OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth gazette. [volume] (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1891-1898, April 13, 1891, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071158/1891-04-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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luT7rTrrgyri wrmerBif7ttrrrjtpritffiFTi
t3 JP cfa dz Jsa u tSa lSj ria Sa xffi tea ca rcc 2a 5 dit tsU v- tut csztZ ttsff EftrfJ cSi Vis Six Va tStasa
We guarantee to save vou from 30 to 40 per cent on all your purchases
mn sum n a nmnTniuTn nmnnn iuttt tittth unnnunTi
lib liiiu DAbniribinb riiibUD wiui mm vmm
Efcjwa trf7 fx2a
fTKl HP T381 HPTT i
fe tccza sy cy crf BUSS faa Giiisa Easaa j
HHUJUiii Ill
limilH III
the Public of Fort Worth and the West
Wo sluill keep up and make the Bankrupt Dry Goods Store successor to the B C Evans Dry Goods Co the
in the West by keeping all the latest fabrics and styles of every kind of Dress Goods Shoes Clothing Carpets
lloiise Furnishing Goods from the Cheapest to the Finest quality
10000 Spools Clarks O N T Thread 3 3000 Spools Corticelli Silk Thread at 5
j lor iu uems diuck ana mi numoers cents a spool regular price everywnere iuc
Successors to the B C Evans Dry Goods Company at their old stand 1st Houston and Main Streets
V will sell you for 1 Casli 2 worth of goods Why -will be the general cry Because we buy bankrupt stock
iff sale for one half of New York cost for cask We have just bought the entire stock of the B C Evans Dry
i - Company
- I - C rpcts House Furnishing Goods etc at 50 cents on the dollar of Xew York cost In addition to the above we have just bought at aoerif sale a
60000 Bankrupt Stock for 27490
r v a n Cooti oouht in Xew York two months ago This will complete the B C Evans Co stock in every department this will make a full assorted stock We therefore can
- f ib o -- rum Jisplav of ciilln ry at half price all new and stylish goods 10000 yards of Ulciiiied Dume ic -ft Hm urd it only 5 cents a yard ivorta 1Y2 cents a
iariit ni A Kiel vd at a sai ritice We dunt uk vou to believe what lie say in this paper bat we do ask you to tonviocc vouraeU and price our goods
fflEbfl ESrfS
6 -Ml
The Bankrupt Dry Goods Stores of Dallas are well known all over Texas We keep the best goods for the least
We have 7 stores 175 feet front on Elm street and by our immense purchases we can sell you the goods for less
t her merchants pay for them
W e will keep a iirst class stock of Dry Goods Clothing Shoes and Carpets from the cheapest to the best at the Fort
n Bankrupt Drv Goods Store and our low prices will meet everybodys pocketbook We can suit the poor the middle
and the rich We will give you always the best goods for the least money Remember SI saved is 82 made at the
t H a ft
Successors to the B C Evans Drv Goods Company at their old stand
First Houston and Main Streets Fort Worth Texas
Remember Our Doors Are NowOpen and Beady for Business
triPilm t
The English Government Con
sidering the Sale of Egypt
The Suppression of the Indian Opium Traffic
Greatly Dismays the Government
Tlie will Korover Their Solvency
by a Irivatc Fortune A Swintlliu
CoiuuiNbioner The Kaibtrs Con
dolence German Secrecy
The Esytlan Ouestion
Special to the Gazette
Lovdox April 12 A C Morton mem
ber of parliament for Peterborough in
tends this week to ask the question which
the speaker prevented him from putting
just previous to the recess as to thj con
nection between the Newfoundland fishery
tuflirulty and the Euglish occupation of
Egypt The idea of any relationship be
tween tht two matters may seem a far
f eu lied one but there is uudoubtedly a
widespread notion atnonsr members widen
the government will find it hard work to
diop That fisheries question is simply
a pawn on the peueral uiplomatie chess
board They think that were relations be
tween England and France more cor lial on
othei points lYami would at once assent
to bui mg out of Englands treaty riirhts
but that the French government is giving
Britons in X wfoundland a quid pro quo for
what they have done in regard to other ques
tions concerning which the interests orthe
two countries have clashed It is this idea
which is at the bottom of the exasperation
which the Newfoundlanders display and
although Morton is not likely to get any
answer to his question which will disturb
their minds on this jwiut it is advisable
that this aspect of the matter should be
brought to the notice of the house of com
mons Meanwhile there are solid
grounds for believing that the whole
question is causing the gavest anx
iety at the British foreign oraee At
present the government is far from seeing
its way out of the uifliculty
Great dissatisfaction is being expressed
by the London dock laborers at the fre
quent changes which are being introduced
into the administration of the docks An
other alteration in classification of the ycr
manent and preference men having bcn
made to day the men at most of the docks
are anxious lor an extension of the co
operative method of work whien is prov
ing so successful at the Albert and Victoria
docks Some men yesterday made one shil
ling an hour and they feel that
they can hardly have as free a hand in this
direction if the companies are to virtualy
select the gangs But a more pressing
