OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, March 09, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1902-03-09/ed-1/seq-15/

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45 SW
> jetm r > aw
stutrtVEIPMoU a jurat
tF n
jS conflned t0 h s ° Ue
r r ° idnrm of Beaumont Is upending
Ifh fMcnSs at 141ft Toms uvea Jo
lr clerk for
iMUot h s oonerr
0n r of MataRorda was
u TliUmP on
HJSpw 0 ami una regis
1 nil attornev of
I lV hci vestcrday
rroetor o Aiju 1nM ami
w t tlie Ioiail
tiip yesterday
n a b
yiFMic ilofiiM I n visitor to this
Ste7edt I be nice hotel
extensive tobacco
Ik iMtlriB 1hl
v c 5SS ami I rtopptaB at < uc lp
llp comb of U > rnp
S r ii wan
was j1 egistorcd nt the Itlco
n Hcncinl of Brownwoo1 and
r arc
of Hlco
v J rontalno
al l °
1m ta < < < rc KUCSS
iifintr UttIt daughter
Ji > p ind
2 down from Iaodlno vtsltlnr
IT ll < 2oll Cab
C 1 >
IMttman nt
A In
n prominent business
mm visiting this city
nArhn4lny n Wa ipp8t t
rlt0 T and 1 Harris Master
e li attornojH of tlm fSnlvesten
V known ° on Ifllnw yestcrdny nod
fcTu t at the Bristol
of VnstlD who In
r W t Worthim of
M with the 1Iim National bank
hp iordiy on b lne s
mv n
n Va 1ki t > e Lognu
r inVttrndanp upon her sifter Mrs
P no luiproiltig
I II > ln oonflned to
Phltln II
soTcral dnR l b Fclatlc rUeii
hM for
onewhat Improved yes
i m llo <
ir7bnt KilffrniB > > >
Mn erson of handy Tolnt
r William niih and stoeU oixner of
i tlor Vraa a vWtor here yesterday
lr Vr plt iedat iho Rrlsttol
of Louisville Ky a
r w It Jon
ullst of the Blue Urawi State Is hero
i tIctt to loeatlns In Houston Ho
al the I gan
ill wife are guests
a lumber and
ir n Orance ad well knonu In lumber
R Sm tn U Itr was Ueie yesterday on
Rl tne Logan
l n s and was registered at
monr the departures e tcrclay via < iw
SSitlnnal ind tieat lthorn worn
Jw hS ir Hardy am MmjIh Lewis fnr
It Meuefeo and wife
Mr I
c Eo and
Xck York
Otllatple Judge of the
Jnlntl eourt of ttl illctiin inme home
o OalveMon t hear the linlenn eorpns
nd Sunday t H his
Kr Charles r laiker hn returned froiii
rl p to the 1Tlern markets Ho spoilt
nonth In New ork Iltv with IiIh vvlf
at Hobool In
daiiCDter tne latter being
metropoll Mr larkcr reports an mi
able trip
Tof Andre Zauzle a noted palmist
the rlty for a brief stay
He Third Ward rmbroldrry club will
ftwith Mr O P Jnekinn next odnei
Moreh 12 when all member are re
sted to bo pi eent
here are undelivered telegrnnii at the
Main utioot
tal telegraph office US
< r iydeson Cluules I
se Walter Crumb
here are undelivered telegrams nt the
stern Union Telegraph eompnnv for li
Klaney W W AMon Jeff U Hlblo
H Letrlj Mrs 1 II Hnzo J
ajoalStr Iodge No 101 United Mod
is held meeting on lrldav night at
lea It W 1 rinklin was appointed piude
B Tarver wimhman and Mis lA > olere
Hansford ehapter No 115 Order fliistcrn
vflll give n pond Illy social nt the
Ideaee of Mr I II Stewart 11318 Louli
a street Thur daj Mareh 20 nl 3 p m
cordial lirttation is ettended to our
fads to be proven
he board of governors of the Houston
entry club are renuesteil to meet nt
offlce of the president Dr W It
khardt t 3 oclock this afternoon It
hoped every member of the boanl will
present b there Is budnois of Im
taace to come before the meeting
living to the absence of the chairman of
jronnd committee Mr J J Sweenej
meeting of the Drltlug asfoclntlon
Ich wai to have been held at the ItusI
League rooms Krlday evening was
tpnncd until 10 oclock this morning A
1 attendance Is roquetted nt that hour
