OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, March 09, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1902-03-09/ed-1/seq-5/

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for to
rs p
Wells Has Made a Large Num
ber of Appointments
Affected by the Decision as Well
judicial and Representative New
County Chairmen Also
tttn Texas March 8 Jeff
nrr of the Mate democratic executive
ulKrc t lo > tec ivod from lion lutiies
tll vato chairman tho following
f poliitmcliiH Tin re were concots
nuiiiln r of then appointments In
juf c of whbh Mr Wells dchijoil
tltcat iinlll he hud obtained tlie
Bent of the illffereiit sections Interest
The PPC iulls slu ol to < lal llc
I of Gilmer Upshur i oun
tt s U run
naiiinmi f tin longiosslmml
lit m in v nicil bj the rciippoillnn
of thi Sl < t icplslituio
l lloiliitd of Dalltx ehnliimiii of 1 ho
rone Monil vueaiiej caused
iv tregon of us In elnlrmsn of Ihc
h ongi i uil dlstrltt vaeaiiej
> < J hr nppnn oiiniont
iifurrt l f cithrrford chili
of III Inrth oiigiosslotlill dlstrht
nrr ntsnl > i ii ippiiitlomuent
nn W Iv h m of Nin Antonio thalr
I ii h congicsMonnl dl
pf ih m
vaaii r > 1 h rcHpixirtlniniiont
fcnmas I 1 I of Moektlalo Wilson
ir li i ii f the I Ifleontli rongres
iUft > t ih tin Iontrt hr roippnr
in > nt
j 1 n lor of Ilcnilotli tlnv count
rman f < elUl supieino Jndlrlni
1 < t 1 inseil ji tli < dentil of
former hiMni Hon W ll Plomnns
r M ii nf ttohv Plshcr oountr
rm h ninth ludlclnl ill > >
I i in I l > i the cleilh of the
ier hilrmm II n I M Elites
v M Mr f I nlcstino chairman of
First ip > r mill Ifil dillb l mojliev
d n r r unailon uf the fotnier
rmsn l n R Hi m
P liii 1 of < tTep on Marlon roun
lalrnnu of the 1 Ightb representative
let Tacincr earned by leapport Ion
Mcllirnlnf t Tyler Frath county
t fie nirtoenth repretmtatKg
used li i icappoitlon
H Pen > if Whiiton Wharton cnijnfr
rman if Mi I IfM einnd tlotoilnl icp
latie illri i > acinic caused In ie
rtlonm n
H rtnt r r franlinry Hood eountv
man of i 1 < evciitv sixth tlotmlai
scntat r 1 l incnuc caused bv
raioi Mie louiit of the miner
rman J W i iihiiRh
ertertc onn f mu Ilauo eomiti
rman of t FlgM ninth repre ent the
Irt ra n i m < cd bj reapportlnn
lll tt r of port Lavaca chairman
s d m r c > Te nte committee of
oon connf u inn ciused Jfir the re
ii from Mif c inii
of the fpuner ehnlr
At nli
Tur n SoIes wlth
ior e nin rrtch Heels
h Gold H nd Pirt > SPPerS S0e haVC
ilver rneV Bu lesothers have the
Hci I b S Buckes > so e Patent
0U ta Pair all sizes and all widths
tlJ congress Triey State senator MeWin
ney representative Monnallr float
ooU lh flrf Bwlti
w collector
uSiM08 s ian county trcasnrer
i > Hntondciit Clement Close
jjj X al for lieutenant
Itoekdale Tcsais MaTeh 8 rollowlne are
majorities in town for State officers Inn
ham 270 Neal Kll rtell HO to > e no
J Iofcirc TO CirtlK tlJS
rney for state senator MeKlmiey
pH ir pr nWho MeAntmlly t floater
Knellih aj w i Davidson 2 S Tot a
Tito polled 80S ThU iMis strlctlv a whit
nian x democratic primary Vote
on comity
ofTlcers jent to Cameron
Final Rally at Rockdale
Itockdale Texas Mureh 8A la t granil
rally was held at the city hall last nBhf
to Klre candidate
for Stuto offloo n chance
to be heard Colonel n Tracy ianll
date for ronKre In the Sixth district
proilded Attorney General Hell J i
Kauffiuun and It M Iotc Aithnr r ferre
ift c Vl VCnrtls ke
lieII Ivaiiffiimn Cousins
mid CurtN cot thfe
creator apphuiw from the lnrce crond pirn
ent ludKe telr repl > to Mclall
lt c a p ° ls no lo > t that ho
lallKtled the croxul a t l in niJomeiit
tli < attoriuj cenerars ofth
Joint Discussion in Dell County
leinpl Toiis March S Mr D 1
Pendleton chairman of the Cullen Thomas
foree fn ne count In Mr I huiuab raO
