F m t i 4 i J i wi v LAW NATURAL FRUiT FLAVORS Vanilla Lemon Orange Almond Rose etcv Of perfect purity Of groat strength Economy In their use Flavor as delicately and dellciously as the fresh fruit unr s G mmn ii < > i rni niuri i1 ip northern district t f T x ia al Dallas n said Sh day of July 1 > said juilije of tlm United States ti > c nirt rendurtd l is tl cNion on said ji4 > i tini for the vrit of habeas mrpus t i lid a > iii itiin and lciyi k the < i > for in said pi titionand that said r > icd u > said judgment and de > in said application lor the writ of 1 iimm orpus and entired an appeal from si il idirtii < at and decision a hho vn by 1 wiiiih as signed and allowed by the t < if said I niUd Statis district i j snil apjieal being entered in j iiin willi clause 1 of section 7CZI of i isd Statutes of the United States ml lion Ttti of the Revised Statutes I uiJcd States which areis follows s in lot clause 1 lYoni tho t i i ision of ns court jus udire iufciior to the cir it upon aiij application for the hihcas corpus or upo such writ ud an apiual may ie t iken to tho in for the district in which the i urd iu the taso of any persoi al ii estruiui J of Ills liberty in vio i he < istitution or of any la o i I n tiii Siites ii < iifl ieidii tiie procui dings i in the iuses mentioned in the i liiiir xectioiis id until nal Hi ii illV in and after liual < udginent iic any piooeilin r auainst tho i in iiisonid md confined i re os liberty in any state court Ur Hi authorii of any mutter so heard and deter > i iii ittwess of ueinjr heard and de i nder such writ of uliabeas ior dc iiiid null and avoid And ad aduionitiou is furnished ui oflifiol lurticw and iruidinco IJvios J TilIINM i Ulaor J W Davis i II Kinks r erk of ihe district i i i I ntyd States fur the Northern l o o hciibj certify that the is facls stated and set forth in the iirejjiiiii preccp and notice of I iiijrs and apixal inhabeu corpus i W IVirii in relation to tlie piis < > ntinr decision and app 1 iil applicition f r habeas corpus ure i ci iirc i as is manifest from the i aid pioceisliiifr in this court iiiiss m hand and the seal of tho i nut of the United States for the ni i district of Texas at Dallas this u f lulv A D 101 al J II Fixk ilcrkof the District Court if the I nitid States for the Northern Distict of Teias IVr Cms II Jiiu im Deputy Till lHlUTOIfS STOKV Iliry Tell llir Cuiim ot Davis Ilea Ii Con Kistion of tin Itraln I ii V Toan who was with Davis at the i me of Ins death was seen He said 1 ia is never entirely recovered from tho T f the epileptic lit of three four days aaro His syinp iins iicau to ret unfavorable i Tuesday anil yesterday at about 11 c lo 1 1 comnnnced to pet rap ily v > and died at 715 p ill in lip < rcinin or congested con it iion of the brain For three days previous to ttie epileptic fit Davis was af f siss with an intense and uncontrollable i r srliiiir one of tho first symptoms of at approac nsr epileptic lit Ihe solo uiw of his sickness and attack of epilepsy as the mental strain caused by tho antici l > j on of ln approaching ecution lir Diiriiit er was seen and said J was col d in about tweny minutes before cath look plaiv and found Mr Davis in a t m as condition He was dtimr lit tha i ii He had eteessivoly hisrh fever his i mivra mv being 10 > disrrees His symp liidiated cerebral hyperemia from v huh he undoubtedly died Tin stoky of Tin rituiB TiliJ 1 W llavis whs to havo Iiecu llun on August HI The follow ir from Tin Gazcttk of duly i isso the story of why theseaflold va watiinr for the victim of which it has beu denmed by Ansel Azrael 1 ho mi i woeful oci urreme ever cliront i d in the ciy of Fort Worth is that which t k p m at 10 yesterday afternoon in t 11 If i Uvans lost his lif and a whole p wi plunpptl in jrnef The blow stuus i t > irc s men stand aghast with horror if and iae while the poor heartbi ken > w weeps and tl e fatherless flildrcn cu tur