Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, JANUATIY 30, 1010 CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER PAGE FIVE ii 1 WIS MOVE FEBRUARY FIRST TO 418 SOHATZEL STREET Calvert Furniture Co. 416 SOHATJ&B& STREET " li'i'tltn I !f-Hiftlir' K"fritffl" "H'VMfK)i" c.I ( hiiirn " l.tirtim'" ArK hikI ? jj : I. ,u" ''llrMilin" Wirulo s si-,ii. , I fsi vis" .M nt t ! vcs 'ItiiMimnr" ' Mr1-ms "I inoii" Win- 'ptiiitfH " l)t HMtfll " '! Muvw Win U ' ' IMioliOirnplin tfMs il'-" snlil Moid 1ii' I'"-' 'ii ! fF-M .V 'i In tin- mi iiiil. ijri- .i) mii'I v ailv i M is'tl, 1. 1 u ivr ' !ik-. iin'l .'ijiti ;ii'i'- in n vt i,t!ict I'm Calvert Furniture Co. 415 ichatzbi, irnaar WS MOTS FBBBUABY FIXIT TO 415 iOUATXBL 8TRJ3BT S O C I ET Y, CLUBS, CHURCHES Itm for thta 4pitmnt altouM to 'ptioni-.i r nt 10 th Mitor, m " Wfttock in til fro r,, for puMJr-aUtm on t) Mr i. J. A. MnU ?flrt EM. t T - n-rr, . h li I I' . I '( I 1 , Olff n !'- ' ' , iM t,i lAmnan' Mli'iii,ii i Clatt to Syn C',u'n u I . i I , . . I . 1 1 . . f 'ii i.;,' , (fil-IK II i ' ,' .. flh. f i-( , , fit I't r' f ' 1 ' . .v . t. . ; . . ,i. v . .. II' ' 1 M v. : ' ! Hi" i - ) lr- ' .. it.'i' i : M. ! i '.' . . ..'!! ! .",'..., I W'I LENT SEASON HAY DELAY DATE FOR HIE OPENING OF FIFTH LIBERTY LOAN TfttAftUKV DEPARTMENT Ift A MAtoOlNG CAMPAIGN ftO AS TO MMrTItT MARKET VALU8 0 MtVlOUS LIICRTV BONO It- tutt. Wfcif, Jr . k ft"ii. Hi 11 ,. oor, f. ... .!.,. .1 iiif) . " ' .'" n i ij. r-,.' , , .. j, -Ir - . . f ,. J! f !' !. tri,'lK' f i 'I - ' ' ii' u . . f i 'f-r-r ... !-.,.. . , ,. . . tl, .f . , -i tt '.. " -. in. rti w I'i ... , i . g i, Surrounded On All Side? Kit. . o - DtMiin'O'tinwi Nuptil ( i i! fv. fi ( i l i.a vf .-. i tft V: .'i. !fS.n!ii vi.f lli't ii'.ii. .iiifit; ( " . im " 'tM I'.rij'i M mw ft" !( r'" A i.-'n-l iiiir T '.'f r !' iiinfi ;i '. . i ,!' Ititi " (' f r'" f'it (I'f'.Kin ! rft i. J!ini-.' . i -..., i -nt V!' -i'i M'1- ' .fis iiiri'.iii'. wh ' 1'ini niriiliriy !. n,flif Jv"'' CtM En1trtirnn '! i.. j i ti - i . .. .. i fi.r. 4 H t1' : l-l t ' ' ' ' ' " ' 'S' m'.'h- n "i . i' i ' r . , i , ' . !.. i)i. Ml.' M . ! " ' -, t ( - ! '(! Amusements Office Supplies V'.u'i! hiil iM pT'iiilarly wH -ijipj.d t aippl v you vi!h 1C Ml.f)ll. I.oiw-l.f flf Uokv ltd f.dffrl Trmf rrinir MtfKalK. T.VMwrit. 1 C. Book and Stationery Co. , 18,000 Barrels from 4 Wells within radius of 5(H) feet of our 5 acre Lease. Two Well Contract You will have to Hurry if you get any of this Stock. Only $60,000 Capitalization, only 3K0 feet from 12,000 Barrell well. The Largest well in Burkburnctt Fool. Only 2.3 Shares left. ?100 PAR VALUE FO WLER & CO. 426 Starr St. ii i . t, M-i 1 i, Ami" Aituu Today '' , '"'"L ' ' eMtMOENCV 01FICI1HCV . , u... , , MK0 WITHOUT 0O6lTi0 i . . ' 1 r I'Jl'f I K . i,(. k ,,, , , it , , " f ..' t , ... , . ' rri .Hi ' 4 i- . . iv 'hf '.rc Pt-0.' 0' lob )' f ' Alllf IH Pif. CallorClassif ictf Ads arc Utile "monoy makers.' Try one! 1 c V?i!.TLL0 t'- ;. ."i -, i : . mi: ii- IDE At BCAUTV PARLOR .lid ram THE lP' r3 ' hm l ... ff I ' ' t " . . .. tVi ' i l" ' Mm . ' I i i. ".i h in ! it, i i r1 I hirs 'UJ w'lli t..c ( w !. r -i .Irft' ll I.U Si. I r fin.iMv S 'c,ii!ii' i t,t illVm rliti h i .' I ! ,11, i i I ' I-.. "I I ' I It' ll ( 1 ' IV ,r (..III '-f 1 ., it' ft' .i . I ,!.! I.I I . I I 'IM "I ' ' -V"M 'lift'' lt''.' ' I I ,1 ' .,.., II I "( LIBERTY BONDS HIGHEST PRICES PAID Sknd Bond h-- Fivitr! Mail MOWEY kE TURNED RAMF DA Y j N JARRATT & CO, i" rfw !.. I'.nn ) fi,f.i,. Ii. , (, r " ' . i .1 . Mt- v .Usui I', i . n-tf r 'ii i - i . i. for li i I ' rnf. !r" . nui'l Ii . I ,!" ! Jkm 51 (Mid 1 ' ' 'i 1 ' " . , v f .1" i ( i 'I". . I i i. i' lIM" .1. ("I . ' II" HI. ' I m ll !.' Iim t I II lit L ThMlrl i UINOft AIEt TO MA Vf MCAL T MOUlLf MARCH i N90't fn f .' S-iiii-mifi W i -bri fti'il 0-,-. .' I r B !