I fMmk M C 4mmmf AVji ss nnt f i ir 1 icn wr i t - - T - if x I l I - llil II - il IK l tli n i n f V i - i - i l i di - iji V t i MlPfni - ti ii n il n iii ii no r f il Tin gir rie lfI iJV AND lOMTU V CUKE for iTf iic parlv ilie ami tin numerous it f v It i5 iriri ii iwiij -ii mciv dii siifj i 1 11 1 pi - p ijKgMK hi ami jgHqFrw - vtiii i m i to tl fthrfrriiui In it s 1 I -TV LA M8T T L r ltS i iji il iujft 1 in ir tiitnuon riiT WD tuiii i -- iC i r i i I M i ii i iiiKi i p tolic DAI m m t ma V SVlCRLEfe mrf 5T5BOT i ais iiVttCTl THOMAS ana 1 per i h il I i n i i I ii i i III ill 1 pt H i to i iiv mr i 1 i m i fill i i Iiim ioi ilre iillifs i III t ur in ilu i e i QTRIPTIIRF iLirmnd permanently 0 I Ii I J I U II L cj eu rimovil compute i h tun nir laie Tn oroihtation Lurts ii ii in b irjtent without a monums 1 i 1 1 u Young and Itcldlo Aged Men r OU II L OUnL carlvMce i hi Am- dcuown bfih mind and it1 ail its drcadtd UK pumaiieull npQ RCTTQ AAlnss tho e who have UliOi ULI I O itrpind lhemiHr b i r in ii lg me and Mihtarj habits nhkb i i ii ml a d lodj unli ting them for biw r iii or m irnane V 1 lIi I V or thoe entering on that r i i arc of phical debility quickU a i i i hi fru In T on or b mail If j lid mil t umot ta1 v i I io us ii i - i npf r repH Call upon or adiliiis DRS BETTS k BETTS 1 1 x c ns tos fSiKlM MfcA Bes itEMsFffls s r rv mo tSjj aill I ISTs STI n TI lK I1BI 1 ffll I I 1 Jo tyg rj 1 Oil fA YJdf KNUFGCOLANTATER0 Oxti rOET WORTH IRON fOSp 1 on WORTEjlSS I of the Celebrated Fort on h V eil Drilling Machinery Mfcctnral Iron Work a Specialty JUDICIOUS NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING - fr n iirSmWis tmrm wmiM LORDi AND W feitr4rr 45-47-49 Randolph st Chicago V- ispicace from roard ttii 1 i mint ne or i iiii u i stern or i ci ii ratural ad 11 1 a de are to secure fsfsrrftgon a ru at or Manufacturing te esfi riled oer Vit Jlultci fi r eilie s in the Centra ii iai die Co sl states and haxe 1 i i id i radical information on tae onclopmeat of cilics JUDICIOUS NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AiYD 45-47-49 Randolph st Chicago vKwasi iniVScsv QrmUSL Yiolett c Co say Beechams stomach - t ii J1RS BETTS BETTSI HAMMERING BEARS PHYSICIANS SDEGE0HSAHDSPEC1ALI5TS 1005 MAIN STREET Dallas Texas Few Specialties Market Money Saved 2 1 2 - ssiiwW PiljCfffrTtr niacic on a - the LIMITED TRADING YESTERDAY COMMEIICUL UEsCME prcial to the Gazette Lv York April 2 Money closed easj at SJf ptr cent lo vest rate The high es was i iii hanifie Steadv Posted rate S4 SCK biher if Siifar Haw and reSned are steady at I previous prices iwicai upuons tairiy acive ciosmp firm and iJic higher Sjiot lots closed firmer ool Steady with pi ices about as pie viouslj quoted Cotou Sjiot lots quiet Middling 9c Future closed weak and 1 to 2 points lower Coffee Spot lots steadj rairiio2dc rutiri s closed 5 points higher forborne n u Hide Steady Bur nos Ares dr 13J 0 Dr lexai 10V Sto k OnI Umiteillv traded in 10 dav the lift lulfhour consldei able i iili s uisjilHd uviiur to nicher Jiif s in London lur ATierican stocks and tin f id th it the Bank ot England did not adirie 1U late of discount Prices at ere srenerilly Ji to 1 tier cent lusher It after that hour there was considerable anmonuifby Ixars uhich added to the iiuouiicuinont ihit itCjOuOOO of gold had been lor e i t batmda caused pi ices to diop sliarji and cioba jh to 1 per cunt loirr in most cases 27 ci poods Market is fa rly active in some departments but so far there has be n no g iicnil movement ItOlIlS lluIl Ufiui Texas and Tort Worth cei citcs 21 lilt U oi th and Denver 1 Wy Ati liiMin general mortgage 4s 7i An liison incomes 4 f Kansas and Texas IsTT1 Kisas and Texas 2V i Missouri Kansas and Texas 2s TTV Missoii i Kansas and Texas ls Ss4 St Iiuis Arkansas and Texas ls Mi Texas and Pacific ls 65 n xis and Paciiic2s 31Jf VTWOOI X10XETT i COscOTTOK HEFORT Special to the Gazette New OnxriNo Futures The maiket to us has rather the appearance tolay of a permanent easiness for the near futuie Anyhow welookfoi a lower market Liverpool s iot ni rket is not a good lnthevaN of sUs and futures After improving 2 04 it lot 1 and i losed barely stead TV qu stion lx sohca itself lulo whether actual totlou is strong on its meiits or whether prices are too high and consider ing late of consumption and amount ol the pi sent supply and what ii is likely to be u nil a i rop ol s10oiio w hi h now s ems issaicd We i lose one lower tiiau xestee ii 1oit receijits to day are 14 UOO against ji iiasi ea Ioi receints next wek ifobablj bo 7iOUJ against 24000 last O B Sales lrt Offerings fair sp- I s i s Olenngs very ami i u tors aaxous to seL i i i kmli sroius on noviis Xi w Von April 2 Tlie stock market pu e ted no new leittures to day but re u u eil in the same rut that it has been in so ng and eion less interest to be t i eng m the course of prices than usual of iate A few specialties sa cd the market rums agnation The bears in the after noon attacked the list and St Paul Rock Island ard Burlington yielded nearly 1 per cent each but other losses