OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, March 22, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1902-03-22/ed-1/seq-4/

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ft 1
s <
R M JOHNSTON v President
G J TALMElt Vico President
Nos 1101 1103 1105 1107 and 1109 Franklin Avenue
Entered at the PoslotKec at Houston Texas at SeiondCtas
Mail Holler
84 Columns 168 to 4 Lnlunms
THE SEMIWEEKLY POST Mondays and Thursdays
112 Columns Per Week
One SI Three One
Year Moulin MonlhK Month
Daily and Sundw 1000 500 5 100
Sunday 1511
SEMlWrEKLV 100 50
R Holland A W Palmer and B II Tiiroop
FOREIGN OFFCCS Eastern Iiumiwm oflicc 4jt U 4J
47 48 40 Tribune building New York The S t B < ckvvith
Special Agency Western 469 The Rookery Chicago t The
S C Beckwith Special Agency Office of Washington Cor
respondent Room 11 Ames building 1110 O street vv
CORRESPONDENCE vi auy description lelh er i 1 H
tended f
xidual a
able to The Houston Printinu Company
named utiles special written authority signed by the business
manager is shown All nrcouits of any sue should > e paiu
kM J J
T <
V 1 i i a f
notify the oflicc promptly Every pipcr I expected 10 be dc Aeuth for nny 0lfl who il or attempt to hill
livered not later than t > t < >
tho prosldont ot the official noxt in succession to tho
presidency thus leaving room tor tlio plea of Belf de
The majority bill covers with its special protection
any one in tho line of presidential succession however
DEMOCRATIC OPPORTUNITY ftu romoved ll0 nmy 10 from the rHileiicy in tho line
of such succession Senator Culbersons substitute
Ifoars resolution for
What has bivome of Senator
does not contain this provision
make full inanity into
a special senate committee to a j
Senator Culberson has also omitted tho sedition
and civil conduct
the facts of tlio American military
The democrats should l c f < l e majority bill and tho clause providing for
of affairs in the Philippines
nnwl and uniformed bodyguard for the president
Philippine question
for tho
not let the mattvr drop
beside being one that is of vilaJ interest and trans A change Is also made with regard to that featuo of the
eendent Importance to the American people Is India hill which makes it a crime to Instigate the murder
etc the phraseology being altered
of 1004 ° > President
putably an Isbtte of the campaign
The Investigation before the standing committee to rover only those who shall willfully and malicious
counsel the hilling of the president etc
with Ir mlvlso and
of the sonata has dragged its slow length along
If n5o l that instigate Is too broad and words
a tedlousncss that 1ms made 1 farce of tho proceedings
moA might bo wrongly Interpreted that malice and
In six wooks two witnesses Governor Taft and General
nt are of tho essence ot the crime
this rate tho
Hughes linve Uwn examined At present
session of congToss will be concluded long before tho
Nor is It sattftnetory to the people that the charac
ter of tho Uvtitmaiy should be paitlsan The civil gov
einor of the Islamls nnd a military of leer both draw
ing safeties from the govemment ntipointeri by tho
government an i dependent for the uresoiit and for
the future upun Uie government are no matter what
their honesty exceedingly apt to turn out to be gov
ernment wltnewak s Hear both sides An Investiga
tion Is absolutely worthless that does not pioceed In
accordance with this elementary Judicial principle
W by are not some Filipinos summoned ami some Amer
icans who arc not government office holders Above
all let us hear the Filipino side of it Here are ton
million people whotV affairs are being administered
not only without their consent tfnd without tho lr being
allowed a share In thalr own government but without
their being allowed to say a word upon the subject and
tell us whether tho government that Is being Imposed
upon them from the slur chamber In tho White House
is a good government or a bad one
The opportunity is fairly presented to the demo
crats If thoy fully take advantage of It thoy will servo
their country and t o oppressed Islands over seas and
will achieve paity Success by an overwhelming ma
Many ot tho republican papers have recently so
riously taken up the question of who is to 1m tho
nominee of their party for tho presidency In 1901
It Is asserted with a dogree of posltlvnnoss that la
