J < 3 a 8 We iaoe Fresh Arrivals of Mackerel Herring Codfish Etc For Lenten Season Henke Pittot Spring is Coming Tear Up Your Carpets Stain your your floes for the summer and potish them with flry Wax Paste Wax or Liquid Polish We can supply you w th every thing to mike your floors bo < coot and inviting for the spring and summer Root brushes of al > s Z2S Write or call for informa tion regarding same Department C M Randolph Sons Preston and Fannin St Houston Texas WHEN IT IS TOO LATE LL st a tj ii r > y tMf klLLORY LlH t T i T 55 CO f t < 3 aiilg it so j e loo tu N v Y uc rte f > i it irtfi can Kty svi E I AMIASAS Wednesday Ma 5 u a H CONCHO Saturday Mar s IOMAL WV utday Ma U j BiAIAMO Mturday Mar U ft > j Freight lleeliei 1 iij lu fcHi t ed lit Lot Hates Parxengrr AccommMlaHoM oti apa d Tlrkes Issued l fS p I < j a i froii EOp et Irwest r < f n noi1 ii toll Ied Apply to Mose Kaphael gei H jtou J B D n on Agent Oalrenon Houstons voduIbt Jewelry Store SPECTACLES Are nsore often needed to prevent nem atrsln tbio > Improve llslu We are fullv prep red o test rmr eve and If gla ill Iene t von wtU furnish thfir at re onablo prices No eharje for ron nltalon L LECHENGER 403 MAIN STREET Then you will resit that you did not treat your eyes njht tiwt y u dd not Buy classes for them whon thjy fist btsn hjrl Ou ci rTiosioos ae free FRANK J TURNER Opictan Ha s Jewelry Srrs DR H LELL = DENTIST = 09 Main Street Orer Oo jid Utile Slor MODERN DENTIBTttt Dulfr In Sash n UnilC P Offico 612 Travin Street a ii i Bering Manufacturn Go Wholesale Dealers In LUMBE DOOR SASH AND BLINDS THE BEST SMOKE GEOWCHILDS CIGAR Qet Prc Lone trom Star Cypress Cistern Shop PAUi KCRGC Prop Kill BjVrr Mret Hlih WjrJ HOUSION plmam 9 We place on sale t < jay one of lh larges stocks of Rubber Collars evir brought to Houston AH the new shapes m stand lug and tutnJown At 25c Each plman 9s 1107 Congress Ave WEEHEY COOMBS OPEHA HOUSE Last Two Performances Hers this mtoa of tbe BaldwinMelville Go SAME OLO BALDWIN PRICES 10 2 0 3 O MATINEE 10 and 20 Mittets tuday 777 Tonight Reaping the WhtrWrlnd SWEENEY COOMBS OPERA HOUSE Wednesday March 5 One Night Only A Continuous Laugh The Sterling Comedian And an fxce lent Company of Players J J 0LE u boe Miiucer pre sis Geo i tSr Jhursis btt farci es O md > The Wrong Mr Wright A Play that brill lit tehile people lobe to to taufh t t fr m + m The Only One j Only ont can be bsst J and the only oris la j Hunter j Baltimore Rye It is the Standard i in Quality j The b xt VWakey v A tr e r 1 c a be aus It U unU fr purs old re u THK r riT KB UEB llrst < vf Galvanized Cornices < i Sky li Iits Slate Roofers and tUfrs Dealers In best Rrade Slate Steel Ccil njfsuutterlnK Pipe Llbows Tanks Etc NECCO EISEMANN i ftUt arartoj fc Sa8 < 3 > < g l MRS RORHR 8 Uses and recommends the CAS v RANCL as the ideil ciOKer because S It cotks belter and Quicker fi S than any other J It i more economical than fi wood If properly used 8 It does away with soot smoke j and ishes a It ii always ready g U It is absuiulely safe 2 I Houston Gas Light Co S 5 < rjjr fln < r r T J > ft CORPORATE SEALS STOCK CERTIFICATES RUBBER STAMPS MAIL OaOERS A SPECIALTY THE BOURKECARGILL COMPANY Manufacturing Stationers camp building