OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, March 19, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1902-03-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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Ka big shoot
Shooters Will Be Numerous
it Kansas City
Lie to participate in it
head Thursday
to Be Held
d to
March is The Urand Amor
bird tournament which
1 llve
7 ia K n < as < H Tom March 111
tho great
Inclusive will attract
of ttlog hols that ever partld
or tbeotlng tournament
1 Kbaner manager of the
jtorlitlon under the auspices
the big ctenl will be held
today He eumc to in
jeiall8 for the Orund Amciicuii
entry IHt already number
Itr ntrr l < > 0rs nl 0 opcn
entries will 1kj to
rd r Iost
otll the tlrst i > Uot Ht llU
stated that there would bo
the shoot 7VMI
gripped lurlUK
k llt be used In the handicap
be birds are now In tbe city Tho
will meet m the Mid
C n tills eltv March
Jorta Texas March 8KruiiK
one of the ehamplon lite bird
Tens this morning forwarded his
to Hie American Uandlenp
utm The etcut occurs at Kan
the latter part of the present
lie will compete with the bolder
rJ Ids records Unite a largo do c
In < pivlil car
rtil o from Texas u
March 3
till lc e here
Was Only One Winning Favorite
u at w
card wna
Orleans Marrti 18 The
laryand Vim Hoorcbcke who won
AftBrtb race was he only winning
ClaV W < hr clllr track c ° n1
fJlude Itnn St Tain
ad furlong
Lores Labour Time iW < j
t si furlongs Rob Raker Tour
Blow King Tatlns Time 115Vi
I aS furlongs Kufnla Mnverlfk Tom
Time Jf
Bs > He Van Hoorebekc Mr Phln
m Time 1 tZfl
six furlongs Dlvoune Horseshoe
fHf Ijlr Alberta Tlnio 114 <
Boomeraok Add Hot
rj Tittic 12S
n4 a half furlongs felling Money
Uctlda Jnrldontil Time l i
mv orluans isnuis
Samelaon 11
f jo fciirtlif of a mile I
r Menu Lac King Kord NO
> Aroa Iond Herodos 102
mile and seventy yards Intrusive
iaWoai Klngsley Jessie Tatboe l ellx
ICaBtulle Imp Alhlua 107 Alglo M Hi
morny Inyntz Jtobert Morrison US
Miller Hekle Saintf 7 Homage n
mile Circus 110 lrowl Kaffir 10X
of Glleid AinlgaTl 307 Tbo lour
nl 102 Jnsle F KS
ind rne fourth unlle selling Wood
0 El Jlnran mi Snrllla > Aritor
lie Fiddler HI Afar M Free Adnds
and onefourth rnlle selling Ion Hey
l Ohor IOC U tlen llllrt lot Maple
lajstree S DclJralno > > l
Inilfht ji1ilc mllp selling Andes
B tlH LLs oah 101 otton Ilmit
ISnl WJMU san 101 Miss Conrad
frut IKmH Ml rpla Hay UIMe
BSilEtpi > l IYank JuiiCR b7
0iWl Results v
fats JHb nrfh ISScren fiir
LE JsaKgnji i > nto Mike ltlie
M pi jnc Ora Vlra Del Peg
n r5 BK iO
JhrVfjBjB 3oau Ormonde Xerra
Sot 1 x <
iiil i kiBf If fnilongd Tower of
c Mike Strnn s Time
< rtJM lards selllnglady M d
Uft HVi tnind Saebeni Tlmo
l ferMfljI Piling Polly WeJhofl
fU Wirshiil Net Timo lJl
wnMWANn rvTRins
li Bf3 of a nle lmrsej 2 jear
i iBl IlM Ko ° MJX Ne lb >
imVHI c ° rr rnuee 105 J il
i lB id Kuperba liatnnga IMr
U laV IlnP 1n1 ri Ito < > ts 107
W i Kscarola joo
mBI ntlf at n elling
rJft MJ orlar 10 J Kl v Kelly
v Hb Orion 10J Ilpg 103 Piln
J > t
t > 7 Little Hrprv 10 Antolce
indlcap Sistei leanie Wn
iM Hrage it The rrelter 107
Jf Phs ol a mile pm e Old lr
HM1 rrov ln iia Q > e I A
loncPlshth milP filing ned
Meinvi 101
Iomr Koitei 100
m > John McOnlrk m
Frank Woods
I and fast
fWiSpaldingites Are to Meet
fori March 18 It Is reported that
ns of the National league baseball
111 be held wltbln ten days
I In effect tbe announcement of
Int A 11 Soden of the Rcston club
peaks at least for the nntJSpaldlng
tbe National league controversy and
A Bottle of
J Bladder and Kidney Troubles
1 no money simply write nnd try
s Ulu iinrt Duciu at our expense
011 have auy uneasiness about the
or ine bladder If there Is n frc
deslro to urinate If there Is pain In
ig water If the urine Is foul melllng
ing or dribbllug then you sutrer from
nimittor of the Uladder Catarrh
the Widder or Knlargcd Pros
To cure nnd stay eiired tnko
irt s din ntnl PucUu made especially
Kidney uud RlmUer Troubles it
> Instant relief Stuarts < Jln and
uu Is pleisaiit to tnke and net directly
he glands of the kidneys and blnddei
tenlng the urlue giving a natural flow
i backache urea Itbcutuntlsm This
oj Is espcclnly recoinmeiidcd for old
< < avs of kidney troubles tbo kind
Refuse all other treatment and jure
r all cl c falls It has cured thousands
cases glrcn up as hopeless Scurfs
Itichu gives life xluut and
ngth to the Mniyit au > madder It Is
medy je ifcan depend on At druggists
bv expresi piiabl Jfl j > er large bottle
