OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, December 27, 1896, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 17

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1896-12-27/ed-1/seq-17/

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John A Lor St Louis
W J ° W VlorstVlii nVchmonel
jJ teiJutti tockArt
Kuwc Por tlaJiJ oro
S wuu or mmc ut
I St Louis Mo
St lotils Mo
St Louis Mo
fSrae Tone Haute Iml
Dallas Texas
Big1 loorla Jll
1 Vationai committees
E K Smith Atlantu Oa
lloffrnan LafaeUc lad
l Brt
f unrnooV Richmond Va
j M Bcnlsh Houston Texas
insiovv rorid ilu Lac Wis
Macon On
St Louis
s uRoroN
st Louis Mo
fflhiirtMi Itoom 412 Union
Sllif St Iouls Mo
conentlon raeeta In
1 annual
ft cVi I Sanger Waco
m pre l < lont
Jjoiian Ft Wwlh
K Graham Austin
rott Worth
ulnman In tho land
mil wit year to beat tho liand
ifl car oft from all your vices
btbe truth and dont cut prices
neh comracr tal traveler have fair
sidon for his competitor and treat
toriblr Ehatp practlco oa the road
till An unduo advantage over a
fior may tccure an order but the
lalored will surely get evon with
< lor chickens always cotuo homo to
ttoloniries of trade the commcr
ffli tie men that actually have In
BjbtpltSthc welfare of those they are
are tho major part of them
it lotos from their wanderings to
to holiday week amonp their loved
Uj1897 prove a happx and pros
IW for them
anmcrclal traveler Is tho main pul
bojisssa to lay and his prlvllcRcs
U extended ns much as possible
n Ihould grant him tho Usuanco of
auiMble EOOO mileage boolts and the
ofM pounds of baggage The
is tio road will not rest tilt thebe
are given blm
ko gets religion proclaims It
j ti > ps the collegian proclaims bis
h fxiety unmistakably tho poll
Mbo doctor tho lav > er the clergy
ly lrpea as cully distinguishable as
Slight the travillng mens as
Is one of no loss dignity than
th e AI1 caIl fur particular
character and are In their essence
Jlt of onlj the most conscientious
> and of ability of no common
J there Is strength and with
i effort tho Travelers Irotcctlvo
of Arrerlca can easily bo
wwnost among tho traveling
J latlons of the United States
Patest In number in Influence and
lif Uo ll ° Tclal travelers
fountry desire such an oganlzatlon
a y willing to do their share to
jV ibuilding This Is one of tho
Stluit confronts tho Knights of tho
ad upon their answer depends
access of their only associa
Uonal character Therefore let
° o t a messago with tho new
4 bo no uncertain sound
their confidence in and
s nd0
support to this association
cri ilS and advUlnK commercial
bf J m > bo eldble to member
giwnjhe ranks at once
ken Un r d lloK
road hog mcan ln Amcrka > an
t tbe otl ay Pled ha
Im ° Im a car scat with his
jj u hcn a gentleman asked him
u 0 ° upy it h0 replied that
San Antonio
Lbt Homer T Wilson Tort Worth
jfcjjdaUy Solicit Patronajo
if Commercial Travelers
II P Clare
a r cLAnn a sons
ratid Feed Stable
iilTriiveOliiK Mn on Short Netlco
ait Corner Court Hou o Bquaio
iERciAL Hotel
IKOOITEY Ptopriotor
inn never reach anything ap
jerfectlon If It bor charactcrlted
ill ud fears mixed with reserve
Sew Year to every drummer
turnout a hitromcrl
the bundles brtongrd to
a man who was
temporarily In the smoking ear AIIigM
S wntlftiiaii I wilt sit ho w l
C COIle nd Pf nled to
II i e bundles remove
Prctt s < n tho owner of in
niV loaMnatlon
stiirtcd to gather
up his effects Hut tho
Fb V incB put a l0 on this with
tln i
ou can t tako the e bundles
you said they belonged to u man in thou
° tT T h ° foIow KOt d and abusive
but the irentlcman was Inexorable riTally
the conductor was called In who delivered
not el limed b > an > onc on tho train tren
en coming round to the deiot tomorrow and
dcntltjlng them satlsfaUorlly wo will give
hem to you with pleasure
Tho traveling man I the man I like
