SccSot IJL GEN Lon GORDON TELLS OF THE gKNDERS SENSE OF HUMOR ExConfederato Re j ns for the f Tremendous OallasA uflS1 at ed Crowd Is Expect rte distinguished gout lemon who yestordar wo General Uc J 1 ot Oeorpla Momlny night Oo on gcuernl had tUo misfortune < n the t tTpaialug lllm considerably never he chattel ury pleasantly m del think Of Tcxm Uo said iir 1 think it Is one of the grander M the union and all the elites In It Sr be thrlwrc cuumnnlllM The to 1 I happen t0 b0 foom t0 mo t0 Zbui kuow our next in < von Id m Dallas and It prom Ti bethe o la es or held The lit Memphis Ios voar as a tr0T wfo to m that the I ffair bnt it Itoaowlllcidpseit You see Texas T tne Dlaee to which a Rieat many States havo Inml bulicw ef the vl nd rcoplo m every community In Mudrcd hoc and all Sic areomln here to visithose Ksnndtot aooUatthBVonder In IaSuay ooUIngInto ctrc > mLitlili peparlucMr the gloat mln C4v 1 1 n able to provide sleep i < m li number or > for the ci eat lflS m taer Inngtess has recently 5 resoluTlon aiiuiorlzlinr the hccie cd rir toi lo n tin nniniig wem llXH ° able J Ld I WhIU tliey will be tuat i > > r < > Ir ° m > our Suko lMBiLi lhar will furnish lueonmni aSm ujmc MH 0 but still they will for a f 1 to will baio a great time i ta u iri to h anx ously bout General hob ll ron om IW have scarcely If I MY lh talking and v uting about him Muco Tcf 1 will uy however of ae ar ° human being whom I 1 tu one tit I met thaf ncxer kew sranilcd by nsao the only gieat man I ever rtlon IIo Is id ace who did no descend when 1 me m from tao hlh nlane 1 had assigned l flaw In his clinr l S I e had not one rtcr that I was abl to ilUcoyer but like uiu 1I 1PW srander lis I up SuXS a em of humor In him that j i nu to thn > e who met Mm oTand to n imi 1 vis tluown into viy timid with him Ah jou are i i ifbiblv a c I w i < t In eommnud of one ii of hu oim at tii lime < f the Mirren a ml Ion l other In coimec > mu < il of war wo ever oa with t i t i eld lit fate He nl t iiooie ho Huuomlur has ulll ell > ou in nit Idite Hun never j my kno i iiiidi i nl In print It 111 ten < i l 0 tiate that he did have leia pii or lunur At the i ii I or war above mentlonod f l io lecngnlze that he C ictc a ad vti ot fciml but 11 as determlnd i Ii tnc op jj I aoi i ttunltv pp entin li tlf attempt to ut ir way on d I on lieot was to follow he Idea n i i ii if P could get tliniiigh the Tennessee lino ft rould nl lo none lac nu m Tin 1 > 0 miles distant and re a Hint i > n d be formid with Tohn oafni ie < > 1 tins be enabled to slilke t Shfimin i vns the general Idea it nocp of ii a minute suspected tllit would h r i io fxeeiite it After le coiintl q m and I had vldd n nmi dlitaine I inembercd thit In my iStross ai tin cul meeting I hud foi ittcn to lnf i mral Lee Just where I Wll be durn the balance of the nignt ii I sfn an able biek to ask hlin where I icoli blvouar for the night He wns ly nc iJeivni n liik hi saddle for a pillow team aide addit he sed him and tuin d verand with a v I e that Indicated tha a oilt was plaWn nound his mouth he ild Giv < > rav i Ainpllments to Cfcneial ior on and tei mi I n ould like to linve lilm voaae jus > c v the Tennessee line Mtll that he i nr < i himself over to steep < Ui and tuy ortlr r 1rt him to dellvr c In grimly dioious mchhage CITY BREVITIES The Current Lite meet iture will at W hall Hi s morning at 10 oclock tery mcL m r reouestcd to be present There are wd Iveied tilegTnms at the oslnl Telfg fh office lis Main street w Annie rultcu feeietarv Houston Itulld r Exinauo and Mr V Sweeny Tie Shell i Arras absoclatlon will hold a Inipoi innt met ting this afternoon at it clock sh rp fhe members are requested meet piompMy on time as this hour has icn dxed ii t It will not luterfeie with ie lecture of lrot S II Clark Aa aami fir box a 07 at 1013 oclock cstcrdaj mor nr gave the department a Io a I blare at 2114 a Washington irect owna 1 Mi Kaufman and oecu w by J J n ely The fire wns cnuscd sparks foij the due No damage Justhfe MuttlirtHs yesterday afternoon at 30 o elmk in a nhoit but lmpiesslve ccre Oney tiiokc tlio words which made J n auiulu lr and Mls Carrie hus ltldiey Ha iiud wit The happy ceremony was rtoriifed nt the bildci home No W nartics ttitet Iadlrs Auxiliary ot the Young Mens MHtlan > oclatlon will this after meet on in regular session nt the looms corner aanln street and McKlnney avenue Tim ° r of tlio mi ting Is 430 oclock ami n J attendant Is rcaucsted ns business impot ane will be transacted WaUM Smith a negto charged with bur p In the burglarizing of li D llurketts e