Modern Fables
By George Ade
Cepyrioht 1002 by R H Russell
white Soul that made Sonnets by Hand was sitting In his Apart
0ncD i > M a iSe a C anto He had all the Curtains drawn and was sitting bc ide a
K Ja waiting for the Muse to keep Appointment He wore an Anna
d Occasionally he wept Irjinrr his lyes on a Salmon Pink Handker
lKa r with icllmv Morning Glories Any one could tell by looking at htm that
f bordered I wnn he wag g delieate Organism and had been
i I
other half Oils Season and if you
her a Block off youd say Is it or
it I thel Barrjmore We ve just
1 with Mcfoohans Boisterous Bur
rrs We was so strong that we killed
est of the Bill so we got the Blue
lope o thev re using all our Bust
including the dag about the Custard
o what am I indebted for the Honor
i it isked the Author
heard that > ou was i I itry Mug and
iround here to see about a Sketch for
nd Miss Fromage The one Ive got
is all right but in it Ive got to cat
rd boiled I ggs and with 4 shows a
that s iskin too much of any Artist
Skcth was wrote for us bj the Man
found two words suftlced to nnkn
nests s 0 a C0mc Upon llr
exlalpoii At last aud when
< > k laGi m she said Already
we should deprecate tan
risttot 1 inJinrcre and
aim that giws ind him thot tnkrs
omMn kinder to accept n compil
msn to pariJ lt
3 Thank you It Is pleasant
en tumugh such ktnd or partal
l > haps It la n comfoit to
nut Is
Meudjulp partly blind as
tnv thnloglcal boy or Buy
l at a r < show that one
< s he spirit that prompted the
f m homier wide the truth
< ° f tho of
ran ii mime
1 rtid holds a subtle com
mi eolnpleto conten
nU18 tl0lsht Pu hl8
iH More la ne for the
1 or m mT w lt ° lJ tu > ple music
wSeV y Mln 0t
itint 8 KUlrVc aai responslTB 1I
J call forth the best efforts of
< iLBSc1 nr ft reserved his cuolc
idr I < UBht8
1 h ts ns Inspiration and
1m tl mwTMltlon of
T ° Rt r dlftldent will siv
l t > nk h roiboe will
uiy tnj
h 5 ee ln m0r tra tll fl < 0
ain fe > < n nd nothing moie
won 001 U itylar
The Modern Fable of the f2
Sickly Dream and Z2
How It Was Doc S
tored Up rs
raised a Pet
Presently he put his left Hand to his
Tirovv and began to indite with a pearl
handled Pen on Red Paper Then there
was a Ring at the Bell
Oh Pudge I said the Author That
distressing Sound I And just when T was
beginning to generate Kthereal Vapor
Hereafter I shall order the vulgar Trades
people to deliver all Marshmalfows at the
Servants J ntrance
He began to write again reviving him
self at the end of each Word by means of
Smelling Salts He did not see the Artist
standing in the Doorway
The Artist as a muscular Person with
an Ashen Complexion and a Suit that was
not large enough to show the entire Pat
tern He carried u Bludgeon with a
Horses Head on it In order to attract
the Attention of Mr Swinburne he whis
tled through his Teeth whereupon the Au
thor jumped oer the Table and fell among
the Ktigs family calling Mother I Moth
er I
Cut it out exclaimed the Artist
Whats matter Huh
Oh how > ou Mm tied me said the Au
thor silting up among the Rugs Just ns
iou came in 1 was writing about the Pays
EMBROIDERING A CANTO and the Klltus 1 was in the deep Grccn
the elet Sward kissing mv wan Check and the leaes whispering overhead
I sec said the Artist A Dark Change Jrom an Interior to a Wood Set
all right if you can do it quick Who did jou say jou was doing it for the
I mentioned the Fays and hlhns replied thr Author
heard of the ays said the Artist Ihey re out on the Orphcum Circuit
But the rifins no W hat kind of a Turn do they do
Ah the Elfins said the Author They dance m the Moonlight and skip
Tree to Tree
Acrobatic Stuff with Light Kffects eh Well youre on a couple of Mackerels
er sec any Benders that could get away with a Talking Act ou want to give
Piece to somebody that can Boost
ou write a good gingery Skit for me
Miss Frontage and well put your Name
