flJ fl
12c per Dozen < I
w > wvw V < n nmn > m umu ii >
Ur ih
11MIJKI it on m
They cover more surface Hid last longer
than any other Paints We hive just re
ceived three car loads ind can uppl >
all shades in ariv quantities i
Write for Color Cird and Prices or call
and we will tell you of the Rood work
that this H M Paint has done i
If Randolph
Preston ami Tannin Street
Drs Betfs Beits S Dyar
Pdyoiciars Surgeons and Specialists
2H St Charles St New Orleans
loiiu lulchll ur 1 iad il uinlc uinl
ttarrlod ui n mid nil n Kutlor lib lost
Jllnbood Nei > oii D lillln snemiaionliei
Nominal Lomh
x5J3 > 5cxual Hi ij i ti
K In Mpuuh Weak
f v I ninip 1J
f V tf t of
iM ImgfLI for II
pitrr lin Kii1 im fnrli
t Mili
c ncjDk < nttt
I llltpoii llxll
Ml Hood rirapliB
I in > < llinpnl t a
r i a r < a < o
Hlo < l and skin Ila
I iv s v p b I l I s
I i iptl na fl a I i
I a I I I n if Iloiio
I iln sin Ihront
1 I n v Swrlllngi
I ffo 1m of > ti roiii >
Klein i mid HI iddc
lumlilon V o a k
Ttaoi it u i n n r
1 ilno Imnntlnonce
Million lion llppl
it Imo ro lvo
pin blng r r p n t
prnnip rolltf and iiiu for life nolh
trestod lontldoiitHllv and prlmtelj
natdla 1 t Mirp md Hiiptino ourod
or onr mpw inoliod wllliont opoi nlon
Sond for ptrll ilar ddri > m
214 St Charles St New Orleans La
Ever Woman
nloipiini nml nli mll Miom
rlulil lliAiitiiiliimt
MRn Whirlincj Sprny
Piirir lfinl iiitrr vw
I nn I i ii Prat f
Mi 1 tni1 Irnt
r f
nnlAKBiiit in in ix J
ioMIh lJlimiio i 9
filkllmpN llldi S J
HocibtonB Popular dowotry Storo
nr rrla > pd to tr t
i Jr i n Jf B w III honfflll roil mill
furnhli Ihptii at iea oiiliU prices No
rharse for con iillntlou
Shebouqan hK fa ous wisconMn
for sale at neuly all drmUnc plict In
Houston Tr > it A Split In time a es
doctors bill Louu Chnuiatiseii > Co
rmgT sniiii imT > riri
Bering Manufacturing Co
Wholesale Donloro In
Baby troubled with Eczema or
Dther disfiguring itching dis
ease of the skin
Doans Ointment will cure
Can not harm the most deli
cate skin
Delivered Ho uston for all
shipped to us up to Satur
day evening AlarcXi aad
If shipments arrive or not
Henke Pilloi
Houston Texas
distance Paint
Is the Heath Milligtm
Ready Mixed Taints
oiman s
Will olferliis Matchless Irotliiction of
IcorjcII Bakers Ioetic Love Sloty
a Rimini
Trancesca played by Mapcia Van Drls er
Paolo pined by Aurmn Houcicadit
iepe played by Win IAm NoRRii
Jiul MR SKJNNEK as Lanciolto
II UHtoll
Dealer in Msh
Doors JtltriJs
Lumber shinnies
Rut the fid rmlni nt > r <
hf dquart r for
Smoke Stacks
Blow and Exhaust
Skylights and
Fuel Oil Tanks
Wagon Tanks
ft Use and recommends the CAS
g KANCL as th tdeil cooker because fl
5 It cooks better and Quicker fl
than any other Jj
It ii more economical thin B
E wood if properly used fl
It does away with sootsmoke S
and ashes fi
II It is always ready tj
It Is absolutely safe fl
I Houston Gas Light Co 8
E Sell R ent Repair
ond ExchanJe
Wc sell Tibulating Attachments
We ell Tvpewnter Supplies
We sell Typewriter furniture
We furnish Stenographers and
Can We ScrVc Voxx
i i > i i in
I el
Doili 1
I i jpnst1 Sdi > lti lion Ijaiv s
ton in New > rk Welnesdny
