County People Have Sub
Ki lon
l Necessary Capital
f fltfAYjASJKN
Rird of Directors Elected
C Uocal News
T a >
lilTo write j
jttHB flfjt supgpstlou of a
m km d I t0 B ° tack ycar
Uplt ° l
I W IdllcS to the cicllt Jienre I
J winta nrcnhani but long
IZ tnlUiros of the past tpo
SJflMSK September
rt 1 c ton crop Mr D C < IM
Vcd The 1est correspondent
Jf about cotton
riM of articles
118 Iline the I > lse of the people
r a number of articles
J te omc of then based oil In
secured by writing to ttoiith
the subject
The Interest In
to manifest Itself when
da gloom aspect that It
fwlcw continue advocating a
from the sumo
SffiVe time suggested was ripe to lulu
cro ppolntet nnd
inmlc chairman of
nrMpe was
f1 Lute with pone to appoint
nono t
Mil ittcndcil bx inn when ho an
ilrfhit HM hid been subscribed
sfn e i < nl nnn
ftli mrttlne and Mr 1 > Williams
j 5crf vlth power to iccolpt
of tho capital stock
ttf W p r nt
Olddlns complimented the xa
n iii
ifJcSnlttMl en the splenil d work
M4 e for nccr in tho history nl
Sri bss there been such ft unnnlmltv
iMttncnt such coopoinllon In any ef
Jutwontp the general welfare of the
of Mich cooperation
m i S the success
iitmiiilitlj evidenced bv tho itpolls
tit it till mectlnc
htwert of lh < > hi Inns committee was
Jity Mljor Jlntts and tppiood by the
Hit idoptlon of the form of charter as
al tl M Jt BntK was tho bornln of
jBwnbim cotton mills in which It nun
ixij tnd the Second Infantrx baud
lira H In tbe leir of the hall t the
Mkis maennced struik up a llvolj nlr
rtntlcs the establishment of n ron
ut cipltallzed at 1 ihX > wlm n plil
fltlitotalM cotton mill In rtienhnm
Ilf tlertlon of a bond of directors a
itin order snd H wns decided that ten
irtori hoiild be oloctod from I ho clt
ilea fnrnlshwl mo t of tho capital slock
ad fire ihoulrt he olocted fom tho ooun
7 ud the follotvlntr dlicctors wore
D C Glddlnitf Jr r W Wood VT A
r oi B Eldrldpe F Helchnrdt C W
njldEinn F Vt Scliuoronhorj It K
ALT n Dwjrr D WIlllnniB T A
iww H F Koine William noohllnc
Iran Watson and William Quebe
1 DMtlas ef the directors was held nt
itind the follow Inc of fire j nf tho boned
1 1 D C llddljip Jr president j B
iddjf tc president P V Williams
On Bctlcn the bank of Olddlncs fr Hid
it tris dfjlcnated as tho dcno ltorv of
1 committee to outline a plan of pru
tta d sihdlilde the boad of direr
n into committees for thlh wnik nn
wintfd ti follows H rIdrldRP it i
Mind V A nod and on motion the
iJJut wis added to thai pomrulttpp
Rhly Broth
ers to Hod a Revival
rB ° T olnUs of
and M
IX tare >
Hotrhklss try sill J
MP his tb e UJ11 Set Methodist
ci tr
KJ jrorolnen ii V an among the
B2r Ten CV Ulster of the NortJj
i t nton in thl
Labor Controversies Have Become
Less Threatening
In Some Instances Freight Congestion
Has Been Relieved and Deliveries
Are Made Promptly
New York March 21 R
G Dun t Co s
wppMy rc > lcw of trade tomorrow win say
llvldcuco of further linpiooincnts nro
nnmeiou Labor controxcrBlos aio lei
thrcnteuluR many settlements halui been
pflocted while othcis arc momentully an
ticipated Wages haxe been adtauccd not
only through stilkes but lu sump cii > c8
oldntarllj Unfile congestion has sub
fcldpil until It is pos lblo to delUer gmnls
according to specllloutlons Asutp from
some Idle footwear shops the leading lines
of innuufactuie arc ciy fully engaged
nhlle the Jobbing trade is of oveptlonal
ningnltudo ltctull dealings are also er
laige the faster stimulus being elt In
all lines o wearing apiiarel with demand
so lgmoiw It Is e ppelullj pncoumgiiiR l
notice a gain for the last week lu fore gn
trade ut the principal poits
1icsMirp for Iron and Mecl has not dlinli
lslpd thcte peucptlbly jit the tmpreo ion
Is growing that after July 1 the Itiillou
will bpiome aiipnxlinalily nnimal and it
will be possible to soeiiri ilelheiles Willi
sump dpgiop of ptomplneiM Ior some
lime to coiup it Is probable that fonlgu
pomnicric phlblt as to tills Industry will
bo less Mitisfaitni bill it Is woitbv o
nolo tbutltuioits iii mnlnli of pig lion
