lew mi
OOds Dili
S6 to
m toji
side pa
1 StIKt Z
be lull
Sprin j Hill
Prone 332
or rirras orD
A Christmas Gift for
Men of Money
5I up theso Prices
Men Cock
lealiicky Club
fell of Anderson
giicky Glub
Koaingahcla Rye
J E Pepper
flirts Pure Rye
Spring 90 S170
90 17G
90 175
90 180
90 189
July89 185
Fall89 185
89 190
89 190
89 195
90 200
89 U
teh3imr Rye Spring 90 215
Uiipy B 250
Taylors Carlisle
8B 205
8G 263
May86 260
J F C Taylor Spring86 270
Fall81 275
Spring82 290
Tliis Salo is made to raise
Honey henca Caali are the
Address orders to
ro nosuo
tjr Hual l l 8le fash Iloori illlnili lloutu
aTciat ne > Cjre Clvlcrns
put dc WJ All Kinds of JII1I Work at lrlces to
Suit the Tlmea
Orders left nt our office In the Cotton
Bchance will receive prompt nttentlon
0 CRIIinLU CO Uoaitnn
iCoJtoSGBiil Cornmn Merchants
Importers of
Ki r l t F1 rick Drain Pipe
rtss Tile etc HOUSTON TKXAS
rirultnre Cnrpcta nna Ilonao Tor
niahlnfr Goods
P1 o3 d 05 Main St Cor Capitol Ave
OTUcsale and rerall dealers In
Moors Blinds tilings Lumber
bah v IKnt ca i jmto
lirtJ1 fah MFuicnn nest Taint
r and Milam atrteta Houston
Dealer In
Seed Oats Millet Seed Corn Oats
Pkh Kay and ail kinds Feed
d Capitol fits telephone No 40
< lcc u
HANTS prefer th
Oi i nre Hi i
siNTn year no 25a
Mjy other style
find the trade call u V e
L I1 reasonable Prices Wo sole
f0 r lh 11nnVN and TIKI
Mm s da made m the celebrated
Mohawk Valley of New York Htito They
Imvo no superior This we guarantee
Ours Is In Lib cans 4 doz in cue ana
Tlcioua a ° 1 CaW Try ll la dc
i fti
Ladles Visiting Work llnskcts
Ladles Flap Cnrrt Omen
Gentlemens Wnllcls
Lndles Pocket hooks
Ilxuuisttp lhotnirmpli Allium
IIlPKimt Jolil Hustle Penholders
with Ien
KleKrnt Gnldcliiisol Penholders
Willi Pen
Christians Cnrds 1 cents to IJlo
Mniichcrlp Cusr liitml painted
100 dcslisiis lnncv Inkstands
Still Miter FilncrcPd Novelties
Double Indcxpd Dnlrlis n pres
ent ttlileh Mill remind tlip user
of yon every ilny in tin year
test pocket tin litrfrp Hire
Mipcrh Christmas boxes of ladlps
eorrespomlpucp paper l > per
100 Mcci Plate Vlsltlm Curd
At J T Pnstnrlra Printing nnil Ilfh
ocrnphhiKT Co Xi > not Mnln Street
1rlntliiK nt llottoiu Prices
Wo hnvo fl Cars of Apples which
boar this popular color They are from
California ami aro packed in 50 lb
Wo also liavo 10 Cam of Tlorida
Oranges in boxes and can supply you
with fancy fruit for tho Holiday Trade
e siuwurtsj ri
No S Commerce Ave Cor Milam St
Ilonstan Texas
Consignments and Correspondence Solic
Successors to I ottman Dros
AVholesale Manufacturers of
sriuNr mna AM iiiiiiuiao
Incorporated July D 1S03
Capital stock 100000
< iioo Fimn IXstIlA CI5
to the IckiI Iiotr of any person vlio
iiicitK ilenlli by ncclilcnt proildril
Hint nt the ttmo tho prrNon no < l > lnc
lins upon 111 or lirr lio < ly THIS PA
IIllt Thl lnsiirnnpp hold Rood for
lit boom mil or from 7 n in to 11
p in of the Into of llil pnper Hnl
Isrilptory itroof of incH plnlni iiiimt
he iirpspnlril llliln IS lionm nt tlie
IIiikIiiphs OMcp of Hip Ilonvlon Io l
Ilemeinbrr tills pollpy Is lolit nnlfx
1IIIS PAPt ll In upon ho person nt
time of tenth
Grain and Commission Merchants
102 101 and 101 Travli Street Phone UK
Dealers In Seed Oats Millet Seed Corn
CotB Hay Uran nnd all kinds of loed
fur Imx it HpecUlty
Use ltoblnsons cipher
Wire for prices at our expense
a rc i mcoowrt
Wood Split Pulleys Steel Bhaftlns
Hoxes Hanners Coupilnes illnch Holler
Tubes Machinery Casllnes and Itepalr
in ult imna m
coml IN + + f
The International Route
VW sol Excursion Tickets to Memphis St Louis
rtianapolls Louisville Cincinnati and all prin
r l points in the Southeast at
Good for Hettxru Thirty Days from Date of Sale
have xAnan stock constant
M cichine Work
New bjioiN
forth Knd San Jacinto Bridge
Staundiest and Most Durable Tank
109111 Travis Street Houston
The presence of a railroad ad on u map
of the CheroLec Outlet submitted tr con
Breer by the secretary of war has caused
considerable comment
Illlncls Stale craneo Patrons of Hus
bandry Is In session nt Spiinitllcld
Toledo is worked up over the disappear
ance of one of Its mm 1000 bunds
Four men were seriously Injured by a
natural son explosion at Gas City Ind
The Illinois Stnto bonrd of health Is mak
ing strenuous efforts to enfoicc vaccina
llev J D Woods who Is prosecuting
