v > r
Colonel Holt Addresses One of the Largest
Political Gatherings Ever in the Second
Tonight He Will Address the Voters of the Sixth
Ward at the Corner of Silver and
Washington Streets
Contrary to expectation one ot the lnrs
mt gatherings ot voters yet assembled to
Indorse the candidacy ot Colonel O T Holt
tor mayor was that which greeted Mm in
lie Second ward Inst night at the speakng
jd Congress Avenue opposite the Santa lfc
And the crowd was as enthnslstlc fl It
nan large
Speaking of Colonel Holts reception in
bat ward Captain T U Lubbock nn old
tampalgner ami one who has probably nt
ended every political meeting held In the
second waid tor the past twentylive yearn
cmarked that It wns one of the biggest
tolltlcal meetings ho ever attended In the
Mr Milt Gclsclmnn presided and when ho
ntroduced Colonel Holt an the next mayor
t Houston the cheers were deafening
Colonel Holt lu u speech consuming about
lirecquartcts ot on hour reviewed much ot
he argument he has already used
Ho referred to the bringing by John
llewart of something In the neighborhood
ii ivu > tax suits having sp > < lal > mi
lockets made for them and Ills pleading
irlnted by the thousands and tbe result
clns the piling up ot Invalid tux Judg
nents in favor of the city amounting to
mndreds of thousands of dollars not one
ent of which has ever been lecelvod unit
lever will yet out of those Invalid Jud
nents Mr Stewart cWltwtcd ht Utile o
ler cent tacked on as eo t which had to
ic paid hundreds of these aultu being
ironght against eltlaens who owed no taxes
nd held their tax rt Ipls In presenting
urldly these facts Iolouel Holt struck h
csponslvo chord In the audlemc and from
he commotion and cheering that followed
t was apparent that there were many in
he nunience whose peisonul expeilonees
lore out Jhe tnithfuluess or Colonel Holts
Hrfngflln refuted the municipal fwnrtr
blp platform claim of John Stewart by
efcrrlng to the different extensions of cor
poration franchises which the city granted
nhen John Stewart was the altornes and
or which the city nevr received u < eiit
A ul no telling where this thine Would lime
topped hod not the ell beeu cslled U >
1 midden halt y an outraged public oiii
nuinltv thiougb tbe medium of 111 indlgiin
tlon meeting A voice drew too
contract 0 extend the water uimnany
I presume John Stewart did It replied
Colonel Hull as he was mnployed by the
city as attorney at the time anil as none
of the aldrmen were lawyer 1 presume
thev would defer to their attorney In the
mntter of drawing up a lontrnet Involving
such vital Interests
Colonel Holt again reviewed the aider
manic candidates running on tho ticket
with him and complimented each upn > hlB
honesty and capability
I have beard It charged said Colonel
Unit tint one of your aldermnnle candi
dates In thta waul Mr James Thompson
ts opposed to municipal owneishlp what
was his rtiord In that ever memornble
propnfed water company contract He was
he onlr one of a committee of six alder
men who opposed It and the onlT one to
iut In a minority report Thla doc nor
00k mnrh as though he opposed inmiMpi
Colonel Holt for the llr t time In the
campaign referred to the Allen judgment
wherein John Stewart as ity attorney
deeded away all of the eltvs property In
eluding the market house square and nil
One Very Common Cause Generally
Headache 1 a symptom an Indication ot
dcrangeireut or disease In some organ and
tlie cause of tho headache U difficult to
locate because so man disease have be < id
i acho an u prominent sjmptom derange
v rajjnt of the stiuiaih nnd ller heurt
trouble kidney disease lung trouble ce
htrnlnN or 111 fitting glasses all pridme
headaches anl If we coubl always locate
the organ which Is at fault the cine ot
obstinate headaches would be a much sim
pler matter
However for that form of headache
called frontal hcache pain bach of the
eyes nnd lu forehead the cause Is now