were -ant The market closed dull and fairly s eaJy at about the lowest prices of the da v The linal changes are generally slight losses Railroad bonds dull Got eminent and state bonds dull and steady PROVED FATAL Kesult of tho Acridcntal Shooting of a iIttlo Girl at Corsicaua deiu o lurned icitl to the Gazette Cor ie in i Trx April 2 J Wareins h i daughter who was accident ill shot w rli i irur in the h inds of her biolhor Ms i mij died last nierht At the timf the Iier occurred her brother a nve boy was hunting a rabbit in the icar j ard of his fathers premises and in s o ng iindor a i oihe line he gun was pulled from his shollkler thelnrrfor r ntiliinT ni 1--T of ins rnnt enisiiir lb f iniic l u -- a His little sister who was immediately be hind him recehed the full clurge in one i minie pn ing a wound which pi oiod fatal This morning at 4 20 oclock i he r si inee of U bprisrgs near the Cotton Bot r nhoad ws almost totally destioed b tire to pel her xuth most of its contents The wind xas blowing at a or high rate at the time and onh the eiheient work of the fhe men axcrted icat damage and loss to ad j Hint The Iiousc was insured for hi the Pliu nix insurance companj of II irtford and eliOO in the Southern in surance compiU of Xi v Ol leans Me d Wis we c re to s v to our ii ens i irs i t nae oeen se me iir iv ng s JJti uijsr 1 CE I aes i or Mi Co mm -in Pr Kings tf s 1 JuiM i s rmca balie and indiwi ne er h indled n ii at f t ti iif f iin cffcuoij We 10jB6t hesiiMiJKi eieryrme inarweiafm t Lfi SSrcnc rfs tl lt rjn jpucr al stir io raHHeuu uroiije llceJaiHmctortiV lllls ilnTot jrri i tihelr c e TrrVe remedies hax e won their great popi1 m puren on their merits IJuowmxc A Xicus Druggists THE CHOCTAWS MEET To Discus the Sale of the Leased District and tlir Disposal of tUe Iuiul Specal to th1 a ette Pmis Trx April 2 TlieChoctaw coun cil met xesteidav at Iiiskahoma and after irtraining adjourned until to morrow Ihey ate to consider the sale of the leased dstiiit and the disposal of the proceeds This district has been sold for 2991000 and tlie sale has been ratified by the Chickasaw eoiiiuil The Choctaw council will also rofv the sale as to their interest The Ch i kisaws get one fourth and the Choc taus lhree fouiths Both peoples will di ide the monex per capita There are about six tiiousaiid Chickasaws bj blood and about ten thousand Choctaw s Xegrocs w ill be barred out Ths distribution xvill when the chai ges against the fund are paid give each Chocavr about 5200 and eacli Chickasaw about S100 Some of the fund may be reserved to erect high school build ings The council will onlj stay in session a lew days and the above is all ness that w ill likely be transact weaV COTTON REPORT Tiie Xfnreli Xlovement the irpaviest Since 1SS3 A Total or S 143310 Dales Xew uuleax Lv April 2 The move metit of tho Amencan cotton crop during March as shown by Secretary Hesters monthly Kew Orleans cotton exchange statement issued to day is tho heaviest for that month since lsbS the monthly total reaches4443210 balos exceeding March jrwrfTrssyiJ CJsarrw f1an f 1S00 by 232014 and the same month in IS39 by 102431 This make3 a seven month movement of 5W000 bales more than for the entire twelve months of last year Wentinrford Delegates to Houston Special to the Gazette WEATnERPOBn Tel April 2 At a meet in of the Wcatherford lire department last night Mr E Putman was elected assistant chief of the department vies Peter Cook resigned I The following delegates have been elected j to represent the Weatherford fire depart ugnr Steady at Iri iious Prices Wheat ment at the sixcenth annual session of the Iairlj Active anil 3 4 Higher Wool Steady in Fair Demand stock lu the Hand of lieurs siaic iire aeu unsuciaLion io oe neiu ni j Houston Mav 13 D C Haynes E man and H B Dorsey Alternates W M j Knight G H Henry and J W OGwin aturlays Ooid Shipment Special to the Gazette Xnw York April 2 In fie last hour rumors uere current that i2a00000 in gold woulu be shipped on Saturday At the sub- treasury notice was riven that jaOO000 would be taken bj oneiiiTn but that was all that had been inquired lor THE SUGAR BOOM Debt Ridden Italys War De monstration Has No Effect THE STOCK MARKET STRONG Order 500000 in Cold Tor Export ition T C Marines Death lias No Inllucnce ItuiyN Knoruiouh Expenditures on HerXay Kailroad Bonds Dull Special to the Gazette Nra YoitK April 2 The boom given to the- sugar business b the i eduction of prices continued to affect the price ol sugar secunties this morning Beond this there vas nothing noteworthy in Imai cial jffairs excejit tliat the stock maiket generally was btroug The ideas of war between this country and poor debt ridden Italy are a little too absuul to be considered There is one point worthy of mention however Italy has brought herself to the eigo of biiikruptcv by heavy naval expenditures Knoimous sums have been spent on her naxy Her is an opportunity for those m authority to justify tins but they will not i do it I jCews was received of the death in Rome of T O Baling Tins xvas leported to have been