OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth gazette. [volume] (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1891-1898, April 04, 1891, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071158/1891-04-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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From a parts of our county slys the
CI b IVb ite farmers report good pros
pects for the coming crop Corn Is coming
u nil - 3 stand V i i r
rs look vt i prospect for a
flr fruit crop is good e i
- and as more biron his been
untiy Uan o any previous
ir the farmers n come nearer
usual at
Ill on count
ureal The stai
er by furthan
3 - rain some
e bringing tl em
1 -- j ry I
ordinary ttvji
1 of V inty has
nrhile p ims
z mil at no
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ml tl ions of Smith
10 Mi a ia tie
ban t
s ue
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ite rain
I the
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ihle for
ling of
t among
V Smith
want i
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- of
urn i
i lias L l
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ps ei -
s crop
email un
j to a a regular
ic county
is a i fer
d f i foOthJ or
j re
Williamson county
lot acres of land
s - to i
i pro starting
Tl tra - if
i ol Florence
I facts
ir ISJ l was
at the
1 thp Decatur Post an
affords All
I Last to ek we
y of a rich load of si
it ol town t the E
is to
t the
i much
a and
laati Surely
st here d bricks
and - Ivor I rc s from
Gra in scon be the market
The R i mai
for t - -
I just
- are requ
tconvei the aite into available fuel
papers ar objecting to
ountof hi of
April 3 The coal mines of this
i - a b The cat hard y sup-
I the i he oi al is proving to be
ity Also they are tii covering a
is - tity of metal under the coal Ihe
s a im eiirht to thir
teen feet hick It is only about thirty feet
Ifit is really true that Mr
down to the coal from the top of the
ground The mines are owned by a com
pany of citcrs
Mr A Trirp and Mrs A M Grant
tor March 3B
Mr I P Coons and MLis Nannie Rich
ardson Belton April
Mr John Bel and Mrs Sailie Tucker
Sherman March 25
Mr J McDonald and Miss Hattie Walker
SI erma MYh J7
Mr J H McClure and Miss Lizzo Giles
Sherman Man b 29
Mr W S McDuffey and Mrs A C
Smith Sherman tn a 2S
Mr W il Douglass iind Miss Amanda
3 - h March 00
Mr P C Moody and Miss Laura B
Stephenson Sherman March 31
Mr James Renard and Miss Annie White
Sherm n March SO
Mr F II Beach and Miss Julia Eggles
ton Sherm in March 29
Mr M A I b ws and Miss Kate Colli
gar D il 2
Mr J G Mess role and Miss B M Ad
ams Dal a April 2
Mr J J Brewer and Mrs Willie Spratt
Mr V L Stevens and Miss Temple
eu M irchSl
Mr Tom Whitfield and Miss Cheney
Lin April 1
Mr M W Whatlej a j Miss Lula NLson
Li h 29
J J T Blizzard and Miss Kate Ends
ley Linden April 2
ekand Miss Olga Waynowski
Mr OConnor and Miss Jennie I
I ai 11 April 2
Mr Thomas I Lynch and Miss Sailie I
Mil hel New Bo iton March 80
Mr Will - By is and Miss Mollie Mer
ritt E h
Mr Frank Brame and Mis3 Jennie Vel
vin Grei lie March 81
Mr John A Uiekii and Miss Amanda
Hartley March 24
A V Llargraves and Miss Ruth
V ireb 5
Mr A Ii iskiuson and Mi s Sophie Mc-
I ear Pet t larch
-- lioh J Whitn ii lss Mary
in G ille Via - I
A A am id Miss I U Kirk
- March jr
i Miss iinnia
- d Miss Fannie Guy
i le Man I
Mr Thompson and Miss Nettie
II 1 ii - March
It F Briegs and Miss Delia
ei - ana Man h -
J K Griois and Miss Lillian
Man 29
- irs and Mi s Nannie J
icliie March aT
Mr Claud Li Miss Anaie
bachie March 29
Ii M 1 hnsona d Miss Charlotte E
new ir r
ton and Miss Annie
i March 27
Mr F A Cottle ua Miss Hiia Cross
i March 2S
Mr A O a if rd and Miss Annie M
1 Belton March 30
nd Miss F A Brum
Vpi Mr S imi el Thnmas
mar i d at
1 west of Fisher on
- b by Mr D T
April Mr James
i I 1 were aiarriod at
o oclock p in Kev Father
William Davis near Kavenna
i leburne April 2
t lis B - April 2
Mattie Jo DeL i April 2
Mr C i Ji r April 1
I Vpi il 2
Craig Dallas Aprils
i i ol
i leKoord Shi rman Anrill
Wm I v l near Paris March 7
f Uvalde M trch 29
Mr G F Sanders Blossom March 29
Mr It G Chapn n Shi rman March SL
an i March 20
Ira i den Lexington March 2il
Mr Wo - Mineola Mai cfa
Hweet and Artistic Unsie Delight the
