OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth gazette. [volume] (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1891-1898, August 13, 1891, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071158/1891-08-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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Split in the Georgia Delegation
Adds Interest
f Goes to Washington to Whoop
ifrs Up for His Colleague
t Talking yoine of His Frlend
1 i Il < it liidecided Which Hum
i Uracil 1or senatorshlp
Lir speakership
Irivanco In Mills Stork
< < ite
Aur 8 The speakership
diwlopcd new interest now
ihi i1 tliat the Georgia dclega
unpo t Judge Crisp in part
it fur the past three weeks
in some discouraging proba
anxiety on the part of the
ami this gau the Crisp
i > til of additional strength
nl 1he past week however
Inurnf Mills The cause of
in it of the supporters of
ppircnt discovery of the
> among certain members
n dged to support l > im It
tinre was a probability
jirislaUire wnulu be called
n and that if Mills desired
tiil I nited States senator
i I Reagan Upon this an
tiA memberselected to the
ite to Mills to know what
whether he intended to
he speakership contest or
i iululate for the senatorship
wre in a measure looked
r nc that some of the prom
i of the Texn candidate
cut loose if an opportunity
< f In answer to these in
inilerstood to have replied
i hicontest for Ihospeaker
1 made in his interest was iu
hi friends and that his re
in continuance ir this would
r his lriends to determine
v as making no canvass As
iiiiiiiiined that there would
if the Georgia delegation on
man Grain the active man
nurried to Washington Hb
i to a number of members
Kised to lie weak in their
pi and by a week of this
1 succeeded in giving Mills
1 ded stiffen imr At the same
> suspicion that Mills will au
the caucus meets that his
in it lie presented and that he
e Ins party on the lloor This
that lie is in the field to suc
< hilon Governor Hoggs ru
I el
in ienrgia which is spread
i ie disadvantage of Crisp
If dn > r of Congressman Tom
demanded that Judge Crisp
the Ocala platform before the
nciMts in congress will support
i nurse out of the question
< lisp will give any such in
In leliv he will probably lose
lis delegation Congressman
i opposed to ludge Crisp and
i Mil put up a job to divide
en and thus weaken the chances
With Mills out of the light
uM settle down to an issue
si ami McMillan with the
c mi lavor of the former
KiillciilotiM Affair
v Aug S Tho Post this
is an interview with Mr
herty United States consul
a u ho has just returned from
m which ho says The
n lhilt is the most ridiculous
ev r know or read of It does
name of revolution The
are stationed at Iquique
i el miles from Santiago where
a lorce of 10000 men at his
1 the Insurgents 7000 I e
> > i apitals of the opposing
in iiintnu range that is simply
m armed lorce Theie is
1 iir upon this barren range
iutaius to sustain an army
ilile to carry across it that
ssiry to support an army
s i now this and will not at
T ttftt Klow at Miss Cousin
V Aug S The altorncy
en mi opinion to Acting See
en that there is no legal ob
i imeut of tho salary to Mrs
i as secretary of the board
s of tho Worlds fair as it
h the department
ir of old Ace 15ut Kemaln King
i < iIuiiis During Itit In Hie
1 a it I of I lie Com bojh
1ir Ivan Aug 7 George
he liest lniown cowboys of
aTivod here from tho Pan
ai ago Wilson tells a re
i iii a mastodonic wild steer
mil tne ranges along the bor
eirs and whose aggressive
r make him the dread of
outfit in the country No
r been placed upon the aui
nuresome rustler has ever
Itate hiui The pugnacious
v lir and wide as the Demon
nt of his mad freaks The
in tear and his immense size
terror of everything that
r With lowered head glis
s porous liellowhe will madly
iiiiigthat crosses his path
e rounded him up with the
v hen the circle gets too
i he rushes past the riders
instruction existed iu his line
he big outfits determined
v but it was a sadly de
u hen ho got through with
wo horses to death scared a
it of their wits stampeded
u and then rushed through
eiing the equippage in every
c M pleely ruining it Tim
uas at onee abandoned and
until now no attempt has
apture him Wilson says
> a big silvertip bear in a
cars ago The combat was
i r and was witnessed from a
1 wo cowboys Tho bear
reep up on the steer but the
i and at once gave battle As
ace i tile bear rose to his hind
lie ox a terrible blow with
> b served to stagger the beast
hut with a bellow of rage the
i sued at the bear and before
urn iser another blow had hit
i ribs and sent him rolling on
i in fight then became fast and
id soon the bear was seen trying
> from his enraged opponent
u was too quick for him however
i > rt him off and at last gored him
h extent that death ensued
ac that uma the edict has eone forth
r ° T Ti 83q
among the cowboys and no one would think
of killing him He is an outlaw but is a
privileged one and not a shot has ever been
lired at him except once when a stranger
on the range shot at him as he was being
chased by the vicious brute The cowboys
assembled and considered the case but as
the man was a stranger and the case was
exceptional they decided that he was not
to blame but cautioned him not to do it
The steer will die of old age and remain
the king of the plains of the Panhandle
country until he becomes food for the coy
To bn Located Five Miles from Cleburne
A hclicme tci Pipe the Water
Special to the Gazette
CiinunxE Jonxsox Countt Tex Aug