i Three Sheet in I etters big enough
ate a Horse
father from the somewhat technical
ictcr of vour onversation mv dear
that > cu are associated with the
said the uthor
it a Kid asked the Artist Wuznt
ever m Front Dont you look at
icturcs in the Windows Im Rank
ank and Promise Miss Fromage is
handles the Transfer Baggage at THE ARTIST
rus He hxed it up while wc was waitin for a Tram Ive been using it since
and it goes just as strong as ever but I like to get new Stuff once in 1
So I want > ou to fake up something thatll kill cm right m their Scats
s the Scenario My Wifes a Society Girl and Im supposed to be a Dead
thats come to take her to a Masqreradc With that to work on all > ou
to do is to till 111 the Talk
I have recently prepared a OneAct Pla > but I am not sure that it will meet
Requirements said the Author It is called The Language of Flowers
e arr rec haractcrs in the Play a young Shepherd named Lthclbert the
Gwettfttcn > and a Waiting Maid
We couldntcirry three People said the Artist Youd better use a Dummy
I One Always but Never Take II
> rk llnriM
famous Mine Hecamler said that she
instead of the Hired Girl I do an awful
funny Wrnssle with a Dummy Go ahead
and slip me the Plot
It is an idyllic Thing said the Au
thor Ethclbcrt is in love with Gwen
dolen but he is not certain that his Love
is reciprocated So he sends her the
Flowers The waitingmaid brings them
into the Bower where Lady Gwendolen is
seated and with them a Scroll of Verses
from Hthelbert Ihe Lady Gwendolen un
rolls the Scroti and reads
Traced in the Veins of the Petals
Are the Lines I fain would speak
And Breathing low in the perfumed Leaves
Is the Name
Hold on said the Artist Thats a
Cinch Have a StageHand come on with
the Flowers Lottie says I know who
sent these and so on ami so on and his
Nobs gets off Then her alone with the
big armload of Ilollyhawks that Im sup
posed to be sending her savvy She sajs
Well theres no three ways about it Ive
got this Gazabo dead to Rights She
goes on to talk about Me leading up to
her song Molm I will be our Champion
once again Bing Ihe DoorBell rings
me on quick sec Ive thought out a MakeUp thats sure to get a Holler the
le I come on I wear a pair of Pants made out of Tin Foil a Fur toat with
around the
Bottom and on my Head 1 wear a CoalScuttle with some Sleigh
fasteiied to it As 1 come down Stage I make some crack about just escapin
Business C ollege When I see the Doll I go over and slap her on the Back
jut a Sprmklin amj watcr the Flowers Youll have to fix me up a Line to
luce the sprinkler As soon as she sees me she gels Muck so she bauds mc one
flowers I sjy < Ah a nightblooming Fmzuiu then 1 take a Salt Cellar out
Yda lac somc a1 on tle Flower and eat it 1 done that with a Piece
Boiled Dinner alj t always went big When she sees mc eat the Flower
uakes er sere understand She comes at mc with a righthand Pass I fall
J liiair and do a HeadSpin fix Line for as 1 over
oil up a strong mc just ro
iiau Mien MhatH th < matter Cull Here Bud Ives
open jour
r ad alien in the Desk
ir 11 1 Heap on antique Writing
ninh r iimcd the Artisf Hes Croaked
iUKl lassie is never Safe except in the Church Parlor
etta tgiiaitgotlMlallllllIMttietMlaf
A New Definition
readier What Is dont the abbrevia
tion of
Small New England boy Doughnut
Stuarts Gin and Bucliu Free
Cures Kidney and Bladder Troubles
Brirjhts Disease Rhcumatiom
8cnd no moucj slmplj write uud try
Stuarts ilrfnnd llinliu at our expense A
personal trial is better than u thousand
printed testimonials
Death soon follows from disenMil kldnejs
uuless r euro Is made by taking the old
lelhihle Stunits Ulu mid Ituchu Ihe fol
lowing Hymptoms Indliate the nppionih uf
1 Ilrlshts dlseiine or dlnbcteK mid kidney
1 trouble PulTj or dark eln les uudir the
eye sallow > ellow 1 oiiiplexluii dull lnuiy
hcuilm Iick dlzy tired fiellng falnl Npells