1 protc It iires sample bottle seul free
I prepalil by wilting Stuirt Orug ti
lanta Oa Donr hesitate to write Ulin
a request or a postal curd will dij an
ate determined tn let people Ilintvthar
aatta GId and Ruchu it 111 cure We
ye set aside WOoo bottw for Krce dlt
oUon t o write at onte SoldIn Houa
1 by KUsllns K > 2 Msln strffct
Hrcrj Indication points to the
frt thxt
XtJIV e lon W
Dot0 mngn t > Intimatedthat th I
court w no 1 >
Acting Manager Kegel his signed Jseu
tlmo ihiST nrookl n > teb Sd li i
to ad U rdh
rd s
Pniladephian Requests the Magnates to
Play Ball
yly Marrh Recording to
olonel John 1 Itogcr the report tha >
re tra a specific date set for tbe meet
ins of the National
ieajup magnates t
confer upon a pence basis It ab < luteir
The pieMlon laid the colonel todar
nurrowH donn to the nutter of a decNtou
by the court In the recent demurrer case
> toulii tho court decide to sudnln the de
niurrer then A J Spalding would be Ibo
picsldent of the NHtlouat lengui and Mould
act as iikIi On tlie ulier bind iuAn <
the deiKurrer be merruV d a meeting nouil
a X l bo l loU fo1 tll election or t
meililcnt sultablo to all hands couccind
there s bow ever tiit a slight ihnmv Unit
ii decision will be reached In a hott pace
of time and while the National Icigue
mcgiintes would like to have i doMon km
ileitil they an not afford to unit for tLn
court to decide and will therefore un
doubtedly call a mcellug to suit the ion
xenleiice r the eight National league clillm
ninl perfect n schedule for the coming sea
Hio nuc llon of tnesldetit villi nut nf
course elder Into this meeting but will
lie lelt open until such time as tbe New
Milk courts may ce fit to decide TliiS
miration of a conference so far as a peace
basis is concerned Is all bodi as both fnc
tliiis of the National league me dcieinilnel
to light the Nsue an to the presidency to
the bitter end
hero cms continued the colonel a
iles iv on the part of the New York club
Individually to tnke aihiiiitngc of eiery
leclinleiiity to postpone not only the icn
derlng of tho decision but to tnke ailrail
lage < > f th time limit silb eribcd b law
In the tiling of nrtlcles should the demurrer
be oyennlcl Thl of course would com
pel the Slialdlng faction to await the pleis
lire of the New ork iourt ns tho at
torneVH for tin llecdmnn Hrusli eimipnii
distinctly staled that they would linlst
upon the rigid letier of the Inw lsdng oni
piled with wbhh iiieuus that In the oent
of the demurrer being overruled the nrgu
ment of Hie cn e upon Its merits nouhl
have to take ls place upon the list aim
would not properlr be reached for at least
thro or four weeks
It can therefore be seen that the ouly
possible way left for the National league
magnate Is to hold t meeting adopt a
schedule and start the season The ojipr
Hon of president would men be left on i
and when the decision of the cotit M ren
dieI mother neetln can > > called an i
the president elected by ballot In the legfil
Given by the Brays Bayou Gun Ciub on
Sunday Afternoon
At tbe shoot held at Rrnya Rayon dun
Club park Sunday afternoon the follow
ing scores were made
II 11 Hrown
S Itamln
J < Lock
Mocfcr Long
It A Rond
John Iroetor
Henry Tuffly
1 Ktihlinnu
Wllllnm Puis
W II Mnilln
Birds Killed
fii rh
S1 Ml
J 44
Ml fiJ
W 11
00 21
v io
a 17
1D 1
Tho folowlng scores were made In the
double six doubles to each event
RlriN Killed
Ii Moesei 12 li
S Itnrull 12 10
W H Martin 12
Henry TnOlj 2 1
Ihcic was 1 lsrge attendance and after
the shoot refreshments were sorted At
night the club gate irgrdndbal The af
fair was toted a big miicios by all tvno
rM S
It Was Won by a Horse Ridden by an
American Jockey
London Mnich IS The Lincolnshire han
dliap run al Lincoln was he tirl big race
of the season and drew good ciowds The
piellmlnary races were not very exciting
The Haliitoii plate was wou by Sir II
Wilblle Orlfttth > brown coll nice ridden
by Skeels Martin the American jockey
The Lincolnshire handicap of 10 < hi sov
ereigns added to a sweepstakes of > sov
ereigns each for year olds anil upward
the straight mile was run todav and was
won by Colonel II MeCalmonts hay colt
SI Macloli R S Slcters Scepter was
second and Mr Ringing s Oteniorton was
thlid Twditythfcf hovses ran
Out of TwentyTwo Mounts in Six Races
They Got Places Eleven Times
Paris March t American Jockeys had
twenty two mount In six inces during th o
contests tit Malson Latltle today and were
placed eleven time
R 1 Hlgby got one first and one second
plac < 1 Itelff and W R Ruchanan got