lie never gets huffy or goes on a strike
Hut comely In person and courteous la
Hes tho Jolliest old fellow that ever was
Yet with all lila virtues I happen to know
lies often misjudged by his friend and his
Tor should ho look pleasant why then
hes a flirt
And should ho act surly why then hos a
nut travel ho must by night and by day
In cars and in steamboat and on the hleh
Ho stops at tho Chittenden or Waldorf and
With servants all eager to do his com
Ho may have a neat cottage but he can
not llvo there
Tor bis larder Is empty and his cupboard
Is bare
Ills home Is tho road his companion a grip
Ob think of him kindly and give him a
Without a true drummer oh what would
life be
Theso vendors of coffee and sugar and tea
Dry goods and notions tobacco and wine
Tho fruit of tho loom and the Julco of tho
Fot they bring to our merchants tho goods
that ho needs
They bilng to our farmer the choicest of
Our cobblers they furnish with peg and
with leather
Thotr moods do not chango with tho chango
of tho weather
Tour mammoth big trunki a shoo min
must bring
With daintiest footwear for summer and
Men women and children must bo supplied
lrom the gouty old banker to tho young
happy bride
TIs a t eary old round and It never runs
Prom ocean to prairie through city and
TIs bu > lng and selling Its birter and
Ith no rest to tho spirit tho body or
And the neat lady drummer oh what can
wo siy
Shes as fair as a Illy and sweeter than
Ma >
Our llfo long desire has been to find one
To smllo on us kindly as others havo done
Uut business she is to tho tip of her toes
Tor It shines In hor eyo and tho tip of her
Oh mnnoya tho object and moneys tho
That illumines tho pathway vvherover we
Yet I like this same drummer In spite of
It nil
They go at your bidding they came at
jour call
They dress like tho Trench and aro great
on n fhow
I belong to tlicm now and you Just bet I
A clergj mans nice and a doctors genteel
A lawjers nil right though his hearts
math of steel
Tho banker tho builder the merchant and
Cant sUnd with a drummer when It
comes to haul work
They aro chuck full of business the life of
all trade
They never shirk duty and never ask aid
Wo scarce know their value yet tnio as
RU John
Without tho deir drummer we cant get
Then give them a welcome and give them
a feast
Oh make their llfo Joyous for ono day at
Hes our Nations own pride of which we
are proud
Ood bless every drummer and bless him
llrother A W Hcrshoy In Sample Case
John A Kennedy Is at home for a week
Harry S Willed cam In Tue day to re
main hern till the 2d proximo
Kol Ilillltz Is booked for another years
hustling for Mlchaelron Co
Captain John A Stewart has returned1
from his trip to the City of Mexico
J > allonal Director John J Wright is in
fit Louis Ho will roturn to Texas after
tbe neve > ear
I Haber cxsecrctary of Post T Austin
departed for California last Sunday where
ho will henceforth reside
IM neichlitz is spending the holidays in
the city He will remain with Troctor
ismblo during 07 In his accustomed ter
The editor atknonledges with thanks a
holiday gift In the slupo of a box of
Casino cigars for State Director Alt
S A Drown Ic at homo for a few day
II I fJohlman has gone to Iaducah iy
to Interview his Hrm Ho will roturn In
al > out n week
Charlie Hollub has resigned his Pallas
connection and gone to New ork whence
ho returns to Texas in a few days to reprc
sent an I astcrn firm
J I Ilardley William Carney V V
Lemon H L Illddlck and J M Mather all
members of tho local post are here for
their holiday lay oft
S Irlco nilas traveling this State for
tho Olobo Shirt factory is to bo married
in Iblladclphla oa Wednesday December
30 to Miss Hattlo Miller
Henry Nelcam has rono to St Louis re
tiirnlng to Texas after the new year o
represent IMdydockHallo Iron P njrln
the State Houston will ba bis headquar