Houston Texas BRICK BRICK Good hand made brick at living prices Ask for prices Bradys Brick Works Second Ward Phone 366 J P WILLIAMS Manager Mousion Texas Crown Fire Brick Only Kind for Oil Lime Cements Sand Sewer Pipe Drick Roofing Tar Paper Ready Mixed Paints Etc E M BURKE Texas Optical Go 1210 FRANKLIN sou M A IN St BR PUTM Specialist For jll Diteaces of Men and Women 416 12 Main St Houston Texas Chas R MungerCo FIRE INSURANCE HOUSTON DAILY POST MONDAY MORNING MAECH 3 1902 LETTER LIS1 Tie XeHdrfaE to t Hat f letiers rtntln 1st la taw Hoaataa peatoMce I tie weel c < iJBf Marek 2 A eaarac U 1 cent Is aud o caca place at mail adtertue nB call UB tor ts M letter i > i a c MX itTartiMA SlTlat date IUBK UKLIV Kill W1lU MA B tttvLKtU K MlMVU SOUK UKTTLUS AUUKUbB rVSlllKKT IXD MMBKB leforw 7 < orrr > ia > < l dts o T > or torrent aJOrea anj mmu taeai u > uidnti u tr e cvcduur SiSTll 8TKOXG I M GEXTLEjTkMS U T A Maa Ed U rtevX wtnc ALOrKlge J > a w AsuSrreoB Will Amttrya A Aodrada IJjndro ArmiitrM Caas Athens Walter B ArrletjtoS i W Aadexoo W W B B kr Oa lla B k Owrse IUI < lM < rBJrMr Patar BaldiarJ B B Kiuko A O Baraer I B rn < Be Mrrfl Bata Warter bom4n Lorenaa Berry A 0 Best Jc BlaklOeo BMlrteat K BoortOTBOt Ota ftc iMlBt Braa3 WB BfiajBt Oojr T fir A t Brie J Brraa Brr Bright At Brl W O Brown 88 Bretubarm BatliM B r at B4o Nsrt BaflBice W T Bnrckaardt Brtieat Burke Oeorgt C CVIlhaa ktem 3 Catwetim Mr Ctrr Dr C fS Vi Caw D W LouUlana < 2 CbrlaUoif Beihf T Cloao M L CJark W K CUteiaad Pety Cot W H ColmaD CM ColbW Hetwr Collar J Cotre L Oral 8 c B oiy Wid n I Cooaur Joaqnlaa C nrt T Caa Crow > y Tomaal CratnM O C carTT Abattla Cnlies C t 0 Peoioed i U Dawaoo Joseph K Deao Haprer Oeajnaoad E lifrn n Araditer P > t T n Vvrn DaraC Pi fll T K Dctr G X Drktna F C O E EbMl O A EMek Geo Edwards L Edwards J W tvfiwsrd Toat BBfllah Robert EnrUbt JBCi Enrtght Jobat F F F rra AfTtrtla Finn Tom Flnncsn J Flor F For A J Ftsatts Jaa FrairU Johnla lrenn els Fraaar Fred A Follow Jark G fJarHx Fr neUjeo Qaraa Jtwn T Orrlaek Phil Clbtoa fat it > wn WllUma Geb Mr ClrKknrr LouU Or 4rv 0 rfeltl Gore P J Oowtin Oi B Omr Tone Gr o Mager Gieen mil Oatxepre Borno THAftu n U Hall Ed Holt Ma t r VlTtan H li tirabsm HaUv William BattMii V H rfM W M Htrrl K S PnrrU JtckMU lUrrlxmnn L Hrr J H Heataeilr A Ilelrhiip Wn J n rtf Adnlph P lit n don i V Hlokx John Uii riarmee Hoerd A P llrffmin Cd UoMr Solomon libuitoo yioralCo Houston UUtrlocJc Clnb I International Km Ib IL Teanejale plojineiit Agency Z > Join A Johnaoo J F Johnnon Jamen Jrbcn Fred Jnhnfcoa Saa J < m C 4 Jonmt E S Jcwppb Sriran Joaepb Mr to1 Mr Jack on Wlckdeo K Ktnaen John lOtnz Paol Kfilr Arnold Kr Vre Oeorjtle Kbttlmnn Worrit Klrkwood M II L Iact Pott TjaOere B A I Lasd J A Lawrence E 0 I r 8 O Lenmm T B Leiy Mr Uwl I P vi Fraak Lewis Bpt j a 12 1 li go Q W Lopes Joee I tc a 0 M March M B Mack Hlllarr Mm nlDg C Marrtwi f Mr Mmtln H II MtiOnci cll o Mttnrt ileiico Ms > n Hch rt Slijo r o Mler EonipBry M ar Geo VT WIKer J n Mlls E N MtrhMI i S Mticbrll C Mix Harry Monnomry Iy t Mnntjoa > y fl C Ic > r T M Morcm Acistacto Moir M E MoCartiipy V S McO loutb F gr McCollnir Fiincla J MtCrti > E C i < Pon < Jatuet M < Dltf u F fUtd K M Nptrar