bit lintrs nil jt k pv W sl
s t > l S It
Mn Kp rsi MiU jj nion
v IV Vi SVs diiMln Mm Ml noon
AllIM sntinM Mn
n KIM llfi Widinmlai xprllj noo
Inifcht Id Dnl > Iiwmuuce Edict
lHl t l < WPSl lttttCS
niVcSrT1 A > nlatlon un tirpaawii
airkila IhmipiI nil iiasspr to ni f
Firopo nl ft JIZiiiA
Viplvjo Mn llnphHol zen
J II flonlmni
xrut lalvfuton
Crown Fire Brick
Oiilv Kmd or Oil
L memt lid Sewer Pipe
Bntk r
Roofing Tar Paper Ready Mixed
r unts Ltc
WllfcN IT IS
Then you will repret that you did not
Srcat your eye Qht that you did no
uuy qlasBcs lor them who l
few X Our examination are
Offico 612 Travis Street
Room 8 Fox Bldg Houston Tex
lhister Men
fl W J V and S8 K
I5 Umbrellas Jl
and > r
fcle mlliwu nn r
m > b linM Ua hilt
lUlr to lu youihfuj OolorT
COLMANS ntlemt fprcPafeforEsier I
1 u j l > Xou only We one more tueek 9
left to do rf m and we would like for tt seot I
Ime of Spring and Summer Goods J
Such nice tliints as we have this
season will be hard to ilnd
ny where sec us before buying and note mir prices I
raster Neckwear IPc Me S5c 0c
and 7oe
Iasler Suspenders 10c 23e 00c
and 7Di
Ba Jfp nnflkercUIer J0o i2V4e
We 23e and Wc
Kaetee Collars and Cnffi JOc J5e
50e c fl ° ° M
nmi LwfUrt8
Laste r Caps 10e 2V and 500
and Kastor si 00 I7uderi > ear 21c w l5c
lnht r Itojs Jiats 7 j0 10o
w > nn
1a liJo > w
ftlff Hats 100
llaslor Walkln Cunes
7Bi mid jitio
W Jlo 2X
20e BOc
1107 Congress Avenue
Opposite Court House
Stoic Open as Usual Tonijlit
rienly oi Qood Light
< < < r4r4t < c < c < < t + < c
ihero nas vrtv llltlo of intercut doing
In un > of the coiiria > eleiilay In the
Ilercnth district court tho nhly rase of In
most na tln > lfijuiicllril unit of Union a
Raker timt nllior urnnrn of property In Iho
Mock hounded bv Congress and lmnkllii
amines and San Jacinto and Cntnljtio
trrol Kgathrt Whrrt Clilmrnc and olhrn
o lPitntin them fftmi iitoyepdlng with the
iimiiiiIjii of n ImfMlne nn Unix Jnplnto
him pi nlilli Hie il lntrrr eliliit iIi > ps not
mini nlthln the Ian regarding ufflldlims
In lie ciidiil In tho llrr dlatfkt of the
IIiIk mp ivas mi for homing hi 10 nMm k
Jislprdnr morning Init mIipii called tht
pintle mil Ik In read ilip hearing of the
tuse is reset for next Morula morning
+ +
In the riflvtlfili dlstilct comt Judge
Wilson luuiliil dnnn his decision In tli rt
ase e imrlr Margaret SInj Kcrllcks to r
iiin illsnlillliles of minority crnntln
lusicr of prlllloner and icmoifiitf Mild dl <
Suits Filed for tho District
J O Ko H Ol 111 k A 1 11
deli mid fmpin uti >
on nlul
lainos Itakor Pt tl
I al ip Pt In Mntoli 21
Marmge Licenses
alkup to Mig u Ilndnall
City Marshal Jctt Has
WllUiahlo lljp li Jo m Swindon ot
1 tioiiiMM lo lij tltU mid daiiuip
Wiillu IowIkiii Ida IouIh ilion 0
WllloiKhliv > Call lnKr ot nl
HpkIH s in ir tit lo and iltumict
Iliaisoila lund uud alllo Ioiiipmj v <
V M Haillns oi nl dohi mil fnrot lo ur
M M Vniuion din In Tajlni pt il
M III pirfOllllHIII
Tiftyfiftb District Civil Court
Illiilulli A Aimlln < i Uooigp fl Ho
nun iiiiiltiuPd < > v litninlllT
Hih il ii X ii t lit it ul < Mooic InitQi
inn oinpui on tilnl
Eleventh District
