t V
en v
plena p
ill i
witiiw ocrA
or nira old
t un
Christmas Gift for
Men of Money
Spring 90 SI70
ft Pure Rye
< < i
eg 200
inheinur Rye Spring 90 21a
iO Corf
tors Carlisle
80 250
86 255
< i
80 26Q
86 265
fCTsylor Spring86 270
Fall81 275
IJpy Spring82 290
HOlMpiia Sale is made to raise
lL 5iey lience Cash are tlie
Address orders to
o sox no
Dealer In
si Oats MKIet Send Corn Oats
fell Kay and all kinds Feed
J IluRute and Capitol 8ts telephone No 40
Wholes ilo
2nd Commission Merchants
WJJ island iro Tiavls Street Phone K3
3ptlts In Bd On a Millet Seed Coin
Wis Hay Urnn all kinds of 1eed
111 ItUr n
lor i
pn at our expense
m fe LCMliEJU
ucle > fash Doors minim niotilil
H g tjpros Cisterns
T < V J
1 BA da of Mill Work at Price to
Suit tho Times
h v left nt our offl
ll I < 0 ln t Coon
I = MCse will receive prompt attention
Ui J OIUIIUMJ > Jfc CO Houston
dtnre Carpets and House Far
nUhlnc Goods
to n4 TO Main St Cor Capitol Ave
JL < s
YV have eortrol of this market for a
few brands of fine clpnrs and want all our
merchant friends to know where to eel
thorn > >
> i
3 JM
itnn snappeii 4 a
Everybody knows tt Kv r > body
smokes It and last hut not lean tho
Justly celcbruleel
< <
tho best Cigar of Its grade on the mar
ket Many connoisseur prefer It to
Key West goods
Space In Abundance For
MEnciiANDisn or am kinds
Wo have perhaps the most conveni
ent warehouse In tin city It Is
only 1lve Iliocks from the Postof
tlee near North End of San Jacin
to Street Hrliigc Soods are iccelved
at and delivered from our idit
forms access to which is now vciy
easy as wo have made decided im
provements by grading and a lib
eral U3c of cinders
call and inspect oun premises
r o iiox c
304 Main Street
We have an older for 571 large Tur
key Gobblers and am net highest
market price for thorn If shipped early
Hens not wanted
Commission Merchants Houston
No S Commerce Ave Cor Milam St
Consignments and Correspondence Solic
Successors to Lottman Ilros
Wholesale Manufacturers of
BIllIKfl AM lirllDIXO
Incorporated July 8 IKM
Capital Stuck CIOOOOO
Cotton S llenl Commn Merchants
Importers of
r ime Plaster Iro Hrlek Drain Ilp
Oak and Ebony Tlanos
Tve Maple Wile Mahogany Circassian Walnut
Music Folio
Itrm Piano Chain Music Stand Music
J K Musical Iloxes
> Mundullns Oultars etc
I > flanjos
li r l > nims und other coods t or the children
d ON DECEMBER 19 20 AND 21
pe International Route
ll JVHI soil Excursion Tickets to Memphis St allprin Louis
dAnipoHs Louisville Cincinnati and
Pc i points in the Southeast at
Good for Return Thirty Days from Date of Sale
larse Stock of
These Goods were IkhisM at Rock Hot
torn Prices for Spot Cash and tlelhereil
on cut iiucs Wrllo tio for prices nnd
tenns or call In person
f I ill X CO
Machine Work
Srw fiiops
North rrtd San Jacinto Hriilge
We arc now ready to show our lino
und Invite you to rail nnd sec them
We havo Dressing Cases from 75 cents
to J25 ln hard wood plnih and cellu
loid eases the latest defdgnM Collar
and Cuff boxes In haid wood line
leather and rlu b Munlcuro Sets
Glove nnd Handkerchief Hoxes Sbav
Inff Cates Ladles and Gents Travel
Ins Cases roll upa ClBar Cases
Canl Cases Pocket Rooks with
Sterling Silver cornels Ilne Perfumery
In Cut Glass Plate lliss Photo
1lanues Etc All marked In plrjlu
ritrutes Make your selection before
stock Is broken
COS Main Street Klrst Corner South
Capitol Hotel Simo Hide
Wholesale and Retail Phone 007
100111 Travis Street t Houston
Tim IHlITO POM 111 pnj IOO
tf > lip IpkiiI Jirlr of nny ersoi ilio
inrets iliiltli hy firildflit jirnrldiil
hut nt the lime tin permm m > it > lnu
linn iitinii 111 or lirr ImhIj JlllS PA
PER This Insiiritlur Inililn koihI for
111 hours out or from 7 fi in It 11
p in of lb ilnte nf till iiniiir Snt
liifmtor proofM of < neli Ilnliu iimst
IP prrsiiilpd vJlliln < IH hours nt thr
