OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, March 01, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1902-03-01/ed-1/seq-7/

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1 j g
lty ttj
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a ti
nrl s
n of
Filly Celebrated Willi Approbate
Exercises at the Schools
Committees from the Daughters of the
Republic of Texas Visit Every School
and Witness tho Exercises
Texas Indepcndcnco Day March 2 com
ing on Sunday this > oar the day was fitly
celebrated In tho schools of this city yos
tcrday by readings recitations addicsse
nnd music both vocal and Instrumental
Excellent nnd appropriate proguuus having
been prepared In every school lu tho clt >
tho nftoruoou term of school was devoted
to the carrying out and rendition of these
programs Tho parents and friends of the
pupils had been Invited nnd at all of tho
exercises there were a goodly number of
visitors and nt many the crowds In attend
ance wcie very large The little ones
jvere In their glory as with sa hes anil
dccointions they enjojed tho celebration ot
the day whether they participated lu the
exercUcs or not while the older ones feel
ing a greater responsibility nnd recognizing
that lu a few years theirs will be shoulders
on which will rest the duty of arranging
for and carrying on the work which their
teachers and Instructors now had In hand
vvcrii deeply Intelostcd and watched tUo
proceedings carefully and conducted them
telves well each one doing lib or her part
as assigned thcin In the exercises In a
manner which showed excellent and
thoughtful training and care
The exercises nt the High school building
i can
d Hi
i cana
ty as
Ion oil
commemorative of Independence Day in
Texas wcio highly interesting and edifying
Tho papers rend and tho addresses deliv
ered all of which had been prepuM by
the pupil to whom the subject was as
signed showed u ciuefiil research or the
history of Texas and a familiarity with tho
many strong historical events with which
the btory of Texas under the thice nags
Is tilled Cacli pupil had studied well the
task beforo him or her nnd mastered the
subject given hem for discussion Lhey
had also studied well the poses the ges
ate f ii
n rle g
inr I
tures the manner nnd the deliver neces
saiy ti add stiength and intciest to their
able and well prcpnted pioductions These
excrelses were given under the nuspltcs
and management of he Adelphlmi society
of the High school nnd the manajiement i f
them was highly creditable to the socleipy
ate f
er losa
Mi ct VI
ian otl
the and seen to
tfon oil
milling was bemtlfollv and aitlstlcallj
dcciuittd tn the Natlonil coloi led white
and bine with Texas Mags ferns pins
etc A large bust of Governor Sam Hous
ton ornamented the stage The Hluh s < hool
orchestin undri the Inllllint leadership or
Miss Annie Oninbntl tiinlheil some very
fine nin lc Th two selection on he pro
Rinm Mip Poitmie Teller it the openlig
nnd The Peacemaker at the eloIiic
vviro especially grand nnd inngnillcentlv
rendered The last eleUin was a music
production and would mve dem credit to
well organized nnd profession il orchestias
nnd was greeted with i long contliued and
loud encore The High school orehesti i
composed of students In the Hlith school
Is taking rapid strides to the fiout in mn
slcnl lnnk nnd Its performances are hlghlv
complimented wherev > r given The oilclnnl
a5tnSSiponn reflil hr Miss Ollvp llrnnch was a mas
orraHhuplrcc in S production cimiposltlnn si n
I jStlment and reading Miss Hranch has n tine
Tei5BJvrlce nnd leads well and with her well
she charmed the audience
written poem
The vocal solo bv Miss Yenle Jones nnd he
iflRplnno solo by Miss Jtitl i Alltmont were
3i > jboth magnificent productions well rendered
Jjjnnd well worthy of special mention
lmbeH p following Is the piogrun as rcn
t misHSelection rortune Teller Orchestia
j BIteniotr Ciuses of the Itcvolullon
nfl Will Hamblen
Growth of the Texas Plig
Lis lorsgaurd
Vcca solo Merry Plrds
dattW Mlrs Yenle Jor s
l otiBBThe > ppeal for Hcdies of firlccnnce
KIMN Mies Yesta Kwtng
Oilgltml poem Miss Olive Ilmnili
riano solo Yalse Chopin
Miss Julia Mltmont
The Texas Involution
Miss Mnbel Cnssell
The Declamtlon of Indeneiidrnce
Cliirlp Itnmsny
Selection The Peacemakei Orehcstri
There was a very large audience among
which were many of the Daughters of th
Republic of Texn All were well pleased
