OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, March 19, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1902-03-19/ed-1/seq-14/

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1 4
1 1
h J
f i
own In the countyv a the crop last year
was very short Nearly all tuo farmers
will havo to buy corn with which to make
their trops There ts a perceptible move
o tnt toward fruit and truck giowlng
Sau Dtego lnUl March It prospects
x > ero ludeod gloomy but tho magulcent
r ln has completely nietemorphoscd condi
tions Farmer aro well Up with plowing
and outlooU generally now xery promising
Acreage In eorji alwut the tMnie ns last
year rt 1th crop well In giounl No gtont
amount of old com on hnnd and prevailing
prlco hag been about l > 5c fur tbo winter
Wheat not promising nud llttl < if any In
crease In ncroapc but no pests Presum
ably a largely lucioa od acreage In forage
Rhd other ciopb will follow xeatcrdays
McDade The drouth continues and some
latiil can not be prepared for planting until
It rains again but much has ulicndy been
prcpaied aud the torn crop Is nearly all
planted The probabilities are tbnt tno
stand will bn very bad unless If rains rlglit
soon Torn Is very tcarcc and Is selling at
51 per bushel The farmers nic aroused as
o the Importance of Increasing the acreage
if corn and other feed stuffs bo far an
imall grsln crops ate n failure owing to
Iho drouth but there will bo some oats
towed still
Austin The farmers of Trils county
have tlnlshed their plowing nml this Is the
first time for many years that the breaking
up of the Ground was not Interfered with
the rain The corn crop for the > cav pro
viding It Is not destroyed liv diouth will
he onethird larger than last year as the
planting for this season wns muMi gteator
During the winter corn sold for S3c nnd 03c
p r bushel when contracted for 1 the
wagon load Moic oat have been put In
this year than last but so fai tho nop
gives promise of belug light
Colmrsticll Corn plant lug being pushed
lth a vim nnd the acreage will nearly
double that of last xoni Ovvlug to last
searons short crop there is vorj little coin
In nib Most of our funnels me bujlng
inrn for which thev paj l per bushel
The mirage In oats to small loiuparcd
with that of last J car Ihe fminers At
tribute thto shortage to tho high price ot
l per bushel for seed oafs ibera Is being
inlr about 5 per cent of tho noicigo plant
ed In cotton that there was last jear A
heivy lu fell last night which was much
ncejetl to bring up coin and gaiilen seed
lljatl Tho farmers have about finished
lireparlng ground fur com planting and
sprue cotn has bion plained Coin has
been held at 1 per bushel all winter Vorv
nttle left In counfv Oat crop iiuoagc will
bo about same as last vear
Wurien Tho fanners In this section of
the eountv ale progressing with their work
V line rain which has Just fa j will en
able them to finish corn planting acreage
will ho 10 per rent larger than last jear
Old corn xery scarce aud finds reitly wile
s < M which lias been the standard price
nl winter Oats looking line acreage
about 15 per cent gieater than last year
Canton The droutb has materially Inter
fered with corn planting Nearlv all the
farmeiu were readv lo plant nnd are wait
ing for the rain the acreage Is about the
nine is it was last vear Verv few have
anv d corn on hand tho price paid for
corn ranges finm DO cents rash o Jt 25 on
time But little wheat has been planted
and ta most of that was klllel by tho
freeze In December The natg acreage Is
smaller than last year Tear of the green
hugs which totally destroy ed the crop last
vear caused this reduction Hue beard no
omplalnts ot bugs this jear what oats
were planted hive not done well owing w
the dry weather
Victoria On March H the outlook for
farming Interests lu this county Is excep
tionally good there to n splendid season in
the ground duo to the uunsuallv wet and
cold winter planting Is jun ubout over
and the next two weeks will tell thetala
as to the stand secured there was enough
rain here todaj to sprout corn nnd cotton
aud It se < med to be goneial mer tho conn
ty Th ncrensc In ore will be In the
Jielghborhccd ot 15 per cent greater than
I st year ar nearly exeij farmer will plant
a llttl TLore corn than he did l it year
Corn riougbt i to < m cents In the shuck
on the streets ot Vlctoila durln the pajt
winter thougti compirathely little wis
nffeiert ijosf farmers hiving oolv rnnttgli
to can them until grass lecjmr plentiril
Hunttivllle The farm < > r > arc well up
Tito theli plowing and all oticr work
rospeet foi all crop ire tlae up to date
The rainfall so far has been uTlclenti the
corn act case will be about 10 per cent n