llnslnrss OfII f I In Hoiixlon lon
llcmcnilMT llil policy Is lolil unless
THIS lAIllll I uiion < lic person at
time f ilenlh
A A 13 K McdOWIlS
Wood Split Pulleys Steel Shafllnit
Hoxes HanKers Coupllnes a Inch Roller
Tubes Machinery Lasllnus and Repair
Serfng Bro
Wliblesale and refall dealers In
Fash loors Blinds shinies Lumber
tihi msrhtH i fd Jta
Accnts for Heath A MUllgan Rest Pilnt
Pralrls and Milam streets Houston
of Hints
KtiP > onr frlriuls oiitslil
on posted I Tpxii li nulllliijc
tinin tills copy of Tin Ilxt iiflor
renillni II f > murk some
proenniil llim In I si iiiiitli lip
Thieves ransacked St Andrews catha
dftl at LUOe Hoc fnd stolr valuable ur
lmpeaehroent procwfllngi ffaJn t Chief
Harris are In progreiui at Talilpquah
T O Meyere and Jo Ilium two Bloux
City gamblers vero ipystarlausly mur
dered A
In Uie prfndergastVloi lh defendants
mother leBtltl that ther was an insane
streak In the family
Judkments jKtrKatlng SUOXI were
of N J
filed uBauift the itsKbrnejl firm
r Inrkr of < hi iKo ilnlms to hae
dl covtr < sl her wn JI r 11 mm w kW
naped from l r tin niis
y > Adler
Nrair HriLiitu
rushtil her husband Ijii a i il > feet
and shot hhi
deri and Ihtn stonixl
I The proposition > h Vlhant Ark i
trim robtirs still ut larire > c > rair ils
hiK jlp
win ihc State
itic lurv in ll firH lirwn mo 1 r
and llxed tno iictvn > ul death
Ooavlnclnt Stntcmont of F ols Show
ing That tho < JuoMt Was Dothron
eil by United States Troops
Tie rrtttxt That the litbdlng of tho Mutlnti
Wai to Imtect ArtttlMn OUIims
IallT UxpVita
Washlnutoh DecemWr The follow
ing la the presidents un ia to conirreas
on HhwuII
To the Senate and Urn so of Reircs nt
utlves <
In my recent annual message to con
Rruss I briefly rererrod to our relations
with Httwnll and expressed the Intontlon
of transmitting further Information on
the subject when additions advices neie
permllled Though not blu now to report
any denulte change In the actual situation
I am convinced that tlio dlfflcultlds lately
vreutpd both hete and ll llanall und now
atnndlng In the way of solution through
executive action by thojproblem presented
lender it proper nnd expedient that tho
matter should be tefarJM to broader au
thority and the dlncretliri of congress with
a full explanation of the endeavor thus
far made to ileal with the emergency and
a statement of the Considerations which
have governed my action 1 suppose light
and Justice should determine the path to
ho fullonisl In treating this subject K
National honesty ll m < e dlicirarded and
a deilm fot terrltorlil extension or dis
satisfaction with n form of government
not our own Is to regulate our conduct 1
have entliely mlsnpprehcndid tho ml
slon nnd character of our government and
behavior which the conscience of our peo
ple demands of their public servants
When the present administration entered
upon Its duties the s > nnt hud under
eonsldeuitlon a treaty providing for the
annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to
the territory of the United Stntea Hurely
under our constitution and laws the en
largement of our llinlU Is a manifestation
of tin highest attribute of sovereignity
and If enlcred upon us nu executive net
all things lelntlnii to the trnnsaotloii
should be clear and ftee from suspicion
Additional Importance Is iittached to thin
peculiar tieaty f annexation btcnuse tt
ronleuiplntid a Ucpamiie from unbroken
American tradition In providing for an
addition to our territory of Islands of tho
sea more than a > K mllea removed from
our neaiest const These considerations
might not of Ihemsclves call for Inter
ference In the completion of the treaty
entcied upon hy tho previous ndmlnlstia
tlon but It appealed fiom documents nc
companvlng the treaty when submitted to
Hie aetinle that the ownership of Hiiwnll