nnd exptcssed n high nppieclallon of the
high order of the exercises
+ 44
After the celebration of Independence
iDay exeiclses an entertainment nnd recep
tion which was termed a chemical ex
rerlmcnt nnd problem to bo solved In the
manner thought best and according to the
Judgment and tastes of the guests was
given by Mr It A Hall complimentary
Jo th seniors both high nnd low and to
She faculty This problem which was rcad
3lly solved by those Invited consisted of lei >
ISieani cake salted almctids caudles nni
fpuneli served most temptingly When tie
Iproblem was solved and all Ii id enjoved thn
Swork of Its solution to the gteatest satiety
a n r w l W
For Bilious and Nervous Disorders such as
Wind and Piln In the Stomach Sick llcad
nche Giddiness Fulness and Swelling after
totals Dlziinees and Drowsiness Cold Chills
Flushings of Heat Loss of Appetite Short
sess of Ureath Costlveness Blotches on the
Bkln Disturbed Sleep PrlKhtful Dreams
> nd all Nervous and Trembling Sensations
TWENTY MINUTES This is no Dctioii
Kvery sufferer U earnestly Invited to try one
Box of these rills and tlioyxvlll bo nclL
novvlcdccd to bo WITHOUT A RIVAL
IJEECIIAIUSPILlS taken as direc
ted will quickly restore Females tocompleta
health They promptly remove any obstruo
tloa or Irregularity of the system For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liverp
lhey act like raaglca few doses will worts
yronders upon the Vital Organs Strengthen
ing the muscular System restoring the long
lost Complexion bringing back the keen
edge of appetite nnd arousing with the
Itoseblid orilcnltn tlio whole Phy
sical enorgy of the human frame These
sre facts admitted by thousands in all
classes of society and one ol the best guar
antees to the Nervous and Debiltated is
that BEECH AMS PILLS havo tho
Largoct Sale of any Patent
Modlcinea In tho World
lleeolinius IMlls linvo lieen l > eforo
tho public for half n century niul
tlio most popular family luccllclue
tostliuonlals uro published us
Beccliam Fills
Pnpsred onlr bj Thomas lto cbmiiSt
Helens Knri BUd 868 Caual tit Ivew
Sola ttrjubatm Is boxes 10c sad 35o
tins following excellent mtiMcnl i program
m icndiiid
Piano bolO te Sylgntiln Chardlnade
MIsh Anna Leo Chasko
Vocnl soIo ir for You Dp llardclot
Miss Minnie lrlodentinilv
Violin solo II Trovatoro Vordl
Moody Dawson
Vocal sol < Jovo fi All In All Wilson
JHss Sadie Morris with violin obllgnfo
MIm Aiitilo Otimbstl
Piano nolo Second mazourkn Clodard
MIbi Jrimlo Sprong
When this program which was richly
cnJtijDit bv nil was concluded mid nil
wou > In tlii boat of spirit the senior
about twenty In number who having se
lected one of the colors of each das n
their colors for this occasion ilomivd what
they termM onpx but what were reallv
Jarge bilmnifd onilireroi inntle of old wold
paper and with Mr Hall at their luvid
mulched down own nnd ttiiough the
streets giving tliu IIlsli school yell every
few steps It wni n Jolly crowd and tlivr
were out for fun nnd they had It both
joiing men and young ludlei
+ + +
Flag Day at Ixinsfellow school wna a
Jojous occasion ami tor flic auoTmt ot Us
pleuliitras and the work as done by tho
pupils tho Post Is Indebled to Mrs M It
Urwltz who said Tho committee up
pointed from tho Daughters of tho lie
pnbic to witness tho celebration of Texas
liideponibiico Day of Prof Keyuoldi
bchool was Indeed forluuuto lu tho happy
part assigned them and will loug choiTli
tender inemoiies of the bright Intelligent
faces which gioctod them and the charm
ing coin tekM shown thorn The natal day
or Texi1 fulling npun Sunday this year
tho schools of Houston decided to cclebrutu
this mmlvcrsury on Kilday nnd coinm t
toct wete selected from among the Diugh
tela of tho Itepnbllc to visit all tut chooN
on that day Longfellow school was ac
cordingly visited by Mis Mlla T Morls
Mri Ollfritli Miss Xotlo Ifowurd mid Mrs
Mis Kate Alberts room was first on
tcied and nlthongh tho wink for the it ty
was over and the sixty little deski pll stilt
here were evidences of patient faithful
labor li > both teui her and lailght Tor hero
as IiIkIi as the children could icadi were
iexis Hags palntpil on the walla big IlugS
and little sumo showiuc the unti ilned
hand but all true tn measure all with lt
red bar down each In Its proper pmpoifliu
of red nnd blt mul blue each star In its
allotted pintit Itcsldeji there was oboun