for concress unnoiinwji In a letter to his
hiolhfr Hon Jeoiso C remlleton who
Ih Miatrman of the Henry force i that all
cnmllctlnc dales nimoiiuced In Mi Uiomin
would he icealled and ilntes et at the
time and phee named In Mr Henri for
his p crh ni that Mr Ilenrvs propo il
of a ilUlsion of lime tiken aihautace of
Ilotli Henri and Thomas are Bond debitors
and a warm time mu > be expected
Eaole Lake Municipal Clcotiois
y nclo lakr lea > March S At tho
munelial liiarB mectlnc last night a good
crowd was In attendince Nomination
ner made is folio Mayor A M
W auch niarshal V R Klnard aldermen
t I O NoriK mid W K
f rJ TtTc a stiong soeltatloh lo
get Major Mc arti n the race foi re dec
bnt > ilclined to make the raie and
tHV rftlre fiom the old oeiilce at the
< pratlon of li prevent term There la
nn luilopendent candidate out foe mnror
Allen Carried Hood
Pallas Toms March f Private tele
grams from Oianlmry tonight announce
that ererj box In Hood cntmtv at th pi 1
mailer toda Instructed for Hoberl II Mien
of Dallas for lieutenant governor
Corpus Chrlstl Texas March S J TV
Shaw chairman of thi democratic oxeeti
tire com
holding o a count convention
Jtr C II Caillsle enteitnliied u few
friends at his Sllkvllle home Satintluy the
IlinMnii being his blithdaj
Itev Joseph A Harllug of Austin will
iitilve In the iltv this afternoon to asst
Uc doll In the music foi a heilis of mut t
lngs ti be couiinenccd at the llist Uiptl < t
ciuich tomoiiow liv the pustor Itev h
Tumlln There will be 1 hole puictlce to
night ind all tho e who Intend to assist
slump endeavor lo b present tonight In
addition to the 11 md 7IO oeloik servbe
thtre xv III be a ocloi k sen Ice In ihe after
noon The services next week villi be held
a p in and at night commencing at 7l
The ladles of tho Ioitnlchtli club Inaiigu
rated j work SsHturdaj that should nenr
be stopped until Itrcnhjin s school j arils
are all shaded with beautiful gloves of
glowing trees Major Wllklns at their
solicitation tinned them niei the onlltc
strert fon e Siturdav to help lu thevxoik
of setting out shade tiees tnei the giounds
of the public sthools of the time wards ot
theeltj Countv CleikO A Seward ton
tilbutcd the decs from his Drains bottom
Mr John It Halston minager of the
roind bale plant here since Its establish
ment In leW his tendered his rcslgnatlph
w hlch has been nc < e > led
Ihe cotton mill soliciting committee will
meet at Major T H Holts otTlie Tiiesdav
to make a dual rojioit on their canvass
and It Is to bohopod that b that time
they will be so near the end of their labors
that the work of organising and starting
the vvoik will lie Inaugurated and pushed
to completion so as to be unit to start up
b fall
A great mniir of the farmers of this
county have commenced planting totlon It
seeinR lather eaily for tills ciop but If 1
Btnnd can be secured and the crop pushed
the early crop Is generally the best as the
summer drouth will not catih It lu lime to
cut off Iik carlv fruitage
The Chuppell IM11 Ileumerj has been
on lllo 011 fhe noon train and passed back
on tht evening tialn en route to llaliesioi
Inspected Property and Conerred with
Mr Monserrate
Ran Antonio Texan March 8 President
R II llsrrliiwu of the Southern Pacific
arrived In the eltr nt 2 15 this morning
from Houston and put In th dux Inspecting
the coinpanj s property and visiting differ
ent rdsces of Interest In and alont the
cllr ijo held a conference with tjeneral
Manager Monserrate of tho Sin Antotil and
Aransas Pass it noon iml thenvlslled the
hot wells
It was the original Intention of MP Har
rliajn to leaTe for Atexleo tonight but his
departure ha l fn defeir < until Mondsy
lie w tsowftivnat Indlxpoied durlPg < h
day e4 retted irly
