OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, March 19, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1902-03-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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1 1
H M JOHNSTON Prosldent
0 J PALMER 1 Vlco Pronldont
Nob 1101 1103 1105 1107 and 1109 Franklin Avenue
Untrrtf at the Postoffiee al Houston Ttjcas as SteondClass
Mail Matter
84 Column 68 to 44 Column
Tim SUMMVKEKLY POST Monday and Thursday
Ha Column Icr Week
One Six Three One
Year Mouths Months Month
PUttv and SDNnAY 1000 juo aS ° >
Si M > AV lJO
Smii WriKLY oo o > S
l RAVELING AGtWTSC S P Holland Auditor It
R Holland A W Palmer and B B lhroop
ttmON 077tES Intern Imsincss office 43 44 45
i R 0 Tribune building New Yoik The S C eckwlth
Spciial Agency WeMern 469 The loitkrry fliicsgo I I be
5 C Jlcckwllfi Special Agency Office of Washington Cor
respondent Room it Ames building 1410 l < street N
CORRRSPONOpKCH of t v desrription whether in
tended lor ffiC flWI < ii or pditniiot lUpmlinenl should be
i > rf esseil lo fur Huvmhi IV1 aiirf not 10 ony nirfi
tittiwl ond nil thrrhi tlitiiti tnoneordei s etc made pa
tblc to Tux Hii oj IViMiNn Company
IIIP C77T Tiir Pnr I delivered to any part of the city
hv cuncis Id month 9100 three months too Six
fiith doo one ru uoo Air Theodore Bering has
barge ol lie eily rirrutuliau and collecting Messr Iheo
Ime Hennp flmv lolt and V W Palmer lire the authorized
rnllntnr ol nil litv hill iholh Mdvef lining and subscription
niil no iiioikv should he paid In any one other than those
numed tinlev pecud written authority Hgned by the buiinew
manager in shown All aitmints of any size tihoiild be paid
h > check in favor of Tim Houston PmsriHo Comjanv
1 inWrihcr failing lo redisc Tim Pear legularly will please
imiilv the office promptly bverv paper it expected to he de
livered not later than to a m
The significance nnd importance of the McAllister
resolution hits lieen nxiufgeriited bv many democrats
and by all republican anil lis meaning has been wit
tingly and unwillingly misunderstood Mr William
lonninRK llryan devotes u IwtiBlUy editorial to Ha de
nunulnllon Tliei Chnrleaton NewH and Courier dt
cuases II very nerlously and considers Hint whether
tho other Southern States will follow the leiul of Mis
sissippi is very doubtful Oilier Sonlhern papers
uontaln anxious commentary alllioiiwh tnany nppraise
the resolution at It true meaning und value The par
tlHnn ropubllcnn papers iiretend to be very Jubilant
Thoy have oxteuded their congratulaUoiiB to tho South
on breaking away from PryanlBin and the Kansas City
platform Somo or the virulent republican Journals
say that tho resolution mean that the South has repu
diated tho tariff reform doclrluo and become converted
to high protection und McLaurlnlBtn They sing a
song of triumph for the victory of the principle bo
loug and nbly advocated by William McKlnloy
Now lot us see exactly what this McAllister roso
lutlon is lion W S McAllister Introduced it Into tho
Mississippi legislature and It was adopted It recites
that tho Northern Statea went republican In the last
Uvo prosldontitil elections that In tho section east of
the Mississippi nnd north of the Ohio and Potomno
thoro Is tin amazing aggregation of wealth and Intolll
gOnoo that the South needs capital to develop It
that political alliances should have regard to com
MiiOfelal relations social lmpioxemont and Industrial
growth that the democrat of tho North anil Mast
helped ho South In hor hours of adversity that Mis
sissippi democrats would ally themselves with the
democrats of the North and Kust that the South will
prosper under till fraternal policy that compromise
and concession should be employed to enable the
party to proeent a united frout In tho next National
election in order that sectional estrangements may
be no more and that the talent resources and genius
of tho American people may be applied unhindered
nnd unfettored to tho practical solution of socinl und
acopomlu problem and to the mitigation of the con
dition of kindred peoplott not yet frue
Now thoro Is nothing In the resolution repudiating
tho Kansas City platform Thoro I not a wont about
the tariff The resolution deals in generalities about