ConcepcloB eaon X B y > Jotpb Nn aan B A Nirtto Bobert C O Oidpff Ioa ONeal M Griffin P Prvr R o Panell Z D P i W M Pmkr C G Plr Mr Paiaonv Bratt Plljsr IV tcrwin Oarar P < tu Bd j fit rd I1t II J L Piatt TR Putuam S I R It < > t 8nnrtn K < Pitioentu Co Mr Mr tthbter Oswald Ulna II K Rothrtaoa A Co I Ilrreon Hngh Koiaon L Roirtquez Uomaboao Itusecll E J s Palrllnc Cbarhr Saw Bcnlno Hfliidotwl Prrfelo Brbnlc v M S cttDrJP 8cmmi Plennil SKcnrlty an1 Oil la 8ett e Edward voMmeot Co Rhelhy Henry Steldon Win a Shrltin CarUe tbrimpf Ed SIli lUibert S > rr ll II a Smith M gnuh F C SnTdT J R Snlfnmn ou pwi < r Jark m r Jobuic Kiev i > a It T M < tpr H C HtTTf Lvt ind J e Sninnnr Eddie Snmmera B D bwaiaon A Swift Tom Tntr Jrho Taylor Nlek Tx Crtral Com Tbomaa Hobblt pro Co Todd L M Toitfrt B M Towo end Albert Trrhlno llemardo Trlohle H W Turner Albert V < in lloo Emanuel Vaan Vllllara W Wnkcneld Bera Waldea Frank Bl5rL Walter On J C rrt HI Tom Warkler G II W ne 1 H w b I dw ro Co Wleatr Mr Wflla A Porjh W U Toma B We t J T J Wflla mi Sir > crv JJI luma Johnnie WtUan > 4 L F lm on John Wllllamaoo L M V llaon Dr Y Yoong Frank ladibFlist Allen Mr riy Allen Mr 1S17 Dsl Auto Mrs It la Armstrone Mrs W B 0 HiIIey Mill Bos le Bailey MIsj K M linker Mr Caiollae Barlow Minn K M Iiariie Mary Ibtrtlett Mrs It R I avBe Ule Ueclhora Mlaa I lllarker Mr Narels Uleeluon MUs Xei le lUalrlnht Jnlla II lioatta Mra Emma Bonner Mrs B B BranchMlai Nannie Bradls Mm Toba tl Hronn Maine rrsn Ilrown Mra Eva da cell liitiiM Mlaa Alma Bmnangb Mrs c Uivnnt Mrs Annie Burls Haiti llurk Mlaa Bertha Ilurnett nuR Nannie Burns Mrs Manda C < aln Mrs W n Caiboae Mra Leaner lainphelt Mlaa Mary Carr Minnie faiter Mm Mollle B Chnmbers ilr Clara lemon Mra Anna Cochran Mra S C t olllns Mra Emllv Cook Mlsa Edith iHtpar Mrs Annie Conner Mra Mamie tox MbH DJ4y Crawford Mrs Bd 0 RJ J H A n lel Mrs Nork iMiJl Ji S RWf 1 Sirs Mura Ulllworth Mia Alio rxMld Mrs Martha D ° DHpree Mlaa Octnra C rrtoj Mi ctaa Errlne Uii jot Attested for Three Generations Wolfes AroaaUe Schiedam Schsapp Is the b + st of Holland Gtae a class of remedial beTeragec all of which when pttr are superior It will care Kldaey and madder Troubles Retention or Suppression of Urine Colic Pain In Stomach or Dowels and will cause the oxpulalon of Gravel These claims are attested by three generations and the Indorsement of the hlsheet medical authorities Get tbe Genuine from you Druggist or Grocer PMrrell Mlaa P M Field Mrs Ai Klroe Mra Wood t Itapatrlek Mrs B t Ford Jola Fnln Mrs > cra l > Kuton lira W F G Oarrtaan Mias LUlie Ganlner Mrs Tabltaa Gee Mlaa Soeaa A Glbba Mrs Kate Gilbert Mra Jane Goode Mrs Blasche Green Mr MIMred Griffin Mlsa Ssdle tint net Mrs T C Uammock Mra Lol Hampton Ml Lily Utte Hanre Mlsa fcaie Harper Ura Ulljr Uarrta Mis Mary Harris Mrs B Haner Mias Ella Hawdy Mlaa Sara ileoey Mrs ijtere Herrfk Mrs Loula Urnkias Mrs Larkln Uildebmad Bra Homsn Mr li C H B Bipklti Mrs Narclss norton Mrs Battle Hnater Mrs Maitk liaraey Mlaa Ella fit Iren Mr Minnie Iter Mlaa Goldle J JaefconUrs Sealr James Miss yirtorta JamewMj Miss Kath Jlnkln Mrs MartaU erluo jch o > r MtUa Johnson Mtaa Myrtle Johnson Miss Liaaie Joba Miaa Haa Johnon Mrs Eiiia rah lietb QrbBinn