accompanied by a fall of c in I Knglish consols He was the chairman of the new companj and his investments in it will not be distill bed The report w as spread in the afternoon it tiie sub treasurv iclative to the ment of JVjUuyj in gold Later the gold i was ordered Sterling exchange was hicher and niaiii belieothat more gold will be shipped Iadenburg Thalman Co ordered the jviuodo I Railway bonds generally were dull and hea Or on Iinprovenient Vs Itock Is- land Vs and Texas and Paiilio ls and 2s were lirm and a ft ictiou hiL her HoAvex cr the market closed dull and foatuieless lmal prices were irregularly changed Ad and declines jor the ui Advance Decline American Cotton Oil Americaa Susar Ketliierr 9 Ameuean Keducry prt erred J4 and Santa F H Canadian Southern Ji Ciucago liurlington and cjuiaiy i Chicago Gas Ji ChicagoJunetionsnd Union Stoil Yads j Clni gcJuLticnand Union pi 1 Ci i i Milwaukee and ct Paul x Clnea Itock Island and Pacllic a Chuago and East Illinois preferred JJ Clueacond Northwestern A Chicauo and Northweslera D eerred Dila ire Laikawanaaand Western Euisc uii i Co Erie Ei Illinois Central Lead Trust Lou fsiarj Manliatian Consolidated fisouI Pacitic M ibiie and Ohio NaliOjWl Cord Companj Vi T Mv V ultlc preferred PilificSVail Wfadngt Piler Ujlion Ccrtiflcatc3 ioutliei i On Saturd An Error Hi Hi fl iilLc 1 X uiua Pieilc Hi iesiep onion iicgrgrie a JrisejBii4affouOB KittejfP f ites the jjfo petifc iSLiHA jStllSigiHUvj orglLnujn oruucra VafTsfXB tfjeirt aHonrsc manxiipiffir I B t a M3mm We beg to informjjMpittSnc that we did not buy theAhfilWsTer shoe stock as poiTedpjjURfTrs anotiier shoe ilrniQijjIpiis a i ours truij WEijjijjgRTBuos press cimjiUfPvfill sell at auction over iOO lQaBrunclaimed express matter avii art T x EDICIL Route Agent ON CHANGE Spot Cotton Unchanged Fut ures Were Irregular MARKETS RATHER UNSETTLED WUcat Open oil Higher i nivli mill fMnail - Dnllr Keiiew Omrr of tiie Gazette 1 Fort oirrn Ti x Apnl2 lsgi f Clear and cool to day and business quite lixeiy in all departments holesale mer chants report an increased business and out-of-town orders ard good ones are com ing rapidly and their city trade is improv ing Several visiting buyers were in the city to dav placing orders The general markets are in good condi tion prices lirm demand good Vegetables arc coming in but tho markets are quickly j cleared and prices are xvithin reach Quotations are generally unchanged to da from yesterday except in sugars wholesale which are off slightly Eggs hae taken an upward turn of a couple of cents Pork racking and Provisions The Cincinnati Price Current of Thurs day last says The Western packing for the week has been 2s0000 hogs against 2sj000 tha preceding week and 213000 last year making a total of 953000 hogs to date since Marcn 1 against 700000 a j ear ago Quality suffering from modification in the genera average Markets have been ex cited and prices very sharply advanced and at the close are 00 and 70 cents per 100 pounds higher than a week ago and about 90 cents per 100 pounds above the average for the winter season places now operat ing averaging about 445 compared with about 353 for these points during the win ter months an advance of ox er 23 per cent The provision markets have had wide fluct uations during the week leading articles advancing largely with some re action at the close The situation while surrounded with various features of encouragement has not Justified so great a change in values In so short a time The exports of product for tho week were again large making e JJHPM I Fluctuated Nar an Advance Sugar Lower Coffee Downward Tendency Wool Unchanged ing period last year fhe gain being shown in both meats and lard Itnsincss railuxes The weeks failures United States and Can ada according to Bradstreets 235 Weeks g t0 March 27 TORIES Ijg is 18M15S9lsiS Middle states S5 SO 13 1 37 4S Xe Knglaad K 3 S a 11 Southern 21 li St a Vesiera 37 13 4 Zi CO Xorth Testern M ifi Ui 12 Paeiilc 23 25 27 17 40 Territories 2 I is Totals 200 179 lsfl 161 20 Canada 41 2M 23 ai rouR YEARS Middle sTite St Ecsrand boathera Western Xortlnvcstern PaciHc Territories Totals I CarJdi I FAILtjaES CSITED STATES AD CA XD X STATES AKD TERRI TORIES i adures tor the jear o date withcompansons 131 7Ji 4C7 CM lSJO W 4W 5 71 377 2V IS ri lSftJ lSvS 71 7 J2 Ml 11 007 C71 b77 711 41 S KM lVl 37 25 3arj Mil 2llfiJ THE rOKT VOUril All Quotations below are reNed daily by liacing dealers jui will be found reliable wholesale and retail as speeifleJ I IiOWslONs xD SUMlIlIl s KoUonriLg quotations are eng the basis of ob lots Tish Xew mael crel half bbl No 1 M v 100 halfbbU No 2 eS0J codfish 2 S bnc ii o 1ii Dcr a looso codlish ainiic per a picMrd herrins per bucket jl fl Holland hi Tinrs Kegs j rl 75 J ned lierrinc s Per box 40c llolofna s iiiase SIUc Meat stan a ru C bam- 10 lie do bre ikas1 bjctn liv short clear bjcou side 7c shot clear dry salt 7c shoulders 7ic ducdbeif liio Homn Sun per bbl 5125 Grits Per bblt 125 Oameal New per half bbl 100 lbs 1 00 per bbi i o Cracked wheat Per eie 72 3 s j w Citkcrs -I