No 501 i ingress avenue on March ana taking theiefrom two boxes of to eco vn ai r > a a preliminary cacamluatlau < re Jnsti c Matthews yestetdny and was a oer to Hit criminal district court In sum of JTjO f i 1 rjg0 ftbo was arrested charged a lierse si allug was dismissed when Case cnmi M 1 > P for a hearlns befoie xatthws Mr Cdwurd Country JB from whom the horses were stolen at alng trial of Mr I > aBc testified wn J illsiicd he had the wrong man V tlta the ll lhnt If < 1aee had nothing to crime i JIm mecng scnlco preparatory to Za meittlngs to commence next > E2i wm us > this rffcnlng at 74J cioik i fumui rland lresbyterlan chapel tannin J strret and lease avenue All rJ > aIJ InWted to nttend and ull the si ifr cIiaHv ure urged to ho pres tlle se meetings which will bo con ajfd durlu the week ItcvJll C Uewltt i armr Saturday ready to preach on ° iii M Thc Christians of all deuouU ap uc umomeited are naked to aie to mi 0f tncse mKptigs At thf meetl B of the lolnt committee f fk T or the Odd Pelow eelebrattou e iiglit flrd nnnlverHary of the or 1 tea states the subcommlt r rtccl J ii ogress and hsd all organ i 0B at vorl U Is ton earlv for iim to bavp assumed nnv deflnltn i ii T U 0IIV thine deHnltelv settled date W I Alll The celebration will be on 2S owlnc to the fact thilt i rm q on Ratnrdnr this year and elch vUf ° t advisable to have the on Siituidav evening PERSONAL MENTION HimiiPts j itrt last night for New s oa a iiiistness tilp n I to his n mn v Jirr Gi legs Is confined taiollnp street ll i t n s > kfVlson a nromluout merchant Iqes Q < xas wna hero yestotday oa f rtnh henger lenrrs this morning for fr MV lht su < WW l > tkc guest of for hc ne t tw weeks D it > M v H Macxia r received a telegram t aL5lorulrC convovlng the sad news Va th of hl moBfr nt Nor Derothy TValUrs l spending n few 1 be dtj on htr way to New Or 0 SC R0 t0 flU two wwk TOeuient Cw 1t York Ja 8 1nrivB nkcr rttunf < 1 tnm ar at 5rs Vttc5ra CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA A Splendid Attraction Now at the Auditorium Mufo Is the characteristic art form of noucni time and the orchestra Is poly Phonic musics highest development The first big sruiphony orchestra that bus ever visited Houston was heard at tlio Ardltttlum last night by an enthusiastic 0 r > Pl < C ° U th ° r0 ra s encored Mr Uoscnhackers reading of thc over tuu to fannhnuser raj even ancr than that of tho leader of thc orchestra that ac companied Unima Juch when she was hero homo yinra ago Last ulght their worklnc waS ° CmaX 0t tQls nPM a ni l ° Ca e suite was lovely u ni 1 111 1111 was Dr Dvoraks Nuw World symphony si many tomposltlons of this order have been written lately that Is instrumentations cf tn MC1ifS the natho Anietlcau Indians music all i designed to embody and set forth Jin tdm of typical nnd characteristic Amer ican Uuslc Dr Dvorak uses no Indian hemes but ho declaies that tho exquisite ly poetical slow movement of his symphony jinn Instilled by the reading of Longfellows Hiawatha It is certainly a composition of singular beauty has some nun km rnyia mlcal peculiarities and entrancing melodic sunliis Mr an Oordts plajlng of tho Wleulnw tke violin conceito was Quito Interesting nnd he was mj hnppy in his curore selec tion The work of his left hand Is cry fine especially his left hand pizzicato ex cites admiration Mr Towno Is a typical robust tenor his tones nro full nnd vigorous nnd have it times an almost golden quality After singing grandlj tlio grand aria from Ooa nods Queen of Sheba he gave as an en core IcU Llebe DIeh in Zelt und Ewlghclt and It was sreatlv enjoyed Madam ltagnn Llnne did nil and more than wns promised for her Her voice his great power and sweetness In fact N a tine example of the full dramatic type Madam I Innc Is a native of the Rccniln navlan Isle a relative of Dr Carl Von Llnnnus the celebrated botnulst She was several times recalled after each song bst ulght and some In the audience kept hoping she would sing a Swedish pong for there me so uisuv of such exquisite beauty and the Swedish vowel soinds arc so sweet Maybe she will sing one tonight The program for this evening will be in entile change even stionger than last nights etnlireelni ns it will the reit Ml the soloists will piitronnce imin a ii tmyi u n wai The stcet car scnlcc Is all that detlred GENERAL LIDDELLS PICTURE Tho Work of a Native Houstonian in New Orleans The following complimentary notice of thc oil painting of General LIddell painted by Mrs 0 J Morel a native of this city which portrait is to lie presented to tho Confederate