n Interesting came of ball was played
terdaT afternoon between the St Thoin
colleso nine and the Little inks The
tfr were defeated bv n score of 15 to 11
ev Jt r bner tinanclal agent of the
ored industrial school of the general
Ptlst convention of Texas reports a
efs In his line of work and thanks all
have shown encouragement to that
rnong the many sales of valuable real
ate of the psst week the following hnvo
a made bv Mrs Itettle Hryan The
perty on tho corner of La Branch btreet
Capitol avenue to Mrs Walker of rial
ton consideration KKX Mr Walker
I Improve this property nt once 110x111
t corner Tannin street and Walker
Pmic jo i25 < xv > and three lots on
la street to Mr W 13 Fulls for T2S00
he clubs of the Houston High school
S a r ° neert tn the n sembly room of
< lgh grhool on the evening of Frld > 3
Ma 1 rho concert Is under the man
rncnt of the Heh School Debating so
J M Promises to be i thoroughly good
ipe proceeds of the nlgbt go to buy
reference books for thoHigh kIiooI
fary and It Is expected that the attend
cj vi b larje The clubs
prnnttsp a
d program
So Harris who has friends
m many
inm rr where he i well known am
y pjpnlar has Just returned from
a tup
Qulnrr in rrDR hls staj D that
T 8 nB gfment to Miss Klsle Davidson
° f leading young ladles there was
JIlss Davidson is of one of the
l families in Illinois and Mr Harris Is
nj congratulated bv his friends here
LVwng tho band and heart of jeh
estimable young lady
inn 1 connc No B Daughters of To
ji ladles
j joe auxiliary to tho Im
< li Hr ot Red Me ° held their llrst
f 8l ° n at Hed Mens hall No S05H
° Ias
avcnlng There was a
eVini d Pf ent and a most enjoyable
= P nt The ladles had arranged an
nient musical and literary program
er 7I carried out and tiroved both
wine and entertaining Light refresh
yhad SWTe C1 a c < x > < 1 me sen
ken up by William Ktichs White Oak
rnnner postofflce one dun Uon > cJ or
years old lj hands high branded UV
I a bar over same on the left thigh Jiar
s marks black mane nnd tall shod all
und except the left hind foot
A It Anderson Sheriff
Building Permits
win to Mi a Elizabeth Tapponbeck
Idney U ijart to Mrg Mnnie Maples
RostnberC to Miss Iauline Burc2
vHle evens to Cordelia Bell
e fibsne
hest bidder
1r execp
Cln We
mltteo will sell to the
vroperty sold to the cltv
taxes This ial will
6th Instant at 10
1 tnd continue from
rerty Is sold
City Secretary
Correct Corsets
Of course > ou know ii is best lo have your
cotset fitted just as you do a glove or
shoe If j oil have not been doing this there
Is no reason why you should not begin with
your next corset We have experienced and
painstaking fitters in attendance at our cor
set section who will tit you properly and
give you full instructionsas to the proper
lacing etc We carry in stock a full line
of the following brands
V B R Q P D J Bt W C
C Dowager Nemo and
Selling agents in Houston for the celebrated
La Vida Corsets
The Finest Corset Made
Dont ask for your size Ask to be fitted
then you are sure of getting the corset shape
best adapted to your figure
See our 249 Oxfords the equal of
any 300 shoe in the city
jSorosIs Boots Oxfords and
Slippers S350 a pair
ns 5
House Furnishings
Very special values in this section tomorrow in things
that you need
Af 69r parh Heavy quality 114 counterpanes
worth all of 9Sc
At 125 each An xtra 00 qality I14
counterpanes that can not be
equaled elsewhere at 175
Af f < e nrU Splendid quality fringed coun
fc cauL terpancs that would be a bar
gain at tSO each