IniRe piper lmx of tigs of dllTerent Hi7o <
oi biNtol boaid Hineiy th < > ladles thought
Iheso little onei will lo their teacner as
their Hag mill ho little drops of water
lltthi mains of sand lame liistluctlvely to
llnd as tho thouuht of these tiny flag
utllldci nroo rteli laboilng over tho lines
and the color which must seem so lung
and so dlfllenlt
iseoited bv Prof lteinods a pleasing
bight greeted Iho vlsltois as they entered
his room Kiotn Mexico to Texas vas
Ingeniously Illustrated by I he lag of Mexico
on the left of the htnge painted In Its orig
inal colors wlille the lag ot Texts was
bhovvu In like manner on the right Above
and to the committees which had auangeil t hl ° n1 n ll l T ituf > of Stephen
the mitiiintion Austin nnd leneial Hntiston the piop
the school On the wall the left
or the pupils for the part they weie t I 1 > on
take In them In the ileroiatlons of the
side fioin the stage was a pretty device
derful work of i dear little girl Hazel
ChrKtcnscn 12 years of age rienenth thin
seal the well known lower the Texas star
was painted lu liiofuslnu a beautiful and
appropriate setting Passing on to the
right was the movement on San Jacinto
battlefield a It list appeared with Its I
boutcnnelre of pinslcs and violets Then the
sweet home of the Texas soldier and adieu
each visitorfeeUng smo thnt the future
of Texas and Texas history Is safe In the
hands e > such teachers as Prof Reynolds
and his able corps
Of San Jacinto Lodge of Perfection
Scottish Rite Masons
San Jacinto Lodge of Perfection No fi
Ancient nud Accepted Scottish Rite Ma
sons met at tho Masonic temple Thursday
night and elected the following ofticers
for the ensiling teim A P Roberdeau
venerable master W S Hosktns senior
warden Pied Waterman Junior warden
Dr JS Wilson tt degroc honoraiy trcas
tircrj C T Mclntjre secretary Geoige W
Kldd 33 dcgiee houornry orator Thomas
K Traylor almoner The Intallatlon of
these otllceis will take place some time next
Rcfieshmonts were served after the elec
tion and the occasion as usual was a most
enjoyable one
Mr William S Anderson
Mr William Shelby Anderson nged 07
joins died at his room 1lS Pioston ave
nue at 1230 p in yesteulay The deceased
had been 111 but four days The cause ot
his death was pneumonia Tliu icmaiiis
weie taken in ehnige by Wall iS Stabe un
deittikers piepared for burial and placed
In their funeral pmlms to nwnlt inteiment
Mr Andiiscm was a member ot the Iluptlst
church He vviin born In San Augustine
Texas served lu the Confederate iiiniy as
first lieutenant In eunipiiny fi Twentjfirst
Texas cavalry Of lute veal he has lived
In Rosenberg mid came here aboui a month
ago with Iho expectation of Ituatlng mul
doing Into business in this city He leaves
it wife mid several brothers nnd sisters
Mrs Anderson accompanied by Mrs Illulr
the wife of her pastor arilved here vester
dny attoiiiiiiin In iVspoiiso to the sad lele
ginpble suuimon A biother Mr J 15
Vinlersoii of Ycniis I i > xpi > cl < < d to inrlvo
this morning The ttiinngoinciit for the
fiineral icrvlces will Hot be dctoruilued
upon until this brother in lives line notice
of the aiiungemenlH will be made in Tlio
Epworth League Literary
The regular literary meeting of tho Kp
worth League of the Tabernacle Methodist
Sunday school room of that church last
evennt The meeting was well attended
and i be essays mid recitations were not
only Interesting but wore full of valuable
Information olid Imtntettmi The music
was splendid and taken as n whole It was
a most Interesting and planting event for
the Kpworth League and Its many friends
w ho w ere prcseut
to Tin votpiis op Houston
As a candidate for TOclecllon as alder
man of the Third ward 1 refer you to my
record of the past two years 1 nave rep
resented the Interests of the people at nil
times My efforts to reform I be police
department are well known As chairman
of fire committee I have succeeded In placn
ng tho Are department second to ionn In
efficiency an shown by the work dona
since each engine has been supplied vrlth
au uptodate heater for quick action My
Cereals Opened the Week With a De
cided React on Cotton Was Fairly
Steady and Wool Freely Taken
New Yoife Pcbniary 2S It 0 Dun
Co s weekly review of trade tomorrow will
say Although the shortest month uf the
year was further curtailed by two holi
days and haudlcappcd by the most seveVo
storms of the vvlntetv Industrial nnd trade