was tendered hi by a proWsloBalltovein
ment set tip trt surenod the constltulloiml
ruler of the islands Who had been de
throned nnd ll did not appear that such
provlslonil gmcrmn rit had the aane
tion of either n popular revolution or
Two other features of the transaction
naturally attracted attention One was
Hie extraordinary haste not to my pre
cipitancy chirncterlrlng all the trans
actions connected with Ihe treaty ll
appeared that a sooalbd committee of
safety ostensibly the nource of the te
voll ogilnst th cinilttullonnl government
of Hiiwnll was organlxed Sntutday the
llth day of January On Monda > the
lGtli United Stales forces weiei landed at
Honolulu from a naval vesnel lying In Its
harbor On the 17lh a suheine of a pro
visional government was perfected and a
proclamation miming Its nfllreis was on
the same diy preputeil unit read nt the
governmiill buildings Immediately ther
on the United Slater minister tecognlKid
the provisional government thus creatid
Two days afterwards the 10th of Jan
uaiy commissioners representing such
government sailed for this country In a
steamer especially chartered for Hie occa
sion arriving In San Francisco on the
S8th of January and In Washington on
the 3d of February
The next day they had the first Inter
view with Ifie secretary of Mate and an
other on the llth when the treaty of an
nexing the Islands was practically agreed
upon and on the llth was formally con
eluded nnd on Ihe lf > th transmitted lo the
senate Thus Ixlwtn the Initiation uf the
schema for the provisionl government hi
Hawaii on the llth of January and suh
mlaslon to the senate of the treaty of
1 annexation constituted wllh such govern
ment the enltie Interval wiui thirtytwo
days llftecn of which were spent by Ihe
Hawaiian commissioners In the Journey
to Washington
In tho next place upon the face of tho
paper submitted with the treaty ll clear
ly appealed that there wua an open und
undetermined Issue of the most vital Im
portance The message of the president
aecomjianylng the treaty declared that
the overthrow of monarchy was not In
any way promoted by this government
and In a letter to the president from the
secretary of state also submitted to ha
senate wllh the treaty tho following pas
sage occurred
At the time the provisional government
look possession of the government build
ing no troops or officer of tba United
State wero present or took any part
whatever In the proceedings No public
recognition wms accorded to Ihu provisional
government by the United states minister
until after Ihe nuecna abdication and
when they were in cffecllvs passes Ion
of the government buildings Ins himiIv
treasury barrteks i > olro station an 1
all potential machinery ur the govern
Hut a protest also arnmpnnlcd said
tienty signed by the iju n and hi nun
Inters ut Hie time she made way for Ihe
provisional gcverninent which explicitly
slated that she yielded to the superior
fane of the United Slules whose minister
hud caused the United HUiea trfops lo bo
landed at Honolulu md d > tared he would
aupK > rt such provisional government The
truth or falsltv > f this iioteat was surlv
Of first linportan If In nothing but
concealment of in tiuth cuid induce oir
government b m otiit with a s ntll in
ot u government this criati t ni mid
a treaty resulting from Ihc acts alst d
111 the protest have ben knowingly
deemed worthy of conHldtration by the
senate Vet the ti ulh or rjlHy of th
pmiikt lisl not bton liivrllrfatcd 1
i duelled It m > dul tin refure lo with
draw the trcity from th senate foi ex
amination on 1 mliiwhile < ji nn ac
ini in foil and imiiirilil Investigation
to l niult of th f > ts ulnJIng th mil
virfiii tf ll n Mliitttnil niv rnnient
of Hawaii and installment In its place of
ihe provisional government I selected
