OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, February 28, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

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p it
1U M JOHNSTON President
QJ PALMER Vice President
Nob 1101 1103 1105 1107 and 1109 Franklin Avenue
Entered at tht PostofUce at Houston Texat as SecondClass
Mail Mallet
84 Columns 168 to 4 Columns
THE SEMIWEEKLY POST Mondays and Thursdays
its Columns Per Week
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Year Months Months Month
DAHY AND SUNPAV 1000 500 S ° 0 °
SemiWeekiy Ioo 50 25
R Holland A W Palmer and B B Throop
FOREIGN OFFICES Eastern business office 43 44 45
47 48 49 Tribune building New York The S C Beckwjth
Special Agency Western 469 The Rookery Chicago IHe
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CORRESPONDENCE of any description whether in
tended for the Business or Editorial Department should be
addressed to Ttt Houston Post and not to any indi
vidual and all cheeks drafts monctfiJers etc made pay
able to The Houston Immting Company
THE CITY The Post is delivered to part of the city
by carriers J Per month 100 three months 53no x
months S600 one jcar 1200 Mr Thcodoic Bcrtig has
charge of the city circulation and collecting Messrs llieo
dore Bering Chas Lott and A W Palmer qre the authorired
collectors of all tlty bills both advertising and subscription
nc moqey should be paid to any one other than those
td unless special written authority signed by the business
iaeer is shown All accounts of any size should be paw
by check in Yavor of Tjk Houston Printij0
Subscribers failing to receive Tijb Post regularly please
notify the office prompt every paper Is expected to be de
livered not later than 6 30 a m
The municipal campaign nasi settled down to a
Muestion of issues not men KatUer It Is a question of
oue issue and that Is Do the people of Houston waiit
to supplant a wastuful and disordeily administration
of public nffaiis with an economical arid conscientious
administration of public affairs
There Is no rivalry between Colonel Holt and Mv
Stewart in any porsonal sense Tha leform forces are
not seeking to pay Colonel Holt a political comnllmont
they are availing theniholvns of hs patriotic service
Jn loading tlio stiugglo against prodigality and lock
lossnoFF Neither nro tho elements behind Mr Stewart
inspired by love for him thoy are employing him as a
moro Instrument of their purpose to contiol tho spoils
nnd snaps of office
The Issue is clQiuiy drawn and t can not ho con
fused by appenls to clnss prejudice or to Incidents of
one sort or nnothor Tho machine U on tilal charged
with renoua sins nf omission aui commission and the
jury is composed of tho otors In tho coming primaries
Let tho Jury clvn attontion to the ovldenca and to the
argument nnd Insist that only the teal Issue of tho
case bo submitted
Will Houston permit her Uixpg tp bo wasted and hor
hijgh trust to be abused for two years more That Is
the question
The dispatches as to the Uuiopean pourparlers sup
posed to have been held with regnnl to tho Philippines
are without foundation No European nation no coal
ition of European natlonH Is aliong enough to coerce
tho United States nor me the wily European diplo
matists capable of the folly of offending this country
by a protest that could do no possible good and that
could but result in unpleasant feeling
However bitterly the democrats nnd homo republi
cans are opposed to the policy of tho administration in
the archipelago although many soberminded men re
gard the robbing of patriots of their liberty nnd trade
nnd putting them to death nnd to torture as heltlbh
work and consider that tha government has boon act
inc as it It had formed n league with tho devil and the
powers of darknoss nevertheless the governments
bitterest foes in Us deplorable policy would rally
round the flag at tho slightest meuaeo of foreign at
tack The European nutlons know this and havo not
the slightest Intention of provoking one of the most
powerful nations In the world a nation iltU n formid
able navy a nation of unbounded rosomcos of full
preparedness for war whoso citizens at tho first call
for troops volunteer in numbers such as are unparal
leled elsewhere in any country
Tho Philadelphia Times says that thoro is a secret
supplement to the AngloJapanese troaty and surmises
that a trado may ho offered us for tho Phifippines
Japan is supposed to want them and Great Britain