billets mid hhppt whili the expoils oi
ninny Hues of ppiii hp mm Iiliieij and
olbpr tllilshed > iod ets nrp wpII siistniiuHl
Iaigo loutiaiis arp ionstantl under eon
sldeiallnii tor stiuiliiint tniitillnl on ilo
mistlr iippoimt lin lulling inllnav hiilgrs
ibldiiets tti shop and office biitldliigi lu
this ipspeci the doniostlr iimHumpiloii till
jour will fu siiipiiKH all ipcords Upon
wputher has In ought out a heny tonnnge
of niPiihanl pipe
Until at I hi Kast and West theio Is u
little more nellilj lu shoo shop p pro
dm the ripniltr is not filth eugnged and
new orders poiup fotnnrd low h Lower
prlops for loither and hides maj make U
possible for pioiliirers to aeeppt icpmii bids
In which pise sales would liieienso bill
thus fai ntiH two staplp grades tune been
shnded lciuie lle hides are dull and dp
prosspd nlthoiigb ibpip has been an ad
xnnop In dn hides Adinnred wages nl
cotton mills means i hlgbei pnl of pio
duellon and thp nurket has linnlenel
Itusiness under tho now conditions his no
e boon sufnelontli lirgp to establish quo
tittons > ot some adxapie1 of to per
cent are rocoided Kitpnit sales ale still
eliei kpil hv hicb prices A helpful Ratine
Is the Increased demiind at Southeiu Job
bine epiitprs
Woolens are quiet with onlt a fall movo
mpin of staplp Hups though some finci
crndps aio fnitv sold and out of the market
drain maHots hivp begun to feel the ef
feets of weather repcrts and for the licit
fen months It wonlcl ho a lmpo mitter
for speculators to seeure eiratle flmtui
tions Strength was conspicuous on Tio
day last lmrs soiious lnjurx to porn mak
ing quotations pirttculaili sensitive to In
rtleations of dimilh Another holptul factor
was thp Inciense In exports of wheat ami
floui to 4i > 7iJ i for the week acalnst onh
2rs S472 bushels last week and 33 nl n
year ago Western receipts eontlnuod t
make an unfnxorahlo compailson with the
moement In lr01 when mrioiinllnz to
SHitlfilfi biihels acctist 4Iff < > mil
coin 1IfiOriSr computed with Oil oil
Atlantic exports of eoin lucreaseil largeli
tyer the low record f the preceding neck
KTCO St bn hels anil there Is still a sciprp
Ins eoinpaiPd with thp 2IWV72 InisliPs
shipped a > par ago rptton show p I no
response to Mr N ollls reltpjatlon of his
earlj pstlmilp placing the yield at llSVi
tsUI bales Although 4C0C bales more has
Mr A D JlllrOf was Invited to read
UecorrMpondcnco he had bad with dlffei ° > e Into sight than a oar ago repoii
aptrtifl In reference to a superintend fr0n e so < h are almost unnnlir
Itndbeiras rennested to lontluuo his carding the exhaustion of stoeks
mouslr je
iaiinros foi tho week numbered 20 In
ttsti lions
IrtlUect 0 A Watson of Austin ap
Sii fc ° 11 d submitted
T i 0 K ° Mh mn expense with
wmnlttM of the directors to some of
JJ i fs nd mnl > e a M Iy of the
l souhein mills submit
JSJ bB ldlne aml if M Plans were
W tIirR < nrcliltect
regular fees
A nf ° JV > nt of eharges In stock
Tuesdaj Maich 25 at
JJp b
11 Aln 111 t0 nr 1at the cotton
h iSham ls n ied The porpora
t l
tkJLn > Hed Ten per eont
it 2tMr managemeut onn affairs Is a gun
Il I i a may L lw
Mira Wlf WJ ° f uow nn Ilrenhnm
wnhie lonKOr > nnolv lepend
ns J1e center or n
rt t rle hi
itleJ ItJ iU c omniiilty tlint has
Bill winnlth t l Ilrenhnm pot
win be
so eonducted that they
ikerother aroHul1 wneh will
l tilths fcJtmle ndnstrles ur
a hit uaiiTi mnnufnctiirlnB In n
i oia racnrlnB 10 tke t rank
nr within the next ten
t lfMah I 0 Q reh 1T bo ha a eonlrict with
10 It to twflrtelt ml thCn Cn
heirtn J6 lnh stnuk for vteet
tUnki l SnJ ln ll lrst IP feet
11thit tin 0 oan flnlsh a tfWp
ra0 Kal
W >
K H 9i11U1B President
> rrl
wilts the 2f thf rl National ale
utoo convention at Oal
A of Washington countr
iiill thls nfternoon at Schmidt
< Stone Was Laid With Imposing
ffiiv Ceraionies
J 21 The cor
r todaT iJr lnlt5 lnh < r l < y was laid
rdMi lmP ° Ing ceremonies The
1 ultZ conacen 1 > y the faculty
wire L 1 lC8 slorn han M00
Ca U MrtP r romlnpnt speakers
Mrt i
ls j rtnl f be S 8t0 Oellvered ad
t i