snloons In Ooddard Kan was waylaid
and beaten
Joseph 81ms Is reported to have murder
er bin wife and then committed suicide nt
Dover Tenn
The Allchlnnn Slate crnnse In n meeting
at IjiiiIiib denounced Secretary of Aprl
cultuie Morton
At Dalevllle Ala a Eirl aged 17 ran
Into a burning house to rescue her sister
need 10 and both perished
Mike Davis wanted for murder at War
rensburg Mo wan caught In Arkansas
and returned to Missouri for trial
Dick ItoMnson murderer of Johanna
Schellmann who l to be han sed nt fieda
lla next Krldny has made another confes
A rcmarknble ense of triple insanity has
developed at New York three grnnn sis
teis who are triplets nil suddenly becoming
The receiver of he Downglac Manufac
turing compnny uses force to jret posses
sion of the property and is dlsKissossed by
the sume menns
Judge nibson at Kansas City enjoined
Hanker Heed from disposing of any of his
property affecting tho Westein Trust nnd
Savings association
O K Caldwell former cashier of the
CltUens bunk of Nevada Mo was ar
raigned yesterday on elKht Indictments to
which he pleaded not guilty
A bill has b ° eu introduced in the Virgin
ia leglslattne providing for submission of a
tonmltutlinal amendment wlilc will In
sure white supremacy In politics
Governor Altgeld says the reason as he
supposes that his picture was refused by
tho Chicago Oermonla club was that he
had refused to appoint some of their inem
bers lo office
Wuthpr Information
Two areas of high pressure appear on
tonights map one over the Jlast Oulf
and Sou Mi Atlantic States and the othur
over the extiemo Northwest while well
defined low pressure uioa Is central over
the central portion of the liisterit Hocky
Mountain slope The temperature has
fallen along the Atlantic coast and over
the extreme Northwest while It 1ms re
mained nearly stationary or has risen over
other liortlons of the country Partly
cloudy to cloudy wealhor prevails over the
greater portion of tho country
Local Forecast
Local forecast for Texas for twenty
four hours ending at 111 midnight Decem
ber 15
North Texas and Central Texas Oaner
ally fair stationary temperature exuept
colder over the west portion and the Pan
Hast Texss Generally fair stationary
Southwest TexaaOenerally fair sta
tionary temperature
Coast District Generally fair warmer
Sound Pishy
HI Paso Texas DBC mher 14 News was
readied her today through a revolu
tionary medium that the Casavsntss
three brothers wealthy well connected
slid Intluentlal tuc Joined their fortunes
with the rexduilonlts with 4M men
This story W doutit > I by people here nho
Unoiv the Cusavanb s
The Doolined to Voto in tho IIoiiso
and Thereby Forced an
It Alio Proponi to Halts Monthly Fnrehitisi
of SlWar for OolasgiThe lltit
Tom MurtUlitlp
Washington December 14 In the senate
today much business of a miscellaneous
character was trarsacted Anions th
bills introduced the most Important was
by Mr Voorhccs chairman of Iho cotn
mltteo on nnonce providing for the coln
ago of tho sller sclgnorage In tho treas
ury at the rate of J2OWoou per mouth and
when exhausted for tho purchase nnd
coinage of n similar amount of silver
House bill providing for two additional
nssoclato Justlcos of Iho supreme court of
Oklnhoma Territory was passed
Mr Vance reported fiom tho committee
on privileges and elections tho house bill
to repeal the Federal election laws with
recommendation that It be passed without
Mr Chandler sold the report was not
unanimous mid he secured unanlmoim con
sent to submit the views of tho minority
adverse to tho passiiEe of the bill The
bill wiib placed on tho calendar
The resolution was agreed to calling
upon the secretary of the treasury to le
por tho valuo of textile fabrics purchased
for the army nav > Indian bureau and
marine hospitnl service for the fiscal year
Penato bill lo repeal the clausa In tho
last pension appropriation bill which pro
hibited tho payment of pensions to per
sons residing In foulgn countries was
After executive ses lon the s nnte nd
Jounied until Monday
The House
Washington December II The hous
was deadlocked for two hours today bj
tho refusal of the republicans to oto oil
a motion to go Into a committee cf th
whole for consideration of the Arizona
Htntchood bill
Immediately after the reading of the
Journal Mr Dockery called up tho bill tp