progress and prosperity incept where It strongly ree
ommontls Southern democrat to ally themselves with
democrnta of the North and Wast and urgew compro
mise and concession without saying uh to wltnt Har
mony in the party Is oasentlal to miccgw A closer
fraternal feeling between democrats of all section is
a very desirable thing Compromise and concession
oxcopt as to vjtul democratic principles can not be
too strongly rocommsndod Thero is nothing hetero
dox about tho McAllister resolution unless one chooaoa
to road into it a hidden moaning Tho other Southern
States would not follow MlsBissippIs lod away from
tho truo democratic fold it such n lead were given
Tho resolution does not contain anything but the most
orthodox domocrney of the sort in which Mississippi
and hor slater States of the South together with thou
sands of Voters in tho North Uait and West are true
Tho administration papers have boon loudly barlt
lntr for the show nt Ouam See tho loyal subjects
they cry Soo tho beauties of bonavolent a lmila
tiqn Soo tho auatnltos who understand all about
manifest dostiny Thoir courage and davoUon to tho
flag nro conspicuous Thoy deserve the heartiest
prnlso and thotr request should bo nccedod to
What are tho facts
A petition ha boon forwarded to congross asking
the government to scud out a commission to study Uta
situation and neods of tho people and to recommend
to a plan for tho
congress establishment of a perma
nont government In which tho Inhabitants shall have
a Bharo The potltlon descrlboa tho signer a loyal
Buojects of tho United Stntos
and thoir Island no a
dopondency of tho United States thoy 8ny thoy nro
anxious to mold our Institutions to tho American
Jtandurd and proparo ourselves nnd our children for
tho obligations and the enjoyment of tho rights to
which na loyal subjocta of tho United States wo feel
oursolvcs rightfully entltlod7 Commander Schroodor
govornor of tho Island Indorses tho petition
The Now York Times comments on tho potltlon
with a flno Irony directed nt tho nntlImperiallata
Tho spectacle of n satrap It says ajnlnlon of tho
military power urging on congross tho abolition of hla
place and the establishment of a schotufl of progress
v eiy WmcDt tor tl ° subjocta of his arbitrary
JHlki 8ot what too opponents of tho government
> wo ld e pocL Baystho Now York Sum Guam
flhould have Its commission with na llttlo dolay an poa
Blblo Neither the paucity of tho population nor tho
oxponao of Hondlng out competent observer unci Jur
ists to proparo t schemo of local selfgovernment
should Btand in tho way of prompt ncquloscenco by
congress In this most roaeonnblo rcaucet bo ongnglnrt
ly prcBontod
Thoso nro only somo Bamples of republican gush
upon tho mtbjoct of which thorn has been a porfoct
flood And horo Is tho point of thu whole story Tho
potltlon la signed by thirtytwo persona and thoro aro
8GIU Inhabitants in Cliiam Why did only 370th of
tho poptilntlon sign tho pntltlon protesting their loynl
ty to tho United States and nsking congress to estab
lish n government over thorn Does not tho potltlon
and accompanying nowspnpor comment look very
much liko a fiiko a political dovleo of the ndmlnistrn
Hon to docolvo tho American people nnd trlek them
Into boliOTing that tho pcoplo Inhabiting tho islands
across tho sea welcome us wh open nnnii and re
joice when wo take away their liberty from them
Mnjitr Waller of tho marine corps Is to be court
tnnrlliilod on charges of lutvlng executed three Kill
pinns without giving them even the semblance of a
rial That Is fuel number one Under the regulations
which were enforced In the SampRonHchley case
when Oenernl Mllea was lxibuked by the president and
tho secretary of war no officer of tho army or navy
tuny dlaoiiB tho case of Major Waller or comment on
it favorably or unfavorably That Is fact number two
At n banquet In Chicago recently hold llrigadler Gen
oral Ftmston V S A referred to the charge against
Major Waller and salda Rully for Waller 1 am glad
he ld II That I fad number three
Now what i the prvsldcnt and whnl Is the secreta
ry of war going to do iilmut II
Two rebukes were administered to Oeneral Miles
by the prosidenL and by the secretnry of war also