Miis Dora Jobnjwn MlaJ Aman Jhnsoo Mlaa Dora da Johnston Mlsa W Joiner Mis Little J < re Mrs Ophelia 3oae Mrs J Jonea Mra Frank Joa Mra B F Jrhan Mrs Chas J K Ki Tdall Mr J B Kin Mrs Etta Klrby Utaa Looiaa Krueger JUs Maady IJine Mlsa UUIe B Lawaon Mrs Darsy Lit B Mr > < F lr uch Miss Joate Uwta Mlw Mnacte Lok Ms Val Lung Mlaa Minnie Lo ry Miss M M Mack Mr Cora Malon Mra J L Mtrtln Mlaa Moeeie Muttbew Mi s Lollle M < Uln Xtrt Ibls Lee MfnisMraBcrtbn Mjler Mrs K ililler Mis J Francis Mima Mrs Arthur Mcore Mrs L McCarty Lola Ji < Do ial Mis May MdSe Mis Amanda McGlll Miaa Eliialwth EliialwthH Nilaon > Us Vetaa Norfber Mlaa M A N je MraS L Netting Mra M B O OBrien Mrs Mary P Parsons Mr InHa Peck Mrs Pelts Miss Eugenia Perle Mrs Deole Perry Mra Snsslen Phillips Mlaa Cicely Plckard Mrs L 3 > Plerl Mrs W F Pope Mrs Bell Pane H F O Qnelcb Mrs Ilosle R Read Mra Laura llbope Mrs Mattle Rice Mrs Linj Rlrbardaon Mrs Robinson Miss Mary Bacbel Itoblrson Mra J V Robinson Christina Knrknhln Mrs Pinkie PinkieS Scbnidar Mi rs Shaw Miss M Venin She ton Mlsa Carrie Sboon Mrs Mary Mnun MJ a Eler Ellen Hlmons Mlsa Mazsle Simon Mr Victory SniPb Mra Be tha Smith Mr EllSr Smith Mrs Mary SmUb Mra Marearet Stencbmin Miss nna Stephen Mra Lacs Swanson Miss Abble Swluer Mra W B T Thcmss MISS Stool Thoma ill Ionl Thotona Mra M F Thompson Mrs GenrjT Todd Mra W C Tolerson Mr M M TwarMd Mrs Tremble Mss MaiU Fattlie Traner M CM 1m ev Mra J S Trncr Mrs Alex lumcr Ellas Turner Miss Annie lines Mis Mori V Vincent Mtaa neton netonW Wslker Mrs Amelia Warren Miss Llille Verlen M S D Wil > nrn Mrs Ro ey W llama Mary E Wtll on Mr LotilM W Iron Mr R J Wolf Mr L Wcodnan Miaa May Wrirlit Mrs Anna Toting Mary foreignTbtter Bray Oresr A Castlllon Felipe For C irera Manel rele Coffey Mj Mary Oernono cnl rto ea Jesus verves Veholas Mesa Fomis PolHa EmU l Rmth W C Stein A Velo Fomas VUlegas Rafael PtCKXGKS Briea John Arttm Mton Mrs Annie B FSies bolter P A Falor Clrenr < I Jnsn Mrs C 3 Prrker Chss E B ch M s May Sannders Rev J F Welch Silas BIDS AND PROPOSALS WANTEPPropoiltloes to build rice csnil one nde nnd i half I length fiom five If xx eit high Addreot L A UiiK PsHortln Ti xas 6 NOTICE Tt > CONTRACT0RSThe un icr slared will reccUe bids uui 2 p in TSursdar March 2rt for tbe erectlnu and ecmiletlon of a Chemical and Vetcrl a y l4ilioratcrv si th < Agricultural and Me ebanleal College to cost about 20m according tu plans and apePcatlons which may be > en In my ofSce or in the offce of Dodsoo c Scott of Waco after Mrch 2 Each hid must be accin rintcd by certified check of not less than per cent of the bid payabe to m cider to be forfeited in case the bidder fals to sign contract and furnish a good ard acceptable bond within ten dsvs after the bid has been accepted The right la reserved to reject anr or all bids and If JSiT any Informality In any bid U ww ire dfBt pro tem CoUege 8tatlon Texaat q LOST FOUND STOLEN LOSTij 67 of A chsrm plain Maltese risi reward to finder rtn 4t this of nce r0lTM > lrrn d ww earring Finder 1 T1 t1 lr returned to E F LViT7 1 WD d biflirk for eoUrett ° e 4 th Mta rctnra > 18 La mar and rtxetie reward 4 MR VYED or t > u > len white and black reward Fep ro IU1 I VrB btw Hnnibie and non ton or