one first place each Milton Henry got two
second and two third places and Mclntvre
obtained two second and en third place
Betting on the Derby
The Southern club of Hot Springs in
iiounces the following bets booked by Itnn
tho American derby
Abe Kraut flSOOO to tfl00 from Mem
pbls Hyphen 0coo to Jlofi from New York
Criizados flJ Vio to G00 from San lrau
nna Ulllott J5300O0 o SiriO from every
Quaker S40 < o to JSiA froai everywhere
Hunter Ralne 10000 to jvi from Louis
ville Allan A Dale SCOO lo MOO from Lex
Allle Virgle j2000i to 00 from every
Vnd > Williams T7500 to 100 from St
Ralm of Jllcad JlSOiV to f A from New
Compute iOf0 to fH from New lork
Corrlgiin 10Coi to S A from San 1 ran
Crujindos 200f > > to 100O from Pan
UnrX Secret JJ4otX0 to 0 from CM
jlopedale J200CO to 510 from Chlcarn
Hcrniis Jf7f < 0 lo 10o from Iliiclnna I
MetbeMioy 7VK to V from MeinphM
Nellie Waddell VtXK to i from
every v bore
Qiilier S25000 lo 2 frftm ererywhcM
Runnels oon to xvxt from Cblenfe
Sombrero JfOOffO to s > from Oakland
Magnolia Club Contest
At the contest of the Magnolia Rowllntf
club held last night at Jones alley the
Mr J Sfheffler wlioie
uiedul was won by
scon was i
Tin following la tbe score In detail
A Leilergerber J
1 A Danlelsen
Charles Helm
A Hnlla
S Hnker
William Kumuiler
II luy
icorgp Miiiibniisen
A It Xeiithnrd
J Sohefrter
Whitnoys Thoroughbreds to Go on Track
New York March IS W C Whitney will
hip twrnlynve of his thoroughbreds fteni
the bom farm at Wheatley Hlllato Sbeeps
had Bay Thursday Wltb ttt MCtptlon
TlTI disease MnK H no r ltiU
Jlrl OoldseeVer Goldsmith and Momlnt
Mfle were at one time Herloinly 111 bill
pare rereovered
Hoy Refuses to Sign
Chicago Mureh IS Hoy the deaf mutr
cmterufidcrs wh has played for two
Sensona oh romlskeys rhamplonshlp teams
In theAmerican association and Western
league la < t far without berth for tnu
coming seacoii
Manager Loftus made a bad rffert to se
cure fcls servbps for the Wnsblpgtoli team
but toYUlc liny has rettisei to agree upon
termes Itoston and SI loi clubs of
the American league are alFO reported to
be seeking hH services Imt no deal has
been closed
Shreveport Team at Waco
Wno Texas March is The Sbreteport
Southern baehflll leailgue tesm reached tie
city jesterday and will spend the nem
three weeks n trnlnlng here tleorge liced
brlngshls tiiffti here to train on account of
Inn b itb pilvllcgcs and other tidvanlage
After training for two or three weeka
Manager Reed expects 10 pbij a number of
exhibition games in the Slate
It Was a False Hunch
Ity all tbe rules nhloh govern hunea j
Kilty Kcllj who had Oagan tip should
naxc won the last nice at Oakland Mon
ta > The best she could do was thin and
hi that he dumped a lot of the nilr ollo
> ons of Mrlii who regartcl such n combl
nation of horse and ildcr ns 1 iluch on
St Pat ricks daj
Banaster Said to Be Lame
New ork March is It reported that
tlnrencc II Maokaj s Itaiuitar after a
strong gallop pulled up lame rrom bad
hoofs The xeterlnary found the liorsex
front feet In bad condition onlng to bill
tlchcs of the hoofs and ordcicd them
carefully ticnted
Evidence that Edwsrds Really Killed
Gray Foster Was Submitted to the
Governor of Louisiana
Special to The Post
Raton Ilougc La March tSHon J M
Foster of Caddo brother of Johp Gray
Foster who yens murdered by Prince i
wards arrived this morning bringing the
papers In the application for extradition ol
Prince IMnnrdt These papers had been
torwarded to Shtcveport Immediately upon
their receipt by the governor u daj or two
ago fhey culled for certain proor that
11lnte Ldwards old the killing and for cer
tain ccitlficatlon of facts that had to be
obtained In Caddo and Ro slor parishes
Hverything rciiulicd was compiled with and
the papeis were forwarded today to too
state department at Washington
Mr Foster sujs that the ilr l step will
be to Identify Kdtvards Uliectly utter he
letches Shrcvcpoit he will send a properly
qtlullrled peison to Meilco to make ecllain
tills ldcntlhcatlou This will be In advance
of the action or the goteii ient for the
icason that If It proves not to be Prince
LdWrtiils further proceedings will be nn
neces < art The pi oof being ontnlncd as
to his Identity the nctt step will be the
execution of the extradition paper
lioternor Heard will take ctery posslblB
pit caution against any probability of mob
tlolence In case the murderer s returned
in Rossler palish and It N safe to siy that
a regular legal trial will he git on the ac