known to be eatmli of the head and
throat when tho headache Is located in
luck of head nnd neck It Is often nuscd
from catarrh of the stomach or liver
At nnv rate catarrh li the most common
cause of such headaches nnd the cure of
the catarrh causes n prompt dlsuppcarauco
of the heidaehea
There Is at pre tnt no treatment f i
catarrh ro coavilent and effective n <
Rtinrti Culnrrh Tablets a new Internal
icmedy In tablet form emposed of nntl
ceptlca Ilka mra iptol gualncol nnd blood
root whUh net upon the blood aud cium
the elimination of the catarrhal pobon
from tho system through the natural chan
Miss Cora Alusler 1 prominent school
teacher In ono it onr normal schools
fcpeaks of her experience with catarrhal
headacflcs and cnloglxes Btuarts Catarrh
Tablets as a cure for them She bays
I softcted dally from severe frontal head
ache and pain In and hack of the eye at
times so Intensely s to Incapacitate me In
my dally doUes I had suff red from
catarrh more it lets for years hut never
thought It wai tho caiiss of my brad
aches but finally became convinced that
such the
yas case because tho headaches
were aiways worse whoever I had a cold
or fttsh attack of catarrh
btuarts Catarrh Tablets were highly
recommended to mc as it safe and pleasant
catarrh cure and after utlng n few so
cent Wes Which I procured from ray ru
fV Llas8Urprscd w aDd Iebted to find
com fSrVcodatatfh ana hMatt S5
Smarts Catarrh Tablets arc sold br
druggists at W cents per package under
Sntfln at n lo 0 Cte S sMy
Pi n flsolntsly no cocaine found In so
S SJ11 cStei < n P um so coimon
VtR cough cures
V nor any harmful
1 JSS T to < t it ° oy ina Srt
isrra i
1 w
the streets nnd ntemsej originally deeded
the city by the Allnuv nnd ho would havo
been helpless to recover It had It not becu
needed to such honuralilo and loyal citi
zens a Judge K P Hamblen and Judge
A C Allen who weao acting bh trustees
unit knowing that the judgment deeding
nwny all of tho citys property was the
result ot carelessness of which they did
not desire to take ddvnntnge they permit
ted n correction of tho jndgiuent and Mmii
taved Mr Stewart from a responsibility
he could never havo outlived lu this i m
Colonel Holt reilewed with telling effect
the fearful evlra ngnnccs Indulged during
the Incumbency In oltlce of the ling of
which Mr Slcwnrt Is now the candidate
lie referied to the comparison of the
cost of running the city governments of
Dallas and Houston and ilted the fait that
the annual statements of the two cities
showed that the legal expenses In DsUns
wen but 1COO or 1000 per annum while
the expense for similar service In Houston
was JKIW
They charge me said Colonel Holt
with being In favor of law and order I
um lu favor of law and order applause
1 favor enforcing the laws and protecting
the rights of the people Hut the opposition
Is using this In cettuln quarters simply to
create the Impression that It means that
I will favor closing the saloons and they
are appealing to the prejudices ot that
class of people I want to any that the
saloon roan who pays Ills license Is entitled
to tho same consideration aud protection
at the hands ot the city as any other cltl
zeil and If elected I will sec that he
get It
There were many other points In Colonel
Holts speech hut they have all been gone
over previously
Krom the temper of the crowd and their
cnt > tinned manifestations of approval It was
evident that what ho said was well re
+ + +
Upon the conclusion of Colonel Holts
speech It was announced that the next
Holt meeting wnald be tonight in the Sixth
ward corner ot Washington and Sliver
Calls were made for the aldermnnle can
didate of the Second ward on the Holt
ticket Messrs Felix Schratn ami James
Thompson Mr Seurnm spoke but It was
announced that Mr Thompson was sick
Other speeches were made by Messrs
Stone and Sam candidates for attorney