aLtory roods in 1 C p ijifr boxes it aboi p icc 1 si juotatioiis ir 2 Animals etc 1A iloatoii butters be buttr -X fjc butti r scotch 14c chocolate snaos lie creams XXX b c creams X Sc corn hills or nick nicks oL mcoirut fnaps Ho craclmells lc cream puffs Je cofee cake i XXX 9c coconut taffj 14c cocoauut b ir Hi cracker mal tC diop cakes ni lorfee 10c did or or rcoaiiorsi 7c frost d creams Hngers II lingers spue ad gcper 10- frut sultanaflr fniitultana lied 15c fruit i urriiil lie purer snap XXX tic giiiser snips X He irraham iv frraham and oanieal wafers ard Kims me yrandmaa lookies 10c honey goods iced lie honey Kuols plain 12c iced creams XXX ireams K eJi ajc imperial Iikr jilv lingers ui ein io lumaies lie iamuiS ex ipni aixvoou tliatan unkiown man had made inquiries i spice and ginrer iOc lemons XXX f lemons X Sc le non snans lJc lemon wafe la lemon biscuits round XXX creams b4a milks fcc molasses cookies ginger cales geais etc tiJc ovsler i XXX tc ojsiers daisy Te o sters si ell etc 8c oitne -1 be pie biscuits ii machine li 3c pretzels hvid mjdL tic pietzelletts lie p nm cak plain lOo pmn cakes dcorati d lie nlie 10c odi peiles pnre ss etc large soaa cream Sc soda snowdikes I c seect souls 7e s01ia XXX k saw -to ith butters in st igc t ml s Ge 3s G sniP r 7c fsmvrna biscuits lie Southern mixed bc sugars X-v-x stsi sugars X Sesuar cookies ldc lanilli warcis etc 15c iiuU quari cakes etc luc ivmewafors reii res i te 15c i offee Wholesale quotations Itio sQ c prime 2ljC chune 21Q c fauej i 2asc Jia5ec Cordoia 22Jic Pea lleirj SJSSIc Arouckles Anoea 23 6c Market is icri nnn Maple sj rup Old time one gallon cans per dozen 512 half gallon per dozen 13 23 quaiter gallon per do n j1 U s ugar sjtauiUrd granulated c5S powder ed in hols tic do in I ail Mils nc cut lo l hbls il e i lulf riL fimv jellon clarified Cc iholce j ellow clarified 6 Uolwsci s 1 aaiv oei kiuic s s choice oreu nettle 4c prme open kettle o choice centrifugal 35c pr me eentnlucal 3c 1 ird Pure leaf tierces Sc 50 a tins tic AI 2 tins b 1U 2 tins 3c 5 fe tins 8jc 3 a tins 9c Iamily ticries7c 50 it tins 7ac 20 b tins Sc 10 2 tins ilc 5 B tins 8c 3 to tins SJc Rice New crop prime 6c choiie 7ic head 73c Cheise Fancv full cream 1 in box 13vjc fane full cream 2 in box lJc Young Amencas 4 in box lJic Swiss per cake about loo s 16ic smill quantiti 172c iheese safes Pickles Medium bbls ill a medium hall es 25 small bbls SI 0J sm ill hjlics i7 mixed bbls it 2 M mired hilies i 00 hilf bbl ihoTihoH 38 51 small ten gallon -1 50 gnerkius ier bbl ii 50 Pigs feet Hal bbl 100 quarter bbl 2 23 kits 51 O lncfeir cider Apple cider half bbls 51 00 apple i nil g ir 35 grain per gallon Ilk 50 grain pei gillon Ale white wine per gallon 20c il exira for hair bbls Flour i holesale quotations Dest patents SJkprl00s half p itentst 70 third grade iJ 40 fourth grade 52 23 Starch pearl 5c lump eic Herring imported Jl 2o ner keg Cider crab s apple 40c Missouri JUc perbali bbl Jlo0cS4 25 i V Bgar 13 5c Concentrated lye U75 four X in case per case Jugs glazed 10c per 1 crocks gl zed 10 per gal Indigo 75c ner blueing Wcif 1 CO per doz Colemans rd E fl 25 per doz Maccaroni imported llCill i per lb American b5eoerihox Tubs No 1 oak gram 59 50 No 2 as 71 No 3 700 perdoz No 1 liber S17 50 No 2 J1550 No 3 SU 50 per doz Hedwood No 2 59 50 No 3 1 forO three in nest white cedar 525 eight in nest oak grain 2K Buckets two hoops i 81 03 per doz Baking powders bulk lie IE 1 cans J2 50 Vermicella small box eju SOi the Pacific Ex- sup in bulk per gal i5i Worcestershire sauce in nun per gi 512 nope grass i inch basis lie lotion j 15c 5 lb 16c sassa fras root 12c per b Butcher paper 2c per 2 I andics Wholesale quotations buck full weight 25 Z boxes a jlilOc lightweight 25 tti boxes tVfJlsc caromels assorted ilaxors 5 U box fUc jelly beans 5 B box 75c gum drops A IS assorted flai ors 5 2 box 4V Japanese strips coioanut flai or 5 B box 5c roik assorted and white 75c Preach kisses a 80c chocolate cream Al II 00 jelly rolls and almond drops box Jl 00 cocoanut cream balls V box 51 0J hand made No u and orange dips fj box 51 00 apruot and jelly ue and nougatincs j box 1 O sultsna dips y box SI ui lauilla croquets and mirabels y box SI 00 missing lirk fl box 51 ID choiolate cigars t box 05c cream bar assorted 5 a box Wc peanut blocks 5 S box G5c ix anut bar box 90c lozenges assorted con 5 B box 75c gum drops Mound City 5 ft box 05c marshmallows bantam 5 lb box Ac dainty Jl 25 mixed candy pails V a 10c candy crys tal cut 3 l ic candy Ntllie lily V B IJc faccj flint ii b candy assorted in pils and ooxes t E lCc Chewing gum Danheiers fruit tolu per box sue peppermint and nmetta per box taj mana tolu per box 30e Adams tuttl frutti tOc magic tnck TOc barley malt P0c sweet fern neV carmel tolu 25c No 1 New York 35c White s Yucatan per box TUe 5 box cartoon SJ 23 Valentines euchre per box 65c Pan ima per box 65c Califorcii fruit prbox 90c Ber ry s beauty 90c tolu25c per doz 82 50 sweet gum per box 5c Nuts Wholesale quotations Almcnds new soft shell small quantity per 3 20c by bag of U fts Uajli