for Ihe work of investigation lion James
II mount of Ueurgla whose service of
ighieen years ah a memh r jf Hie biis
< > f reprcsentaMva and whose ixpirleut
as chairman of the commute on fn < Ign
nffaira in that body and his eouseuAicnt
familiarity with International topics
Joined with his high character and honor
able reputation seemed to render him
peculiarly fined for the duties entrusted
to him
His tcport detailing Ids notion under
Instructions given him nnd his conclu
sions derived from his Imcxtlgntlous nc
comiwny thin message These conclusions
do not rest for their acceptance entirely
utxMi Mr mounts honesty nnd ability
as a man her upon hts impartiality aa nn
investigator They arc accompanied by
the evidence upon which they are based
which evidence la also hcrewihtraiismlt
ted and from which It seems to me no
other deductions could iKwslbly he leached
than those arrived at by the commlwrton
er The report and It accompanying
proofs and such other evldenoo us la now
before ooinfresa or Is herewith sub
mitted Jiistlfj in my opinion tho state
ment hat when the pretilent was ltd lo
submit the treaty to tho senate with the
declaration that tho overthrow of th
monatchy was not In any way promoted
hy IhlH government and when the sen
ate was Induced to receive and discuss it
on thai basis both the president and the
senate were misled
The attempt will not tie niado In thli com
muntcauon to touch upon all Iho facts
which throw light upon the progress and
conauminatlon of this scheme of annexa
tion A very brief and Imperfect reference
to the facts and evidence ut hand will
exhibit Its character and Incidents In
which It had Its birth It Is unnocessaiy
to set forth the reasons which In January
ISM led a considerable portion of the
American and other foregn merchant
nnd trader residing at Honolulu to favor
annexation of Hawaii to the United
Slates It is sufficient to note th fact
and lo observe that ihe project was
on walously prompted by tho minister
Itiptfsenitng the United States In that
country lie evidently hud nn ardent de
alt e that It should become a fnet ac
complished liv his agency during his min
istry and he was not Inconveniently
scrupulous us lo tno means employed lo
Hint end
On Iho Will ilnv of November 18M near
ly two months before the flist overt net
tending tovvnids subversion ot the Ha
waiian government and attempted trans
fer of Hawaiian trrltory lo the Fulled
Blutos he addressed a long letter in Iho
secretary of lute In which the cause for
annexation was elaborately argued on
moral political und economical grounds
He refers to the loss ot Ihe Hawaiian
sugnr Interests from the opetnllon of the
McKlnley 1111 nnd tendency to the further
depreciation of Migar tiroperij unless
some positive menstiie of relief should be
grunted He strongly Inveighs ngiilnat Ihe
existing Hawaiian government and em
phntlrally doclnres Mr annexation He
anysIn that monarchy line there Is nn ab
surd anurhronlsm 11 has nothing on
which It logic illy or legitimately stands
The feudal batls on which It once Blood
Is no loiigir existing Tho monarchy now
Is only nn Impediment to good govern
ment and nn obstruction to tho prosperity
nnd progress of the islands
Ho further says
As n crown colony of Orent llrltnln
or tcirltory of the United States govern
ment modifications could bo made readily
and rood administration of the law so
cured The destiny nnd vast rutine In
terest of tho United Hlules In the Pacllte
rlonily Indicate who nt no distant dajr may
Isj responsible for the governmnt f ih e
islands Under a territorial government
Ihev could bo ns ensllv governed lis any
of ihe existing teirltnrles of tho United
Hlntes Hawaii has reached tho parting
nf Iho nays She must now take Hie road
which leads to Asia or Hie other which
oiillels h < n In America gives her Amerl
