1 in 11 l J i Nc > < n I 8 M V i i it > B i < tt l ttasil = rt t J5VnhtVTS35 V + xyAa + UwtlWPlO Jto itJttJiaE iAV V > M 4 i tc Old corn lu erlbs Is a little scarce sw ttyrrtiTgHtfywty < t rents and 1 per bushel lias been the pre vailing price for corn during the winter IlollvlllcFarmers are progressing ueely with their planting Most of the land Is ready fur plautiug There has nut been sufficient rain but tbn farmers began plow ing early and but few have complained of urd ground Tho corn acreage will be at least onethird larger than last year Moiit of the corn Is planted and abiilt one hilf tbe eiop is up or Just toinlng up iood Stands arc tin rule There is but little old euiu In cribs and warehouses our fanners th uuh hivo enough as a rule to Inst until they enn crow sometblug to food ot The price of corn has rnngcu irtmt 75 to HO cents during the winter Kenney The farmers have their spring Wfrk Well In baud aud most all have their trio wing done aud the majority have their corn planted s nu leport corn coming up nicely Tbe outs crop Is ery light us tbe prlee of seed was too high for tnem to be able to peiebaso seed An Increase in the nereage of corn by 15 per rent will lie pliuited and about thp same acreage of cotton will be planted 1 litis year as last Some boll weeill are reported on ground ready for business The rain wiik lu very good time but tho severe winds wero or all unusual character and wero claimed to be record breakers by the old settlers Tbe supply of feed Is scarce and corn Is now Hcllluz at 1 per bushel sold for To cuius last fall 1IANDI5UV COUNTY Handorn The condition of this county up to Hie present writing Is dlstresslug It k very dry no ralu to do any good The farmers have riot plowed onefourth of tho ground aud comparatively no corn planlml If It rains lu time there will be at least per cent mora eeni planted this year than lost There Is no wheat planted ow injf to the drouth and verv little spring mi is has beeu put In for the same cinnfc Vnless It rains In n few days tho people lu this county will suffer ASTUO > COUNTY Smltbvlll Iaiiiiers aro up with their work lu this section Nearly nil coin Is planted but vury little of It will come up until tt rains There will be more laud put In corh this year than last Of last veins crop there Is now very little on band but enough to make the present crop on Oats are up aud looking well considering the dry Weather Fanners aud merchants alike are nuonsy about the boll weevil but are better prepared to fight lUem than last year KIgln Farmers aro generally wall up with their plowing but the outlook Is gloomy on account of tbe prolonged drouth However there has been sufficient moist mi In most plaios to iiermlt of plowing mid considerable earn lias been planted most of which will couio up on account of tin shower that fell The acreage being planted In eoru Is probably 5 per cent greater than lust year There Is absolute no corn In the country except as It Is being shipped lu The prevailing pilce has beep Nic io Wo per bushel No wheat crop ni nil A small acreage lu oats but not much Increase over last year lnlge Com land and possibly twothirds of tbe cotton land broken About one half the corn crop tor tills year planted lint verv little will come up until It rains very little old coin cm baud prevailing price during winter and spring 05 to Ml eeati per bushel Merchants not ordcrillng any corn to Hiipply farmers Linger in rouge In eoru thht year ban last Owing to extreme dry weather and high price of seed cry llrtle oats being suvn Taking the ubotu fuefs Into consideration together with Ibo high price f fen tie seed riO per bushel the outlook for a feed erop Is tery bad at this line KB COUNTY Skldnore Corn is generally up with good ftautl and reinlv for the Cultivation Meins hne been nlaiit < d ami are coming tip Farmers aie busy planting cotton Ilenty of moisture In ground though high winds are unfavorable gloooiy Corn Is now tu tho ralu does not come soon the i com Is not promising all he pantcd b tho ISfh The increas p r xSt tt ivs FARMERS ARE PROGRESSING Are Well Under Way With Their Plowing and Corn Planting in South and Central Texas An Increased Acreage Being Planted to Corn Well but the Recent Rain Benefited the Crop Wheat Not Doing Oats Expected to Do Well Truck Farming Receiving Much Attention Report from every secllon of tbe State show th atthe farmers are nearly through wtb the breaking of land This U es pecially true of tlio Central nnd Southern portions nftlic State though In the North Northeast ana West there 1ih been delay the ground being too drv for the work The very lack of rnln has aided the farrows tn most sections as the plowing has not been interfered with The recent rain was a gr it thing but It is to lie observed that ranv correspondents specifically state that enough has not vet fallen to Insure crop nmt Boik waer tvhc ofir direct atten tun to ho fact that tin high wind have iliac tnmli of the moisture from tha gr u id in u short time rendering condition nuvrt as bad as they were befuro tho rain > > iiKlitioli however U not general oyer ho s ite i rn planting Is progressing In severnl Bfenljcjii It U stated that all or most of the nm crop lias been nut Into the ground nnniMberc t to be an Increased ucreugn In obi mere Is no doubt though thin Increase wtH not be olarge as expected There was only about half a crop made last year In nernial yearn Texas raise about ltiOCittoyon hitUi cla dlshtly lee rather than more and tbe scarcity of the home product baa cans ed a large amount to bo Imported while tho pr ceha ranged from 85 cents to 113 tier bujihfl a hlgb pricp for corn In Texas The