Will one rebuke be ailinlntstored to Oenernl FuiiHton
It can not be that tho president approves of the ad
ministration of Jedwooil jusllco to the Filipinos lowit
executing them ftrsl and trying them afterward Ho
undoubtedly disapproved of praising Schley Hut his
approval or disapproval of what la said against tho
regulations euls no figure The regulations have boon
violated anil the rebuke should follow In KunstonB
ease Just a In Miles Tho president should be just
nnd rair With ordinary men II makes a deal of dif
ference whoan ox i gored but Hie president should be
ruled by highor motives Kqual and evenlinnded Jus
tice should be ills motto Miles was rebuked doubly
For tho atni > offonan Funfiton should be rebuked Hut
will the prosldent do his duty
Somr years ago the St Louii GlobeDemocrat would My
that there wjs one more president in the bloody shirt
meaning of course that the flaunting of that ensanguined
garment was good as a slogan for one more republican preil
dentiftl campaign The StewartBrvdicar campaigners evi
dently have the same kind of ideas with regard to the use
of the well worn howl against corporations and wealthy
citireus They think there is another mayor and hoard of
aldermen in this slogan Four years ago Judge Brashear
used it In ills fight against Baldwin Rice and to use the street
vcrnaoular what they said about Mr Rice along that line
was a plenty They charged that if the latter gentleman
was reelected the corporations would have poor old suffer
ing Houston by the throat and no mistake Two years ago
the same sham issue was raised against Mr John T Browne
niul now the old chestnut is on duty sgain This time it has
been regarded as necessary to impugn the motives and
shamelessly attack the personal characters of some of Hous
ton s best und m1 t useful private citizens men wiio ire not
candidates and who arc not asking for anything save and
except the right to exercise their privilege of a choice be
tween those offering for office Jlut the fable of the pitcher
that went to the well once too often will he recalled This
old campaign thunder has pent its force in Houston these
dishonest appeals of the demagogue are destined to fall
upon deaf ears They can t fool the people any more the
pitcher is on the way to the well once too often The peo
ple of Houston are tired of this iionsen e they are digust
cd with this ever recurting effort on the part of cheap poli
ticians to stir tip strife among the different classes of our
cltlwnslup And this will be made plain on the day of
Tiik spring port is hiding out with the spring violets it
the Northwest
Imncb Hbnrv is going to resign command of the first
German squadron Can it be that the sight of our repuhli
can institutions lias moved him to gradually retire from the
royalty lmlncss He might come over and get 1 Dakota
< il but there I let him
shape his own course and then he
cant blame us
PiTXSWMONS has issued an ultimatum Jeffries will de
liver his ultimatum in the ring
Tux country at large will be glad to hear of the improve
ment in the health of Mrs McKinley the heroic wife of our
murdered president She
occupies a very warm plee in
the hearts of the entire American people
M PtACOCK of Pittsburg fearing his children would be
kidnaped tlew to New York He must be a bird
Mtss Srovt has expressed sttnuJsTat the
universal joy
over her release Miss Stone cm not realize
7 now tired the 1
public became of seeing her release rumors run alongside
patereading matter
< j > > w > 4
Mbtiiu ns explanation of his
capture bears a singular
resemblance to the jn wM druKgcl of the defeated pugilist
toiuuy Stohkk denies that he ha been recalled from
Madrid and asserts that lie is going
to return Perhaps the
gentleman will apply for pernision to
practice at the bar of
Bio drop in temperature in Kalamazoo and Ypsilantl
Too bad that ope or two Joints can not be frozen off those
refilS ML TT 0 bc Mnt 0 he Philippine
refused Those
people who thought Roosevelt entertained a
grudge against Mile will now think differently
Tux duel fought with Winchesters hy two Nevada men
0M a utl h4 Jreren Bo
a a d
PxtNCB Bdwards has now been captured In Mexico By
he tunc le is captured a few more times he will be entitled
to the name of the black Crowe