Improve the methods of accounting In the
postofflce depnrtment Tho bill abolishes
the postal note indices the schedule mttfi
for money orders approximately tn tho
scale of fees charged by the express
companies Thu postmaster genet al
given authority to designate th officers
for tho Issue of money onlers up to JS
and all money onlers unpaid for one year
ate converted Into tho treasury The hill
Mr Catchlngs presented the report of
the committee on rules making tho bills
for the admission of Arizona nnd New
Mexico special order after tho inorpHMI
hour until disposed of The repoit AXRB
adopted nnd seveinl minor bills pan IrdT
Mr Wheeler of Alabama then niovod
thnt tho house go Into committee of the
whole to consider the bill for the admission
of Arizona A standing voto resulted In
71 to 4
Mr Hooker made the point of no
The njes and noes were ordered The
republicans refrained from voting word
being pnssed nroimd to foioe the demo
crat to produce their own quorum If any
more TerrltarleH were admitted Into tho
Mr Wheeler mnde a statement to the
elTeet that ns the republicans wore llll
buslerlug ho would move an adjourn
ment Accordingly the house adjourned
Knst Tpxiin MurMlinlftlifp
Washington December 11 The Hast
Texas murslialsldp fight waxes warmer
dally Olneys Hist caller this morning
was Ilytvalcrs of Paris who went unes
corted and alone He bore strong cre
dentials from Jake Hndgoa nnd oilier good
Hogg ilomocrats of North Texas While
ho was in with the ottornn > general Shop
Williams accompanied by lluiley nnd Pan
dloton arrived Iloth delegates were In
formed that the appointment would be
made In a few days Dougius Is also a
frequent caller Another candidate Is
Drown of Paris wlw Is relying on tho
support of tin old friend of Secretary Chi
A prominent candidate who stayed at
home Is Dr Thoo c Foster of Navasota
Indorsed by Mills nnd HuIcIiokoii but who
Is charged with being too M for the
nctlve duty of office The other candidates
are Dick llengan T J Hppsrson and 1
If Thompson
Coko law Indorsed Douglas The best In
dications now look to Williams appoint
They Wnul flu Miirnr llotinty
Vfew Orleuns < s December II A con
ference of Louisiana sugar planters ns
held tonight at tho office of Hon John
Dymnnd president of the Planters as
sociation There was n very large atlend
npeo of parties Inleivsted In tho Industry
The object of the meeting was to consider
the jiresent unsettled oondltlon of affairs
concerning rugar The report of the ways
and means committee was discussed and
the relative piotectloti afforded by bounty
ml tariff discussed The following res
olution was adopted
That It Is tho sense of this meeting
that our vongtessioiml delegation both
In tho house and senate ought to oppose
the passage of the Wilson bill unless the
bounty provisions of the McKlnltiy bill
shall remain Intact
Ppnslou nnd Postul 3Iufters
Washington Deosmlwr It Pensions
Original Mother Huso 11 Aehs rlulnt Joe
Mexican war total destitution and dis
ability Increase Thos Hudson Jacobins
Mexican war widow Julia 15 Arnold
5 ephyr
Postmasters for Texas Delhi C It An
derson vice T 15 Conn resigned Derby
John Dennett vice J 11 Hhull reslgnetl
Goodsouvllle P U Heldlebrg vice Jsxoh
Goodson resigned Holly W O Philips
vice T J I Phlpi resigned Morris Wm
MeNew vice Nannie V Morris resigned
Hchool Wm Uuechner vie Albert Ilttx
thausen resigned
lVdcriil Illctloiis Illll
Washington I > ecemb r It Mr Vance
dem reported from the committee on
privileges snd elections the house bill to
repeal the Federal election laws with
a recommendation that It be passed with
ous amendment
A County Trrns 11 rerm Prrillriinieiit
t ashlugton Hiinnl r 14 Mr Coke
lallid on Mi li kels this morning to
plain tlu tungle lntwit 1 tin tout ly treai
urer of Hi own lounly and the failed Na
tlonal bank at Iltowtnvood The treasurer
had personal notes In tho bank where
he also had county funds foolishly do
ponltM In his own name rather tltnh In
tho name of tho county Now IWltels
receiver In clmnm of the bank rof i > w
to let the count money be withdrawn
until the personal notes are paid Hckols
hn not made any decision In tho matter
Mcnditncn Tnll <
Washington December II Minister Men
donca has private advices announcing tho
nt rival of the cruiser Nlctheroy off the