aboit the sacred dust of tho oaco i Mfi jiuvnt Hotter bad Fort Worth been < i it ishcs than that It C Uaus should I ive iioi i nbbed of life the way he was it Worth would liava risen from her unit beautiful than rver but the j s mi iff of the rood man the loyaiciti 11 tle tond husband and father tiie fjreat ii ishan and the promoter o public affairs i no l iindono > ii jeterday ivciiiiyr J W Davis t ui iJllisl I C U ins Hundreds w uo woiv within a few blocks of the B C 1 is < mpany = establishment on Main s i ct heard the sharp rmfr of a i > istol U 1 tiie times with remarkale rejru 1 rv and from the intoral betweci the s > t h apparent gr at deliberation iu standiMt a block awa could sec t o smoke fiom the pttrl curling Out tim jrh the eitrance to he carpet < artinen of the house and carried away b the pulf b < ze At the lirst shothun Oxds sarteil to the idaee and when the las slii nid bicii tired and Urns was put ting the pistol in the inside breast jioeket of Ins coat scorco of men were at tht store iiarshal Fannc was there and at onco iotk the pistol from Iiv5s and took him in cus od Charles I White an em ploye of the company ran to Mr Eans m ho lay on the tloorof the littlo ofticc in the carpet room his head and shoulders project ing under ho baizo curtain and partially luted htm up Physicians wert summoned a oi but iiothinp could be done and in ten minutes the soul of B C Kvans was with the Creator A scene of wild contus ion was witnessed both in t o house and on the streets As f on the wings of the elec tiic current the news had flown down the itieets Iic Hvans is dead E C Kvans has been murdered I flew from lip to lip and passed from house to house MEX PIIE AND EJCITEn came mcuicg from tvery direction tha laborer tho mechanic the banker the lawyer the merchant the clerlr pressed forward to the iioint where the mortal re wiains of B C Evans lay The clerks in tho house cainc from every point and floor and from every counter and gathered about the remains The doors were closed hastily to keep out the crowd and hide from those without the body of the dead and the weep j4S SpIoyes Yes many wept as there was cause for the best friend many a man and woman in that house had would never again speak a kind word or lend a helping hand HliEAKIXO TIIE SEWS to the widow was a heartrenuinp task Two lady relatives went at once to the family residence on Lamar street and told the wife with chokinpr sobs that Mr Evans was badly hurt Then Mr Whit Dryden a brother of Mrs Kvans came and told her that the injuries were severe that the doctors had little hope that Dr Burts said there was no hope And then came friends bearing the corpse of him who had been so much to her and who but a few hours before had kissed her and his children goodbye stopping at the thres hold to take little Ethel his twoandone halfyear old baby girl in his arms and em braced her for the last time on earth They bore the form into the parlor and laid it gently down and even then the widow could not believe him dead and the agonize children called for him and to him In another home friends came nnd told a stately old lady of sixtyfive that her son was in jail and why hu had been placed there That boy was her all he was he son and she wept for him He had supported her and had been kin in her old ago and she grieved he woulu have given her own life to have undone that days work but too late and thoinexor > lc laws of time and God went on with their work THE FACTS Of TIIE CASE As far as careful and rigid investigation could arrive at e facts tliey are these Six years ago J W Davis entered the em ploy of B C Ettiis Previous to that time he had b n wth the jt Louis dry gooc company He was a trusted em ploye of Mr Evans who had been very kind and lenient to h t on many occasions When sick the employer had cone to se him and saw that he warted for nothinsr Davis was addicted to drink ing anu Mr Evans had