h valnuts extra large smali quantity per 20o 5Jand 100- bag lots ltc Brazils new crop 13c walnuts Chili per 2 13c filberts per 2 14c nuts assorted 23 Tb boxes Comet brand 16c pecans new crop 18t c peanuts fancy white bv the sack 74c small quantity Sc choice white by tLe sack 7c roasted white best quality Uc peanut roaster No 1 Peerless j bu size 1 j Canned goods Pine apples standard 2 3s fl CU31 75 peaches standard 2 Bs Jl jCi 3 E S2 b5 seionds 2 tbs 51 50 3 Es tl 40 straw berries 2 s 51 W blackberries 2 as 81 30 S raspberries 2 Bs Jl 50 green gages S M mar rowiat peas 2 as ii ao B 51 35ai 40 2 Bs oysters full weight 1 52 40S2 50 tomatoes standard 2 Ds 51 00TJ1 03 3 2is Il logi n green corn 11 13261 50 salmon 1 51 301 -is Columbia river salmon 51 75CJ1 S3 sardines ts domestic 53 253 50 imported 512 00 1 00 Eagle conderaed milk is 00 California canned goods standard brands Apricots 2i B 52 3j p aches yellow free 52 752 90 peaches white cling 52 75C2 90 plums 5- 00a 2 10 pears 82 503- 75 crapes 52 t22 10 Oils Brilliant bbls 190 Eupion29c Bril liant 2 1 3 cases 2 15 Brilliant 12 1 3 cases 54 11 Eupion 2 1 5 cases 83 15 Gasoline 5il5 Whisky Rectified 51 101 20 as per proof sour mash two years old 51 7001 a three years old 52 00j2 23 fancy extra old whisky 54 0035 00 FRUITS AST VEGETABLES Wholesale quotations Apples fancy Mis souri y bbk 57 50 Oranges Florida y box 54 00 5 to 10 box lots 3 75 California bright seedlings 52 7533 00 fancy California ti 03Ti3 25 Lemons fancy Messina OuOs SoOs and 4208 54 50 5 to 10 box lots 84 25 Ba nanas 53 0033 00 Cocoanuts per sack of 50 to I0O53 50 per doz 72c Cranberries fancy bell and cherry 512 00 half bbl 56 00 Potatoes California Burbanks and Peerless y bo J SO Mo 10 big lots 81 25 California seed Rose 51 20SJ1 25 Onions choice red and yellor R 1 nearly 40 per cent increase over correspond I B 6ic Krout half bbj hand mate 83 75 u l5Sll itinmimwimiym THE GAZETTE FT WORTH TEXAS IfRIDAY APB1L 3 Cabbage California per 7 Sc Navy beans small California 455c Lima beans new crop Oc Bayou beans new crop 5Jic Garlic single string new extra 75c Chili pepper bale a 20c less quantity21c Preserves Jellies etc Jellies assorted 20 tb wocd pails V 5Q3ic V3 tin pxils y doz 53 23 preserves 5 B tins i doz 3 5J peach and rear pail lie assorted 20and4J tt pa is 2 in case extra t B tie apple buiWr 5 gal kegs extra V B Sic 2 B kanakias sijC mince meat kegs x B bije Dred Fruits Haistns etc Raisin London layer California new crop V box 42 53 Lon don layer s M box Rc loose Muscatels Cali fornia si 2a grapes new California bd B bags i p B tjc Apples evaporated rings in boxes lfic Peaches California eiaporatid unpeeird 25 B ooxes 25c Currants new crop cask about 320 Bs y B 5c e casks about 2U B C e boxes aboat 71 Bs7 4c Pranes French W to N5toB 5VB boxes 13 c ill to 65 to B 55 B boxes 15o Turkish new crop bags about 2IW Bs 10c 50 B lots boxes 10i Apricot- Cai fornia eraporated 5 B boxes 2v Iigs ikoee k ers o la i b boxes B iSe in 15 B drums B 13c about 00 Bs fl bags B i oial 4s per 10 boxes Jloo Dates Persian 50 8 boxes bJ Citron Leghorn 25 B boxes V B 2X IilDFS XND WOOL Buyers are gn leg Dry butchers hide ilrst class c per B lignts 7c drv lalien Cc dm i ageil 2c jelU 20340c dri salted he tyro I bull aides 4c green salted iJc batchers green 3 c shdarirgs loc horns hoofs -and I bones per ton 5 U0 deln e ed Wool Light medium ljlc light lice 1D3 15c heavy nne uv rACKixG nousE pnoDrcrs Tollowing are wholesale quotations for Tort Worth packing hou e products Prices are re- I vised each day and following quot tiocs ure subject to change at any time Yesterdajs closing Hams 13 to 20 Bs Ec 10 to IS BsPc 12 to lti Bs V e H to 1 Bs oc Breakfast baton Aide- or narroiii Ec California or picnic nams oJc New York shoulder- 5Sc bone less hams 2c dried beet ham pi et onlj l Drj salt Short clear 5 3 10- smoked 56 CO long 5jj smoked ij u bacl s tjlu smoked 5iiw suouldirs i 75 smokt d Jj Fresh bee btiers toc cows 4iJ5c mail ijuariors siccrs tlysi mnu quarters cows 7iVJc bae halm choice oc plait lialies 2 chucks oe rounds Ooc aweci bit ads l ue brams 10e bet 1 loins tvilnji Uc short loins 10S11C standard ribs Cije i b rolls tic tenderloins 15 ISj tiank steak 7o lncrs tclu 12c tongu s eeh 20c kidne s per doz 50c ox talis pi r doz 20s Fresh mutton Diesscd sueep 7S4c dressed lainbs 10c fore quarter- mution t ii sc racs mutton 14jlbc kgs mutton 5i saildlis mutton 10c bcast 2jC i rish pork Drcsseu hogs - Cic perk j loirs Jc fresh shouldrs frti hams c fresh bellies 7c spare rib- Tc neeii Inmes 2e b nit bones 2c tenderloins 10c pigs feet per tioi 25c toacues jur doz eOa licaris per do vie liirs perdoz ic ausigcs In lOJiomd lots e Ussi Pork suis ge 7c head ihte se 0c lmr sausage ic 1 oj nurst tc bologna Oe Lrge Lologua t c Vienna 10c FTTEi AND FFEP STUFFS McAllister coal deliiercd from me tons up j I 5 J coal sugie ton deliiend j t7 O McXUiste coil tuo to lour loas Ueln ered ft 7 cars b6 oij MiAUisttr nut coal for j cookiig ore ton deliiered to Ki McAllister I toal one half ton delivered S17 McAllister loai one lourth