will take some too and glvo us In exchange Jamaica
and some of the British West Indies This tho Times
guesses is tho subject matter of the International un
dercurrent darkly hinted at In recent foreign dis
If tho Times is correct such an oxclwingo would
prove a happy solution of tno difficulty If thev can
bring it about the republicans will bo able to congrat
ulate themBOlves on being very fortunato in gottlng
out of a very difllcult situation They will have un
raveled tho most tangled web over woven for tho per
plexity of this nation
Thft Cuban papers havo boen making satirical com
ments on tho recent ffloctton held In the Island They
claim that it was a farce and that tho eloctlon returns
were manipulated by American officials They claim
that the returns aa made up show that two thirds of
tbo voters registered In tho province of Pinar del IUo
Toted for tho successful candidate for governor of tho
province Jn Havana province fiveeighths iu Mutnn
gas twoflftho in Santa Clara neatly threefourths
la Puerto Principe nearly naif In Santiago moic than
The TJuevo Pao and La Lucha of Havana sny that
these figures ara preposterous and that tho officials of
ha American Intervention while pretending to allow
the Cabana to chooso their offlce holders by imlJot
Jure tenlpulated the returns to suit themselves
Says La Lu ha ThefaetS of tlio case aro ho mat
s tar opinion Everybody saw Havana on election
day nnd o protend that thiccaunrtffrs of tho people
voted la ridiculous Tho otflclnl element 1ms triad to
keep up nppoarances and has only mudo matters
Says tho Nuovo Pals The ocos lvo number of
votes which uccordlng to the summary rofqrtod lo
wore obtained by the majority of Hip candidates not
a few of whom stand uh having recolved 30000 40000
60000 ntid some 155000 votes Is u mutter of astonish
ment and wonder to all those who saw the streets of
Havana on Decorabor 31 1001 and woio nblo td ob
serve the complete quiet which reigned aud the as
sorted npponranco of tho doctoral booths a fact which
was commented upon by nearly all the orgnu < of tho
press and was a motivn for resigned silence on tho
pntt ot those of our colleagues on whom discipline and
tho calls of expediency imposed tho duty of aiding
those in powor by all tho means at their disposal
If tho Cuban pupets ato right in their contention
tho Cuban people havo been gteutly wionged Heto Is
a flnn opportunity for tho democrats to attack tho ad
ministration nnd admirable material for a paper from
Mr Dpoloy on Freedom nnd IllctiOns In Cubyla
and tho American Principle of Tig All in the Count
= sii i m ssss
Tus murder of the Earl family at Welsh La is one of
tht most coldblooded and bmtal affairs the newspapers of
tlio country have ever becfi Called upon to record Justice
does not prescribe nor c n the mind of man conceive a form
of punishment to fit such fiemlishiieds If as some men have
contended there is no hell then is the scheme of creation
Tus last insurgent band in La Ciuna has surrendered
and hence the backbone of the insurrection lihs once more
been broken
l iMW > >
Csmjck says that If England does not stop discrimi
nating against Canada in favor of the United States he will
be is tiling to lead a forts to capture Washington and annesc
tins country to Canada He shows considerable Chanty in
nut doing so until after Prince Henrys visit
As regards the coming fight between McGovern and
Voting Corbett the former njay net be in it but he wlP
probably be within signaling distance
Mag Shows eighteenth mlerast In the oil wolls oft thf
Veatch ati ey gives her on incoujc of 5000 a month Would
it be proper to speak of har goodforttine a a windfall or n
Snowfall The losjtrs might be xcu ed if they were to in
dulge lii a Snow bawl
Qlv hundred thousand New Yorkers stood about ty Un
rain in order to get a gjimpaa of Prince Hertry He should
irrtainly ha > e instructed ne of Ills lacktys to throw them
Mi I
Tut Meteor has been launched Carrje Nation has sub
sided Miss Stone has been released Tolstoi is out of dan
ger the pope is in good health etc etc etc What will
the funny paragraphs do uOw Poor thing I
While it will berather rough on the man on whom the
old market bousp tower fills Ids family will no doubt be
rendered independent by the amount Of inoney they will be
able to collect from the city
Any headline that speaks of democratic police s mis
leading The democratic party has no policy San Antonio
And the republican partv will divulge Us policy as soon