A very special selling of
2 A and 6 in package at prices that arc very much
under value
At I t9 a Anvon An exra iiien satin
damaskf pure ta
blc napkin that is worth all of 150 a dozen
Short Ends Table Damask
An immense lot are out on a center counter 2 2
and 4 yards in a piece and you will find them to be
extraordinary good values Be sure and see them
Heavy Double Damask Table Cloths
With border designs all around in exquisite patterns
and extra fine grade linen Quality worth fully t85 a
Cloth 2 yards by 2 yards 400
Cloth 2 yards by 3 yards 4J5
Cloth 2 yards by 3 J yards 550
Full size 34 napkins to match 500 a dozen These
are the very swellest things to be had in fine table
Use Periodical Tickets
We Take Them
rSTTTTVi r > I jiJ Mf f V ViqTO WWvsev >
Staple Specials
Fine Muslin
We must have the room Tuesday so tomorrow
we shall wind up the sale of those
of HighClass Muslin Underwear Our sales of
Muslin Underwear for the past week have been
y simply immense not alone from these sample
Y garments but from our regular stock and now
Y we find that we have a great many odd garments
a in our regular stock These we shall place among
the samples cutting the price down to about the
a actual cost
I Sample Skirts
For about half of their real value
At 398 each
Beautiful Skirts that arc worth from 550 to 650 each
At 498 each
Elegantly trimmed Skirts that are worth all of 750 to
850 each
At 595 each
Magnificent Skirts that arc dreams of loveliness worth all
of 900 to 1000
Linen Effects
Are exceptionally good this season in our wash goods section
we show a very complete and comprehensive assortment of ma
erials in linen effect
Imported Slvisses Linen ground colored dots very sheer
and pretty 30 Inches wide O Cr
ayard ZJ
Sheer Madras Linen effects a very popular material for
waists 32 inches wide O C
ayard i u
Mercerized Chambray Linen colored ground white dots and
stripes also plain colored a good substitute for silk r
27 inches wide a yard ZJl
Basket Linen the new material for waists All pure linen in
linen color as well as full line of other shades 27 O Qr
inches wide a yard < JC
Silk Chambray in solid linen color looks like pure silk and
wears better 7
Ton Tongce with white lace stripe and small pin dots CQ
30 inches wide a yard C
Linen Grenadine with Persian and black stripes very popu
lar for full suits 27 inches wide A5c
f o
Linen Vatiste with colored silk stripes 27 Inches S9d
wide ayard
A very handsome selection of Embroidered Linen Chiffons and
Grenadines 45 inches wide with fancy dots and stripes very
sheer materials that take the shade of the lininf < C
atayard t9Sand w
Our line of White Wash Waists is the largest
values that are incompar
ever shown in the city
A Labor Saving Device our Childrens Oingham
Aprons all sizes 25c each
Walking Skirts
At 398
jr salt
bxtia well made and finished of Fine Muslin
Cambric and Long Cloth
At 25c a Garment
Gowns Drawers Chemise Skirts and Corset Covers
worthfully 50c each
At 49c a Garment
Gowns Drawers Chemises Skirts and Corset Covers
worth lully t00 each
At 75c a Garment
Gowns Drawers Chemise Skirts and Corset Covers
worth fully t50 each
At 98c a Garment
Gowns Drawers Chemise Skirts and Corset Covers
worth fully 200 each
At 149 a Garment
Gowrs Drawers Chemise Skirts and Corset Covers
worth fully 275 each
At 198 a Garment
Gowns Drawers Chemise Skirts and Corset Covers
worth fully 350 each
At 298 a Garment
Elegant Gowns Drawers Chemise Skirts and Corset
Covers that are fjtlly worth 450 to 475 each