8 Teams hare been engaged and work
will begin in a few days on an immense
dam to be made on Nolan river five miles
west of the city It is rumored that the
Santa Fo railroad company is interested in
the work and will pipe the water here to
use in their engines and shops and that it
will apply to the city for a franchise and
run in com > etition to the present system
The city is somewhat excited over the
matter and while it is not definitely known
who has charge of it yet the fact that an
immense amount of water will soon be se
cured is enough to make our drouth
stricken people rejoice
Cant Toot Both Ends of the
Horn at the same Time
Negro Discontent on One Side Southern White
Disastisfaction on the Other
Not in Favor of Torcing the Silver I ne
Jubt Now Thinking of Appointing
a Negro to a United States
Circuit Judgeship
Change of Tactlcn
Special to the Gazette
Washington Aug 6 It is claimed
President Harrison or a representative of
his has written to a prominent Ohio He
publican that in his opinion it were an un
wise policy just now for the Republicans to
force the silver issue This is taken as
being significant in view of the general be
lieved report here that President Harrison
is moro than ever indisposed to veto a silver
bill should such a measure succeed in pass
ing through congress Tho presidents
friends hero lire agreed that it would be a
bad policy for him at this moment to offend
the West and Southwest by antagonizing
the silver views of these politically impor
tmt sections of the country
Ohio Republicans are having no end of
trouble The wool men threaten to revolt
because tho McKinley tariff bill has not
given them the increased prices they were
promised The ShennanForaker row
bodes no good to the success of the state
ticket and now the colored voters are hav
ing their inning The latest reports from
Columbus announce that considerable de
fection of this element from the Republican
ranks is imminent in the coming election
Many of tho leading colored Republicans
do not think they havo received a fair share
of the offices to be given out by their party
The Democrats have taken pains to reward
with oftlces the few colored men who have
come into their party in recent years and
this is having tho desired effect Tho tariff
question will also split off a few colored
voters from the old party The mass of
this discontented colored element it is said
is likely to go go into tho Democratic party
but the Peoples party will catch not a few
It is estimated that of the 5000 colored
voters in Columbus alone fully 1100 will
bolt the ticket
A Dangerous Predicament
On the other hand the announcement that
President Harrison is thinking of appoint
ing John M Latigston colored excongress
man from Virginia to the United States
circuit judgeship has thrown the Southern
white Republicans into a flutter of excite
ment A special dispatch from Raleigh X
C printed hero this evening quotes a
prominent Republican lawyer as saying
if Harrison thinks he will hell the Re
publican cause in Ohio and Indiana by
elevating one of the Southern negroes to
the bench he is very much mistaken He
will hurt the party not only in these states
but will kill at one fell swoop his only
chance of carrying Wes Virginia North
Carolina and two or three other Southern
states It would never never go
How President Harrison proposes avoid
ing tho scylla of negro discontent on the ono
sido and the charybdis of Southern white
dissatisfaction on tho other can bo only
stated by those who are believed to gain
the gentlemans confidence It is a knotty
problem and it is doubtful if he himself has
solved it
Folnters to Colonists vnrnWhed by J S
Worlii General Manager
HFtriQnARTrus Texas Okladoiia Union
SKLiscit Takuant Co Tex July 24 lbDl j
To the Gazette
Since my last letter events of importance
have occurred to our colony Th rc has
been an effort on tho part of some Chicka
saws aided by the United States troops to
evict a certain portion of the settlers in the
Chickasaw Nation As to the merits of the
case wo are hands off As the land in
controversy belongs to the Chickasaw Na
tion we grant them the right to control it
We think this eviction will result in the al
lotment of laud in severalty to the Chicka
saw tribe An eviction of fanners in July
looks like the Imliaus wanted the whole
crop instead of their rent The Fort Sill
country joins tho Chickasaws on the West
This land belongs to the United States
and not to the Indians Tho In
dians efforts to stand in with
the cowmen and fleece the settler only
shortens the opening of the whole Indian
Territory to settlers and statehood It is
quite likely that many of the evicted set
tlers will go on to Wichita county and join
the Fort Sill colony They can get free lots
at Clara and rent laud The railroad
commission of Texas has taken official con
trol of railroad freight and passenger rates
in the state our hauling freight and ticket
rates will bo the same as the general public
This relieves our management of a burden
some task as the rates are fixed by law
We think however it is for the general
good Our colony agent at Iowa Park in
Wichita county is George T Bevcn When
our colony members arrive at Iowa Park
they should report to tho colony agent at
once Ha will furnish them information
that will be valuablo to them and render
them assistance in securing locations But
few if any of our farmers will movo until
fall and winter but our business men and
town builders can go at pleasure Our ar
rangements are 10 per lot at Iowa Park