create over last jear mo t all corn has
b Cn planted and U coming up to a very
cvod stand Owing to failure of corn crop
a t rent cm fanneis ua > h n buytig
vim fi their own use Ince JnnHiry 1 the
preruirn picc of torn hat been 00 to ftS
Id I uMiei The oats crop acreap >
fnlly 25 per cent most of It has been plant
cd and Is spioutltig The supply lu the
crlos Is short though cnily maturing for
ige which has becu planted In tibundnnc
Is etpected to meet the ohortago Tho time
ly rains haNO been much In the fnior of
oats the acreage of which hns been dpublsd
and they aro looking well
llerceFanners haie progressed very
well In breaking land for crops considering
the div wcntlier vto have had for some
time nbont one third of corn crop has been
planted rain to badly needed will bo in
per cent Increase In nunage over last car
about enough old com held to run until new
crop emms In No wheat plauted here and
very llttlo oats
Jmilse rinwliig to well up Hmo had
sufficient rain so fai there Is about one
third more com planted thto jear thtu last
torn Is about nil planted There to cry lit
tie corn In cribs The pionlllug price of
corn has been fiom 75c to 51 per bushel
There to no wheat sown In this section
Some oats sown i sllcht Increase oer
last year Oats look well
wnniHrn county
Mobeotle The outlook for a lino crop In
thto iwtt of the rnuhandlo Inw not been
better for jenrs There will be ji large com
unp put In this > iai Home of the farmers
ate Jiiirlv through pliintlng the land Is lit
tno condition for working theie has not
been nun h rain this winter which has been
a blessing to tho lMnhnilille I here will li
some cotton planted this spilng Not much
wheat sown last fall but what was sown
to looking line There to not much corn
it the will at this time
wifiMAMsoN rorvrv
Liberty lllll tho long drouth In this
section was completelx luoken bj u vrrv
lieusj rain mid the prospeetx ore ery gold
f < ir plentv more Tanners liao iiemly all
llntohecl lantlng com Stock to looking
fnlrlj well tonsliierlng the dr weather
mid seal el tv of feed
llutto Ilail aliout one Inch of rnln on
the evening of the 11th Instant While not
Miftlrient It will bring up torn There wld
be an luciease of 10 per tent planted In
torn olid about 5 per cent Increase In oats
and rorKlttilii and n deciense nC about 15
per cent In cotton Outs ore nil up nud a
good deal of emu plauted runner are
well up with their work No wheat plnnt
id In thto section It will JfUe mote nln
than usual to make n crop on account of
the dr lonilltlon of the giouud baIng had
m > winter rains
Itotind Hock lNumera hae all corn
ground plowed and threefourths of the cot
ton ground plowed l o hud Mifflolent rtln
to bring up corn 25 tier cent more corn
planted than last jear and 25 per cent 1 < ss
email grain No old coin In ctllw for sale
about enough to do fanners until new corn
to nide to n sold fot b5e on an ncrage
during the wlnttr Tests lime not reap
peart d
Decatur The farmers hao progressed
rapidly vItb their plowing up to thto dal
This eountv was bles ed with n verj In iy
rain last night the flrst of anv Importance
since lost September The acreage of corn
will be tibout the same as last ear cv
little basing been planted mi far There
Is vcm little old corn in the cribs the
prcailing nibc has been about K e p r
bmhel The wheat rop to Tn fairly cooil
condition The acreage to lmdh so lirgc
as last enr and to date the pests hae
rlme but little dnirago 1 hi nt ciop Is
snniller than last jcuand very little > f It
Is up
AVlnnsboro The farmer ore well up with i
all their work There has been s scarcity i
of rain but a good rain has fallen Then
will be 10 per cent more < orn planted thto
year than last onlv about tUoso nthH
planted ss vet There Is none of Inst year <
corn crop In the countrv There wns no
wheat sown last fall The oat crop icrcago
to about that of Inst year light Is not a
cr Important cron The spring Is about
two weeks late There will be 0 per cent
more truck planted In this locillty this
prlng thin Inst
Mlneola farmers ire up with thcl
wmlv nome planting and some tbronsh
nhtle others ale dc tying for the season to
grt futher itlianced Oats are coming up
nicely and prospects foi a nlr crop aio
good No pests ns < ct A large ainage Is
betng planted In oats corn and truck such
as potatoes tomatoe melons nnd small
fruits lhe cotton acreage will be light
oompsred to last a ear Very little old corn
In cribs and warehouses The pre ailing
prloa throughout the winter has ranged
from SOo to 1 per bushel However tho
majority ot farmers ar hnppj and con
Graham Drouth of ten months was hro
ken by a splendid nln which fe ms to be
general In ttits eountv It continue to