Foulards and Other Silks
As the Season advances the popularity of Foulards Increases No other material makes such a serv
iceable suit for this climate The showing of Foulards at this store is unquestionably the largest
and best selected in the city
Slack Iron
45 inches wide
24ineh Tkilled Foulards in all the newest colorings yCJ
lovely patterns Elsewhere 75c here TC
23inch Satin and Tlri Ilcd Toulards In splendid assort n C
ment of colors and pretty patterns Elsewhere 100 here DC
24inch Extra Quality Satin Toulards newest colorings QOr
charming and artistic designsS Elsewhere 125 here Ot
24inch Superior Quality Brocade Satin Foulards Rtstdi
Green Turquoise Blue Castor Red and Gray in the f OC
very latest and most exclusive designs a yard J + DJ
Genuine Shuntung hand loom
Iongee silk at a yard t00 and
natural color pure J r
New Waist Silks
White ground with pretty Persian cord stripes
quality at a yard
3ineh Special Quality Black Taffeta Silk 7
vaiue t00 a yard < Jl
ijineh Guaranteed Slack Taffeta Silk extra quality o r
and luster value 100 a yard CJC
23inch Guaranteed Slack Taffeta Silk extra quality O
and luster value 125 a yard SUL
2yineh Guaranteed Black Taffeta Silk extra quality f J r
and luster value 150 a yard > D
Special Quality Teau de Soie a most excellent quality O Q
for skirts value fully 115 a yard CC
Slack Moire Velour two exceJlent qualities QRr
at lyard 125 and UL
Slack Moire Antique two very handsome qualities t f Cf
at ayard 195 and > JU
Are exceedingly good this season for dressy gowns and skirts
assortment in the most popular styles
We are showing an excellent
frame Grenadines two splendid qualities f nC 45inch Slack Grenadines Stripes Dots and Figures 7
Ideatayard 175 and I CD very handsome qualities at ayard 98c and wC
New Full Tailored Suits
A particularly attractive 1
in a natty suit made ot good a
K JJ ff ilSnSViSgSl K q lity light weight cloth several < t
suits in gray tan and Mark ranging In price from
We are also showing a line of very swell hand q f Cf j sr nn
somely tailored dressy gowns from J iu OsJvu
Black Silk Top Skirts
Black Taffeta Silk Skirt
deep graduated circular
flounce trimmed In fancy
Black Taffeta Silk Skirt
trimmed up seim with lace
Insertions deep graduated
Values are extremely good kinds that are reliafcc
and wanted priced temptingly low
36Inch Soft Finished Cambric IWusilii rec IZ
nlar 8ic kind Monday r X C 0 C
Lonsdale Domestic Monday 1 yards for Yy
32Inch Percales light and dark colors new r
pattcms regular 84c kind Monday O C
Anioskeap Apron GirtRhams blue checks only1
Monday t OC
Cotton Covert Skirtings tans browns and
grays extra good quality worth I2 c a yard Or
Monday OC
8ixty > Sheets torn hemmed and ironed a Q
quality worth 65c Monday tC
36x42 Pillow Cases well made wide hem OXr
I2 c quality Monday O 3C
Hosiery Values
That are not to be equaled elsewhere In the city
Ladles Fast Black Lace Openwork Hose
regular value 25c a pair Monday at this store
three pairs for UUu
Ladies Fast Black Lace Openwork Lisle
Our Millinery Opening jot the Spring will be held m oar Millinery i w ZV > s 25 c
Parlorsf second floor on
Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday
March nth 12th and 13th
You are cordially invited to attend See oar Special Announcement
Card on Society Page
ladles Fast Black Extra Quality Dropped
Stitch Lisle Hose white heel and toe a good i nn
45c value Monday at this store three pairs for y
Childrens Lace Openwork Mercerized