results were roost satisfactory The clos
ing week brought a general resumption ot
activity In lines that suffeied from the
weather and pteparatlons for nu excep
tionally heavy shipping business was re
ported nt many points Southern cities
atone being backvvutd
Pig Iron suffered at a tlmo when the
maximum output would not bo excessive
Pressure for structural material Is already
severe add will probably be still more so
diapery of 1 igs fn another space on the Newn Notes of the Latest and Prettiest
vviill was n erivon sketchof the hallowed TrimmmQS
Alamo and still fuitlipr the lieo under
i 1 i irfttinn fln Mr
An amount of odd and Interesting finery
which Gcneiul Ilm ton lay wounded when
Santa Anna was ineseiited to him a prUon
er cadi pltme showing that the teaching
of Tens history In Longfellow selnlol Is a
labor of love
At the opening of the exercises the pupils
nil sing Texas Ilic Mn tpr Hoy Toots
hoin stive Iho first oclohrntiini of Inde
pendence Iliiy us coplud from the Tele
graph of Mai oh 1S37 Other noble Ilttl
Texan tben followed with the vulous
toasts as given on that occasion and as out
lined lu the program
Miss lluzcl hilstensen then lead in a
ami thirtylive In faiiada against thirty
one ln t jrar
Despite the Unfavorable Weather Con
ditisna Business Was Good
Now York Kobrmry ISIlradstreets to
mot row will say Current demand Is of full
has nrrlved from Paris for tho malting of
tho Hue milllneo which Is and ier must
be the clowning fentuie of feminine adorn
ment indeed It may be stated with aliso
lute truth that thcie wcie never so many
tagc And they come In shnpos and com ij th7 llf tl Mlu i0 0 l trj ovor the Southern Pacific
only In btraw tho stiaw get even hy np r v lVl baby illbon mm figure Instwitf tltoroiialilv luspccte1 Wlth htm
peiiiliig as beads In a tine showing we yn namltul < I ui > Mis Hmrlniau an I their five children
sweet voice an ossav on The Texas j note the follonln
ring Its evolution as seen from a childs ntEXCH TOQl13
standiiolnt Next came a song The Texas
Ilag to the nlr of Hip Star Spinslcd
gillsInby Steele Mary Fox
Though It look but a bonnet in the fotm
r Ti liitin ttiinti
sented each visitor and there were liiiny pad f
head 1 his Is to be iVf in let beads
besides the committee of Daughters with a of the j
too In mat Jet It would be wonderfully
distinguished lor those In mourn ng I he
big hemisphere over each ear Is also of the
cads and very many ot the wnarnte or uu
uei fi this shape aic used to hold straps
or draperies In the way buttons have been
used Indeed they nrc buttons
rnAiiiinvcK tiummino
Vn elaborate effect Is to be had by add
In this pearlbnck trimming to a dress hat
There mo the two big pearl bead buttons
while from tliusc arc draped three strands
leads How well they would show
of peail
and especially with a hat
Soil costume of black velvet or of very
light cloth Not that blonde henuty Is de
The coming coronation Is responsible for
the v el liable diiwiipnm l
generally This novvn ei LI
fair In dull golden uliulli
tIon to Its udmliablc I
own elicits
Is ii rich at
nut tn nddl
id i in woik i through the pros dispatches
muiislilp it Is tipped wl i tHe ubjuilll
biiroiiuo peuls This i ii ot the most
pleasing lu the deluge < f una designs
This dalnlv cieseent I niiiposed of seed
pearls which pave the foundation of coarse
nnd It
wired net It Is called a bandeau
Bitstisii imssss
has been cleat ly
nnatunn all matters
Shown I m an advocate of and voter for
mnmclnal ownership as showu by the
ell ccwds During mr Incumbency
thn Third ward has secured more streit
more dialuage nnd morei street work
four years before Ml er
than during any
forts Iii behalf of every menwrefor
advancement of Houston meshpwn by
wincll recotds whlcli prove that 1 have
always been ready to do buluoj for the
I nn ic
people Asking your suppoit
spectfully William W Thonuis candidate
for reelection nlderninn Third ward
In memory of Mr C M Art6 who
died Kehruary 5 10O2
W watched her brcnthlug through thu
Her biciithlng soft and low
As In her In east tho wave of life
Kept heaving to and fro
So sllentlv we seemed to speak
So slowiv moved alit
As we had lent her half our powers
To eke b r living out
Our mv hopex belled our fears
lur fears our hopes bolted
We thought licr dying when she slept
And sleeping when she died
Kor when the morn on mo dim and sad
Ami chill with curly showors