In Humhie on VaemUy February lb large red pocketbook containing docu tS lA sble to me only liberal re ward for Manie wrtte ma W E Devorc coastable Libert Texas PROFESSIONAL Wilf ° stabIe hargea uo more but glte better service 3 Ur C Sl XlMHIAMOface UloX lSKi Am tln treet uew phone 512 33 ur6s > Pir Insaranee Agautu and Adjusters Main St tj JCi di0 1 u < l > r and embalmer 10U lTttlrte avenue phones tto7 l ° V I ° SB NlMBEIt Is 400 Houston Plumbing and Manufacturing Co n Main street erfk v f w iV mZtinWMt ii CHOtP OLDS Pnueuionla use the femou JoHe Oil It has aaved the live of tbou ujl alter all olier kno rcmedle had failed H B Jane Sons Proprietor Dallas Texas fi TRXAS SKCRUT SBItVICE nDREAD Ilxpcrienced and bonded detectives civ I or criminal UTestlgailos bonded SslehmsD for d v or night JcrVlee 00M street ar tasaager 3 < vi Main HELP WANTED WANTEDToon to ri f rnlt and m n < i ars on the trains Apply Creavui News Co Central depot WATEI A relorerf Jl or 15 ytar mn i trnd < r tand kt > < hen work Apjly 121 San Ja tnto treer WANTED Tinners Meier and eornle met union shop Torbeu A Gersacnd M w Te as ° WAM oue drl for chamber nork and coo nothloc bat frtHi neeii apply Hi Franklin atenoe WANTED A barber at I31S foncreaa ae noe or addrasa MAI thia office WAMKI Boy jH t ffralnated Jxtun saori hand school alxiat 1 year otd twr stenographer and ceneial otrtee a l tant Adilroa Box 1 clarefte smokers u < e uot apiiy AANTE > At UW Jan Jaelnia a < cook for family of three Good erage > WANTED AT ON EA nrtelas tine r and all round pipe cutter and rnec i i good wage permanent steadj > f r a solier quick man Addrt 40V th oftlw WANTKDOrganl er we pay strk m 1 uent death ml old age benefits top t newnl contract American Fraternlt Waohlngltvn P C V ANTED At once 9ritclas anion ur ber no others need apply J M Hard Voakatu Texas > iD Wbite man to work In da > man be rood milker Call 11 MKn ney EXPEBIEX ED stenographer destrei rr S eldss posltloti Bos i1 Auttln Tex CIGAU salesmen wanted experience ui neceaaary good pay Emanuel Co fctu Uoo J New York City WANTED A wloed bov 14 or 1j yca < mut understand kitchen work ArP U3 n JaHsto tre t 2 TEAMS WANTED One hundred tesm wanted on < ana work at M > hlte ° < S a tlon Texas AdoIt on work or adre S A Robertson contractor Falha Texa U TEN small gradiue outilu Sight pri rit work good price S A Bobcrtsoa < vn tractor FuShear Texas 11 WANTED Two good workmen German preferred must know how to do farm work Apply Charles Albright two and a half miles southwest Houston 3 WHITE woman wanted nlth good refer eoe for housework and strawberry picking liberal pay Ferris W Colb Aldlne rear DfUMon J WANTED 1V station men at Vlaton Ia Apply D M > Uller Vinton La S A Boiierfon Orance Texas T LEARN Teeeraphy and Station work a the ism thorough pracdcal traa school in Amrlea Incorporated und r the lawi of Texas for fifty ye r B en In continued session under sadic n > o agement ttfteen yeajs Operats miu commercial vIre Situation to grid u or tnltioa refunded Send for propectns DalUa Telegraph College Dallas Texas 3 2i TAILORS WANTEDThree coat two pants and one vest maker steady work and good prlee to reliable men no dronk or hoboes need apply Alf J East In Beaumont Texas 