ters night for
Pat n Hurst left Wednesday
Jus respects to the
Lojlsvillo to pay
house 1 hence he goes to BaitIraoro and
Philadelphia returning heic about tho sin
I rox
ber of
It D Snodgrass
bla wm
Test II Waco has transferred
benhlp to the local post expecting to nH
> > M ait ie s tAii t > i > >
President of li t I 1 n lllil > li > n lnCrniiur Inni
this city his headquarters for tho coming
> ear
State Director r M Itundell was here
Sunda and left for homo Tuesday to lay ott
till Janunrj i Ho will attend tho banquet
of lost I in San Antonio and will bo iio
companlod by his prettj daughter
Hen Levy did not depart for the Pacific
coast last Suuda > having decided not to
make the trip till after tho holidays New
Mexico Arlrona Colorado and California
hns bien added to Kens territory ns n
Christmas gift
Kd Hnrrcll after being on the sick list
for the past three months was able to leavo
here Monda to spend a few dus Mill
friends in Centril Teias Ho hasMully re
covered and anticipates to tako liio road
early In January
I C T > i > lc
A new council Is to be organised at Hrle
Pa at an early date
Orand Secrcitar of the Orand Council of
Tevas Itobert Pascb of Waco has become
a benedict
J H McKclvy has resigned the neirc
laryshlp of the Mtchlgm Commercial Trav
elers nMoitatlon
Hannibal council No C5 of Hannibal
Mo enjced a grand ball and banquet on
the 19th Instant
The laclflc Coast Cnmtucrlal Irnclcra
association meets In annual convention in
Irisco during tho week
Tho traveling men of St Paul Minn
will give tbli annual lercpllin nn Dieem
ber iS Ioar hundred guests will be enter
Tho Western Travelers Accident assotlu
lion with headquarters at Orard Island
Nrb now pass a full C000 In case of acci
dental death
Tho Cleveland Ohio Commercial Trav
elers n sociatlon will vote on tho propor
tion to admit lad > membors at the next
monthly meeting
There aro now seven councils In tho
Texas Jurlvdltlon vis Waco Dillas
Houston Calveston Sherman Port Worth
and San Antonio
Prellmlnniy arrangements aro under way
to Institute another council In Sacramento
Cal during tho early part of tho coming
year in order to form it grand council of
Tho Toledo Ohio Traveling Mens assn
elation Ins a mi mbouhliiot 81 with a bal
anco In bank of Jli Ml S7 John W Stoph
let Ins been elected president for tbe > < ar
nnd n J Cain succeeds himself as tho sec
retarj and treasurer
National Secretary Louis T La neauna
of the T P A o A Henry I lUley
president of tho Commercial Travelers Mu
tual Accident asioclntlon IMw Trevctt
secretary of tho Utlca Commercial Trav
elers association nnd A 1 Shretz repre
senting tho Western Tinvelers Accident
association were in ChUago on the Sth tith
and ICth Instant in attendance at thn meet
ing o the International Accident Associa
tion of Underwriters
TVntloniil > < vr
Tlorlda division Is making steady prog
ress and continues to capture now materlul
all along tho line
President Sedgwick of tho Indiana di
vision has npiolnted Chaa Yelm of Li
la > ette fituto chairman of tho railroad
committee to succeed Q Mcpherson uf
O W Harris State chairman of the
press committee MIbsouM division Informs
the editor that association mntters In his
bailiwick aro in a most healthy condition
nnd promises an Interesting letter for this
pago early In the new year
National Vlco President L C Cardinal of
Montgomery Ala has been heard from
He sajs As soon as I can get n lltllo
time that I can call my own I will try nnd
give jou a resume of what is going on In
this neck of the T P A woods All light
Louis hurry up a little as tho bo > s tiro
anxious to hoar from Old Alabama
Post D Nashville Tenn held Its nnnual
election of officers last nUht and Hon J
M Head delivered nn address on Con
stitutional Conventions Tho post claims
that it has now tbe largest membership
of any post In tbirtyfour States In this