Const or Uraisll Tuesday Inst Mciiiloncu
denies the special to tho Iondon Times
from Lisbon announcing tho arrival of
he steamer Nile which left Itlo do Ja
neiro December l nnd carried to Iernam
buco the new of the alleged outrages on
tho crew of tho steamer Panah > lm
The TarllT llns n Ileal
Washington December 14 The tnrllt
ha a rest today There wete no meetings
oMthe subcommittees or r the full com
tntltre It Is not expected that any fur
ther action will bo taken on the Internal
revenue feature of the bill until all the
inymbeta of the majority may be In the
cly to censldei It The Individual or cor
porate Income tax must be settled before
the committee can proceed
The ICuiisiik tonlest
Washington December II Tho sennto
commit on privileges and elections > es
tcrday decided to begin InvesllKiitlon of
tho election of John Martin the Knnsns
member of the United Hloles senate In
neoordsnee with tho petition of Joseph W
Ady who claims to han been elected In
the ploee of Martin to fill the unexpired
term of the Into Senator Plumb
i Thp Committee oil Itulpa
i Washington December 11 The house
committee on rules met this morning nnd
decided tn give the committee on Terri
tories time to dlsKise of the bill for tho
Bdmlsslou nt Arlaona and New Mexico
ajoltday adjournment was dtsouseod but
iiu dalowns fixed it Is believed however
hut tin adjournment will bo
J it
e k bom tomorrow
j TIir llttmilltin Mutter
AashlqglonDecember II Thcro Is nolh
Jng nt the While House or state de > utt
msnt to show that the Information on the
Hawaiian question will be Irnusmllted
today or nt any tlnio in the hear future
Apparently tho preparation of materia In
tho state department Is completed and can
he scut In at any time the piesldenl choos
es to transmit It
Ionn Slur Moelcty
Washington December 14 Tho lono
Slur1 State society which Is composed of
Texan residing In the District held tho
annual ileellon Inst night with tho fol
lowing result Prcddrtit 13 A llolger
Wee preseldent J T Hnrtj cot responding
secretary Uualavc Homier reconllng hcc
Uttiry Thomas Jones treasurer Dr A
J ltobblns
Will Coin the pliritorugo
Washington December II Senator
Voorhoes chairman of the finance com
mittee has Introduced 11 bill for thn coin
ago of the Helgnorigo In tho treasury
stock of silver at tho rale of two millions
a month After this selgnoragu fund Is
nil coined monthly silver purchases aro
to be lesuuied sufficient to coin two mil
lions a month
Confirmed by the Senate
Washington December 14 Conllrmne
tlons Murcellus L Dnl > Arkansas con
sul at Irlmn Mexico John It Proctor
Kentucky civil servleo commissioner
finis W Dabney Jr Tennessee nsalst
nnt secretary of agriculture Commodore
Francis M Ilumsay chief of Iho buieatt
of nntlgntlan of the navy department
Southern Pucllln Iuuils
Washington December II Tho commis
sioner of the ncncrul lnnd office has ap
proved nnd submitted to tho secretory of
tho Interior supplemental lists Not 16 nnd
17 for land patents on the mnln and branch
lines of ihe fMuthcrti Paclllc inllrnnd
The lists Involve 1071 ncies of luutl In
Worlds Inlr Airnrd
Washington December II Tho Worlds
Fair board of award has struck a bl
anco on thu awards made disclosing the
fnol that foregn exhibitors will secure
a per tent of the prizes nnd American
exhibitors 37 per rent
Civil Kertlcc Coiilllllslon
Washington December 11 Civil Ser
vleo Commissioner Charles Lyman of
Connecticut has resigned as president of
tho commission lie continues as n mem
Several Vnktlii Parlies Pass lllf
< ulutl > unit IlciiNitllfly
llrockvllle Out December 11 Charles
Lucltey wns hanged hero at S oclock tills
morning Ho wilkd smilingly to the gal
lows and protested his Innocence to the
lust After two trials he hod been found
guilty nf murdering his father stepmother
and elster nt New Miss In October IK
For Murdering Ills Motbtr
Smithport Pit December It Halph
Crossmlre who inurderol his mother at
Fanners Valley November 111 lWi was
hanged ut 10 oclock Fourteen inlnutes
later he was pronounced dead and low
ered 10 Ids coffin He did not flinch and
was cool
Another at Illlsbiirg
Pittsburg Pa December It Arifjoln
oppc convicted ot Ihe murder of Frank
llelmsletter was limned ut 10K this
Aeoldenl nt llrllrno
Ilearne Tixns December It About 4
oclock this afternoon J 1 Kelley 1411