rtep6rts received yesterday by becretary
Lane of Munngci nn Vlecks orTko from
the jcene of tho Southern Pncltle wreck
vcar itaunn Sjirlugs odiioen ttint all of thu
IKions Injured villi rccftict The four pel
sons reporte In the first advices as miss
ing hme not Wu located and their twines
go Into the death list Iliej are Ustavon
onlreras of Del lllo Texas Mi and vtrn
Vhlle of Manitowoc Wlx A Iloonse
nous agent or Dovllne I a
Dr fin net icports that nome of the In
jured were taken to the tmsplnl and other
were placed it hotels where Ihey nro be
ing properlj looked ifter Hie lepialns of
Rnglneer Must and nrcinni llertseh vvcro
forwarded to their families it HI Paso Ite
mains of paMongcru killed went iuotl
consumed In the flames
t + +
The report efvComitutnr Slocknell who
was In charge ef the wrecked train and
who es iped lnjurv Is to the etteot that
everybodj on the train has been accounted
for I his sett at jest the rumors that u
large number of pai enger wore taught
In he burning C3rs and cremated
T + t
At 0 oejock yestenlav afternonn Hecretury
LanerecclTed the following from Manager
Van Vleck nho Is now at Id Jftso
Dr Turner reports injured In hospital at
hi Paso as follows
L Hoey sau Antonio htided feet
sprained back and gcjionl eentiiflons se
It Newtuan Houston Incited wound ot
forehead general contusions and nbwisloiis
L D Otcen Ios Aueeles spialned ami
contused back
A r McKenzIe Safloril Arli punctured
wounds of both feet Incised wound of
left thumb scalded left ear and abrascd
rjght knee
It E Mnsucj Wllberl
of the
a i v
i rratie execu Ive eomml tee of Histland
l rVoran n > 1 i llc
Ilr r1 I Uamssj
i Vo his returned to the lower
Grande couiiln ml I
10n ntlniitllti
Ma Itlo nib t lv There
are c
onrappolniniui jet to be made
leetino of the Convention Committee
Held at Galveston
n 1 M111 SAt
a meet
et ihc cnimiitee with will hnve In
rfe ih entriininment of the
idiTatlc eonvemlon which was held last
d H M
Knight was elected chnlrman
ths cnaveniKn lommlttco and John Mc
1by secieMrv ind ticiisurer Tho
ia for tin entofbiitimcnt
of tho con
lon were discussed In
a preliminary
od i dei eioped that nil of the coin
hmflH 0 1 rlh V1 < 0n
1 l rojall
l enteitallied Tho
2 J1 nlered the eouimlttcv
tsmnt amphlthentei vvlilih thev
siT J n adi avenue and
H1i V S I accepted
inrh i
us thel
r Mdent the league nKo of
Ine l f fs S < embers lu
fifeft lv P Mlilt to add to the
ML5 lf > of tho e who will bo
tcniwn7 11 ntloii Since
ntr ° np ItHMInp of the
I0n 3 Pted the project of
SSS t lioiarr slnictnre has been
fH I
J < J t < ll
itt In building ii perm incut structure
rtis Appears to Have Secured In
l dorsement
f mfron TcJi March SAn Incomplete
pt shows this box goes for Lanham
Bre nickett Terrell Iefevere Cur
ffrupp Tuffly
302 and 304 Main St
ladies Colonial
T ° u l > now about Colonial Slippers as
til for street l Soles and Cuban
the present land laws and in ngiement
was entered Into to support no unit tor
pupllo ottlee who did not hold slivilhr
Denton Texas Mnlih lloi I 11
Poii stated to Ihc Post imri > sNiiideit
toibi thai he niiulil be In the icpiesinti
tlve nko In a tight to the llnlsh and would
not withdraw under am clieiimst inces
Corpus Christ levns March H Wnlt r
I llnioii ountv attornev of jsiui Pitrl
olo eonn j today mmjunced hat he wmi
i iundldaliv for the legislature from this
the Xlncl fourth district
Iockhirt Texas March Minor I M
Storev has nnnounied for ie elci Hon as
mivor of the cits nl the clotllon on tho
first Tucsdu in pril
Hrenlmm Texas March S Iuln Oliis
wanl ot Mi aud Mrs John It Italston
whlln on her waj to school 1ildi moit
ing was thiown from her pony In his sh >
inj at something beside the loul and turn
Ing the saddle and sustained a btokin
aim bj tho fall It was her tight arm and