< liailnlli llkliis
Civil Court
Uiarlit Wilkin
i Uhoit Clilmoio
W 11 Kliktind and Y K Morrow <
I nl now n HpIih of stpphpn n Ilmnnplo
JiilBmptii foi plalnlUTu for land < UPd for1
fi p of I Loikolt nppolntid In ippi
Mill dnli ndutilH iltod lij pnlillcntlon tlxod
al in
County Court
I I 1 It h hepiiI m 11 M lonpn
plilniin lins luiip to flip first mipplpuinil il
i oinplalni
Haul I Miuphi hi npt frlptnl vi < S
M nn iprdh t foi plalnllrf foi 4 I
mid Jiilifmi nl on drill t
limns Mmjttir In upI fliPiid lohn Mu
pin < M llllixoti ct a I inulit foi
plnlnlirr foi ln
II tin mn in I r oip di fondant
Iiiik Iphip lo nlo tli t oilalnnl iimondpd an
M Pl
Transfers of Real Estate
I lands I Ipiui mu mfi lo It HifxP
mnl wlfo lot I lilnil I 1 llllr
uddli di imnh IIp lliiffalo Iminii 51 0
< iahp iiiii mid Moimioii linpioiPim in
niiini > to lainos Moviill llolin
pi al l l him k i Tall Dioiindfi
iiilillilnn oinli lip llullnlo hnion 21V
II i lpi m in In fioil Mmon lot 1
hlo k 22 riiiipmmi ihlid ndilltlon
nonli slilo tliirfiln haoil 1ST
II I t > oiliiu lo I ill 1 ooU Intu
< l and 7 htm I U Hiiinnot alillllnn JV
II 1 Piirlinr lo Wtlholin I ook
IiIk I mid i liltiik Tl llinniiir ad
Ilinii 2 4 >
1 lili k I lood lo 1 Mills lolu I
mil I him k Til iPrniiiiitoH n sm
i > i oniiilnliiB II aiios A
rdnard Howkp to 1ian sipon
son 2tu arros of I IlpMiolds
Ipaitno iSI0
It M i null md 1 r I u kol I I
1 Mn i dime ontlot il of lh Mill
IhWiin of Iho I 1 l ill w foul sin
iV U
1 M < ukIi and I 0 Liu kit in I
III i nlkn P nilllot of tin Mill
ill l lmi of Iho I I riaiifont mu
tliuilp itiinkpr lo loliu I > nl 1h ti ii ii
all or tuning ilchi llllo mnl In
nr i in nml i f i k i
In II uiIhIhuu iiiitt i lilm l
1 M lit US lf i
Illlliilimi nil ifiimlot s i lclil title
and liiiptmi In mnl ui finilonal
I k 1 In IIiiiHhIihii nili ilulm
I n I i onrpis mnl Mm II M in
lis MiiitoiH to John Iiiillahmi
fun Hi mil hlo k 1 In llunUlna
II I Ma iioitoi lo I milt 1 plnhiili
I is and I lil k i hlo k II of
Hip Holm in hiimi
It M 1 hasp to nn linlpp Mini
Ii un hi 1 mid adjaipiit lulf of lot
hlok I In I ah Hi omul third
Junius llrnnn mnl wif Miithi
Nowlln 10 nips onl o tho H
I 1 11 1 M
llllliiin on < Hilid loacnp oiiit
nun tiittiie > Ui
r x Illls tMo
1 1
It I ornrr
and niiihiilldinc
1 y iiiirfeiii
Buildinu Peinnts
Han 1 orlon f npo loininp slieot 5 1
ti ilo tlasti frn Knimels stiiel Jil
Koopnlik feme Main nml t
lotlasm Itnllej NtuPt
md Ifp tnostoiT house
1 niwrord street 2HX
adlltlon to Iioiisp Oillis
r 1 Twmr nmr
Been Formally
Orange Tetac Mnub 21 I Miller
president ami Judge J A Holland gen
eial attornrr fr the Orange and Noith
MOriPi rallioail returned Ian night fiom
Atisiln nheio ihei had been to appear tip
lore the rHllioad commission to applj for
ailllioi in f 1 hlt
py 1 1 rf h < lr l h1 l > heen
rmnpleted rrangemenls are being made
in ptmli the road on through to Corslcana
and to Infirtn at an early d tie
Tho giaud Jun Mhlch has been In ses
J I1V opening of district court
Oljoiirnnl for the term late last eien
Yu re lmn11 sexenteen hi Is of lu
etnient eight felonies and nine mlsde
uH inir
M snl I A Jett Mho shot and