Hay Howard Hills and Swops candidates
fpr chief of police A It Ualley cindl
dure for rcoruer Matt Drennnu candidate
for street 1 omtnlssluner and Captain T U
Lubbock and Hon Marshall TanKerslcy not
cauilldates for any office but strong advo
catcs of the Holt ticket
The Session Closed Yesterday With
Several Instructive Discussions
The exercises of the mission and educa
tion lnstltutn csterday were Interesting
and quite varied The presence of Dr
11 H Carroll nnd Dr J 11 Cambrell
seemed au Inspiration to the younger min
llev O S Tumlln of lirenliam spoke first
on The New Testament Idea of the Pas
toral Office He claims that a pastors
success is moiisuieil as much by his work
out ot the pulpit as In It that It preachers
re Ushers of men they must go after them
lu a way to catch them whkb Is not
always by preaching He quoted the les
son taught by Christ ot wayside work tint
la introducing tho subject ot spliltnal
needs in ordinary conversation Dr Turn
lln criticized the fault of ministers uhn
occupy tho pulpit In a mauier which seems
to say I want to demonstrate how I
can sermonise I will divide my subject
thus etc He says jio nnui should preach
Whose torn era Is quite out of the ministry
and that no 11111 a < nn be a failure It he is
working lu the Held Oixl wnuts him to
howevoi dlsienraging the results
Dr lllley next Introduced Dr P I
lluckner who is lu charge ot Huckiier s
orphanage at Dallas Dr Iluekner tnlked
on the ktibject of soul saving using Hie
following passages of scripture He that
wlnneth souls H wise lie thai con
vettcth a sinner from the crioi ot his war
will s v > a suul from deitIt and coer 1
multitude of Bins Clin lso shall blue
In tho firmament i stars forever and
ever llrcthrrn my beaus desire and
praver for Israel Is that ther shall be
xaeit Dr lliukner explained that there
must be wisdom In soulsaving that In
tt ahlK the unsearchable riches of
Uitlsl a mlnltter has nn right to sub
stitute the unsearchable riches or science
ic maJ draw llls Illustrations from the
fields of nature as Jesus did but the star
of lielhlehem must plainly be the central
thought for tlu > ministry Is of Cuds owu
The third talk was by iter J M daddy
secretary of the board of education who
presented forcibly the Importance of the
Jhlr k i t rl l lMucatl on He thinks
that to dispose of Ignorance In the ministry
i the most urgent uecowlty nt the church
theology In Kaylor university but he wants
ed groat many ler Thc adPnot > rcspolll
to llev paddys appeal In a substantial
11 miner About V
225 was raised to pr
cute he work Dr Gaddy Is something
clnm li
U lw n niXr Rrai1 nttenrtanee at
service perhaps duo to the
TLSS ° > o whom sbjt et
STJVJ041 le IWkir 1 hi usual
atfw ttstefor the a w
Tho BaldwinMelviiiTcompany
In Ten
Nights in a Barroom
Ten Niehts In a Karroom
taught Us great
last moral lesson at ten twent and thlrt
fht t0 a wmm iw h Q
entire x °
company pjwl tMr
parts well Jean Ilutlers work IT 1
clally effective Tho actor
° 0 ° rC ° Slc ln that
nor sonie ° f m m
wifholftThann t b ° ns Sho 0Ut th
a t s o f
personal matter TeS NIghls m iu
Commercial NaUoual Bank
Tens Nstloosl B nk
Mr V B Hugglns a traveling vta
out ot St Louis who makes Houston h i
Texas headquarters Is nt the Itlcc He
said nvorythlng over tb < j atato looks flno
slnco the recent rains Farmers are plaut
liig d breaking ground and the prospects
are ood for an abundant crop The sea
ton Is In thc ground and nil that has to
be feared Is the bpll weevil If that little
pest doesnt show up this jear Texas
will llkelv make a new record ln tho amount
of cotton raised
Mr C T Strlhbllng ot Kcnumont was In
thc city jesterdny To a Post representa
tive ho said The supply of fuel oil nt
Spltldlo Top Is In my oplulou unlimited
It will be sufficient to meet ali demands
for a great muy years and the effort to
find another field will result In wasted en
ergy and the useless expenditure of money