iiv t 1 liar
Lart evening was i performance by
rated c mpany on the tour
A I aid the whole troupe of ac-
cotn ians is s i evenlj bal I
to discriminat But on
r specialty or selected lead-
oudly applauded that
ly to si e popular favor
A f eat uro of the ent nenl
encc on the stage of all of the
teept one performer or the
I i doni i in accompaniment And
mber of pieces is course
volume and harmoi j it
issofino and great that much is
ii of the remarkable
lile inrei tly perfocl or the
i still gave
lenili upon various itiier
irstrumcuts as supported by the remaining
f if he combination
Barnards for compass and
trail las rarely been excelled on this
rave some beautiful
ning was greatly enjoyed
ind it is to bo regre ted that
ild il be prol in red i -
to includ matinee and nights
ance ton
Howard Gets Judgment Against the t ty
Uthor News
In tin Forty eight judicial district erurt
yesti rdaj Stodmiu It r
T K Howard vs the City of Fort Woi
tl e jury retun t In f iv i
he plain if i the huh f
iTi1 In the eas
tents were
and the i ase I
A de - in i - expectc i to da I ly
Iu ty court in the s i v 1
Soi i vs the Texas and Paciric railway
suit for lamages for the kUlingof a cow
Ihejurj returned a verdict for the plaintiff
sum ofjO In the case of Luln Lee
vs Jesse Reeves the jury found a verdict in
hi of jili in favor of the defendant
The suit of Joseph Passmare vs the Fort
tmd Kio Grande to recover damages
fi i the killing of a horse is ou UiaL
Fort Worth Liberal and Free Thought
The Liberal and Free Thought union of
Foi t V or b 9 il h reaiter meet in Kniphts
Of Labor hall it ijiri street every Sun-
ng at 1030 oclock Seas papers
Blicaiions free Gentlemen rue in-
to brin th wives and daughters to
thical reunion of Texas Liberals By
request of the so i ty
IIarkis Pi csident
L S Lee Secretary
Corrected daily by J P Nias
A 7 m
A in
A n
A j in
At t p
At Seiucr Wells
13 Clear
GO dear
G tliear
M Clear
ic Clear
Washixgtox April 4 1 a Forecast
till S p m For Elasterc Texas fair north
erly winds alight change in temperature
Fair on Sunday
mineral 2jgMKBmrwTdTT a
JjaigBsTOuuiy Texas
b Works Seltse
HTATI OXII 1 MTCC ex -treasurer reative to cancelled scrip and
b t A ri L Y o 1 1 L L IN Loc bods weT
The Strikers Awaiting
Burial cf the Dead
The Calm Rcfore the Stnrm DUapreiring
Over the Hills In Small Groups
UreutlihiK leviltry The Mill-
tiu ou thu fijeene
opiressed Excitement
Mt PiFASiNT Pi April 3 The uncer
aiity and fear last night has proven an
uvful strain on both strikers and citizens
NV sioedr was done in the entire reion
but crowds paraded the streets or gathered
in knots at corners or disappeared in
bunches over the lurk hills leaving a
doubt as to their destination and iuteLtiors
The foreigners were quiet but always in
crowds urd the n - ry its out
ireak from thousands which thee
egiment o Id m ell was onij
ad first streaks of early dawn
ofarten deaths iave occurred and sev
eng lothi rs are iu a critical condition The
cnerals of the victims will take place eng
rd y Pet r Wise master workman
ol Koft Saxs says ai the entire coke
ry wili turn and that atjeT thai time
must 1 says that
the burial of the n A wiJ furnish
for he activity of the living A prominent
leader of the Slav element slated this moru
in that the majority uf the crowd out yes
tei lay morning was there under protest
and that American English and Irish lead
ers went to the Standard works and forced
the Slav workmen to Join them under
threats of punishment
The Inquest on tb bodies of the men
killed at Morewood which was postponed
last night was resumed this morning
Neither the sheriff nor the coke companies
were represented while the labor leaders
were pres nt in full force
Albert Haliey swore that the only shoot
Ing he beard came from the guards on the
Morewood property He was 123 yards
from where - shooting occurred
ylor watchman testified to
hearing two or three pistol shots before the
regular firintr of the guards This witness
was the first to reach the spot after the
ing aud tells a graphic story of the
fin 111 j of
cither on the bridge or in the ditches
while the wounded hobbled away Cross
estions broughl oul the tact that the wit
ness was a deputy and carried a revolver
though he did not knew whether all the
carried revolvers or not This