killed rhomiM r iooIo at this plnep inst
tortK J IVhVteil jpstprday by the grind
jurj and todaj gae bond for S ittl his
l f ° r Xr n a Mat
lentre r
atJ r n < laborer
ath i Jr0 emploied
nrptiv bun innsiio p
tieneral Managet C W Hole of the
MK 5 orVrc trn TBlro A
hig Mn nH
° f
fot I1 ess men of the dtr
train I ° Vr tlat roa1 Sunday the
turn to go from Ornngo to lliina and re
Waco to Have a Battery
AUco Texas March 21 Major Ilarrr I
1 onUn has Just leceliod Information from
iirfnorl Rr Vi M n nn Uiiir the Held
iliiv 1 J h r olnntper luaid
Lin of Jwo tal
r ll l In his Iti Kdwln Unpad
lias been appointed laptnln of the batter
inpni iir 0 1 > 1r 8tleleut enlist
vie y mV 0lltr M n ln < sl I
the 2n nenulsliloii ° rcnlMtlon are prutut of
Judoo Reaoan Improvlno
IaloMlne Texas Mrh o v lHphln
niPMge from Mrs John n iteagan ars
wiu loon be ouUCr t > t h
Little of Interest Doing n the Courts or
in Any of the Offices Tho Days
Look for thl < Plcturf
Natures Vegetable Laxative
A pleasant substitute for salts oils or pills
Grandmas Tea
Tho Municipal Ticket Has Been Made
Up James OBrien Found Dead
Local News Notes
npiumonl Toxin Marth 21 Iho iorU
tritlon of colore will whon ciiinploloil
chow h or > milmtaiiil il crouth of populB
Hon for Idmimont th sli It will not in
illontp the full amount of thin mouth Iupp
liunilroiN of iiipn uon llunc In tho tit
and rxppitlnc lo in ikr tholr hnmoa liprp
hair not Uppii In iho Sialp month
And titlipiji Jho liltp Hip rpiiuhpil ipI
denu In tliefPlntt Iihip not in on In tho
intuit A months
Hip uiimbej of iotu lOKlstectl to dale
It 2037 nml ItPclntiar 1 and ililnls tho total
uuuilirr will Hot full sliort of WK
Iho colored tn hn hns horrtofore
liiui up Important facim in oloi lions will
not Iif so jmporlml at tho Apill olpptlon
tht Iiikipss or whllos liniliii tlir iltut of
lintciInII mttlnit donn thi pplicntaifo of
loud loti is Hip p n IUbrc of coloiod
loleiH itSr lortd In 2s
The Municipal Ticket
llrmtmonr loxai Mirrh 21 Undrr the
irsNtriittnn las tho thkit lo he otod nt
thp ujiinliipnt pIpi Hon prll 1 was i om
plotitl todaj 1 nl s some of thov on
llio tlrkpt wtilidinn tho tkktt will ho as
loi major Thomas II langliaiu T W
Tor oil attnino V It Hltiln V A
Collins Irun Hnnlli Id
1or city tromiiipr Wrohr flicpr O II
Ipntioi k Il
Im Inv nnfrpssor and oolloi toi hopln M
Holier Tom Mint
Ior tltv mpislial I D Adams 0 Ulan
iliottp Intiivi Uinimd lamps p arl
Ior ildPiiilPii Iirsl n in 1 A Iliteh
or I I norsott I 1IM 1 1 Shy
mnkor ill K htpphoiison
1 or iildornipn sroond ird I N nilhort
O II Crpfis 3 1 ImIIIi I ItldlPj
Ioi iildirniPli I hli l waul I Somen V
Cuiioll V A MiJKhPi II Mpuipi
Bricklayer Found Dead
Iloiinniont Icias Mnnh Jl Jimos
OHrlon a tinlnn brlokhui rho Ii ih lipon
woiklni In Uranium foi spwinl wpoks
Mis found ipnd alioul 4 o < hi k this morn
lij In tho roar of i IimiI siipi wilunn
O Ililon was In llio snloon w I tit filtinls nt
n Into hour Inst nljili hut no one rpinpni
Iipis liinlnjj mpii him co out it Hip leal of
tho Niilonn limit o Iom I1ps lt > l l mi in
liKst mil found i hit doath m due to nut
nml iniiBp