Hose in all the light shades white and black OKr >
a quality worth 35c a pair at this store a pair v C
A New and Hnndsome Line of
Ladies Fancy Colored Hose
Has just been re
in price
reJ0cjo 2 jjmr
Mail Orders Given Prompt
and Careful Attention
The proper Gloves for summer wear 11J
Silk Gloves The most satisfactory wear
ing and the best fitting Silk Gloves arc
Keysers Patent Tip
We have in stock a complete assortment
of fashionable colors black and white in
three gtades
50c 75c and i a pair
New Veils and Veiling
Chiffons with dots rings and squares fig
ures in all the new colors and riew mesh
veilings at
50c 59c 69c 75c 85c 125 a yard
New made veils with borders In white black
black and white and white and black at
85c 100 150 and 175 each
We are showing an elegant line
of New Wash Waists
This store sells the most satisfac
tory shoes for children
Dress Woolens
Our showing is the most complete and attractive in the cltv
All the best and most popular weaves are fully represented Val
ues here that can not be duplicated
At 39c a yard
Value Clll Wool Satiste black
lualitv worth all of o5con Mi
A Very Special cream and all
the new shades a Monday 39c a yard
At 65c a yard
V Slue Etamine the seasons
h fully S5ca jard
Slack and NaUy favorite weave
In a quality worth f
At 75c a yard
Slack and All Colors Etamine 4 Inches wide a most excel
lent quality that would be cheap at 95c a yard
At 75c a yard
ol Voile black cream and colors
be excelled in the nuking of
43inch All Wool a sheer fine
weave that can not the new gowns
At 119 ayard
ine Crepe black cream and co
a quality worth all of 135 a yard
4tinch Florentine colors a very
gant material in
At 125 a yard
43inch Extra Quality Sicilian
worth fully 140 a yatd
At 50 a yard
43inch Crepe VEte black cream and colors a very
weave that alls gracefully and lends itself readily to tn
Ing styles
Wool Top Skirts
At 575
f down seams with folds of black molrt silk
stitching and three satin bands and cloth and full tailored colors black blue tan and brown value ruily jy r jnd finhed wUb bUek cfochd rnej > fljre
tabs worth all of 5 00 1500 v bottom value fully 700
At 7 95 At 1R If A very handsome granite cloth suit colors black and castor
blouse iacket trimmed in bands of stitched silk braid skirt At 650
oun ca ra has deep circular ntncerimiedTame made with drop skirt a suit worth BiacjunUneJ ffl Jeep grad
corsage effect over hips really worth 1000
New Silk Raglans
Made of good quality black
taffeta silk double cape collar
edged with moire bandssleeves
lined with white satin a gar f C
ment worth fully 1500 tor MZ sJJ
Made of extra quality black
taffeta silk bell sleeves lined
with white satin military col
lar tdmmed stitched satin
ands worth fully 1850 for
lull line of mou expensiveitylu In Uffcti
ud raoln silks
Navy blue and black texgt tfclrt trimmed
fully 2150 Sjtin folds a most serviceable and dressy
A handsome line of light weight doth and etamine ir 000 s rt worth ail of 800
Colored Underskirts
Black and white madras skirts
accordion pleated ruffle
+ 1 Vt = >
Black tnd white stripe teen wide
flounce with six Inch accordion f JQ
pleated ruffle yalue 17S for > T
Extra heavy uteen black and
colored with twelve Inch accor
dion pleated silk ruffle Thus are
cording and bands of moire ft ri tucked flounce a garment < o extra ood value andVe hare o jr
axarment worth fully USD l 3ilWth fully 2i00xor 0 Vlr um S8iitojrtb it m ww 3
black and whlte fquality
e prevail
u 1
i iw

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