i oubl created as to whether the pistol shots
were fired tirst by guards or strikers was
to eived with i beers by the crowd
The most of the testimony taken this
morning was favorable to the strikers
with the exception of Dr Plotner who
Sed that the companys sate Mad been
Ir n down So far none of the deputies
orunyof the Prick companys employes
t ave been on the stand At tinrn the
i est adjourned until this afternoon
After that hearing viU be continued at
ireensburg on Monday
Notwithstanding the prevailing quiet
vise oh s siy that the trouble i3 not
ended It Is the calm before the storm
The leaders are fighing for position and
power Men are fighting to maintain tnem
in their pi litionsand forwhat hey i i
is principle The leaders of the district
arc ail busy at tba Inquest to day They
and tboir attorney Jure ts Beacon are
watching the proceedings with Increasing
vigor ihy believe they see in the tao
tics of the rv lecuting deputies and man
agers great coup iiotit and will pursue this
policy to the eud
am afraid there will be hell to-morrow
said Peter Wise You dont know
1 iv terribly these men feel this tbinir
They are now beyond control We repudiate
any responsibility for the future action of
the strikers If a man goes down a
Btreel with a uniform on all sorts of ept
I lets are thrown out to tiitn and he i3 chal
lenged to fight on almost every street cor
ner The feeling against the militia is very
strong The strikers imagine they are to
1 ame for yesterdays shooting and they
are only wailing aa opportunity to shoot
tiem down
A On the Ground
Mocst Pleasant Pa April 8 Quiet
reigns throughout the coke regions this
morning No outbreak has occurred since
tne fata raid yesterday morning and
while the situation is still grave the pres
ence of the militia has had a reassuring
effect upon the tropic The regiment is
n rv on the ground and is fully equipped
aud prepared for action
A Grand Success The Coming Mat Test
A rdeetiug Sunday
Como hall was emwded las nitrht with
merry dancers who had gathered to enjoy
themselves a few hours in a rational
manner The music was excellent
and the Como s added another success to
the lens list already achieved During an
Intermission those present unanimously
voted congratulations to the club for the
gratifying success achieved thus far in
to the coming Mai Fest It was
announced that at the meeting to be held
on Sun lay April 5 the May Queen would
bt named and other Important matters
relative to the celebration would beat
tended to
At a meeting of the board of directors of
the lhamber of Commerce held yesiunlay a
communication from J J Gannon chair
man of executive committee on
Mai Fest was read inviting the
Chamber of Commerce to take
part in the trades display The invitation
was accepted and the matter was placed
in the hands of the advertising
mmittee with power to act
The trades display promises to be tne
est affair of the kind ever seea i i
am It will craw thousands of people
tc r ort v ortn
AnOldanJ Ilsteemod Cititpn of Texar
k Convicted of
S ci the tiajfctto
1 exakkasa Tex April 8 O P Tay
lor whose conviction on a charge or embez
tiement was noted about ten days ufo was
to day refused a new trial in the district
court at Ball this county and sen
tenced to the penitentiary for five
years The case will be taken
t the supreme court Taylor is more than
nty years of age is an old time resident
and has raised a large family here all of
whom are hiiily respected and have always
moved in tile best social circles He
has been for years engaged in
the real estate business and proba
bly did the largest business in
that line of any man here Ha was also for
years and is now United States commis
sioner and notary public His conviction
was a shock to the community as
everyone thought there was noth
ing in the case asrainst him which
was prosecuted by a former client who al
leged that Taylor had embezzled two thou
snnd dollars of her money which Taylor
el urns were legitimate charges of fees and
Watr Consumers
Your ie araisjP
at the office of the JK
street opp ya00Gi t paid
ten fhyjjPIRent will be added
sdflE h n twenty days supply
vvJVtlon and 1 charged estra for
IHTiigTn again
Arkansas Legislature
LtTTLE Rock Ark April 3 In the