shower Tanner nnd stockmen are alike
Jubllnnt mor 11 Tew firmers hae plant
ed corn and the continued drouth has tl
laved the preparation of the ground The
rain is auipl iiifncleiir nnd ii a few dms
all will be bust planting The acreage in
corn will be larger than last vear for In
msny places wheat has tiled of ilrouth anil
the ground will he plinted In com There
U no old corn In cribs for sale In the conn
ty Prlec for corn during the winter hive
wit t e lnitit n laet year and U up to a ranged from Sfio to 51 > Whrst Is tmtllr
good stand There has licen icr > llule damaged In dionth Prevailing opinion 14
< ione fcr th cottotr crop xcept that most that It will not eicesd half a crop Much
Tarruerr nsc tbelr land In good shape for of the wheat ground ulll be replanted In
r forn and cotton No eat hav Iteen sowed
wuin covvn
rroel htrc Thc farmers or thl itftQttoii
ba e completed IrenUlns nnd proparlag
tftelr land Thera tins not town aufflilenr
rain and the ground lt becoming ory dry
unlet theie Is rain o n much oi the corn
Planted will not come up inoi of the ciup
aati hcon pla t l acreage about 15 per cent
rreatcr than last at n Very llttlo old
corn 1 on hand m t farmcrt hnic been
liujIngTit 5 centfc to f perhushcl Alwut
the tame acreage In oat as last season and
the greater pau of the crop U up and doing
moderately ncll lfalfa dolne nell and
with proper ten on a huge jleld In ej
Chappcll HI lnrmer In thN section
are progressing tlncly In putting ih lr lands
In shape for planting Corn Is all planted
nil the acreage an compared to last jear Is
fully IB per cent greater old corn f vey
Circe and many farmers have been cvi
pejlcd to buy nnd paj exceeding high
rates tie prevailing pilcn during the winter
being from SO to W eentf Unln la greatly
needed liut little having fallen here during
the entire winter mu h corn Is already no
and with a gootl ralu soon and no freto
wll llhcly do well Iuch cotton ha < a
ready been planted and In two or three
eeks more will he completrd
BrOabam This section huh htttd by a
good rain which van much needed as the
dry winds had formed a crust over the
freshly plowed land nnt nredid softening
General Chaffee Has Found It Necessary
to Issue a Special Order on the Sub
ject and Call Attention to It
Washington March Ultumors of cases
of conflict of authority between tha civil
and military authorities lu the lhlllpplnoa
find substantial confirmation In an order
recently l ued by fieneral Chaffee the
division commander at Manila to the coin
maudlug ofllcTTrs of the Fifth neparate
S I0O ne orUer ln
r a folio
i 5 B o h0 exUlt idor what
tho military ma act ot lu
ohn notion In provlnres where r Ml Ko7
ernuient has been nut lnt i Ji
that thn chll government
entcrtalrw a
The fanners of Washington county haie ftrong suspicion that tho arniv i T nTan
finished planting corn and most of ft Is np instances wilfully mid f nltertor mffi
e rloi
and looking line with u fairly good unnecessarily raoines
< ho acreage has been Increased at Ictst 20
percent orer previous cars occasioned bv
tbo high pries that has prevailed for corn
and other feed stutTe There will be a
greater diversity of crops In this couuy
than ever before the faluro of the cotton
crop for three successive years bas brougat
the farmers to a realization that their only
bppe lies In diversification Truck growing
has gained a new Impetus and a very large
acreage of Irish notutoea lias been planted
leans onions and cabbage as well as torai
tops come In for a considerable acreage
Tha npnnal cotton crop of this county is
40000 bales and with favoiablo seasons
the acreajc trill bring forth at least that
much this year Tha farmers have tho and
all prepared nud some f v huvo planted
though It Is generally considered that tela
Is too early and those who liave planted
will stand a good chance of gettlug the
first planting kllkd for the recent rain will
bring It np right away The farmers ate
uneasy about the Vol weevil bnt they wer
successfully fought In some sections of tho
connly las year and will be again
Wbarton There litis been qulto an In
crease lu tbo acreage of truck farms
throughout tho conpty this season aud ship
ping of vegetables will form an Important
Hun > u tho exports this jenr Bmall rco
farms of upland rice watered by vvels
will alto be largely Increased quite n num
ber of farmers from lovva and Nebraska
liaye made contractu for farina and will en
sago In rlco culture Planting Is general
throughout the county and fruit has a tine
prospect at present
Hurtferford me fair priced of the past
treason bare stimulated the farmers to an
cwhy and extra effort The season has besn
exceptionally propitious The ground has
jiotonly been prepared oa Is usual for plaut