Ilin civilisation and binds her to the cure
of American destiny
He nlso declares
One of Hie two rourses seems o me
absolutely necesary to b followed either
hold nnd vigorous measures for annexa
tion or n customs union and ocean cable
from the Cullfotnla cnost to Honolulu
Piul harbor perpetually ceded to Hie
I United States with Implied but not ex
I pressly stipulated Ameilcun protectorate
1 over the Islands I believe Ihe former to bo
I tho bolfir that whlrli will prove initeh
i moro ndvanlafceous to the Islands nnd
I cheapest and least embniiisslng In Ihe
I end lo the United Slates If It weio wise
irr the United Hlntes through Secretory
Murcey thirtyeight years ago to olfer lo
expend HOcOOO to secure u triatv of annex
atlon it certainly can not be ililnieieal or
unwise to exr < i d IjOiO lo cecum annexa
tion In Hie iioir future Today the United
Htatim tin five times the wealth she pos
sesaed In 16SI and Ihe imisona now existing
for annexation are much stronger Him
then I om not refr In from expiesnlng
the opinion villi emphasis that the golden
hour Is nenr at I anil
These declarations certainly show n dis
position and condition of mind which may
be usefully recalled when Interpreting
the algnlllesnco of the nilnislers conceded
act or when considering Ihe probabilities
of such conduct on Ids iwrt ga may not
be admitted In this view It seems proper
nlso to Miiote u letter willten by Ihe min
ister to the secretary of slnte on the Sth
of March ISM nearlv n year prior to
the llrat step taken towsid annexation
After stating tho possibility llutt Hi ex
isting government of II w ll might be
overturned hy un oidsily end pearefol
resolution Minister Btevons write as fol
lows Ordinarily in like circumstances
the rule seem to be to limit the landing
and movement of the United Smies firees
in foreign waters and dominion i xi luslv ly
to the protection of the United Stales li
gation and ot lives and propeity of Ainei
leal tlihteu but a the relntioi nf the
United Slates to Hawaii are ixcepiionnl
and in former year United Hutes offi
cials here look somewhat exceptional
ocllon In circumstance of dlsunlt r I < l
lre to know how far the ii5s < nt minister
and naval commander miv deviate fioin
the ctnhllshed internaHunnl rule unit
in cMlcnt In contingent It In Heat 11 In
th Him part of this dispatch
T the niln eler of this lompir full of
sui for annexation there seemed to arise
In January 183 the pietlse opportunity
for will h he win watchfully waning an
opportunity which by timely d vUU n
from lh > established International nils
and precedent nmvM he proTid to uo
cexsfully accomplish th great object In
view and we ore quite prepared for the
exultant enthusiasm wllh which in ill
teller to the tate department dated
Ii lruarv 1 1843 he deciaic
Tin Hawaiian pear l now fully ripe
nni ibis is ihe golden hour for ihe United
Hitm to pluck It
As a furilir llliiHlration of the activity
of lldi diplomatic r iiieeulatlte sttei
lion 1 < 11 d to the fact Hut on the day
Hi above letter was written In apparently
wo unable longer to restrain Ills ardor
He linued a proclamation whereby
In ihc name of the Uiiilel Statu ha
aflsum 1 protection of the Hawaiian Is
land und declared said action wa token
ng and subject to negotiations at
of i nurse this assumption of protect
or nt promptly discovered by pur
Kniirnraint tut hi snurlcaii hB re
mained over the government building nt
Honolulu and the forces remained on
guard until April and after Mr mounts
urrlval on Hie scene when both were re
tiiAi d
A bilf statement of Hie occurrence
that Id to the subversion of the con
stitutional government of HawtUI In tho
Interest of annexation to tae United
States will exhibit the true complexion of
that transaction On Saturday Jamiiry
14 ISM tho nuoen ot Hawaii who had