Npws Notes
Itomirnrtnt rptns Mmh 21 Ihr smith
npsleill lVleginph and lelephone lonipnnj
has hiouchl ondi muailon pio pi dine
ipainst tliu TiMiikmiH and Ioit Wotth
rallwin to miiiii a iljjiii of mu foi n >
lelephoiio lino fnm neaiimonl 10 Ioit r
thill I he 1 leplione oinpaiir nlll ixtend
Hi lino to Iori 1ll1111 ami Sabine Iass i
A thief illmliid up on i hdder 11111 a
itii k Into Hie mIiiiIom of II s unions
icd Jnnm nml ot t lalunhle mitth and 1
voat leal mid hat
AlUp IIIcrIiis iiloied rhiictd mIIIi tiy
Miir to Urbe m ifil r nan n niiiudul lo tho
31mut Jul A imilei 1 X bond it a habeas
miiky lieurliii
MrH < aii mio has heen erltlcallv
III of Iiphold foi oi I Impnuod lodai nml
hi lolnll ami frlentls haie hopes foi
hei riioiii
linn Iailor lolored 1st on nlal hitcod
Willi llttoillptlllij 10 IHrlllllt his mppdiuish
tiK a jniuijt thl
Jennings Company Will Operate Plants
ft Two Points
lonnlngs 1 i Mnnh 21 Ihr lenulns
Ithp Milling onipmi has imithiisril Hi
lhnsleii mm m Welsh I Up A plsb mill
Is lo be iiiiiukiiI h Mr Ihmlps Mois
hn Mill nl11 lenmlll hs iiiiiiingei of ho
mill hen Mr William M Ihntihlns
n Ihe > iipi iliiti Illoiit it Wilsli Ho J I
had Iiiik 1 xpoittiiin In the Hie business
md nlll mike iho mill tiist iliss In oi en
pnrlli nlai soihp minor lmiimeniiiils Mill
be 11111le during tbo siinmiei It 1101 bas t
111pall of IjiHi biiiels por du
Ihe sun kliolilcri of Ihi Ii linings lllee
Milling oiiipmi InTt liiiiuised the i ipit 11
slink 10 no < a > Dm innlinil foi the ma
1 him 1 fm Un no mill has been let It Is
loin of liKibnrpI lapiill riio iiinliin t
for tin up1 mill ns lei tndiiT When his
mill Is lompliipil K will bo siioml In none
ln Hip 1 oimu
It Is Ho pt in to sell ill the clean tire
fiom Until mills through Ihe nffti e here
I he rough iln Is also to be bought hi rp
II Is tfie Intention on the put of the tin 11
ngemeiit in make llberil itlinnees to their
pitrons on rbs stoied Mlth them
Temple News Notes
lemple Texas Mnieh 2t 1 he cllv cnun
ell last night passed to Its final reidlug of
the Tutor eontrriit and ordlnanie and Mar
or Walters furtln Itli announced his etn
as he had warned the council he Mould do
This ontral Is for die jears md fiom
the eMi s slindpnlnt of rental Is within
bounds so sivs Ihe numr but that the
piliale lonsiuners renlnl Is too high
L iiodMln O l HogMood md W
T llessonette nero nppoliitpti a bourd of
eipinllsatlon to go oior thp eltv tin ri < n
rtlilons Their compensation mis rlieil at
I3 eai h
V Leo ItroMii II H Sivlnk ami J 1
llonkor Moie appointed on the auditing com
uilttee tn iheik up the ellj s tiooks mid
are to be ilopt t pei dai for tho ork
cnpral Manager Mi Ml of thr Santa Ko
In romplo todar looktnc aflor Ihc com
pan n liitproniN
Hi ami lshmiiollor H II Hirink of tho
KiiIrIHn of ljihlOB rottuned jpsloulai
from Woalhtrfortl whore lie has lioon on
hwlpc lni no s
lllshop Kllisnlvllip of tills KplXopil dlo
Off Is In lniplp lodiir and lonlght will
hold i until million kpiiIts Thorp Is n iIbsh
of alioul nImppii hloli Is the lantott liore
for ii iiumlwr of icnrs
Leesville Local News
LposiIIJc La Marh 10 Iho Ioosrllle