cused and If found guilty r legal execu
tion will ensue
Mr Foster returned to Shreycport thl
Ofcnlng nnd will push the matter of Menu
lenlltm with all possible speed
Nearly a Thousand Feeders Changed
Hands at Temple
Temple Texas March IS Piobably the
lttrgs > t cattle deal eter made In Temple
has Just been closed between Mr fleorge
T Hume of Austin and Messrs J P French
V Son of this city The trade consists In
the sale by Messrs French to Mr Hume
their entire bunch of feeders numbering
iieiu1 2A head at 1 cents per pound weighed
up here as they are ready to ship for mar
ker Thes cattle will average throughout
about I OO pounds which makes them
ttotth about tlO per head They cost with
out the feed put Into them according to
different bunches from 51S10 to 207
There are being shipped out today four
teen riis or 2so head for Kansas tlty that
at erased weighed here 1217 There will
he another shipment made from the bunco
nest week ami Ihe remainder will be on
feed for some sir weeks yet
But Only Because the District Judge
Acted Promptly
San Marcos Texas March IS Till
morning at 1 > oclock rapid pistol Hrng
and men on horseback pursuing a negro
created great excitement on the public
square The negro waf soon In Jail charged
with attempted assault m a 17yearrtH
white girl her outcries alone hrlngliij nU
and pieteiiting the horrible crime Tue
exetoment became nteu e but upon Judge
Moore ordering ihe grand Jury Immediately
Impaneled and gnaianteelng the ronrlu lon
of the case by Saturday there was a gen
eral dlsposjtlon to await the course of tha
Schooners Equipped With Power
Corpus Chrlstl Texas March 17 The
schooner M L Weaver ties master has
been equipped with a gasoline engine and
propellers at Lake Charles La and is now
loading a cargo of merchandise In Oalveg
top The large schooner Katoe M has alsi
gone to Lake Cbaile to be cqupped with
similar power facilities This trU ben givit
Innovation to these viisels now plying In me
frleght trade between here nnd altestin
and will greatly cxpedlate long trips
and slow progress caused often by lack of
Prohibition Lecture at Hempstead
Hempstead Texas March 17 The court
house waslltcrnlly packed and Jammed ln t
nlcht by tho cltlieps of Hempstead to hear
Ms ZcIut deliver licr lecture 011 teiapcr
closisl successful revival
anCe She has Just 11
vival at tbo Methodist church nnd twenty
eight were rceeltcd In the thurcli as a
result of her efforts
Groves Black Root Liver Pills
Made fioui an ictlv principle obtnlnrd
rrem lllack Root The set on the ilte
l etilome and leave no bud afer
c tffcets i No grjplne no sick stomach VWil
cuie ciiroTilc constlpatlou Price 25 ceuts
Prohibition Was Defeated
Rroofcsblro Texas March 1STU local
option election for ths precinct wvnt
wet The box at Pattlson hs not r
noite d nl this writing but they estimate
that li antls have It four to one The
Rrookshlre box went wet by a majority of
tnn tit s > ltl3 Kind Ym 188 Alnai 5 B51
u < fl > fn s
Bill for that Purpose Is Now Unfin
ished Business in the Senate
Mr Bacon Offered Amendment that
Peath Should Be Penalty f Assault
Were Mode
Washington March lS For three hours
today the senate had under consideration
the bill providing or the protection of the
president of the tplW States and for the
punishment by Tallied Slates courts of
those who commit assaults on hlni Mr
tlncon tSa opposed the bill ahd Mr Hoar
tMassi and Mr Mllsou till supported It
Mr ltueou argument followed the lines
of his speech delivered ten dats ago Mr
Hoars speech Was largely legal and con
stttutloual lie maintained ihe right of
the gotcrntuont to protect Itself against
nssuults upon Its soterclgnty through tbo
Mr Mason innile an attack upon anarchy
mid Its methods and sjliarbty criticscd an
amendment to tho bill offered b > Mr
Rteon He denounced It ns opening th >
door to special pleading for the bcnctlt o
assusslns of the piesblent This drew Mr
Itaciin s lire He wnsldttled Mr Masons
eiltlclsin n personul reflection on himself
and resettled It with beat An explanation
bv the Illinois senator cleared the utiiios
Knrly lu the daj 1 lively debate was
preclpllntcd by tbe effort or Mr IUwIIiih
iltab to bate piloted its a document some
Philippine correspondent o
I veiitually the matter was ordeied
printed as icqucstcd
When the Semite convened two veto mes
sages from the prcsienl were laid before
the bodv and ordered printed Ihe llrst
was n veto of au net to grunt an h niorahte
discharge from the military eibe to
Cbntles II llnwlcy and the other was u