oi unlJor 8ly Is under the
° A Cnberland rresbyterlan
of Tei
L ISM I 1 1 as leeated at Tehul
fBi mJ aD1 wahaxachle was
a f tsaxwblyi er Putting up a cash
pfiditr T The contrnct for the new
ttBH e4 8ct pSSr lt U t0
El PSiPer8 Wi Hav to G °
Morse Marcu 21 Colonel S V
< nEPr rafat
tie otrM niaiiBBcr of thc
Wa hi of tbe Southern Inelrto
erea notlec the
thp InltPd States acalnst 224 list ie r
nnd thlrtyono In Canada against Ihlrty
thrpp last xpir
of the Ilren
tltSliS I B00 < 1 hands Men Southein cotton growing sections show lull
Mil Va T N7 energy to make this ness nnd hesitation In wliokMile tiade
I otbera follow
a success
The Spring Jobbing Trade Has Passed
Its Maximum
Ncw York Manh 21 Ilindstreets to
monow will sa > Spilng Jobbing trade has
passed Its maximum but It still exception
ally nttlic ut Eastern Western and Ia
elllc coast markets Continued good ciop
advices and plentiful rains help Southwest
em trade which shows a fuither Increase
nnd nlone among the teleiMiiphed uports
with complaints of delnjed collections
lion nnd steel still set the paie but
famine talk Is less generally hen id al
though all enelgles ate still slialned to
meet consumptlp ieiuiiemeiits nnd impors
of foreign pig lion me noted Ucspltu the
ieiere stonn In the Northwest letlectel
Inter In other seeilons of the countij
spring fmin tiade picpaiatioiis are still go
lug forward actlvelj Dry goons are in
less nctlve deiunnd at Ilnsteiu markets hut
the volume of trade is good and leouleis
are laiger than expeited
Cotton prlies appear to have struck n
dend center receipts haling been smaller
while exports though lessened are still
liberal hut spcculntlel > the situation ap
pears to be owibought Kutuics nre slight
Iv tbougl Itiegularly hlghpi whe spot cot
ton hns temnlned unchanged
Untitling activity is Incieasing and lum
ber Is bought ficelv at all markets liar I
ware nnd wire nulls arc likewise nctlie
Hoot and shoe manufacturers are bu v on
ordprs but new huslue s Is light lastern
shoe shipments last week wpip almost cut
lu two bv thp Hoston strike
Coal shipments ba e been no lnrger than
needed and prices remain steady F rn 1a < V
stocks of Iron are linprecpdently small nut
supplies of coke are going forward he l
and production Is nctlve Less concerni l
felt bv consumers as to supplies Premium
for quick delUcries me however
as formcrh and eager buying for y > J
llverv Is still icpnrted at Chicago and lItt
turgl A further advance In southeru rm
Is procnted only by the fear that freight
lutes tuny be adWcod rittsburg reports
an enormous demand for struetunil ma
terlnls 2 000 tons being sold < Jj ° l
week There la an Impression
ever that forge and foundry Iron are bctn
nffiw failures in the United BUI
foi me week numbered 107 as against
lest iveek 231 In this week last year m
In 1000 1S2 In 1830 and 2ir In 1898
Cniindian failures for the week
twenty six ns against tblrtyoue last ween
ond fortyfour In thl weU a year ago
It Shows a Decrease of the Movement
Into Sight
Ncw Oilcans March 2tSeeretarV
ters weekly New Orleans rotton rjcliaus
statement Issued before the eloso of business
deerpaf lu the imminent
ness today shows a
inent into sight compared with the seven
days ending this date Hut > e r In
figures of 25000 bnles a decrease under tne
of WW and under
smne time year before last
der the same time In JROO of 2S0 < >
Tor the twentyone days of March tue
under last J r °
total shows n decrease
TiXW nn increase oier the samn ptrlod year ner
before last of riSOfW and au IncrcaM
IKMi pf llrs >
Tor the 2f > 2 days of the seafoa that nave
ahead of the i
elnpsed the aggregate l
of lb
days of last rear 42rO0O ahead
Mine davs e r before last bv PSOfW
behind lR P hi 756 oon
The imoont brentht Into ltht dailni
VSft 21T1 hBH lwn 1KUUP Labs against
i for n e fi lH > emlllU th dale
Inst vmii UtlStr > ear before last mid lUl
4iS same time In lstnt mid for the twrnti
one diijs of March It Us been 44 4 i
against 11M1 last ear 4Js iri ar
lore last nml 4IBKH same time In 1MM
lhu luoMMiiiiil sliiee eptemtii 1 shows