both bones weic broken nbove the wilst
Injured at hot Is ire as folows
Mrs Mil hueher 5in traiielsco nerv
ous shock
Mn Vunle Nerlheist ban Flnnclsto gn
< ral abrasions
Mrs r P Clover Itiookljn S Y neiv
011s shock
Mis V P Itassett N i ibiaslon oie
1 tad legs md feel
Mir M li Chase Alameda Cnl both
fiet abrased niui coutiied
NiUhnu Doan Viiiudu both hand cars
and uose burned
Mrs W I Itbbtle Clielopa Kail gen
eial contusion nnd abrasion
tl 13 Hansen trniellng man no home
gtneial contusions nnd neivous shock
Mrs O i IIais n general contusions
nnd nervous shock
h Puller Washington I C contislnn
nnd aluailuus of felt
Mrs K J Fuller Washington D C
abrasion light foot nnd lo
Mrs C i W rtennctt home not given
lacerated i mil
Ir xy I Pales Itoerne Texas nervous
shoik eveie
V C ltaker Angleton Texas slight abia
slons nnd conlusloiis
some of the above will go to the hos
pHI Di Turner savs all will iccover and
all aie celling along Tory Xxnil today
Theie aie seieril not Included In this re
port that wvre sllghtlv hurt that Dr Tnr
he will glie us their names tomorrow morn
ing W J V
+ +
Trains passed over Ihe wreck at ll
0 clonk Krldnv afternoon and are now lim
ning oj time
V > 1
Two of the Tragedies Which Were En
KI Paso Texas Jlnnh S There arc
about as mini different stme of tho
wieek at Maxon as theio 1110 people who
escaped fiom it The wreck smvlvois ten
man Interesting stories When Ihe oruh
came Mr and Mrs M I Kiddle of Marion
Ohio were seated with un Infant child
in front of them and 11 little glil ll jenrs
old 011 the seat In the leal further bnik
in the car wis their little boj aged ll
The tlrst impulse of the mothci was to
get her ihlldren together and she htaitejl
to bring Ihc bov to where the othera weio
sitting iheii the far went over the bank
nnC the flames burst out Ax the mother
was going towjul hci In idie saw iln
girl and leaned over to lift her out Into
the aisle The gill could not move With
thu awful roar ill around her and people
rushing over eaih other to gel out Jlrg
Kiddle pulled with all her strength It
Tho baby 011 the scat In front wis for
possessions lihd In en burned In the wre k
Our luiliy was torn fiom Hit motherH
arms said Mr IIiuisoii Wo dont know
liow It happened but wo stinted to escape
with It mid when we were tint t >
gone Wo found not even a trncotif the
little thing It must Jiuvc been burned to
deallu but we bate not men o b f
gnrtiiiutN left to show Thank God tho
others nre left us iho llltle one that
jpel such nn unspeakable fale was hut 1
months old
The Mail Clerk Was Badly Hurt in the
San ninnlo Toxus Mureh W I
Adims the express messentsr who w
terrlhlr scalded In th ureek on the South
ern Pirltie at Ms on station and W Tv
i ppelrt th mall cl rk who wss badly in
Wftj tc
Company Surgeon Gives a Revised List of
the Injured Passengers
The Cause of the Derailment Is Still a Mystery but
an Investigation Is Under Way Number
of Dead Is Placed at Twelve
they are rrceivlng the best attention that
inn be glieu thorn Adams eoiulliton Is
very serious and tho outcome of hU inju
lies cut not at this time bo told
Icppnld en s hf hiHbbeon lu n nmnber of
railroad tviccks but that this u tiic worst
he ever saw lie had Just fallen asl < n
when the crash enmn and hefoie lie on i
gel out of his cur It whs on tire Ha ex
tliigiilshed the burning lieddlug and in thi
link maiiagiMl to icach the itooi amlix apr
An I Planted from niv itir hi > ii t
< iihl heii the idrttlmt of thn e u were
being roasted illvu Ii tho ai tlni r
biiririig AH Ksciir work hid 11 In aim
ll tlve minutes is the flic tprrsd nn
great tapbllt Men vvorked ni n no s
meli novel worked befoie Nome of tniai
who without elnlhlnA bnt tlei w < ik u
like heioes lit of Hmjo vvho oiiul w k