Her iiulet eyelid closedshe hud
Anntliei morn than ours
Alys Wegncf
Oulvoston Texas
Having a Run on Chamberlains Cough
UplBcopul church South was held In the I ju > tvvecn tho hours of 11 oclock ns tn
and cloMng time at night on January 21
1601 A V Clark diugglst Glade Springs
Vn bold twelve bottles of Chamberlains
Cutgh Remedy He says I never handled
n meillclne that sold bettor or gavo bet
ter stuUfnctlon to my customers Thi
IttiiHMiy has been In gtncinl n e in Vir
ginia for many years and the people there
are well ntHUialntcd with Us excellent qual
ities Many ot them have testified to the
remarkable curs which It hits effected
When you need a good reliable medicine
for a cough or cold or attack of tlio grip
vifo Clinubcilalns Cough Remedy jind ycui
nro certain to be more than pleased with
be quUk euro which It uttorJs For sale
by all drustUU
Three Names in One Day
Anordlug to n Iebnnoii Ky dlspateb
in the tlreut collit a divorce was grunted
Mrs Vow ell from William Yowell on the
grounds of ibaudonnieul and she was re
stored to her maiden name nils VPU >
lty special icipiest of her attorneys the de
nnd Judxe PaH
creo was entcicd at once
left the bench to sign the oidei Im
incdlatelv after It had been signed by In
ouit and the pintle legally eparoted
w l lani Hiistv walked from the court r < i
where he ha 1 been < agerlv watehlns pro
reeding to the clerks office mid applied
wed Miss Murphy was
for I license to
granted and this afternoon Miss Murphy
bcciime Mis Hnsty
A San Antonio Attorney Claims It Would
Result In Much Inconvenience
in Certain Cases
San Antonio Texas Kcbrusry 2D C U
Rates an ntftnney of this city has tele
graphed to Senator C A Culberson nnd
Joseph W llalley aBklng tlmt the Teias
Kcderiil couit bill now pending In congiess
be held up glvlug as liU loasous that th
lilll wllhout miiendinent will woik much
luconvenlence as lo pending litigation lu
which Interlocutory ordeis lmvo been made
as It would give the now court tho light
mid power to dlsifgatd all former Inter
locutoiy mdeis and adjudicate the mattcis
mew This it Is claimed would nu me
enso when receivers havo been nppolnted
tnd have clmr so ot niouoy or pioporty In
custody ot the court This would especial
ly bothe case la the Poitllrown ease In
Which SIMM U In bond heiii nald case
ImluK reiuoved bv the pending bill from
the Jurisdiction ot tho Judge who has at
Kady inado ordeis lu thu matter
It Is to Be Used by a Baptist Missionary
for Preaching Purposes
Yoakum Texas February 2S Undor the
direction of Iter I P Alrhnrt pastor ol
the llapllst church hoie a wagon has Just
Iieon completed that Is unique In design
and purpose It Is so arranged that bed
ding and camping utensils can bo stowed
nway durltiK the dnj mid has places for
nrrmiglug Illbles and tracts which are to be
distributed It Is a house on wheel on a
small scale The wagon will be used with
lu the bounds of Ihe Colorado Uaptlst asso
ciation under the charge of Rev J H
WIlllUKhatu who will go especially to thosa
sections that very seldom have religious
services The literature to be distributed
H1 furnished free of riiurge by the American
Uaptlst Publication society
Kuenmatlsni more painful In this climate
than any other affliction cured by prescrip
tion No 2831 by Elmer Amend E V
Bchraldt Houston Tens sole arent
One Person
Tslls Another
Tkatl Why III B l l locMttlos a R pt
Idly So thr mutt b Something
tn Mtrlt Alter All
volume fof this season of the while
jenr Foir minded > ia it admit It
business on spiing nivount goe forward in people always
large volume This too in tv face ot tm when they And an nrtlclo of merit If
invuinblc weather conditions in large see it has done them good Uloy want It to
Sr WWarVhuktor on tlo surface JP Others too TS
but consumption remains undiminished witness to the wondorful curatno
Bhoit supplies > r coko are still complained ouilltlc80f Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It
of in tho Vpt mid furnaces are being g the only preparation which pos
bnnked for tills reason but the output of tClv and completely oucsts any
pig iron has been larger this week than for
some ilun past structvrai mills an > niied good food you may cat No one dls
with orders most or them being tivo month putcs the fact that some other digest
behind hud the nniue Is true of other I nnin nartillllv accomnllsh this rcaillt
order for which extended well I iJl