veto of an net fV < tlie relief 01 James
Ml Rawlins 1tah offered some corre
spondence with respect to the organlTiit 01
and purposes of the federal parte In tne
Philippines which he usUed to hate printed
ns a document
The request gate rise tusnnic debate and
dually on Mr Allisons objection Mi Raw
lins withdrew his request Indicating that
he would read the coriespondeui ami thus
secure its publication In Ihe Iongresslona
A resolution offered yestprdaj by Mr Hal
linger directing the civil service coinml
slon to send certain Information lo tlic
somite was passed
A resolution ottered veeterdat lit Mr
Galveston Business League Asks
Them to Come to Island City
Takes the First of the Bio Lot of Flour
Which Was Mude in Texas
Other News Items
hestpn Texas March 1SThcre was
an Important meeting of the directors of tns
Ralteston business league at Us headquar
ters tonight at which several teports of
Interest were received Among these wero
the icports of tho committees which arc
In charge of the work of soliciting funds
lor the amphitheater which Is to bo erected
at Rnth atomic and O for the coming South
ern Pacltlc celebration which will be held
May Ri The icports indicated that ovor
000 had already been raised and this la
enough to biltd the structure originally
contemplated The committee will continue
woik howetcr uud yiuj If more money Is
ioiitrlbutcil build fl larger and more ex
pctcltc building than was first Intended
The league is sending out Invitations to
the organisations which are to hold atuiunl
lontenlloiis leqiiesllng that llnlveston be
chosen as a plate of meeting As has been
pievlously mentioned one of the purposes
lor which the leiigue was organlrctl wus to
Induce visitors from the In rtorolouioo otdld
Induce visitors from the Intel lor to conio
here and In this way benetlt tbe let ill trade
of Ihe city
Scottish Rite Masonic Temple
Onltcaton Icxus March 18 When the
March class nf the Scottish Rlto Masolis
meets In linhcton It will find tho order
installed In what Is unquestionably the
iincel Scottish Kite cathedral In Texan
As mentioned In The Posi snnc time ago
the Misons piirehaseil llurmt > ll > hall which
Is located at the comer of Church mid
Twenty second siieels They hate remod
eled it ninl spent sevetnl thousand dollars
lu raiisfirmlng II Into a caluc1lr1l suited
to their pniposcs anil they now hate n
lioine of which they etui be Justly proud
The building Is the height of an ordinary
four slur otflee building It has only two
stoilcs however Hie second one which
was founerlt used ns nn auditorium hat
ing 0 bJletiin On the rlrsi lloor Is a
Indie reception loom u gentlemens re
ception loom a guuie loom piovltled wlili
pool iud billiard tallies and handsomely
iiirnlsheii Adjoining this Is llbinry 100111
which Is also used as n banquet room
which Is equipped with tables capable of
seating 1iW persons at one time On this
floor nsn are bath rooms where the mem
Morgan calling upon the secretary of ihe lu 1 beis can take shower or hoi and old
terlor and the secretait of war loureiiilng
tho Pacltlc and Phlllppuc railroads was
sllghtlv amended lit Mr Hale md psss d
Mr Rawlins then rose to road the eorre
pondeuce which he had desired to hate
printed as n document He iisketl that Ii tie
lirlnted lu tbe Ilinmessloual lleionl with
out reading Mr Scott IW Vsl objeteil
Mr Itnwlius then began to rentl the currv
pontlence wblcJi was very toluiiilnous t
proved to he a collection of pritatc b tt > rs
exchanged between uunanied persons lu this
country and prominent Filipinos lu which
were discussed ihe political relailons of the
tnlted States and the lMiIllpplue Islands
Mr Rawlins declined to yield fo iinv sin
ator for an purpose He tlnnllj sent the
letters to the clerk s desk from which the
reading was continued As letter after
letter was read and the name of Hie writer
was not disclosed Mr PlUI K mini rose
and Inquired Is this an entirely iioiiiimn
I object to the interruption Interjected
Mr Hoar
As Mr Piatt pressed for nil answer lo his
Inqiilrt Mr Rawlins paid i1n 11 plot Ike
this It Is always best to keep ihe uudlcuit
In a stale of cMifctatlolt Tin correspond
ence will disclose theHumos of the witters
of the letteis r
A few minutes later Mr Wellington Md
said he understood that tbe object km 10 the
printing of tbe conos poudonci bail been
wit lid raw 11 Without further rending there
fore the corivspouileneo vtAs ordeicil pilot
ed In the reconl and as a document
Ihint nine private pension bills were