pain or dull iiehe In the bnk urine iloud
mllkllke or Mtilugy dark In color or of
fenslve painful Kealdlng seiixntlou In va
lug urine obliged to o often during the
tluy or iilchl Uliere la a cuio In Stunrfs
Gin and Buehu It Is the one reined you
cnu rely on It will correct all thewe symp
toma and pormiuentl cure e > en BrUhtd
disease after all other treatments fail
Stunrtx Clin and Hiieliu will neutralize the
urine and catiso It to flow in 11 perfectly
natural manner thus earning out of the
kidney all the Impurities whiih nie the
direct cause of much 111 health Stuart
Oln and Iluchu gle life power ami vigor
to the Udnex thus making the blood red
and nourishing It will mre the worst
form of iheitmiitlsiii DrnggUtH or by ex
priM prepaid 1 To prme lt cure we
hnto sut u > lde I5CXK lioltlef to glie wn >
to suffereis A sample bottle of 8ttiartn
Ciln aud Huihti kiiI free bt wrlllns
Stuart I > rug Co Atlanln lia Dont lies
ale to write for a bottle ns there are no
renditions A r < qnen nn pnstnl eflrd Ml
fle fn trrlte ni r while tou think ef It
Bold In Uoujtoa by Kleillnf 502 ililo
flHWJ Jl
W 1
ETSi ST Ptf S i
The Blind Made to See
nOTJSTOJf Texas Jaanary 0 1803
Nearly thirteen years to I was taken to th Hutchlna Ilpuse lor treatment by
Dr Trunk Fanning Some years prerlously I had been prostrated with heat which
resulted In total blindness of the right eye I suffered excruciating pain coil
not heir a ray of tlghi was In such distress and mliery that death ttss the only
relief hoped for Was rery melancholy and hopeless Of course confined In a
room darkened br dianerles so that not a ray could pcnetiat I frit lllo a caged
bird or prisoner condemned to penance Tim pain iras no lnttnsa that It produced
psraljsls of the optic nerTC and eyelid Uyeball ttss so Inflamed and avrollen It
looked ns though It vrould burst Had era Moved soms of th best physicians In
Houston without relief and had almost given up In despair hart about arranged
to go to Vow Orleans to bavo my eye ojjertted upon when my husband took me
to Dr Panning After two weeks treatment my eyesight was completely restored
piln all gone with nothing to indicate that thcro had ever been anything the mat
ter Now after more than twelve years have passed my eyes are perfectly well
and strong Never lias been a recurrence of tha trouble
I give this testimony with heartfelt gratitude that It may perhaps be the means
of btlnglng some other sufferer to this fount of healing I found so full of blessing
In my caee Most gratefully yours MBS KLORA R COONP
ItfE 1518 Center fetreet
We the nnderstgned are personallyacquainted with Mrs Coon end cordially
corroborate the foregoing testimonial It Is trut lu every piitlculw Wo knoir the
ense fiom the beginning
Mrs A M Pcnwlck No 1212 Hoiutoa aTenua
H Cotne UO0 Edwards street a
S It Montgomery 1401 Edwards street
J Dethane 1718 Winter street corner Sabine
C II Schlebler 1 > Winter street corner Sabine
laiollne Illlby 1518 Center street
I Konncn Alderman Flrt Ward 1410 Kdwardi street
r Ij Colnev 2SOI Decatur street
A A Illlby 1018 Center street
The Deaf Made to Hear
As a little child I hart catarrh which
years my mother took me to Dr Kannlng
his nondeiful lieatinciit onl nine dins
udoualy helped that 1 was able to nttmd
oer tblitceii ears ago loi six jcara
caused dciifness again four yeais ago I
of Houstons best hpoeliillgU aud while
plelelj In one eai and almost In the other
Dinpiii Mini all kinds of amusements
in 1iank runnings most wonderful ma
Miih benellts thliteen ears before I
uteitilumiiits and will cer feel most
ie > itotlne my healing
itf n
Houston Texas February 3 10M
produced deafness After suffering for four
who was then In our city 1 was under
when ho was called away I was so unr
sthool and complete my studies This was
my heating was perfect Jold and catarrh
placed myself under the treatment of ona