ton deliiercd sJu McAllister I co il less than one fourtn ton V Im B 4c I Bin creek coal carload iots on track 53 U delicred two tons 5125 Victor ilorado lump coal carload on track i0pcrlun nut i 5373 Pi nisjhaiia haul toal one ton di hi I eredSiJoj Penusvlina hard loai one naif ton 57 00 blacksmith tonl ore- ton 512 O 1ittsburg coal one ton S7 50 two to four tons 1 U Palo Pinto mines sen cuid lump to ii carload on Irac 5 1 W per ton Cam ron Col lump eng M Pr ton on track iirloau dlr ered single ton 7 IO tuo ton lots Co7j half ton J3 75 quarter ton 2H0 Kouin son Col lump on track 5 75 e irln id lots Quotations are on lard sales exiept when oth erw lse expressly staled Delii erj made at JJe per ton or lull ton extra Cord wood Oie lord drv delivered 51 TO green 5 173 one 1 ah eord deliiercd 5i25 stoi e v ood on cord delii ccd 55 50 one hair cord iWneicl 5 75 Crain and I etistuffs Quotations below arc oa grain from store Cora U- per Lushel la shucks in sacks Wheat Choice Texas f 1 0031 10 Panhandle 15 O its Packed C3e Bian 51 25 per HO on carload lots f o b 51 W per 1jO in sacks delutnd Cottcnsied Per bu 210 retaiL lia Luo e local 511 tOilt0 best prairie hay baied tl OJS OJ pi tJii in carload lots f o b 515 W small biles best b5c best Ier nil Wiper ton borghum si ed 2 23 perbu Millet Per bu jloo i ouitrv i iis xkd ntrrrrn Chukeus Cemmission men are getting 2 75 per doz for hens rctilrs arc pi nnKiuB i per oo7 n mission men men get JiOO per doz for frvmg chickens retailers get i S4I 50 per doz j Light supply and in demind Tor turkevs retail hens 50S75c gobbers SI 10 sion men are getting 0 OiUuO per uoz the latter for extra demand fair Commission J men are getting 52 2a for ducks slow s ile Eggs Commission men are getting w fjiv p doz for Tex is eggs retailari are gitting 20c two doz for 35c I itrsupolj good demand Butter Commission men are geting kAie I per B far good couutrj etailers are ge ttng J5 ffj TOe per 1 lor eountrj Sue for strictly choice I Light supply and in demand Choice creamt ry J5c retail nruos Quotations based on small lots to retail deal ers Act nlid V oz 11 acetic acid No b y B Sc cubalie acid crjstx xJ B 0c muriatic ana G P i B 21c nitric avid U P v B Erie common 2C sulphuric acid u P p B acid bulk V B i 35 alcohol 95 per cent fJ gai num ft 10 antiieonne i oz 25e cntlpvnne y oz 1 40 ammonia carbon ate 1 B Ilc blue 1 Urol Ml 10c biue mass Jl B aOi blue ointment jJ B 50c borax f B lie cuaihor gum 1 B Uc capsicum pow dered 11 ID 22c loperas 1 B Jij te Doiers powder f B 51 20 ether sulrhunc U S P fB72c gum arable llrst piel 1 B 81 gum shellac t B 00c glue blown i B Uc glue white P lb 20c mace y B90 mercury 4 B 93s morphine sulph I i V h T5 oz Si 43 morphine sulph 1 i W oz bottle y oz 20 nutmegs y B 70c castor 01 H gal 81 TiQl -JO olue oil y pal 81 10 linseed oil y gal 65070a sperm oil W B y g il l 2u opium y B SiO opium po y B iiRi black pepp r y B lbc potash bromiae y B 14c potash chlorate y B 20c potash iodide y B il b52 quninr P W oz bottles y oz 40 quuine P i i oz cans y 07 3bc qui nine 1 A W 5 oz cans V oz 33c quinine Brunswick oz bottles y oz 34c quinine Brunswick Voz cans 29c sal sod 1 y B 3e salipetre lelimd y B 10c saltpeter com meniji y B Cc salts Epsom y B3c sails Rochelle 45- Bicarb s0ja kegs y B 3 tc sulpnur Flower- 5 bbl lots 33ic sulphur Ilowers small lots 4lC spirits turpentine market rates per gal whitelead S P y B 7ijc cream tarter y B c 1INANCIAL BRITISH CONSULS Special to the Gazette London April 2 Consols closed 937 lfil for money forsilier 4d EXCHANGE AT NEW YORK New Yokk April 2 Special to the Gazette Sterling Bank 60 days 4 8S4 Ffli Commercial oOdays 4 K3 i baij Reichmarks Commercialeo days J3 3 15U5L Trancs Bank 00 days 1 If Commenial tO days 3 IS EXCHANGE AT NEW ORLEANS New Oruixs La April 2 Special to the Gazette Sterling Commercial CO days Franc Commercial b0 days New York sight Bank Commercial 4 saf2ij 120 100 premium 40 premium EXCHANGE AT GALVESTON Gaiaestox Tex April 2 Special to the Gazette Sterling GO days 4 S2 New York sight p vr New Orleans sight par Amencan silxer discount BONDS AND STOCKS New York April 2 Bonds and stocks closed at the following prices bid EONDS Unitcd States 4s registered I2lif United Mates 4s coupons ex div 122 United States4s loupons 102 Central Pacilic ls luS Denver and Rio Grande ls jsi Missouri Pacific consolidated 6s Missouri Kansas and Texas general Cs 77J St Louis and Iron Mountain general 5s ex - to ou -urns uiiu Sim e run general mortgage100 Texas and Pacitic land grants bS Texas and Paciflc Kio Grandes 3Vi Union Pacific ls joue STOCES Central Pacific 2914 Chicago and Alton ex dlv 124 Chicago Burlington aad Quincy ex div 1794 Delaware ana Lackawanna ex dix I33i Denier and KIo Grande 171 Fort Worth and Denver Houston and Texas Central niinois Central Kansas and Texas Ex 2d mtg bond3 Lake shore Louisville and Nashville Missouri Pacific Northern Paclflc Northwestern New York Central ex dlv Pacific MaU Reading lb 3 G3H li 109i 73J 66 26JV 104i ztAtr FORT WORTH GROCER Wholesale Grocers i 1 hanged April June Julv Ajlut