Veterans association at Memo rial Hall New Orleans this cenlug Is ta ken fiom tho New Orleans Hrayuno Next Wednesday n uingnlllcent pot trait an oil painting of General LIddell will ba picsented at Memorisl Hall to tho Confod eiate Volutins association by Mr and Mrs Trnnk L Itlchanlson General LIddell wns nn uncle of Mr Itlcharciion and as a gal lant officer of thc Confederate States and as well as to place his portrait among tho heroes in thc hall as to commemoiate his memory Mr Itlchardson decided to pic sent a fine oil painting to the hall The poitralt which is mounted l < > a beautiful glided frame Is a bust plctme and life size having been copldrl from an old photoeraph by Mr3 O J Motel of No 1730 Calhoun street The portrait Is a magnificent work of ait The features aie peifeet and most lifelike while the coloring Is true to nat ure The general wears the gray a Confederate generals uniform nnd every detail of the painting Is neifect Mrs Morel whose pirlors are really art gsllerlts the walls being decorated with the evidences of her genius Is t native of Houston Texas her maiden name belnc Miss M S Svdno and belnc a niece of the famous Confederate general Van Doin She Is at heart and seul in ardent admirer of the old Confederacy nnd while painting the plctme of Oenenil LMdell she found that the work was on of love and enthu flinsm She Is the wife of Mr O J Morel paying teller of the Whltnev National bank of this city The painting will Ie presented to the hall1 liv Mr George A Wllllnms who seivcd un der Oeneial LIddell nd remembers tdm with loie and respect C donel J A dial nion will lecelve the picture on behalf of the association The occasion will be one long to be remembered STRUCK BY A TRAIN J Milton Core Receives Injuries that Cause His Death 3 Milton Core aged X a car cleaner In tho Houston and Texas Central shops was ruu over by a freight ttalu etrly yestcrdiv morning near Crosbv twenty miles east of Houston Core was either walking along or sitting on tho side of tho track when struck His bodv was badly mnngled He was picked up nnd taken to Crosby whom ho was given medical attention nnd when the westbound passenser train came through he wns brought to nouston Ar riving hero tho Injured man was taken to the Houston Infirmary where Dr Stuart und Dr George Larondon did everything possible to alleviate his sufferings There was nover any hopo expressed for his re covery und the end came at noon two hours after he was admitted to the Infirm ary The remains were taken In charge ny tlw undertaking firm of Iloss Wright and will be shipped this morning to thc home of deceaseds mother near Covington La Justice Matthews was notified ot Cores death ami viewed the remains preparntoy to holdlnir an Inquest which will be held as soon as tho presence of tbc wltncssas needed can bo secured Crosby Texas March IS J 31 Core of Verger La was run over and hidy In red by train No 212 this morning two and onehalf mile west of Ctosliv le wai sitting on the track nnd supoojed to have been asleep Iloth his legs tiro ennued at the ankle and amputation of both feet wlJJ bo accessary t Fosters Local Forcasts Weather dinnies noted below will occur within twentfou hours of 8 p m of miles below Jlnich 10Cool 3I rch UO Cool March Jl Moderating Where can you Invest money more profit ably than by buying n bottle of 1ilcUly Ash Hitter yon get four for one A kidney medicine a liver taule stomach strength inor and n bowel cleanser Knur inmUeia for one dollar Cuplwl Iliiirmaey 5b M jH street Aldwtt Cpckwll Co J1 sturt A V Klesllng SCC Main strctt pedal ngents Hope and Wisdom Iloth are contained In Cheathams If xatl e Chill Tnlilstn Try them J5 cents No euro no pay NOTlcn Tho finance rommltee will sell to tho highest blddei all property sold to the ejtr Under cxnullon Jor taxe This Mle will b gla Mrdn dH > thc 3th Inctanr at 10 m at Olllby Dow hall and eontinunfrpai d I day VupTiTcTtrWaiaxr w HOUSTON DAILY POST WEDNESDAY MORNING MARCH J9 WW FOLEYS RICH DISPLAYS GRAND SPRING OPENING OF MILLIN ERY AT W L FOLEYS The Dsplay Rich and Elegant Keeps the House Thronged in Every De partment Many New Features It w s opening day In the millinery de partment of the great department house ot W L Toloy yesterday but tho ordinary visitor would have thought It was opening day In every department Tho houso was thronged nearly alt day and every depart ment scouted at Its best Deglnnlng nt the ground floor as one entered tho large commodlons double building ho was struck with the displays In the dress goods dc partment then to tho art