7ft Ann has issued an edict that her subjects
must not
Instil foreigners Now will TI Ann give
to the wo ld e
definition of an Insidt
Mrs Pat Campbells Llttlo Eplnram
Westminster Gazette
Not only has Mrs Patrick
praise from tho more enlightened Campbell won the warmest
members of the
S beSt t W TPd Vtr b UntW oC
iarv iieneflt fiom W tftur in the State According te the
rt st own account it took Loudon
years to discover I
Chlcaso ten d y and New York ten minute
The Castrovllle Quill Is one year old and claims to be
hurrying toward Hasy street The Quill nnd the Crony are
not twins The Quill was born on Thursday the rony on
the following Saturday What a proud week that one was
for Journalism I Cortmt Oflny
A heavenly tandem certainly Heres wishing every
thing good for all bofe of urn
Strange how time that healer of wounds applies its
salve lite war department will loan tents to the ronfeil
erntc veterans to assemble in Dallas and less than fflur
decades ago these same people were chasing each other
around all over the country and were destroying tents in
stead of loaning them Ptauinonl HHterprlsc
This deal In tents merely goes to show that Ihe feeling
between the two sections is imt quite so intense as it once
A pottery trust lifts been formed out West with a capital
of ooooo How much capital would It take to start a
poetry trust Dublin Telephone
Just about what it costs to become a Buffalo levcn
Two men while at work in the oil fields of Beaumont
the olhcr day were knocked out by gas and put 10 sleep for
a considerable time but soon recovered Mexio News
Wc had it too but we Just called it sprfug fever
Funstnn lias been receiving some attention in Chicago
and Is nil swelled up like pouter pigeon Greenville
If he doesnt watch out he will he compelled to undergo
another operation
A hiiull purse with n clear conscience is more to he de
sired than bushels of gold with a guilty conscience Lib
eily Hill Imttx
Sounds all right but we dont know weve never tried
the latter combination that is to say the bushels of
+ <
Refugio needs 1 bank Who will sow the seed and reap
tlie harvest Refugio Renew
If it is run oil the same principle a that Detroit bank
the people will sow the seed while the piesident reaps the
The Chronicle while noting with pleasure the enter
prises inaugurated in neaihy cities cu not refrain from re
gretting that the buslnem men of the metropolis of the Ststo
rciiMin so igeriivatiURly apathetic San Antonio Chronicle
Where in the world Hid you ever get the idea that Hous
tons business iiicn were aggravatingly apathetic You
honlil eome down and meet some of em
The Maje Printing company owners of the Brownwood
Dailv Bulletin the lirownwood BannerBulletin the Biady
Enterprise and tlie Santa Anna New has purchased the
BalluiRcr BannerLeader The newly acquired properly will
he under the management of Mr t > corge V Korncgay
Far down the niche of lime may be seen the individual
that played the doubting Thomas He is still doubting
whether the sfime stin that shone yesterday will bc on hand
tomorrow He is even a little unccttaln whether life is a
dream or 1 living ieahly < nWiijr j > < iiy post
We know him he is the same fellow that doesnt ad
An exchange tells of i j011th who has just worked his
way through college by sawing wood This is a favorite
pastime for some politicians of our acquaintance and their
success lies in thoir knowing just when to saw wood
llcathei font litrahl
Thats o knowing when lo saw wood cuts considerable
ice in politicb
It is estimated that the output of pig iron in America
for hjoj will exceed iKonoooo tons Unfortunately very
little of this enormous tnul will l > e dug out of Texas moun
tains that are full of orr ikwootts Call
A young lady asked a 1etoskey editor this extraordinary
question Do you think it is right for a girl to sit on 1
young mans lap even n she is engaged Whereupon the
editor told this extraorduuiry lie We have no experience
in the matter referred to but if it Were our girl and our Ian
yes if it were another fellow girl hud our Up > es but if
it was pur girl and anojhrr fellowV lap never uevcrll
never I 1 Aspermont St < fr
It is remarked in the dispatches anent ti proposed visit
of the State iiiipiiniig committee to the Huntsville prison