employ of the Central road nt ilvsrne
full under the switch engine and leuelved
Injitrlos necessitating the amputation ot
his right leg nliove Hie knee The oi > eia
tlon wits jHrforniftd by Dr T J Iugli Jr
local suigeon He reacted nicely and Is
resting easily Much sympathy Is cx
prossud for Ihe tinforttmals young man
He has but recently man led und ho nnd
his wlfo are highly esttemtd among out
1 1 1 irffc 1 1
Churned AVIIIi Arson
Crockett Texas Deiember U As n
result of Ih Investigation ot tho burning
ot J IS Dow tins tenant houses tho Jury
this evening recommended that W II
Wallon Davis Moore Tom Tuce and
Marlon Hennes be liound av < tr to await
tlt notion of the grand Jury nt the March
term of ths district court Tho Investiga
tion lasted two days
Plot In Liberal Hlin
Iarbour Hl > Ky December 11 The
frlouds of Hob Mater the murderer con
demned to hang at Jlnevllle tomorrow
have concocted plans to liberate him
Tfie officers discovered Hie plot and ur
rejntivl one of the gang here A newly
made key was found upon him fitting the
Jail where Meter is confined
Helsmtn lll tiirliiin
Mount Vernon Ind Dectuber 14
Three dlstlnri shocks of eutliu mke tvro
felt this uternon suflli lent lo jliuku Ihe
goods off the stole bhelvcs
Tho Oattlomon Thoroughly Aroniioil
and a Long String of Do nil
Indians Hourly Ecpcotetl
ins ma wad
The Mjttttlons KlUIng of Bbtepmta In Woit
TejiiQentml Ostoll Itotbtd oa s
IttlaA Mntdet is D ll l
BU riul Minn December II Tno Hil
lings Mont special to the Pioneer Press
snysi The Crows ore out ngsjn They tiro
iienily all tho jrnintr men of tho tribe be
longing to tho Prior mountain branch
They nro tho ones who inndo tho trotiblo
last spring on the uowly coded strip Thoy
ale massed on Iho head of Stillwater creek
olt Ihe reservation and nro kilting cnttlo
Agent Wymann refused lo make any
effort to drive them In and refers the
shetlff lo the governor for aid Sheriff
Itamsny telegraphed Governor ltlcknrds
the status of affaire but hns reason to
believe the settlers Mill take the matter In
their own hnnda It Ihcy have not already
done so
The loonllty wheie Iho Crowe aro doing
their chief work of desti notion Is forty
miles from the railroad and the settlement
Is spnrs < > but stockmtn Imto a detachment
In the Held and have declnutl their In
tention to dike the law Into their own
hands nnd pralnjt the stock eon If obliged
lo kill off half Ihe Crow tube Thn mood
of the stockmen and seniors Is daiweruos
Low inntkelr nnd lossos front Indian
slaughters bun so luliatefi thon Hut hey
will stuitd no mure
HcsiJes the Iwn whlto jnen killed lust
spring by tho Crows In n most mtsplclous
manner hud ft lends nnd nelghbnts par
tletilaily In that region who will not let
the chance tn revenge them puss lightly
The sheriff hns done nil hn can and he
now awaits Ihe list of dead Indians
Good Until by lllithayiurii
Mexlu Texas December 14 A fanner
named Voik living neat Fnlrllcld Texas
came In today with twenty balfu of ration
nnd Iho cotton wns purchased by A
Dfron < i Co bringing him flow While
the money was being paid lo him In Parker
fc WnrthiimH hardivaie store there wns
a struugvr present who asked Mr Worth
am the pi lee nf a bliicklaud plow and
Mr Worlham told him In a few moments
he would wait on hlin When llinumli with
Mr York he then stepped mil and Mr
orlham nppitmched the stintiKer and
sulil h was now ready lo wait on him
The stranger wild he would wait a fow
more dnyu anil come In and get one of
his plows
Mr Vrirk ftot his team out nf tho wagon
yard ami started home The stranger and
his pal were putting up nt thn sinno yard
that Mr York was Thu two strangers
did not wait for Ihelr horses to irel
through eating but mounted them nnd
started off In thn dltecllon of Mr York
and passed him about six miles uniU of
Metla und ohfliit IKlecu miles oust on
Cnnney creek tho two stronger hid tliolr
horses and came walking up thu road
Meeting Mr York they tlnnw their re
volvers down on him and told him to
give up thn thousand dollars lie had or
they would kill lilpi Mr York compiled
with their request to his sorrow They
did not search Mr York who bad W
In his test pocket which was uiidlsttiibed
The officers at Inlrtleld weru notified
and lh y are scouring the country for
the robbeis
Up lo midnight no report from them
The puitlrs Unit robbed Mr Yoik nro