ss the tnut have told them what it is
5 f
Who goes aborrowing goes asorrowing t least when
you a k a mui for a small loan he generally jays he is sorry
lie cant accommodate you San Diego Sun
It la quite evident A Donis that you have had a dis
appointment lately but perhaps you dont approach your In
tended victim in the right manner
at < i
Houston newspapers need make a permanent reportorlal
assignment lo Judge Gillaspic s court Ho has something
doing all the time and its generally new Texa ouolit to
have more diatrct judges like GtUaspIe Notaseta Exam
Tboe witnesses who fail to obey their subpoenas are cer
tainly due to discover that the juto la doing a fine husi
Uncle Sam does not find Galveston a good recruiting sta
tion for hi army About four ftghting men a month is the
best that can be done He should move to Houston Cr
ournt Enterprise
If Unc Sam only could get a few of the Houston scrap
pers to bo to the Philippines lha Islands would speedily be
pacified crucified and sianfied
Joe Stanley of Birmingham com nut ted uxorcide by lul
ling IiId wife with a jtw BafOre his day millions of men
have accomplished
by the same agency Stanley
was not new he sumdy directed the implement into ft new
channel Beaumont lint A prise
The men who commit suicide however accomplish their
purpose by hitting tho jug
v 4 s
We have the Philippines On our hands and whether they
prove valuable to us or not we arc bound to take care of
them It is plain enough that the names are not capable ot
elfgoverninciu along American lines nor arc they likely to
ever be susceptible of civilisation and the outcome will be
the adoption of a long tourta of treatment aimllau tp the
settlement of the Indian question 111 North America Bums
The settling of the Indian question haa consisted of prod
ding him wheri he shows a disposition to be quiet and thfn
killing him when he shows a disposition to relent the prod
Most of the pleasing pictures of the Philippine situation
now bplng drawn by tjie republicsus lack the one essential
of real art truth Terrell TimesStar
Hush I Youll hurt the feelings of the Austin Tribune
and the San Antonio Light
When it comes down to a congressional nght the Daily
Light may be depended upou ttf do its part Jt will not onli
help 111 a congressional fight but will give assistant in any
other fight varahachie Light
The Daily Light might possibly learn something to Its
advantage by communicating with Ben Tillman
m i
The Yidette editor takes this method of breaking the
news gently to his friends if lie has any that ho will not be
a candidate for congross this > car for several reasons some
of which arc that nobody has asked us to run we couldnt
get a doien votes if wo were to run we wouldnt have sense
enough to represent the people intelligently if we were elect
ed and we dont want to beta candidate any v Florence
js f
Judie Taft admits that the Liutcd utc i > u > J > > Fir
gain when itbought the Philippine islands but contends tint
now that we have them we can not afford to let them i >
This is not common nense If it was a bad deal to bin the
islands it is n worse thing to haul on to them at an txppn
ten times greater than their fir t con When A man plcl 11
u hot poker he lets go of a Nations should be governed by
the same kind of cummon aemr l > wt II ortk Rig stet
The Waco Times defines its pisition on the dis
bo raado of the Philippines The lime
should get identical treatment lookmi I
hood if these islands arc to be held pennant ntly thm the v
Times is and S TLr V t
suggestion prttter right But is 1 desirable to
mako States of those Stands and eitiaens of tiair almond
cjed mongrel Innabltiutttf We think that to do so v 1
weaken our government without beivafiting ttiem 7 < <
DemocriitiReporler < i
is the interest aken in the dlversfical > n of crops the bulbi
ng of beuer ro us the establishment of fdctoncs and mills
by home capital md hs Jftailtutlon pf rural mail delivery
Ihe Herald concisely tdiii un the indications of the pro
gressive march of the Siattt 1owWth little need be added
uulees it be the general AivbkSnJnfc of the people to the fact
that its
they have ihe grcafjt SUfla in the Union
resources are properly It ndcU7 i i van bugle
if many
John Hay made the piineipal address at the McKmley
memorial tneetlnc at Washington yesterday He said m
For tha third time tiie spngroW of the Initcd States are
assembled to rommamoMt W and the death of a presi
dent slam by the hand otan aasasam Ihe attention of the