repeatedly spoken to him about the > vil effects of the habit and its damage to his busine prospects Davis was in the clothing department and some time ago his drinking continu ing Mr Evans placed James Johnson in charge of tho department making him su perior in rak to Davis and at he same time reducing his salary Yesterday morn ing Dai scatnoto the store ad it is said had lieen drinking Mr Evans had a convcrsa ion with him in the morning and told Da vis ho could stand his drinking no Ii ager ho must stop drinking or quit his em ploy he must begin new Monday or get an other nlacc Ab at noor Dais went tj A 1 Aiiuerson sand bougtn i caibtr ioi savin he wanted it to kill dogs He re turned tothc storeandit is in evidence that ho abused Mr Evans to tho other clerks and made threats against hs life About > t e conduct of t vis and tho threats made induced IJobert S m didge one of the clerks to co t Mr Hollin sworth the treasurer of the comparv a 1 ell hm that Mi Evans si uld be warned Not believing that Davis i tended harm but feeling that if Mr Evans were told f Davis acti its the threats of Davis would be executed noth ing was said to nim and he was utterly un conscious of his danger Mr Fleming who a in the store about akiu ui Mr Evans noticed Davis wakng up md down the c rpe room while he wa there but thought noth ng of it He lett about itr and Mr Evans seated himselr in a cliau at tho desk in the office and picking up vcstenliy s GAZLfTi began to read it Mr i D ITtlbngsworth who was in the back part of the carpet room wit High Ellison saw Davis walking down the store to wh re Mr Evans was si ited He turned his head f ir a second when he heard a shot He faced about aud saw Mr Evius hold tp the paper with both hands and heard hin say Dont iijvis dont He saw Dims lire asrain and Mr Evans fell fro a the chair forwtd on his face Davis continuing to lire into the boiH of tile prostrate man Charles I White tho man who went in the store just after tho last shot was fired says he aud Marshal Farmer entered about the same time Farmer went to Davis who ras stauiing aboht the middle of the room took the Tiistol from him and ar rested him White ran to Mr Ev ans and lifted him up t1 > dying man gaed into his face and a juish of blood issued from his mouth He gasped and sad Oh my Clod Again he aped aud the blood flowed from bis mouth a second time I afeeble voice he said My Hod and his eyes closed and his head dropped Mr White says When I got to Mr Evans he still had Tnn Gazette in his Lands his right hand emtched the fifth pa his left rested on the editorial page In falling a bunch of keys dropped from his right pocket I gently took tho paper from his hands and as 1 did so the blood gurgled from his throat onto my hands I sent for blankets and wo placed his head on them as a pillow I then went for Justice Kewwlds aud he came and viewed the remains aud took testimony as to the cause of death When Marshal Farmer said to Davis We had better get to the jail Dans re marked Imust get my hat and not find ing it he picked up a straw hat and told a clerk to charge it to him it wasnt his but to charge it Anivin at the jail his shoes were taken off and h was iveu a pair of slippers he ipctnoved his coat vest and hat aud was placed 41 a celL If you are troi Disorder or Live P P P and you workings Fern P P P It expi action toeiery v J 1 IHE ENERGIES flAfi Ur T cysMitn Chaoite Xifc says itlt i an injialuablc ncrvtfiofilc a dlJightful buvcr the bejt wlie the agejjica one restorer cu + Special Tent Meeting ToXiglit The interest continues to grow at tho meeting A Jubilee service will bo held especially for converts on Friday Dr Tinnon Coluon and Hov Mr Wear ivill conduct service as usual Thero are a large number of people under deep convic tion that the Christians are praying for and if Christians will continue their earnest work srreat results will follow the contiua tion of the meetings