house the senate bills preventing non-resident
peace officers or detectives from oper
ating in the state and to authorize state
bunoholders to effect a settlement with the
At oclock out of respoet to the memory
of Gen Albert Pike the house adjourned
Itesldeoc llurned
Special to tse Gazette
Palestine Tex April R Th residereo
of Kichard Ciark proprieor of Clarks
bottling works was destroyed by Are this
morning Loss tsCO insurance S450 in
the Commercial Union insurance csmpauy
of London
A Fatal Accident at Beaumont Smallpox
Spedal to the Gazette
Bcacmont Tex April 3 Ore Rich
Smith a carpenter while repairing a wood
eiern here to day met with an accident
which proved fatal to night While jacking
ip a cistern it became overbalanced and
ell on him crushins him frightfully from
he effects of which he died He leaves a
large family
A case of smallpox developed at Concord
1 sna ill satiuu near here The case has
jeeu isolated
W H Pace closes his school of elocution
or he season but wLi reopen it Le t bit fall
The Misletoe club gave an enjoyable h p
at the Chamber of Commerce last idrb
Y fessor Aults orchestra furnished the
At the regular meeting of Lone R ar
camp Woo linen of the World held Thurs
day evening hlteen new members were Ini
Revival services are being held at 10
oi lo 1 a m and S oclock p m at the
Broadway Presbyterian church All are
L C Bishop who lives on Park avenue
ort Worth has a hen that laid an egg
Thursday weighing six ounces nine inches
oblong measure and six and one half around
The board of directors of the Chamber of
Commerce yesterday sent a telegram to
resident Harrison cordially invitingbim to
Fort Worth as their guesl on his
Mr of Texas No answer had been iv
a ed up to midnight but one U expected
lo day
The United Spiritualists will hold their
services at the opera house which has
been kindly tendered them by Mr Phil
Green wall at 8 oclock Sunday afternoon
Only a slight alteration will be made in
he programme of last Sunday All are
cordially invited to attend
1 here will be communion services at the
Cumberland Presbyterian church to-morrow
Being the tirst Sunday in the sec
ond quarter it is the regular time and the
Mssn is anxious forevery member to be
present The subject of the sermon will be
Iivlnir in the SpiriL Reception of mem
bers before the sacrament All who wish
to unite with the church should be resent
To morrow bein what is called in the
ecclesiastical calender the octave of
ICaster the Faster musical programme
will be repeated at St Andrews church
corner of Fifth and Husk Holy communion
will also be administered at the II oclock
j and the iiiemb rs who last Sunday
cn account of the overfilled church or for
ny other reason failed to make their com
raunion will have this opportunity
ttev G S Luke is holding a series of
meetings this week at the- United Brethren
church on Jones street between First and
Second streets with good results Some
lave come to the aitar of prayer and pro-
sed conversion The meetings will con
tinue over Sabbath Services for the Sab
lath will be as follows Preachine at 11
oclock Sabbath school from 3 to 4 preacb
i ig at S oclock in the evening Ail aro in
lileci to attend these meetings
There will be a very interesting Jubilee
praise service to night at the tabernacle
A song and testimony service has been ar
ranged especially for ail converts The
embers olthe church are especially re
quested to be present and all are cordially
iivited to attend Harry Stone will eon
duct a short testimony meeting Short
talks by lr Culnoa Dr Tinnon Warren
Collins and others An address to young
converts will bo giveu relative to church
duties and privileges Mr and Mrs J E
C uniminsrs have kindly consented to take
charge of the music and will rentier some
very songs Let ail eome who can
and all rn uibers of the church are urged to
be present
Hotel Men
Good stone hotL 39 bedmelns with of
fice diningroom ad JflPeu on ground
Boor centrally loamsrin Weatherford
Will rent very cbJHT furnished or un
f mushed AppiyJRtwnce to Jasper N
jappw rt
Telephone E UKglBio If you
V -
- UljiMiHHPnr
qui il cbaiijAUfpMHrrTrru M
kJidaTor its return to tijujl
onlenMJflHRobe delivered anywhere
iLsa m a
S M Delano of Chicago is in the city
L G Conn of Aransas Harbor is at the