future historian wU fj oi raete u m the teatures which re
appear wttJi startling sameness in all three of these awful
cifnies The uselassneaa the U ter lack f consequence cf
the act the obscurity tho inaiinlficnice of the criminal the
blnmelosstiess so far as in our sphcu uf existence ihe best
ot men may be held blamelcJsoI the witim Not one of
bur murdered president had pn enemy m the world thev
were all ttt such preeminent jninty of life that no pretext
iOUld be given for the atttteVof passional crime th y were
all tneii tjf democrat is initiuCbJ ttfho could never have offend
etl the npst jealous advocates bf cqunlify thry were of kind
ly and geuerods itatuterto whom wrong or injustice was Im
possible j df moderate fdrtiln Whose sUnder means nobody
could onvy They were men pf austere virtue of tender
heart of terrtiiiplit abilities which they had devoted with
single mind to tha good nf tho republic Il ever men
walked before God ami man without blame it was these
three rulers of our people The only temptation to attack
their lives offered was tfieir gentle radiaine to eyes hating
the light that was offense enough
The stupid ttselessnoas of such an infamy affronts the com
mon sense 61 the worjd One oarj conceive how the death of
a dictator may changethe nottiRal conditions of an empire
how the extinction of a norrpwfag line of kiugB may bring
ill an alien dynaaly But in a well ordered republic like
ours the ruler may fall but the state feels no tiemor Our
beloved and revered leader is goite but the natural process
of pur laws proybJo uj a successor identical in purpose and
Ideals nourished by the same teachings inspired by the
same principles pledged by tender affection in well as by
high loyalty to carry to cmpletion the Imnunse task com
mitted to his hands and to smite ith inm severity every
manifestation of that hideous ciiutc which his mild prede
cessor with his dying breath ferjavc lhe sayings of oeles
ti 1 w sdom have no date the words thit reach us over
two thousand years out of tit darkest hour of gloom the
world has ever known are true to the lite tod4y They
know Hot what they do The blftW struck at our dear friend
ind ruler was as deadlyas blind uate could nake it but the
blow struck at anarchy wns deadlier still
The life of William fctcKlnjlj was from his birth to Uts
deith typically American Tliore is no inv ironment I
should say anywhere else iti the woild which could produce
Just such a character He w hum into that way of life
which elsewhere is called thetmiddlc clais but which ui this
country is so nearly universal U to make ot other classes au
almost negligible quantity lie w neither rich nor poor
neither proud nor humble lie knew no hunger he was not
sure of satisfying no luxury which could enervate miitd or
body His parents were soUer od learnitf people intelli
gent and upright without pratetision and without humility
Hi grew up in the company t W like himself wholesome
honest self respecting They lboke1 don on nobody they
nccr felt it possible the could be looked down gpon Their
houses were the Iiohies of jfrbbltj puiv patriotism They
lcined in Ihe admlraMe s6lu > t > raders ot hfty vears ago the
lesson of heroic iiiul splendiit life which have tome down
trom the past They road m Hair weekly nowspauers the
story of the worlds progress in which they were eager to
take pari and of the sins anil wrongs of civilization with
whiuh they burned to dp baitlo It was a serious aud
thoughtful time 1 he boya f that day felt dimly but deep
ly thai dVyfc of shirp struggle and high achievement were
before them They looked v < lue with the wondennK yet
reholute eyes of a young eaqture 111 his vigil of arms
At J7 years of ige William McKmley heard the sum
mons ot his country He was fie rort ot youth to whom a
military life in oidinary times w mid possess no 4ttrartions
His nature wai far different froi that nf the ordinary sol
diet He had other dreams of life Its prwts and pleasures
thun that of marches and battles But to his mind there was
no choice or question He enlisted as a private he learned
ti obey His serious sensible ways his prompt alert ef
ficiency soon attracted the attcnijOn of his superiors He
was so faithful 111 little things tb r save him niore and more
to do He was untiring in camp and on the raaroli awlft
cuol and fearless m ftghl He left the army with field rank
when the war ended bjevetted by President Lincoln for gal