the next few days Many Christians have pledged themselves to work and pray in these meetings The pastors request Christians kindly to read James V 10 and 20 and try to live its spirit truly ia tho meeting Let all attend tonight who can Lost manhood debility are all cui new energy are Mood purifying 1 P I the gr cakoess general P P New life system by thu lcansin properties of lodpuritlcrof the age Th Caso IllWlssed The case of the State vs Tom Brown for aggravated assault was yesterday dis missed by County Attorney Gillespie on tho ground that tho plaintiff was asleep when the offence was committed It has been held by a superior court that in 3 case where the victim is asleep tho force that must be used in committing tho offence is not used and therefore tho crime as con templated by tho law is not committed In view of these decisions two in numbers County Attorney Gillespie cpuld do nothing but dismiss the case against Brown spepsia Stomach Kidney Complaint trv rejoice at its magica k uliarly bencflted and gives healthy Snbjects from Weathcrford Queen Citys Encampment Xo 1031 O O F will hold a spcital meeting tonight at S olock sharp A full attendance of the members is particularly desired The de gree work will bo practiced and arrange ments made for the reception and enter tainment of tho patriarchs of the Weather ford Encampment who aro expected to visit the city oa Monday next They will bring with them candidates for the various degreesj of Patriarchal Odd Fellowship which they have requested Queen City En campment to confer p nr TRUE TO THE ORDER A MEETING OF ALLIANCE MEN TO BE HELD AT JACKSON Secretary McAllister or the rort Worth Convention Issues the Call for Au CUit 13 Who Are Invited Special to the Gazette Jacksos Miss July 9 A call has been issued for a meeting here on August 19 of all Alliance men in sympathy with the pur poses of the recent Alliance convention held in Fort Vorth Tex This call is issued by W S McAllister by virtue of the au thority given him by that meeting The following are some of the persons invited to bo present All opposed to the subtreasury and loan scheme All oppiocl to turning the Alliance over to designing schemers and leprous demagogues who desire to turn the order into a secret political machine for their own benefit All opposed to Macune ism in the Al1tncs with its coiuptio bribery and frauds All who favor restor ing the Alliance to its original purposes and making it a nonpolitical nonpartisan order and to free the order from the con taminating influence of intriguing frauds and mercenary npostors PERSONAL The fam ny of G H tan left last evening Connell the cattlo or Biv wnwood on a visit M ss Jessie Walton of Terrell is in tho c v visiting her sister Mrs K T Chani bssMiss Miss Sahie Clay WiUia ns of Waco is vis iting friends in the city a U12 East Belk napMiss Miss Annie Guenterl from St Louis is isiting her sister 2ius C J Hold corner Arizona avenue and Magnolia street Officer J W Pembertor is lonely now Mrs Pembcrton md daughter left on the Hio Grande yesterday for Dublin to visit reatives LOCALETTES Thirty five cases were court yesterday The befoie the city assessed iines amounted to 1S3 Examination of tho candidates for teachers certificates is now in progress at the Tort Worth University There will bo sorccs at tli 1 First Pres byterian church corner Fourth and Cal houu tonight arid tomorrow night RedCris Ko 14 K Ot P Juili confer tuc firsi and third ranks the trustees will make their report and as there will be quite a lot of business to dispose of it will oe very interesting to every Knight All members oftho Young Men sChristian ussociation are requested to meet in the parlors of that organization tonight at 811 oclock to consider important bus less ia respect to the future home of the ssocia tionDr Dr Burleson of tuc Waco uuiversity de livered an iddress last iiiht at the Fort AVorth uuiversity and took for