OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth gazette. [volume] (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1891-1898, June 01, 1891, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071158/1891-06-01/ed-1/seq-5/

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Ccpnes of Sadness and Suffer
ng Among Them Cause
tcil on the Frontier Ketw ecn
ni l cpoi
tml Ocrnuny Owing to
l jn Severity A ler
leiiiic Irolileiu
tiic United Press
i Trouble is reported on
ljubsu and Germany
mi ilio part of Russian
Id corn being much
> ennans living near the
11 in tlie habit of crossing
niantities that go free of
i On several ocea
n officers have stopped
s vd on searching them
such bitter fe hng
v t trafllc has almost
i iiecs among tne Jewish
i hive made the deepest
iiu i anil dono much to
lidnst the metliods of
i Tor the time all
i bicivs secii to be for
r their sufferings the
i the exiles calling for
u tlieir lives Jt ap
> nist miserable mob of
he frontier of
K isian side tbov
surrounded and
i f Cossacks who
< re of everything of
M men and iiisut the
i i uiupelli d to cam for
vus saiil 1 tiT their
> iu hied 1o pln itc
tne Jews hastiiv
me that remained mid
Iossaek ininniander
it ir was all they hail he
l go over to < ieroiany in
neither lroJ nor
ung the pocr wictches
1 night waiting for
I ngthree women were
nm was a mother
iifcnt crawled vainly
win Jhe survivors
i it with them as b st
rfnd dead The Oermju
intry had been pre
ii but all was changed
i il conditio The
ud and cverv sun or
i ii iwnR up thcirdwel
inlirin It is iit
1 refuses shall remain
2 r than human con
i eiSities drmands
here is strong and
n them sfttliusr in
i rtl tint the problem
in will be solved in a
i mute Ihii ititrest
1 v JV ftltl
v 1 e t
Commission M < r
c tsc r SuillljOjl
> Ti May T 1891
11 < ouuty have ne or
for an abundant
ii plentyreiiieth everv
i the city uf Palo Pinto
i iiral Wells fourteen
c Vour oi1h toi
i eU s id Miuie
O eeScs
v1 q r J
ivugeii tlrt kiitnegs
thing a few days ago about stnallpos at that
place He seems to take it to heart because
we called it chickenpox Ho said your cor
respondent here was a guard for the town
of Palo Pinto and was armed with a shot
gun Our commissioners court was in ses
sion a few days last week and the Mineral
AVells correspondent Dr C 15 Haines Jr
was here He was armed heavily not with
shotguns or pistols but every packet he had
was lull of accounts against Palo Pinto
county who seemed to have been charitable
enough to make an order caring for that
case of varioloid at Mineral Wells It cost
the tax payers of Palo Pinto county S0O to
look alter the rick people at Mineral Wells
The doctors over there came in armed
with an account for i2 O Think of it ye
readers of Tin G alette a ci y of SOO liv
ing souls increasing at the rate of 200
per month asking a couny in which said
city is located to pa their bills for medi
cine and attention to one case of smallpox
Our honorable court paid the bills after so
liciting a little butoneof thecommissioners
said that his town wanted the next case
of smallpox if it paid that way We look
for calls from eveiv town in the county for
a case of smalpox If The Gazette
knows of a stra case around Palo Pinto
w ill take it in for onehalf the fees charged
by Mineral Wells provided the county will
pay us i00 to look after it What say
btravvu Gordon Santo and Brazos about
taking a case Thecountyis rich and can
pay the bills Thero is fl OOO to jlj000 in
the trea urv Your correspondent was in
Mineral V ells a few days ago and found
Tiik G vzetti correspondent there moving
in the direction of incorporating that tovu
My prayers are with the village tun ing
what they are alter incorporation for
that may put them where they will have to
care for their sick people and foot the bills
out of the corporation treasury and relieo
the county from such burdens May the
I itd b < > with them in their incorporation
Palo Pinto county is liref1 of the bills
To Dispel Colds
d lVvers t SJfeanjg lie
xrhiaTSiijKdoti ii
tm us NvTiip of lV
Hotels a fty3o2rdir Hitis
Special mdutPineng
On taiforma < > n8jL goods
I the case or dwen
vTt 41ivii
Groces and Produce toiiimlBsion Mer
tll < s
Tor c ry iloilar vQvve 00NftGiL7clv
in sul > 4rri > ttoii toJ jfllftTcfj edition uu x
tra cuj > fn iHiioT r will bo eut Xu ujij
luWjypP foMgitated ouliitle the state or
plii cojues for one jear will bo ient outriide
tlio Stlltt
Crowing Crops llruton into tlie Kartli
Vu lietl Awaj In KniterxiKiaiiaai
1 nuel > upentleil
Sieial totlofio < t3
K vnis Citi Mo May SI A heavy hail
and rain stcim passed to the north and
west of this city this afternoon at >
oclock doing great damage to the growing
gram lleports from several places in the
eastern part of Kansas show that the hail
beat down the standing wheat and cut off
the heads to such an extent that thousand
of dollars worth of damage will accrue to