lantry in battle William McKmley one of that sensible
million of men gladly laid down hit sword and betook him
self lo his books He quukly made up the time lost In sol
diering He attacked his I Uckstone as he would have done
a hostile entrenchment finding the ranqe of a country law
library too narrow Ue Went to the Albany law school where
he worked energetically with brilliant success was admitted
to the bar and settled down to practice a bevetted veteran
of 4 in the quiet town of Canton now and henceforward
forever famous as the secne of Ilia life and his place of
sepulture It came lutuuHy about that in i876the begin
ning of the second century of the republic he began by an
election to congress hi political career Thereaftei for four
teen yeaii this chamber was his home 1 use the word ad
visedly Nowhere in the world was ha so in harmony with
bis environments as here nowhere else did his mind work
with such full consciousness of its power When he came to
the presidency there was not a day when his congressional
service waa not of use to him Probably no other president
has been in such full and cordial communion with congress
if wc may except Lincoln alone McKinley knew the legis
lative body thoroughly its composition its methods its hab
its of thought Ho had the profoundest respect for its au
thority aud an Inflexible beltet in the ultimate rectitude of
Its purposes Our history shows how surely an executive
courts disaster and ruin by aasitmiug an attitude of hostility
or distrust to the legislature and on thr other hand Mr
Kiuley s frank and sincere trust nnd confidence in cougres
were repaid by prompt and loyal support and cooperation
During his entire term of office tills mutual trust and regard
> so essential to the public welfare was never shadowed by
a single cloud
I am hare to give the opinion whjch his friends enter
tamed of President MoRinley of course claiming no im
munity from criticism m whatI shall say I believe then
that the verdict of history will be that he met all grave nue
tiops with perfect valor and incomparable ability that in
grappling with them he rose tctiic full hpigljt of a great oc
casion in a manner whioh refunded tp tho lasting benefit
Of the oountry and to ma qwn immortal honpi In dealing
icjth foreign powers he will take rank with the greatest of
cw diplomatists It was a world of which he had little special
knowledge before convng to the presidency But his mar
velous adaptability was 111 nothing raoie remarkable than in
the firm grasp he immediately displayed in intern iticnfil re
lations In pieparlng for war and in the resWnti > n of peace
he was alike adroit nmtous and farsighted When a sud
den emergency drcared iteh as m China in a state of
things of which our history furnUbed no precedent and in
ternational law no safe and certain precept he hesitated not
a moment to Uke the course marked out for him by consid
erations of humanity and the National interests Even white
tin ligations were fighting for thejf Uvea against bands of in
furiated fanatics he decided that we were at peace with
Ciina and while that conclusion did not hinder him from
taking the most eifbrgetie measures to rescue pur imperiled
citiscns it enabled him to maintain close and friendly rela
nona with the wiho and heroic viceroys of the south whose
resolute stand saved that sneiout cnipitV from anarcliy and
i < oi iou II I f rvrrvquestion us it nro with a
promptness and clarity of vision that astonished bin advisers
md he nevtr hail ocanion to review a judgment or reverse a
l v pjtuiuf l iuinncas bj sheer reasonableness he nn
111 mid founding With ll the jr at powers of the
i w I rujuu gained the blessing which belongs to the
I peacemakers But the achievements of the nation in
ercd that memorable speech worthy for its loftiness of tone
its blameless morality Its breadth of view to Sardcdas
all his prideof country
lis testament to the nation
try and his joy of its success runs the note of solemn warn
ing as inKipling noble hymn Lest wc forget
Odr capacity tb produce has developed so enormously
multiplied that the problem of more
and our products Iwfl so
markets requires our urgent and immediate attention Uniy
a broad and enlightened policy will keep what wchave No
other policy will get more In thqsc times of marvelous
be looking to the future
business energy and gam we oufiht to
ture strengthening the weak places in our Industrial and
commercial systems that wc may be ready for any storm or