reiilpts at all inlted Stntes ports US1S
li against uaiwet last > enr 05lVl
imr tf l l and 7rctl8l7 same time
In lWitl verlnnd nuosg tho Mississippi
Ohio and Potomac rivers to Northern mills
and tauailn OlKlrUO against OiWTSO Inst
jear 100731 year before last nnd 1140
kn samo time In 1Wi Interior stocks in
excess of those held at the close of the
commercial i ear 2S1 J5I against I11W
last jcm lli4IS year infore last nnd 112
t > < t same time in l r1 Southern mill tak
ln s tUMWXl against f tti2o last car
lM > i4u jt r before last and Ml < 41i same
time In lMil
These make the total moiement for the
20J days from Spptpmber 1 to date t12tl
HI NKiilnst S7Xi12l last vear S14S2 iS
fear before last and t V > lKt > Mime tluip lu
exports for the week have been
Silifll against 1427112 Inst ypir inaklnn
thp total thus far for the sensou tGlrll
S5r lfUl iMr B erenso of
Nnrthpin mill takings and Caniuh durlug
past spven dajs show hii Ineieas m
ih l > 0 1MU > e 2STIIO0I against
Inst j oar TIipsp m little 1741 TIM
by Northern spinners against ti t1
Stotks at the seaboard nnd the twenty
nluc leading SontliPin Inteibr renter hiiio
deerensed during the wepk tsim bales
jigninst a ileiienso during the correspond
ing pel led last season of I7 iC and are
now 2iltni smaller thnu
at this ilute In
n < lulling stocks left o > er n ports nnd
Intorlot towns from the last crop and tho
number of bales brought Into sight thus
nic lle u > w nP 1P Mipply to dale Is
ISiuls ngalnst SS22iKl foi the same
pel led Inst i ear
It must be remembered tlint the wceklv
inontblA nnd senson s cimpaiisou In Sot
iilirv llesters tepoit are untie up to por
iispoiitllng dates last ear lour bpforo anil
in lvm ompsilsons to i > ihp of porie
spoiidlng wppks nro tnlslemlliig as totals
llh rr Mk w ° ek last ipui woulil take
in rtt tlays of the wm bpforp l s 201 ami
In tvio u dnis acalnst onlv an ilius this
i ear
Chronicle Weather Report
Spetlnl to The Post
New York March 21 The Chronicle
says Telegraphic reporls to us this evening
fiom the South denotp thnl rer the great
er part of le eolton bplt thp neathpr has
I ecu fmorahlp dining the week In AM
bnnin nnd Oornla antl spcttons of tho Caro
llnis hwevpr tlipie as Pppii rnlhei ovees
lie pipclpltalloii Kxccpt where hindered
hr rain prepmntlons for next prop ham
apparentlj made good pingross Our isr
rospondent st Meridian Miss icporls that
sales of feitllliers at thai point up to tlsl
have been 15 ppr cent giPnler than for the
like polled Inst veil
The Bills to Repeal War Revenue Taxes and
to Protect the President
The Second Received a Alajority of Thirtyseven of
the Senators Who Voted Tillman Wanted
the Tax on Tea Retained
Washington March21 Two Important
measures woie passed by the senate today
the bill for tho repeal ofthe War revenue
t es and that for the protection of the
nffoided by the bills consideration to pro
test against the repeal of thc duty of 10
cents n pound upon tea
The bill for the protection of thc pre
dent was under dtseiisslon the greater part
of the session Mr l ittoi > oli Oolo made
nn extended speech In opposition to It
and Mi lnlrlianks supported It All amend
ments to the measure wcie rejected and
It was passed by n lotc of 52 to 15 The
bill puildes that any ppmim within tho
Inlletl State who shall wilful nnd ma
llelously kill the piesldont or nnv ufneer
upon whom tho duties of president may
deiohe or any sovereign or a foielgn conn
try or shall nllempt to kill any
ol the peisons mimed Khali suffer death
that uu peisun who Hhnll aid abet udilc
or eouusel the klll ig of am of the pel
sons named or ahull iiuisplre I mi
pllsli tbelr tlentli shall be Inipilsoned not
evteetllng twiiity yenrs that uii isiscn
who shall tin eaten I kill m mlU an
otner to kill the president ot uiii fllelnl
upon whom the iIuIIph nf presldeut mai
devolie shall be liiipiJsoiipil not exceetllng
ten enrs that any poison uho ohall wll
full aid In the escape of am person guilty
of am or the offenses liientloiud shall lie