The scenes were too horrible tc he itf
scilbeil Poor Adain tho messenger vvns
lunrllil s aided and when we went t
move hlin lie begged ii < to let him lie and
die whoie he was Hie engineer Mist
and the fironinn HertsCh were burned i
n erlsp lheo was midline left of n
lattei but the tiniik of his bodt
Iho embankment nt the enne where th
wieek occurred was four feet high an I
sttuck the curve at a high late of spc i
The entire train except the leni ear n i
down Into the ditch and was burned
Employes Are to Be Thoroughly Crrs
San Antonio Texas March sp u
of the wieck at Mason station 1
Southern PnelBc Vce President J11 11s
IKruttschnltt speaking for lreiliient 1111
tlnian said Wo have given ih > r
oierithlng we have received coiininiu 1 ui
accident The place wheio It ot nn 1
a nine degree curve It the ttnln wu b
lalled from high speed It would hive in 1
nl ou the outside rail An nmi 1
shows the deiallmclit to hnve been 1 t
lnsldo rail The plnlo vvheie tl < l
ment oceuued was rocontlv laid vn
eight pound rails Tho track Is n w 1
tied It Is lock ballasted and eventim s
eouppert with steel plate Ihe r 11 1
pel toil Mr T P It on vice Ki < 1 1
the Dint and Peie Mniiitiette rntlnni ir
was In his private ear on > ue ti iin 1
Mr llarrlmau sijlp mi u lm
that Iho euglneer Is not to Mhwk I i 1 v
that in Investigation will show tint 11111
of the engine broke I hasp on 1 pinion
a per onal examination of the lies out1 I
the mil on the side H10 tialn nejit off
iverv eniplovo on the tralp coniinn d
Mr Ivruttsehult who can threw mi
light on Ihc iienldent wll be iiimei
oio < s iinesiioned
Claim Agents Have Been Busy at
El Paso
Kl Piso lextis Mnuih h tliliman 11
diotor C I Meigs teflfrjH oliw Ing t
aiiTI theio ate a miuibey who ion i > 1 1
IiIh stuleinents t wiirifHVvhke w hi 1
accident ciciirred ii vjec yiimiiug 1
hl li late ot l < < Vlurr tidjonr iln
heard the iisji rjntteiApX to tuipi
< n
ale biqkcK bulili9 rifij > il in i
liloduclng dcuth Tho n mains were b
lould tell ly th wnv he vii thiiudiiu 1 1
slenm and snnillng the tiacitliiit lu >
doing his uliuost to slop the train V 1
minute afterward th cnglim left <
Tun lalm ngonl nt tho rnllioail toii n
hnve put lu n bus dnj settilng wild tin
Injiiied nnd iipwurds of f iiihm h 1
given to elaliuunts One eonplo vTa > Inn
three ehlldieii killed settled with the 1 ill
10ul conipany foe fikMiii
The Death of J A Pry
Iullng Texas Mruh S Mr J Prv
of billing was killed veslvulay 1111 ruing
Mr Del Itlo In falling from lil > hand n
lier his not the names of as thej vverc wili passed tvel his liuiiil and slnuld >
taken to othei doitors this morning as Dr
Turned could not get to all of them but
1 < xi
here Inst night 11ml tins hurled lu iln
city cemcti rv this morning in Hie Wood
men ot the Woilil of whbh lodge dcei 1 I
was a member
Firemen Will Hold Their Annual Picnic
Again This Year
Niivasota Texas Mnnh 8 A represent 1
tlie tiowd of lliemiu asseniblid lust night
at the truck house to tako up the mater
of the nnuiial picnic wtilth with the ex
cptlou of last j pat Iiim been a souic of
much pleasure to Nnvusntlans and people
generally for miles around
Assistant Chief Wind Icinplciniiii culled
the nutting to ouitr and stated tin uh
Jects for which It was tailed aud J II
Ireeman was chosen uccrctarj The pie
nlc pioject won Jhsl thorotiglil discussed
with lots of pios and few 01 no tuns
then It was unaiiliuousl voted Unit the an
mini event should not onl bo given nut
that Xuvnsotu tills jour had lou to cole
oiatc toi and this event would be iho
blight slat In a gulaxj of pioiloiu sic
tissful uutlertnkliiis
A tomnittuu on ilnnnve vxiih appointed
and Instriutfd to ill once begin a h
tematlc uiuvass aud hustle fin
Ihe neies