Union addition and free lots at Clara
on Red river nine miles north of Iowa
These arrangements are for actual settlers
Parties wishing to join us will please in
close stamped and addressed envelope and
their membership certificate will be sent
free by return maiL Respectfully
J S Works General Manager
s fr i t v f8 tJ sv
Peoples Party of Ohio in State
Convention at Springfield
Not In Favor of the Third Party Movement Nor
Putting Out an Alliance Ticket
Senator Quay to Attempt to Redeem tbe
Kejtono State to the Kepublicang
Hour the Kentucky Le
Ulatnro Standi
Stronglv Uemocratle
Special to the Gazette
New Orleans La Aug 5 It is now
evident that tho State Farmers Alliance in
session at LaFayette will not favor the
Third party movement or put an Alliance
ticket in the field for the state election A
minority of the farmers favored this bnt
the president of the order and two other
delegates favored acting inside the Demo
cratic party It is probable however that
the Alliance will formally suggest the
name of its president Capt T S Adams
for governor subject to the approval of tho
Democratic state convention The move
ment for a third party was led by the state
Alliance lecturer Guice and supported by
the delegates from the northwestern
parishes The farmers also resolved to
fight the lottery company and vote against
the extension of its charter but refused to
approve the strong resolutions adopted by
some of the Alliance declaring for revolu
tion if necessary to drive the lottery com
pany from the state
Ohio leopIcs Party
Sphixofielh Ohio Aug D The Peo
ples party delegates aro slow in arriving
About two hundred are here now and the
leaders say if the number reaches three
hundred they will be satisfied Hugh
Cavanaugh of Cincinnati will bo elected
temporary chairman The platform will
be constructed from suggestions of people
but the Cincinnati platform with a few ad
ditions on free coinage will probably be ac
cepted A strong contingent is ad vocating
female suffrage W E Farmer of Texas
in a ispeech last night said if the govern
ment can take a cents of silverstamp it and
make i of it it can take piece of pa > er and
stamp it and make it worth 100 cents Ho
was loudly cheered
The district meetings at 11 oclock wero
all well attended every district being rei >
resented There were slight differences of
opinion in nearly every district but the
only places they grew noisy were in the
iirit second seventeenth and twentyfirst
Tho Hamilton comity row was over the ad
mission of Mrs Mary CWdestcr who came
as alternate and the question of the legality
of the Saturday night meeting which elect
ed the delegates
Chairman Barnes of the state central
committee got a terrible roasting from
Frank Crist for the decision that the action
of the people was not legal and Mr Barnes
decision was voted down After consider
able wrangling over Mrs Chidester she
arose and said sho came in response to a
postal card from an oxecutive committee
man and if ruled out she was done with
the party forever She was then elected
The delegates iu tho Sixteenth district dis
agreed on tho 2percentloau plan pro
posed for the platform and will go into the
convention divided Tho Twentyfirst dis
agreed on the question of the rule regulat
ing tho casting of the vote of the delega
tion Some wanted to cast the entire vote
others the representation They also go in
The convention was called to order at
240 p in by H F Barnes of Tiflin chair
man of the state committee after a long
delay waiting for the Hamilton county dis
trict meeting to settle its difficulties and
Join the convention There were about 400
delegates present and after prayer by Rev
Joshua Crawford tho chair read letters of
regret from prominent people in sympathy
with tho movement One from George F
Gaither chairman of tho Alabama state
committee promising to carry that state in
1S9J elicited loud applause Another from
Senator Pfeffer reciting tho causes of tho
partys organization advising the adoption
of the Cincinnati resolutions and a plank
advocating honest money was also greeted
with cheers
Knights of Labor Organizer Talks
PnintiELPiiiA Pt Aug 3 James
Wright orgaui7er of the Knights of Labor
is making active preparations for the com
ing political campaign Ho says the order
in Pennsylvania wants a constitutional con
vention and ballot leform In Ohio the
Knights will find allies in the Peoples
party and the Farmers Alliance They are
supivrting the Republicans because they
will give them what they want
Ouay for Itlatnn
New York August 5 TohnL Hill com
missioner of public buildings in Philadel
phia put up at the Fifth Avenue hotel to
night He stated in an interview on poli
tics that Chairman Andrews of tho Penn
sylvania Republican state executive com
mittee would resisrn and be succeeded by
Quay who would lead the fight for Blaine
as against Harrison for tho presidential
< Juays Suture
Washington Aug 5 It is stated that
Senator Quay will soon be made chairman
of tho Republican state central committee of
Pennsylvania Chairman Andrews retiring
to make the vacancy Qvay will proceed to
light the srreat political battle of his life in
his attempt to redeem the Keystone state
to the Republicans
Kentucky Return
Louisville Kt Aug B The new con
stitution was carried by from seventyfive
to one hundred thousand votes The Dem
ocratic majority is 5000 The senate will
stand Democrats twentyseven Republi
cans ten Peoples party one The house
Democrats sixtynine Republicans seven
teen Peoples party twelve independents