(' Br Vk AtMctauM rw unt A ' I . V, . i t; ; Corpus Christi Ice Company i L Phone 126. Water and Laguu Si a. BIG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER n'M. ' i-l :r.:. Yuu won'r read a long story, about tires if you are using; are satisfactory. If they are not satisfactory a long story will not sell you, because it will have to be the same old story you read before and which experience has taught you to discredit. But there are good tire.s; the trouble is that you can't tell from the advertising which is which. It is a fact, however, that most people who buy Kelly-Springfield Tires once, keep right on buying them. It wasn't the long, well written story that sold them the first time, but the word that was passed along by some enthusiastic user. That sort of advertising cant be bought and it can't be written. We are pleased to announce that we have taken on this famous line of tires. The Texas Motor Sales Co W. A. SAUNDERS ROBSTOWN HEWS BUDGET A ft, l. . x is v t ii.- .ii . " '.' ! , Will flWIl - 1 ! Si .n ,' : Ji Wft H t-ui .1. IIH1. , tit I M Lll' a If! H I I't.JI' .' I . mi" el ' 1.1-1 i".l ' 'i I. ,,, ...'. ? M .. I '1 ! ' I ' - i 11. I.U.I -. ...... l I.I1IWH4I Ml' CI.IIIII I ll'tl. 1 ttf ...l -'A U ' .-. . . ' tl, !. ' - hiHW. r , '((. ,,, ,(M ., ,i. f.. ,,1 , tMt t .tl w .lit Mt ' ,!. i ltr M f'.' . ! - ' M If in r . V ',. T . .1 J , iff... I ' . i c . I. . I. . .-,', i" r Magazines Viilh The Daily Caller-Herald IIIIH I I'llUWI HI I II I- I '. .! ahMrlmlau ill i TMHCE HUNOUO OOtLA ift .1 . ' V r.-i. i tf,. - V 'ginis A.thr t tt OHf M.r. 1 Mfl-dtr.r Mr M(lix -ftrr,. or Or. Hadl f T llt1ll !. f I ! ' I l I'.' - . I .- : i ... i 'i ;i ' l, J. t. ..i ' . r. Children Cry for Fletcher's LADIES! DARKEN . YOUR GRAY HAIR E 'm.ii:-.iV'.ii,i.'l''A! . oT . . V V ' 'iV-. V .V V .VVkUUtl d wh:.h r. it beea OOY lAf 7 '. tin i. ii I'M ll. .-A-J 6 I . ' ' SAdf it A HO r " 'trUaw N WEATHER SUfsUVlARY i I ! tt.lU' '' ' i i. ii m, .ii. .ii i i OffAflTMlNT OP AOfttCULTUftf ' " W ' lwMii. 'A i.ri ' .j i . ,, f f ! r i.i.f i , i i . ' .ii.. 1 i i ' Ik. ... l "t v. i I . 1 t niaf i i i-Hi-'t - f In ( !' l" . . .,.: u,. : .-ii ' . II . ' ' I I I . I. . .11. ( I ' I, .. , i 1, ' 5 4 Kl XI l ' i.f IIumIi ttitfc it U " ' 11 . IIIIT UIH . ' 1 . mi. i ii Iim I In- V u tvl '" ) ... , I au wountefMiu, imwMi, n. ; .1 " J-st -ai-gwxi " : :...t EHTimntii '. nt trifte wui -d eridaoK-r th r, . u f laliMts an4 Caiidii'uEtp'i'rn-e uitmtt PxMr.uitfU. c What is CASTOR I A Iwopii uaa Kahmg Syrup. t ,s pieaMn. It unUias i.'-iihet Ojwuxr., Wirpbine n r oiaei Bcvtic scbfUne Ita t its uraie. F r ror tha thirty year it bj J te ui r tne relief - f C itJMipattoo, Flatotaara Wla4 tolit Mh4 Diairh ; aliMymg fvruhaM nrfcrfar therefrnm, dad by rtituiiair th Stumgch and ikrwsis, aMs tb AAimUatiua t,l T.4; r.iag healthy uud Mtsrul akeo. lb Cotklns't PiuMua Tt,c M.uti's Fmad. GENUINE CASTOR! A ALWAYS 'Bears the Signature of Irt Ml !h ftV i r oi.ft !w'l ',.,....! n Use for Over 30 Years i .41 . ', - i. ti r , ' ' I I 1 II The Kind You Have Always Bought I r'i'ment i ir. i..i4 I y ucMo V es