tile farmers Tlie hail was accompanied
by a rain which almost amounted to n
waterspout and washed out many county
bridges Ml the streams in the eastern
part ot Kansas and tlay countv Mo are
swollen out ot their banks and roads aie
Subscribe for Ug 3St 3 u 3lTIGi ousy
l 00 U t
jgif i lis v i jTi
A Hptluction or Tfctnporarj Suspension oT
Duties The Cznr Aware of the
Treatment or the Hebrews
Copyrighted by tcoAssocfated Prcs
Berlix May 80 The Emperor William
before deciding on a reduction or tempo
rary suspension of the duties on grain has
asked Dr Von Boettescher secretary of
the imperial home office to submit a report
on crop prospects and upon the general
economic position bearing on the question
The ministerial counci w ill meet tomor
roiv to take doliuite action touching the
matter The ministers maintain the ut
mot re = er e but it is the ofticial convic
tion that there will be neither a reduction
nor a suspension of duties before the com
mercial treaty between Germany and Aus
troHungary comes into force
The Cologne Gaietto states that the gov
ernment will declare its decision Monday
Jxibby go sip has it that the landtag will
flx the ojieiiiiig of the special session of the
reichstag for iune ll but the report is in
direct variance with the belief in ministe
rial circles
The commission appointed by the govern
ment to consider the matter of grain sup
plies has not yet completed its inquiry
though a preliminary report has been sup
plied by 1 to the ministers in order to as
sist them in their deliberations Only the
most urgent necessity will cause a division
of the reichstaer The discussion of the grain
tariff would open the whole quest ion pending
the negotiations for a treaty of commerce
with Austria anil would force the gnem
inent to reveal disclosures which might as
sist Prince Bininvk in terming an opjiosi
t on coalition which he is now aethelj at
workoflnstrur ting
Jim Bleichrodter a wellknow a banker
jrftfid rrederiehsruhe Thursday to consult
Prince Bisinari regardingtUe action of the
The Proggressist press announced that
Prince BKmaivk will appear in the reich
stag and op oso reduction of the giain tar
iffs and preiiits thai the prince will cer
tainly meet with humiliating defeat as he
ilcsevcs A scored members will sup
port hin In the absence of accurate infor
mation as to how the prince would deal w lttl
a no siole s ran famine the prediction is fu
The Consonnthes admit that a temporary
reduction of tariffs may bo advisable
The situation maj b summed up as fol
lows Iftho masters declare a semifamine
is impending no party will daio to oppose
measures of relief
The post semiofiicially announces that
the Marquis Di Iiudini tho Italian premier
has formally communicated to lh < Dresden
and Austrian government the determina
tion of Italy to adliTC to tho dreibund
Kl siV AMI Tnf4E
The public indignation against Russia be
cause of thai governments treatment of the
lews is beconiina more intense Residents
of this city have ocular evidence of the con
dition of the Hebrews who are being driven
l rem Russia in the hundreds ot exiles who
arrive daily at Challotteubrjj station in ab
solute destitution These exiles are met at
the station by coreligionists who supply
them with food and clothing money and
procure for them passes toljondon orXew
York The letter from Gladstone reprinted
hen affirming that the ciir does not know
of the horrors inlliefcd upon Ins Jewish sub
jects differ utterl > from the facts It
ought to be universally known that the lep
resentations of Mendelsohn Bieichrodcrs
and the Frankfort Rothschilds were sent
through a sure channel and were placed hi
the hands of the czar and obtained reading
A month ago a statement was presented to
M De Pobbedonoslzeff chief of
the holy s nod of Russia simply
asking that means be adopted
for mitigation for the lot or the exjielled
Hebrews and a similar memorial was pre
sented to De Giers Russsian minister of
foreign affairs but they were unavailing
The truth is tho czar is himself
Tne tniEF ixstioatoi
of the increasing severities practiced upon
the Jews His majestys brother Grand
Duke Sergius who is now governor of
Moscow is the ruling instrument for the
carrying out of the brutal treatment of the
Jews Jewish advices from St Peters
burg and Moscow concur in the statement
that the most powerful influences have
been broucht to bear upon the czar but that
the condition of the Jews is hopeless
A meeting of the National Liberal to be
held tomorrow for the purpose of attempt
ing to prepare a new programme threatens
to result in a split The party organs in
discussing the political situation differ
widely a3 to thejplatform to be adopted
Tlie National Zeitung declares the party
cannot follow Prince Bismarck unless he
renounces his opposition to the governor
The Liberal Correspoiidenz the mouth
piece of the leading members of the party
admits the meeting tomorrow will proba