reeent rain demonstrated the fact that many farmer ware holding their prop lte Jiaro within the past few days been printed In The Post from various points that tru hud been tnUen from the erlb atjfl marketed at soon us the ralu bad ghen nSBfrapw that there wan u good prospect for itcrop this year This has caused n drop ill the price wherever It has been done but the Jaet that corn la still commanding a big figure generally has evidently stirred the fatnicra Into planting enough Wheat baa n t beau doing well according to tho correspondent The drouth was too tnnrh for It ana It was lu a bad way when the rain came Some of the reporters be lieve that tho rain Una done much good while Outers am Inelllted to think that this benefit Is onfy tirninorary awl or smalt uvail uplewj tberu Is utoro rain aoop r < a t year there wo aiuo l a total fullure of the Wheat erop only about jr > per vent of a o > belnt haventwl Tbr etaet aeroasje a eojnpnred with that of lawl year an not bo riuflnlt elv determined and would ba of ioriipalatlvrlv litlln value Inasuiueb as tho mrehse idnnted last year wua larue and tho ytpld small and seattered that U annin eommunltlei made it ood evop while others only a fow lnllew away had practically twth lni jri abnw for the work done Ouo Y ry oneouraclnc ffuture l the faot that no pHtn have so far been reported The grtvif bus contributed largely to last years failure and its wmappiarance Is a creaurollnf to Uie wheat friruieix Oftta ale oiuectell to do well now that thorn baa been a Kood rain Jhero Is no way at Retting at the aereago hh the erop Is not etiltlvuted for sale but generally fur use at home or hi ths neighborhood Tho State does not raise what 11 consumes and fanvwrs nut In small patehes at n title Sowing Is now under way it Is noticeable that many of the oor rgjponduiitjj t t to thU eonalaerable atten tion Is befug paid to tnftk fa rail lit Tha roiumtiH of tho dally press of tho Sinto well aH of the country weeklies hnvo iiKii ehronifllng all winter tho organisation of truck grower assoclttiloiiH and there Is hardly a community In the south or east that baa not an assoeialntn devoted to tho cultivation of vegetables melons and fruit Th > se crja pot Included In tho report be low for < he vcanoti that the tlmo has not fully arrived when their condition can be Intelligently told of Itut tho plans msdo by tho associations teferred to as printed from time to tlms cuibraea a HrKe acreage In tomatoe potatoes pea beans canta loupes watermelons and other tilings of that kind + + ANUQU ON COOXTV 1lkhart tnrniors aro prograsstng nicely wltt their plowing They aiu leveral davs aueud of this date last year Outlook Is vi < y promising uptodate have bad plenty riln but uoua In exreaa of what was need > ed tburr Is mote eoru being planted this i year than last aud plautiug Is well upto d grain crop should fall It will be put In cotton but If same conditions bold as ox 1st now we may raise a good small grain wop Iendlclonvllle Fanners through plow ing and ncnrlv done planting corn Tho small rain yesterday evening Insures tueiu u good stand There will be onethird morn eoru planted this vear Old corn Is scarce not more than IOjO bushels for sale and a demand for It at home at S5 cents per bushel Whcnt doing well no pests ncieagc about same as lust year Fall oats bad stand spring oats most all up to a good stand acreage some greater this year Salailo A lino rain has put heart Into the farmers again and farm work will go on with n vim as soon as It dries off a lit tle The greater part of the corn Is plant ed tho acreage Is about ir per cent more than Inst year Oats about the same while there Is a large Increase lu the wheat crop Whero wheat has not been iiverpastured It looks very well No com plaint here of Insects The prospect now Is for it less ncroago 111 cotton than last year Fanners tiro well up with their work KOSQUI3 COUNTY Morgan Tho farmers In this section are well up with their plowing and arc half through plautiug corn The acreage will be about samo ns last year Tbe amount of old corn In tho crlbr Is comparatively email and Northern corn Is being shipped In and sold at W cons The acieagc sown In wheat Is fully lfi per cent Increase over last season but the condition Is very poor and If the ralu bud waited two weeks longer would have been an entire failure but with good seasons from now on mav make half u crop The acreage In oats lias been doubled oxer last year and the line season In the ground will glvo that grain a tlue start Meridian Most all corn laud has been biolten nud most of the corn crop planted but ground In bail condition as there has been no rain until March 11 and the plow ed land Is very eloddy It Is estimated that more land Is to be put lu corn this year than last by Si per cent lu many places the wheat died out and much of this land will bo divided between cotton and com There Is barely enough old corn In the county to make n crop on In fact much corn bus been shipped In that sold at from i > i to 1 per bushel Oats hiive been Planted to some extent but It has been too dry to germinate the grain and the out come Is yet to be determined No pests have appeared this year Kopperl The farmers are well up with their plowing Corn about half plant Tbe crop of corn nud cotton will be divided about as last crop There Is great scarcity of old coin here Tbcto have been three ears of corn shipped In to supply this short age The price ranged from 7 i to W cents per bushel Tho wheat crop and oats look badlv 1JOW115 COUNTV Tcsnrknua Up to date plowing has been bumpered throughout this section onethird below the mark of last season Ibo cause being