under his treatment lost my hearing com
was so deaf that 1 wap kept Xrom enjoying
Two months ago I again pluced my coie In
gnettc hands from whom I had received
now heal all i on versa 11 on attend and enjoy
thankful and grateful to Dr Finning for
u 1510 McKeo Struct
K i I e a >
The Dumb to Speak ny
Houston Texas March 3 1003
To Afflicted Humanity 1
Twenty jeors ago I lost my hearing In one tar totally as I could not heat
thunder caused by taking iilnlne which produied parnlvsls of the nildltory neivo
Ten ytais ago I began suffering with hoarseness and losing my lOlee On the
Glh du of laniiai last 1 lost my u > l < u could not speak a word 1 tried my
homo phxlilins who wtre of line skill and most honest and good They failed to
In me mi good nfter six weeks tieatment They adilsed me to try some spe
tlnllsl which I did and one of Houstons finest specialists told me I Would never
get nn iol e biek and would not promise to cure me Then I was advised to tr
Dr Fanning and 1 shall always pialse Clod I did for to my gient surprise he made
me hear and speak out In ten minutes Uy his wonderful method of healing I at
once telegraphed my husband at liberty Texas that I could hear and upeak again
I also suffered with pains In mv lungs could not get a long bieath and was
bloated In nine treatments by this wonderful magnetic man I can truthfully
fa I go home n cheerful buppy woman My dreadful sleepless nights are turned
Into restful sleep The horrid dreams are all gone I had also lost my sense of
taste salt and acids had no taste Now my taHte It perfect can hear as well
as I oor lould and can speak as lond ns I wish The bloat has gone from my
waist which was reduced over four Inihes To any ono afflicted I most heaitlly
Indorse Dr Frank Panning ns the greatest healer of the age My husband and
nnself will glndlv lerlfy the aboto Address Liberty Mbotty count leias With
a heart full of giatltudc we are gratefully MR nnd MRS W 11 GIVCN3
Enlarged and Torpid Liver
Houston Texas October 10 lOOl Some three months ago I came to Dr Fan
ning nff llng from ductile itoinach nnJ liver difficulty of oier fho jeara standing
during which time 1 emploed over twenty doctors more or ess of tho best skill
and Ihev did their best for me without mall I took pills powdeis and other med
Iclne that would haie made n small wagonoad also tried the Wool a n Wells with
out benefit During this Hum I spent oicr 1000 My stomach caused mo Inlcnso
tufferliig lould not retain or digest food terrible bloating extnrdlng to lungs and
thioat almost Mopping my lueathlng at times besides causing such pain In my bead
and ccs that I could not see or scarcely hear Was very coustlpated Now after
a course of Dr Fannlngs marvelous magnetic treatment my Ihcr acts freely conrtl
patlon cured stomach digests perfectly can eat anything All pain In head and
eyfs gone Sctp well as 1 ever did Am now working doing anything Feel like n
new man I ian not say tho Doctor can cure every one but he certainly cared me
like magic aud m aged father also It ij with gieat thankfulness that r give this
testimonial to his uncauulcil power Very gratefully JIENRY OJEMANN
Ovarian Tumor
Honey Grove Texas June 2 To the skeptical public Oier four vears ago I
was first troubled with a laigo lump la my side and last Kcrlcmber it dorcoptd
luto a large owirlan tumor My sufferltur was almost unbearable was biV nervous
that auy ono walking across tho room would almost drhe me wild My physician
told me that nothing but an operation could snvo my life and that I conla not
stand the operation until I grew utrouc lint I grew worse and weaker constantly
At this tlmo Dr Fanning came to Honey iioie and ns a last hope ray husband
brought mo lu Dr Fanning found mc on n inferior or pallet all drawn up In
front of tha fire lu the greatest ngony When they went to place inn ontbc bed I