pioduets up
In tho
° P9 > fr Instance In fniinil
to the close of tho yem Anions the metals I
copper has displayed some strength tin healthy stomach Yvhon It Is lacking
fotced d pito the Jiein primniw move 0 the other dlcrcstuntB Then It
went on reports thnt Jhe row g whiter dpcg nggoodi That g tho troubi wlth
wheat crop was Buffering having lost it
covering or snow Corn among the cereals
noted tho chief ndvnnce of the week liog
pioducts have been Iriegul r and tn syui
the other preparations Thoy dont
contain aft tho dlgestanta Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure contains them all It
as the regular building Ecason drawslpathv ivlth grain and cotton dltrests auj eootl food von want You
nearer Purthcr hardening of nuotatons
Is leported and lminlrles for delivery Ii >
IWVt are not exceptional More foreign
steel has been engaged and domestic con
cerns arc still bidding In tho Ueriuan
Footwear bujers are leaving New Hng
la 1 without doing much more than a fair
sample business outside special lines
Makers of cotton goods arc vciy cautious
about undertaking futuio deliveries owing
to the nuceitnliity as to the labor and raw
material llxport orders are still available
but pilccs me slightly below the views of
holders As a uilo woolen goods aic well
maintained and lu brisk demand but new
lines of heavj weights are not sought
Cereals opened the week with a decided
reaction As usual speculative liquidation
carried the decline too for and thcro fol
lowed the customary iccoveij
Wheat enmo Into sight rather more freely
than a year iiko and the Atlantic ship
mentof tlour made n belter comparison
than In the preceding weeks but total ex
ports of nheiit fioin the Inlted Stales
Hour Included were but tlfc < > > bushels
against li24 J4l > bushels jour ago
Corn showed the < iistomnry loss In both
movements iccclpts amounting to only
S11StKlt bushels against 4Mi7M bushel
last venr while Atlantic const shipment
Weie 1P4tfi2 bushels compared with UAU
ifiJ In the Mime week of ll l
Cotton ruled falrlj stendv nt recent ad
vancc which attracted more liberal market
lug nt the South but supplies In first
hands are tepoited very low
Wool has been taken less freely bv nulls
but dealers show no lack of confidence lu
the future of thnt staple
rallmrc for the week numbered Ulfi lu
the Inlted States against 170 last jear
In text es cotton goods appear i
dont havo d The of
to be facing a crisis
Demand continues to et feellnp
active particularly from jobbers in print j fulness after eating In Immediately
woolen goods display good activity though cerrdgordo N 0
labor troubles are still unsettled Wool Is I had dyspepsia In Its worst form nd felt
steady i miserable most ot tho time until I used Kodol
lluslne8 failure in the rutted States fof Dyspepsia Cure which has completely cured
the week number 04 ns ngnln J28 last i o r Mra W V Saylor Hilllard P
week 177 this week last sear 173 In 10W tr i t r n
i7o hi istm and 232 iii isiw i Kodol Dyspepsia Curo
for week r
27 tignlnst 21 last week 2s this week a
jcar ago and 20 lu 100O
New Orlrn Tehran v 2S Sugai Klini
open kettle 2H4 11 111 open kettle cciitrl
filgal illfnti centrlfugnl granulated nnd
whites nonej yellow itVi 11 III seconds
Ml IW Molasses StloiiR open kettle
iioiie centrifugal HtlS Svnii Nominal
New York Kebrunry 2S Sugsr Haw
steady fair refining tVfi itrlfugal Uil test
i tnolnsscH tugar2i lleUued Quiet
Chronicles Weather Rport
yiicclal to The Post
Now York Kebruirv lis The Connncrclnl
nnd ritinnelal ChionMc nv lu coue
nneicc of Interruption to telegrnpltlr eoia
mmilciitlon bv tho Motin nunv of our lele
iritiuis 1iave failed to rev li us this evenlug
So far as locnhed our mixtion ludli ate thut
the weather has been uufm mible dining
the week iwcr uiui h o Mi utton belt
Haiti has been qilltc rpihiiI w Hi the pie
cltiltatioli rather heavv nt s tin minis The
temperature hrt9 been hlir u is n rule
c ooo o eoo oo aa ooo oo o o o e o o < j oe
Cures all Stomach Troubles
Proparedonly by E 0 DrWirr Oo Chicago
Tbot bottle contains SH times tho 00c site
DeWlTTS wnch uazci SALVE i s
A ccrtoln curo for piles aud skin dlscKsea
Vice President Kruttschnitt of the S P
En Route to New Orleans
Mr 1 Kriittsehnltt vlco president and
general manager of the Southern Pacific
will pa through Houston earl this morn
lug on his way to New Orleans Mr