due to drouth and high winds tun nereuge used In corn this season Is about at par with last year but planting Is much more In arrears Corn has marketed lo cally at 0V per bushels Hie year around There has been no exporting There Is m < old com now on hand among the fanners Tho wheat crop s behind that of last sea son but no pests have appeared The acreage Is unchanged Oats have suffered correspondingly from dry weather lie sew llig being mailo lu amplo time but the seed refuses to sprout IlItAZOKIA COUNTY Qulntiina Nearly nil fanning land has been hiokeu up Com acreage Is about double that of last year Fanners hav about finished planting corn and the outlook K tery favorable to farmers lrctalilng price for corn during winter was Too per bushel HI cribs Nearly ll fanners have euoiiiigh coin to run them until tho now Ikevltle A Stroug dry norther stnick d l < litis Mvcttuu It has boon setirnl years iolumbla Corn nereage present > ear since tblB county experienced so manv nboiit same as last year more iittcndoii blab dry north and northwest winds It being given to cane and rlci than evoi will take several lung wet spells to replace before Farming Is very backward for this tho moisture in h < ground that these section There was but little fall and win winds bave dlsslnnUil IlKUli COUNTY lor plowing with scarcely any rain during winter months and the longprevailing higb winds have stopped spring plowing pie the lr worTllThero m AlT tH vcnl01 Un Vf n m un rnyiu Therobss l HtlnSk ff i MV S > > euen that what Is In the JnroMl inM r KlOllllll Will not COIUP lip unless winds Stop nrovneet for n i lul 1ln romos Utile or no corn for sale IVriners livo lllrB l111 ll fl < l0 i aimcis UUO i ni rleo u I > A crop Uiturbcd planted at least 5t uor cent more corn I nr 1Uiturbcd ordinary 1 X or than last year They bnve all finished Kin J undeil estie cultivation planting Uteri Is sufficient corn tn run V mute taken the place of cotton tnti crop by Mug economical Corn lias I Alvluy splendid rain foil throughout old from 15 cents to Si now selling at his section Fanners are a little back JF1 The wheat that was drlllsd In and wn < n getting Ibelr lands ready for corn pustnred Is looking much better thin broad J > account of the dry weather but since a cast sowing All the wheat thus treated good season la now lu the ground by last Is looking ery well considering the drouth nights ralu the wnfk of getting tho ground Wellborn Uaud nearly all broken of acreiiBP over last year Is about 15 par about all planted nnd coming up Tho out eoru held by ihe look was mgl lining to be serious null last Is broken it last Ground Is thoroughly wet Tijls Is a grunt relief to cattlemen ns well as farmers fin stock water was get ting extremely scarce AUSTIN COUNTY San Felipe The farmers aru busy plant ing torn this week nnd If tbe weather con J Talirjja j tJ i r t j HOTJOTON HATTY POSTr WEDNESDAY MOTINING MAROH 101002 Ion half planted acreage of both com Jiid cotton about tbe same in last yeat Mllllesu l iiiirrx are up with Hirir Work but ralu Is bnillv n eilod The tno i of tno com Is planted there Is about i per cent more planted than Hst Jenr Corn sold from IC > e to 7 e per busliH all winter bill It wont up to JOii add tllere Is very llll tic In this part or the winty1 Wry Utile oats pianlet dliutst > pm esitt ln < than ls l year what Is up tohks sorry for the want of rain but tin showers will bcttcilt them nnd bring up the corn JlUltIFSOX COUNTY lyon To present date about > per rent of farming lands have been plowed The rain over the coitnly lias been In ulTbloiii for the progress of cereal crops Tin acre age of com on uplands has been Increiise I 11 per cent over Inst year Tbe imijnilty of farmers have ilnldted pluming corn Thero nn no farmers earcel > who hate enough com lo do them some llraxo lm torn plaiteis havn a surplus from whom upland farmers ure purchasing n w n per bushel The acreage or corn in the lira tun but turn Is about the same with lust year Oat nereage largely Increased Muen attentlou being given to tmck farming Oats ftro looking well Mexican weevil In abundance but energy and push are promi nent characteristics everywhere neverthe less 11UHNUT COUNTY llerlram Crop prospects lme been very gloomy op account ot tho long and con tinned drouth but Mm drouth Is now ua pnrcntly broken by what might be calle I n general rain Fall oatsainl wheat have til out oied until few fiuncrs have a good stsed It has been so dry that grain sown this spring has not come up to n stand It Is considered too late to sow row Con shipped from the North Is the deptntlunce for feed and It Is selling for rtc per bushel It Is impossible to estimate tip niliage of com mil cotton as some linvo planted corn < n dry furrows others lnvo waited for rain which bus been full ing today Ilurnet After the rain of tho 11 th a light norther stinted up which will dry the earth quickly Home cum planted nud all tho crop will bo planted In n lew ilajs Wheat oats itnl iye will be a failure and wos or It will be plowed under and cotton planted Instead Murbic Falls A splendid rain has fallen here the first for many months Thedroith was gettlug distressing nnu even now tut lesf we have plenty of lain during the sea ion irops will be short Firmers are well up with their plowing and sonic bave plant ed com but most of thou will yet have to plant About the game acreage of o ra and cotton will bo llanied this year as last Vny little small grain will be plant ed In tbts seettou Foodstuffs of all kinds bare been very scarce and high all during the winter and there 1 practically no borne grown feed of any klud to bo bud The fiverfige price of corn