4 WANTED At onre a good hustl r to tato charge of clreuUtlon on new aftern oa dally spVndld opportunity for a bustler Rf In I lluo Co Orange Texa 1 WANTED Experenf < l hoy for soda foun tain Applv y > 2 Main street 3 WANTED at ome three tlr tcls maker iu Hsmpes ml inerr department 2 SPLENDID war paid men who ieara bsrber trade with us can earn scholar ship board tools and transportation If de sired two months required lot wanej to prepare for pring rush particulars mailed Moler Barlxtf College New Or leans La S WANTED Men to sell medicine bach Peru III agtns e err where W tervMi manager Dallas Texag sod buggy XuTis ttrttu r > lS > iJA S fc fc AftayAra Mlli i FSasBaaa5ajv WisSSB swJ pjssissiassaBss OIL STOCKS hco WNTfcD A cood colored cook Apply C7 > Crawford street 5 WANTED At once three coat makers one psnt and one vest maker A Levy Lake Charles La 3 WANTED Firstclnss milliner Immediate lv successful apnlicant will sent f > St Louis to hnv sto lc and stody prevailing styles J D Langham A Co Oagwood Tixas 4 WANTED Ladv canvassers to handle onr new Victoria Protestors write fo n r tictins Itowen 5 Greggs Specialty Co Box 325 Lake Charles La T 1 WANTED Ten brloVIarers wages 62H cents an hoar nine hours per dav Applv j to P Mahonev Wixahaihle Texas 7 WXNTED A good allround min to wash In laitndrv P Crowlev Ijike Chtri 1 Stram Laundry I ike Charles La P O j box Ufj 3 5 j WANTEDTwo good business men posN tlen permanent salary to right partie 204 20J Masoa block 29 f q < s window trlmni r anled Applv to The E Alkemever To tf i WANTEDTen good tie and boarding camp men to run tie camps And teams also Her < eral good imlchlng outats sap pine and oak Job Jnt opened Address J B liu sey Jefferson Texas 3 23 WANTED A few more nrstclass brick layers at our mill at Colthnxp Texas take the Eastern Texas railway at Luf kin Ionlsiatm and Texas Lumber Co F A Love superintendent it AGENTS WANTED WANTED Man iir li everv city county t < hindle btst piylng business ktonn legitimate new exclusive roitrol phoc uix Co 13 W > th htrect N V 3 WAGES INMPFDOlde t blcgest slk and accident conipriny nffetf vimething 10 w eierybodv iun be nrltteu blc mou c contracts National Indemnity Co At I Innta a 3 j CHICAGO CASH REGlSTERTbe lateat and cheapest agents wanted J J Paatorisa P and L Co State Agents Houston t VAXTviia reUable tvpewrlter salesman n everv county In Ten Texas Writ lag Machine Company Waco Texas 13 LIFE INSCBANrE AGENTS Do y u want a watch1 I give < t > i erer < txiin > pleatlen the l c hrited llsttford U a witeh fret splendid time keeper > a anted II I at m uuhHi F0R SAIB n he Saratoga im < i a VIn WHDlv frora I5 t an acre uo Write for particulars to 13 UOLSTOV TEXAS HvF P S r bargains lB oil stocks and solicit order 3 21 WANTED TO RENT w i D h TU E TTur l hed h mT 1 party referencM given AdIre 1427 thi offte 5 WANTED Four or sixroom cottare ehean forca > hnoagant 1000 Willow streef h i AUV w h0Qe table f etc mil of llajweSrils wLhi ° iS KRS If cbtap r D Borglli0 r r s m < lyr pp Monday Free SmalJ bottle very best handker chief extract with every purchase of 25c or more Geo W Heyers Prescription Drug Store Agency Hurler s Famous Candies Lit < tf TEN DAYS TRIAL B < rnaU > tMitl fii tut K 1 