Such finds bh that which was made ut
Heniimont are not made often In the
worlds history 1 mean by that tint It
u seldom anything occurs that lustiintn
ncously works a revolution In the uethods
and customs of the people There may be
other oil fields ln the bosom of old Mother
Ilnrth bnt chance alone will discover them
at some date In the hazy future
+ +
Do you know remarked n theater
goer yesterday it looks llko the publh
Is losing Interest In the stage So far as
I am concerned 1 believe It ts thc lack 1
interest lor a while nnd atttact good pat
ronige hut the people grow tired of the
before inamgvrs appreciate tho foct It 11
true thnt the AinnliMli public has gono
titter something new of leccnt years ami
idors of tine abllltli lime ilesi ended to
the public taste In place of upholding tlm
legitimate and educating the people The
risult s iilmost illsiistious We hnvr nn
entold number of worthless companies triv
cling over tho country nnd opera hoiiso
managers find ihciiiselvcs plujlng to i
l > usne tlmt scarcely pays expenses ilive
us buck the good old work of n few yeari
igo and the people will soon show lljrt
appreciation by mi hundredfold Increase ln
their pnttonage
+ 4 +
Great Sachem Orlggs of the Hod Men
There are undelivered toograins nt the
office of the Postal Telegraph company US
Main street for J W Harper and II 1
1 erguson
Messrs Sherwood Itoblnsnn have re
moved their offices from tho Wilson build
ing to the Boors ot the Houston Oil aud
Stock Exchange
The 11 M Stoddard Womans Christian
Temperance Union meets at the Washing
ton Street Methodist Episcopal church
Monday at 3G0 p m
Tho Pastors atsoelatlon will hold Its Teg
ular meeting at hbearn church Monday
morning at 10i0 The topic continued
from the last meeting will be taken up
There are undelivered telegrams nt tttc
office of tho Western Union Telegraph com
pany for Hattlc Crawford Win T Ilem
liS Beech Parrctt J C Pllworth nud
P M Iea
A meeting of the Houston Alumni asso
ciation of Sewancc university will be held
at the residence of Mrs A H Cleveland
corner San Jnclnto street and Husk avenue
this evening nt 8 oclock
Judge E II Vasmer has received a letter
nom tho State lunatic asylum announcing
the death of Lucy Thornton a ncgress ad
mitted to that Institution October IS ltsw
from this county The ncgress died Wednes
day morning
The Houston Light CJuard met at Its
armory last evenlu It was strictly a
brsluess meeting at which a proposition
was received and accepted Captain Cal
vin IJutcheson when seen by a Post re
Sorter said it was a matter that will not
0 ready for publication for some days
The llrltlib clubs first monthly smoker
will take place in thc club room at
o clock tonight There will no formal pre
mm but all
are Invited to Mng either ss
> A r A 4
With Prominent Visitors
to and Citizens ot Houston
Who Have Something In
teresting to Say
Worth In May The meeting promises to
be tho greatest ln 14 history since thc or
der wns organized In Texas A new fcat
11 rn 1 Intend to propose at that meeting
Is thc crcntlon of n press committee and
Will sitsgen that such n mmuiltteo shall
be one of the official branches uf each
tribe In the reservation If the work Is
put In the hands of men of good Judgment
gtcnt results may be anticipated Mod
Men know that they belong to the oldest
order ot purely Atueilcau origin thnt Its
ninlii thought is patiiotlmn nutl It tenches
It through nil Its tercmcnles Knr this
reamm the members know that those out
side of the order vho are good citizens
good AnicrlcuiiH aud tine patriots only have
trt be made ucquntiitid with tho objects ot
tlm grnt nigaiilzation to become Immedi
ately lutoresteir lu It It Is for this reason
thnt I shnll iigltnte tho creation of 11 press
Among the prominent gentlemen In thc
city yesterday wns Mr II S Wcttcrmark
ot Niicogdoohos ln speaklug of his town
ho said An juti well know our town was