has been about Sj cents CAUDWIUiU COUNTY UulInfc Tlio farmers in this section are well up with their work Their laud Is all broken up mid ready for planting About 00 per cent of the corn crop has bean rlnitcd The Increase In corn over last year wll be about lo per cent There Is ml n great deal ot old corn left In the country though many farmers bave enough to do them Then has been no oats or wheat planted In this section Com has been selling for from ve to 1 per nushel This si el Ion Is still dry and ralu will have to come before the crops can come up well Iockbart At this dale plowing Is well advanced but the outlook Is very unfavora ble on account of the drouth which In this stction Is the worst since lSJi The Increase In acreage oi corn will be abvit M per cent over last year Considerable In but progrcsb bus been made planting terv little will come up until It rains 1 he Siipplv of old corn lu store Is verv llmltet nnd the prevailing pbe throughout the winter ha been faOc per bushel now U No wheat Is raised In this county Um acreage In oats Is slightly Increased oyer last veal but tbe prospect for a crop Is verv sony on account of dry weather and much of the oat crop will be plowed up and tho land put lu coin or sorghum CAIJA1IAN COUNTY Iialrd Tbe continued drouth has proven n gtvnt setback to thU county Hut few of the fanners have brokn their land the high pi ices of com and feed stuff has al most ruined the country There was little feed made In this country last year and our banks have paid out for the enttlem n Mimpthlns over S oirOO and then some ranches have lost heavily The average lc s u the county will be about 10 per cent The farmers are planting more corn last as their was no feed curried than year over and the price of com has been H per bushel The wheat crop Is In fair con dition The drouth bus occn a groat draw 1nek thciiirh to orervtbltig There has been a gmft deal of oats already pbilitH have jud received w nud now as we bertfilial rain etrytbfng Is very encotut tug CAMP COUNTY 1ltlKburg Fanners In this section hnvo bad ecellpnt weather for plowing and much piogress has been made and the outlook Is exceedingly good Though tho 11 there lias crops arc not suffering s not been a suftlelent rainfall I ho coin acreage has been Increased some and at least onethird of tbn corn Is In the ground There Is practically tery little com In tbe cribs aud large onautltlcs buve boon shipped hero the prevailing price being from 7 cents to si cents per bushel As is alwnvs the case scarcely any wheal has been planted Oats arc UPild good stands reported almost luvniiably Willi about 1 > per coat increase In acreage All truck products uro flourishing and the out look as u whole Is very encouraging CASS COUNTY llndenThe farmers of this section are very much behind la their work up to dud No corn has been planted and there Is tery little In the cribs The prevailing pike of corn during tho winter has been about Si n bushel but lhero bus not been much sold as tt was not tnudo In this enmity There were very few farmers who had any at all t sell A heavy riilii nn to thai lime it had > ll i > n ll rtrti in the corn acreage with about 50 per ei nt I farmers huvo enough old corn on hand to of the crop now planted Home few farm Mulsh this crop No wheat planted In this f r i 1 ivp l coni f 11 J0 whUe > ier I county The oat crop Is 10 per cent larger Will bave to buy so that there be can not thau last year nnd be fall crop Is up said to bo 11 lilirnuifl Onn > I > m Jb a surplus now on band The price baj ranged from 70 cents to SI per bushel Wheat Is small but healthy but lias suffered some from drouth there have been uo pests acrengo slight Increase no Intention tn plow unier Most oats were unwed tn the fall and haw suffered con siderably from drouth Spring oats hav largely Winter sowed oata ure fine Thow been planted Acreage about samo us last sotyn lately ore up lo gnod stands and are doing well New Um Coru has been nearly all planted and up More corn planted this year than ever before nud Is scarce nud selllns at 00 cents per bushel Tho strong dry winds bave taken nearly all moisture out of the ground nnd com that la nor u nill hardly coma indeed it rain Cotton will bo planted by March 13 and acreage will ba decreased Uoll weevil are pjentt fqltihaerthe bnrt < t old rotten trees fi lyiTTbe armors nrn well up with their plowing nnd tbe outlook very favor able There bs been sufficient rnln to Jate Increased ac ogc t 2B P < r nt over previous year most of the tnfn b In the ground pome ° t tht older farm er bnldles of on necpunt of cold weather XaoW wn la cribs cr tvarshonsos Ninety year ltatn ot tho 1Kb very opportune und much needed Troy Up to tho 11th Instnnt there Imt not been enough rain for crop but on the ltth there was 11 good steady rain for about four hours which has for the pres ent given sufficient moisture to last som two weeks but little stock water Some complaint of wheat bugs but they are gen orally only In places There U aitout 10 per cent mote corn planted this than last year and planting Is tiearly through with condition of which Is not as good Oats is about 15 per cent less than last year condition same ns wheat und oil tbe crop Is sown nnd tip to a stand If the small i t Is not doing well on account of the dry weather College Station Plowing Is rcmarkabJ tvell advanced up to this date nud the coni crop has been geneially plmted aud Is coining up slowly A rainfall of 4 Inch yesterday Insures u good stand of eoru und will prepare land for early cotton planting which will bovery favorable lo a large cot ton acreage The ont erop has b en se verely Injured In tbe