Kiuttsclinltt Is coining from Sjiv Fran
elsco and It was hot known until Ijte yts
let day afternoon that he was headed tills
way lie will meet Pjesblent lliuilrinu of
the Southern Pacific lu New oilenus en
Suiidj and the two will confer n njt
ters iiirlriniUK to the iiuiiptiii wolfiili
Mr iliiilmuu left Nov icik lliuisday
uiuht coming Soutli
It wns stated yeslenlnj that the two of
i rtelnts wuuld innko a short run over the
Teins lines Of the ston for the lipncill
of Mr lluirltuan wlio has not paid tills
section ti visit In four veiis nnd has Jir
to see for himself the vvmideiful develop
nicnt that has tiilcu place
sked Vtjstordav If the vMt ot Mr
Kruttschnitt and Mr Ilnulmaii meant inv
Uilng out of the ordliwrv a local oftlclil
of the great svstom mild he could not s >
tint ho had hemd nothing ot the coming of
Mi Kiuttschtillt until late jestiidav nod
uiilv knew of Mr Ilaulnuins pioposed visit
lie Inferied
though thnt Mr llarilinnu would continue
on ids wav to the City of Meilco after
Ii icing Tomih and said It was possible tint
h > was golhc thcio to look Into the pto
i ed purchase of the Mexican Central by
tlm Southern Pacific
New York rnlminry 2S H II Hnrriman
K anstr rii i iwa r Br i t v i sz un pec d p na Mho
the new pearl and straw designs are the or n coiffure in the latter case Stuthein Pucllle compguv has htarlcd In a
iv miiivr utii vv I a sol
I 1IUHM Miy Ai NVw Orleans the tinln will be mn over
Cnbouihons me lo be had in ninnv er i th snuthern Pacific load to HI Paso ltw
of straw beans
< This uno composed Mtm terminus and the noithorn ter
littlo tiling
sung by a qmrtettc of piettv of a doublo coronet tlila miut gnll IU 1 mt t tb < mnm of tl0 Mcxlenn Central
foliage > r M
dress aoouc Howeu wuih rouiided top
iila Cockrell Is a lxrgP huttoii with a n 1llltt Mr iBrrliiinn will pick up scv
New Orleans Kobrtiaiv 28 TUp official
of the Southern Pacific wore whined by
ti Ir graph from Now York todny that Presl
dent V II Ilarrlinitn would arrive In New
Menus lato tomorrow afternoon and thoy
nt onre set about making arrangements for
his eiitiiinlnment Wlille In the city
1 might teleitnims were leeched stating
thnt the Ilirilmnn special had been delayed
In wiisliinits In tlm CitinHlMM and lleorgtu
mul hi train will not lemh heie before
Siindnv The Hirrlnmu puly nccmdlug to
present ariaiigemcntH will spend one day
here and than go to Houston mopping for
n few hours at Honumntit 1ioin lloiislcm
Jir Harrlman will go to Mexico
No Definite Plan of Action Has Yet Been
Agreed Upon
The committee of live appointed at the
meeting of shop omployp Inst week to re
port a plan of permanent tirganlzallon has
not jet completed Us labors On Suncjiiv
morning the committee will meet with the
Labor Council and discuss the matter and
on Tuesday night there will ls > uuotliei
meeting Snute tho first mooting of the
men two handled or more nddltlonul enl
plojes have been heard fium and signified
thnt the were In sympathy with the move
ment for a nine hour day and ten hours
pay nnd that thev would lend nil the help
they possibly could to obtain tho conecs
Oiie of the committee said yesterday that
It was possible the men would be asked
to Join the Lulon of Hallway Hmployes
This order now has an organizer on the
toad and he may come to Houston
J M Lee Jr Becomes General Agent
in Louisiana
Speciil to The Post
New Orleans February 2y The news
leaked out In railroad cltclcff today ot the
loslgnatlon of Air J M Lee Jr one of
the best known men In the Btnte from his
position as Industrial commissioner ot rue
Queen and Crescent route and his accent
ance of the position ot general agent I or
the Morgan and Southern Pacific lines In
luntsUvin at n hugely ndvaniud salary The
appointment has lieeii mnde through Mce
President Knlttsehnltt and Mr Thornwell
Fay locil manager of the Southern Pacific
and Is one of no little importance to the
Southern Pacific and to thu people living
along Its lines In this State
Pennsylvania Will Bury Wires
New York February 28 With the eiperl
ence of the last storm strongly Impressed
upon tho officials ot tho lennsjlvnlu Rail
road company It Is stated that a dcclslou
has been reached to place all the compauys
wires between New York and Philadelphia
In underground conduits along the tracts
The conduits will be nlr and water tlglit
running across grade crossings und over
bridges as slgual wires do
The S P Hospital