department tho ilbbous hosiery and gloves laces and em broideries handkerchief notion porfumer les and toilet this department by the way Is one of the jlggcst little things In the city It Is completo In every respect and nas everything In tho way of perfumeries and toilet uitlcles Then comes the wash able goods department the Uueus nnd white goods tho staples gents furnishing and shoe departments Lp on the elevator to tho second uoor to the ladles readyto w car and millinery departments and thou to the third uoor where the carpet and pll cloth department holds full sway backid by tnu reserve stock rooms which arc on thc Mouth side llach of these do paitmints bus a head or manager to whom Mr Foley looks for results und It Is safe to say he does not look In vain Lnch depattment seemed to huvo on Its bjst bin and tucker jesterday and from the crowds which throuKcd them all day I ino results certainly Jusiiued them In hav ing on their butiday clotties and putting their bet foot forward The millinery dipartiucnt wns a bower or beauty handsomely decorated with flowers and ferns palms and vines The guy nnd dnzzllng colors displayed also added to the oiegaueo and beauty of the d coratlous The front room where only impoited hats and hcadwear were shuwu wan lich nnd rlcgaut in Its magnlilceiit display of rich and cosily hcadwear rang ing lu pilces fiorn 20 to s50 and tor ladles who hnie a hat for ciery dress 1hls display was greatly admitcd by all Hut the other room was no less beautiful and attractive although not so costly an 1 was one wheio all could he pleased nnd where taste nnd elegance wns displayed equal to that In the front room Vi L Foleys spring millinery Is dis tinguished by seveial marked features There are ninsses of the wood llowers beau tlfully lnwtoupght with lico on the ehll diens hats and the soft shades of pastel tilue Ineo straw made in wheels around the rendytowear turbans besides many other distinct styles lu the trlcoine and box turbaus with hooping lnck Some of tho inrMnn models designed bv Lynn Faulk ner Cugeula Iarlset and others show the association of delicate shades which none but such artists can manipulate Thc woo 1 fiber straw was formed Into a design tot il ly different from nuy seen heretofore tho tissue embroidered In fiber braid nnd lnce used In drapery with straw buttons nnd lu can braids shaped Into rnboehons Hunches of green aud red currants liarnio ulouslv blend with this slvle I Another innovation Is the brim made Into battlements with Venire lace chlrton and cream roses combined In the trim ming A literal bed of black violets eovcis the ciown of one pattern hat with ehifToit and vInlets dispensed as the onlv trim ming Thus throughout TolevR dUnliv is reveeied peculiar and beautiful designs in the fanciful creations ot spring mllllnerv vtv bts were hsndsnmp In the puie rose pink coloring used In Melaine llowers nnd ribbon The of blue and eem were exquisitely done SOME ELECTION INFORMATION From the Attorney Generals Olfice to Registrar Grumbach Tho Post printed a tew days ago a series of questions submitted by neglstrar Charles Grumbach to the nttorney general to aid Urn In the settlement of some mooted points that he Is frequently called upon to settle lu detcrmnlng whether or not appli cants aic eligllic tor legiirntlon The attorney general through his as sistant Mr I E Simmons has answered Mr Giumbnchs Inquiries as follows Mr Chas Grumbach Houston Texas Attorney Generals Department State of Texas Austin March 13 11KK Dear Sir Your letter of March 14 to the attorney gvnetal has beep duly received In refetence to your luqulty you nro ad vised that If a minor comes to the United States without patents or If a minor comes to thc United States whose parents or whose father does not become n citizen of the United States It Is necessary for such minor to take out naturalization papers on leaching his majority in older to become a citizen of this country If n minor comes to the United States withhis parents and his father becomes n citizen during tho childs minority It Is not necessary for such child to become naturalized upon becoming of age The Inw In reference to the quallflcaton ot voters has been changed nB Is set out bv chapter OS of tho acts of the Twcnty sl xth legislature so that one now who Is a foreigner must declare his Intention to be come n citizen ot the United States six months before an election In order to bo nble lo vote by reason of such declaration Yours truly D U Simmons Office Assistant Attorney General GOLDEN BROWN The Color Sought in Coffee