nUMftlsp T IISMWI iMIMtlt lUt Mj riU < Tfc aI > TIr wl lrtfUr tlwt Vl fl rktrMtty W < nnl J nl n l tr Ul4 l t hH1 rr t k l e lKii d HP laHETDenier Cole 60 Good Block Correal Dress f r jjj Aim to be Correct In your dres Htart this yMr wiujl resolallon that yonl be brttcr t than laat H case Ont ttor helped hundreds to surte x n that Theres a eertiln nnmrthlnj abaot Clothing that carrlei tone and neuter without extraTagnnce au oar g have their own ludlvldualit sn ts the beat at Its price We are Houston sole agents for ii famntts Alfred llenjirnln Co s rj Clcthlns cMorrisBrosI A Wee Finish Our Laundry Work is dean smooth and attractive Thj tnish is perfect and pleasing Its careful washing and exact ironing that does this No useless wear to the linen Try us with your next bundle Model Laundry Sg tan Prairie Abettae EL2E22CjQU2 OS2Sfi C33C3CEa1BS Alcomo Sanitarium AN ETHICAL INSTITUTION FOR THE 8CIENTIFIO TREATMENT OF THE DRUG AND LIQUOR HABITS Indorsed by the rjjular medial profession at horns and abroad Spjclal accomn > dalions for lady > tnj Address all commaniu ions to DR EDQAR T COOK Physician in Charge Corner Austin and McKlnney Houston Ttxaj LOTS IN CHOICE TERRITORY On Spindle Top 1S5SX20 and also 10x25 for SHOO each Quck action to rd these We can contract for wells for purchasers Proven Temtry THIS PERFECT Larger sizes as desired Hirshfield Banking and Commission Co Treadaway Building Beaumont Texas I Tor the Spring Teber Io try a cup of good strong o Hot Coffee FOR SALE r < 1 hALt Lo down mMa wngon and No 2 Idea Botre Filer neajl > n w IS BifKcr flrenbjm rea rt SFBVFliS map and blue printing V WMtty coinci Main and Puston phone Ill twr ring 1 li CABBAGE at 2 cents In three davs T E Fnch 9 51NTY INCH Troy Mangle In good order rheap Armbrustcr < Laundiy 31 FOR tALE Otu > St < iD i7 square piano trl goid ord < r S65 7 ciUi M per monta Gcoge Vi Ptletf lysl Travis street ONE f ige flue mahogany upright piano N Y mike 195 one laree tine walnut upright piano X Y nuk S2C0 easy psbenti Geo W Stleff COO Travla Mreet 5 0n Stleff piano 6r t chss Just from fac t ry JI O call and examine Geo W Stleff ffl9 Travis street 3 CHOICE CUT FLOWERS at Stacys Drug Store next door to Rice hotel Call n up ou either phone 451 Fr e and quick delivery 5 FOR sALE A net rotary end standard combination well drilling outdt Imme diate delivery Wvndhsm Robertson North Texas hnljding Dallas 5 FOR SALE Gn < > stove ali > wood cook tovc Apply Ufol McKlnney avenue 3 WANTEDA billiard table must be In firttc a s condtion Address > 22 thts office ri PIAVO 17 i Fstet upright In line ondi tlt > n ee this bargain etusv paymiuin Ilano Exchange Bio TravK s REMINGTON SHOTGTNS DamasHw hammerle automatic ejector p 25 blued sieel hamuierless uiV > Ithica hammerless nitro steel 16Si foton hamroerless SL12J aood 3 > > revolver 3U1 Miami blcrcle S17pn DavU sewing ma chine J1350 new goods shipped direct and cnfranteed Graham Anthonv Dal lay Texas jj WATTS GASOLINE THE GCLF REFINING COMPANY PORT ARTHUR JtEXAS ARE NOW PRODDCiNG WHAT THEY LIST AS WATTS GASOLINE IT HAS BEEN FOUND TO BK SAlTsrACTORV IN GAS ENGINE WORK IiT ING BEEN THOR OUGHLY TRIED AND APPH0VKD BY THE LARGEST COMPANIES IX THE BUSINESS WRITE FOR PARTICU LARS 35 