stand by tbe winter freed and the spring has been unfavorable for securing u stand of spring seeded oats so Unit llltl or no spilue oats luve been planted In this section Corn ban sold for as much as Kk pr hnslic from the faun during the tMst thirty days A fpw largp llrszos valley planters have portion o their surplus corn erop on band but genet ally speaking tho eoru of this section has already reached the market Thern Is a e Wh < t i ijj tt m 5 ° cw u v 0 senrat dlspoaltlou to feed alfalfa Pi < lntin C0 ni UiSnl t le < rel8 f beat Is throughout this seel Inn where alfalfa 1 about 10 cent less per than last year srown so sueerisrillly No wheal Is grown lu this region Allenfarm Farming Interests are furthrr advaucnl than rtr brfore at this time of tha year Cora mo t all up to 9 stand cot Com now than is usual at this time ot year Last years 00111 mop was a failure and many good farmers are note out of corn There aie but fev who will not have to bay some coin and none of them have any for sale Corn Is woith about 60 i ents There will be no wheat aud bin small Acreage of oats Most oats aro up and looking wellCUAMI1I111S CUAMI1I111S COUNTY fHrt lTCilf reuse of oats plan led oats nro up and looking well no pests ns yet but last year the pests destroyed the oats CfAY COUNT Henrietta Funning operations have been delated by dry weather but bounleOiH rains have now fallen nuil the present prospect Is Halt cling There will bo nn Inoreii od arrcage of corn on account or mine wheat having lo be plowed lip J Here Is verv little old corn on hand A great dotl has been shipped In front Northern markets during the winter and relnlled in mi cents lo m cents n bushel Practical u < > local product was offered for sab Too wheal nop looks rather iiootiy bit II H oxpocled tu Improve rapidly now The acreage Is perhaps some less I ban that or la l year No pests have appcansl should they appear ami again kill the wheat sorehnni and olhcr forage crops would largely take Us place The oats top about 1I10 same as last year > ery Hie of It Is up COUUMAN COUNTY Coleman Up lo this dale the farmers In this county arc well up with heir plowing a good rnln renders the outlook goon Verv little planting has been lone yet ami It Is not thought hat the com ncfraRa will be much Increased There Is not much old corn on baud The pret ailing price has been about 85 cents during tho winter Condition of wheat crop up to this time Is bad but tho rain Just fallen will be of great advantage to II tno acreage will be about the same as last vear possibly n little Increase No pests have appeared If wheat falls farniers are likely to idow under and plant land In cot ton Willi reference to oat crop substan lbilly the same statement may be made us the above report relative to the wheat crop COUMN COUNTY McKlunev Farmers wero well up with their plowing when the big fiveInch rnln of the 11th fell It was tho first good rnln for ncativ ten months and terminated tho longest and most distressing drouth this section has ever experienced Only a slight beginning has been made In corn planting The acreage will be large Plant lug will begin In earnest next week oru lit crlbi Is scarcer than for manv years Prevailing price has been all winter In tbe neighborhood of SO cents per bushel AVIicat prospect Is much Improved since rain The acreage Is not so large as last vear The posts or apis of last vpar lisvo iir reappeared The minion prevails among armors that tlieV will make good small grain crops this year Oat sowing Is done the acreage is not more than half of tho usual crop COiiUlNGSWOIlTH COUNTY WelllngtoiiA fine rain fell here on the 11th Instant thoroughly soaking the ground Farmers were going right ulonR with heir plowing before the rain The oat crop which Is perhaps 25 per cent mo e than last year Is about all sown and Is coming up Wheat Is looking well and has furnished a wonderful amount of pastur age this winter the crop Is J3 per cent in excess of last years crop There Is no pest so far heard of wn had none last year No com planted yet will be a good acreage planted this season ricnty ot old corn lu the cribs notwithstanding eoru has been In demand all tho winter ut 7 > cents per bushel at the crib on account of the building of the railroad through this country Farmers are lu flue spirits and financial condition C0101tVDO COUNTY Columbus On this date all plowing for com Is finished aud most ot < iie corn H planted Heretofore the proportion In acreage of coton aud com planted has been 100 acres of cotton to seveutytlve acres of corn This year tbe acreage Is reversed Sufficient rain has fallen to make easy plowing and to sprout the corn but more rain Is wauted now There Is n shortage ot corn lu cribs and warehouses Corn Is now selling nt from 00c to 1 per bushel and good seed corn Is worth much more No wheat Is grown in this section and very little oats arc raised Oats do wull when planted and no pests of any kind bother them Hock Island Most all ot the plowing done except for rice Corn all planted with a few exceptions acreage larger than last year which Is also the case with cot ton and oats Cotton plantlug Vas Just begun Oats looklug fine It lias been a little dry but taking It nltugtber It has been a tine spring for the farmers and they aro encouraged The prevailing price of corn was about 7 i cents It is now 1 per bushel Weimar Twothirds of the plowing Is completed and the outlook la promising Not enough vain has fallen but sufficient to Insure good stands of com Ten per cent more acreage will lip planted In com than was planted lust year and the mosl of ll has already been planted Not much old corn In the cribs or In