his theme Tho History of Texas A large ciowd was present and enjoyed the lecture which > ras full of information not generally known IJev C Pope president of Miilersburg female college in Central Kentucky is in the city and adds to tho interest of Tun Gazette scholarship vote by offering a business course free of tuition to the Fort Worth young lady getting the second high est vote and tho same to the third highest in Texas ItEMEJIItEK as you lay plaas to increase your business that The Gazette is read by 30000 people every day It goes into tiii nojirs rf rr TdaS Lost a ladys gold Tyag iSifacc queen cham a d 8 lTriTii7 M M on back jj8iiifipaTor its return to the Ga fclfLoflice Colleges dress Will Dallas Tex organs or iafinducem Address W DaUas Ti Pure Apple Vineg At Turner Dinggg reenwalPs Opera limine The work of repainting and refitting this temple of Thcspis is going ahead uiely Tho gallery floor has been painted black fireproof mineral paint being used and thi seats painted a cherry color the backs well braced and the whole is no w neat and clean The balcony floor has been painted a gray or ash color and the ironwork of the seats painted with asphaltum The balcony rail and pillars and ceiling have also been repainted Down stiirs the work is not yet underway but the painters will probably reach it the last of the week The stage is entirely naked the drop has been removed and the canvass on the flats removed in readiness for tho new scenery The house iu its dress at tho ojiening of the season will be a very attractive place of re sort eachers should ad J fliin Musio Company pecial prices on pianos ical instruments Spec stitutions of learning tkin Music Company Tho Al llajno Iuml In yesterdays Gazette the statement was made that the collected subscriptions to the Al Hayne fund amounted to Si00 This was an error The list of subscribers has been furnished The Gazette by Mr A B Smith and by tnis it is seen that only 177fi0 has been collected Much more is on the list Abbots East I quickly all corns pain Corn Paint removes and warts without Wedded at St Statitslaus At 630 oclock yesterday morning at St Stanislaus Catholic church Rev Father Guyot united in cmarriage James ODowd and Katie Cullen After the ceremony tho married pair left for Galveston and other points on a bridal tour Both parties are well known in tho city the croom being a trusted employe of the Texas brewing company and tho bride a lady of consider able prominence TnE Gazette wishes thein well A Birthday Party The home of Miss Jessie Chambliss was last ovening the scene of a pleasant littlo party the occasion being the tenth birth day of tho charming little hostess Danc ing and games were en joyed and all present joined in wishing their linle friend many happy returns of tho day Tho presents were numerous and Landsome The guests present were Misses Maiaie Shieli Ida Welch Josephine and Pauline Gould Maggie Butts ud E a Y cr TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES Iowa Democrats say the Republii have sold out to the coldwater men Irad Ferry fire company No 12 of Xetr Orleans are in New York on their fifteanth annual excursion It is reported tSat Joel B Erhardt col lector of the port of New York has ten dered his resignatioa to President Harri m Foai TVOBia tJL J tek id jLAbj THE GAZETTE FT WORTH TEXAS THURSDAY JULY 30 son and that it would be accepted He de clined to talk on the subject S BDutcher of Brooklyn will most probably be his suc cessor Much anxiety exists in Boston over the news from China regarding the massacr of missionaries in that country William E Sims corsul at Colon is dead He was born iu Mississippi and was ap pointed by Present Harrison The cases ofMcElvane and Trezza sen tenced to be electrocuted in Sing Sing this week have been appealed to the supreir cour of the United States Collector of Customs Erhardt at Xet York city says he resigned because the col