When a person has been shown that a change In food or dilnk can mako and keep one well It Is a thing not likely to be forgotten Coffee Is a killer for many people and of couise when left off the u er will probablv regain a degree of health with out anv outside help but when Tostum Food Coffee Is used the return to health Is much more rapid for 1ostum Is a dis tinct and well defined health builder with a delicious coffee flavor and n beautiful deep blown color that changes to golden brown when cream Is added A Chicago man leter G Hoist ut 311 Englewood Ave write Heading lu tho paper the other day something about 1os tum Ccteal It awolioHn mo a rominlscent ven About five years ago when I was a miserable dyspi ptlc I first heard of loj turn Cereal Coffee and put It to a careful I had ben nfflleted for years with chrortc djspepsla and nil the medicines I had tried were In vain One by one I had to leave then off and was In despilr us to whn I should do for relief Mv first taste of Iostum was about ten oclock one morning I did not dare to take cream with It for I knew whst the result would be with mv stomieh Th tt In I thought I did I have since learned that cream can be taken In Postum evei bv bail dyspeptic but I had mv first taste with onlv hot water In It and a llttl sugar The second cup followed the fir < t and a third folowed the second I took ir depnrtnro munching some of the dry grnlus of Iostum ns I wan determined to lnve tgate Its effeets thoroughly That day I had no dinner nnd experi enced no ilUttMsInir sensations ep the contrary felt as though mv appetite had been nrpeased Tho next day I began to use Ioatum regu larly and boron tho first pieksge hid used I diseoicid tUe t 1m > i > ii entirely mo encouraging symptoms The dyspepsia and lieadiicboA which I had heon suject to dally entirely disappeared also the du tietslng voin tlng spells Tlio bowels Im proved steadily nnd regularly I ate cautiously but was suetalued bv the Postum Coffee After the first packags I tried It with milk then with erelni without experiencing the least Inconvmi lenc v Of cowee I was delighted and the future looked bright From that first ex perience np tn date my health has been splendid I hat Inrreased In weight from 139 to 187 pounds and c n digest anything I dulre I can say honestly aud rheer fullythat 1 would recommend Poirum to inr on tiff rlus th tortures of dyipep GENERAL JOHN B GORDON COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF UNITED CONFEDERATE VET ERANS His Lecture at Bryan Hall Last Nioht His Injuries Received at Seguin Ara Not Inconveniencing Him General John B GOrdou commander In chief of tht United Confederate Veteran association the loved leader of the sur vivors ot thc Lost Cause who was sched uled to lecture lu tbla city last evening arrived here yesterday morning Notwlth standing thc curly hour at which ho ar rived there were n number ot exConfeder ntcs at tho depot to greet him aud welcome him to the Hub City of the South Uo was cordially welcomed by the old der mis aud thc old battle scarred vcteruu re turned thc greeting us cotdlally and heal ly as It was given Tho general wns still suffering great Inconvenience and consider able pain from his right nukle which ho had badly twisted by stepping upon tho side of a grating at Segulu the day previ ous TbiougQ careful nursing aud doctor lug tbc lufiuuimntlou and fevor lu bis limb had becu kept down aud as result his Injuries were not as serious as It was nt Ilist feaied they might be Ho wsb com laiutlMl > ias wuiu ho urrliod here but was toiisldeiubl lutlgued auu utvr re ceiving tho gioetlngs oi his comrades and Itieuas was ukuu to the itlce hotel whuru he lusted porioctiy quiet until tuuou Unv Itg oiueis when he went to tits room that ho was not to be disturbed uuul inut hour Ueuuiai John D Uuidun uithuuga uotr sctemy jours of ngc and iiailug gone through tho civil war fuun beginning to imi iioatlug at thc end of that suite uo leaf than eight wouLds five oi wan a aero leictMd lu one battle Autletttm still has much ot that Uic vigor aud Um which chaimteilred him all Ibuiugu tbc war 1U Is todaj the grand old uisu ot the South und ucli ihsuiet the inline Gieat niion tltn was PsId him while In this city both ut tho hotel In tho uitemoou ami at the ililuiu bill lu tne cieniiu Ills lecture was Hurl well uttcmlul aud was delUeie1 In that btyle nud tutuiiui chaiaiterlsilc of Genu ill iiotilon Ho Ln < a pomrrul vet w11 modulated voice which ftiici tue hall iuliy and without any oxtta edoit on his part hcu the hour for the lecture arrived