Iny but oss beenworked ant reworked
The protpocts for a good crop nie Battering
The scarcity of corn and Its consequent
WfbnrlcciTa cents prevailing tor the home
raised product ha proven a onnuitus to Its
4 raton and the acreage Is Increased
treserlhed dttlea
1 ° arr o tliat the v
tlon be put upon the general oriloN Un l
fii niiiippiue coninilwdon
Itierferenco cry conBtrucd embraced he which nfP non
by e military In chll a
ofj pp t
9 lLV MrVf lcae to do
rnere local dlMJderlyMua ta ouV f wlS
liijf the NUpprcMlmi ot vvhiUi the civil au
by the United States
vised armj vou are ad
also that many complaint are
fhlf K tb 1 > ruor to the eire
that soldiers are disorderly lu Uu com
mun tlea vvliere stationed that tlicv are
eJens jS Ufat ° > n WtaU
rxcnsi can be accepted for eomplaluts of
th I son if true from
any atntlon of
tI0 ho
4 paelaed proHne
The d vision commander directs that
copy < f thla letter be furnlahed nt onco tS
the commanding officer of evey VtSIoS
ft aidrltr 8 ltlrt WMW
Ilcst for loeumatlsni Kltner Jk Amendj
IVfijcrlptlon No 2S31 CHebrated on ItJ
merlt for many effectual eurmi r v
Schmidt Hoiwton Texai sol n nU
Are Especially Invited to Write to
Mrs Pinkham For Advice Regard
ing Their Health All Such Letters
Are Strictly Confidential
School days are danger days for American girls
Of ton physical rollapso follovs and it takes years to recover tho
lost vitality Sometimes it is never recovered
Perhaps she is not overearefnl about keeping hor feet dry
through carelessness hi this icspcct tho monthly siekness is usually
rendered very boverc
Then liegtu ailments which should bo removed at once or thoy
will produce constant wittering Headache faintness slight vertigo
pains in tho back and loins inogularity loss of sleep and appetite a
tendency to avoid tho society of others aro symptoms all indicating that
womans archcucniy is at hand
This need not bo so if mothers would have a thought for the physi
cal condition of their daughters and see to it that they have proper
Lyriltt E JMnkhmns Ycjctablo Compound has helped many
a young girl over this critical period With it they havo gone through
their trials with courage and safety With its proper Uhu the young
girl is wife from the peculiar dangers of school years aud piepared for
hearty womanhood
If there is anything you dont understand writo to Mrs Pinkham
at Lynn Muss Her advice is free and always helpful
mmmms mmmmmMmm m im
Inteiferes with the civII offl
In their
How Miss Wilson and Her Sister Were Cured
Dear Mrw Pinkuam Your Vegetable Compound has done myself and
6lstcr so much good that if I can possibly help some sufferer by sontling you
n testimonial for publication I feel as though I ought to do so For several
years I buffered with painful menstruation Tho pain would sometimes
begin ton to twelve hours lieforc menses appeared and sometimes not until
that length of time after and for a day or two I would be weak and exhausted
I tried many doctors and other remedies and had about given up hopes of
being any better but thought I would give T ydia 13 Pinkliams Vege
table Compound a trial
Lhavo taken feix bottles nnd am so much better lean hardly believe I
am the same person My sister is also much pleased with your medicine
TkUnbi K YVnflON Attica Ind Oct 13 1000
OwinR to the fad that cone sltf pticjl p ople
have from tune to lime que tion d the genuine
ness of the testimonial letters ve ate con Untly
publidune m hare depositedwith the National
Citv Hvnk M Lynn Mats Jsko which will
be patd to any person who will show thit the above tevtimomalt are not
centime or wer pnbhvhed before orCAinirg he wilt i r ertal pennla
rion Lydla 13 llnklinm Medicine Compan Ijnn Moss
iwa gflaw siiiii I iihiimiiwihui iiiiliMJ a aatftuai Li > ijikaitijuiuixL jiij3ar Tra
This elgnftturo Is on even box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
tbo remedy that euro coltl in on ilny
Tho New Industries Reported in the
South in a Week
Chattanooga T > m March 10 Among
tho more Important of the new Industries
reported b > the Tradcnnnn fo tho week
ended March 15 aro canning factories tt
Nuccgibcte iarrlson Tlmpnon and Iut
kln Texas an electle light nnd power
plant ut Icesbirg Va 20K gasworki
nt Alexandria Vfl i steam tientlilg com
pnnv at Ctartsvllle Tenn oil tullls tit
OrnntUlle la and Itndon Ala a box
factory nt Iledford City Tu u liunber
mill at West Point Ark a snvv mill at
Hear Ark a f2v > > 00 cottou mill nt Orlf
fin Ot a wivv mill at Ozark Ala a
SUAOOO cico otlng plant nt Tcxirkami
Ark a cotton gin at Whltnkcrs X C
a 1Wi00 development conipanj at Jen
ulngii Iu an electric power plant at
MjillMin Oa a medicine factoiy at Pitts