Key to the Sitnation in Ohio
CmcAoo Aug 5 The Farmers Alliance
is the key to the situation in Ohio Allen
W Thurman son of the Old Roman says
Protection will be attacked at every point
On this the Democrats believe they will
win The silver question will not cut
much of a figure
TlarrUon will be Renominated
New York Aug 5 Senator Pueh of
Alabama believes that Harrison will be re
nominated without opposition from Blaina
The Father of S D Ralney Jr of Fort
Special to the Gazette
Marshall Harrison Couxtt Tex
Aug S Died in this city at 180 Saturday
morning after a lingering illness Capt S
D Rainey His remains were interred in
Marshall cemetery Saturday afternoon at
4 oclock Capt Rainey was born in Ogle
thorpe county Ga in tho year 1S16 In
February 1S37 he moved to Texas settling
in Bowie county In 1S47 he was married
to Miss Mary J Russell Several years
later he moved to Fannin county where he
resided until the year 1800 when he moved
to Marshall Harrison county where he has
since liven Capt Rainey was made a Royal
Arch Mason in Clarksrille in 1S47 He was
rvr < r
r > Jtf
a consistent member of tho Baptist church
havin been a deacon fora numberof years
He leaves a widow and two sons S D
Rainey of Fort Worth nho is engaged in
the banking business and J W Rainey of
Greenville ako a banker
Important to Teachers
Special to the Gazette
Austin Tex Aug S The following
announcement is made by the educational
The amendment to the school law pro
vides for an annual examination to be held in
each senatorial district in Texas at which
teachers certificates valid throichout tho
state for ten years may be obtained These
examinations will begin on tho 17th of
August at the following places
Senatorial Senatorial
district District
1 Ueaumont 16 Dallas
2 Nacogdoches 17 Denton
3 Marshall 18 Whttesboro
4 Daingerlleld 13 Henrietta
6 Greenville 20 Fort Worth
6 Tyler si Cleburne
7 Palestine Si Waco
Crockett 23 Helton
a Houston St Marble Falls
10 Galveston 25 San Marcos
11 Columbus ttj BeeviUe
1 Urenhum 27 Uvalde
ia Giddings s Sac Angela
14 Ifeame 23 Cisco
15 Corsicaaa a Dublin
31 Paris
The Next Due to Leave the
Pacific Coast the 16th
A Lesson on Planetary Meteorology and
tho 1retensionH of Orthodox
Scientists The Coming
Heated Period
Special to the Gazette
St Joseph Mo Aug S My last letter
gave forecasts of the very changeable
weather from August 4 to 14 The next
storm wave will be due to leave the Pacific
coast about the 10th cross the RockyAlle
gheny valley from 17th to lJth and reach
tho Atlantic coast about the 80th The
regular movements of theso midsummer
storm waves from west to east will not bo
so manifest to casual observers as wero
thoso of the spring months The rains and
other effects will develop only in isolated
localities and will appear moro as chance
and irregular disturbances than the effects
of regular storm waves This storm wave
will inaugurate tho hottest period of tho
summer and bring the finest corn and cot
ton weather of tho season The weather
will not bo settled but cliangeablofrom llith
to 22d after which it will be more uni
formly warm and dry
I must correct my statement about the
cotton crop I meant to say that this years
crop would not exceed that of last year but
inadvertently used the wrong figures Tho
crop of 1S90 was about S0 iO000 bales and
this years crop is estimated at 9000000
bales I do not believe it will reach that
amount To make a more radical state
ment than this would be construed as an
effort to affect prices Tho buyer and seller
the manufacturer and consumer are all
specially interested in the date of the first
killing frost aud the question as to whether
the crop will mature early or late for tho
volume of the cotton crop depends on these
two points There is same danger of the
late corn crop being cut short by early
frosts in the Northern com belt
It is a species of supreme arrogance for
orthodox scientists to pretend that they
have investigated planetary meteorology
for not one of them understands it A num
ber of them have declared that there is noth
ing in the claim that planets affect
the weather because after long and
careful observations they find the changes
of the moon havo no influence on the
weather Of course not Planetary me
teorology makes no such claims and there
fore tho tests they have made have no bear
ing Others again declare that they have
carefully examined the equinoctial theory
and find it does not hold good The diffi
culty with them is that they do not under
stand the equinoctial theory It is not
claimed that the equinoctial theory de
mauds a storm everywhere on the
Jlst of March and September It is not
even claimed that these equinoxes
originate storms but that they influence
them We do not look for a storm on the
21st of March but whenever tho regular
storm wave is due near that date we expect
the equinox to increase its force In their
investigations these orthodox scientists
have taken the 21st of March and Septem
ber as the storm days and as they find that
the equinoctial storms do not uniformly oc
cur on thoso days they conclude there is
nothing in the equinox theory The trouble
is not with the equinoxes but with tho ig
norance of those orthodox scientists
who never make a discovery and know
nothing outside of tho theories announced
hundreds of years ago when our predecess
ors were just emerging from the dark ages
So far as I know there is none but myself
who understands the system of planetary
meteorology I use as the basis of my calcu