J W Johnson of Peoria I1L Is at the
Miss Laura Howard of Alton 111 is visit
ing in the city
E F Jaioniek of Wichita Palls well
known in l orl Worth spent yesterday in
the city
Frank Davis of Cleburne who for several
years lived in Fort Worth spout yesterday
ii the city
Hon A K Swan representative of the
Henrietta district was in Fort Worth with
hs family yesterday
F K Cherault a prominent banker of
Ft- Scott Kan who was one of the
original owners of Sylvania is in the city
Mrs a A Lawrence and Miss Carrie
Eusti are two ladies from London Kug
lund visiting Fort Worth and Texas They
ao at the Pickwick hotel
W H Holsclaw of Louisville Ky has
been in Texas several days and spjnt last
nght in Fort Worth He is the designer of
the plows made by ihe B F Avery plow
company and came to Texas to see exactly
what was needed in the way of improve
ments to cultivate Texas soil iu the Pan
A McetinR tn the Sixth Last Night The
Fifth Ward Meeting To MBht
An enthusiastic meeting of the Demo
crats of the Sixth ward took place last
u glit Dr A P Brown presiding Citv
Attorney Powell C L Terrell and
others delivered addresses which were well
nccivej The Si ih will roll up its old
time Democratic majority
To night there will be a grand Demo
cratic rally in the Fifth ward at the new fire
nens halL and all are invited to be present
The speakers selected are William Barr
James S Davis Tom Whie Ben M Terrell
and T J Powell The Democrats of the Fifth
ward are working like trojans to poll a full
vote and give the straight Democratic
ticket a good majority from treasurer to
New Orleans Race
Krw Okleass La April 3 First race
fi re furlongs Miss Francis won Siberia
second Lord Tom Himyar third Time
1 0uV
Second race five furlongs Tramp won
Baramboure second Surprise third Time
Third race six furlongs Charles Reed
won Redstone second Atlanta third Ti
Fourth race seven furlongs Miss Leon
won Whittier second Fred Fink third
T me 1 29
Th Tlty Fnrlicer Vntle Appointive
Power to Issue Waterworks Isouds
A City Court Outer finmi
yesterday everiinT a telegram was
from Austin to the effect that Gov
ernor Hogg had signed the biii which gave
Furt Worth a new charter
lews was well received by all who
aeird it settling as it dues the
Dtiildlng of a tire city hall first class
waterworks and other improvements The
3il contained an emerge cy clause and was
ji full force and effect when the gov
ernor put his name to It Ihe
Hsssage of the new charter
takes the election of an engineer
out f p ieo ana makes that omcer ap
loiuuve While there was no doubt about
the election of Mr H H Kerr the
Democratic nominee there will now be
ao election for that office but the
express will of the people which foud
rt le hri u 1 he D mocratic convention
v ai ried mt and Mr Kerr will be
upp i el The ro i iaus of the now
charter of greatest merest are as published
e v
That section 5 of said charter should
hereafter read as follows
Sec 5 Other officers The other officers
of said cot poration shall be a treasurer an
assessor ana collector a secretary a city
attorney a city engineer a city judge a
marshal and such other officers and agents
as the city council may from time to time
That section 6 of said charter shall here
after read as follows
Sec ii Officers how chosen The mayor
aldermen and all of the officers mem
in the last preceding section except th
city judge and the city engineer shall be
el etc by the qualified voters of said city
as hereinafter provided and shall hold their
respective offices tor two years an un
the election and qualification of their suc
That section 7 of said charter shall here
after read as follows
See 7 The city council shall at their
first regular meeting In April after the an
nual election in the year 1891 and every
two years thereafter elect a city Judge and
city engineer who shall hold their offices
lor two years and until their successors
re i i cted and qualified Shjulii said city
i ouncil fail to elect said city judge and city
i i leerat their lirst regular meeting iii
Anl then thoj shall do so at their next
regular meeting
Sec r7a Waterworks bonds The city
lOJiici snail have the power to is- le bonds
lo o - known a the fort Worth waterworks
bonds to the extent of 1000000 im hiding
the bonds heree fore issued by the Fori