warehouses and the prevailing avcrago price during the past winter has been 7 cents per bushel No wheat has been sown In this section There bus been a small acreage sown lu oats probably ten per cent more than last year and the condition of too crop which Is up Is good HlddeiiTlie benefit of the late rain It Inestimable o the agricultural Interests Tho their In hi more any previous year there is no corn in cribs The prices paid during the winter ranged from M to 8T cents per bushel Oats are looking very nice a good stand acreage compares with lust year Fanners report no pests perceptible ns yet The gardeus are looking well Very flattering pros pects for n big yield COMANCllU COUNTY Comanche About 00 per cent of plowing done The outlook gloomy enough no looking well mved as usual fbofe nn if Vrmlieets ou a whole are encouraging ilnce tiie spleiidld season Just bad UKNTON COUNTY LewlsvlIlP Farmcrj are well up with with ho unusually so and spWri rain which fell on 11 li favor i C I favorable outlook drn acreage l about as ost far but wn Si Py01 1H it yet Is nlanled Corn Is scarce prevailing price Is well ir to Ph cents Wheat looking cousblerng dry weather nd wll now come fait Small acieagc No l Would bo planted If destroyed lu other cn ni WITT COUNTY hoinasto Ki rmers ore hrou h rea NSak Farmers through this spcllon af a r le are well up with their plow ng andlanting corn Ualr rains have fallen ding the winter but the high wiuds of the nasi two weeks have dried the ground very rapidly and the stnnd of corn nin > be affected The corn acreage wi I great y exceed that ot last year probnb y fro u oiiptlflh to oiiethlid Hut little corn s left lu Hip country what can be had is selling nt from Hi tnWI cents per bushel Yorktown About 7o per cent of Plotting isiloue Not sufficient rain though some corn will come up Corn acreage Js about the same as last year ami 00 per cent of It Is lu tbe ground No old com here Corn has been selling during tho winter at 00 and P cents per bushel No wheat or oas In this county Corn that Is up Is looking fine though more moisture Is needed DICKUNS COUNTY blckcnsOwiiig lo I he drouth which bss prevailed slnco last September mere has been verv Httlo progress made toward an other crop The fanners have about half of their plowing done and at present there has been no corn planted but should t rain soon the acreage will be Increased o per cent over that of last year there is plenty of old corn In crib to meet the next noii Corn has sold for 1 per bushel ilunus the winter but Is now selling at Jlti There has been no wheat or oats planted In this county as there la no ma chinery here to handle same DUVAL COUNTY San Dlcgo Tbo farmers In this locality are all through plowing for a much larger acreage of corn than has ever been planted here before Corn Is also all lu and most of It up to a fair stand and if wo could get n fair rain In the iext ten ijaytjor two weeks a broad smile would adorn the faces of the fanners There Is no old corn In thlji locality and such as has beeu shipped In sells ut 5121 per bushel UASTLAND COUNTY Hanger Farmers have done all the plow ing possible to be doti without rain Not had a real good season since the flood Some of the farmer have planted some present outlook not as much wheat sowed off thp blocks but no n dene Wheat is looking ° nii Ing Most e U up ot the corn I ltlPssomFarmers r1nte4 are we t Ing but little p corti p nnu tUW ruin Corn acreage CreatS 1 ji over last year It comes bv 2 pir ceut as was sowc 1 last year o pests have appeared yet Should the wheat fnll most of the farmers would plant millet and sorghum on the same land Oats aro all sowed nnd oO per cent are up and look well The acreage will lack 2 per cent of being as much as last year caused by scarcity of seed aud dry weath UMIS COUNTY Waxnhachle Farm wnk In general Is progressing nicely In Kills county Cotton bind bus been broken but on account of the long drouth corn planting has been back ward The farmers have been holding baeg for a rain which happily camo yesterday afternoon lu great nbundance it was the first gooil nuaklug rnln that has fallen lit this county lu more than eighteen months The acreage this year will be some greater than last perhaps abuul 10 per cent Farm ers as n rule In this coitntv are short on corn the erop last year being practically a failure Kausas com Is being shipped In hre and during tho winter months the done had been very light The acreage of oats Is not s large is last Vear and the growth has been greatly retarded by the dry weather tennis Farmers In his section are gen erally well up wilh their work The aorp ugp of com will b about as last year most of which is In thp gruid Corn s ypry scarce and is soling readily at Id cents per hushel The wheat and oit rron Is about tho same as last year with it probable light Inciessp The pesK hate not appeared ns rain Tho corn acreage will more than yet and the condition of the small grain lust year About onehalf of the crop crop is very flattering The recent vain has planted No old corn lu lid couaty ibo been a great blesslne to tho country In price of corn during winter is So cents per general and farmers now report everything bushel The wheat crop Is sorry unlois favorable Tho wc hate luts of rain none will be made Acreage larger than last year No insects so far If wheat falls land will be put In cotton sorghum nud millet The ont crop all planted acreage larger than Inst your Most of crop up and looks well but will soon need rain CONCHO COUNTY Ialnt lloekTho farmers are farther ahead with their plowing this year than usual but the outlook Is tery gloomv nu account of the continued