deemed mi accomplice and shall be pun
ished as the piinclpul
The secretnri of war Is dlieeted t < > tic
lull troiii the vegulai army n giinid of nftt
cers antl men In protetl tne piesttlent
nltboit nnv unneeesfuirj dlsplni anil
the NPerotnn Is nuthorlispd to make legiila
tions ns to the dress anus and equipment
of such guard
Soon after the senate coniened todn Mr
Toilet Coloi presented rpsolnilmis of tho
Colorado legislature praying f r the lu
tenentlon hi an offei of Its good offices ef j
tne Inlted States government t terminate
the contest between the Hrltlsh ind the
Doers The resolutions were rofirred Oil
the committee on forPlgn tela lens
At the conclusion of tontine business con
At Winchester Confined to One Store drd federation of Jhe bill t > repeal the nar
taxps and foi other was
n loiemip purposes
Une RoKiHonrp nkn nl motlon of Mr Mirfrh ebali
utnchesler Texas March 21 The young man of the conimlttpe on nniiiue The
cyclone that struck heie measure was read at length
yesterday evening
ll of the anientlmciitw by the
of whloh mention was made In The Post
MASON Dlstilt t com t has ndjourncd
JiVlITThe tltUens ate agitating for
n taiiueii nnd an lee plant
IIKMlIlILl The leiuins show that Sa
bine countj has gone for prohibition
IONIJ OAK Theie were onlv two otes
against litcoiporntlon foi sihool purposes
MATIUSrngllsh pens are now ready
for shipment and fancy pi lees are expected
ItlO OHANDi One piibp of smallpox
has Iippii lppnrteil ln town No fear of a
HANOnit Another case of smallpox has
been brought help a inllioatl laboier The
case Is a light one nnd quarantined
MILLDN Hniglars made a mid secur
ing pro lslnns fiom the hotel and from the
home of Itcv lAaiuniis the Methodist
WKHSTHn The strawbeirv crop has be
gun to mote from this point ami shipments
will be under good headwni in the next
few days
SBAIY Tom Watson sentenced to flip
veins In the penltentlnri for the killing or
Claude Whitley has been pardoned and re
turned home
MASON The child of L M Andrews
living near here fell Into a tub of scalding
water and Hied only u short time alter
being taken out
ILUllIS While out hunting Itnllev Car
penter aged 14 wns nicldentally killed by
the discharge nf a gun against hleh his
companion stumbled
NWASOTA Tho local republicans met
In mas meeting and Indmsed Wiiller T
Burns for Judge of the new Southern Texas
Federal Judicial district
C VMl nONThe rnilng teams recently
organized bv the firemen nre prnctleing
dally and will go to thc Waco tournament
lu the pink of condition
WEATHCWKORD Edward J Dnnn or
New York has Hied a suit In the district
court asking for n receiver for the Weathei
ford Water Light nnd Ice company Ihe
plant Is worth JSOOOO
VICTORIA A T Leonard nn etnpoye
of tne bridge gang of the New York Texas
and Slexlean rnllway under I orennn W A
lutes will lose the sight of his right eye
as a result nf l > elng hit by u nail which
be was drlxlng He was taken to the hos
pltal In Houston
The New Orleans Rice Market
Special to The 1nst t
New Oilcans Manh 21No rtcolpt of
rough rice were reported todnj and what
little offerings were made from store were
well takPU up Tradlug wns routined to
3I bags of top grade Honduras Clin
rfce ruled strong and In rfixsl demand ar
emulations with trading onh modemte on
the light offerings Itocelpt f < ru oiui
wills were very light Itclpts rati
poikcts ry of clean Sales 11122 potkciH of
clean and 121 sacks of rough of w lib h 121
sacks were Uoudiiraa Clean ibc Hon
dura strong good itemnnil heart V to
riiie straights Sc to 4V streenlngs > to
> Kr So S IV lo 2c Japan strong good
demand head 3 r lor > v straights 2H to
IP screenings 2r to SSc J l e lo 2
Hough rtcr Ion
Aetna sales at al3
arus stpadi no offerlugs at 2iX > j7t 10
DaSratft Jspin Heady no o8sla f at
senate cominjttpp to the house bill npre
debris Mhcie nerp spipiiiI pprsons In tnciloo ri nnd nf ttio Tiii
port Ions of n tmnadt
house ft r II Hnyloi
T ln bl ln 1 < Jn his own
Intc tlo 1 mldtn ind
r nniJ fe eii h l PrcaltjOpi WtfW to be klllpl