Worth waterworks company the payment
cf which has heretofore been assumed
by the city and the 100000 of bonds her -tore
issued by the city for waterworks
purposes und to provide for the payment
c f the interest aud sinking funds of the
bonds to be hereafter issued under the pro
visions of this section by pledging the
credit of the city and the income and prop
erty of the waterworks plant and the elec
tric light plant now owned by the city
rovided that the bonds mentioned in this
section shall not lie construed or cou
sidered In determining whether at
any time the amount of bonds
Us d by the city is in exee s of the
lmit of 0 er cent of the value of tfce prop
erty within the city subject to ad valorem
ti us provided uy section Si ol this char
ter Any moneys realized from the sae
of bonds under this section shall be
I rated and used only for the improvement
and extension of the waterworks p ant
and electric light plant owned bj the city
i ud the retirement or taking up cf any of
the waterworks bonds mentioned in this
Sec c7b May issue negotiable paper
The city council may by a vote of not less
than two thirds of all aldermen elected
authorize the issuance of the citys ne
gotiable promissory notes for any of the
1 urposes named in the first clause of
this section whore the same may be
i eeded for current expenses in
any sum or sums the council
may direct to be signed by the
mayor and city secretary aud attested by
til city seal bearing interest at any rate
t oi to exceed jier cent per annum pay
able at any time not exceeding live years
from aud after their date but the amount
of smh notes so issued and outstanding
s h ill vot at an v time exceed the amount ot
w the Euj11rih Conservatives arre Mak
ing use of the Difference Uenvcen
the I inteil States uud Italy
Copyrighted by Associated Press 1S91
Lokdox April 3 Current opiriou here
is settling more steadily against the action
Of Marquis Di Rudini iu trying to force the
hand of Blaine in the matter of the lynch
ing of the Italians in New Orleans To
morrow the leading high class weeklies de
vote considerable attention to an analysis
of the position aud generally discuss the
affair from the standpoint of the United
States constitution The Spectator holds
that serious thinking Americans will ad
mit the imperfection of the consti
tution and that tney are bound
to remedy the defect all the more
because there is small chance of their being
compelled to remedy it Touching tin
war talk the Spectator ridicules the nation
of Italys declaring war against ouu of the
greatest powers In the world a
pjvrer capable within six months
of buying and building a fleet that
Mould block every port in Italy
American ingenuity would be so stimulaod
to outdo itself that it would turn nry
steamer that could Boat into an improvised
The Conservative press apply the diffi
culty to illustrate the evil that would result
fiom the concession of home
rule to Ireland and the comparisou
will have undoubted potency iu
the electoral platforms If authority should
be granted to Ireland it is argued how could
the irish be compelled except forcibly to
observe foreign and imperial obugatous
The Conservatives fling about with de
lighted surprise these new reasons against
home rule
A report prevailed in the pcliti al clubs
to night that Lord Salisbury on investiga
tion of Marquis Di Rudini would offer to
mediate for the adjustment of the differ
ence between Itaiy and the United States
A high foreign official when ask d
to state the views of the government said
that the question had not yet been dis
cussed He admitted that a communication
hid been sent to Sir Julian Pauacefoe to
report on the question aud especially as
aifeeting the protection of British subjects
German semi official capers have been au
thorized to night to deny the report of the
tiansfer of Russian trojps to the Galician
fiontier and to minimize the importance of
the czars decorating President Carnot
Nevertheless the uneasiness In official cir
cles here remains the same The
government is reported to be in possession
o information received through the St
Petersburg embassy of an informal de
fensive and oaiensive alliance between Rus
sia and France including stipulations that
France will support Russia In her plans