that severil da > will be required 10 investigate the peni
tentiary system No doubt no doubt And a start will be
made then in the dinetian where investigation is most need
ed the iniquitous lease system care and treatment of con
vicH and some othrr things But the people are not ex
pecting much in the way of State prison investigation nnt
this year Ilflio ifrne
T e w i correspondence published in The Iious
on Post has attraclid 11 ureal deal of attention fiom the
liest inlprmed people not only in Houston but throughout
lexna for the wonderful niasp diMilaved by the wriler of
the political situation and his sivid description of the doings
of our Texas Malomen It is a plcasuie to read tlie e able
articles and 10 know that the wriler C Arthur ilbams is
a Houston boy His woik show thit he has talent of the
highest order and that liN friends who are legion will not
he disappointed 111 expecting great things from him in the fu
ture Mr ilbams deserves all the fame he has achieved
and wears his honors like the sensible gentleman should
modestly anil without parulc Houston Uerkh Times
attorney employed
by n number of legatees and heirs of an estate who re
sided in several dillereut States to for
act them in the set
t einent of the estate and authorixed to collect and receive
their shares retained to awisj him 1 law firm in Ihe city
where the estate was being administered and agreed with
such firm the
on tee in be charged and its division On
settlement of the estate he procured from his
clients re
ceipts for their respective shares and forwarded them to
the linn which collected the
money and after deducting
the fee sent linn check for the remainder each made pay
able to one of the distributees and covering the amount of
his or her share Held that the attorney being responsi
ble to his clients for tlie collected anil
money being the
only person authorized by them to receive it hail authority
as their attorney
the check for collection and
to collect the same that having made
such indorsement
and collected Ihe check through a bank which paid the
proceed through him
it was not within the power of the
firm which was merely his subagent without
privity with
his client by objecting to the indorsements tn repudiate
the payment of the cheeks by the hank on which they were
drawn and create a cUini in its favor against the collect
ing lMiik to recover the amount paid thereon iu Fed
Rep 7jb
HUSBAND AND WIFIWIhe mere fact that a mar
ried woman resided in Pennsylvania during the civil war
while her husband wa in tho Confederate army would not
so affect their material statu as to give tier the right of
a feme sole especially where she went through the lines of
the belligerents to visit her husband Rial where all tha
tAy lavc r ° Knued Ho marital 1 elation 40 S li
Rep Va > 614
JCRYMKN Where the brother of plaintiff who was
looking after the case for her
met a juror whom he inti
mately knew and the juror bought drink ind cigars for
both while the brother paid for their dinners which they
ate together such aetiou wax auflfcieut cause for setting
aside a verdict in plaintiff faver though both parties tes
tified that the cue wa not mentioned 66 S W Ren
Texas 589
MUNiriPALITIliSProporty within the limits of a
city owned by a iigiwcsldwit mv be delt with hy the
city as though it belonged to resident
4 and the owner is
bound to take notice of an ordinance affecting such prop
erty when it ha been
duly promulgated a required bv
law whether State or municipal 114 Fed Rrp yoj
PUBLIC CONTRACrolisiWhere two competing
contractor agree a to the that
amount each shall bid for
1 0 0n mde a < i K that the succesa
fill bidder m share
hi prpht with the other the
ceiful bidder is notdhble totke otker on such JpewcX
the same being contrary to public policy 66 S W Rep
Texas 586
KFAI FSTATK AGENTS An agent to sell land had
no power to delegate his authority to his on and the prin
cipal is not bound by a sale made by the son 66 S W
Kcp Ky 5 > 3
TFLHGKAPH COMPANIES A telegraph operator
in New Orleans is not presumed in law to know the Sun
day hour of the company al a town In Texas and In ac
cepting n message for transmission does not undertake to
deliver it regardless of audi hours in the absence of a