desetlbed ns follows Tho oldest looheil to
be about 41 years old light tnmplexlou
sandy mustache and was tiding n giey
horse The younger man woa a low heavy
set fellow nlKiitt M or 80 years old rind was
riding a dark colored mule JJotli bad
red leuthor saddle
Another Dallas Tragrdy
Dallas Texas December 14 Thos L
James lies In a coffin uf Llnskles under
taking establishment tonight and 11 J
Heaves his slayer occupies a cell In the
county Jail At 1090 they met fit n dance
at lid Martins nt Knst Him street
llcnvos says that James swore that he
would kill htm It he stepped outside
Ileeves borrowed a pistol and went out
Severn allots were IIred nnd James fell
dead shot through the body and neck
Iteeves left wrist was shattered by n
ball he says from James pistol but par
ties who were present say that he shot
Itneves Is K years old and Iho dead
matt Is 20 Three years ago Ileeves mar
ried l lla Drown of lian Antonio He
says that sines the death of their baby
four months ngp James has led his wife
astray and yesterday ho found n letter
written by James to his wlfa which open
ed lits tyti to whut had taken pUoo
Iteeves runs a restaurant on ICIm street
and James was oinployod at linell A
Connollys planing mill IteevM dscltius
that Jntnos alienated tho directions of his
wife and he killed him In selfdefense
Hlirepmpit Mtiiiahfirrd
flsn Angela Texas December Jl Novvs
has Just reached fjnn Angdo that 110
Gromskys a sheep boss named Arthur
Mayer and two of his herders were hilled
on Ihe Pecos river nearly 30 miles from
Han Angela about a week ago
II n Hall a slistpmun says that he
wns visited at his camps a few nights
11150 nnd compelled to louvo bef > ra morning
at tho intiKlo of a halt down Winches
Further Mooflahed is anticipated as
sheepmen Appear d twmln l to have free
grass and lbs rapphtw and land owners
say Ihey will not permit their range to
be eaten down
The CiiukIiIIu Trliil
Chicago December H Th prosecution
In the Coughlln otss devoted Its energies
lurgey todsy < o uumv llng Iho mystery
surioundlng the ti ry of the wagon In
whbh fronlns remains lire said to have
been iuiilid from I tie fatlaon cottuge
li was btaled hjwIIIvly today that lie
Luughiui a brother of Mrs Foy now Ju
Scotland will bo used for the prosecution
to compel Andrew to tell all he may know
of the enso
At the former trial Foy chimed he could
remember nothing regarding the secret
meetings nnd It his brotherinlaw teat
fles Toy will be compelled to talk It Is
said or ho will be attached for contempt
of court It Is also rumored that tear
are entertained thnt an attempt will be
nnido lo abduct Mrs I > y lo prevent her
testifying 111 Iho case A policeman It Is
said haa been detailed to guard tho Foy
housa nnd prevent such an occurrence
Tho Posts llulletln With Wlint Will
Transpire This Day Ilirotlltb
tint the Couittr
WARIUNUTONA change In the of
fice of the nsstuant secretary of wor will
tako pbtco loday ilcneral L A Grant
who haa lilted tnat position no acceptably
for several years will today turn It over
lo General Joseph II Doe of Hanesvlllo
ls General Grants leslgnatlon ten
tiered nt thn bcglnnum of the present nd
tululslnttlon linn recently been accepted
to take effect this date and General Doo
accepted Heiyetnry Lainoiita invitation
to assist hint In tho adniliilstratbti ut the
iiftulrs of tho military establishment Gen
eral Doe Is a lawyer having u InrRc prac
tice lie Is a young man out his fsends
speak of him ns navlng not only hgh
legal attainments but line executive ea
iwiclly and pnsllct that h will admirably
IIU Iho place to which he has been called
ItALTlMOttH MdTGovernor Brown
of Maryland on October n signed the
deRth warrant of the colored men Arthur
Courtney and llenty Taylor llxlnrf their
execution for today for the murder of
Captain 1 Frank Cooper The tnurder
tra nro from Carters Creek Vn where
Captain Cooper made bis home and
whence they Mlled with him lit his
schooner Tho cseol wns lying at Deals
Island Homersct county Md lime ill
IMU when the captain wns attacked by
tho men after he had retlreit for the
night and beaten tn death In a brutal
way for the money which he was sup
posed 10 have In his wallet ttnd which
had excited tho cupidity of his ussallnnls
PllllADnrPllIA Pa This evening n
grand swimming fete of unusital Interest