bly not result in anything beyond an ex
change of ideas and that no common plat
form in the meantime will ue possible
The Saale Zeituug states that Count Von
Moltke just prior to his death concluded au
exhaustive study of European armaments
ending with the asssertion that France was
ready for war and Russia nearly so and
that the great conflict could not be delajed
beyond ls92 Count Von Moltke submitted
his views to the emperor during his last
We want your gro
jrVatXKn Dixoee
Want money
Want a cook
Want a partner
Want a situation
Want a servant girl
Want to sell a farm
Want to sell a house
Want to soil plants or gram
Want to sell groceries drugs
Want to sell household goods
Want to make any farm loans
Want to sell or trade for anythiii
Want to lind eustouirs for anything
Subscribe for the Weekly
sing obtains new customers
idvertising keeps old customeis
Advertising liberallj alwavs pav
Advertising make sucvess ea
Advertising makes con lid < mcc
Ail vert wing show s cnerrv
Adertising shous pluiL
Advertising means hi
Advertise immediate
Advertise constanth
Advertise regularlv
Advertise always
Advertist well
In u General Il lil letweeu 3levi < nw a
White Cl l U Cut on thf Arm
Sp rial to the Gazette
Puw Tc Mav l JuanMorale am1
Pedio Mequite two Mexicans with Chi
Lumr a Chinaman live in au od shanty
together The Mexicans quarreled over the
possession of a pwtol beloujicg to the
Chinaman this evening and Juan attacked
Pedro with a knife making linn give up the
pistol and was trying to stab him when a
white girl whom Pedro claims cs his wife
caught him A general scufile ensued in
which the girl was stabbed through th
arm makintr a rent about ight inches long
lioth Mexicans were airested but the
womattswears she was cut accidentally
Commence tr
June 1 f
Americans Well Protected The Rebels
Victorious In Nearly livery IJattie
and Bid Fnir to be Conquerors
Following are extracts from a letter from
Frauk H McFarland attache of the United
States consulate at Valparaiso Chili to his
father in the United States and is of inter
est as coming from a disinterested source
TAUrvnuAXO Abril T 1S91
Dr James V McFarland lleeville Tenn
I arrived here last night from an extended
trip throughoutjthe frontiers of Chili and
the Argentine Republic
I left Valparaiso eight w eeks ago and
since that time I have traveled over the
major portion of Chili and a part of Argen
Tlie best part of Chili that is the agricult
ural portion of the country lies in a valley j
that extends south from Santiago de Chili
nearly tne entire length of the republic
with an average width ot about fifteen
miles this valley is very fertile and
grows j
nearly everything r
There are no reins in this section of the
eountrj except during the winter months of
June and July co sequcntlv everything is
grown by irrigation Tne water is brought
down from the monutaius in trenches and
the farmer Uses the water at his pleasure
upon the growing crops Tlie sjstem is
nearly perfect in some cases tlie water is
brought a distance of one hundred miles or
1 have seen some very pietty farms or
haciendas in Chili some of them hi a
verv high state of cultivation
The larnw as a rule are divided into
squu siIds of about ten acres each sur
rounded b the customary ditches for irri
gatuig purposes ard here hedges of Lom
bards jioplir and oucolyptus trees Taese
serve several purposes for fences and
tade and kc p tho moisture in the
lieldsaso being trees ot very rapid growth
lire wood and timber is furnished Outside
lences are high adobe walls
Agricultural machinery is just eomiiif
into use in Chili on a small scale hcrcto
lore all kinds of fa ii work being done by
hand in the old st vie and even more than
twothirds ol the wheat raised in Chili is
cut and thiashcd by hand
Draught work is ilore with oxens verv
few horses and mules are used The crops
are put in and harvested with oxeiw m the
same stvle and by the s jne methods as
were in use 100ear co
The Southern pai t of Chili reminds m >
very much of Oregon the climate and
crops arc muih the same as in that slate
however here it rains a srreat dcas and is
cold in winter
In this sci lion of tlie co ctr a great deal
of wheat is grown bii the wheat is of a
poor qualily the guin is vcri haul and
tough with a tnick husk so that it is poor
for milling innposes and brings a low price
in the European makets Jhe yield is
from lifteen to fort v btwhels to the acre
i southein Chili there aio some trees and
lorests A few smillsawuiils arc scattered
ever the country but the timber is of au
inferior qualiti
Lauor is very cheap in Chili from 10 to
10 cents per daj in paper money The la
borer in Chili are peon the poorer
class ot the native These i > coiis are little
better than slaves and are rcated as slaves
Tliev can live on almost nothing It costs
abo t 0 cens a day to feed a peon For
breaVfiwt Tiov eatarina iparched wheat