passed and the calendar cleared
The unfinished business the IIll for ihe
protection of the piesbblit of the Inlld
Mates wus ih before the senate tr
Pettus lAli said be would be forced to
vole agalnvr the bill a be objiied 10 the
reenactment of th old sedllon laws
Mr Raeon ffiai iiffi red an aineudment to
the first paragraph of the hill provltlltig ihn
penaltt of death for in assassination r a
nresldent If the assault on ihe problem
was commit led because ir his nfttoinl po
sition or for the puipose ot ilcclrovlllg uc
Covernment or Impairing the exorcise of Its
constitutional powers
Mr Vest iMni slegcsteil the pnsslbllltv
of a Iederal Jury acquitting an nssasidn o f
the president because
ihe inollte as spec
Hied by Mr Racons nmendinent had not
been proved
Mr Racnn snbl bis amendment was for
tbe purpose of differentiating between nn
assault on the presplenl pei onilv and 1
crime against the goteiemoui 1
An assnull on the piesblent In poison he
continued ought be
to punlciicj W1V
similar nffeuse ngolnst any other cltUeii
was punlshid otherwise an official class
would be created
Mr Mason illll said th pending bill was
but the formation and snap of pnbiie
opinion which thrice hail broji aroused bv
the murder of the president The amend
ment nffereil bv Mr Itieou ho thought
was not warranted by the conditions or by
the laws
The cowards mid sneaks ho Insisted
who take the notice they receive lu dirk
hills and kill tbe president of the TiiItHd
Slate ought to par the penalty provided
In this bill
He said the present was a bad time lo fix
special pleading for anarchistic cilmlnal
ihelr cilmes were against niirout In powor
Mr Mason concluded with an eloquent
denunciation of nnanhv which elicited
beartj applause from the galleries
In supporting the hill Mr Hoar suggested
that Mr Hncqns amendment nut his ob
jections to the bill were founded not on a
special rule of law but 1 special rule of
escape for the criminal specified bv tho
Mr Kancon took sharp exception to the
ctltlclsm of Mr Hoar assorting that the
Massachusetts senators stiletnent werci
unjustifiable and riUretresented his jr
In conclusion Mr Hear maintained that
the bill would afford real protection to tut
president and Mid It would safeguard be
Interests of the goternnieiit ti time such
crime acilnst the president punishable by
the gotc unicitt nf the fulled States
Mr Racon replied with sonic erldeicc of
heat 10 Htlclsms of his amendment nude
lie Vr Mason which he said be felt re
flected on film pcrionnllj lie demanded
to know whether there was a senator on
the tepnbllcan side t ho believed ho multl
schemes or a senator who believed that Ji
be gillty of defendliig iluaiehlstrt or their
had presented anything that offered a meth
od of escape of anarchists from Ipst pun
ishment when guilty of an assault on the
Mr Mason replied that he certainly ba
llet ed what he linl sultl and was willing to
state It ig ln The senator from Georgia
knew hotvevi r tlisl h was Incapable of
rtdlrctlnc on his Ulucons honor or Intcg
ily of impose
What I sid replied Mr Mason did
not refiec directly or remotely 011 the hon
or of the senator I was chnincterlzlng
tbe amendment not Ihe irnitor
water tub baths There Is also a kitchen
md a small Intuit loom 011 this IIwr
On the floor above Is the main niidlto
iliim whore the degree work Is done The
celling of this apartment bus been painted
skv blue and is dotted with stats git lag
II the appearance of Ihe sky when tho
tnr first appear In the evening On this
lloor also Is 11 wniall lodge room where the
culinary business meetings are hold
Work of the March class will begin
XIiroll 4 and continue four days Degrees
will be ciiafcircd from ihe fourth to the
ihlitjseionil This will bo the tlrst time
tn Texas that all the degrees have been
conferred upon n class Onlvcslon la the
only city In the Stale where degree higher
than the eighteenth can be conferred At
present prospects Ilielo will be llbolll 100
In the class and they will nunc from all
pot lions of the Stnte
Ihe local Masons aie making elahorulc
preparations for the entertainment of Ihe
visiting Masons and theic will be a tiiliii
bet of piomlnent Masons In attendance
Pilot Case Up Today
liilvcslon Texas March lb The case of
Oson h nl vs Smith et t which Is one
wherein Is involved fie right ot the inde
pcuilent pilots of Cinltfrton to pilot liicom
lug ships conies up foi hearing before the
court of dt appeals at Sui Antonio lo
tneiiow Id piilit OI > on Is nn independent