wiry funds or rathci pbdgOh of tho same
Another committee was dlieutcd to cnie
Mas 11 fruitless effort tor In the tlrsl crush > onslder the various phites hiillnbbV
Ihe legs of the llttli girl had been caught i1 nltnliiablc i lose uruiiud where sinh
uelween two scat
s libit she wasfast Tho
mothti lelt when the heat drove her awuy
Theie In the flames tin lltle girl perished
big pubic picnic and luibecuoVotihThe
handled satibfiittuill
The suggestion that the lire department
in went up
fund A committee was ippoliTted toiimke
lunnlry about pilces nt omv
Tho jneetlug then adjourned to ment
again on the night of Murth 21 at whlih
time It Ik expetted that all eoninillttic
will be road to report nnd the picnic
rornaid be pushed with 11 enceiice
Klectrltlaii lliduar of tho loiiil telephone
coinpnuv totlnv Hgged out the cleiiile
nre goug Just under the eaves or the awn
ng around the Citizens National I ink
ulldlng onl a few feet fyom
hell si 111 Ion and full protect I
weather It was lestrd from 1
and found to work iduilrttblj Thus wlii
hp telophones bell riHlcred oJl townind
thlh NaViisoln hs at e lei lin
alarm srstom as can be found In li er
ete where hundreds of dollars 01
p nd d on their spptirnlu
The Caldwell Count Killing
Lotkhart Ttxat March On the ulcht
jnlted bit beta brought to this lty wtv r of ll rch 8 a puty ef dlsxuUed mia went
s rf > s
00 Doctors and 2000 Hospitals
After Yan of scientific reiearch and
thoroufh tests
over 7000
doctort nd i 00 I
hospital use and Indorse for all diseases of the throat and lun 4nd prtttrifc
tc iVdy
as a tonic and stimulant when the system is weak and run down from dweaw or overworkJ
After Operation
Infants line Shoes
Moloney Bros anil t K Newconte Rochester nuke fC
7Sc values sies 1 to 0 pair Cvw
Childrens Fine Shoes
slim four times and luiiii ho mai wire
ihe parties rtilna the ini thal the vl
tlir > > tlnthes were s t od tire and bnriied
iff of hl louif The coroners venllct was
death bv sbooilng it tbt bauds of un
kiionp parties
Fnlls County Sunday Leapu
Marlln Texas Mir h P The Sunday
League of Kails county hai elected officers
as follows far tbt aosulnc year Hon 3
Myelt tad family nerer knew th t Iu9 of Daffys U t VTOIs
key tint I recently when my wlf w strlckn with appondlcltl anl
operated on successfully by Prof Gray 0 Christ Hospital Jwscy
ntv immediately attor the operation Tomltln sdt in apd for thre
J flwann president J T Owen Keagan
first rice provident D II Itoles Kvaga 1
second vice presldrat W II Jones Mnr
lln thlnl vbe picsldent Key W D Hoi
Undeiwood W
gomeny and C
11 Jaiies Itev
T Currv
J A Mont
Dust Is Very Bad at Hillstioro
lllllbore Texas March 8 th dust
question gives inrrchijnts and tdtlitns crt
announce The oil Is unable to pro
vide either water or sprlnVIti and be
ftnercbinti hare taken the matter in fctad
A HiibacrlpUon for thai BBjxbii < opws
V stol
stomch Very truly yours
8109 Dth Ate Plttsburj Pa nr Irt 1001
Cured Consumption
My aiparlnce with Duffys Pure Malt WhtskM has hen yery
satisfactory In consumption and all
of the oystain r <
nutrlng a stimulant no bettor artlclo tan be employed I have
patent now who was taking another whisker and whle dolnrr >
eontlniiert to sink I changed the stltnui n to rinffy5 Pnrs llalt
Whiskey and at once a change for th lietter tflok pbee
JGxV H HOOKS M 1 jnl PfaTATfnne
IHnghamton N V Sept 21 jpot
Retained by CVeak Stomach
W hare used Duffys Pnre Malt Whlsley and ro now nslng It
at this hospital We consider It an < rxriilcnt prnpamtloo U ra with
Ice It will star on an Irritable slonmh It is the hirai stimulant
for the InTalld where 0110 of this chaiaeter Is tailed for
rUANTlS M riAltlllMlTiiN Surgeonln Chief
JOHN W OOIIMAN Resident PhvTclaii
Paw tucket It 1 April 11 1Xll