specific agreement to that effect 66 S W Rep Texas
Washington March 15 Staff CorrespondenceJ The
action of Senatorelect Arthur Pile Gorman of Maryland in
declining to accept the invitation 16 become 1 candidate for
the position of chairmin of the democratic congressional
campaign conuniiiee may he regarded as being particularly
significant ol the intentions of that gentleman with respect
l > Ihe democratic nomination for Ihe presidency in 1904
The announcement thnt such an invitation had been tendered
Mr iormun which so far as the Southwest was concerned
appeared exclusively in The Post of lust Thursday came in
the natute of n decided surprise to politicians generally
The teasons for thissurprise were mimeiou In the first
place it has been the custom heretofore to elect a member
of the house to the chairmanship and the effort to induce 1
senator to become a candidate for the honor was unusual
iurlher no otic had ever thought of Mr Gorman in connec
tion with the chairmanship save the three or four senators
who set tho movement 011 foot So on the whole the news
of the invitation that was extended him as a result of the
conferences held by Senators DuBois t armack and Raw
lins was icad with unusual interest in political circles Dur
ing Ihe two days that elapsed before Mr Gorman stated posi
tively that he would not be a candidate for the chairmanship
all sorts of spccblation was rife and while democratic opin
ion as to tho advisability of giving the place to tiic Mary
lander was divided it must be admitted that there was con
siderably more sentiment 111 favor of him than against him
It is now generally believed that Mr Gorman declined
the invitation of Messrs DuBois Carmack Rawlins ct al
because he thought an acceptance of it would lend to lower
the standard of his dignity and perhaps to impair his
chance for being made tlie choice of the democrats for
president at the next National convention There is no
doubt that the Marylander will bc a candidate for the nomi
nation utiles his present plans aro materially changed and
that fuithcr a very considerable element of that portion of
the democratic party represented hero is in favor of him
Some of those who think thnt Gorman will be the logical
candidate of the democracy are of the opinion that he would
really have been materially strengthening his case by accept
ing the offer of the chairmanship of the congressional com
mittee it being assumed that the announcement of his can
didacy would havo been tantamount to his election tu the
place This opinion was based on the belief that the next
house will be democratic and that if Mr Gorman could
show that he was In any way responsible in his capacity as
chairman of this committee for the bringing about of such
a satisfactory slate of affairs his chalices for success before
the convention would be greatly enhanced On the other
hand some of his friends pointed out that with the situation
in its present condition the position of chairman of the
committee was beneath him and that his acceptance of it
would injure his prospects for the higher honor to which he
aspires Especially would this be the case it was pointed
out if after announcing lhat he would be a candidate for
the chairmanship he should bc defeated or if after having
been elected he should fail to be instrumental in conduct
ing the campaign in such a manner as to give the democrats
a majority in the next house It is quite likely that Mr
Gorman considered all of these various phases of the nutter
quite carefully for he did not reply definitely to the invi
tation extended him for two days The reason he gave then
for declining was that he was too old and that he had
graduated from the committee or in other words that he
had served on it long enough during his previous terms in
congress and that he had given ifall the line and attention
that could rightfully bc expected from one man
However all this may be Mr Gorman finally declined
and the democrats foimliig the committee turned their at
tention to other material They very wisely took no action
at the meeting held on Friday night but concluded to wait
for two weeks during which time the claims of the various