lations and therefore no one is competent
to investigate it I am the discoverer not
of all the facts but of important facts
which make of planetary meteorology a har
monious whole It is very complicated
however and if I mako mistakes it is not
the fault of the system but because of er
rors in my calculation I have no secrets
regarding my theory but no ono can ox
pect to understand it in a day The sub
ject is equal in extent to that of law or pol
ities or theology Within a year the plan
ets cause about 100 electrical disturbances
and to group these so as to know what
storm waves will bo affected and to what
extent is no small matter and those sci
entists who have never given a days study
to the subject are presumptuous when they
claim to have investigated that of which
they are supremely ignorant
It is my design to give as full information
as I can on this subject through my pub
lished letters which go regularly to forty
daily papers and a number of weeklies be
sides being copied into a large number of
weeklies but some of the dailies and many
weeklies are not prepared to publish dia
gram aud illustrations which aie
necessary to a CO plete understand
ing of the street As before
stated subscribers to this paper can obtain
theso diagrams and illustrations by cor
responding with mc I am preparing to
givo through these public letters during
the fall and winter months more complete
information as to planetary meteorology and
will discuss electricity as the cause of mo
tion One kind of electricity the positive
being tho large and tho negative the small
quantity electricity the cause of magne
tism magnetism and attraction identical
every atom of matter endowed with its own
power of motion that power is electricity as
manifest in the natural magnet Each
planet revolves on its axis because of its
own inherent forces and around tho sun
because of the movements in that direction
of the elements that surround the sun
Sun and planets are not never were
molten matter but radiate electricity not
heat Heat and light do not penetrate
space but originate and aro confined to the
atmosphere of the sun and planets The
electric envelope of each planet determines
its orbit and distance from its primary
The attraction of gravitation is a push
Tho planets float The centripetal and cen
trifugal theories are errors The calculated
revolution on their axis of mo3t of the
planet3 are errors because of their clouded
envelopes Sun spots are similar to our
earth storms and are from the same causes
Our storm waves move entirely around the
earth and their forces are controlled by
planetary positions Tropical hurricanes
cause our cold waves W T Foster
i > t > < t 3 3 t it5 rtri
Farmers Alliance and Anti
Lottery Democrats
To be Submitted to the Democratic Convention
Alliance President to Head It
The Peoples Tarty in Convention Assem
bled at Springfield Ohio A Tlat
forin Adopted A Candi
date for Governor
Peoples Party Convention
Springfield Onto Aug C Prayer by
Rev E P Foster of Cincinnati opened tho
Peoples party convention at 9i i a m after
which the committee on permanent organi
zation report was adopted with few dissent
ing votes
The committee on resolutions reported
the platform
We hold that labor is the basis of all
wealth happiness and progress and must
have equal protection by law
Iu the organization of our party we
know no North South East or West aud
we are determined that the srovernment of
our country shall bo so administered as to
secure equal rights to all people
We demand that taxation national state
or municipal shall not be used to build up
one interest or class at the expense of an
Wo demand the abolition of national
banks as banks of issue and as a substitute
for national bank notes we demand thai
full legal tender treasury notes be issued In
sufficient volume to conduct tha business of
the country on a cash basis
We demand the payment of all bonds of
tho government instead of refunding them
in such money as they were originally made
payable iu
We demand government ownership of all
means of transportation and communica
tion between the people of the United
We favor liberal pensions to all honorably
discharged Union soldiers of the late civil
war and generous care for their widows
and orphans
A womans suffrage plank is included in
the platform
The platform favors government loans
directly to individuals favors free coinage
of silver opposes alien ownership of lands
and demands that congress devise means of
obtaining all lands owned by foreign syndi
cates also demands all lands held by rail
roads aud other corporations iu excess of
what is actually needed shall be reclaimed
by the government and held for actual set
tlers only aud demands a graduated tax on
state issues
We demand the enactment and rigid en
forcement ot tlie laws lor the suppression
of all forms of gambling in futures and all
agricultural anil mechanical products
We favor the election of United States
senators by a popular vote of the people of
the state
We demand free schoolbooks for our
publicschools and compulsory education
Whereas the Staudard oil ccomrany has
violated its contract by turning over to an
alien trust its powers and privileges re
ceived under the laws of Ohio we demand
the forfeiture of its charter
The platform was adopted
A resolution was adopted favoring gov
ernment or state control of the sale manu
facture importation and exportation of
spirituous liquors It was recommended to
the national convention as the solution of
the liquor problem