Ilehl and Water Work uimpiu limited
lao beistiu work on Ihrlr Ip plain and
pp < ct In ho lpidi for hiislnoss b Juno 1
linn Jiiuipjt It Monk nflir 111 Illness f
ieiiral w nk Is able lo ho onl acaln
r 1prklnn A lo druielsts rvlli in n
fp dill mnip Into thili run quailirs the
two uton liulldlnp foimpil oniplid hv 1
r linnklln t son
otivllhstuiiillni the condition of up
wiiillipr for the pnst month ihr f mnpis 1 f
llls pIon nip liiHklns inpld pro is In
the wiiy of plantlnir mn ludliiitlous mi f 1
point to 11 good imp joai
1 hi to nro no < under lonslimtlou soihp
Ion or tu lo eottiiKcs nhldi nlll add u
srpnt deal to tho advantage of 0111 IIIHp
Mr Ihll Simon who wis railed to Sen
iurk Kiimo fp dnys aso to Hie bnlsidp of
his father nho as no 10 liv
h tin nod last thursdav
General Gordon at Calvert
< alerl loxas Mireh 21 leneial John
IS fiordon that dlKtlnsulrbod soldlet and
sliilOMinii of thp soiuii tamo In from
Itrinlimii jestprrlny and mis drlieu to Hie
home of Xli Hniir Ilold ulieie h > Mas
< iilPiUlnoil I hole Moie niani onfedoiatp
pteiaiiB ntlimted lilthor br Hlo pn kpupp
Inlhisili of hleflnln lo IK nil or
don ledtirod on Hip Ilisf mil Hie Last
Pais of the Confuleric al the nneiii
house la iilcht Iho dlfllnculslipd speak
er miis liitroilin nl In 11 erv putt mid ap
pioprlnlp nuniioi In It Diiulel Ilrkei
The leitni s belns hlelilr 1 oinnietid < d
here tod 1 iipllent total ninsh as
furnished in MpmIhiik h < 1 un r s
Allen Ultlliim AMiitoHh mid Mi is M s
H < n and 1 ltoa11 anompmled on the
piano by Miss Itlidlo Jlifnuv
Beevtlle Bnef3
Ileeiltlo lexns Mnuh 21The fint aes
Ion of tin Ilee Count snnda Si hnol as
oplntlon Mill be bold nl the Irosbvterlan
UlliHh lu IhiK 1 lij tomoiron There Mill
be tinci sessions one lu thi ninrnlnc on
In tin ntieriioon and anothei at nlphi
K parti lomposed of I D lilll < t I mils
Mile 1 I Admits of fan Antonio ami
< lllll ami Di s II HpII of Hoc 111
11 ri inn ustniim afernoon foi ili
st Hon on a prospei Hnk ton
Mr uznst fomeiH ami Miss IVan s
lleieis 01 skidnioie tro man led tint
Merlin mIh mm nine hv Instlie s jiok
null lefl Hip smilP dd foi s hiilenhcrs
nlilt II nlae lll be theii future homo
All the no maililuprj it th ainslui
mpII Is nun in pluie and drilling Mill torn
immo Motility
Wallis Improvement Nfcws
Mallls rexis Marth 21 riph mnnr
Noithein apliallsls mil homesei ki i are
mn ilsltlnp this ttr Mi I 1 ilmison
of rttnton xin Mho Inusted nonu > Ssrxw
Ii land near here has it turned lnuiif
It Is staled thm tuk upon ihe ilee hit I
Mill lnvln lu ttiitti daii mid In push 1
lo omplPllon without dibit iiKiirlnj ihi
fm Intention In lKkl I lie ban tin Ir n >
Kim oi looklna out routp ninkliic HiirveK
Plmis ete biilldlucs ire so
lti up
Nacogdoches County Court
Nneorfriodies I pxas Manh 20 I lie ills
tilil 1 mil is Im nmlenul at this tonn uith
foilj tlvedlioiK ias s nine truths of this
btlng nogiois
I In voting nlilie mini who stunk th
mgro pienhei on Hie hi id about six Miek
igo liIt a plpie of plank ihi negio haIn
died 111 tin time Ills bond as plat i d it
> i ill lesiiiilnv the ginntl Jun letmnid 1
ttm bill iiEiilust him 1 lunging him tn