pilot mil Captain iiiiWh represents the
Oalteston Pilots association in Injunc
tion wa obtained lu the FlflyslMh district
tcKit at Ualvestoii rcirnlnlig Ofitaln
Olson ami oiher independent pilots imiii
piloting ships It was tlrst made tempo
uirv and afterward uimh pcrinaiieul Tnu
ii e was I hen appealed lo Ihe iiuirl or up
peals Colonel Walter Urcshiim leprescnl
the Independent pilots and James It Stubhs
represents the pilots association Mr
Mtilths and seternl ol the pilots lett to
itlght for San Antonio to be present at Ine
The Bond Election
Oalteston Texas Jliirch 1SThe bond
Oiiutilltce reielted siibscrlplloiis today for
sVl of ihe proposeil bretikwalct bonds
I his brings the total amount subscribed for
up to the present time lo Sfi 00 > Interest
Is now centeiiil upon the losull of Ihe fic
tion which will be held noxl Thursday
The Ioaf correspouileut lias 110I met a sill
rlo iiisn who expressed the lntcnlloii of
toting igulusl the iiieasuu It apjiea
there is little doubt of the election being
clined the only danger whstovei being
fioiu the failure of tuiuin ici > oits to sow
Aecoiillng t the lilt these must be count
ed us hating voted iignlusl the Isauautv of
the bonds
Cayo Romano Has Sailed
Oalteston Texas Xdicb is Tho lliltlsb
srunislilp Cijo Romano sailed tedat for
Leodoa tla New Orleans with L WO Page
cr tlnur which 1 to be shipped from l oit
Woith to lodon via ttaltesion A regular
sen Ice nu > bieii otaldlsfted helweeii Oil
Mstop md London to arcomnidoiilo this
liie ltrltlnh sleamtdilp Warrloi which ai
thid lieie Simdar ntutrtiooi ttltli 11 cargo
of Jute from Cileiillu wus reensod fro 11
qinrantlne lhl altflioon and sne ami up
will discharge her
to pier lit where > be
Milam County Has Instructed for Hon
Seott Field
Cameron Texas March tBYeaterday
the dmocratb county eontentton mt at
the court bouse delegate being present
from every beat ill the count Judge Stun
Strectman u mad lotupoiiry rlnilrnmn
Kcorgo Vamlevcnlei secreinry Cougratil
Ijtort speeches were mode b > several par
lbs im scnt The eouveiitlnn Instructed
tor all the nomltlifs t the pilmiry held
March s coimtv and Suite Hon Nat
Tuict of I kdulc arose nnd withdrew front
the congressional rue and then tha ion
ventlon Instructed for Hon cult I elds of
Ijltert for congress Kugcne Watlacc of
Iloekdile wis made permanent chairman
After other routine business the convention
To Wake Up Bosque County
Dallas Texas XIajch lb Tbf cougies
sloiial eainpalgn In Itosuuc conuty Is t bo
made a warm affair from now until thu
primary election Is held on Satin day JInreh
S Congifsamaii W ncii expeitc to iiinko
Without concluding the debate at 3 W p pWh at Clifton tomorrow but
tho senate went lot executive session i i i tin Oriental hotel In this city
and at JM1 p ja adjwia I ulfiv rbe Tdil enough start for of
Texano lo New York
rifcolal to Tbe Post
New Fork March IS The following
Tcxaii are registered lu New York
IluurtonXlax Kbixlman Xliirlboroagh
Oalveston R Hart snd wife JCurarro
Port Arthur Mr and Mra < Iii rum
Fifth ATeuue
Riaumont A J 1 ouston Otlsty
fallss j s Cooper Hirllngtoii
V PsioJ OKeefe DtUrun
Taiuj W CliuxcJilU Everett > f ii
Rosctue ioiuity Tbnrslay A iiuuibcr
f leinIs started for ilosque toll gilt In Mr
Wootens lnter t and w 11 moke speechea
Clifton tomorrow Other friends of Mr
ui Woolen will Jlso laHe the tldd Hon Jack
Refill Mr Wooeis opponent for the con
gressional nomination is already campaign
ing lu iiosriuc utility
Huntsville Municipal Primaries
llu U Ml rows Xl rep IS P tnovrmc
prhaurleV for the lty ofneers wprt b l1
bcrt yesterday The race oTtr the mayor
< E3CSta4E5w3E
b The Exact Spring Style
Cures a Cough or Cold at once
Conquers Croup Orlppe and Consumption
F lilJ A lleautlful Calendar sent froc Men
lion this paper AClcyer t CoDaltlinorcMd
Favorite lemeefy Wins
For Kidney Liver Bladder or Blood Dis
eases it has no equal Trial bottle tree
Dr David Kennedy Favorite Remedy
Rondout N Y
levcre Chill Cotjfjt
Colds Urepfpsla of what
ver form otlekly eure < x
ojtaVicsP rrrS
AUbletpooafBl inRlatsot
water tbreo times cay
All ejrurctatt and BToear
Here we give you the
exact new fashion for
the Spring of 1P02
The coat has a longer
roll and is longer in
the skirt less cut in at
the waist and the mili
tary shoulders round
ed off the vest more
open at the neck so as
to give a better show
ing for the Magnifi
cent new Spring Neck
wear and BlackandrWhitc Patterns in Shirts
The trousers as shown make a gradual curve to
the ankle and the whole design is the best ever