Geneial Gordon having had bis Injured tin klo well ntteuded to dtirhg the day was liellng gieail impioied lie was taken to the hall and walked up the steps without any seilous Inconvenience other than beiiu well suppoited on his ilghslde A large nu dii nee wns lu waiting foi hliu and his np pea once was tho signal foi lutni and pio longed nppluusit u appetiuuco on the Mago was received In the same manner He stood dtullig the entile time of his lect uic without any nssi tance and seemlnglv without luconvcnlon < o although lie ad mitted after the lcctme that he wsr suffer ing homewhat with his lulund limit Ills lectino and his niannoi of dellorlng It nre too well known to need nuy elaboration It wax Qeueial John II Gordon on The Last Days of thc ConcXderacy which tacts In themselves nio suflblent to the average reader After thc lecture General Gordon walked fiom llrynn Hall to the hotel nnd got aloi g nicely nnd without in s i < ous tn convenience He thinks lit lll have uo lmther troublo nud ulll get along all right He leaves this iiornlng oer the Houston an Texas tntral foi nronlinm wliorc be wlw loesvo this evening He wns well pleased ivlth his reception In Houston and especially with Unit given lilm h > his for iimt comrades in nuns and theb families Tie spoke with special pilde and pleasuie of his foinier visits to Houston and the honors accotded lilm In this eltj and deep 1 regretted that his Inline ltnb would prevent lilm from seeing meie of the cit which be learned was crowing su rnpldlv nil making such vast tmpimoments and progress He spoko of It as the city of the Sooth and nnld It woll deeeiveil to ba such and that ho hoped at no far distant dnv to again visit Houston nnd inl with Ills old fi lends nnd acquaintances sml urn kg mnny new ones amonc the thousands who nre coming here to make it their home DE MOSS LYRIC BARDS A Splendid Concert at Shoarn Chapel Last Evening The concert given tonight by the De Moss Concert companv at Shoarn ehapt 1 last evening under the auspices of the Epwoitb league of Shoarn chuich was u mnsbal treat Tho orocram was a choice airuige ment of musical selections rarely enjoyed by auditors at a concert given In church bulldlncs The glockenspiel strlngless violin nolo was something that few If any In the au dience had ever heard before and wns In teresting Mis Llrlo De Mo Davis In I Dreamed That I Dwelt Knife on tbla wondeiful Inn rumcnt chuimod tho bouse The banjo band of five banjos was excel lent Tho Xjlophono baud In Hoboes from Multnomah was another oxcellent nnd retching feature which bold the hennns until the last note died away when the audit nee demonstrated Its approval by pro longed applause I he Columbian band bells and ihe rustic bells were also tea urra which look The feature of the vvpuluga entertainment however was that of Mr Gcorjo De Mosr rend ring sweet music by performing on two cornets nt opce playing the soninlio and altn in Mendelsohns Ail aeo The audience eneoicii tills pcrfoim auce till he was compelled to repent It There was a cood ultendance The proceeds arc to be devoted to the payment for the repairs to Fpworth thiipel on San I llie stieet which wns given the Hpworth league bv Shenrn church on condition tlmt iho league will have It repaired and fixed up imUNXEK REVIVAL POSTPONED The revival meeting announced to begin nt the Methodist church at Itmuner tnulgat has been postponed on oecnuut of tho d Hev Chiltons lu lay in mietlug thu Fifth ward However tho pastoi Hev W l Carotheis will begin a series of Holiness meetings with the 11 oclock sermon Sun day morning next and continue the sumo with services each evening at 745 until and Including Thursday evening of next week Piof D M Dole tho evangelist singer will have charge of tho muale and mail neeessltms to ItruunWs local forces nre expected from Iloustim so that It is nntliipnled that Uicho ineutlsgs will piovo Interesting aud profitable to alt who at tend z Riee Association rrora Mr F X Gray It wns learned that the board of directors of the Itlce Associa tion of America will meet In Ids city on Fildny Match 21 There are thirty mem liors of tho board and he has received let ters from a sufficient number of em to ludirnte that nt least twenty of them will be In attendance It will tin n representa tive bo v of men and they will cotne fiom pverv portion of the rice growing regions of the United State He thinks their meeting here Is n maftef of Importance to Houkton and tlmt some attention should be paid to them Everything Comes To those that wall mm now and then ncbec and pallia