siptemoer Oclobir Noiemoer lleeemb r January tales 8100 b lies LIVERPOOL SPOTS Special to the Gazette Livtiivoou Ap il 2 Spot cotton closed dull uscnaugid in bui eng favor Ordmiry Good ordinary Ioi mtdjling Middling Good mildling loial sales tin in 0ICO Imports 5X American 500 NEW 3Ciiv SPOTS Special to the Gazette Vfw Yoi k April 2 Spot cotton closed dull unchanged iiiuuail M fi3 Good ordinary 7 11 16 Lou middling b 7 16 Middling a Good middling yx Middling fair 10 tales 33 bales NEW ORLEANS SPOTS Special to the Gazette New Oklexxs La April 2 Spot cotton luiei uiiiuangiiu Low Gnllnaii Oruman Good ordinarv Low middling Middling it supply and in dtmand 1 Good middling Mlddhng fair Sales 350 bales Rock Island ex div M Louis and San 1rarcLseo rrefcred M Loufs ard -an Franei eo St Paul common St Paul preferred ex dir Tennee ei co1 and iron rxasand Paihc Union Paciuc Wabash st Louis and Pactiiccertincates GENERAL MARKKTS 10 3Pi 41- u abash st Louis and 1acihc prefcirea 17i Wellrargo express 10 Western Union telegraph bOi Aercrn cotion oil 24 Alihison Toptkaand anta Fo 27S Deni er 1 exas and Tor orth icrtiflcates 214 Dealer and Rio Grande preferred 5s lllilUl ilIAUUlls LIVERPOOL FUTURES j Sre al to the Gazette LivEiirooi April 2 Cotton futures closed I bare stcauy 1 point lugncr Ap il 4 51 3s ApJl Mjy 4 nl ask Mil Juue 4 Ui JumJulv 4 txl asi Jlllv August 4 r51 li5 Ausut 5oraui M5 01 I Seiemb r October S ons3 01 October Not ember 4 C3tl e3 No ember Dei ember 1 i bid j NHW YORK FUTURES Speial to the Gazette Nlw York Apnl 2 Cotton futures closed dm 1 point oa oa tlrs months late uncliang d April b7 iS73 -May bsySiSM June SbVS00 July hj7K Au Ust 9 03 Mpniabcr 0 OrfiO 07 Otoocr UOiU7 Noiember U Wji 07 Deeemor JlWvS IO Januarj 9 IVdV 13 tales id 100 bales XTW ORLEANS FUTURES Special to ilio Gazette Nl w Okleans L April 2 Cotton futures clii ed dull Ear months elf 2 niuut late un- S 46 bid b 5J7S 53 s Cfiil s onus S b i7i Q b 71 b 7KN 71 s 70fb 71 S 7L 72 4H 4 V1G 4 9 lJ 4 i Wi V - 7j 7U - tH S 11 13 IIS GALVESTON SPOT Special to the Gazette G iiveston Tux April 2 Spot cotton closed steady unchanged Lowc dinary Ordinary 7 i e Good ordinary 71 Lew middling bli Middling 9 Good middling 9 1T 16 M dtl nf ur 10 5 16 Sales 313 bales Smpme its coastwise 3124 Exports Stoik 39716 bales tannic 1 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE SPOT MARKET Special to the Gazette GAia estov TEX April 2 The follo iing are the closing quotations for cotton on tne spot 10 day ut the leading markets togetner unli the ilo ing for middling lesterday with to dii s sales- Mid- Mid- I roiiTS toxe dling dling Sales To day Ysiij Liierpool Dull 4i i SWS Galieston steady 9 9 311 New Orleans Quiet 8 11 101 S 11 16 34i0 Mobile Quiet H1 Mj Saiannah Quiet b 5 16 S 3 16 500 Charleston Steady bi b 50 Wilmington Steadj bt s4 Norfolk Steady b h 969 Baltimore Nom nl 9 y New York Dull y 9 33 Boston Quiet 9 Philadelphia Quiet yi 94 Augusta yuiet b bl aw Memphis Quet br bt 400 St Louis Quia bx S 1100 DAILY MOVEMENT AT INTERIOR TOWNS Gaia eston Tex April 2 Special to the Gazette Augusta Memphis St Louis Rcieiptsjshipments Stocks 77 J GSJ 24134 533 227J 61CH 211 j LIU MS6J57 Total to day 1 530 iiia 176463 RECEIPTS AND EXPORTS AT ALL I UNITED STATES PORTS I Galveston tex April 2 I Receipts thus far this week S2933 Receipts sine tune last jear 2t37 Receipts this day lJbi7 Receipts ths dav last year 5031 Total receipts thus fartais season CC72SI1 Total receipts thus far last siason 5 55r73 Dfference 707OJ3 Exports to Great Britain 372J3 Exports to France 5195 Exports to continent 33113 1 STOCKS AT UNITED STATES PORTS Calvestov Tex April 2 Special to tke Gazette Stocks this day 6403SI Sloek3 this day last year 3555H RECEIPTS AT UNITED STATES PORTS Gaja eston Tex Arrl 2 Special to tte Gazette Galveston New Orleans Mobile Savannah Charleston Wilmington Norfolk Baltimore New York Boston Philadelphia West Point Other ports Total this day Total this day last year 450 FREIGHTS FROM GALVESTON Special to the Gazette Guwestox Tex April 2 By steamship from Galveston Tex To Liverpool Ud Toeontinent I7 61d To New York 40o H GALVESTON COFFEE MAI1KET Special to the Gazette sflaaaieisSisdkifea s mrZSM - Fir Pr inc Co Coruol Fine Medium KJ i QUUiMfmriiiss 5lOjJ0thd ioo Merchants 514 HOUSTON STREET I37Give us rourojWior Fort Worth Packinr Co s product and build up home industries jgi QiietTlONS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION 09 Ths a v isfcl 21 GALVESTON SUG At MXKKI I Spec ai to the ea ette Gxivtstox Trt Ap il 2 tion igi s prres i rourd lots bi 1 for Liui ian Market iio tU steady it deelne or r grade- of oi r two 1 nts since- M 1 1lantation grmulat d Lou iana white Louisiana oa wlle Tinii jdloi ilar lied Choiie leloM ilirihel Pnme leilow clarUc J 01 ic lloA clanaed Ihoiie seconds Prim seconds Fair seconds Common stionds IlEItNCU Standnrd granulated Standard iiinteition rs Ni le In I c Nii e 4 Niiie Noiit None Njue None SUGARS 4 A 4 Lube- Powdered Crushi d and eutloaf W holesde grocer quotations Grades omitted not in market j higher