uiiidpi mil his bond Mas HxpiI Ii the muit
at lXK Mhlih lie re nlll gne
Bosque County U C V j
Meridian livas Mnnh si t 1 i1p1
muting of s lohnston amp No m
MII1I1 til Ihe folloMlng ouiig lidies noie
ihostn lo 1 < pi eai nt tht 1 imp at Ihe Dilhs
ri union Apill Jl 21 and 27 spnusoi Miss I
dil liiiiilap ilrst nnlt of honoi Miss Mm
He Pill ltd serontl ulil of honoi Miss
Itin Morgan lo leniweni Hie sons of
VpiPrins Miss Miriam Lumpkin Miss
mill 1 Pnm in and Miss Cthel Ciuse f
i < j
D Hirsch Critically III
Corpus 1 hrlstl levas Manh 21 Mr n
Illisph pioslilont of Hie Cot pus t hrlstl Si
Honal lunk presuleul of the s hoot boarl
iT f lvTn > 5 prominent and
mi alt blest pillions nho has been ontliol
to his bed nlili pneunionhi for sooral
Meeks has grrmii oim todar ind lonlght
Is In a ultlial condition and bis life ts iP
upalied of
Marlm Water Works Svstem
Marlln Texas XIarch 21 Ihe nater
Moiks eieaiatlon foue haie nnhetl the
public square In making the trenh for the
main pipe but the iron h is et is not it
Its full
ers are txpeoteil next
progrenflag rapldlT
ml the bel
week All nrk
Light Keeper Appointed
101 pus ihilsi r xas Manh 21 loh
xndrrson p dl r h > nppMnt
Coughs Colds Bronchitis Asthma
and All Affections of the
1 hroat and Lungs can be
S fe Wl irtUM euro
axecl thousamli of hiw ti 7 for 1M > a has
tonfcumptiimDn Vni na iut 8 > rt
BILL > y
0H c
Buixlett ou of tho bistktm P 8Yul Jwes
SB8WV tIJrthb w YSfL Sf wh resident
Uvu reciting inpuhl I fln3 li > I Imxo
to keep in thnmt lu iionnil rondlt T7 il nk ° ithttif
Jie and coughs I have tek Ud i tKQ lr0M h011
r tho past tiro year and fiud it notTL B HHH < ilH
iomrom cocl < ° W I heartily recommeJJ S 1 i oarMne but it keeps
mb ip or tpntiy ono who Is trouhled irith iV1 to a n ° o pe U or sfo
Sold liynllrellabloilritKsista largo bottS 25fTCak Vflw tonrtllttoorbroMhl f
prl Hefusesnbsttutes they uiLf Sw that tho Hulls HmI L
WDtxT0 b °
Dont Disgust
Your Friends
cures bad breath It whitens the teeth
pi serves the gums sweetens a foul
stomach From our own analytical tests
and our use of it xie can say that it Is far
superior to other preparations costing
more monej
Try it today 25c
Geo W Heyer
Cor Main and Capitol
S0Z0D0HT Tooth Powder 25c
luent of keeper of thp nev luj beacon
n pi toil ippntl > bj tin snirrnment The
litis tiud othoi appurtonanic arc now at
the Annsas la s llfththoiiso but Mill bo
IiioiikIii lo this Ulv md tho bcaion pqlilp
prd and ilghttd and the acrrkc cstubllshcd
its soon as possible
VIVAVneeillle Texis March 21
The temaltis of Mis lian an a ed rest
den of Colli sprlnss pu ed thl ouch
Iteellle one eienliis this otk oa route
to loll id foi Intel ment Deconsed was lit
iehr of ape mid Mas 1110111 thp tlrst white
nfople lo settle In the llilnlti of Mh t Is
1011 the trim of Tolad luilng nioieit
theie iillh her lipslnnil when both wore
< onns It nis her djlnj teipipst that
tin ho burled In the fimllv eemeterv
nhlch was Marled near the slle of their
Id hone flfli Ino vcars ico stranRO
oolueideiice eonneitod ultli her death was
h < r pieilktlnn seieral ypirs ngo and MsTh