John Soitz of Sayre a former Greenback
nominee for governor and J C II Cobb of
Jackson a farmer and vicepresident of the
open Alliance of Ohio and a member of tho
national executive committee appointed at
Cincinnati wero nominated for governor
and lieutenanteovernor
The convention then took a recess
Peoples party delegates representing tho
Sixteenth senatorial district comprising
Delaware and Lacking counties held a con
vention here today and nominated Daniel
Swisher of Licking for state senator They
claim tho chances are good for his election
Iowa Keputillcans ed Help
New York Aug 0 Col Charles Jame
son chairman of the Republican national
committee and Senator Allison of Iowa on
the senate finance committee had a confer
ence yesterday on the need of unusual ef
forts on the part of the Republicans in the
Iowa campaign
Senator George of MtablssippL
Special to the Gazette
Caxtox Mi Aug C Reports that
Senator George is defeated are utterly un
true George failed yesterday to carry his
county Carroll which was due to a large
fanatic Alliance majority The instructed
vote stands today George 00 Barks
daie subtreasury candidate 22 It re
quires ninety to elect and George is cer
tain to get 10 Barksdales friends concede
Georges election but hope to elect him
as Walthalls successor who declined a re
election which they cannot do
The Lottery the ibaue
Special to the Gazette
Kew Orleans La Aug 0 The confer
ence between the Farmers Alliance and the
antilottery Democrats at LaFayette re
sulted in an agreement by which a joint
ticket will be put up by tlie two factions
the Farmers Alliance having the governor
treasurer and superintendent of public ed
ucation and the AntiLottery League tho
lieutenantgovernor auditor attorneygen
eral and secretary of state The nomina
tions are to be made by a convention held
by all white voters who are opi > osed to the
lottery and afterwards submitted to tho
Democratic state convention Tlie Alliance
indorsed this agreement and at onco nom
inated T S Adams its president and state
commissioner of agriculture for governor
The campaign will be made almost alto
gether on tho lottery issue
Effect of the MeKinley Rill
BEitLis Aug 7 ConsulGeneral Ed
wards has just finished his statement show
ing tha value of the declared exports from
Berlins consular jurisdiction to the United
States during the fiscal year ending June
ilO 1501 Tiiis will be of interest as
the McKinley bill has been in
force during the past nine months
of the fiscal year Tlie total exports
from Berlins consular district during the
year ending June 301S91 amounted to 59
753201 as compared with tOO0509S7 with
the preceding year thus showing
a decrease of nearly JGoOOOOO Frank
fort consulategeneral comprises the
consulates of AixlaChapelle Barmen
Cologne Dusseldorf Frankfort Kehl
Mannheim Mayence Munich Nuremberg
Sonneoerg Stuttgart and the commercial
agency at Fuerth In Frankforts consular
jurisdiction tho value of declared oxports
during the six months ending June 30 1S91
was 1184063187 as against 213070007 in
the corresponding six months of the pre
ceding year From this it is however
next to impossible to draw any definite con
clusions as to the workings and effects of the
McKinley bill Some apparent uecreases in
value of exports are due to strict
regulations of the department as regards
the invoicing of goods at their place of
origin Sugar for instance was formerly
all invoiced from Magdeburg by sugar
brokers there no matter whether it came
from Germany or from Austria Now
Austrian sugar must be invoiced at the
proper consulate there hencd the seemingly
falling oS in tha exportation of sugar
The increase JJin the J alue of cer
tain exports is also not always due
to the increased number of invoices but
frequently the exertions of our consular
corps to prevent uudervaluations where
formcsSy in many places a system of de
ploraole looseness prevailed and prices
were accepted any way Now there is the
strictest discipline and watchfulness To
ConsulGeneral Edwards much of the credit
of this achievement is due He started his
reforms in spite of all opposition
and carried them through He was a > si > ed
by every consul in his district In the
southern districts under ConsulGcrcral
Mason a similar spirit prevails Ucsides
the reasons given above other extra
ordinary circumstances prevent the
possibility of judging the effects
of tho McKinley bill by figures given In
anticipation of its passage heavy shipments
of all kinds of goods wa rushed across the
ocean The American market was over
stocked with goods and in consequence the
first year of the bills existence will show a
decrease in the exports from Germany to
the United States
The Attraction at the Central Illinois I
linvernor Iluliliaril and Senator
1etlVr 3Iate > peeches
Spcial to the Gazette
ViiioiNiA III Aug 7 The attraction
at tiie Central Illinois fair and encampment
yesterday was the Texas exhibit cars Kx
Govemor Hubbard of Texas Senator W
A Pelfer of Kansas ana Senator John
M Palmer from this state were pres
ent Senators Palmer and IVffcr arrived
on the noon train and after dinner accom
panied by Governor Hubbard were driven
to the grounds Senator Palmer intro
duced Governor Hubbard who in an hours
address told the people of tho wealth and
resources of the Ixmo Star state Senator
Peffcr followed the governor in a speech in
which ho said tho fanners wer the prey of
Wall street and capitalists and advocated
more money and at a less rate of interest
The Second Day of the Farmers