ground at neon beans no meat nothing
but boiled beans and at night arna
Beans are the frutadel pais fruit of the
country There are people in Chili who
have never eaten anything in their lifetime
but beans and arina
Tlie purpose c my visit to the interior
was to gt away from the revolution in th
hope that it would be over bv this time but
on m return I found it at its highest and
is uo telling when it will end I have
Your Chance to Earn a Handsome Prize
As nuTq be preferred For the third largest list it wiii give
Fort Worth Texas
not been able to learn what has taken place
during the war as all loiumuiucatioii
throughout the republic has been shut off
So far the rebels have teen victorious in
nearly every battle and there is but very
little doubl as to their being conquerors in
he end lil tiiecountry north i f Valparaiso
has been taken and is nov m tlir
the opjKisition Manv tlinusiii mm have
been killed and millions ui dollars vinrtli of
property destroyed
Kvery man and bov that is able to carry a
gun have been forced into the aimy and in
the interior of the country there w not a
man to be seen all are in the army The
women have been left to harvest to crop
and a great many of them nave gone cray
thruuch fear that the men vrdl be killed
Over 40HO itrn have lven kiIcd and over
Si iOOUOuO of piopert v hw h i desfoved
The government party has about iliOUO
men in its army with btt little money and
no credit while the opposition party is
composed of the wealthiest men of the
country who have more money and better
credit than has the government The ppo
sirion has about MOO men including the
Chili wil1 not get over the effects of this
rebellion for the next twenty years Should
the present rebellion terminate as have
other rebellions in Chili such an ending
would be tiie greatest calamity that could
overtake any country Chili will then b
destitute of men to tarry on the industries
of the country and nearly depopulated
This trouble in Chili has < ompleteiy upset
all my arrangements and 1 do not know
what my future movements will be other
than that 1 shall take passage tomorrow on
the Tnitcd btates ship IJaltiinoi e for Val
paraiso whet el shall remain until some
thing turn s up or favorable oppoitunity of
Special Brews
BEER ICE Vault No 326
P S Onld for REKIt ami ICE in cat iads or less quantity prompt I v attended j
fers to get out of the cum ry As it now s
no one w allowed to leave
iould tlicc any lighting going on
the places where I mav be 1 sha as I
pave doneeel protection under Iicst s
and strii s j e United States has fo
menofwar in Chiian waters for the pi u
hands o tclion of citizens who may be n this cou i
try and when there is any danger I sha
go aboard a manofwar where 1 vil < s
perfectly safe and free from all danger
I cannot say whm shall return to ino
Cuited States but I hoa to be a home
next vear Is1
FniNK If M Fvttt ixi >
Care United States Consulate v apar asO
Hi i ill iiMJ J Mii fim riiiY i on a weaa
stor >
ISuttcr the fin
at Tinner i Din
Jimtry and creamery
Ion the People C < n Save Sir on a rIr C
dabs > cviin Machine
A sewing machine is a household nec
sit j and when a ii I lJJBilHK 1
in all respectsli MBrTnachines can
libers paving or one week in advance at TEN CENTS A WEEK
CoxDiTiONS These subscribers must be residents of Fort Worth who were not on our lists May 30 They must subscribe some
time during the month of June and pav The Mail ten cents in advance for one weeks subscription The subscription price of the
Daily Mail will be reduced Monday June 1st to TEX CENTS A WEEK The Daily Mail will then be the prettiest paper in the
Southwest the cheapest paper in the Southwest the newsiest afternoon paper in the Southwest It now prints the daily telegraphic
reports of the Associated Press the Southern Afternoon Press the Texas Afternoon Press and a large special telegraphic report
K = ppa BE
You are not in it We will see you on September 1st when Avith a daily circulation of 7000 we will quote you au advertising rate
advanced 75 per cent In the meantime we can mike money by steering clear of contracts You are always welcome of course at
The Mail office but really we would rather tell you a fish story than quote you a rate We are too busy just now attending to the
subscribers to give attention to the advertising department One hundred new subscribers obtained Saturday afternoon at TEN
CENTS A WEEK shows that The Mail has struck a popular chord in being the first paper in the Southwest to reduce to
9 < a
boug rf iu > hair the nionev ir w i
part of wisdom and economy to save Tlie
iseless expenditure I adies who vvi h o
buj a lirstclass higharm No 4 sewms ma
chine can see such a machine at Thi I i
rrri business oflice and they can buy sm i
a machine for only J21 if they subscribe u
the weekly daily or Sunday llitn
Tne Gazette invites tho ladies to caL
5 I

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