Tim Impoitniit place In the early history
of Texas Plaus anil schemes thnt wore
fraught with great pith and moment wore
laid there It was the gatoway to it prom
ised land and many u dream of emplic
found Its birth within its historic precincts
Thc tide however rolled on au 1 old Xjcos
liiillVM wilt icrt to its hallowed memories
The pluco that was ouie on cerybodjs
of the production of the legitimate dramu royn dXen Tho
nnd sensational takes may S Uwnirtiiloii
Society plays rtunc tort i of nhkh is
now cuuslug uo mm li discission might
havo biMoniu n ruin and Hie bioken wjjs
might hno rnriUshed u listlng place for
the moping l thnt ijiev says does to tho
luoou louiplaln Put now thanks to the
virtue of our nututul mlvKiitnges the tide
of lmnilgrutluii is rolling back toward us
uud old Nacogdoches wilt before ihe cen
tury ages much n suuic even a 111010 com
manding position in ih ioiumeii lal woild
than the evsr did nn political glory Is
gone foreur but she is the center 0f u
prosperous section and will steadily glow
In liuportaneo
Will the old stone for be tot 11 down
Yes It ts Simply n told blooded business
proposition aud sentiment Is handieapped
In 11 contest with the pitIt of to iiinerclnl
istn ide what I m to rtnu is doing In the
Philippines It would 10 1 about H IXX or
sifiGOO to su the old place and I cutil
couucll of our order will meet In fort see Just where the money Is coming fruui
committee of the city council was Id schi
slon yesterday to fix the date of sale ol
pioperty held by the city under tnx Judg
H nts The olU claims that this property
repiesents about lu < iKT0 but It Is stated
that already about SKuOOO In double as
sessments Jiaie shown up where suits base
been brought and Judgments gotten against
propeity thnt hud been doubly assessed
A Stewail meeting was held ln tint
Fourth ward last nUht at thc Intersection
of San Felipe and Dallas Mr David Wood
head chairman of the fourth Ward Munici
pal inueishlp club presided and ninde the
opening addles lie was followed by SA
Stewart who spoke for thlrtv mlnutcs
Other speakers woie Messis Buckley mid
Helsle candidates for aldermen Tom
otoarj candidate for chief of police Pat
Egan candidate for recordei and J 1
Middlcion candidate for street commis
Independence Day March 2 1 legal holi
day In Texas falls this vear on Sunday
the Houston clearing house has Issued thc
following notice
Houston Clearing House Icbruarv 21
WO The banks of Houston will be closed
on Monday March 1 to observe the Dcfi
larntlon of Texts Independents Paper ma
turing on that diir will U presented for
paunent on Saturday March 1
lirsi National Bank T V Hirise
lommerdsl Nntlonnl Bank Planters ami
Mchnnlcs National Bank Houston National
nauk South Texas National Bank Mer
chant Nation il Bunk
The sioiid and last lecture on cooking by
Mrs Itorer for the men who being Inter
ested In the art and in the excellent work
of Mrs Itorer was Kyen last evening The
largest audience ot the entlro course was
present every seat In the Klengerhund ball
iielng occupied and unsatisfied dcm wdtf
for more It was a magnificent audience
There was a
present and
Interest In tho work Tho lecture like tho
audience was the best ot the course nnd
e ery one was delighted Mrs Horws
work lu this cltj doses with her lecture
and lesson this afternoon which will bu
one of the most inteiestlng nnd Instructive
of Ihe entire cointe At tho lectute jcm
tirtny evening Mi Itorer snld to the geu
tlemen Tills Is probably the Inst oppor
tmilty of speaking to vou aul I want t4
give jon a word of caution Please be pa
tleut with your wives overlook uny lUtbi
foibles or faults Do not expect them to
be perfect at once When your wife puts
a new dish on the table different from
what sho has been giving you compllnuit
her and the dish encourage hor In Ijer
work It will be a great help to her uiiil
encourage her so that she will take more