been contemplating Hi proclamation of a
new constitution hod In deferenc lo tho
wishes and remonslmnees of her cabinet
renounced the project tor Hie present at
least Taking this relinquishment of pur
pose as a bafts of action cltlxens ot
Honolulu numbering from fifty to tv
hundred mostly re ldent aliens met In a
private office and selected a socalled
committee of safely cotnpoaeil of hlrleen
psitna seven of whom were foreign
subject and consisted of flvei Americans
one Englishman nnd oie German This
commit tee though Its designs were not
rovesle1 had In view ncUhluf less than
annexation to the United States nnd
between Saturday tho llth and the fol
lowing Monday Innunry IS though ex
nctly what action was taken may not l
clearly disclosed they wetw curtnlnly In
communication with tho Vulted Steles
Number ChaugetS Bv ry Day
Cut tlila coupon out ntut
keoplUintllthreoo dlf
foront numbora are accu
mulntod then forward
thorn togotlior with
rivn swowkto poaTAaii
To the Art Pevartment
and you will rooolvo tho
Elagant Portrol0 of
Photographs as adver
tised Soo our advertise
ment on nnothor pngo
rre evif e sswsjiTsVsg iitfeviistweti
minister On Monday morning the queen
nnd cabinet made public the proclama
tion wllh notice which vvn specially
aerved upon the representative of nil
folelgn novel nmenls Unit any chnntie
in the conslltntloil would bo sought only
in Ih methods provided by that Instru
Nevertheless nt Ihe call nnd under the
fiUipicee of tho committee of safety a
mils meeting ut clllseiia wn held on that
day lo protest against the nurenH Illegal
end unlawful piodedlng nnd purpfmua
Even at this meeting Hie commtttco ut
riifcty lontlnued to illrgulte tho roul jiUr
imiii nnd coiitented themselves Willi pro
curing tho passage nt tt tesolutloli de
nouncing llu queen and empowering tho
lonitnittee In ilevlso way nnd iiicnnn to
eeeuro permiincnt mnltiienanre of law
nnd older nnd protmllon ot life liberty
und property In Hawaii
This meeting ndjounicd between 3 nnd 4
WvaUn tin 4lr uoAftti ll UJvUJy
and imiuedlately nTtor suoli uljourninetlt
Hie cnnitnlllrii unwilling to tuku rurlhcr
steps withoui coopei atlon ot tho Unllod
States minister nddteased a note tepre
scntlng that public autoty was menaced
and propeity In dunger and concluded nn
We are unable lo lnotoet oiusclvun
without aid nnd therefore piny for thu
piotecllon of Iho Uiillid Slates force
Whatever may be lliousht of the other
contents of this nolo tho absolute 11 lit It
of this latler statement Is contestable
When the nolo was wiltlen and dollvcied
tho ciuninllloe so far an It iippsirs had
niillber man nor gun at their loniiiinnd
iindnrivllladellpr thoybftiinie wo panic
slilckeii lit lb position Unit they suit
sumo nf their number lo Ihe Interior min
ister mid requested him not to land tho
United Slates foices till next morning
hut he icpllol hut tho troops had been
ordered and whether thn commute vvu
ready or not Iho lauding should lake
place und so It hnppenud Hint on Hie Itltli
day of January 1KM between I und S
oclock in Hie afternoon it detachment
of marines from tho United Blntes steamer
Hoston with two piece ofnrill lory land
ed ut Honolulu
The men upward of Jt In nil weie
well supplied with double cartridge belts
filled wllh ammunition and Willi havei
suriis and canteen and weio accompa
nied by a hoapltsl corps with stretohera
nnd medltul supplies This iliuunnstralloii
upon thu soil of Honolulu was ot Itself
an act of war unless made either wllh
consent of the government of Hawaii or
for the bona fide purpusn of protecting
ihu Imperiled lives and property ot clll
xeu of Hie United Stale bill lime wa
no pretense of any such consent on the
part of the government of th queen
whh h wa at that lime th undlspnUd
and both the de fucto and da jura govern