Ithetiimitlsiu Catarrh Neiiriilsln and everfthluir that hurts Hunts Lightning Oil keepa oft overrtblig except old age and death Try It 33 ftw f0 rtntu Satisfaction or money refunded SAN ANTONIO Ilroolw Iteakbnm In dicted for the murder of Holompu Holmes ut Adklns Station Feb 12 was ronvlettd of manslaughter and hi punishment fisnd nt roiiftnemrnt In the pjiiltenllurv for a po rlod of six years Laugh and tha World Laughs with you have chills and you chill alone Cheathams Luxative Chill Tablets cure glvea an appetite and strength Most ecarenlent chill ionic on earth Can carry la th tut pdct TEXAS DEATH ROLL CSTINrMexlii March nUunone rntliie died at his home live miles west Decouiwd was of he Siituda ulght about M yems old and is sab to have lived In tliis countv for the past sixty yonrs HOXD Sweetwater Texas March 10 William Bond well known In Houston and IVlton died here this morning of oltarrli ifthe throat Ho was Wl vens old His re in Irs will bo shipped to Helton for Inter HOYKIV Duke Toxas Mnreh 17 Pled at Diike Texas March II lWtt Mrs Ilor enee hm kin wife of Captain I 11 Hoy fin Houso Sugar Flnutat on nu of T W lled at Angletn She have husband loss She aud live children to mourn her was born In fialveston Texas Nov 17 1HJ inr fsther John Lewis wns a steamboat captain and bought a plantation In Hrazo SIMMONS Comanche Texas Mnreh 17 Olid at Comanche Texas March 14 It I Slinniona 07 > ears old a Confederate Mibller of the Fortyfouith Georgia Infant ry John lelhain camp escorted his re u jlns to the cemetery and took part In tho ct vires SHORT TEXAS SPECIALS LA GRANOK Tho northers of thc pist fevv days have made the rain of last week of little or no effect and rain Is again be ginning to be nieded TMIIV At an i lection held today to lncoii > orate for m hool pui poses the vote was CO t < > 1 I favor of Incorporation HONIIAM The Kannln eounty Confeder ate veterans have decided to hold a reuuion hero August 13 14 nnd 18 MIDLOTHIAN Tho Oontlemens Driving club has purchased land adjacent to town and laid off a track basnual grounds etc A grand stand will be croctod and the whole Inclosed MJUIJOCK Thn crcrka office of tub bock county la crowded with horaeseekers A large number of tilings have been made and still othets are waiting to tile The leasos on the lands are not taken Into con sideration at all SnErHEHDrMdney Jenea a deaf mot ntgro but oxrliaa bu In a woandtd condi VV tion and states that he wns held up robbed and beaten by two negroes whom he traced to Ileaumont OIDDINOS A special praer meeting to pray for rain Is to be held Wednesday nt tho lresbyterlan church LA OHANCn lbe compresh Ice faotoy and oil mill will u o liquid fuel DlCKHXH lhe pruhbltinii election ro suited In n victory for the ptos In Dickons county by a majority of TIIOKXDALi Tom Ooodev colored was sttuel by a passenger triln and quite crl iihlv liuir having two illis broken nnd bring otheiwlse Injured LAltnno Tbe fcdeiul court for the western district of Texas Is in cession here HO OHANDH A man recently Jailed for huiglury and n prisoner solving a Jail sctituicc have mnde their escape from tho county Jnll COHSICAXADlstrlct court for Navarro county Is now tn session nintrLAlHTbc prevailing high winds have dried the ground out again MAHLIN The Mnrlln electric light and Ice plant has adopted a system of oil burn ets whhh will be In use In n few days ISNNI8 The Independent Telephone company has begun the work of setting the poles and stringing the lines for their Hu rls plant > estenlaj and expect to havo their business operating by May 1 Good Healthy Action is easy to have by taking this famous old remedy To look well and keep well use Beechams Pills f lU XlV7WtU lD b XM WOi uU Ut AA tr STRONGEST IN THfe WORLD jj fljL THE EQUITABLE MFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY s JAMES H WYMAN No True Lo e In Japanese Marnnrjes Japan has some ciarrlrge cuatoms tnnr nro nt vnitauce with our Wcstem Ideas on the qvestlon In the list place love doaMit finer Into tho contract nt all The pilmnry purpohO In a Jnpouose girl marilntje Is to get her placed whole she will be well connected and well cared foi No mother lu all Japan would for a mo ment be no foolish us to think of giving her daughter lu marrlngo to a young man who hud uo home icndy for her irruption Uo must have the necessary moans to euro tor a wife and ho must be ublo also to thow a creditable family tree Without those essentials ho might love the gill lo desperation and she might icgatd him with ijiiul ardor but he would never get her Tho Jnpauoo maiden