lector has been reduced to a posion where L3 is no longer anindepcndent officer with auliority commensurate with his responsi bilty The board of ordinances and for C atioi > = will meet Saturday when Gen Sehofie 1 will attend Consideration of the bids re ceived by the war department f rm three firms for 100 light power guns for tie army will be had At Milwaukee Mrs Pays an Mrs Gregg si ers w ere arrested for the bur glary c r Mrs Robinsons house aud stealing about 100 The women are respectable married women and confessed but were not prosecuted The czar and czarina gave a grand banquet in Peer Xoi ualace Tuesday evening in honor f the Fi nch officers One hundred and sixty covers were laio The tables were beautifully decorated with flowers am hc gold service was used The Silk Assoc ation of Aniciica through its sr retary Briton Hichardsou has sent to the secretary of the treasury at Wash iugton a letter intended to disclose a de 1 lorable condition in Le New York custom I house inspection of silk importation The Spanish consul at Lisbon has oecn informed that there are Spaniards impris oned on board the Chilian cruiser Errazurb It is also known that several Portuguese 1 rcre smuggled aboard the cruiser during the night It is believed tha Poiiuguest government will order that the cuiset be sean lied before she departs lSInze at Itlossum Spec il to the G lzette Blossom Lamai Cocxtv Tix lulj JA The ul incss house and tock of goods of Mr D G Flenneken was burned last nijht The origin of the fire is unknown The house and stock were insured ji the Hart ford company fiXglOOO valued at 1500 01 wooo CapiUsts wouliL lviell to look into he advantages offetWr bjVNew Birmingham for investment jo indttst Messrs Benson Co proprietors of ihe Ellis hotel are now making preparations lor the fall and winter trade and ajvifjutt ting in a new elevator JuBS Smpletc re carpoting clcjinnif U and painting Thr JHin iTrt their inarageuieit ind ug a able second to none in the state has become deservedly popular v itl tne traveling public and is the leading h at of our < ity The JLiqnor Cases Six cases were disposed of ycsteiuay n Justice McClungs court against salooi men of the city for keeping open on Sunday Four were convicted aud two acquitted Justice McClung passed on some of ihe cases in the forenoon finding three guilty and fixing the lino at 20 These were W II Ward F D Southerns nnd A i Brandt The defens was not satisfied with the judgment of tin justice and asLed for a jury The whole of the afternoon was consumed in the tria cf a < ise against John Limmer thei suit be iug a 35 line Tho question of jurisdiction has been raised the defence claiming that under th new charter granted the city of Fort Wort theso cases come within tho province oLtlie City court and not within that of the justice court By an act of the legislature granting the new charter the city was given exclusive jurisdiction in cases where tho liquor law was violated oa Sunday between tho hours of 0 a m and i p m The prosecution claims that tho jurisdiction is fixed by the constitution aud therefore cannot bo effected by aiy act of the legislature itfl is understood that one of the cases will no appealed and a test caso made of it There are about fifty indictments iu the two justices courts concerning cases of this kind HOTEL ARRIVALS JIAXSIOV j Miss MillieClinpinan Grapevine ThoSnas Higgins Ohio James C Hall Xew Ys if Tinkle fit Louis P C Lane Cincinnati Ohio M B Fryar 1M1ner1l Wells F X Bull Gilmer J E Moore St Louis W 0 Gore Spokano Falls J K Chilton Comanche DrF S White Terrell P A Millen Denver John C Harrison Texas G W Creath Cincinnati IJev IJufus C Bur leson Wnco J V Goodc Denver William Colin Dallas William IJagland San An tonio T J Pankey Cincinnati J L Waite Parsons AM McElwee Grand Uapids Miss Ella Reid Winchester Tenn C M Clisbee Quanah IIJ Coltou Xew Mexico A M Dunn Colorado F F Dinsmore Cov ington