will bo given ut the CUediintnn cltil
Thirteenth nnd Spring Garden streets
The following events open to nil rima
teurs for which first and second prlset
will he ntYorded will bu contested Hoys
race two lengths ot bith 18J foot for
boys under u jears of age Novice nice
titu lengths fur those who have neter
won it prlio In open competition A four
lengths uprti luimllenp Then will also
bo a oneqtmrtov mile exhibition swim
Nl W YOIHC Architects Lo Ilnln
Wnro and Kendall tho committee ot ex
perts nppolntfil to exnmlno tho 110 plans
port lo Iho new municipal building com
inlsslon six from which mm will finally
be H loetud have culled out the best until
thoy now have but Aery few plans under
canslderartm They expect to bo able to
teporl b > this dale The six plans cer
tified by thn experts will nil be prlii win
ners five nf them rewarding their makera
Willi Md each
WINNKPRd MamAfter the conclu
sion of the assizes of tho Dnslcrn Judicial
district of Manitoba On November 10
sentence won passed upon G La Illano
nnd George Illley Iho latter an Ameri
can for the murder of John Wilson In
this cltv In July Ut Illano received tho
death sentence und will be hanged todny
in this city Illley was sentenced to thu
penitentiary fir ntlccu years
cillPAGOrhlcf Justice linker ot tho
supremo court In October decided tho case
of fleoige H Painter of Chicago affirm
ing the decision nf the criminal court
of Cook county and sentencing Painter
to be hanged thla day The crime of
which Palmer was convlelud was Iho
murder of his ml trcKs Alice Martin at
Ihelr rnotus on Hotith Green slreet neRr
Madison nt midnight of Sunday May 17
NBW YOnrC According to He official
Itinerary of her cruise the llnltlmoro will
nirlvo at Yokohama about this date Thu
Lnnenster will thus 1m shin to start on
Iter homeward voyage alioiit Christmas
time 8ie will bo nlmtit two months mak
ing Ihe voyngo which will bring her to
New lorlt nlHitit Mnrflh I or three years
from Iho time sho left these waters
ST LOUIS Mo Martin Heed tt Knn
11s Clly negro who murdered Ids wife In
a most hetirlloss manner Is under sen
tence tn hung here ttvlav Dirk Uobm
son who iiiiiiilsml 11 German trlrl at He
1I11II1 Is also under sentence to hang this
Got 11 Life Mliiteiieit
Winchester Ind December 11 The
Jury In Ihe lrleeSlonns murder lilnl re
turned 11 vordlct of guilty today and
Mis Price und Samtel Storms whlte
were sentenced to Imprisonment for life
Tho defendants murdered Kent Drown
the colored grrvant of Congressman
ThA Ifnrniers Conirress
nnvaniuLli On Decnmber 14 The Farm
ers enncres this ufternoon cleeled Ihn
following Piesldenl J J T Cltyton lovvli
vice ptesldant C r llyan Gioigln sec
retary J M Stnhl Illinois treasurer
Henry Ilayden Iowu Tho next session
wilt bo held nt Paikersburg W Va In
Foil ml Not Guilty
Philadelphia Pa December JlTlio
Jury In tho two ut Henry JI Yard
tainted with collusion with the officers of
the defunct Keystone National bank In
wrecking tho Institution brought In a ver
dict of not guilty today
ClutrKCd Willi VnrRcry
Ban Antonio Texas December H W
L Fowler 11 Jeweler was arrested and
jailed todny on the charge of forging < wo
sets or notes amounting to HG W0 The
affidavit was made by Mrs Harriett M
Kluir Acquitted
Clarksvjllr Texas December II Tho
jury In the case of tho State vs John
King returned a verdict today of not
Chris Hviiiis Found Guilty
Fresno Cat December ItChris Ilvnns
Iho train robber and outlaw has been
found guilty of murder in the first degreo
and tho penalty fixed at Imprisonment for
Tho Meyer Trial
New York December IlTho day In th
Meyer trial wns consumed taking tho evi
dence of experts on polsoni
IKO barrels floe twooutmp Kentucky
Whisky for Sals In bond at
from tta to 03c
Whokaale Liquor and Cigar Dealers
Houston TEXAS
Tho Oornpositlon of tho Italian Cab
inet Agreed Upon But Not
Yet Qatettod
Qptolat BttIosi Htld tat Eojil UatntoL
cea st Windtor OntliInJutiri
Sirtog In Berlin
Ileriln December II There was much
oxellomcnt in thn fclcbstag when tho
Spanish treaty on commerce was Intro
duced for the second rendlrg
Manteufel attacked the general and com
merclal policy of tho Kovcrnmcht whoso
treatment he said ot the agricultural
classes enconrngo ngrarlan agitation
Caprlvl made a vigorous reply durlrtB
which he sold It wns true that the Rus