burg Xexns u HjnooO plant to muiijfac
tur extincts nyrups cte r at Atlanta
On n 5100000 company to proinoto timnu
factuilug enterprises nt Houston Texas
a 1000011 oil company at llciiuiiioiit Tex
as a x0tKiO oil company nt Ileamnnnt
Texas a 300HKl oil and trnusporlatlon
compan > at ltenuniout Toxas oil wills
at l aiicisvlllc nnd Oolmnbus On a tin
tx cotton Jiilll at lletitlale S I a 00
Out lottou mill at Tajlor Texas a a10O
knitting mill projected at Waco Texas
yionoo lumber mill ut Wallace X C a
liuttoii factory ut llufftilb Ark HS0OO0O
car works ut Penxnoolu lla a cold stor
age plant at ltnlelgh N Ct a cotton coni
iiicnv nt Tti > elo Miss a 30000 electric
light and povcr plant ut Kusloy Aia
eh i trie llglit plants it Moridlun Miss and
Dallas Texas u 30000 grain mill tu
Olovcrs On a floir iuh glst uilil u
Hethelrldgp Kv an Iron enjntion Ht
hattatcega u Hnmin lumber add milling
company nt Waynosville N C a 1UOOO
Bonn factor at Jackson Mis n cotton
mill at St Heorge t C a tobacco plant
at WinstonSalem X C a S40mie > Itini
btr and manufacturing conipauj at Mem
phU I > nnt o SEooOOtj lumber eonipsuj it
Horatio Arkr ii J25O00 lumber enmpany
at New IxiultTllle Ark a lurabtr com
pnny nt Scottsboro Ala a < onI mineral
and lumber companv at Scottsboro la
a lumber mill at Merrill Miss M i
pullej woiks al Chattanooga saw mills
At ISotliolrhlgo Ky and Doimxtiii Miss
xiulcty woiks at Tlttou On brick and
tile factory at Qultmnn Miss 30000
street car works projected at lllimlncbniu
Ala a roller tlourlug mill nt Stone Moun
tain On i 23000 fouudry nnd machine
shops nt rrederleksbuig Vn n S01K lco
factory nt Louisville ltv a SlV00o wharf
anil coal companv ut Key West Via a
SEOO000 cold nh plant nt Birmingham Mu
a 2 00 refrlgiivtoi factory nt Kimxvlllo
ronn n 13ooo vulvo mnnufiictuiliig com
pan nt Louisville Kv u 1V000 oil com
pany at Be turnout Texns an oil mill at
Jiukson Miss ft 523000 telephone com
pan nt New Decatur Ala n tvlephouo
sjsleni at Lynchburg va a 30000 woolen
mill at Birmingham Ala it 30000 to
bacco factory nt WinstonSalem X C
a saw mill at CoOsuda Ala a shingle mill
at New Iberia Ln a hoop factorv at
Itosedale Miss bottling works at High
Point X C 10Hki brick works nt Me
Heury Miss v eiiuulng factorj m Mux
ton X C a cotton gin and cotton seed
dellntlng plant al Now Ihettu La iti
Ilcctrlc light and power plant at New Jleia
tur Ala a tlmtrlng mill nt Shclbjvllle
lenii s Vioio ton puny to manufacture
beer ciHibts at Montgomery Ala u VAOoo
saddlery at Waxahnchle Texus n X3uooo
oil eoiupnnv al Brownvvood Texas a VSO
000 ml mill at numi X 0 u teleptiouo
svsteiu at Crartoit Va n J2fsMHK > cot
ton mill at Itocklnglinm X C > J200O11O
land nnd oil company at Lake Cltv Alk
11 pi mt for the manufacture of mill stones
at Prices Pork Vn a 10000 cotton oil
mill at Homer La a 300lK electric povv
cr plant at Petersburg Va a 3olioo lum
i > er company at Kayettovllle Alk two
extensive nicking plants at Ton Wortlv
Texas a 3OO0O coal oil gas and maiiu
fiicttirliig companv nt Miitinlngton W Va
Va and a JOO000 coal mining company
at rnlrmnnt W Vn
Dont Accept Counterfeits
For piles kln discuses sore cuts
bruises bums ami other wounds nothlnc
eouals DeWltfcc Wltqh Hatel Salve Dont
accept counterfeits None genuine except
DeWltts I havi suffered since ISttT with
piotrudlng bleeding piles ttnil until te
cenlly eouhl find no permanent relief
says J P derail of Si Paul Ark Ilual
ly 1 tried PeWltts Witch lla l fc lre
which kooa completely cured me
each consecutive
ic Per
Per word one Inscrton
Insertion ten times or
Per word four consecutive
Insertions 3C I more c
consecutive These rates arc net no agent s
Per word seven
Itucrtlons V commission
For the benefit of Post advertisers nnd read
established a branch office ads
Branch Office ero we have
ds and subscriptions may be left at any time
KTATKO communication of f < i y
lodge No Kl Aiulent Trie anil
Acccptctl Alnsoii tinlghf I J
oclock MttnlieiK of I loll mil
lodge No 1 and sojourning litetii
iiti nii > cordially Invitcil to lit
tend J V Miihsp M J It emlc
iRR TLXAS lOOfin No 1 K of V
jLCW < ftl will nect In Ha iM tl Imll or
KVi ner Slain sttcct nnd ITtlrle nve
lsy < tlilnl Hour limk I11H t
night nt S ollocl Sojoittnlng
Knights aic coitllnllv Invited to iltcnd
Ins A Palntei K of It nml S AVin S
latton 0 V 15 y Uurtuell M of r
ANSWiitS to want nils lcmalnlng In the
oftlit of The Post for the week ending
Satiiidtiy March 15 100L
Aloes Hoom oi Ulce Hotel 1171 U
toot t di 7 iou7 jij7 woi U77
11 X 15 J D 3d iK lll 4078 lliS
1101 HOI 10 0 r UHJ 1110 13 1 M
OJiiii ii 0107 40SJ j o 7 0 ms
loos Hustler 40 s KHO 4iW u 10
4010 joss no 4ir totii 11110 40ijt
till 1101 40SO l > > 410J nKJ OSb 13