an tin By sensibletrade arrangements which will not intrt
rupt our home production we shall extend the outlets for our
Increasing surplus A system which provides a mutual ex
change of commodities is manifestly essential fo the con
tinued and healthful growth of our export trade Wc must
not repose 111 fancied security that we can forever sell every
thing nnd buy little or nothing If such a thing were pos
sible it would not be best for us or for those with whom we
deal Reciprocity is the natural outgrowth of our
wonderful industrial development under the domestic policy
now firmly established Tio period of cxtlusive
ness is past The expansion of our trade and Commerce is
the piessing probleni Commercial wars Jrc unprofitable A
poboy of good will and friendly trade relations will prevent
reprisals Reciprocity treaties arc r harmony wjth the
spirit of the limes measures of retaliation are not1
I wish I had time to read the whole of this wise and
weighty speech nothing I mijiht say could give such a pic
ture of the presidents mind and character His years of ap
prenticeship had been served He stood that < lay past mas
ter of the art of statesmanship He had nothing more to ask
of the people He owed them nothing but truth and faithful
service His mind and heart were purged of the temptations
vYhtcb beset all men engaged in tho struggle to survive In
view of the revelatjon of his nature vouchsafed to its that
clay and the fate w lu ch impended over Win wc can only say
in deep affection and solemn awe Blessed arc the pure in
heart for they shall see God Even for that vision he waa
not unworthy
He had not long to Wait The next day sped the bolt of
doom and for a week after in an agony of dread broken
by ilusive glimpses of hope that our prayer might be an
swered the nation waited for the end Nothing in the
gloriui life that we saw gradtnlly waning was more admir
able and exemplary thali its close
He wa < < fortunate even 111 bis untimely death for an
event so tragical callqd tlje world imperatively to the imme
diate rtudy of his life and character and thus anticipated
the sine praises ofposterity
The public will tlunk it unfortunate that the resignations
Of both senators were nol accepted when they were tendered
to the governor of South Carolina last summer Augusta
Ga Chronicle
The country would view with satisfaction the pleasing
Spectacle tif the two senatorial hoodlums returning home in
disgrace with the marksof the senates rebuking foot on
their anatomies SI Louis PostDisputch
Mr lillmaii is a good demociat but he v > unquestionably
a noisy and irritating demagogue Mr Mcl aurin constantly
struts about with a chip on his shoulder on the lookout for a
row These two politicians shoufd be turned into a comer
lot and made to fight it out bhrevcpQrt Tunes
The unfortunate and disgraceful scene in the senate
chamber on Saturday the South Carolina senators being the
actors was quite as much the fruit of hiiity 111 enforcing the
rules as it was the outgrowth ol one senators ijnate aud
eruptive ruffianism and mother s lack of selfcontrol and
adroitness in parrying an attempt to fasten upon him a slan
derous charge Chattanooga Tunes
We have no apologies to offer for any mistakes that Mc
Lmrin may have niadc but whatever those mistakes what
ever the motives that may be behind them Tillmans repeat
ed bullying his coarse conceUed jibes ami j eers sinks him
self only to a very l < w 1 el Such a man should have no
place amoiv tlVlrtiii of Soulhefi thought and democratic
politirf Maton Telegraph
Nn doubt the senate will take some action n regard to
the matter It > n not Very vdl let it pass without notice
hoi the pretectal of its otn dignity it will have to do some
thing Having placed the blame where it bfflnbs it ought
to fix a punishment that wi u d have the effect of putting a
stop to charges or the use f language on the floor of tho
senate calculated to lead to personal encounters Savannah
South Carolina is a proud State and though small she
may be she is brave as t4ie best as the war poet tells us
and no doubt she feels the sting and the shame of the exhi
bition made by her senators They have disgraced them
selves and the nation and they should be severely dealt with
Tillman s vulgar exuberance should be restrained and the
pair should be made to feel that their quarrels must be set
tled elsewhere than in the senate of the United States
Memphis Commercial Appeal