103 Years Old
Duffr Malt Whiskey Co Hcehester S T Jjn 1 1002
Oentlemen It gives mo grent pleasure to write you on the birth
of the new year to thank yo for the benefit your whiskey has done
Die 1 am 103 years old can fte hear and sleep perfectly I shave
take long walks every day I have used whiskey as a medlclnn
since I was 21 yearn old ind using whiskey M votir 1 have learned
to appreciate a good healthful stimulant like ynurj I bava used It
constantly for ysais and can find nothing to tfike Its plate nelthur
food 1101 drink It tones inv system atlmnlates my blood as well m
keeping me proof from coughs and colds I hope with Cods wU
and the aid of vour whlske to sea much mow of this wonderful en
turv Yours very respectfully
JOsinnidlUTII < tl Past SSd Street Nmv York City
nrrri prnr mmt whiskky is th true eiutr ot nre Thn
Is no other tontc and stimulant that will prolong life and keep ill
system free from disease like Dt l IVh PI JtK MAI I WHISKCY
Pvery old man and woman should take DPIK S Pritl MAT13
WHISKHY regulirlT three times a day in eltbur milk or water rh y
will ne d no other medlrln
CT HKK Consumption General Debility la Grippe Colds Iirou
chltls Mnlarla Low Fever llvspepsla D ptrr loo and Weakness flow
whilever causes
It builds up nnd nourishes th body It Invigorates the hralu
tones op the heart Jiud prolongs life
x leading New York doctor said puffys Pnro Malt Wblskoy ls
a form of food aheadr Jlgested
< MTtOV Our nations are cautioned ngnlnst so called Duffsi
Malt Whlkev offeied for sale lu bulk or lu Hunks and packigts otter
Han our patent bottle IluuVr Pure Mall Whisker Is sold lu sCnUd
bottles onl > llffeieit In nnv other form II Is not genuine
I hi n ls luitm Just as good as Duffi s Ihe dealer who says so
Is thinking of his ptollts on v Ask for Duffys tnslst on gettlug It
took for tho trade mark on tho bottle It Is the ofrlr whlk y in
ognlrcil by Uie government as a medicine
1 llli Two ot our pntent game counters for whist euthie etc
1hev 1110 unburn and useful Inclose 1 cents In stamps to einr
rilUI ARVIl i If you aie sick mil inn d wn write our duct t
for fnf advice It will you nothing ii > lenrn how to ngaln
tieattti stivngth nnd vitality Medbal luiiklt ennl lining symptoms
treatment and testimonials sent fiec n torre Mmtcnec Is strlitr
cniiflilentlnl and no ritttuionlaht an used without iniI slou All
Irugglstii and grocefa or direct 1 1 bottle DI IT JIAIl WHIM
KnY CO nocheatcr X Y
Mm Si
Just to stir things up A lot of Durable Footwear at extra low prices
For Monday mA This Week
Mobne > Iu s make 100 and 125 values
Little Gents School Shoes
Vlci neat and durable school shoes 125 values
now pair
Mens Vici Shoes
Sold usually at 200 this week
MailOrtLfi will receive
test attcrttun txpress
paid nn t jt cir over
MumjurTarmsisii iif iifi
10 the residence of Nattiau 11rd uu axed
tolond luan lesbliug ucur Pralrli nnd
aplliitur his voiiug son who bad neon
charged with sonic Insolence 11 ml inlscon
n Shoe Store Mai s
ttou of u sprinkler Una been raised Vraer
will be procured from the Kit mill
sprinkler will be started < > tfh
will be run at night i this < ft
iho 1 l l lm to a tretr tind whliipcd him tovvay sdretni IJort Price nsslstant see to bo tho best way to > fn the dust
rd f m the 1r seierrli The old man isUted Uierctary T J Ilcrron tleasurer Kxenitiv
hf oxhniBt leniand of the mol ivlth a pistol and was rommlttee ttou It H Kice Hex I L
iiiinntf I Sale lit Qalvefstcn
tittlvpstoti Teyas March 8 T
at the Oatvestrin ell a chine
xnglo Amrrhian ttOtJu hrs
Ilecky f5harp lOSO ah rt at c
Bfckr Shurp lW abaws at Je T
riireitii 300 jhij at e3 v
Manhattan fO iter t 4V
Batty JK40 ih M at 10U <
< n i
1 aj

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