dry weather 1rppnrntlon for planting more corn than usual but tery little of It has been planted yoi About oO per cent more than last year There Is uo old corn on band Tno prevailing price has been SI per bushel during the winter Tbe wheat crop Is a complete failure there net hating been a good season In the ground slinl last spring The wheat ground will be planted lu other recent rains In this section have greatly cneouragpd I ho farmers and thev are much more liberal with thor spring purchases both In farming Imple ments and merchandise and the retailors In overv Hue are reaping thp reward for be lli tvell slicked CHAT COUNTY DublinCorn acreage about equal lo last year mosily planted Very little old corn storage price of com 8 to So cents Wheat crop was beginning to look sick bill the rain revived It an I now bits fair to be a good crop No ppsts If crop falls most r ground will h rot u cotton Jas sow lug done nereage small owing to exirner illnitry price of seed That ran im lotki t ell and with good sea sin will have tine FALLS COUNTY Htngnn Farming operations In this sec ion are well advanced crops About the same amount ot land has planted and much of It is coining 11 ii r ia Vmu been sown lu oats bis last < year as was err i iu AUl ouihi > nun nui uuu mi 1111111 until tno crops 111 tie od eoru on hand cents > > e enough rain the ground Is still dry to buy pay 1 per hilhhel cnths of the land to bo tilled U ready for planting There bus been barely enough ralu An exceptionally large amount of corn is being planted This In connection wtb ootSi sorghum etc jvlll rcucJi to or 0 per cent of land cultivated something betetffsre nnheard of the ratio being itsa nlly onefputth corn tq threefourths cot ton Nearly nil corn Is plantod very it tle ctrii r tho bands of farmers or others Price bat been from hoc to 11 ner bushel The acreage In oats has boon Increased weather Is favorable throughout this week most of this erop will be planted before next Saturday ulght A few farmers re port through plantlug but the number Is small Tbe tomato crop will be Increased fully 100 per cent over last year and many other vegetable are also being planted lit this section Tbe condition of the peneb crop is quite favontble for n large yield and fruit growers are feeling lit line spir its Husk Had a good rain bore lately out not too lunch There will he nboul iW > per cent Increase of orn planted us compared to last year about 0 per ceut Iibs already been planted and the ground Is prepared for the balance some corn Is up and looks tery well about all the corn will be planted by rnd of next wpek There Is vpry little old rout In the conn try per ppiu of the farmprs have old com piiouglt in do thpm wr cent parti nough and so per cent tvill have all to huy from Ibbf time on Corn has been selling for from fo crnts p M per bnshet ill what bete Tiero la 30 pci cant la COrtYULL COUNTY < 5atesvHloOwlng t0 continued drouth farmers arc up with the plowing and wit creviiiiI J Xtr WC UUUfled Willi M HKU < orn ls Iready halt plnnt ro sThe a will bo about 10 per cent Increase over last yeara The feel hill Is ihl J roiosll 0 with the majority as oi rl7 ot forn haB need from mi cents n amomV Ae if 1l 0 an very u all amount of last years crop on baud Wheat rL 14 ab0lt tle I Kwage si Psts have ii jpt appeared but If fbo H l Wis It will bo plotted under a fine wlihd TnJ pnp ° t artt lon B Planted aercage and morn to be DALLAS COUNTY Dallas The recent rains h Tp nut the ginuiid In spkndld condition und fanners ras neon Inn delaypd by the drouth It x rly to llsf be effects f nfl rj ot the wheat AH that was left staudii g emnt wictlcaJly eve Absut m auci Pr hushel in u The acr aiu wheat Is nu increase over last year 0 d tliP crop looks promising This4 cauntv huS never been bothered with the green bug The oat crop lias also been lnerenJnii acreage and s looking we l VAtmSnJu orally are surprised that croDs loo o S H after such a drouth tZ hwSi ami 0 WP1 hvlns J n Planted In dry ground Lottlbo farmers arc well nn wm year About W per CeP t r i7n Ll per cent above UstVrer r ett v i 5 Ists rorc1 farniPrs arc wpV tm whh i sT Ing nd awVuh i tJi J FANNIN COUNTY mo tVeJis a il VV dfouLH Very nttm Per t and tbe price has Wn tnSFkll for some time Very ltJ vt t t n this secllon Wht hiW K be doing well Few oat i W ° acreage is some larger than iJi D 1 thought Heavy ra1nrffi nf Jen r dry weather ibo farmer WfiXl H soon la Cc UAYETTH COUNTY Iu OraugeTbo farmers V with their plowing and nlsafn V season of the Uf year moi l 0 kt through or nearly h0Wh hfffl b plnnllng A good rain is needM T t tor tvbllo there is enough taStc gtotind to came the corn loElT M surface of the soil Is so drv fn1 the birds will pu lp ih7 d Ht til tho i5creag0 M BLr1 lip no doubt execed cotton in Lco r1 locl though bow much can not i Quite a number of t u L 1 tho high price of feedTtufr te of corn arc planting Northern SSL corn ns It matures murh MrlfSV cllmalo than tho native corn W lliu Carmine Farmers nVii are with their plowing In this mi1 dnn < nil their corn planted l coming up Have not bad UfflKJJ to put season In ground Tha K tho corn crop hi acreage li H cent over last year uud teStt9 com left In cribs and Is scilisl f bushel Average price since ntSri1 lu on about 7rc per bushel oSS planted nnd up and doing f rtr win raised In this section iWlirlidMi lr > api ore com aud cotton cr Klllnger The farmers here ir wltu their plowing and the outlook li yet although we have uot had mJ rain for stock there Is cno ioK the ground for seeds to come ffi crease lu Hie corn acreage nlaniJi il year Is about 25 per cent over ttoufL yea r about IK per cent of tklt