GALVESTON WOOL M AKKK T Special to th Gazette Gaia lsTOv Tex April 2 Wool- Ma k quiet Unsioureil wool SI llIXG TWFIVE XOMHS CLIP 1 XLL iluMHs I If Finn Med um Mexican improved Mexican carpet 1S3 0 is IsftSI WfiT IKir Scoured spring twelve No 1 spring six months XX Fall No 1 s 4 all it 1 i OTHER PRODUCE AND Sr Lotus Mo April 2 IMseai ojif ned linu and f4c vestird i s il 1 advanced still furaier butea idoit iitei 1 1 riiitd casj until nn nen a snaiii ruai took place and pmes adianciil r p 1 tio ed strong aljove Mlerdai No noi 5i UltUI OP MajSl lr July Us 1 a 11 August lit 1 1 Corn Market opened ve ii hor than x t rdays last sle s aulueal u d s0n warns with niiil rultu ea 1 for t e 1 1 hour rfttr w -eh pn 1 - ajiauceil ail il - 1 firm at the highest pj nt 01 tie da No cash Mij b J Jul6le t k Oat 1 xciuulirili 1 igl r o 2 eash 5Vrs3lje Ma 50 cashed July 47SC Conn leal 2 - Whisky slt ii 51 M Proiisions airi steady but quet Pon 1 mi ss sX Lard lnme sl am Dry Mlt mrh iioxed suouluers is a long- o jij ribs s iuitl 3 s in iKT 25 Baion Boxed shoi lders jjt pjag ribs 5 373 short cltar V U Hams to lOitll 50 NlW OllLEANS cluingcil trie 10 La April 2 Market sun 1 Ciitcoo Iiu April 2 Heavy demand oi j rx h whoa mil state agairs abroad as sh i In tm Ti i f cabii trains w Inch ilanlj 1 I catc isi roas aprrchensioi iegarding supples J siiriad ng in Fngl in 1 ide it cisv to adi in p iiesin spit of theileterminileSjrt of in i heaivi1 rs topreieut it Mav 1 he it on i d hrm at 81 01 and el sid strong at 1 0 bid about eimiiioiemcnt on nee earreut at cr rcsponumgtTme icstinlij Cornvs iuii to in in in sympathy wtl wheat and gainisl Proi after a weak stirt b aced rp a 1 closed lirm at best pmes or the di while fur cign news 11 as mainl responsible for tue id lame in wheat local inliueiiee al o made 01 lIgLer priie s The state of the weather i disquieting to shorts and those of them w he traded on principle of submitting to only small los and wen- principal buii Leading futures elof ed heat April 11 Oil Majti 05 Julv 81 W i Iorn April Mav tc July 650 Mess pork May 512 72 i Jaiy 51150 scp ber 813 55 Lird May K S3 July 57 125 September 87 40 ribs May 56 071 July 6 42 Sep tember 16 72 Cash quotations- Wheat Spriag 8101S103 Corn No 2 WjC Pork 512 Lard 5f 70 Sliort ribs -Sides 55 C0O3 S3 Drj salud Shoulders aj Snort 1 Ie ir tidEs 5d 2026 25 NEV Yopi Apnl 3 Wheat Spot higher but quiet No 2 red Jl I73j Options Up and excited April 31 I6jf M vil 1 July jl 094 Corn Spof Ii giier but qni 1 No 2 -- Options Ut Imt steady April 7bt iC May 75c July 71 e Coffie Options dull and in ictiie unchanged to liie points don Salt s275J bags Miy175 August sl 55 September 51S05iil6 10 Sjiot Rio quiet and ste dy at 20c sag ir Raw tirm and quiet refined steady and fair demand Molasses Foreign steady at 50c best in hogsheads 13c New Orli ans fair demand and tirm Rio aetueand Una Kasvs Crrv Mo April 2 Wheat Market steadv No 2 red cash 7c bid Corn Stronger No 2 i ish SPeic bid Iork Boxiii 811 50 dry salt meats boxd shoulders is Us short ribs sides 53 w loni eear 5 i si short clear sides io uu break fast baion Loxid CO Lard Rtlined M Its ST ST LOUIS AVOOL MARKET Lons Mo April 2 Wool Receipts 29s53 pounls Steady and unchanged LIVESTOCK MARKETS St Loris Mo April 2 -Cattle recelp j 1200 shipments 50 Easier Good to fancy native sieers 84 33 CO fair to good natiie 4 Ooa5 00 stocker and feeders Tl 7533 M Texns and Indi ins Ji iory 2J Hogs Reieipts 4w shipments 2200 Steady Prices ranged from 51 4CK 1 UJ Sneep Rf ci ipu 20 shipments none Steady Good to choice 54 2043 75 ClIICiGO III April 2 Cattle Receipts 121KJ0 shipments 37ui Market uecidedly slow lirice s uneven Steers fcl 40JV1 03 slackers 83 23T11 2e Hogs Receipts 22 0TiO shipments 150X1 Mar t acme strong ilosing steady AJ grades 51 23 15 Sheep Receipts 5003 shipments1 ift XI ir kctslow and lower except on few prime West erns Natives 85 Wiii 7 Western S3 0023 73 New Yonn Anril 2 Beeves Receipts 600 No trane feelrg sexdj sbipments 0 dav 5fM beeves and 110 sheep sheep Receipts SyOO Steady at 55 000 10 KAsls Crrv Mo April 2 Cattle Re ceipts 20 shipments 1NY Market slov aLd steadv Steers 3 7526 03 stoekers and feeders r S 004 la Hogs Receipts 1000 shipments 2000 Iiwer All grades 53 1524 63 Sheip Rceeipts 22a Market steads ii vsiJas 100B GaLVESTOX TCX Arril CnVo rlnsril 102 steady with downward tendency 3Si Ordinary SO Ssi 1 Goo truinarj S0JS 3223 - IH 2a or you are an wok ont 1342 lag it is gcgp 1731 jcmivsJ 175 ItTrfll cure youtcV iSo wxvw vm is Seed Sti and EeU ntujiHl I sugar cacuMKT cor 13JH7 afrdMire 6051 LartJHTteo Teias m Bnc HACK JUTS wslry good tor nota ebility Try V lilTTEl S your liver and giva me Dallas Store UiijHHMtrT872 Wholesale EeUittilliTJealer Just ro ceiled 2U0bujMBcrIcanmiIlet2U00 bushel onion setts stock pens lover Bermuda and CanaiLan bin inte miio maize- tomato and inhtiiir jrlants HOLLOWAY CO Dallas Tex TEXAS dMfWHanufactursrs of 4 mics Kim m DRAnrps C Trna Citta and Cupola Blocks JITr1r nil Yal ire Cay Gooslj Dry MilleialJTEta jj ijii - a0t -- Subscribe fojUTkl Gaietu EBi I ft 9 I t I fe