attains t India
Bow the People Can Sara S33 on a First-
Class Sewing Machine
A sewing machine is a househo
sity and when a first class
ii all respects to otherdH i an
bought for one haifcBJSdieV it is the
p irt of v iidsjajsjpaconoiry to save the
sisaai i
Ladies who wlsQ to
lass high arm No 4 sewing ma-
an see srch a macaine at 1 he -
E rTK business oftice and they can buv such
a machine for only 123 if they subscribe to
tle weekly daily or Sutiuay Gazettb
Tut u AAiUi invites the ladka ts Mitt
Ar best months It wUcb to pnryy your
i During the Ions i oid winter the I
becomes tiiin and Impure the bdy becomi s
weak and tired the apretite may be lost and
lust now the y sti m r es thi aid ot a reliable
msvllrfne hie Uood s sarsjpra
Now is tbe titce vrhen you should cive floods
SarsaparUiaa fair trial That scrofulous t at
Aiith been In your blood fur years may be
Jiorousrhly eAPelieu by giving Hoods Sursa
arii a tair trial It n ly Is wonderful tiood
juriiiur and building ap ueu ine
As a beadliiT in ad this has
jo thi ruLshy itlentiaeu b i u
itlli that while other copyist advertisi
i eavi r to appropriate it it always suj
i - favorite spring medicine Htj
The UntvebsaIj praise given Hoods
iiartua m those wno hare taurn ii -to
t in convince rou that It i st
MitrtlT Wmn and the set that Hoods srn
I parllia actually accomplishes what is i 1
for it is what has nude It the medicine Urn in
I e conSdence of our countrymen and given to
Hoods vrsa a ill a popularity ana sait sioatcr
I - that of aay other blood puriaer
A pril
Hoods Sftrsaparlla 9 peculiarly atfiirteJto
tlit needs of the bedy durfcg these mouuis It
1 ugMy pcrlflea and vitalizes -
j good appetite cures biliousness and
rwe3 health action to lh
- Liver aud imparu streuifh lo Uie whole
Lie and
Lean n hl
These are iLe months in every year when
ihoustinds of old friends resorl to a regular
coarse of Hoods iprIJ The fact that
3o ls Sarsaprilla once rrly tried b
ihe favorite spring medicine speiks volumes
lor its excellence andmedicinaJ teriL
lntbfe months this year th Lsands of rrv
ke Hoods Sarsaparilla and real
ize its benefits in olood puritiea and si
1 1 - red VVUl you be oi - -
i darsaparilla costs but little -
Investment yields proh table return Just
ir it
leMine In
lit tisaHETv
lo JWF
iLDKiNL it acts especially and iawniu 2
i poii tin oloud oviTcuim H piiy3tai liuv
i nd creates a guod Lipuctiie
S old dy aii druirists Jl sx for IS rrpprrd
cnlyiy T I HOOD i CO Apothecaries Low
id Masa
H W Pettibonu St Louts W A Threl
b eld Granbury Tei Sam Morris G -
ille Tex H O Clarke Denrer Col W H
11 sclaw 11 B lately Isrn Ky
Jaioniek Hartwell Jaioniek iciita Fall
t J iiee Culvert C ieeueii Lxi
tieree J L Martin Coioruuo rex J r
iiiiiis Sweetwater Tex DA Nance T
Cirunam Albany Tex W E Crissey New
Vork W P Wagner yuuuuh Tex C L
Ware Henrietta G A Nelson Terrell Tpx
W T Jones New Orleans J L Harris
Texas Fred A Baggs New iorkUi
A Bowerr Chicago II M Hendeison
Abilene WB siussou NeWBiruungiau
J Irs A A Laivrenee Lonouu Kiij
l aiTie Bu h London Etsr S H Mayes
IVyor crock I T S M Salisbury Onmha
reu P k Malloy Chicago J T Wallace
St Louis V O Hamilton Comancbe Jesse
Hvans Kansas Citv J K Uitner St Louis
ED Farmer Texas T M Hunt Dullus
John M Giles Memphis C L VowelL Sbei
niuu T J Phelps Kounoke Vu L V
Smith Nev York E S Routree Texas V
1 Berry and family Brooks ton W Keith
Nashville Terry Pearce El Paso C L
Kitchie Texas L II Owen Sun Francisco
A U Wernse St Louis
Rice Maxev Kopperl S W Titus and
fuiiil Texas E T ONeil Wellington
Frank Davis Cleburne B DCorder Lam
puus C I Dickinson James S Fahey
Texas Tom White New Orleans La H P
dams Cleburne E li Chenault Fort
Scott Kan WT Royster Wuio Thomas
Jefferson Pinkey Cincinnati uhio
I ugun Waco C Bradshaw Terrell il ii
Larcisa and wife Seymour J H Johnson
Jr Miss Kit Hutisell Wichita Fulls Mrs S
1 Wiley Grunbury Miss Laura Howard
Alton Ill H li Johnson Galveston
H J Jos New York E R Jennings St
iouis Mls Ella Shepherd Dallas J F
Stearncs Wichita Fulls Jumes Buird
Dallas E V Spencer Fort Worth aud
Denver K Polly Chicago A K Swan aud
family Henrietta J W Gates New Or
leans W A Threlkeld and friend Dublin
1 J Calkius Wichita Falls A Alpuents
J ew York J H liouker Kansas F Wallls