grievance is that with the increasing
power of the foremen and officials the men
have to stand aside who made themseh es
prominent as members of theunionand it is
with extreme difficulty that the officials of
the union are preventingfthe men from taking
precipitate action with a view of righting
themselves If the s stem of the dock ad
ministration were less complex and the
directors knew their own minds there
would be very little trouble at the docks
The British government is greatly dis
mayed at the decision of the house of com
mons against the opium traffic as it does
not know how to replace the 4000W0
that the abolition of the traffic will cost
The opponents of the traffic intend to cele
brate their victory shortly by a banquet
and will insist on the obedience by the
government to the mandate of parliament
has left the bulk of his fortune at the dis
posal of the Baring company until that com
pany recovers from its present difficulties
a Swiss who was a commissioner from the
state of Nevada in America to the Paris
exposition has been found guilty of swind
ling at Zurich Switzerland and sentenced
to eighteen months imprisonrrfent
has sent his personal condolence to the
family of the late Count of Moran the son
by a morganatic marriage of the Austrian
Arch Duke Johann The count was a per
sonal favorite of both the ernperers of Aus
tria and Germany
has assumed such a formidable character
that it is very doubtful whether the build
ing for the Bohemian national exhibition
will be ready at the appointed time
has been issued throughout the German
army that no news shall bo given to the
press without the consent of the command
ing officer This is owing to the publicity
given to the arrests in the army in connec
tion with the socialistic propaganda
Over Seven Thousand Acres of Land in
Controversy In the District Court of
Denton County Uollad Massacre
Special to the Gazette
Dextox Tex April 12 District court
adjourned here last night after a seven
weeks term The last case tried was one
braneli of the case of V C Wallace vs E
S Day and Mrs S A Needham et al The
case involves the title of over 7000 acres of
land iu this and counties in the state pat
ented to the heirs of William Wallace who
fell at the massacre at Goliad in March
1S30 The cascwas tried as between W G
Wallace plaintiff of Tyler county Texas
and Mrs S A Necdham defendant of San
AntonioTexthey representing two distinct
Wallace families The case was not tried
as to E S Day who occupies the land in
this county holding under a tax title Most
of the week was taken up in hear
ing the testimony as to heirship
and resulted in a victory for
the plaintiff W C Wallace who claims
to be the heir of William Wallace from
Georgia Mrs Needham claiming under a
Wallace from Virginia The case was
vigorously contested on both sides the
plaintiff being represented by J R Zeigle
and H C Ferguson of this city and Col
W S Simpkins of Dallas and the defend
ants by B L Aycock of San Antonio and
Owsley Walker of this city George W
Burkett of Palestine now owns the interest
of the plaintiff Among the witnesses in
attendance were John C Duval of Austin
said to be the only surviving member of
the famous command who escaped the
massacre at Goliad and Big Foot Wallace
also famous as a frontiersman in Texas
Col Duval testified for the plaintiff and
Big Foot Wallace for the defendant
G W Tuck who was convicted for the
murder of Thomas Benton and given eight
years in the penitentiary did not appeal
his case but was sentenced yesterday- by
the court and said that he had nothing to
say except bid adieu to his friends for eight
years which he did in an affecting manner
The case of Bob Stevens who was con
victed for five years for arson took an ap
Hon A- C Owsley the member of the
legislature from this county who was in
attendance at court last week returned to
Austin Friday night
Shocked by TrollyTVlrcs
Special to the Gate
Waco Tex April 12 Foreman McCar
thur of the trolly wire construction crew of
the Citizens street railway was badly hurt
yesterday by receiving 500 volts ot elec
tricity while stretching a trolly wire for
lsfefe -
the new electric luie lie is not fatal
hurt but received a severe shock and his
hands are badly burned
A 3Icetinc of the Bar Heciuoiteil to Kx
lrrim Opinion Itills TIimI Lp
Senator Carter was in the city yester
day aud when asked about legislation at
Austin said
1 amended a bill in the senate wfich
passed that body Saturday night provid
ing that Tarrant eouuty appeals should go
to Galveston instead of Tyler I did this
because it was so inconvenient to reach
Tyler and because the docket at Galves
ton is no more crow Jed than that at T lor
The bill can be so perfected that all
peals for the next sixty days cm be made
returnable to Tyler and tried in October
so we will lose no time by the transfer
There is a proiosed constitutional amend
ment that will be submitted to the people
concentratng the supreme court work at
Austin and if it is adopted all appeals
will be tried there 1 have no doubt
about the adoption of this constitutional
amendment I would like to have the Fort
Worth bar act on this matter this morning
and wire me their concurrence or
non concurrence in the proposed change
Mr Carter said he hid also introduced