sian treaty would bo made nt the cx
I > en e ot husbandry In as mucli ns the
gtaln producing State must rccelvo con
cessions through It
The chancellor added that ho opposed
tho method of ngluillon resorted to by
the Farmers Alliance and asserted It was
not conservative to nppcttl to the majori
ties ngnlnst tho authority ot tho govern
TI10 Monsim Trial
tJdlnburg December ltTlie Monson
trim waa continued today nnd the court
was crowded Ilie day win occupied taking
testimony An important portion ot the
evidence consisted of deductions from Iho
examination of the skull nnd from photo
graphs of the head of the deceased Tho
counsel said ho won unwilling 10 hjk that
tho real skull be brou < iit Into court and
for the purpose ot croasexnmlnaUon Im
asked leave to use another akillt
Dr Llltlejohit cavo a mass ot technical
testimony Qescrlblnp the postmnrtont cs
nmlnatkin saving ho believed tho gun
which killed Lieutenant Ilnmbroush wan
fired nine feet from tho deceased It was
Impossible that tho killing was the result
of nn accident
Dr McMillan who made out the certi
ficate of arcldentnl death and who wroto
tn Iho Mutual Lite Insurance company ot
New York Hint the lieutenant did by hl3
own hand testified that after so dolntr ha
thought he had been ton batty
Tim Italian Cabinet
Home December It The new ministry
Is practically completed although not yet
gtircttcd It will probably be ns follows
Blgnor Crlspl prunler minister of Inlet
rlor and interim foreign affairs Cnllndl
Justice Sarnco treasurer Bonnlnii
finance Mlccenl wnr Morln mnrlne Ita
oclll education Doxelll husbandry llnzzl
publlo works lcrrnrls posta
Thp llonili Ttiiotvcrs
IArls December 14 Vho Judicial In
quiry Into tho bomb outrage will bo tem
porarily postponed as the authorities aro
convinced thai Vaillam had accomplices
nnd villi continue ihelr ffforta to discover
then The detectives have arrested Carl
Btubb well known to Viilltanl ind found
n loaded bomb Jn Kttibbs lodgings
French Uples on Trial
Lelpplg Doomber It The trial of two
supposed French spies Degond nnd Delgri
Malvns nllas Daynot rommenced today
They were arrested In August last at Kiel
delected In the act ot making slictchcs
of the fJfl iiuiii coast defenses
The lto > nl Mnlisillcum
London December It The queen and
loyal family except the Princess of Wales
vvcie preeent at the special service today
at the Mausoleum at Windsor this being
Ihe anniversary nf the death ot tho prince
Killed by it Ulnar
London December It Two workmen
who killed and a number of others were
Injured yesterday by tho dynamite acci
dent nt Jlymoulli
while idastliiar jl
nierfed JArilibiNlinn
Dublin Decemb ltltlght Kev rtoW J
ert Samuel Grc f bishop of pork liah
been elected mcltblshop ot Arpiagh UKt i
primate ot Ireland J
lie riiuiia Ileolnrpil n Trnllor
Ilueitos Ayres Derember it A dispatch
from Itlo de Jnnelro says President relx
uto lias dcdnieil Admiral Do Gaiba a
Will Close Hip Ilnnl
llnltlmoro Md December It Tho
Uvenlm Nows tnys Tho statement comes
fiom n source high In the affairs of tho
Jnnnsylvanla Steel comtiany that tho
company has agreed with three othBr
great idcl manufacturlnB corporations
tho llclhclobem Carnegie nnd Illinois to
oloso the steel rail plant of tho Maryland
Steel company und Its branches in this
Htnte during the whole of 1531 on the pay
ment of tt consideration ot StGOOOO that
sum being estimated ud tho profits from
tho manufacture of rails during tho yv r
flherlrfM Depnrfmrilt
1 einn teail Texas December llThe
stable of Mr IU J Crook was broken open
last night and of tho eight horses therein
a flno buggy horse worth about 1200 was
slolon together wUli tt flno saddle and
bridle Tho homo lo n lino larg blaclt
linrse about 10 hands high nnd about l
years old branded V I on lett foreshow
der Mr Crook offerer ft reward Of Bo for
tho recovery ot tho horse
Distilled llrxiimrit Work
Louisville Ky December 14 Tha anv
nounccment was inndo today that lira clglit
distilleries which hod been closed sonta
time had resumed operatlnn 5h fc
attmptton vva based upon Ihojexpectfttioji
of favorable legislation W increaslwr the
whttky lax
Awarded Highest HonorsWorlds Faiiv
gl Baking
The only lure Cream of Tartar rowiler No Auimonlaj No Alqai
Used iu Millious of Homes 40 Years the Standard
if S3
if f iH