fi fiUJ in n i rltlC r w found guilty anl eoiVld lo sou
I I Little wa bttlli ilaniMKPd bj frrut rmf nnK f mrNnI1nei To
stftl in m aid rmr being
repli to an
1r n ho > vr InqnlM bi Mi Vest he said be would haie
While the inln wns not a icry big peilnl olJottlon to a pioMon hat
Damage Near Wallis
WalUs Icxo Man b 21 icry hard
lain fell for ilmil in hour losttnlni se
ronipiiilctl bv lightning mil a stronsr wind
In two plans the wild isiiiiietl the pio
tn bouse ueir this plate Some halt fell
but not siiffb lent to lnliie vegelatloii
would make punishable Hiicli ileplarnllniis
or ittiiusel made In u public spooi h or In
public print
Mr Fairbanks cordlallj supported thc
pending bill II contained no pain Nsne
and be hped no part lines would le
tlra wn upon it
llefeiitng lo the iiigiinteiit that the 1111
ciontes class legislation Mr Inlihnuks
blowing itonti n lent snld the llll was not Intended for the per
it fluhud ind a no sonal beneHt of the president ineieli but
for the protection or the people anil to
bilng about the unlet Iv adnilnlhtintlon of
the aoieininent The bill hail mil been
coiicelietl In llie lieutetl passion but ns
the fiult of wisdom anil deliberation
It Is Inspired by the obvious iicccsslH
said he lu lotieluslon for the throwing
Hbont the thief executive additional safe
giiaidn so ss tn render Impossible so fai as
I human wisdom cm tin liijtuj in the piesl
tleiit anil lliiifbi lujiiiy In Ihc gtent
After sout fuillni tllstiissiuii the pern
Ing bill tl war iiiciiun bill was laid bo
fiun the senate ami Ml TIIIumii S Ci
iiwiIp sii nrgiiinent lu fuior of letaiulng rile
duty of In fits a pouni on tea The nwn
ft of tens now In this eountri In bond
he snld w iiltl get the btnelit nf till IP
mtinl to the amount of S iIKhIchhi hiitce
the tlutv had been Ieiletl upon tei the Ciill
ctl States bad ecu loivlilng u belter qmil
tv of ten xx lit Ii It id beei inpidl d tn thc
people nt noliiitisel prlte Hi said int
thai tin experiment of tea tulture wns ie
lug imiile lr Smith Carollia and he lielletnl
It would be sueicssfiil I his was a baby
liiduslrv nnd really needed the protec
tlon J he tea culture industry gnvp ocn
pillion tn ninn > colurctl thlllicn and might
do nuPh other gt oil At the piiiclusbiu of
Mr Illiuans speech the war revenue re
peal bill wns passcil will nut dlilslou or
furtbei comment
Coiisldiiatlon was lesumed of the IIIJ fc i
the pint eel Ion of the piesitlent anil ainiiiil
inputs were offered In S iutors Mmgnii
Mcivfliirln Miss I Mnllori KlaL Teller
tColn and Mt Cumber tN D nnd I ejected
I he substitute offered In Senators Cul
berson Ilncon and Ialterson were rcjecteil
The bill wns then passed 52 to 15 ag fol
Hurt on
cinrk Wyo
Dry den
Koster Wash
Itnw ley
yias s5
Clark Mont
Iostcr La
Ic Ice
llntt Conn
Wet more
Haw litis
On motion of Mr Procter chairman of
the committee on ncrltiiltuie ihe oleonuir
garlne bill was made the iintlubbetl busl
ness The senate at lV p ui Went Into
eiceiitlve sesiIon and at 5 10 p in ml
Jnuiuitl until Monday
A List of Unstirveyed School Lnnilu Has
Been Made Up by thc Land
Austin Texas March SlShuirf nd
son of Hants county todaj tiled his account
for the December term of touil with tin
cc nipt roller I he propp es wcie lumped
mirier one pprtllVnlc arid his aetl n pot
to light tin bleu ot miinilininlni no
k irplndler for a construction f iln ne
top Ian
Depailmcnt Notes
Austin lexns Mnicb 211roof sheets el
the piellmlnar icpnrt of the ln ninmc < le
partuienl hnie been iccclied and ate un
being icHtl bi chief Clerk Thweslt
Interest on school bonds held bj the pei
innncut seliool fund will fall due Apt ll in
The new quaiter for the payment or pits
senger tax on passenger earnings 10 bciii
April i
llepiespntntlie Decker of Unideluan conn
11 Is herp for a few tlays on business with
the dPiiarttnents
1 i Couch nf Hronnnood Brown couo
ii was In the city today on business nllh
ve teid v was about the worst that ever agreed to during the lending of thp mens i thp land oiflee
iMted this pine It beiin mining slowlv