interest In serving you these dishes Sho
will continually Improve ln her work If
joti will but assist her by noticing pleas
antly anv little change Mrs Borers stilx
Ject for this afternoon according to pto
gram Is Saturday February 2t > Subject
Salads Chicken In Aspic Plain Chicken
Salad Waldorf Salad Dinner Salad
tlon Is sent out tnd a thoroughly enlovablo
time Is guuraiiteed 10 ul who parti Ipnte
Thc lettuiiH of Mr Jean Sbeiwnod on
the Illstorj or Vit nndei the iiusplees of
the aliiinnl of tlie Hoastnu High school
will be given In the pntih lioiifc of hrlst
church beginning Mnudii Miiuh i nt
i4r > p m Mrs Sltei wood will diher
scries of four lectures nod much Interest Is
being manifested nlrendj
Mrs Presley K Hwing ts 111 lie at home
to all this Inornlng between tbe hours of
11 nnd 12 nnd will lie glad to line tho
ladles of the city call at her home No
1103 Clay nenue and meet and become
acquainted with her guott Mrs Unier
This Is doslied to be n pmeiy Informal re
ception mid Mrs Hwlng hiWug issued no
Imitations to IndlWdiink asks and nopen
that nil tho ladles will meet Mrs Korcr
thlH morning
The biyltig of thc cornerstone of the new
Stephen V Austin school building < orner
of St llmaiiuel street and McKlnney ae
nue will be conducted tins mouilng with
nppiopilalo exercises Ml of the white
Mhools in tho city will participate In the
exercises nnd every school will tnke putt
lu the cornerstone laying An excellent pin
griim has been arranged and will be cur
lied out The exercises begin at 10 oclock
nnd thc boiud of tinstecH of the public
schools nsk Hint the iltUens attend and
loud their nsslslnnco bv their piescnce
A New Temjilc Organized in This City
Last Evening
At a meeting of members of the Knlghti
of Pythias last nisht n new temple of the
Dramatic Order of Krlgrts of Khorassau
was orgnnlzed nnd the following officers
looted D C Helberg venciable sheik S
11 Tnioy royal vizier H C Bancroft
grand emir 7 A Palmer Molted It W
McOatvie Imperial nnwnb stud ecretary
SI P ielsleman tmtsiiier II C Mnlseh
Menial W P Soua Slhlb J T Bonner
Joe J S Stiwmt Mokannt Kxoorts
Thomas Boorman A Stelzlg C O Ilyine
Ed Counellj Pat MctVbe Kullon Williams
Tex Temple was the name choven The
caalrmitu and srrntiiry were lusiructed to
forward the inonev immediately for charter >
and pioiiertles This temple xvill start out
with 100 nieinbers nnd will bo mont boncil
large number of young peouUl i ll e Knights of Pythias lodges of
VIh i h loci of the Dramntlc Or
thev evinced a deep nnd grear
Knlehls of Khiiassan U to culthate
the social side of life and preswit nn op
portutiltv for those who onjoy soclnbliltv
lo spend nn evening 01 two enih month iii
association with kindred spirits
The order Is particularly designed to
create 11 truster inunder and better ac
quaintance nnioiig Pythlans furnish a mid
dle ground pon which tho members ot dlf
lorent lodetX can meet
mfiLls JVJ l onl tonrlo within 100
of Houston
Captain JnmeR A Baker left yesterdav
afternoon via the International nnd Grea t
Northern for New York
Mr Juntos Shelton who = as formerly the
agent tor the Iidelty nnd Deposit company
of Maryland at Dallas has moved Uls of
fice to this city
Mrs 3 IV llye an old resident of nous
ton Is on a visit to her old home and Is a
guest of Sirs r Schleslngnr 502 Lamar
avenue where she will he pleased to meet
her many friends
A Most Remarkable Remedy That Quick
ly Restores Lost Vigor to Men
A Free Trial Paokaoe Scant By Mail to
All Who Write
Free trial packages of n most lemarkable
remedy are being mailed to nil who win
write tbe Stuto Medical Institute TheV
cured m > many men who had battled fur
years against thc mental and physical mt
fcrlng of lost manhood that the ntltm
has decided to distribute free trial nock
ages to all who write It Is a home ucat
men and all men who suffer with in
form of sexual weakness resulting from