Alliance Picnic
The ja7ette Very Kindly Keuieinliered by
Ono of the Speakers None oftlie
His Guns Jlere Today
The Farmers Alliance barbecue readied
its climax yesterday In addition to the
large number which had already camped
on the ground additional Alliance men and
subtreasury advocates arrived jesterday
with their families and took a hand in the
proceedings At 5 oclock it was estimated
that 3000 or more people were on the
ground Considerable disappointment was
felt by the Alliance men over the fact that
the leading men who had been advertised to
speak had failed to materialize Lai to
numbers other than Alliauco men had
gone out thinking that Gen Weaver
and that sockless exponent of subtreasury
ism Jerry Simpson might turn up at the
eleventh hour and address the multitude
But neither Jerry nor the general have as
yet made their preence known and
those in charge have atiout abandoned the
hope of their coming The nouanpearance
of these gentlemen necessitated a
change in the programme Music was fur
nished by the glee club which sang famil
iar airs Songs that predicted the final
overthrow of everything political except
the Alliance L J Brownsou of the Indus
trial Educator stKike first Mr Biowu
son only intended to start tho
ball rolling and talked briefly of
the good that would necessarily
follow a reforming of the national press a
revolution as it were iu every department
of newspaper work After Mr Brownson
15 F Keis of the Kansas Commoner took
tho stand The sole mission of this gontlo
mau seemed to be to blight the Fort Worth
Gazette with his shafts of sarcasm
and his occasional attempts at
wit He made odious comparisons
affirming that The Gizettk reminded him
of a Republican sheet in Kansas He then
commenced a tirade against the Democratic
press iu general and said that it dodged
such questions as the subtreasury and sil
ver questions and kept up the cry of tariff
reduction Mr Keis then condemned
the forco bill as outrageous and
unjust and as the spasm of
Republicanism The financial situation was
next looked to the speaker affirming that
paper was the equal of silver certificates
The contraction of tho circulating medium
he gave as the cause of the present depres
sion and denied that overproduction had
the least to do with money stringency
Mr Keis was vehement in
his advocacy of tho adoption
of the subtreasury plan and proceeded to
show by facts and figures how not alone
the fanners would be benefited but that
every class would reap a rich harvest from
it He next gave his ideas on the railroad
question and gave it as his opinion that
passengers should be carried as cheap
as freight He also advocated gov
ernment ownership of tho tele
graph systems Mr Keis closed
his speech by again handling The Gazette
with ungloed hands and wound up by
completely flaying it
In tho afternoon Messrs Coleman of the
Southern Mercury and Vincent of Kansas
spoke Mr Coleman who has recently ar
rived fiom Georgia spoke first His re
marks wero confined in a great measure
to the defence of subtreasuryism
He is a fluent speaker and
interested the audience for over an hour
Mr Vincent of Winfield Kan followed
Mr Coleman He does not claim to be an
outandout Alliance man nor a rabid sup
porter of the subtreasury He spoke
mostly on the land question and the rela
tion of tho government thereto His
speech was one of tho most practical
and forcible of any that have been made
since the speaking began
It is not certain who will speak today
but there are several on the ground who
only await orders to deliver up their ideas
on the needs of the country Among these
is W R Lamb of the State reform press
association Mr Lamb will be
remembered as tho gentleman
who demanded recognition in tlie anti
subtreasury and antithird party convention
here on July 10 and 11 and who was denied
the privileges of the floor by the president
He has been present since the first day and
will probably speak today
The barbecue closes today
Parmeri of Waller County Shipped Melons
The Result
Special to the Gazette
Hempstead Tex Aug S The melon
season or rather the shipping of melons
from this point for this season is over and
it can be summed up about as follows
There have been shipped about 175 car
loads the shippers have realized in the
neighborhood of 510000 iho rail
way companies havo collected about
S12000 in freight money on the 10000
worth of melons the farmer has the ex
perience as usual A good many farmers
are fattening their hogs on what melons
they have left others are making molasses
out of them and it is said the melon juice
properly boiled and prepared makes a
molasses far superior to cane syrup
VOL Xin NO 86
Some of the Big Royalists to
Visit the Worlds Fair
Great Political Parties of England Preparing
for an Appeal to the People
Dillon to be Formally Invented irith tha
Xeadcrslilpof Ills Party when Par
liament Keaseinble
Cable Talk
Copyrighted by the Associated Prcsi
Nearing Dissolution
London Aug 7 The close of tho sea
sion of parliament brings to the ministers
only a brief cessation of work and to tha
politicians only a short respite of speech
making Tho recess will be the liveliest
experienced in many years each side work
ing in view of the fact that it will bs
the last campaign before tha
dissolution of parliament Balfour
will open the campaign on Monday at Ply
mouth when it is expected he will give A
further inkling of his solution of the prob
lem of Irish county government to which
the cabinet is distim tly pledged Since tho