Legged them not to as It nlniost killed ine to bo mined Hut nfter luIug mo
gently on thu bed the doctor begun his most wonderful magnetic treatment and
It ins truly surprlhlng as the piilu bir uu umltlng away at bU magltal and Uiliuc
ulots touch and In thlity liilnuteu I was perfectly easy ami nfter his Urst treat
ment I w aa able to got np aud walk slept well that night something I had not done
for a loug time and next day I walked across tho hall Into tho parlor aud sat up for
two hours The slro of the tumor was that of u wnsh bowl something really
frightful to sec In all Dr Funning ga vo me tweuty seven treatments and In one
wteks time the tumor had greatly diminished and I wns resting easy And still
nfter the doctor stopped treatment It continued to diminish until It all went away
leinlng me well In fait much better than I hnve been lu oer four jems It wns
Just nix weeks from bis Hr t treatment until It was all gone My digestion unit
nenous wslein are in good condition and I Iium renminbi well now for Oicr ulx
month I had lsu been doubled wllh < < iuMpatioti for ye r and that Is also
completely uircd Now If any Donbllii Tlinnnis will write or call on my biuband
f Loreljee iniself or my neighbor thet can be fully convinced tliHt every line
of this Is true to the letter I bellnve thai Pr Panning saitd mv life ud that
he rsn do > > t tlalm to be sblc to do SMtu a bfart fnll of jratltude J Iinalo
moil r iP tfully 11BB C C LOTEIACI
J3ktl > ii
Dr Frank Fanning
United States Engineer Office ef the nL
veston Ship Channel and Buffalo Bayou
Improvement Morgan Point Texas R n
Talfor Resld nt Engineer My Dear Doc
tor You will doubtless remember about
two years ago yon treated tha undersigned
who had been n sufferer with a stiff shoul
dor for nearly a Year tho forearm of which
could not bo moved without causing ex
crurlatlng pain Spanish fly bllBtcr mus
tard plasters and liniments gaie only par
tial tellef My phslelan suggested a trial
of onr treatment which was done and I
tako pleasure In saying that after more
than two years I hno raver hart a recur
reuco of tho trouble IInlng heard that
you wcrs In Houston I take this oppor
tunity ef expressing ray gratitude to you
for tho permanent euro received Yours
very truly II II TALFOlt r
United States Assistant Engineer
Fibrunry ft 1002
+ + +
To Whom It May Concern
Senate Chamber Twentyfifth Ltrtsla
ture Anstln Texas June 17 1807 The
bearer hereof Dr Frank Fanning It well
known to me from an acquaintance ot iooih
twenty years and It glies mu pleasuro to
stat that I bar known him as a trust
worthy honorable gentleman Very truly
Lieutenant Governor
+ + +
T Whom It May Concern
Houbt of Representatives Twsntynfth
Legislature Austin Texas June 17 1807
I take pleasuro lu stating that I bay
known the bearer Dr Frank Fanning for
several years and that his reputation as a
citizen aud gentleman Is thoroughly estab
lished In lexas lie stands at tlio heud of
his profession and I know personally of
many cures he haH effected I commend
him to the confidence and suppoit of all
those with Tihoin he may coino In contact
Very truly L T DAHHIHLL
Speaker of thu House
V + T
To Whom It May Concern
Senate Chamber Twentyfifth Legis
lature Austin Texae Juno 17 18071
have known Dr Frank Panning ot San
Antonio Texas for many yeaia uud tako
pleasure in stating that I bue found hliu
to bo u gentleman worthy of the conddence
of all persons who may have dealings wltn
hlin Ills fame as MuKUetlu Hauler Is
well founded In this Statu and hut lug hnd
personal experience of his healing powcia
iintneltutlngly stnta that I belluio lie can
do all ho claims to be able to do
President Pio Tem
To Whom It May Concern
Houta ot Representatives Twentyfifth
Legislature AustlD Texas June 17 1897
It elves me pleasute to say that I hav
known the bearer ot this for the past ten
jears during which time he has been u