Work Is progressing rapidly on tne build
ing to he used as a hospital by theSouth
ern Xaeiflc company ItIs located on thn
> rf t r J
We are in the Tiarket
to Buy
Large Tracts of
LongLeaf Yettoh
Tine Land
In Either Texas or Louisiana
Write Full Particulars to Our Beaumont Office
Houston Office Oil Exchange Tloor Houston Tex
< V
ts tm
All must be good Cash transaction if prices etc are 5
The Tagin
Investment Co
Iii Hankers and Brokers Beaumont Texas
< n
< n
< n
b3 3333a 3 3 33333 3 3
Engineers Founders
and Machinists
Stetn Enjlnes Shifting
Hungers Pulleys Sprocket
Wlweb Chains Etc Etc
Headquarters for Mill Gear
in of all kinds and sizes
MeamPowerllants complete
729 East Pearl Street
Geo S Westerfield
An tit loi i trap lin Ave llouton Tex L D Phone 125
1tr There are only tho kitttit of Coffee tood Coffee and bad Coffee
We make the W WWi 7K 9
Tresh and Strong
tr < r cftg tc < ra ft < Jre a
Houston Infirmary gionnds and will be two
stoiles In lulitht with wide galleries up
mid down iims It Is expected that the
building wilt be reidy for the furnishings
In about thiee weeks it will have tiecoiu
uiodiilloris toi fifty patients
Oil Tanks on E and W
It wns learned vesterdav that the Hous
tou Iast and West Texas would shortly
begin the construction of oil storage tniius
nt four places on the line The tanks wi
be loeuled nt Ilnndon Lufklti Naeogdoelies
nnd bhrevepoit The eonipnuv will begin
converting tho engliles Into oil burueis at
an enrly date
i M M
Gould Goes to Dallas
Natohltoc lies Ui lebtuiiiv 2S Prank
ri olds paity left time tudij foi t > nIli
Date for San Antonio Fair
Knn Antonio Texas JYluiniiv s u i
nu el lug of the dlieitms ol ihe San Vinculo
Intel national 1ulr iw ui liltioii held tins at
ternoiin It wss deildcil that the next fair
bo held In San Aliloiilo lommeuclug Oi
tobei IR mul ontliiulng twelve dav Vil
nocessaiv additional stoi 1 lin tiren sub
sitlhed which Insures n fine Mexi m ex
iilblt Ktcnslve linproveuient will b
iniili ou the giound
HhPtiinitlsm Is
most pitiless ma
it Ir It destroys Ihe
peer worklugman us
quickly as the mau
ot wealth It go
Into your b ood lays
its grip upon jour
tissues and dMloj
jour health and
Dr McLaughlins
Electric Belt
Whereve y n v
pain Is whatovei Its
cause Lu IlcitX
applied by my mcth
od will chase It Into
a corner and drstroj
It Relt freej
407 Linz Buildlna
the blood from uric at Id cleanses It glTM
strength to tho muscles and nerves and
cures the worst case of rheumatism la
fiom one day to two months
My Hell Is three times as strong as any
otjioi belt soil and Is the only one that
doe < < not blister the llesh Wilte today fot
my So pug book vvlih Information
dr M a Mclaughlin
Cures a Cough or Cold at onco
Compters Croup Grippe and Consumption
° PRUG t Beautiful Calendar sent free Men
tion this paper A CMtycriic ColUltlmorcM
Duffas MALftBlft
fWIJ revers Chills Congfe
Colds Dyspepsia of what
ever form qnlcWy 9rf d
by taking DUFFYS
Atablespoonful In glass ot
water three times a day
Whiskey ffiSfsKaxr
To all who suffer or to the friends of thoso
who surfer with Klducy Mver Hewt
Uladder or Blood diseases a sampl nottto
of Warners Safe Curo the pioneer bliavy
nod Liver remedy will bo sent bomer
Kree of Cost Mention Tlio Past Address
WAKNKUS BA1N2 CUfi < TSl H ch ti
v y
II He He
0 lot Got
C CauhL Cured
Cure thnt
case wilh
and painless
1 to 3 days 1 at Druggist or
fhpres prepaid r
litis csiy tache cnEiiAL urs
Dig d Is a nonpoltonons
remedy for Gonorrhoea
Ghst Spermatorrhoea
Whiten unnatural dli
chargen or anr inflamma
tion irritation or ulcera
tion ot muoout mem
branes NoaMtrinsent
Mold by IirneirtaU
or sent in plain vrrarrer
by expriM prepaid tor
I 00 or 3 Lotties < 27S
Ircular gent on request
m m
Itching piles quickly cured
Doans Ointment
No trouble no unpleasant sen
sations works like magic At
any store
nr xote tut aame
Opium and Llnuor nabtu cured hornsi 6m
a treatment wholly new In method action
and result No bain adrerlng or prostr
Hon Xoa continue your regular wor
ever day No dreaded last stage or uo
stltutlon hut a thorouga lasting cure rea
trial treatment and sealed boooiet seat sa
request Writ today to
DR PUROY Bins Bldo Houston Tex a
25 last
VAlfltoutTLE S Utltla ani Bemtnal IVoakata
ta iirtud to writ to 8tJamM > J tle Atwalation
29 Bt Jamc BulldlttOt CirvclnnatI O s
Qiiiry CmpiiwI
ii 1
14 i
M 2

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