prorogation speech announcing that tho
coming session would deal only with
questions already elaborated upon all
rumors of a general election hae ceased
The members know that the legislative pro
gramme mentioned in the queen s speech in
November last is left incomplete and will
be resumed next year It is possible
even now to predict with exacti
tudo upon wiiat legislative achieve
ments the cabinet finally hope to
take the judgment of the country Ucside
the Irish local bill tne ministers havo ver
feeed an important ICnglish measure de
veloping the existing sstem of local gov
ernment by creating district councils Tlio
bill lo assist the putvliaso of land allot
ments and amending in favor of tho workman
the law aflecting the liability of employes
will reappear with every chance of passage
The opposition are quite prepared to sec tho
government succeed in carrying these and
other minor popular measures without fear
ing that the cabinet will ho thereby so
strengthened as to avert defeat on
an appeal to the country The bunion of
tho work of tlie recess rests upon Ilalfour
in his Irish local government bill Tho
measure will bear tle smaller possible re
semblance to the home rule measure Tho
leading principle will prevent the boards
created under its provisions from belnj
controlled by the masses
Talkin Worlds Pair
If tho presence of royal persons can in
sure the success ot the Worlds fair in Chi
cago its success now seems to be assured
It is certain that several members of tho
English royal family are showing such
an interest in the progress of the prepara
tions as indicates an intention
on their part to visit the fair
and communications havo reached London
from Berlin which leave little doubt that if
Euiope is at peace at tho time of the fair
the German emperor will indulge himself
in tho greatest voyage of his life in seoinsj
America The keen and grow
ing interest taken in Ijindon in
tho fair renders it probable that
an invitation from the mayor of Chicago to
tho Iord Mayor of Ijjiidon asking him to
inspect the sito and preparations for tha
fair this year would find acceptance
Dillou the Leader
Dillon while he reconferrcd unceasingly
with tho Parnellites with a view of ending
the schism in tho Irish party has found
them resolutely opposed to laruells re
tirement as the condition of reunion
Several intimated their intention to
withdraw from public liTo during the ten
ure of their places in the house of commons
They would adhere to their old leader
The meeting of Messrs Dillon OBrioa
McCarthy and Sexton to deberato
on the future leadership of the party re
sulted in an agreement that Dillon
should be formally inested with
the leadership when parliament reassemj
bles Meanwhile McCarthy will be tha
nominal head though Dillou will be the vir
tual leader This arrangement settle tha
rumors ascribing to Sexton the intention to
contest the presidency of the party
Lord Salisbury has instructed his solic
itor lo push tho bankrupt case against
OBrien to tho rapidest possible conclu
sion Besides Iord Salisbury another
claimant George Bolton to whom a
jury awarded 1000 damages in u
libel action against OBrien years
ago has revived his demands It is plain
that tho objectof both suits is to disqualify
OBrien for a parliamentary life
Lord Salisbury started for Chateau Ceil
at Leijipo today His last official worlt
was a communication lo Mr Waddingtou
French ambassador on tho preparations
made for tho reception of the French tleel
at Portsmouth
Texas Exhibit Cars in Illinoii Gov Hub
bard Addrecsen 1O00O People
fien Palmer Present
Special to the Gazette
Virginia III Aug C Today was a red
letter day for Texas at the Central Illiiioii
state fair and Farmers convention as wad
attested by the 10000 people wha
passed through thu Texas exhi
bition cars and afterwards listened
to tha magnificent address of Governor
Hubbard The governor had a perfect ova
tion completely capturing his audience
Senator John M Palmer journeyed
all the way from his home la
Springfield to see him and hear him speak i
and introduced him to the audience as ono of
the greatest of living orators and statesmen
and paid a glowing tribute to tha
state of Texas Governor Hubbards ad
dress was pleasing forceful and eloquent
Tho exhibit cars wero so crowded all day
that it required tho presence ot
four policemen to keep the peoplo
from crowding Three men were kept
busy handing out Texas literature
Governor Hubbard was followed by Sena
tors Palmer and Peffer
It was heard on every side that if thesa
cars and Governor Hubbard stayed in tho
state long they would depopulate the state
The Various Organization of WIso County
Meet at Khome
Special to the Gazette
RnoitE Wise Cocxtt Tex July 5
The different organizations of tho Farmers
Alliance throughout this portion ot Wis <
county met in a union picnic here today
In the morning Representative Martin ex
plained the meaning of the different amend
dents to be voted on by the people in a plaii
and forcible speech After Mr Martiut
speech dinner was announced and tin
great throng wended its way to the shade
for dinner of which tha supply was equal
to the demand
In the afternoon CoL Pickett of Decatur
in an able and eloquent address discussed
the fallacies of the subtreasury scheme
and lauded to the skies the principles ot
He was replied to by CoL B Morris who
supported the subtreasury plan and also
upheld the political character of McCurry
which was assailed by CoL Pickett

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