a bill giving each of our district courts one
more term of court and if the legislature
did not adjourn too soon he would pass it
He thinks his girls industrial school bill
will pass if it era reach consideration in
the house His bill to authorize suits to
recover school land on which interest has
not been paid is hunt up and he fears
will not be passed There is much im
portant legislation which will not go
through on aivutnt of lack of time
Senator Caiter says there is great ur
gency for adjournment and he thinks the
legislature will adjourn on Wednesday
Mr Carter returned to Austin last night
The International aitroul liiTcitigutioii
will Cot S3000 Oiily SIKlOO Ier
Auniitii to the Tnntl Orhcc
Special to the Gazette
Acstix Tex April 12 The conference
committee on the appropriation bill has
been hard at work all of to day tryinsr to
reconcile the differences between the two
houses The committee has found it more
difficult and tedious than was anticipated
It is now doubtful if the committee com
pletes its work to night although there is
an evident determination to sit until the
end is reached The committee has out
down the senate allowance for increased
clerk hire in tho general land office from
10200 to idKJ i year It also
allows i000 for the purchase of a
quarantine outfit at Sabine Pass The
salaries of office assistants in the office of
the attorney general was fixed at islM each
and iWO were allowed to defray the
expense of the Intel national and
Great Northern investigation It seems
impossible to night that atlnal ad
journment can be reached to-morrow-Great
as is the desire to hasten the
end and forestaU the inevitable rush of
wildcat legislation at the close of the ses
sion it is hardly probable that it cau be
reached before Tueday
A Mass aieetinc Callrd t Vernon to Take
Steps to Secure u llaptUt
Special to the Gazette
Vekxox Tex April 12 The following
circular has been issued by a Joint commit
tee of the Vernon churches Board of Trade
and citizens
To the Uaptiit Churches Boards ot Trade and
Citizens ot Northwest Texas
On January 19 lbJl representatives from
Montague Ked Fork and Greer county asso
ciations met at Bowie to consider the ques
tion of establishing a Baptist college for
Northwest Texas These representatives
called a general mass meeting to assem
ble at Vernon April 2S at s oclock p in
The associations whose churches were
specially invited to participate are as fol
lows Denton county Wise county Shiloh
Jacksboro Montague Greer county and
Ked Fork The Boards of Trade and all
other interested citizens within the above
described territory were also invited to be
We a joint committee representing the
church the Board of Trade and the citizens
of Vernon take this method of again ten
dering to you our hospitality and of urging
your attendance
Tho benefits of the proposed college will
not be confined to the place that shall be so
happy as to secure its location Its light
and glory will be coextensive with our vast
territory It behooves us therefore to
come together forgetting all rival claims
and uniting in a common effort to plant a
school that shall stand as a light giving
monument to coming ages In this spirit
we invite you Our hospitality shall be un
stinted Do not be afraid of crowding us
Wo want a large gathering Come by
dozens scores and hundreds Let every
city village and neighborhood send a strong
The Fort Worth and Denver railroad
will give a rate of four cents per mile for
the round trip Those who contemplate
attending are requested to send their
names or the number that will come
from each locality to ttev Bennett
Hatcher We can thereby make better
provisions for your entertainment Respect
fully S P HCFK
11 S Kellt
H B Galt
- G A
1J T Sitteklet
rhil Murray Struck by a Train An In
sane Man
Special to the Gazette
Dallas Tex April 12 This morning
between three and four oclock Philip
Murray a laborer engaged with the Elm
street cable road construction gang met
with a serious accident that will confine
him to the hospital for some time He was
walking over a short bridge on the Gulf
Colorado and Santa Fe railway track in the
eastern part of the city when he was
knocked off by a passing train He w re
moved to the hospital when it was found
that one of his hips was dislocated He
was also considerably bruised about the
face To day he is resting easily
J W Piper a farmer about 33 years of
age was taken up last night by the police
The mans mind is badly deranged and it is
reported that ho was at one time confined
in the asylum for lunacy but was pro
nounced cured and discharged
Baron Fara Must Think Americans Are
Made of Green Cheese
New York April 12 In response to a re
quest for his autograph before ho sailed
Baron Fava sent the following card to a re
porter I am satisfied to express my
sympathy with the United States
Sisned BakoxFava
Reports from Seventy - Five
Counties in Grain Belt
Ranging from One Quarter to 1n T uri
Per Cent Panhandle Development
Crop Almoit Iliiformly Itcported j ha
iu a lIouriihln Cunilltioii Hit lei
sou Lute hut the Grain Are
All tho Finer
Tnn Gazette this mornine pr
readers with a carefully ioiup
port embracing iiinety si por
Texas grain belt and covering t id
Out of the seventy live couite
reiwi a decivase in acrojj tf