ment In point of fact the exlsllne gov
eiiiment iiiHiii of requesting the press
cure of nn tinned foroe protested against
It Tliere wa llftle lias for pretense auolt
a force was landed for ecutliy of Amer
ican life and property If so they niioulit
hi been stationed In the vicinity of such
propeity ao as lo protect H Instead of at
a dltftiincn und ao a to orumaiil the Ha
waiian government building and palme
Admlnil Hkerltt lie officer In command
of our nsval force on Ihe Paffle sttilion
ha frankly stutid that in his opinion the
Motion or the troops wai Inadvisable if
they weio landed ror the protection of
Amilcon citizen whom resldemc and
places of business as well n lie legation
and consulate win In a dlstunt purl of
the city but Ul location selected wa a
wlro one If Iho fnrie were lintlel for
tlie purpose ot support luff the provisional
If any peril to life and juoperty calling
for any ueli iniiiilil array existed Omit
Britain and the oilier forolru powers lu
tereeUd would not have been Inhlnd Ihe
United Slaiea III artlvlly to piotect their
citizens but they made no lgn in that
When these armed men were landed the
city ot Honolulu was In 1U customary
orderly and peaceful condition There wus
109 barrels fttia twostamp Kentucky
Whisky for Sal In bond at
from Ma to Wa
Wholesale Liquor and Clear Dealers
Houston TEXAS
no lymptom o riot or dliturbsnc In any
quarter Men women and children wero
about the streets a usual and nothing
varied the ordinary routine or disturbed tho
ordinary tranquility except the landing
of Ihe llostona marines nnd their march
ihrotiRh town to tho quarter assigned
to them
Indeed th fact that after having called
for the landing of United states forces an
tho idea of danller to life and property
tho committee of safety themselves re
quested the inhibitor to postpone action
exposed Iho uiuruthrulnets of their
representation of Hie present petll lo llfo
atnl property Tlie peril thy stlw wa ln
anticipation growing nut ot guilty inten
tions un their lurt and something which
though not then existing they knew
would certainly follow the attempt lo
overthrow tho government of the qttccn
without Ihe aid ot the United ettxtcs
Thus It appears Hawaii was taken pos
session of by the United States forces
without the consent of wish ot the gov
irnmont TIT llio islands or anybody clsa
so far n Is shown except tho United
States minister
The military occupation ot Honolulu
by the United State on the day men
tioned vvn wholly without Justification 1
either ns occupation by consent or occu
pation uecessllnled hy danger threaten
ing American live and property It must
bo account lor In some other way and
un some other ground and It renl mo
tive and purpose I neither obscure nor
far to eek Tho United State force
betnfr now on the scene und favorably
stationed Hi committee proceeded to
entry out the original echemo
They met next morning Tuesday 17h
5hd perfected a plan of temporary gov
ernment and Ilxed upon lis principal offi
cers ten of whom were drawn from thn
thirty members of tho commutes of
lletvveen 1 nnd 8 oclock hy ciuads nna
different route to avoid notice being
taken and having first talten the precau
tion ot nscertnlnlng whother there wn
anyone to oppose them they proceeded
to tne government building to proclaim
the new guveinment No nlsn of oppo
sition was manifest and thereupon un
Ameilcnn cltUen began to read the pron
lamntlon from the alepa ot the govern
mint building almost entirely without
an audleore
It wild that before the reading was
finished quite iv concourse of people vari
ously estimated nt from lltty to ono hun
dred some armed and nonio unarmed
gathered nlKiut thn committee to give them
aid nnd confidence Tlila stntement Is not
Important slnco the ono conlroHhut fno
tor In the vvliolo oilnlr was unqueirtliinablv