resident of my clt nnd that 1 know him
to b a gtutlemnu lu every sense of tho
woid I bespeak for him the Umlly con
hldorstlon of every ouo whom ho may
meet with tbo assurance that he will not
alume an cunltdvtico reposed lu hi in tho
bearer of this Is Dr 1 inuk Panning my
tilend Veiy icspectfull
Representative Eightyninth District of
Hon T M IVsthal ex member of con
gress ot lexas speaks lu especially com
inemhitoiy terms of the Hcalti lu the
To Whom It May Coucern
San Aiitoulu Texan June 18 16U7 I
hae known Dr Fiank Funning foi muny
ijrs and In all my iclutlous with him
invariably found him to bo n gentleman
and a most upright nnd lelliible cltUen
Dr Panning enjoys tint confidence of ml
whom ho has Heated for physical ullnicnts
and beats the lcpuliitlon of being a won
detful magnetic Healer
+ >
To Whom It May Concern
Palestine IVias January 11 1887 This
Is to certify that I was for four months
Inst winter In an almost hopeless condition
caused from ihcumatlsm in both my leg
ana what little walking I did was painful
and Mow both lefts being so drawn fiom
the cneot of disease Hint I i oiild it
stialuhlen lliem Willi thiee oi four tioit
leents by Dr Piinnllig Hie pain left me
and I uin now an well as ever I was nnd
walk as well as evci 1
Mr John K Reagan was teen a few das
ago and In refeiineo to lie above tcsll
tnouy ho not onlv eoiToboiats It l > Ht de
clares that hit lius not sullen d from a xln
gle thetimatlr pain tlnee I r Funning ciiied
Ulin ovei tirteeu eui ago
+ f
A well known brick contractor of San
Antonio offers the following pointed testi
monial as to his cure by magnetism when
all other remedies had failed
Texas June 27 1S90 I hart
San Antonio
been sick with Uvr kidney aud bowel
trouble for the last six wieks I also hurt
a weak spine so that 1 could not attend to
business I tried thien doctors and the
moie medicine t toolt the wot so 1 got I
could not eat shep or got rid of my awful
pains and sulferlug As a last resoit I put
my caso under Dr Fannlngs maguetle
tieatment I Mi better trom the first
treatment nnd slept well Arter tho fourth
truaiment I took i barge of ni work and
was abb to do a good duvfc ik Aftor
the fifth treatment I romid ins lf a new
man and a well man When I put uisclf
under tho magnetic treatment I feared I
would never get well and eouiiinpliited try
ing borne other < llmate 1 take pleasuro in
i ding Dr Fanning to all suffer era
as Ills treatment has made a welt man of
a terrible Mifferr I will gladly answer
anj oilestloits tin to Dr
a healer of diseases 1 10 IMJHIt
21li Third Stiect Han Autonlo loxas
+ t +
To tho Public
Direct P O Texas December 20 1807
I van nuver tlnd words to express my gratl
tude for tho wonderful relief received from
tho treatment of Dr Frank Funning For
over three ears 1 had buttered with palus
In my back headache sleeplessness and
nervousness caused by the falling of the
womb 1 knew no ease or rest Just thrco
yearn ugo 1 was suiitrm k mid was un
consdons tor four das which made a
umililele wreik of ln iiervoits sSlun M
menses had almost stopped I could do
ilib me exieplion of teaching u
short school sesflen each veiir laist Oe
tober I began taking Dr Plunk Funning a
treatment and sft r taking even ireat
ments I < an s v I am well nnd gaining in
strength and flesh even day Resperlfjlly
and gratffuly
jw n 1Tl
iwwwiiw wgMwy wyiiTOgs B
w < >
There Is Yet Balm in Gilead for Suffering Humanity Wondrous Healing The Blind See
the Deaf Hear the Lame Walk and the Afflicted are Relieved of Their Sufferings All
Without Medicine Dr Fanning Is Now Located at 1210 Preston Avenue
Houston Texas Consultation Free Either in Person or by Letter
Houston Ladies Indorsements
To Whom It Slay Cencem
Houston Texas January 9 lOOaFor ttire years I goffered tontlnnsJIy rtth a
IheaTy pain In my right sldo Employed two ef the best physicians In the Btatr