youthful folly premature loss of BtronctS
and memory weak back lailcoeele
emaciation of parts can now euro ttiem
selves at home
The remedy has a peculiarly grateful
feet of warmth and seems to act direct Y
tho desired location ghing strength ni
development Just wheie It is needed 1
cures all thc Ills nnd troubles
thca thut
from years of misuse of the com
natural tw
tlons sud has been au absolute succeia i
all cases A request to the State iiSi
institute 10SH Elebtron Building < tii
stroua ui rcnciiiuE iuui sreat class of
who are unable to leavo home tu be ti7at men
td sud the free sample will enable
to see how easy It is to be cured of sexSnl
weakness when the
proper remedleiT i
employed The Institute msk no retrlo
tttxis Any man who writes will be
a fee sample carefully sealed In s Dlaj
package so that Its recipient need V t2
bo fear of embarrassment publiSiVr
ittfj l wrltosiiiS
R IA <
Are Especially Invited to Write to
Mrs Pinkham For Advice Regard
ing Their Health All Such Letters
Are Stricter Confidential
School days nro danger days for American girls
Often physical collapso follows and it takes years to recover tho
lost vitality Sometimes it is novor recovered
Perhaps sho is not overcaroful about keeping her feet dry
through carelessness in this respeet tho monthly sickness is usually
rendored very severe
Then begin ailments which should bo removed at once or they
will produce constant suffering Headache faintness slight vertigo
pains in tho back and loins irregularity loss of sleep nnd appetite a
tendency to avoid tho society of others aro symptoms all indicating that
womans archenemy is at hand
This need not bo so if mothers would have a thought for tho physi
cal condition of their daughters and see to it that they have proper
liydla E Piniciinms Vegetable Compound has helped many
a young girl over this critical period With it they havo gone through
their trials with courage and safety With its proper use tho young
girl is safe from tho peculiar dangers of school years and prepared for
hearty womanhood
If thero is anything you dont understand write to Mrs Pinkham
at Lynn Mass Her advice is freo and always helpful
How Miss Wilson and Her Sister Were Cured
Dsats Mni P1XE11LM Your VcfrctaMc Compound has done myself and
sister so much pood that if I can possibly help somo sufferer by bonding you
a testimonial for publication I foci as though I ought to do so For several
years I suffered with painful menstruation Tho pain would sometimes
begin ten to twelve hours baforc menses appeared and sometimes not until
that length of time after and for a day or two I would bo weak and exhausted
I tried many doctors and other remedies and had about given up hopes of
being any better but thought I would givo iyditi E Plnkhaius Veirc
table Compound a trial
I have taken siv bottles and am so much belter I can hardly believe I
am the same person My sister is also much pleased with your medicine 1
Mabkl U Wilson Attica lnd Oct 13 1900
Ovung to the fact that rome skeptical people
have trom time to time questioned thegeiiume
neds uf the testimonial letters e are constantly
puiiluhinc we hare depOBited ith the National
Cltv Hank it Ljnn Mass which will
be paid to any person who > wl show that the above testimonilt are 1 not
genuine or were piibmhed before obtaining the writers spc ill 1 1
aion Iydlu IS Ilnklinm Mcdlciiio Oompuny Iynn ji
n 2n
Such Well Known Makes as
c Included
and Patent iei Leathers
Mail Orders Will Receive Best Attention
Kitchen Qoo
which many women have recenl
been made to think could not
found in Houst6n are all at theU
hardware mirt li
Larding Needles Tinned SkcwtrjK
Ing Baskets Handled or Hailed
Soup Strainers Trench Sabatletj Com
Knives Pallet Knives Individual Jt
Moulds Pudding Moulds Heel silcoi
Wood Salad Spoons and Torks Rog
5 > ef Tiers Wooden Spoons JJrollerjc
every pattern six styles of Waffle trq