in any cveut does not choose he own husband II would no moio occur to her to do such an nuda uous Hung Uinn to have chosen the name given her at blith An interested ft lend of the family known as the gobetween attends to this matter When a gill reaches a marriageable age this gobetween mats about ror a hus band for her When he finds a young man who meets all of the requirements of family and fortune he arranges for a meeting with the girl and her mother Another wav Is to nrrnngp for a meet ing at the house of a friend Of course the matchmaker will pretend that It Is nnlte an acldent although all of the party understand perfectly that II Is by design eu oooaooe f oo t oouooo op OF THE UNITED STATESi LOCAL AND SPECIAL AQENTS WANTED OF INTEREST TO < FEMININE READERS The gill Is very shy aud hides her faro behind her fan as she bows low inanv times Then she retltes blushing nnd ncivous behind her mother The young mail nt this meeting looks her out and decides whether he will wed her If lie mires the negotiations are cirrled to a finish He pnjs for the troiissinu and tho brides father provides tho entire furnish ings for the house which the nnwlyinanlcd pair will oecup m Red N t Doomed Those who have bemoaned tho fact that wo muat pieaently part with the mre rich reds which hao been such a feature ot handiome winter wind obes have spoken beforo thinking or wither looking In nearly every Instance the Mimmcr goods specially the wnsli goods show a warp of white nnd this tones down thc color whether It be red green blue or what ever until a palt of its surface Is bound to appear cool sblmmery fllver Work for the Summer Girl Bummerglrlstobe with leisure and eUU may mnke for themselves very pret ty belts which will look especially well with their white waists or whole dresses Hows of ribbon arranged glrdl fashion am featherstitched together with whtto silk A few whalebones covered with white may be nnccssaiy to keep the belt In shnpe o a oo ao < iape ooa oa SETON INFIRMARY AUSTIN TEXAS AUSTIN TEXAS RTION Outstanding Assurance Dec 31st 1901 lf7927672500 New Assurance Issued in J901 24591208700 Income in 1901 6437460594 Assets December 31 1901 33103972034 Assurance Fund and all other Liabilities 2599 f 067828 Surplus 7ft2904206 Paid Policyholders in 1901 2711462142 JAMES W ALEXANDER President v JAMES H HYDE VicePresident R H BAKBR General Manager H L W1LSQN and E L FAULKNER Assistants to Manager J 11 > i j nicr Astonishingly Cold Alaskas The great scientific ALASKA REFRIGERATORS are liere to day Probably they brought along la3t nights change of temperature Wc open and put them on exhibition exul tant with pleasute that is caused by their new ircli briRht ami im proved appearance Dont forget that they are the greatest Refrigerators in the world All highest awards go to Alaskas at every great exposition They save the Ice a dally hourly economy BERINGCORTES HDWO CO Cor Prairie and Milam Mild and Iteltablrj CT ItlJ ALL DISOIlDKltd OF TUB STOIC AtH LIVBlt HOWULB 6ick Headache Biliousness Indication Toroid Liver Dlzzv Feelings Dyspepsia OBSERVE The following simitoms rcultlng from Disease of the Plgi lve Orgius CoiisUua tlon Inward piles rmlness of the blool In the head aridity of the stomach natSea lunitbiirn dlgn t of fool fulbie ir weight In the atomnch sour eructations sliii usoiwirfocytlng senitlona when u a lying Postmo dlmnebs of vision dlzzlcesa on lining middciilv dots or webs before the sight fever and dull pnln lu the head deficiency of persplrstlon velloWncss oi the skin and eyes pain In the side chest limbs nnd sudden flushes of heat burning In the flehh A few doses of HADWAYS PILLS will free the system of all tho above named disorders Price 2T > cents per lies Sold by Orfllr gists or sent by mall It AY Ai CO 05 rlra Street Non Tor lc 0 titt In America Stilctly High Crada Every pencil ataaptJ with our namo beeauia we kta proud of them 60 cinti per dcirn 5160 per craif llexncon gilt yeiow hfsl rubber tipped ur tompreeied graphtie wrlt < iinooth ruba out cltiu MAIL OUDERB A SP15CULTY THE BOURKECARGILL COMPANY Monulacturlng Stationers camp building Houston Texas VlUtMtl > w 4iu44 Vegetable GoiiiptHiii A Womans Remedy for Womans Ilia FOR SALE BY AH DRUQ01ST OALLA YMHRowY 00 BEAUMONT TEXAS Oi Producers bhippers and Exnorfers We guarantc delivery Ws own our own tank cars barQes and oil well Every iiclung disease of the slln quickly cured by Doans Oinlment Never failing Remedy for Itching Piles At anv drue store TEN DAYS TW lui aukHi h i U IilJ ll rMHiT > M J f > Sx a n Q 11 Mi H m Si r i si 4 1 ii i