUiyUtg FareriaitacM rIcr
Uwrafreni, and br regtUaUax tha Stonuv-h and Bnwala, tlds
ttifl!n.IUU,m. t,f F,VMl: Biv,nK heJhy and natural slacp.
Tho Childrca'8 I'auatgtt The Aether's Fciiiad.
BGars the Signature of
inat ni'
Ih Muil,
then Wat.
1 it It the 1 Hguiut
' - il Input 1 hen i. j
. il day Ion- .-.nt
U'lil. the lekuutl emploving tnachtn.'
gun I " Mans wer killed or vnunol
ed. -.Mtil 11 v i 01 ionium joined in the)
IHO ' Ul"".'
1 iimU.ii 1 1
SIP . SSj9-&-j!U
jar jp ar im n ir m f J
Trainlood Worth 16.000 Te Be Turned
Ovei With Ail Equipment.
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
t'W. PeA Hf )MHAN v W K C i TV
1'hone 1005
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C1I1HIU. 1 - ! in 1 1 1 nun. "ii ,
I I 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 ' Villi )
t iiMwiiM.w.iriuic-.'J .tana
l M 1 M I