11 41 ij 1014 4101 10 4000 100 tj
Ovvnei Slrehor 1010 Saeilllce 4011
4041 0400 ILM 40 1 121 I01U KUJ
307 4072 4022 407 loo Wlltl 107
4025 1148 Oil 4171 4074 4021 1121 X
402 t 4150 1020 1230
Dt lDiluMisiiN s tansv pentivrojiil nnd
cotton root pills a safe ami reliable
treatment for painful mil suppies ed
munstiuallon liicgiilurltie < and < ih tnic
tlom tilal box b > mall 30 cent < t I lanlt
rdinoiidsoii A llto Mfg OlieuiMs Ill
llioatl itieil Atlanta tJa
Till I ATI SI accordion kuire nml bo
pleating done at > n 7 Iltitler rials 2S
MISS I0AIIiit Ppecliiltv of ucililliig
tiolis cuu Mini slimmer pnvns Is leilv
In titki orders at No 7 Hutlcr rials old
plQlio 7i3 28
11 M > me roat h killer eteiminnles
touches no poison 20i lio giinranteeil
t Ieivvn A AndiiMUi i ding stoic i oi
ner Main anil 1intoti 2i
DISIMlltT piiinlMS anil ward oT sick
nes 23c bottle chloio niiphtholotim At
lenvn A Andersons 2h
ZANZIC the occult PJlinltt anil sclctilltlc
life reader Is located ot roonm kll > n
M t ou building where he can bo consull
ed on all conceivable nITalis of human
ricstlnv If rou wish to bee a palmist
uhv not see the bestv lie docs not ask
jou to have faith he proves facts lo von
Mr Paul Piesser Muz of ton vvilleis
savs 1 lnve cinsulted minv pnlml ts
and clalrvojants but will say that
inlc Is superior lo all other Satlt
fai tlon guaiaiitced oi no iharge Im ton
dnjs will lvo fun nve dollar icatling for
M 00 10 a m to fl p in 21
lALIj on this girted woman Mail nn ohn
ton colored pnlmht 2112 1ialile old
Phone 1401
IHltli KlItKNOTH IHIA Pcnnvloviil
tansj nml eottomoot cuniblncd 2 per
boi for relieving cases of suppresed
rnenoes sealed liv mill with directions
Dr White Medicine io P 0 bov
Houston Texas of
iip vorn liorsr v hiTe the latest
Unproved clipping machine Mnsclinit A
Keller Co
At I nitDtOX pleating done also Mexican
iliavvn weik sold bj Miss Auiellti West
helmer l Iixiir avenue H
DONT IOHCirr We fix up md djc suits
cleaned 1 dvefl S2 o Pamltorlnin Club
212 San laclnlo both phoneo 22
nl > h tlctccilves
banks Intvier co >
potations and others Houston Texas tf
U I IH Lit Ut lo nuv part or the city live
callous rnplon ol or best tove gasi
Hue Ion Lamp una Oil Co JO
ii X1 Kl carloirl of Quick
vital Gasoline Moves speilnl pi Ices t >
diTlns lextis Lamp aud Oil Co VI
11 Ol mu anj doubts as to vvhcie
vou ran buv join lamps ind lamp goods
if best advantage jel our prices tlicv
nic ronvlnclug lex is b nip nml Oil Co
lOM hiMl lhe Ihntonchbred lack 1J1
make the season of Is 02 at settegst
stabts 410 Itinnln sticct nt 730 for
the h ason cominendng Mnich 13 lfKli
enilng June 13 1002 luonej due time or
HOMl IOH LAOII dm lug eemltncmeui
good doctors uid nnse lufnntN adopted
onlhletitlal P 0 Ilox 271 Sau Antonio
Tcic ji
OLATH Tu LICK h tes In stock usd
wllh setting ben Waples Medlcne
htoie fill Congr 4 i venue Houston 22
LUMUh Hi IrilitssliiK phuinpoolng maul
cuilug sculp and facial treatments vapor
and 1n1tsnge baths ha I goods and tollei
nrtbles Watson A vlllinins 101 Texas
avenue tf
ALlOMO SAXITAItlVM Alcohol opium
morphine and other kindred habits treat
ed Strlitlv private with apodal fat lit
tics for lailj patients Cute guaranteed
In fioin ten to tvunlv days Coinpetout
phvstclans niiiscs etc In coustanl nt
tiudiince ltcmoveil from business eentev
and consequent temptations Additss
Aboiuo Siultaibim Ktl7 Austin sticct
Hoiistnii Texas tf
MBS WArihClalianillenl Tiitl cbtli
vojiut medium 00o Jackson stieot phone
MBS C HUSIHKi tbe midwife Is now
located at 002 Harrington strcet Tlftl
waul nt the lesldence nt P H Oraham
new phone 1147 13
MCAxirs dkiiictivi Aoixcyrur
nl h ditertlves for banks lavvjerj cor
poratlons and others Hcitston icxas tf
TIIH ONLY Keelev Institute lu the Sinto
for the cine of whlskv morphine cocalre
Hid lobaco adilhllons 1 H Keith
Belle v ne Place Dallas Texts 01
MAM Dill < CO pnvs piompt attention
to mull ordeis wholesale or retail P O
Box 707 dlj 31
WANTlD Ladlef to k novv that Whites
Head Last the klnir of headache cures
Is giiaiutiUed bv all druggists 23 and St
cents iu
Kr Illh Crescent Fountain Syringe
ifi iuvM Uuv Hjjflal price 1
ti all l lu Crescent Drug Store 310
street Houston a j <
Sf Autlca hool ot Osteopathy
xiit foVnor Oowutown offices S21322
Mafcon block
treatment ut resblento ot
fn Jcdnesdaj and Satuulay afternoons
1110 Lamar
avenue uev phono 330 tf
° in Ve J rJblnc hlskey habits curei
ten to tlfteen
5 dain no pain 01 lujurj
lo patient no
your money In
us when cured
pay umll cured deposlV °
bank to your credit P V7 r
In case of failure to crV rtfi
ANV OXi who docs not know our phon
number please makn note It Is < oo
Houston Plumbing and Mfg Co
XIUHT Message Postal Telcgrajihnibla
Co Syracuse X Y IVbniarj l