Lirgcit line of Cermm White
tnarael Wire In the Stite
Hardhare Co
Corner Prairie and Milam
< t
We horcliv nnnoutiup ourselves ag ca
dntcs for indention pC thc city of Hom
of our respective wnuN subject to
notion of the democratic prlmurlei
hcioli v ilcrlnrn ourselves In fmor oL
followltm pint form J
1 Wo finni municipal ownership ct
public utllltlfH anil especially favorjl
city ownlnjr anil operatliiR Its own vrt
ttork ami light plant
L We favor pulnie Improvements m
We favor 11 stilct enforcement of
conducts entered into In the dty J
1 > fanr ciemlnc 11 SI11UI114 funds
llclcut to care foi licmls at niaturltyS
5 Wo fnor that ln Rrantlns francK
the city should lie well compensated
I fame and her lights well suanlcd audi
tieled a
I We favor the encouragement of mi
fin tmliiK Industries a
7 We fin or union wages and 0
8 Wo favor nn efficient fire and po
0 We favor the cltv making such p
slims ns are neceshary for the p <
sthools of the cltv to meet their pecutl
ohilgatlons as same mature and tlioll
Ing aside of u certain percentage of
cltjs tcvpuuc for their tniiltitcnvAacji
operation S
10 We finer the administration of
affairs of the city In au economical
liuKlnesi IlUe milliner 1
1or Aldeimen
Tlist Wurd W J KohlhauCf It
Till 1
Second Wird IVllx Schram JaniM
Tlilid Wnrilr C Street Udgnr V
Iourth AVard Herman T Keller T
fifth Waul Uobcrt li Jones Stcxl
Clnrvey i
SUth Ward W T Wall 1 7 Qusti
1 hereliy Indorso the above platform
Xspectfully solicit the people of II
ton to vote for and Mippoit the above 1
ed candidates for alduuien 1
O T Ho
At thc solicitation of a large nunibe
the citizens of ilodstou I hoieby auuot
in self a ciiudldiite foi the office of ini
tulilcct to the democratic pilmnrles 1
o Tno
I hereby announce as a candidate
Chief of Iolb e subject to action ofi
democratic uiuinilcs Geo KB
g <
1 hereby announce as a candldatlj
chief ot police subject to the action o
democratic primaries g
Thomas OLtjr
I hereby announce myself as n w
date for the office of chief of police
Ject to action of the democritlc pilot
John W Howui
I hereby announce myself as a caudW
for the ofllco of chief of police subject
the action of tho democratic prlmnrleK
I hcicby aiinouucc as n candidate
Chief of Police subject to action oti
deuioctntlc piliiiatles J ti HLicUburc
I a
Tbe Post Is nuthoilzed to announce J
Nip us a etudtdnte for chief of polite
Ject to the action of the deinoeiuthl
i mules
I hereby announce myself as a candid
lor reelection to the ofilcn of city tw
urer subject to the action ot the ds
erotic primaries A A Sill
I hereby announce mjjelt ns a candL
for the office of dty attorney subjef
tho nctlon of the deuiocntli my prliii
Ingham s Itobcr
At tbe sollcltntlon of my many frli
who have contilbuted lo my announce
fund I announce myself ns a candldati
reolectlon to tho oftleo of city nttof
Mibjcct to the uctlou of the demotf
primaries Joe M Sc
I hereby announce myself ns a camW
for the ofticc of clt attorney subJK
the action of the democrnde prluii
T 11 Stqi
The Post Is authorized to announce
W SI nrumhy as u candidate for
Health Ofilcer hiihject to the actloi
the democratic primaries
I hereby announce myself as a cand
for health officer subject to thc actl I
the democratic prlnarles l
J Q Boyd SI4
I hereby announce myself as n cand
for reelection to the office of city ass
and collector subject to the action ol
democratic prlmatles f
James P Wc
I hereby nnnounce rs a candidate for
ofHce of Street CotnmUsloner snbjef
the action of tho democratic prlra rttJ
Ja < k Kennt
At the solicitation of my many frf
I announce myself ns a eandMate tf
eeetlon fnr the offlee of street eosi
eloncr of tho cltv of Houston suht et
nctlon of the democratic iirlnvirle < i
Slatt Drennr
I am a cnndlilit for1 nldcrman ofi
KcceiTtl ward subject It the action oil
deiopgrnHc prlmnrlcs and respectful
licit your support ifk
C Ed