who could do nothing for me Always hart to maka hot applications at night Im
possible to sleep without Through ono of my cousins I learned ef the wonderful
power of Dr Fanning as a healer As a last resort commenced treatment After
flvei treatments was completely cured no natn left nor has there ever been In that
side since and that Is over ten years freedom from pain of any description
Four years ago lie entirely cured my eoneln Mrs Katls McGown of Dallas of
dislocated hip Joint und parslyred limb enmed by a fall besides liter cemplslnt nd
suffering beyond words to express Respectfully MRS M B BROWN
000 Tenth Street
To Suffering Humanity
nooston Texan November 0 IDOL I writs this testimonial to inspire tiers
when all hopo seems to have fled Over two years ago I began suffering with en
larged and torpid liver producing Indigestion and constipation During this time I
suffered great agony In fact had no hopo of living Stomach at times was so weak
It could not retain food Two weeks ago I cam to Dr Panning In great pain With
his first treatment I experienced great relief and now And mvself well No pain
Enlarged llver reduced to nntural size Indigestion cured Can cat anything and
It agrees with me Constipation completely remedied Bleep well and the terribly
bloated condition of stomach has been reduced st least four Inches
It give m great pleasure to indorso Dr Fanning and in thankful spprecla
tlon say he 1b ono ef tha crestest blessings to suffering humanity I am truly grate
Cypress Top Harris County
Remained Cured Fourteen Years
Dr Frank Fanning
Houston Texas October XI IDOL Dtir Sir Please accept my testimony as to
th wonders you did fr me For nine years I suffered from prolapsus of to
worst kind Had two f the best physicians In Houston but was relieved only
temporarily Then tried patent medicines with no better result Could not rest
day or night in agony and distress unbearable Wis a burden to myself and
Hnrlng heard of your wonderfvl power to rclteva pain my husband Induced ms to
consult yo but I had no confidence After six treatments I was well and soon did
all my housework In fourteen years there haa been no return of those endltlons
I wish nil suffering women could have our wonderful treatments and be cured
Will gladly answer iny Inquiry regarding my case May lod spare you for 7ears
to come to heal suffcilng humanity Uratcfully yours
Acute Neuralgia
Dr Frank Fanning Hutchlns House City
Houston Texas January 20 lbU5My Dear Sir I take this means to assure
you of my perfect satisfaction snd confidence in your system of treatment which
I am gratified to tell you has proven beyond my expectation so entirely success
ful In my rase For a long tlmo I had been a gieat sufferer from acute dnitlng
neuralgia and also a stiong catarrhal affection of the thioat which seriously In
jured my voice both of which you have completely removed and I feel tendered
n permanent cure leaving my voice again stiong clear and natural I llud real
pleasure In recommending your treatment and success to all suffering ns I buvc
and candidly It Is the best within reach Sincerely and gratefully ours
610 Webster avenue
Suffering Women
Honey Orolre Texas June 4 1808 SufTerlnK humanity pauses moment antt
listen to my experience Por five years I was afflicted with female troubles heart
tioiiblo and netvons Indigestion nil of whldi tluew me Into complete nervous pros
tration All wan done for ine that the medical and siiiglcal world could afford
spent mnnlhs In a hospital seeking relief uud for elilit months was confined to
my bed with no hopes of recovery When lu thin extremely low state Dr Fan
nlng wub called In us a last resort Strange but true to say only a few treat
ments from this wonderful physician aroused hope In n young life that had been
despaired of Especially grateful do I feel toward Dr Fanning for tho great kind