MrJ t Pnstorlza 301 Main street Hous
ton Texas Vienna reports completion or
gtcntest typewriter sale ever consunj
mated Austrian ministry of Justice
nftcr competitive tests ordeied exclusive
use of Smith Ptemler In the courts and
contracts for 1200 machines
1142 p m
Ajw > Te Mathe7 > fMn
alwaya an4 u tMr
APIiS COlOII CUKK for coWs and
hoarseness pleasant and sine 2j ccuts
Waples Meiilclnc torc Oil Congress
J U HUTCHINS Xavnsota Texts min
ufnetures a salve that will cure tetter
eczema rlngvvoim or old sores of nny
kind price 1 per box any one huvlng
oue box of this salvo not benefited
money refunded Write for testimonials
WtoillKY ami Ilccr aloou < oiner loca
tion paved stnet Addioss 1i2 this or
lil o
rull tsAliU the Cltj Maikot at Vic
toria best paying matkct lu Victoria ib
Jeit fcr selling chiugc of business Ap
plv ti oi ndilicss A G rield lctorli
KJIt SA1B Thrcestorv brick hotel fur
nished line location good business I or
piitnulitrf ntldiess tll l this office
J23 Invested with the iold btandaul Oil
company of IIous ou Texn gels UKW
shales of stock and one lot of oil land
23x73 Wiltc for prospectus M
WAXT1H To know the whereabouts of
Wm Itiown formerlj of Alvln but latalv
of Infkln Think he Is ln Houston nt
ptccnt Any Information will be aitpreei
nted bv Mis Carrie llioivn Alvin Texas
Iiiipoitni business 21
foil SAl7iAn optnillng nw mill ctpacl
tv 00110 feet per lav with fill logging
outfit Pour million feet standing pine
tlmbii Addicts 01S2 this oflicc 21
PAKTMK wanted one familial wllh ofllce
work prefened have too much business
for ouo to attend to and need help J200
1 rlf iash Addicts 0128 giving iitinliH
tut Ion io
MONH1 to lend ou fatms long tlmejasv
paj incuts original loans on time extend
ed Stimp Box 2 i Bicnhain Texa 23
HOLh WIJIJVIU Attention haidvvare
men for sale n new patent machine for
poisoning cotton It will paj to lnvr tl
gate Atldiesa 0120 this ofllce 22
WK PmlVlli to anv part of the city live
gallons Uuplon oil or be t stove gas >
line Texits Inmp nnd OU Co I
JI SI IllilM ji > V carload of Qillic
Mint Uiisollnc < tovc speclil pi Ices to
dealcis Tixnr Lamp anil Oil Co 10
roif SA LlT Tlie onlv jewelrj buslnesK in
a lown of 2000 luhabltnnts icisoti for
selling going to change buslncs Jewelrv
tblh office 2
want a contract dlioet with company ou
renewal basis The Kansai Mutual Life
of lopeka Kan will rIvc joit better
terms for the next thlrtv dajs than anv
old line coinpnnv In this State Addiesa
companj or I Hall I lgln Texas man
ngei of nguclcs 2 J
rou SMl rhe furniture and leisc of a
tltlj room brick hotel In town of 10TO
Inhibltnnts the onh t2 per day hocl
lu town cood money maker Address
OCJ this nfneo 1
I Oil SALLBather hop with or wlthouT
the best butliosR piopettv In the town
of Alvln compilslng thiee stores C F
llrenlier 20
HICL PltOPUstl li Have 700 acres land
worth I0 pei acre market price wiich
wish to put In wllh partj who can fur
nhli about I000 to develop Innd bv vvel
lirigntiou C P Stevens Libertv Texas
FOB SAIIj Oil Hi XT The Uonston
Heights woodworking plant twostorj
brick building iax4o0 feet fully
etiulpped with into hlnery side track city
water etc 0 M Carter 220 Main St
Houston tf
FOB SALBOn account of health the
Xlc Xantbos confectionery and fruit
store 103 Main street best location fine
business es abllshcd for auv Information
inquire of any of the best wholesale com
mission houses In clly tf
10O3 rjXAS Wi Large south loom with
boa id genlliineii or couple 2s
HOPMS nml bond 1102 Busk avenue 23
PLHASANT south loom house scieened
model tt conveniences with or without
boaid 413 Chartres street m
A LAUGH southeast loom with board for
two gentlemen 120 La Iliatich edrnor
Prairie 00
TItV us for gootl board and room four
boeks from Masseys college 30s Busk
BOOV with or without board 110 Austin
MClJLi furnished ro mis with hoard clo e
liil IcK phone 1317 Preston 22
i 0 018 nli0 tabe POTd so
lblted tin Maury street phone BtOO 23
FOR KrNl Itirnlshed rooms and board
for cvvnple 1VCT Travis SS
BtlAltp AND BOOMIThate family HX >
11ml a veil lie
1 s ou n rootn butn table boaixl
i20 ciil J111 Into
reB ItliM Larue seuth room opening
allry alt conveniences good table on
od close in
paved street
1701 Texns nvrnue y
Kitet s ghi i
V elH1 t > 0ar < 1 cnn
Mct < lnn
1JiiXr 188 ° 0M a < l bomU 0l Mp
W K l1pev l A fW q ° lrt oarifers lOiaM e
1 AlllSU
l M li rooms
Vi l ° S WUHTS HOTBLCorafortV
8rC Vt eJ 00a b0Ilr1 °
HoneT Wn > if
T at Tjist and
bring big results
NOTICn10 contractors K aled nronoiai
church anil stonf
building Tfer the lim
chuieh of Houston Tcxii xvIfM lj
ed by the lJ TT
building comniltcci until
oclock p m
bid ns a gunintiteo of good fallh u J