lB planted ami about oO per cent oftfc tire ueieage Is up There Is very llttfi J held from last year ThoprcvUK during the winter was 75c r LWf There aro very little oats planted n uwul there are are not doing well Warrenton The very IioIMmcji stormy weather which has vtoted S country slnco the beginning of tbfrncw tvus terminated by a rain GardeniZ much benefited and very corn tilll un i up every where This rnln altbnulii groat benefit was still Insuffldent MlildoonTho farmers are well a their plowing The outlook for ami promising A good rain fell today ihw while not sufficient for all purposec W considerably About 10 or 13 per teat acreage Is planted In corn this yejf u Inst Nearly all of It Is planted tUm litis section ot Texas Is lu a bad fix no ficd no grass no water and no money Nlneteeiitweiitleihs ot tho people are poor and depend upon crops for support making 110 crop last year thev have small hope for a crop this vear Hauling water for stock and to drink from muddy tauks ln tlta pastures from which cattle bave been re moved for want of range llhltig Star A fine ralu In this part of ed but was Insufficient for any ntrposis cepf to lay the dust A good rain Is h needed here for all purposes as It It tc dry All farm work Is well adTinftJt this dnto In fact with a good nnt outlook was never better bat as It lst out rain soon It was never worse Wi com planting Is well advanced the p peets for good stnuds are very gloomyt there Is not sufficient moisture togenita the coiintiy which gives a good season and 1 the seed lu many Instances while la tte brightens prospects for tt good crop Farm even nfter sprouting the recent hlgb vb ers are about through breaking laud lien caused the corn to dry out and die ns tv of rain for the present The farmers I is probably sufficient old corn lo ItUx are planting about 20 per cent more corn I tlon to supply home demand but it this year than last about r > 0 per cent al imip for sale There was considerableti ready planted There is scarcely any corn shipped from this place to other mui In the erbs but plenty In tho wareboi sci amlng last fall which brousbt from < The prevailing price per bushel has iieen t fcoe Pr Juishel No wheat It front about Si Wheat looks well and thu 1 tlil ncctlon at 1I On account of tMVf wheat growers are In high spirljs over t10 plri nt SCpfi 01tSi vctT mtlo ati v sowed In this section and what werent the drv weather Is Injuring Mdly FOltT llUND COUNTY Missouri City Corn plantlns ll l over nnd nil the farmers except than contemplate planting rice are t vnnced with their plowing Ttejont age this season will be raotOKa JwJ mitt that of last year During the prevailing price for corn was M tJ per bushel Tbe oat crop Is imiH looks well Prospects for good cropiw never better ut this time FRANKLIN COUNT Mt Vernon Fanners have malt of progress with their plowing In tWiWJ up to date and the outlook l ftlrlfl There lias been sufficient taw rain having fallen yesterday TMIW In corn will be about the same11W There has been very Utile planted W datu on account of backwardness < ami scarcity of corn TUcro Ij iinv old corn In the couulrv at pw The prevailing prion for corn tju bushel IiMi bus lieon S cents per planted In tbits Wl been no wheat oat crop Is all In lb ground TM < Is about the same as last yf > which Is up Is looking vny treii OOUlAl COUSTY Itnrelalr Farmers have JhMK breaking lend nud much of the JJj and growing nicely 1 iicWJJi last A f tho salue ns year was In tho ground when Uf W planted and Hip stand Is cxeoIIWt Is hut little old corn lu srannrlej m tt > vailing prion has been from U i JONZAIUS COUNTY < llnrwood Farmprs are well a I There will ne l Vi In coni this more acreage very little in cribs pricehas WfoM to K ceuls now W cents to n JM lie oats planted and that ool > wi f and curly feed GRAYSON COUNTY Sherman Owing lo the JOTfi t dnrln able weather conditions < ir wa tor months farmers In irafsoa ar their with pracllpully through The only drawback to this work excessive drouth during iths The corn crop > ell Is ill the ground will I j r the mout which increased acreage over Com In cribs will easily 1 ers unt I grass comes in bM Li In warehouses The prevulllnf f i November has boon 7S cents It j lots to thp ooiisiimrr rhrh ifWjl crop is well advanced J h JrtM 1 somowbnl Increasod over nal planting and many Hraw seasons harvest To date ncr M f p has not made Its nnpp ri ms npilpp has rnusi Should the crop h some s < a failure the tesult wnid M nn the nereage being too nornio replant in olton Oat fo ln j over with nn IniTMSPil J C gicntest Increase In > county Is In tho potato M j poliDly treble or miaflrnpo P i rJ uw teason Much of the potato lined for n soeond mdnIgnt ftf PenlsonUp to rop outlook was J03Vn M t 5 round beles too div ° 2g ff uate aud ut cnon a A tht W f i hi life of the yjan 1 J5 J p itnt Monday a w l r Jus tho Kontrcn st P Wi lu tint nick of nje l el h wlndH prevailed oat u cf0P and days longer the w at cy Unvo born completely falnea calltles farmcra bad U n J of the account im on mnunil About the same1 planted to corn ths A onehalf already P V b then n few acres up ° rI I < j w or on band nd to WffRft shelled corn I being ahIpt Inj Ing P rf Xorl It west The prcval bushel Theie li i 1 per tj lu wheat nereage J0Ut t J excellent condition siiffer J V ago when It began to This tYfni pVrWJ moisture making or Ibo wheat aortwULV about all sown arrvage tw M last year There is JSf penranee of the green hue Q wf wheat and oat crops jisijajf miieb of tbe land will be > err J and late summer < v esPrA r and nl voted lo fruit hst hppn greatly Inefpased fully no per nnt Andemon Tbo isrtnen 5 rf