claim however It is mistaken as Post A
of St Louis has over one thousand num
bers National chairman of the railroad com
mittee K E Smith Is displeased at the
stand taken by Post 1 Texas division
located at Austin In regard to tho mileage
question and Justly so What is the 1153
of discussing matters of vital Importance
to the organization by the reprrsenta
tlvee of the different State divisions in
annual convention assembled then after
due deliberation decide upon what course
to pursue oniy to be thwarted in tho ef
fort The possibility of another post In New
Orleans is growing Into moro and more
definite pribablllt says the New Or
leans ricayune Consequently the organi
zation of second post Is not a far distant
prospect by any mean The scheme baa
been frequently tuggostd by visiting
drumtnciTj who havo experienced the Inn
eftts of bucIi a i > wt nl home Poit II li
n business post HS It trtnuda today It Is A
pont where thcio Is much done liiwaid bcl
tirlng tho general condition of the hin
ders association but It has none of tint
organization which attracts ntbei than tho
most staid among tho tiiviling fraltrnll
Prom xliKlnlit Dlv litem
Fdltor T P A Page
Richmond Va December 2 ltepl > lnr
full to jour esteemed favors of October 1
November 20 and Jtecombei IS would siy
lint tho writer han Been out of the lit
a great deal of his time slnie October Hid
has iiUn been sick and 1 have mailed 0U
dippings fri > m our dally paters of the
posts luceliugs and no doubl lhe > havo
Ieen received all D liL Tho division and
lust aro Mill 11 work imitating the queu
Hon of a flat tnuccnt lussorgci fuie uud
tho outlook Is very preiiiilblug 1 lie ie > m
has apiminted eoiiiiiiltues to wait on tho
lcprctcnlallvcs of all btanetiea of IhiuIiilks
In the ell in icgiud to getting new mem
bcis uud tho euminltlio Is rdolng HUlvc
work No new post wilt be organised dm
lug thn wlntir it is tln > 110111 of tlio
division to havo ts heailquailcis In Hleh
uond and in t dcgite nuollsh posts in
Hie smaller pheos lho illvlslali Is pub
lishing T P A news at ugular Inluivals
In thcli homo papers and lliu articles are
vco furiil le
Our post met rn the 20th Inst nnd adop
ted the lPNolutton Indoislng the house of
rc ixii ntallvos bill No 4117 to isuilillsli
ft department of eomineieu at Washington
A large niinihei of Knights of the
Grip are home for tho holidays and
tbei men who niott of the jeai i ell their
1 euits under their halt urn glad to be
homo with their wives nwitthetits rnd
frit nls and irlngle In the enjiijiiiimts Hid
festivities of lliu season Snmii of tlm Inn
tins and worleis lu lliu asioilatlon at the
rutins last meeting night were Hesrrs
Christian Hawaii tloodman Traylor
Hhclnhcltncr Walleioteln lluwlej fill
lepper llniwood rump PloisautH Spill
man Illnswangor lllufoid lllisou lock
ett and Ilurli Somo of iheso men bnve
liv > n on the loid fm fventy or twenty
five seam and are known frum Mnlno Iji
Mexlio and frim New York to San I ran
cscn but thcio Is no plnco llko home
i weet home In them and they aro alvajs
glul to git back to old Ulihtnoml
After lho business meeting rotrerb
inents weir served iml thu bnjs enjoyed
themselves in ft quiet way chitting with
rneh other and bringing up Incidents and
reminders of their linvels
Mr I K Ooodman mudo nn nldress In
which ho set forth the woik of the traffic
hurcuii In connection with the coinrom
clal Interests and common carriers vie
T P s psld marked nttentlon to M
Cioodmnns rennrkn which were heartily
lecelved by them rnternally vouts
lohn n Culpepper
Nntlonal Prees Commltteemin
Cnminere Itil Irne elers Iiivr
On the llond Huglsnd
If a travclir Is Improperly dismissed ho
ought not to keep himself In a stile of
readiness lo servo during the residue of
tho term of his engagemont but should
endeavor to find another situation and