candidates are to he thoroughly considered It is a trifle
difficult just at present to locate all of these candidates but
those who have been most prominently mentioned in con
nection with the chairmanship arc Griggs of Georgia Hall
of Pennsylvania Cooper of Texas Senator Clark of Mon
tana and one or two others At one time it looked as if
Mr Griggs would secure the position without any serious
opposition but even his most intimate friends admit that he
is not overburdened with energy and there is no doubt that
energy is one of the characteiistics which should bc upper
most in the man who fills the place and fills it acceptably
During the two weeks that will elapse before the next meet
ing of the committee is held some new material may be
luought out In fact it is known that an effort will he
made to bring out such material so that it is impossible at
this time to predict with any degree of positiveuess what
will be done in the premises
As was wired The Post at the time the invitation was ex
tended to Mr tionnan the seuatots who started the move
mem in his favor did so with a view to beginning a cam
paign in which Mr Bryan and his free silver ideas should
he entirely ignored There is no doubt that this fact in
flueuced against the Marylaiiler many who would otherwise
have been in favor of his
being selected to fill the position
of chairman of the
congressional committee
Mr Bryan has
numerous warm friends in congress and they do not propose
to see hint ignored in this or any other manner The pres
ence of the peerless Nehraskan in the city at the time the
pace was offered 0 Mr Gorman had the effect o 01 re
ol increasing interest in the matter and numerous
were mad to induce the former
0 express himself in the
premises Thu he studiously avoided
doing Du ing e
courB hort conveisation at the
capiol Fr
on lay c
old e practically the same language that he had em
Ployed n speaking of the miter to various other
poulnu hat he could not ay at tin time whether cor e
he would be a candidate for the nomination n 1 ot u
said but little on the
question of i
ue and policies
1 t
what he did say was direct and lo the PQj Special refe
ence was nude to the matter of imperialism and to the I
tion of United States
senators by a direct vote 0f c
men and hi
exprced complete
conM n h ure
Anatter which impressed itself
on everybody who
Mr Bryan during hi here saw
stay was his splendid
phy i
condmou Notwithstanding he hard
work he
a W
doing all of his life for that m t rlh
cheek are fluhed with health hi
eyes are bright
and clear
and hi ace wears that same look of determination
always characterized it He conducted himself i hi Ulu
democraie manner walking 0 the eplt0 irom th Z
ho el at which he
wa living and bowing and smiling
anily 0 the dozens of people who appko to him aSong the
vay There was nothing in evidence
during hi visit here
to indicate
that he
a dead one to
use a slangy but
nrmive phrase euher in a pobtcal sense or iuYny olh ex
C Aitiiu Williams
wt upon a fallen
And closed li
my eyes j j
a spirit came
To whisper talcs
A l f dfMn
y It itentj
And childhoods skie ar i 1
of other 3
Andother joy J ft >
Of other fragrant woodland
Of other skies of blte
I walked in childhood
Knew boyhoods Joys ti
For boyhood ha it j S >
Such as no manhood lZi
But oys are deeper and bid
woes arc soon for
Manhoods 1
So while
1 whiJ I sat there lost In
My eyes shnt light anVhst8 I
A loving
0 it seems
Mooped ecr my court j
And while 1
1 felt a tenderness
About mo sweep and then
I felt a soft caress
And started up wide wiJe
A I ncaih the mnking
Ihe daiiccd aerois thc U
1 he day was almost done
And there beside my wo0IIjh4
Where I ihat dieam Slf
Was aid a flower fresh and
A blue forgetmenot wttt
What hand had plucked
that Moivwi
What spirit loved of
Had softly stooped and plated ft 1
Then down 0 come S
1 know not yet I do bchMe
Twas grown where angels Atu
The meadow where men cene I
MidM fields of asphonH H
to writ 1
Texas all will he forgiven Ml
One of the Younger
boys who l < n
to marry but his lawyer tells lum thtSJk
dead in order to be legally
wed lie must I to
New Wk footpads bound and gagged J U
is hard to tell whether that joke w on the few
The warmth Of the language of hit Ke u
who was stricken dumb while