about 3 oclock with wind from the south
west and at 1 10 oclock II TPPrcd to Hip
wpst accompanied hi ball when all of a
sudden a regular mister which lastpd
onh a fow sctonils sppuipiI to lift PiPr >
thine fiom thp earth nnd hart It Insted as
mam minutes er probabli therp would
no hale been i houp pft standing III Its
veke As tl was It onlv tlostroied one
business house and hntllv damnzptl oi
resldpiipe The luge ami snlstintlal house
of Snin P Drake was ictluced lo a ninss f
me The bill was then reported to the sell j The seliool Ionrd this Hftcrnoon purchased
ate and lnld asideuntil nfter the mcnuro Hn issue of 12om Omianehe clt > street
for the protection of the president was honrls anil i1in > Corslcatm lefuuillug
acted upon The latter niensni was then nit
inkon up and Ml lntterson addressed the I in tMi < j s Holtnn of tin omp
senate He was In aorinl with ihc pur tloiei s department hns sent out n state
poses of the bill so far ns th pioslilent n th rol nn1 ctv
concerned Tho
nnd lcp president wore
feature of the menstue In wlibh he was
pnttii arlv opposed was the pi nisltin that
the counseling and advising I no murdci of
the pipstdptit was a crime
lie did not lelleip tluadhe peudlnc law
nould siipptess unnrchv nnd under no pos
slide contlnzpnpii etuld hnBliP Ills suppoit
the Stale nollfvug them of the ninouiil ol
Interest tine prll 10 1I I2 to the mh
peimanent school fund 1 he lotal amount
K JJPlMii S3
Unsurveyed School Land
ustln Iexns March 21 Land t oinnil
slom r Itojan has prepired n stattmeiit ic
gardlng unsurveyed school land whbb it
be f nml In tho following counties Au
ilrens Itandein Horden Itiewstci I i u
Crockett Ilnwron Hot or lMwnids ii
tlisn tiilnea Hir Olusseork Hidalgo
Howard hlon lelT D nls Kent Ken
Kliiible Kiunev Lot Ing Iinn Mueibk
Menartl Midland Teeos Presidio Iteens
Schleltbci Scuiiy Slnrr Steillng Snltnii
IViri West Tom Jrrcn Iplon V l cide
Wild Winkler lonkiun anil Znpnin
1 hN land will be annexed some lime tin
xear and as ninny of the lenses will ex
Idle bertue the end of the yein the bum
will be placed mi the mnrket foi aitunl
sett lets
Telephone Officials Touring
Austin Texas Milltli 21 President
James I Caldwell of Nnslnllle Tetiu ltc
1iesbleut llerinnn 1 lettlnglll of Huston
Oeneiiil Manager 1 V Iliinswoith of Dal
Ins td tin Sou th west em Teleguiph am
leleplione company iictouipanleil bl Thorn
as II Doollttle Thomas Cotton and Iinlik
It Ixnlglit Sr of the American Hell lele
I phone iimptiny nirlxed Iii tonn todaj
Thcx are here llispectlngr the propel 1 o
the southxvetdein Telegraph nnd Teleplm u
lompnti Mr Iarnswoitli left at nonu rm
Charter Filed
Austin lexas Mnicb 21 Tho follow In
charter was tiled today
Clen flora Meretinllle i tnpaiiv of Olm
rioni Wharton cimiitx Inpltal slock svi
mm inwiporaiora ii C Duman U il
Noithlngton uml tl C llrrnrd
News Notes
Austin Texns March 21 The grniiil Jun
returneti n > n trus bills ye teidn >
The funeral of Nmiiiiiii Potter took pli
this sfteriioiil at 4 oeloi k from the iea
demo or Dr Morrow
A bill of sale hns been tiled xvllh tin
potiinv clerk In whlili V J Lenip of Si
Louis tllsMes of live horse and l
mules which haxe been usetl In conueeliou
with the lieer agency heie
ix Congiessman Itnrton of Nexada Iln
1h here xlilting Judge Paul 1 liiorutnii
and today called on the governor Jhe gov
ernor nnd Mr tlurlon served In cnngies
together nnd are warm friends
Another Strike Near Lockhart
Lockhart Texas March 21 Mr J M
Hntllff llxIng about four mllos northwest
of Lockhart on Ilutn creek In tho neigh
borhood of the Cardwell oil well xvhlle
searching on his farm this wpek to find
water at the depth of twentytlxc feet
struck a strong floxv of g s which produces
a loud rurnbllDg noise In Its exit from tho
The well of the Lockhnrt Petroleum com
pany Is now doxvn about KV feet and U
penetrating a bed of shale
< r fiMSil
Mew Books Fre i Mn
II J TILMlTSON 11 I the Master bprclullst nf tliirngo
who trcstj men onlj tl rrcogntirtl not only Ju scii ntlfle circles but by tht Isli