Were the central figures in so disgraceful a scene any
other than the two men w ho have done so much to retard the
progress and development of their own State further com
ment might be in place As it is they are both political
demagogues who spend most of their time denouncing slan
dering and villifymg each others records and trying to rum
each others personal character With such men 111 the
ate to represent hci no wonder people express sympathy for
South Carolina
the State with a glorious instory and the
foster mother of John C Calhoun Birmingham News
Mr MeUurin and Mr Tillman wcro equally at fault
Mr McLaurm had no right to use in the senate the language
he Uttered Mi Tillman so long as he was m the chamber
had no right to resent it in the manner in which he did
The most in cresting feature of the affair is that Mr Snoon
E VMrT 1 a < < = > J he think L senator
from q
South Carolina
an able and practical lcgUlator
should have been the
Kansy Sniffles the
row J he
ical feature s that Mr Foaker the com
quondam fir eater fro
Oh 0 should have appeared in the strange role of restorer
of the senates dignity it
Surely begin to look
as oRh
the United States senate had fallen vj
Orleans TtnifsDemOerat on evil davs tYriB
Cuba to Columbia
wJyLdly < u ock me Sister Cplurabia
Why did you tempt me here in my rags
itX ° U ° 0me wiUl wr llberty sroctiogs
Why did you come with your salvos and flag
Was it for this your captains came thundering
Was it forvtlns that
Was it for this that y ou your flaunted bravest the tyrant
Naming the hour > of the
scourgcr of
Spain I
We UMed tlro the stori a d theVacP
Say shall we now no light In the htaven8
Dismasted and shattered
drift hopefculj bickr
Once In the day of the Fathers you cherish
SkSPPyP0 sfatlon of honor
Shall it abid4 5ay shall it abide
sutio MT U tlle bittcreburd
tio clothed
in our rags and sunt in 1 i
Yours in the splendor 6
and might of your nl
Vours is the stain and yourf is the crhieT
Doomed is the land
and doomed
Where tttght wm WedthTld the PCOp4e
StsVce Ygaf ° my SVeMe
alone 1
e law of the free
John Jerome Rooney fa AV York Tint
Virginias Tercentenary
Richmond Dispatch
Ihere ought to be
s I now resi
disposition to and diplomacy arc thrown In the Shade by the vast eronomi Tnlr Vatc
says All territory cal development which took place during Mr MeKmlev i 4 Breat homecoinin vr
to ultimate State admn tau > 1 he IT hcr SuR Vt
most eMrnvagant promises made bv the I l t J or >
W McKinley advoeate five years ago re leir out ot < > By celebration in vvhieh Jjftj mte there
b > solei tacts ihe debtor nation has become the
l it rrrdmr nation ihaRyatyrfal center of the world
> li eh ruiiirid thousand orriti < W3Hr0i fr > tl > c Et >
virie t theThames < and tu tSeUuj cm
11iidson betwemdayrivij aiidfdsfk
pantiuii to flte
The Halletsville Herald jays the most cheering uidlcj i n ood of high hope of getierousTixpectalion >
turn of progress and development in Texas the past few years to Buffalo and there on the threshold of eternity he dehv
wc serief > tiled
mes a
and f
displays covering clUctti inments
a per od of two 0
Including a review yacht Tnon1s and
fete day at Jforffiit
Roads Jforffiitclc ph Hampton
strlfeliv e ftaW rtdllblX M c 1hn
vi 1 nBW k
worthy bfthe SW
momentous W f W
n t
etc at
and tit
e K ft
Virginia Earle theactress has secures
her husband famous
a whistler If he
tampering with trifles
A brace of sighs
Andtwo blue eyes
< That erst wer full 0 w
Have shut up tight
As if twere night j
1 As if the day were done
And each wctfijt
Ourlips have kissed
AU dimpled here and there
Hasgone on guard
All clinched ami hard
Awarning Have a carej
And those wee feet
Those trotters sweet
Have ceased to kick and h0Te
Have ceased to sprawl
And kick and crawl
Apd lie there mossed n love
Walk softly all
Let each footfall
Be planned with caution rarer
BeforiS you tread
Please look ahead
To how and when and whera
For babes asleep I
Curvcl lashes sweep
The check tint like a rose
So softly go
Your to and fro
Lest those blue eyes uncloje
It Is her way
To sleep by day
Hush I hush I my hearts delight I
Sleep Eyeso blue
Dad knows that you
Wjll be awake all night
Will have to whistle for one 3 Vlfc nM
= r > +
The day is ending
Night is descending
The marsh is frozen the river desd
Lots bank the ashes
And try the sashes
Throw out the kitten and go to bed
Young Roosevelt left Groton in a snow storm but he li
his hat on straight
Moch Dutch is the name of a New York Chinamia J