should suo tho firm for the dainago he has
sustained by reason of wrongful dismissal
If he makes an agreement to travel for a
firm lo touimenei as from a future das
and before th tuturo day arrives tho firm
renouueeev tho contract tho traveler need
not wait for tho futuro day nnd then
tender his services but ho may sue at
once for breach of contract
Tho following iustanccs of misconduct
havo been held not to constitute a sufB
dent grouu for dirmissat without notice
Temporary absence without leave pro
ducing no serious Inconvlenlciicu to the
cmplojcr oecaskirnl insolence of manners
and sulkliess temporary absence for the
purpose of procuring another situation
such absence liclug warranted by custom
and stopping at one hotel when ordered
to stop at another
Undor special Iroumstaneta a house
may dismiss a traveler without any > notice
at all e g lf bo habitually neglects to
rerform the duties he has undertaken to
discharge if he makes fraudulent or gross
ly Inaccurate entries In Ills accounts It lie
Is guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation
In tho discharge of his duties to the in
jury of the house and so on Hngaglng to
a largo extent in gambling speculations on
the stock exchange has tc < n held sjflTclcnt
lo Justify dismissal without notice
If Im Aiiltln Wllfi Imtllllitr
A traveling man well known in the Ohio
bottoms had occasion to pay a business
visit to Lebanon Ohio ono day Intel He
was accompanied as usual by a large and
varied assortment of trunks and grips
When bo alighted fiom the train be Im
mediately aet about to find a drayman to
haul the trunks and grips to tho hotel He
hadnt Ionic to look for a TelriSAH cray
haired son of Ham approchc < l blm and
solicited the Job The baggage was loaded
on the old rickety dray and the drujimer
Jumped on to tide up town with his goods
On tho way the man with tho order took
and hanlcned creek cracked Jokes and Jol
lied the old driver as only drummer con
rinally be asked his name
My name ssh Is Oawge Washington
Oeorgo Washlngionrcpeatcd the drum
mure why that name sounds familiar 1
believe Ive beard it before aoincwhoro
I sped you has sah the old darkey
rejoined lse been drlbln his hrah dray
for twentyseven scars tab Not a muscle
of the ebony face relaxed and he looked
strolght ahead
Tho drummer says Ihe story Is always
good for a bis order
lriim Port Worth
Editor T 1 A raw
Tort Worth Texas December JO J have
Just returned from the Kaat whore 1 spent
two weeks among mv vnrlous factories It
ceitolnly does one good la close his samplo
ense nnd quit thoroad and go lo faraway
pastures to enjoy a change of temperature
and to mlnglo with a different people Do
you know that It Is not only pleasant but
as 1 look at It from jpars of expctlence
absolutely benctlchl Like an electric mo
lot that has worn with constant use until
Its force Is expended nceds but to be re
clmrged when It will bo aagood or bet
ter than ever Then I consider It nttually
economical In the long run lo go to a mod
ernto expense provided ones home will
not stand It and It certainly out to share
Itsto take n vacation at the dull season for
tho twofold purpose of overlooking stock
discussing points that naturally ailse In
the senrn hustniss nnd ns well to culti
vate social relntlons with lho housei You
know this list Is my hobb I nm a great
believer In cultivnllng social relations be
tween einplover nnd employe 1 hold It
vers Ckscntlnl for the success of sound
business relations that tho traveling tepre
stlitallv should stliUd closo to the house
he repretents and certainly such relations
ran only eXlst by a personal contact be
tweui the two It Is an exploded theory
Hint business houses enro only for the mnn
so long sb he makes mono for them Con
corns nf Influence and business plngress
aro like Indlvlduils the have hearts Iuit