tho United Hlntes marines who drawn
up under aims with nrtlllery In readlnwm
only Mtvciityslx yards distant dominated
the situation Tho provisional government
thus proclaimed wn by the terms at the
proclamation to exist unlit the terms ot
union wllh tho Unllod States had been
negotiated and agreed upon
The United Stales minister pursuant to
u pilor agreement recognised Iho gov
crnipcnt within nn hour after the rend
ing ot tho proclamation and beforo
oclock In answer to an Inquiry on be
half of the queen nnd her cablnel he
announced Hint lie had dona so When
our minister recognised tho narvltlonni
government iho only basis on which It
reeled was thofuel that Uio commlHco
on public surely had in the manner above
suited delated It to exist
JiwunneUhrr lho covflrnment do facto
nor do Jure That It was not In euch
posfCBMtoti ot thu government prOpony
nnd ttgejiclefl us enlltled It to recognltl
Is conclusively proven by uVliiito found
In tho llle of Uio legation at Honolulu
nihil eased by the dftlated head of the
provisional government to Minister Ste
ven dated January 17 1MJ In which
lie ncliiiowldged with ovprnsslona of ap
preciation Uio mlnlsterB recognition of
Hie provisional government nnd makes tho
statemonl that It was not yet lit posses
sloii of tho latlon house the place wheto
ii laige number of ho queens troops
weie qiiorteied though tho same had been
demanded of Iho queen afnoera In
charge Nevertheless thl wrongful rec
ognition by our minister placed Hi gov
ernment of lh queen In position of
must perilous perplexity On tho ono
hand she had poosoeshm of the palace
liarriicltii und police station and nt her
command at lea t MO Hilly armed men
and eevoral piece of iirtlllTy Indeed
tho wholo mllttaiy force of tho kingdom
wua on her side and nt her disposal whlln
the committee by actual search dlscovefre
that there Were hut very fow arms In
Honolulu not In tho iitrvico of tho gov
in this state of thing the queen could
havo dealt with the Insurgent alone
Her course would havo been plain nnd
Hie lestill unmistakable but tho United
States had allied Itoelf with her enemies
lecognlxed them n the true government
of Hawaii and put her In the position
Of opposition against Uio lawful au
thority She knew h Could not with
stand tho power of the United Htuiee
hut helleVMl he might afely tiust to lln
Justice Accordingly soma houra after
recognition of tho provisional government
by tho United States minister Hie pal
nee barrack and police station with nil
Iho military resouiceu of tho country
weio delivered by Ihe queen upon repre
ski sa Ion lo her Hint Her caxti would
bo llierenlter reviewed at Waslilnglon
nnd while protesting Bho surrendcied to
tho superior foice of the United Htativi
whose minister oideird Ihe Hulled Rlnteif
I Iroops landed ut Honolulu and doclired
I lie would support the provisional govern
I meiit and that she yielded uutlmrlly tn
prevent collision of armed force and
loss of life only until euch llrne u Iho
I United Btt a upon tho facts l ltg pre
1 soniml lo It should undo the action ot Ha
1 representative and reinstate her In
I Mittliorliy bo claimed as tho oonslllu
tionil sovereign of thu Hawallnn island
This protest wits dellyereil to tho chief
of tho provisional government who In
I domed llicrooii hi aokuowlcilgmcnt of re
celpt nnd term The term W o lecoived
with dl seul by llit < < > assuming to cotistl
I lute Hie provisional government who were
certainly ciur ed with the knowledge that
the quean Insteud of finally abandoning
h r jwwer had npialed lo thr lusflco of
tho United Slates fur reinstatement In
her authority und thu provisional govern
i ment with her uiiunswcrol protest In It
i hund hastened to negotiate with tho
United Stale for pnnBiewt banlthineUt
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