u wetl u Us fortiuot IntrciUisur of M Urns In llie Held of rtivlc u > d Vtrruna
PUiMri hu Jul > atll > hrd a new urlis nt nrleDtUI book fullr tlluKnitxl
wliiolj J al wltU it tDKUl rlsj > f ut Dltacf to wbldi 111 pCMHice 1 Mmllfd
Tt tsoili ut for Noo profrwlonl llitdrn snd Rtodf nt Intii eitrd lu DUiims
yfEN ° r n Bn sr tbe retail of twrntj one jesrt rsperltnre Is the trestmest at
sJ hS Msne Mslsdlee theirs iherefore eminent r pisLtlesLIe end eoniprebenelTc
v sf Tbe continued growth of my rlT lepr etle si a Speclslltt In Mvuil ol Men
has become neUomsl In it pe sad Is toe logical outcome of th erpllsAtloD of th latest ecUotlflo
ln tho4s and personal attention in tbo rare of relvle sod progressive fteaex Disease The Author
vlthes to eollsjliUnta young lean and the adnlt In regard to the most common ailments that ad let
mankind and explain Ms discoveries and methods which he orltiaated and eielnsteely controls with
particular attettiloa to their absolute and positive cures The Importance of ihee books Is shown by
lhatr TIllM
EUdly state srbat ° I Blrlctare No I Varicocele
beeke y waat > e I NelToBiual DebUItT Mo T Syphilis
Oorrtepondenta shouts Ko rroilat Olsnd and Diseases Ne I Hydrecel
i Hernia Bladder and
etahomed lrM Vo Jio t Kidney Dteeaeea
sntsllr X6 I Tanereal Irlseoses Tte la flefier Plseasea
Oenretrpoiufeies CoHtdeiUidt
Tb Doctor will correspond wtth say person who eernntlj deelrei lo become Informed as tn his true
condition and will be pleated to ftre Ms expert opinion free In plain envelope lo those who will seed
Mm a descrtptlen of Ibelr eyrsptre > ooJti sent FKKE tf yeo descrlbynur oei fully Aildrees
tl J TILLOTSON M D 13 Tlllotioo Bnlldloi J4 Oeirboro Strict CMICAQO
s f a <
Mens VlackandWhitc
Spring Suits 15
The leading custom tailors of
New York and London show
these blackandwhite fabrics in
Worsteds and Worsted Chevi
ots and they arc considered es
sentially correct for
business or semidress
We have complete lines
in Princeton and York style
suits three and fourbutton
coats and they arc tailored in
thc same high giadc manner as
thc finest custom make but only
about half thc cost
to you
Boys Easter Clothes
Your boys will want to look as
well as thc other boys at Eastci
Biing them to us and wc will attiic
them concctly and at a saving to
thc pockctbook
Cnitfitiiiation Suits ol black cliv wnutcil all
wool not pait lolton knee pants J I
style p4
Nnliliy SingleIiicastecl Suits ot fancy ilioviol
nude tn weir with bell 2M J50 5
Ages 7 to 16
Twentysix styles of Iatuciui Shoes lo
select Irani all 350
Sold only by
Jammo Qfo fJ
Nrniolk Jacket and Ssilni Suilj slics j lo 12 I lie newest styles lm
small lion 1 iuc Unty undiesscd wotllttls ami ilicvints viunotli setges
ami cheviot Ail tailored as perfectly js a full jtinwn Irans suit
230 3y0 5
An Hii ship is ii7ci jitt Uitli bay Days Suit told
Scud tor I eUloititr ol lollnit Men > Slinn 4ml Lrfrltcn Snor
ED KIAM Mammoth Clotliie
The Home of the Patrician
Do you need some Wc
have lots of it and will be
plcascdVto submit sampfesTattHC
prices on request > >
We have special offer 1
J ngs for dealers who may want < J r
some new patterns to brighten
ud their stock
I Opium uu imior tiaiun tuird ut Uuuio by
a tmnitiit wholly uuvv in uictuud uctluu
end usiilis No pain aurfuflng or pruitra
I Hon inn inuuuiie your regular work
I HVetf tiny Nu Ureadrdfirst stuge or sub
i siltrtlnu but n tlioiougll tftsilug cure Ilce
t trlJl treatment nod scnlecf booklet seat ua
litoUtst Urlle todnr to
OR PUrtOY Blni BWa Houston Texas
1 ln f
Confidential Islormntion
fiirinslied fn m pi ional observntlon
of tiiipetiit cxpeit and recottls is
to holllngs pit sent coudltloa and
innnageinent of itn Texas oil com
pnnj ot tasb Im of nny oil stock
on ic Ipt of one dslii
RobarJ Er Co Vcaumont Texat
Wi Invite s serMwl Isvetllfilloa il oor Kboolll win coniuci y x tJ l S tit H
Ihc bul Milwed the Urieil It tu t proirtnlvt I oeit rjFil i a 5LS J
Bullae Meat Pleaie writ w when you wed a wmptUnt feo Urfa of 9HW > m
f r
tA r
< v
Lit i