fourteen counties two report r i
acreage in two crops viz H i
Hunt counties a decrease in w li -
Cooke Ellis limpjsas Martmi t
Soucrvell counties report it
wbrat acreage iannin court r
decrease in coin i i
Menard Panola Shelby and Scl n
ties report a decrease in r
Those decreases in acreage rtt -
to CO per cent and average wo
Out of the seventy live count
port the same acreage as lat y ci
more crops Of these eight i uu a-
report the same acreage in two n
Dallas county in wheat and 1 s
county in com and oats Of L i t
counties reporting the same n
land and Henderson count - i
same wheat acreage Harri w
same corn acreage and lolmsi i 1 u r
and Titus counties - i -
Out of the i
four reiwrt an acrcuo f i
Seventy -two report an increaseu a
of corn and sixty three n por
creased acreage of oats Then n - i
range al the Way from 4 t uh K
cent and show a total iiicreiseu o
owr last year in the state i
corn aud oats of between 75 and 10
Hall county in which no wh a
raised last year this year ruscd 10 J
Out of the seventy five counties t nv
three in giving the conditio of i n
make complaints of late seann v
weather or poor stand of corn These cc i
plaints in nearly every case are ot a bu -ward
season and the crops though ate
are doing well
The other fifty two counties report trup
conditions good or fine
Cotton plauticg is well under wav
Was linmx April Acreage of wheat m
Armstrong county compared with last ye r
Shows increase i00u acres aereaire of
compared with last year shows in n ase t
1000 acres acreage of oats compared iiiU
last year shows increase of 2000 acres u r -age
of barley- compared with hut yiar
siiows increase of UX acres All kmus of
crops looking extremely well
Palestine April 10 No wheat m
Anderson county acreage of corn
compared with last year shows n
creaso of 10 per cent or i Wl acre-
acreage of oats compared with last yt ir
shows increase of Ier cent Cotton ai re
ace will be greatly increased this year
Crops were planted a litt e later this ccr
than last on account oi ncavy rains
are good
Ancnnn April 5 Acreage of wheat in A
cher county compared with last year shows
increase of 50 per cent acreage or corn
compared with last year shows increase oC
aa per cent acreage of oats compared wh
Isst year shows increase of M per ecu
acreage of barley compared with last ye r
shows increase of 20 per cent Condition
of crops good wheat looks fine oats are
medium corn is not up
City April Acreage of
wheat n Blanco county compared with a t
year shows increase of 2 per cent acre
age of corn compared with last year shows
increase of 10 er cent acreage oroas
compared with last year shows increase of
10 per cent Craps not doing well two
dry season very late northers still fre
Browxwood April f Acreage of win at
in Brown county compared with last y
shows decrease of ii er cent acreage uf
com compared with last year shows in
crease of 15 percent acreago of oats com
pared with last year shows increase of 40
per cent Condition of crop never better
everything in fine condition There will be
a large increase of acreage of cotton tins
Setmoci April 5 Acreage of wheat
in Baylor county compared with last year
shows an increase ofi25pcr cent acreage
of corn compared with last year shows an
increase of 20 per cent acreage
of oats compared with last year shows in
crease of 20 per cent Tne crops never
looked better and a very large yield is an
Salado April 3 Acreage of wheat In Betl
county compared with last year shows in
crease of 10 per cent acreage of corn com
pared with last year shows iuerease of
per cent acreago of oats compared with
last year shows increase of 25 per cenf
Condition of crops good except corn is i
little yellow on account of the late cold
Valley Mills April D Acreage of
wheat in this part of county compared with
last year shows decrease of 25 per cent
acreage of corn compared with last year
snows increase ol 10 per cent acreage or
oats compared with last year ts about the
same acreage of barley compared with last
year is about the same Prospects are very
fine Land in good fix and tho farmers in
good condition
Meridian April 5 Acreage of wheat in
this part of county shows decrease of 20
percent acreage of oats compared with
last year shows increase of 10 per cent
cotton compared with last year shows in
crease of 15 per cent Condition of crops
very good and farmers in fine spirits
Rcsk April 5 Acreage of wheat in
Cherokee county compared with last year
shows very little planted Acreage of corn
compared with last year shows an increase
of IS per cent Acreage of oats compared
with last year shows an increase of 5 per
cent Condition of crops backward
De Leox April 5 Acreage of wheat in
Comanche county compared with last year
shows increase of 50 per cent acreage of
corn compared with last year shows in
crease of 40 per cent acreage of oats com
pared with last year shows increase of 50
per cent Crops are all in fine shape Cot
ton acreage will be very large
Qceex Citt April C There is no grain
growing in this vicinity- for market Cot
ton is all that is raised for market
liiNDnx April 5S Acreage of corn com
pared with last year shows same as last
year acreage of oats compared with last
year sbovrs same as last year Crops ara

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