eein be reached Suppose a fellow u young
mnn not n married one of courne denlres
to obtain the affections of a piett maiden
he cirtalnly would not depend wholly on
roriespiiiidrnce Ho would resort to personal
Intel views thats hitslnesu How niauy
icrsonr lmvu opportunities to secure good
H Vlnim who rel > tolely on coriejpotidence
und are oficu ulisiiciiiStiil wheiens If thf
would seek a pergonal Interview they would
more often be side to secure the desired
nd One rsnmil Interview is wiuth more
11 an n dozen letters nnd enables the devel
opment of relntlons between enntractliiK
pailieii that may never exist without II
Hut enough of this Whilst In bt Louis I
called at Nallnnul Iravelem Protective
Association headquarters and met Fecrelnrs
Jnlliaun t who slates thnt i veiyllilim It
getting on nicely and predlita the coming
j oar wlI bo a great cine with our nsso
elation I also met Burt Lyon et the Com
mercial Traveler He Is buoyant and prom
ises a vitlt to c r Slate conventon at Unus
tou in May Iy the way the boys ought
to read Ljona paper moro In Texas ln
Chicago Milwaukee Qulncy and fond du
Iav T P A inattenc are getting on nice
ly I succeeded In capturing two applicants
for membership whilst awjiy both mem
bers of fliins that 1 represent It seems
to mo that It each ono ot our in mbera
would work on some member ot their re
ipectlvo firms lo Induce them to become
associated with our organisation we would
soon attain strength that would ennble us
to secure one of the important ends for
which we are so earnestly laboring viz A
0110111110 Interchanceablc mileage hook
grcxl on nil roads Already the Central Pas
senger association hns gruncd this and we
hope that other Svsteins will follow suit
In ivery city visited nicmbcru ot our
otiler asked regarding our Stale chaplain
Ilev Homer T Wilson and request wera
made that we bring blm to Nashville to
our Nntlonal convention In Juno
I nho met many lending huntress men and
manufacturers on this trip nnd there was
one unlvetsal Complaint made against our
preferred creditor system It Is certain
ly operating ngnlnot tho fair name of
Texas and I liopo and believe that the next
legislature will abrogate this unfair law
Let us talk this matter up and start out
the new soar with a fight for fair play lo
all creditors foreign as well ns local
Howard W Teak
lrom ISeliriiKkn Division
Kdllor T P A Pago
Omaha Neb Decomber IS I should
have nnswercd your questions somo time
ago but havo been waiting hoping to he
able to glvo you a belter report than I
could when I first received > our lotter but
as a matter of fact I do not seo that I
am better off in that direction today than
1 was then Replying to sour first ques
tion litis the membership Increased will
eny that I do not understand that It has
Rrcond th ro tnvo hrn no new posts or
Itnlteil during lho winter Third tho
Omaha Trade Hxhlblt publishes a good ile l
of Travelers Protective association nuwo
regular Fourth I can ncvi stalo nf my
own knowledge that the officers nf thlt
division nr agitating thn question of n
lint 2 cent pnssrnrer rate but I had an
Inllmntlon today that President Ilfnford
of Lincoln Is doing so and Intends to pres
ent a bill to the legislature to that eiTecL
What there is In it I do not know
There Is some talk that the Nntlonal
board nf directors will likely send us an
organizer to Oinnhn this winter nnd I
snllelpite thnt he could put Jn somo good
Helm for the nssoelntlon 111 our elly Youra
fraternally 0 Holmes
Member Nnllonnt Press Committee
Thousands of esses of theumstlsm Imvo
been eeired bs Hintcr ft Aniends Pre
ivrlpllon No Sul All nurferor should
tty it bottle of mm a I r Bchmldt
Houston TexnM Holo Agents
Open nil wlntei Ilni mineral wnter
nml mint IjiUh Il cents boird J5 01 for
one week rediicil to 10 00 for Oveiv nil