made for a business suit
Mens Spring Suits 750 to 35
Send far Spring Catalogues
ED KIAM Mammoth Clothier
l <
wc lathe a scrsooal nt > tlatloa ol oar tctioollt will cmnlnct any one teat Ibe METItOrOUTAN Is abulctelr
tbe best c tlppc < S Its lariett On nott irotrculTt tbe moil reputable and be most suausfal cnllctt ot Ciitlaeu
Biaklat Shonhaa Typefhlar Pencaiasbl and Tclctriptiy In Tula rttiriltsaolaayctaln anycoai > tt Mr
ruraakt TichtTpcwrltlnandPltnaartralaaretiorQrabinsbortb < cdliuht Modem tnttbcslt Ablest
ficollr ta tbe Sotith Ftroaf Iloanclal bicklnt Six bandrcd students aoaaall Podlieni iscured ender rctstarla
cosdllloas Railroad fire paid la Dallas II Isteretted write for Ibe Moot buclaeti collcje calalorre ever rriated
Buxiness Mens Please write u wbea you need a competent bookkeeper or stenographer
allty was the tnost hotly contested kuotvn
here for many venis The mihIihI
werc ns follows Xlayor T C Mint ttuu s
the present luenmbent marshal T H
Ronntice also present Iticumbcnl secrc
tary 1 P Nlxou treasurer 11 A Wynne
aldermen W Y Rarr C O Rarrett T W
Norswortliy and 1 II Foster
Tavlor Texas March 18 Hon W V
Robertson representative from tills dis
trict has iinniinneeil himself ns n candidate
for reelection to that oftlec He will have
no opposition
Innls Texas March IB T K Hoggc
fliairintin of the iiopullst party of precinct
No has Issued a call for nn Important
business inciting lu this cltv for next Sat
unlny XlJich 22
Clarkstlllf Texas March IS The dem
c cm tic prlmtuy for the noinluiitlon of Stulo I
iitnl cointt can lltlittcs Is set for May X I
Neurocs an excluded The test Is I urn
n dcnocral and will support tho rioiuines
of the primary
Rctclalr Texas March U Jiidge J
Riirns for tin past two years county Judge
of this county bus In a published Icttct
withdrawn from the race Judge Rums
has won for himself an enviable record as
n popular and Just Judge
Wharton Texas Match 10 County At
lortiet W L Hill and olhcrs who went ti
Lane City ye terdaj for thn purpose of or
ginlrlng i branch of the While linns un
ion al thai place report a success large
membership was rcglMtcted and It 7i Will
nam elected chuliiian with W Tinner
sniet f
A Most Remarkable Remedv That Quick
ly Restores Lost Vigor to Men
A Frde Trial Packaao Sent By Mall to
All Who Write
Krce trial packages of a most remarkable
remedy uro belug mailed to alt who will
write the State Medical Institute They
cured so many men who had battled for
ycuia against the mental and physical suf I
forlng of lost mjuhood that the Institute I
has decided to distribute froo trial pack
ages to all who wtlte It Is a home treat I
men and all men who suffer with uuy I
form of sexual wetiwiie icsultlug from
youthful folly premature los of strength
and memory weak back vaiieoceje or
emaciation of plrts can now euro them I
selves at home i
Tho remedy has a peculiarly grateful Cf
feet of warmth and seems to iut iliiect to
the desired locution giving sticugtb and i
development Just where It la needed it
cured all Ihe Ills nnd troubles that couie
from vears of misuse of the natural funo
tlous and bus licon an absolute suciviui in
all cases A lequest to the Stnte Medical
institute 10 > 4 Kkktioit Ilulidlng Fort
Wnvne Ind stating that you deslro one
of their free tilnl packages will bd com
piled wltb promptly The Institute is de
sirous of reaching that great ela of men
who are unable to leave home to lie Utui
ed and the free sample will ennhlo thorn I
to sec jiow eaay tt la to be cured of scxuil
weakness when the proper lemedles arc i
employed Tuo Institute makes uo regtrlc I
tlons Any man who wiltea will bo scnl I
a free sample carefully sealed In a plain
patkage so that Its recipient need have
no fear of embarrassment or publlcly
Readers aro requested to write without
Do you need some We
have lots of it and will be
pleased to submit samples and
prices on request
We have some special offer
ngs for dealers who may want
some new patterns to brighten
up their stock
I had a bad case of
catarrh of the stom
ach for four years A1
friend told me to try
jRipans Tjabuies and
I must say they
worked like magic
At druggists
The riveCent packet Is enough for aa4j
ordinary occnslq Tho fatally botllo
no cents contains a supply for a earj
lasoliiio ilm
B L S TsaeU Bering
Hardware Store
Main Street and Capitol Avenue
Oil Producers Sliippis vul Expotkn
We own our i > wn lank tsrs bttges and oil well
Xm +
> >
i 1

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