trial for murder His is Moch
name Dutch but he is nST
Dutch Moch
Say wed like to ask a question Mr Wu
Wc have answered many funny ones for you
Were you sir in our own fix jft
Vrcnildnt you say Abcr mxJ
they went to let the yellow pigtails through
f tf it
It is said tiiat brooms are going up but It Is only via
they co ie down that they hurt
Prince Henry having heard that New Yotk haj refsra
administration will doubtless go home wondering tvhttetit
reform is at
J M Lswis i
Anthony L Aste of New T01K whose capital eijlka
years ago was a bootblacks bos and a strong arm lodstf
recently sold a race horse for 50000 and is now reputed t
be worth a million is bringing suit to prevent a formtrtaf
ploye from using his old trade uame of Tony the Beet
black J
Poultney Bigelow is arranging to give up his Ls 4
home and take up a permanent residence in the Ukim
Stitcs to devote his time to modern American problem ji
American relations with European counttics
The dUchcss of Westminster Constance Edwins imp
ter of Colonel William CornwallisWest Who Vas m mti
February iG iqoi to Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenerstt
ond duke of Westminster has birth to adulter
Vassili Vercstchagin the Russian war painter who ji
going to make a picture ofthe fight of San Jusn hilt
been presented to the president to afford him aa opjwtrotj
of familiarizing himself with the personal characteristics of
fhe man who will go down in history as the central fpa
in that fight
The censor of plays in London ha been gettinjafW
Beerbohm Iree and some of his supers for appMritB
bare arms and lefs in Ulysses If
The diseases of fishes are now being carefully studied
a scientist under the direction of the government asl1 e
mission Already ie has found cures for several psa < V
demies which prevail in hatching stations
Tijc Yankee cats more than six times as much beef U
the Italian and the Spaniard nearly three times uflu
the German and about onethird more than the Enplisww
Again has the SantosDumont balloon come to
fell apart on one of the inventors sallies over the Uetf
ranean aud although he was rescued to participate to
his Corsicana and crosa ° vcr ur
voyages plans to visit
nca will needs be deferred until he can replace his W
A legislatw
bill has beeniutrpduccd in the Virginia
appropriate 50000 for the erection of a monument0
ericksburg to General < Huch Mercer
The name to be gUen to the emperors yacht <
so often stated the Meteor but the Rbeingold I
Cubao Woes ff
Interview with Dr Lionel de Peau J2
the only
Annexation says Dr Lionel de Peau Is
of the present situation in Cuba Because of
against Cuba sugar planters can not move the crop
have no money and no means of raising any witboars
front 18 to 33 per cent on it and he thinks the ipm
ternai aissensjon will tear the island to pieces
that the United Stateswill be corfipelled to tike JWf j
This js what is desired by the better eleteent f fi
and Cuban alike ho declares and he is n w oti
Washington to see President Rposevelt and tell am jj
the conditions on the islahd vrtsiit
Senor dq Peau came to the United Stales to s n
Roosevelt personally in t e matter of the
fortune in Cuba Vast tracts of land which f fr JJJJ
owned he says have been sold there and = A j i sijj
private interests of hundreds of residents of tfe5 q i
Now he says hundreds are starving 0 tte
United States is flood of labor there > tt j
pouring a
utilizing the labor at hand pnd the result i JMh
the w
MupWsWF V rWj
close of M
three years have elapsed since the
has made little progress because of the fact tost w
money Jk si n
Farther ray Dr de Peau the pitu tln Kl
worse With the withdrawal of the American fitte r
the landing of Talma if he is permitted to and u > gt tr
be a new war s j l
The only relief that the United State can 1
side of annexation is the rescinding of w f pffl
tariff so that planters who now have a great Aft <
Cuba sn ° ii 10 j T f
can ship it Cheap immigration to rt
We now have more negroes than we can hanflmJ V iajffic
not want any more The importation of A WiVE
to Cuba has been one of the worst things we nsv > t
with tssraiittj
Palma is not the president for u r Tf d rlT i
Masso Palma knows nCthing about Cuhai 3 Jfch
there for years and does not now know the 1 r
During the fightinc jiromid Santiago Hifcjj
tended Colqnel Roosevelt during an attiek on j m1
one ofthe must noted physicians of Cum s < 1
for Wuhlngton tomorrow

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