Ivy Frank Pinkard Paducah Ivy 1 Darrncott Xew Orleans La T F Smith Archer Louis Black St Louis T K Mil ler Itasca C J Holmes Longview II H Pelton Waco W H McClord and wife Big Springs D L Chapman Grapevine Wm Twist St Louis Wm S Sims Arkansas ELLIS J Davis wife and son San Francisco D D Bryan Galveston B D Dashill Tewctt Tex G M Barnum Ambrose Baruum Texas II It Murray St Louis Howard Templeton and family Sulphur Springs Maj John C Lewis Austin W J Leder gcrbcr St Louis G P Fcgan Dillas J W May Xew York B F Day Los Angeles J Silverstone Xew York J W Wakerran St Iouis Mo W H Xicely TexarkaiA Texas T S Mahoney Lontrviow Texas M E Tansock Galveston H II XycOmaha Xeb Goo A Gloser Denver Col G C Xun uolly Dallas 1W Hams Canton Ohio C W Hill Henrietta BT Hill Big Springs D E Murphy Cleburne W P Lawson VacoJno O Hyau Phil W Green wall Texas G n Boynton and wife Dublin Telephone Henry Kohn Dallas J II Horby Xew York Chas C Quigg St Louis Miss Giddings Brenham J J Sullivan Wichita Falls Horace Chil ton Tyler C Bickilman Xew York Joseph Gehring Springfield Ohio CF Plumer Louis D H Twaits Pittsburg Pa Xat Houston Wichita Ivan To Teephone Subscribers If any dissatisfaetionejhagijpMipilfuf3 telephone service JjijBtfBWHiiIain to the undersgnj Wry5ur complaint will receive attention F Henderson Manager VTe 6entl tho marTelotii French I CALTHOSfreie aadal rantJhat Cilftios nj DIkIuiCh i patWoafcy RMOHtCtf Zflfilt ax ca lt < it ftadiaaUl ij Home Products GOTTQLENE is made of pure refined cot tonseed oil grown only in the land of MADRBY N KFAIRBANK 1 ST LOUIS Sold by all First s t = tlmofsctnrtrs ot the Celebrated Fort Worth WeU DrUUiui JIaehlaery ArGMteetnial Iran fori a Ssecially Mention the Fort Worth Gazette It takeklie place omard for all cooicfijg purpose Directions Sfj baling use half the amount you have been using of lard HOKE iKSJ3RY Through a ne andvalu able discovery Texa ifonie grown cottonsftedpilreiined equal to the mo del flavored oli oilMs n factured into lhe choicest cooking article eveRorTer d taiiie American fubli < 3p Grocers everywhere See Sundays Gazette h looted Divine Sayss Ihavobccn nsinjrTnifuIlverPllIa for Dysnepsia Weal t fumnchRii l Iosllvtness wiiii wlileti X bavaiaiiq been ntf Uctcci m il St SRE > A SgEEIAt BLESSING < CTliaa anything < o to me fcomucb Yooii I recconuuenii Jhcm t J all as tile best incdleIne In cxJHtauco Bet F E OSUOOIJ Nov York GOLD E7ESYWEEIIE OlUce 39 11 Park Place X Y HR T FELIX GOURAUDS ORIENTAL CRCAM OR KACICAL BEAUTIFIER Removes Tanrimples Freck vt tea lotii Patcho lUnh and Jm 8Un diseases nnd PTerr blem Air and Scenery v lpaon beautj anrt i 1 defies detection It i llus ttood tie tat Ciof 40 jear anij3 so ltarmlesa jre tatte it to btrrors It is jiroMrl made A coimte rfi ilaytfSqPlir h A S3j erjnld to a iady of itue hutt too fJl tient AjfjoiiiadleE will n 6taeiii recomr jfaund ifcuianil > CreimoiUioltart harmlulnf alltba liKin prepara aons For aale by all DrEfrjrirtu Mid Fancy < 3oo < Ja Dealers In tha USCanadaaiid Fnroi FKKU T HOPKINS Prop r 7 Urcat Jones St X Y Mention the Fort Worth GazetH SUMMER TRAVEL Fresh Beautiful RoundTrip Ticket for Al most Nothing To induce everybody to vi it Beautiful Arlington Heiriits the faro was placed at five cents eatli way botli day and night nothing extrafter dark Tie old price for this trip by buy two Persons was J3 Modern electric areet dRrs leave every 20 minutes after 3 pVtind make the journey in 20 minutes Thi of it Less than one cent per mile 1 TrJEa ratlroads charge three cents per mile i or Ability indigestion dyspepsia teet ng dysejitcry etc etc one or two trips per da to Arlington flcights is the greatest remedy on earth Ask your doctor what he thinks of the pre scription He will not say of it as he may do of a patent medicine I do not know what is in it but he will say that pure fresh air is the greatest tonic oa earth It is Gods remedy and tho spirit of God is injt Every