ness nnd Interest manifested In my case After a treatment of two weeks hts
limited stay In our town he returned to hli homo In San Antonio
for a rest with his family Hts absence fiom his patient proving a lit
tlo previous ho was Immediately nummoned and returned Un at ones
left bis homo ties and other engagements and came to my bedside whero hla most
unci cssf nl set vices were rentlmed Under his continued treatments my Improve
ment wan inaivelous I owe my life to you Dr Fanning No on can doubt
If for I certainly would have died had lt not been for your timely aid As a re
sult today I am In the enjoyment of such health and spirits as only those who have
paused through such suffering can appreciate Should any onn wish to corres
pond with me concerning this testimonial they are at perfect liberty to do so
Unsolicited and prompted solely by the Influence of a heart full ef love and
gralltude our dear one has written the above hoping thereby to be tha hurabli
means of leading some one to this grcnt sonreo ot healing On the Cth day of
July almost a year ago I left Ihe Inllrmuiy with my child She was placed on a
cot In llio arms of the kind phyKklan who accompinlcd us to sustain life It po l >
bio until we lould rcneh home As she reeognlred her father and feebly said
I heres Papa he felt that she would never spenk again so extreme
ly low waN her condition But her IKh was spared and sb lingered
from dav to day clinging In life with wonderful tenacity until Dr Fan
ning canio in October and relieved her Bufferings by hla art of heating al
most divine In addition to this wonderful power the gtcnt tenderness and sym
pathy manifested towmd our child has forever endeared him to our hearts tnrt
memories May Ood keep and preserve Dr ranulng for the good of mankind la
our earnest prayer MRS E C WALTERMIRB
noney CJrove Texas July 4 1S08
Heart Disease Cured
Houston Texas February 2P 1801 I tnke pleasure In Indorsing Dr Frank ran
nlng About five cars ago I had a most distressing caso of heart trouble neuralgia
of tbe heart with palpitation Because ot the piln and shortness ot breath I was
compelled o sit up nbout half the time at night for over eight months I tried tor
rfal of our best doctors they all failed to give mc relief and I suffered untold ag
ony I hnd glicn up all I ope of recovery nnd thought I would certainly die When
1 came to Dr Fanning I had but llttli hope of any relief it was only a trial Dr
Fanning told me hla treatment would stir me up for two or three dayr but not to
bo discouraged that at the end of thice days I would be better Ho surely told the
truth for at tho expiration of that tlmo all pain had left me and I felt like a new
woman I also suffered with Indigestion and nervousness 1 was really wild with
my norvcH At the end of one week and I had only taken five treatments I was en
tirely cured That was four jenrss ago and I have never had a pain or palpitation ot
tho heart since My dlgcsttuu N perfect and I am awell woman today I will ever
feci grateful to Dr Fanning and will take gieat plcasuic In answering any ques
tions In regard to his treatment Iratofull MRS R V SCOTT
003 Hardy Street Fifth Ward
Rheumatic Paralysis
To the rubllc
Houston Texas March 21 1K0I About a year nnd a half ago I hadj n altaclt
of rhcumillc parnlsis In my feet and lower limbs I tried scleral doctors ml
palent medicines but all to no avail Afler Dr Fannlngs tieatment I ft l likea
new man J believe Dr Fanning saved my life During the tieatment l vrss re
duced ten Inches In tho waKt ss I wan a sufferer from Indigestion and badly
bloated I most cheerfully Indorse Dr Fanning anst his wondetful magnetic hullinc
powers and at any lime will gladly answer any question vheiit tha wonderful ra n
either by inter or rail onrs gratefully JOHN TV CALJjAHAN
210 TistIi Street Houston Tessa
it 5
Ir J