leservcd to reject any or all I id s
alve ton Texas March 15
Healed proposals
for removing wn
Galveston liny and Titiffnlfi bavon
1III > c rocelied here until 2 p rcf
II 1WU nml
then publldy opened
Infoimntlon apply to C S Blehc c
PKOPOSALS wanted for extensive r
on biicl biilltllng both brKk and
work Robert L Jon s Fifth war
will be received for tho erection
passenger depot nt Austin Texas fl
Houston and Texas Ccuttal Bullroaj
pmiv 011 or before i oclock p fl
Tiiosdiiv tho 8th day of April 11
the ofllce of and addressed tol
Miller Muniigcr Houston Texas
bids so received will be openccl
dlately thereafter itaV
Plans and specifications of sal
lug may bo seen and form of 1
an be had ut the ofllce of Olle T1
architect Blnz
and nt tho oftlce or 1 l OConnot
tect Sampson building Austin
The woik to be let In two fVl
and distinct paits as follows l
oral woik and the plumbing sjl
and electric wiring nnd each anT
bidder will be lequlred to InclaH
Ills pioposal 11 certified check rl
favor of William H Field trcnFllf
the sum of llvo per ceut 5
the total amount of his bid as lJ
damages In caso successful Mam
mules 7 to 8 veais oK IStjloHlf
also few Mddleult
high a goer
horses H F lleiy and
pree lJKl Pralrlc arc
trnl Are station
ue oeituc
31ULUS FOB SALi A holcf lot rffj
mules 13 to 10 hands hlEhitdtS
to i yours old of ROM Qtiilltr w
ly broken will sell a ArloiiorIJt
I A Bobcrtsori Tayljr Ton > ±
FOB SALB One fast pitln A
fast trolflng mare siilnbla for f
road Address 4000 < l otict
KXOL1SH Fox rcrrlersJnionf
for sale boutnllcd Midscme
i Box 4 ti Houston
FOB SALI Choice UflatJ
r bulls cowsad helitn
ton Packing Company
1 OB SALLPolntcrs ftal 4
months old just nllK 1 Wi
well grown fast Hl incWc J
staunch on point all >
bitch fine letilevciln H
broken to retrieve nil bred JkJV
pi Ice 113 for pair sIbo m m
Handler of Shootlq 0S
Miss 1
Inisoy cows for < < t
tahllshed here for igM
good but my JiMl l hjd
tlon population ahut JlUfi
flora town A WoW >
pcdlgici tnti prbc U pr fj
Shields Pivnn lejs
light housekeeping Address
ienerul llellvcrv J
WANTFl TO 111 fi
Mala1 or
centrullv located
eloso In ou Mii tirtlT
1 1 JhUJ
WAVJti Fifty yii nDSn < 3
truckers good w
work Pine Tieettuber i
Dodson Li
WAXTLD Ivvo fl ciais ttn
plv Neeio S Blstjali
Apply to
APS vs W
The i W <
LKABX Tolegnipl
the most thoro
school In Amcr
the laws of Tex
In continued sefn
ligement ilftcen
a s
coTn inefelul wwjSK ilJWE
or Au to 0V7 olICK W >
Dalian Telcgrupl
= lcn fegS i
aDd ie
men to run tie caja lj
il good hatchtrouttlts
oak Job Juet >
Husscy JffforsoqWfL
JinTo nrriVLrt
Aa deriion Tho 1
oe Architect 4
> JIS xxlli be furnished contractors J
VllVPih on oar loads of Tinlty
lulldliig sand sharp
ami white sVi
Write for prbes W S Del rv A d
office Xo 210 Main alien Hou5ton
as Sand pit Libert TciaV
to mnke bond as per specitleatloA
Tho manager icserves ths rlgli
Ject anv nnd all hltls 1
J X Miller Manager ii
A V Kellogg Unglncer M o
Olle T I irchn Architect
slgiied will receive bids uaill ii
ThiiFsdn March 20 for the ercil
completion of a Chemical and ft
Lnboratorv nt the Agricultural gl
chanlcnl College to cost abou 1
aecoidlng to plans and speiY
which may be seen In mv oflcI
tbe of lb e of Dodson Scott tj
after Mrch 2 Each bid must >
panled bj certified cheek of notfi
j7f ceut of the bid payab4
cider to he forfeited In case til
falls to sign contract and furnlti
and acceptable bond within ten fit
the bid has been accepted j
Ik reserved to reject any or alJ
to waive any Informality In an
H Whttlock President pro tcol
Station Texas
GOOD YOUJvG mare 25 must ipr
1711 Lccland between JacssoBWf iJ
I Oil HALB Two flue Jersey tdroiii
voilng cjlves cheap 812 Tev iTffcl
FOB SA LH Three tine I iUUosi n
French Percheron with tptjljttt e
icglstiatlon papers al o tbt reit tjr
ting stallion Mnmbtlno B V uttVli
pedigree and icglstrallon pjp e fc
be seen al Bisons stable by A Lttf
FOB SALF Twelve thronjiitireij to
Plyinnnth Bock hens ona toorttr IE
kins strain two Belgian4omm1M
Belgian buck one white Ufoti id
four common tines n for the HI
sld nt once Mis 1 r ta r Bi
I1AVU again some rrorc of tho Hutw
One good 1 gallon cnir JTO ostf
cj gallon < ovv H5 one nice SMi
iow 3 one nice 5 gallon Kfbtntllt
sey 1K one citra find ftftltai
200 Wcthi liner Farm < ukuii If
lived with a cai of frcshJersey nil
stelus fiom one of tint finest lrt >
Texas come earlv Ore6ry > wra =
nt Houston Hoise Miilff n4 UWji
40i Sin Jut Into stref
< > Ni rOBBLL maie help for Hie
liuggj and hatUPs AldrcJs will
offlci J
line T
Jlcai fn
i 5 01
JOU c n
I Uti
are com
roeini co
lo till M
llshctl IS
J 1 JL K
neei on
Ins the
M fror
Mai cheel
ale stre
SSle can i
rn e

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