C rtdtagitsSL Pinters gang nlosra walking and MP eta at fsetary pH 5 Address iui IrTJ3 aB < 5 s ntCo Hot 3 s g slg alrnew i g SsV2 va7i yrclerS8 To be had only at FOR SALE ior Cotton Exchange h d og N top dtsAfc FOR SALE One fine roller quartered oak with all convenience rJjJJ good as new Apply to Ch Iress A It KAVE your hor ie c iprfd t j our U clipping machine Mi jjt A Keller s < JsV i nlTl BKICABRACS Chlra wa er HeR cese China tovs si k haudker hiefs at fancv Jspaie o k w k at Yin IiKJE Loy > 10164 Presoc tgg rOR SALE 75 l j va rd dump can 10 rd ttandjrd 3iige ar dmrplLg etsmV Bm ker A Lee Galio ton Texas r B FRANKLIN savs If j j tr xi taagS the alue of moner g > aid ry o WtrtiJoS some We saj if vou want nilb a stamps stencils ea metal ch tlJ write to J V Love i McchatJc atrei Galientot Texs < WELL STRAINERS We have Just established a oanplet chine shop of dl large nensl as an prenared to do all kind of machine repair work We are n w nuking a cialty of rice and oil wed strainers pf tit srrs S nd us your ord rs White Irif A hteel Works il2 Don ling strret Hoaif ton Texa Phone 1PC8 2 rings I 1 Kits Send In your orders for EMie Wright Gaiden lrfa FLOWERS No cheap shoddy Uoral done at Wright s Gaidcti Jj FLOWERS Wright s ird n Is the cheI t and b < st fa pace to buy tine carnsterf carnsterfIP BLlE PBINriNG Rapid process uo it Iny r w hltty corner Main md lrttcJ8 rit building phone lnli 2 riiir Jg FOR SALE fii7r Scond hand t re I ati r 1716 San Im luto sfeet M IOR SALE t fvfdite t mc io < k barfj wojf bank safe in nerfct order cU J < 0 will tell for J2Ai Addn > s F ia Helblz Houston Texas Ml ULfE printing and blue prut paper st f Ef Wblttjs corner laln and rrestd M pbona 219 it wo ringo JjaVT HAY Bice utrnw of best qnalty s price F Zalabak sticccswr to M DJ begger CI fimpo Texas J SHOW CASES bank and drug rlxtmtij soda fountains cirbonutors etc ufactured C Wj by Malian er A Sons Texas write for catalogue fldW FRUIT trees and ornamentals comptHw assotment of all adapted vaietl a WJi discnpliie catalogue Alvin I rult J Nnrsio Co Algon Tcxa L > cOR SALE Mco line of piuuiuing go phone ito Houston 1lumbits and SB uiacturlng Co FOR SALC50horie uoller power horse power engine b Inch pump 2 charge pipe 12lnch belt heater w bay and purlim feed address MercsaJi Grain Co Houston Texim phones Cj P 0 box 681 S THE BICYCLE double tube tires t i0 a FA loner tubes toe pauti t s Z A J tires and ail otu is t n 11 > I write for priies iai oid r iiaeai K larch Cnlmore optm b iso It 1 pump steam exhaust and water conB jif tiuns all complete new never run > n hours cau bt keen a Eagle Lake AJj drew G II Vlck Eagle Lake Texas Jj w MiltilOltS reslheied mirrors for sde mr lors exchanged Houston Sign and MW W orka tw Cougiess phoue GUI FOR pties of siorghum millet apd tuat praof oats for seid nl c for < BUST TEXAS COAL fi P r t L E Miller phones ibo 12t0 CoDtrJl avenue 111 FOR SALESeed rlte iun hnbe ilW duias need rice grown fnm unpolledI sejj on now land Write u fyi pib < Mfg Co loMORHOWItos fiOo valiC for 25e AH Wool K nig Boston Hi ATifl TUB undersigned la prepared to foroW limestone rough or cut write for P Frnacli FUchcr Austin Texas PICTURES and picture frames 3 > JKopf 1014 ivalile avenue 131