nickel invested in these outings is worth a dollar paid to doctors and druggists Hundreds of certificates can be procured from adults aud children who have been cured by morning and evening doses of an outing to Arlington Heights patent medicine men could bottle pure fresh air and sell it they would cure the un They can not but you can obtain it at Arlington Heights for a nickel Try the prescription daily and repeat the dose LFil nail t > 1 < e Dublin Land firm I P iu LxasJ GIVE A TO Tin is fivf U all e cept ci izens jf 7ililt county r i h is ievir beer weitfh d in I won i be until T p 111 Attjfu I ii aill particulars of tho Grand Tlcuniou of and the SLAUGHTER OF DUBLIN DIRTui Auction eallou or DUBLIN LA D AND IMrlCVEMEUT CO DUBLIN TEAAS Otlv 2 ROUND TRIP Fort Worth to DV Se 1 Sxh and 1th iraC Fort Worth 730 a n JOUN lIOWAITD rjkvi loiel 1J V r T H ilOSAtlC Auctioneer Capital S3j tR l t 0 KcCAETET Presideat M B L0YD Prejiaejt Corner Second and H 50000 Joav a Jamxs Pretdt A full unya Siiu co = t anO freiylit j DJ Calkixs WORLDS FAIR FREE 1 01 TIIE KATY AND THE Q YOU SEE THIS ITS CUTE ISNTm And the Little Folks are Happy The original ot he awvo cut is at Duuuti L n T < The OUTFIT girl S years boy 10 years i ejy cart ami whip will all bo ched to s j t tbo fiat time at Du the eios al the Old SoldimJ E Jnion and PubLc We F > Property on tho ev ea nlio t Sjf AUGUST 1SS1 P person wh nes the nearest to guessing the aetua of the Outfit will Iv furnished 1 uec ket to the v mJ turn from Fort Worth over liio 1 7 1 n7 t 1 1 always The mone 0 cover the amount of theicket posit iu the First tional Bnk at Dublin Texas Fill out lanks below nil 1 > ail to the jJujlli ire1 aud incut Dublin Texas marked WORLDS FAIR GUESS So uess received after AUGUST6th 1891 THE OPEHlliG DAY Of the big public Land and own Lot Sale X > jruesscs taken or received tinier Gazette in the blank line am tter ut 01 t n 1 D pro it it Co on blai Us X Xame IoitofMoo i j It AS Vearr > now oiTcrtnprlhe ahrvo au > Xii mlv jjr tending purchasors vill lnd it greatl tc tho r call and tec us or write or pi ice V 1 < v tjr u ilantage tu eitiii i RUBBER AND LF TSEB fBELTPtG GRAIN DRILLS Call and see the latestimproved styles with steel franits a i wheels The e drills are unsurpassed by any on tho nar r have been in the front rank for tho past twentyfive year la lats and prices mailed on application IMPLEMENT COMPHHTJ Fort Worth Texas Texass TG2Z S50000 209211 Houston St MENTION THE FORT WORTH s e ii CHA3 SCHEUBES cjtBwSSra 1IAI FSF3 Csillir frti tfNAL BANK Surplus S60000 ety Deposit Boxes Fine and Burglar Proof for Rent DmECTons J Q Sandldge J G McCarthv C M Crane T T D Andrews iv n Max Elser It K McAnulty T K Sandidge A W Caswell J J Koche Martin C oy K M VarZAKBT Presidaat TE03 A TIIiBALL V Ei 5 y HASDIa Cusiu THE FOBJWgBm tAfiakAL BANK Capita S9 SucjgjS6j5 J0 tall VanZandt Co Iort Worth Texas Ip7 S500000 Surplus Fund S5OOC0 ti ccral banking business transacted Collections m d nd promptly remueJ vvy j Brawn on all the principal cltlrs of Europe Dihectors K JI A anZandt Thr AT a Hardinu II It Herd 1 J Jarvis E J Ileall It L KIliFOC Wallace Hendricks It O J > vvy D 0 BEHHETT VIcePfetti 5SirEASE0LD Cutet FlRSJJimMt BANK fsTFt Worth Tex Transacts a General BaaVinj B Surplus SI25000 UFECTOlts Mi = s A Harrold M B tovd C II Higbee Zane Cettt D a EensM Jackton S P Burnett E B Harrotd and M Harrold if awtJ s Fbakk EORiir CasW rAL BANK A e = eral banking bnslnesj fa all t bii is j Collections made on all Panhandle roi I ATOEBSON WHOLXSALX Authoriied Texas Ajent for Spalding Base Ball and Athletla Goods Fishintr and Shooting Tackle Lawn Tennis Croquet Hie Em Again Bicycles Trycicles Velocipedes Goat Carta Iron Wagons etc in fact every kind of In and Outdoor Sport SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Fort Worth Texas GAZETTE < l In Carload Lots Fort Worth Ice Co Fort Worth Te HENIION THE FOHT V QRTH kuxtte