fhe his all iloriE niilntalnpd thit dh
Mould die on Ihe tuinlxcisaiV of iho doath
of her hu < bind t ho had procedtd her to
the hnd beiond nnn ypais befoie She
tot onl dUtl 011 tint dXv hut within two
linmi of the exict moment of his depntt
WILLI ms Ln Oransc Texas March
20 Neis loaehed here toda of the death
In Kidman Ki of Mi < un Williams
Mho Mas pll and fnvorablr kuonn In this
niiimiiiiltv md lailous othei portions of
this loimt Mrs Williams was one of
the plum ei school teichers of Ihls county
and hail lived here for mini jeirs She
1 Ment o Kenliukr on a xNit some time
1 iro and leientli had a bad fall fracturing
on of her hip hones anrl bclnp oicr 70
ears of age tills was pilmiillr tho cause
of hrr death Iho fuller of Ml Williams
1 ias one of the number of biaic Texan
ho peilshed In the full of the Alamo
HUOtKMVN Mison TexiiR March IP
Hlid t hei h me on Mlo eieek Mrs
Ancint llioikmau one of the earliest set
thi of this onnti DeoeaW ivas 701
m < r >
Cypress Cisten
dien and tlilVti flip 2 wIwmSS
vbobauuh uB tJI
Ahsitat > > uhauer an 0ld SK S
his home two infles Mll
t aM t
a shott illneg aEed Lvi ir r S
SnyDLCIt Shiner 1 <
Mr John
Speights at
Mr S O
had r
dSS wlB iLo Sperm ntorfhoea
Dei ers
Co k
0 SS 5iln Aneelo
Jlr W T Johnson
at Denton
Mrs en SeVdlorwlfeVfTv Vl
died at her home four mli M
today aged 20 years 1rMl1
and Mrii
Sooretary of Corstcana Cljb
nd Ma
n4 MtatucjjJ
Earl Flsk and Mls M
Liberty mil CeJvi
Commercial Club at Mount Pleu L
Mount ricasant
i Mirch
commorelal dub L
night and the following Mas organic WM
Ii Duncan prctldent n ° H
vlco president W C Ad l J N
preshosnt A il Clark witlM
Llndscr treasurer AppllcatloJ7 1
made to the State for aehf ° rtl
Corslcana Texas March SOThjte
ona Commercial club has securta tli
Ices of Joo H Slmpnon n 11 MlZ
man as secretary Mr Blmniia JSC
n ilgorous campaign for Cer cmVs
Spring is Here
and all the world is glad iurdyu
outward demonstration ctJcs not
amiss No attire is too bcanttfd
no habiliment too clean or pint
We look after the linens rnusliu
woolens silks etc youweir
We boast of having the only cometett
dyeing and cleaning works in the Suit
Model Xaundriji
10091011 Prairie Ave
11Live Oak Portland Cement
T he Soilthcrn Pacific Terminal Co after all Grade
testing High
2 lVe Vmch3Si Live Oak tor their One Million Bushel Be j
v tor now being elected at Galveston Live Oak poved to be the S
Strongest Cement Tested Write for prices Address
Texas Portland Cement Lime Co j
H P MCLAUGHLIN CO Houston Agents
Tue I e GRECNWALD CO lln ineers Founders and MachloU
depth ihe hk Mork s aitei I IT f > ur7
are iompleteil for
the holler
Chln etc HHWg
nd sites Stiw f
Plants Comr l
V rite tor CiUl P
7 pB
Franklin Avenue Houston Texas Lono Distanco Phone
gjf ofMlfabuse dlwlSuM J 0 > = t cut laold Bd jounr ri l t
SLnitimiioiu A2 iF ra a fsuii YStiiW
ror bale by LtVVVNi rTintrdilrose BSriop Romedy Co San frnncIWOiW
ANDtRbON Corner Mam and Preston Ave Moult
1 M is ° impsaa i lovejot sampson AAlEVW
S M L Malevinsky
it is food
R li >
to Houitoa
uioaefflaiMarrtTTTiKttxiwws > n a w
Our Goffee
m > iiiiizatiiii3s
25 BO and 100