cursing probabrl
a fuse
Bnttcrsea England cotncilmen ridicule tie
kings name should be ipoken with bated W
if it was baited breath and id paid for the hit fir
differently about it
Mrs Potter Palmer says ftat the tossing isjt
of her
lingerie on a New Yt k dock by ctutei
in a very serious matter How rr as ihe wmj
pying said lingerie at the ti 1 ie may tutntb
self that it might have been lerioui
A New York man wjio 1 his money lii
Henry would be assassinated wi irthi countrh
to commit suicide He shot gnea at tent o
try such a fool couldnt be e cd o do it ridli
A man in New York who anttherftfto
saying that he would take n y oit of uoiiai
pocket failed to get a verdict hi Uv ril
pliment in New York
poor jfav
One time a wee lassie named Jen
Awoke in the night with peia
In her wee diaphragm
Tlie sweet little lagm
Had eaten green fruit in the lew
The part of President William McKinley tola
Hayes in the battle of Anticlam will he nUrMhi
nient erected by the State of Ohio In thlthft
ley then a private acted as commissary to the Oil
The monument will stand at the place white hi
ing thc fiercest part of the fight At th ttdi
Twentythird was the late president then CcWl
ford B Hayes on whose staff Mr McKinley M
Maria sou Bttnscii relates in the Berlin X ft
tung a pathetic incident regarding the Imp
She was driving with her one fine morning tV
when the empress suddenly startled her wjih
Promise me not to tell one I have A list
I have told my mother but none of my chiVirese
I do not want them to know it now I wantltla
General Henry II Carrington who celebrattlw
birthday last week at Boston was in 8 < jrkr
by Great Britain and France to tB e tftlonVl
thiough which he was able to at a d ii
lutinnary battlefields
Former Assemblyman Peter B T ld of
J has in his possession four 01 documents
speclively by the four first govc s n New Jed
first commission made out to great gr iw
nearly 117 years old having been 1 on Apti
Governor McSwecncy of South rtliii > >
Colonel J H Estill of Savannah C hoatrm
his staff with the rank of lieutcnai t looel w
Ihe selection for such a position of a resident ot
Slate he lessened by the know r Ige that ti
been for many years close personal fr
and that Colonel I nil
newspaper men mj
much military experience is a native ot e ota t
Twentynine signified
sculptors have V t li i
submit designs for Ihe of General Me1
When lie started to return to the he < B
a Virginia farmer found he had been hei A V
Being bearheadedcaused him erls iPVil W
Cavallen thc prima donna tclta of tm i2ll
mirers of lien who through jealousy f Q
duel in a dark room with swords 111
they were not Americans J
Can not some Texan
see Roosevelt 4ni
tell b
he will
reconsider his determination
is to he erected in Washington Tills is l1
largest number ever entered 111 such a compttm < I
The mimed States and Tfrritsr
did not contain any city with a l > opulatl0Llpi
more Arizona Idaho Indian Territory
vada New Mexico North Carolina Oklahoma s
kota Vermont and Wyoming jl
Physicians soy that if vaccination ooe
does rot prove lhat the person vaccinated J
smallpox One may be immune from vacciratiw 1
pox this wcekVnd not thc next today and not w 1
this 1
morning anl not this afternoon
One of tlie V ollsh l burglary insurance tew
vertises that thcr are
70000 thieve known
police Sir Urbeft Anderson of Scotland v fertUn
seventy wiuld he nearer to the number of oin
fesxjonals tipeitil
The house committee on industrial for
has recommended an appropriation ol iW j
government exhibit at the St Lout EPV M > t
an Indim exhioit and aooooo additional
eminent building
The South Opportunity
Savannah News
the d >
E tie SO
j the r 1
It is not improbable that the purpose
democrats will be made evident in the c ° vThe
mg candidates for congreM It is in the P0
to a very great extent to say what the ehr < nct
democratic National platform shall be I fK >
action taken by the Mississippi legislature u < f
Hal the democrat in other part of the roua7 w
the democrat of the South to take the le d fc fh
It would not he surprising therelore if V dr
ray the most conspicuous part in hanncnil
eratie party should practically dictate the
name the presidential candidate

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