dltloiinl weile Includes use nf mineral
water for dunking liont huntliu nnd
IWliIng abounds An e client litbln uiul
a ileini steniii heated house Tieo lintlcs
meet nil due trains For further pur leu
lirs address Newton A rr einnn
ias >
to use Wine of
Cardui Drug
gists all sell it
gioo per bottle
to eat you might resent it
nupturo cured by our now melhodi
or clreular
Employment requirinp women to stand on
their feet or sit in the same position all day in
creases the tendency to female weakness and
bearing down pains
Thousands of women suffer untold misery
from this cause every month They have almost
constant bearing down or dragging pains in the
abdomen small of the back and loins There is
a dragging sensation in the limbs great fatigue
nnd pain in walking inability to lift heavy weights
constipation and often colic and nausea
Many women arc forced to give up paying
positions on account of these troubles Often
ladies will not consult physicians about such dis
agreeable subjects and many physicians do not
treat these difficulties properly
McElrecs Wine of Cardui goes right to the
root of the trouble and strengthens the afflicted
organs themselves It makes a woman so strong
she can stand the unusual strain to which her
work subjects her It is taken quietly at home
so that all offensive publicity and humiliating ex
aminations arc avoided
Margaret Walsh 1128 24th Street St Louis on
Aug 12th 189G writes of Wine of Carduit Though
only 10 years old I have suffered from pains and female
troubles for two years Last spring I got so bad I had to
quit work I had to support myself so I could not afford a
highpriced doctor I got one bottle of Wine of Cardui and
that made me feel better Have now used several bottles
and it has made me well My mother used the same medi
cine for change of life and was greatly relieved
Wine of Cardui is the best medicine for
women known to medical science It regulates
the menstrual habit perfectly Itrelicves falling
of the womb whites suppression and flooding
A few doses each
month insures painless men
strual periods and freedom from any menstrual
disorder Then a woman can easily be selfsup
porting and independent Women who want
relief are invited
For toilet In cut requiring iptelil tf
rtetloni addreiiglvlngiitnptomi LADIES
NOO0A MEDICINE 00 Cattttnoeaa Tnn
DltS lirTT9 ft HrTT3
M Now No SHJ 8t Charles Btret
New Orleans La
Deslrnntexl depository of thn United State
M r Jii1 H I rehlelciit
01IAB DIlLIMJUAM lltnt Vice Preis
II UUAHIIKAl Second Vice President
O T 1UJIJ Tlitid Vlie President
lNNIH AltUlLL Asslstnnt Cashier
M T Jones Clnn Dillingham J B
McAnhati o f Holt II l MncOregor
II llrvpliour W M Hlee V A Hnlttrunn
T bo King of Pills is llceelmms
And yet there are thousands
of babies who never get the
fat they should in their food
or who are not able to digest
the fat that they do g ek Fat
is a necessity to youri baby
It is baby life and baby
beauty A few di ips of
Scotts Emulsion for ill little
ones one two and three
years of age is better than
cream for them They
thrive and grow on it
13 BL Charles Street New Orleans ti4W
Pnsstclans and Burgeon
Young middle
aged and old sin
glo or married
men and nit Who
euffor with LOST
v o u a Doblllly
t p e r matorrhea
Henilnal I < o > aea
Besual Decay
lull iik Memor
weak eye Htun
nt li
s il Development
Lack ot Hnergy
Impoverl shed
Wood Pimples IJ
Impediments t o
Marriage also
lllood and Skin
Ulseuses Hsphltls Rruptlons Hair Fall
tug Bona ltlns Swellings Bore Throat
Ulcer Lfteela of Mercury Kidney and
nladder Troubles Weak Hack Uurntng
urine Incont nence elonorrhon Oltet
Btrlcturereeelv eenrcliliig treatment
prompt rellor and cure fee life Doth sexta
treated lontlileiitlnlly and privately
lhlci llsiiK l < satire Blrlcturo ond
Ay I

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