Moberly Mo William Snedden Ellsworth
Kan tl F Rediield Galveston J Lipuiaun
Marie Barnard Thomas Ryan Istdor
S hiiiUler S W Jennison Paul Henneberg
Paul Jeunison MeudeUhons quintette
c mpany Boston Ma A Russell St
Louis j D Adnesun Gainesville Tex J H
Lynch Seymour Tex Loui3 H Fibei New
York A Ilendec Columbus Ohio J H
Trerevunt Tex A A Spencer Texarkana M
Guiman Waco S M Delane Chicago
A E Lewis Texas Arthur Hirsch New
- r tr c T 1
I jpiy
zora JSi ria Ji - wa a uiccu I
New York F Weinhagen San Antonio fm
S G Conn AJ ansas naiDor urs lcvim
Kansas City E J Hawkins Denver 1 W
Jhnson Peoria HI C K Wolfe et
Vork A Ward St Joseph Mo Miss Ida
Eemley South Carolina J A Van Etten
Little Rock Wirt Siter New York Alex
B Lewis Chicago P H Carson St Louis
J A Cook Greenville Tex John T Morris
Fulton Ky D B Walravens Georgia P H
Wood Mt Pleasant Mrs Frank Burner
Chicago K W Wushburn Springfield Mo
JC Schroeder Chicago Will Beckwith
Danville Ill J S Mulone New York W D
Liwson W J Jones Seduiia Mo Alfred
Aesheidmer New York A L Bennett St
Plttbnrg Watching Her Italian
PiTTSiiutto Pa April 3 Whatever
tiuth there may be in the reports from New
C istle and Wheeling as to an attack on
Pittsburg in case of trouble between
tt is country and Italy one thing is cer
tiin for the past week an unusual
n imber of Italians have been arriving in
is city daily and to day a squadron of iOO
yju was unusually numerous The police
di iKirtinent has been quietly at work and
his secured a list of several hundred Italian
boarding houses and dally invoices of
strangers are under strict supervision
Killed Hla Mother and Then Himself
BtooMiNOTOs Ind April 3 This after
noon Ward Demare a young man about
fventy five years of aire murdered his
a jili r and then laded himself It is sup-
lEL y
I was all run down and lost my appettta and
raa losing flesh rapidly when a friend dvlsed
to take Hi da Sarsaparilla It war- -
re timed -d I
Stockton Cal
LsL y
I tiavcsurtrr d for someyi wttli lions
neck A I la t
if -- 1 everj
I now my gi - - tiea at
1 bi 1 il lo oc ilc best 1 luisi
Aurd K AUjil C OiKjwa
Last si rii 1 was lout
Uy strength left me and I fell si k ano miex
kble all the time u l louIo hardly attei J
o bus ss I to n one bottle u Hoods
5a parilla and It cured - bing
Lke it H C Bi SOLC
Editor Enterprise Belleville M ch
Early last sp I vtu eery m icl run dow a
bad a i vous hea laclie - r - ad all
ibt I was ver5 by
irilla and recommend it u my friei ds1
dRS J Taylob llWKuclld avenue I
iu I rhio
N Be sure to get Hooda Sarsaparilla
stem was i
VaL tlMI
GcoiitiK Bhju Ohio
I wish to enroll my nai
derived heal tli
t - 5
the earl1 - I
i s dulliii - ui t taste
morning rec Fes this
HcodV Saraparilii purifi d myvlood nive la te my head m he m I makes ft-
in- strengths and overcame the headache and atlj r fffcfif
i rs so that 1 am able to work again I this spring Ave been ivorth a dollar a 1
ii mend Hood Sarsaprtllu otJ ers I a all mj frii uus Lo - J
hose blood s tliin or and who feel 63 street Town ol Lake Lhlcaj
xoru out or run dortu LUTHER Masi n
Lowell Mas 1 Xioeds rsapLiriUa Is peculiar to uJ
v i il
Siold by all druggists II eLi for fa TrepsreJ
calybyCI HOOD i CO Apothecaries Low-
ill Mass
arc nsc i in its p1
more tkaiftkree timc3
Cocoa misci
or bugMAni
econoiAc c
a cup
as flail us fi
yc vo2i00tB
ilcTtCrjaLjPrWvT n
ILsWaMrT 1 JutU 1 j
and MM
M2nifcturn ot the Celebrated Fori
Wonh Well iruj Machinery
iLrcliitectural Iron ffcrk a Specialty
W BakerCoS
m i
Ii 3MM
W trom ThiElbo excess ol
W i i M oil has bfclomV i is
eaiaati Gll it 8
m Glrini
y ure
ition It has
Ike sirenjh of
ith Starch Arrowroot
therefore far more
ig less than one cent
icious nourishing
adapted for invalids
persons in health
Sol by rocors everywhere
W BAKER CO Dorchester Mass
P HAiffES jftoal SfWfSC
1 cac d givaJflEup ui St or s or n ftiticlaa
rood wicaoutHi fcnowtocp of tba tT it
lKlvl 1 W1 i NVB PAILS
ipWaftJWgri Sfifilcfrtc ttotir euffe rrfcom their
OfrTljgHfr 1 rqtopt -- ifc - dnnkinz cf
0t HBfg TMiiyT g Bock o P iiculi ifN
yorl Worth Tpxm
Omn a
Fortune Has
cc rccooc ccxooeccco
One Was
Never Lost By It
p sed that while hLi mother was sleeping
tlie son in a fit of insanity out her throat
aid then used the ruor on his own

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