astonishing at this early dato that there will be but
two candidates who will contend for tho prlzo before
the republican nominating convention and tho names
of the candidates arc Thcodoro ItoosovolL and Matcus
Alonzo Hiuina
Now tho prosident is said to bn leaving no stone
unturned to secure his own nomination It Is related
that ho hiniBolf told the story of how ho proinlsod to
renppolnt litdson Lewis the Georgia uegio icglster of
the treasury because upon being sounded in ltooso
volts Interest he declared himself for Hanna Thats
to show his manliness so people who ndmtre him will
pay How llko Uoosovclt Then his tender of tho po
sition of general immigration commissioner to Frank
r Sargent head of tho Brotherhood of locomollvo
Flremon is said to bo 11 movo to offset tho intotest Mr
Hanna has lately boon making with tho laboring
classes na tho head of tho Natlonnl Civic Federations
arbitration committee Tho appointment to a cabinet
position of Secretary Payne who has the reputation of
being a wire puller of skill is said to havo boon mndo
with an eye on tho nomination Tho president Is cred
ited with making strenuous nnd continued preparations
to launch a Roosevelt boom for tho convention in 1001
Nor has Senator Hanna been idle That expert
enced political manager has been employing some of
tho astuteness which hns gained him tho nlcknamo of
tho republican Warwick In his own behalf H M
Dougherty and Cyrus Ilulitig of tho antlHanna fac
tions of Ohio havo been won over and are Hanna men
for the presidential race Sonator Hanna has been
busy In enlisting newspaper support and articles and
pictures of him appear designating him as tho man
of the hour Hero ia an artlclo which appeared in
tho Washington Times
nLln thKC0Ultry lil deve ° P1 more rapidly within
the last half
doted years than Senator Marcus A Hanna
Jiefore entering the United States senate he was known
as one of our greatest business men and was looked upon as
remarkable politician
Today he Is bigger than politics or politicians
He does things
He is now at the head of the National Civic Federations
arbitration committee an organization that is more farreach
ing irt its possibilities for good than almost any other orcanl
zaiion inthe whple country
IJis keen business seme his broad experience in affairs
Ins great natural abdlty and his genius inhandling men
enujp him for the difficult Uslc of harniguUing the dlfTor
ences between capita and Inbor a perhaps nil other man
in the country f > fitted for it in the United States at
no wan has greater influence or Is a more powerful fuctor
in shaping legisjatiou
This was printed In big type and Inclosed In what
There nre other between the two bills
but the most impoitnnt have boon here given
It la much to be regretted that we ate to have any
such legislation it makes another step into the broad
road of imperialism out of tho narrow path of lepub
llettn simplicity virtue and safely
A thousand head of beeves sold In Temple tho
other day at 5 conts a pound Tho animals averaged
1200 pounds and biought the feeder about 60 each
They coat him on the lange fiom SIS to 40 or an
average of loss than 30 Ho hnd a margin of 30
thorofore for feeding nnd the 30 tho pioducer re
ceived was ample foi a fair profit In raising Horses
and mules have been In fine demand by reason of the
Floor war nnd hogs nnd mutton have been fetching
good prices Consequently although tho grain crop
last year was short live stock producers enjoyed a
prosperous fall and winter
Cotton was unduly depressed early In the sonson
but the great majority of farmers wero ablo to hold
enough of their crop to lienelU by tho advance and
on the whole the staple has yielded around 7 cents a
pound or 3r > a bale to the planter It has been dem
onstrated that cotton Is glown In Texas nt lebb than G
cents a pound so that the crop hub piolltod tho farnfor
5 to 10 a bale
At the same time Tesns farmers have learned to
diversify and It Is now the exception when one does
not get money out of something besides cotton
As the farmer piospers so piospor all and theso
few figures aio sufficient to show why Texas Is fool
ing quite comfortable in all lines of industry And the
past seaton was even less piolltable than tho two pre
ceding seasons So Toxab has had three moro than
avnrngo years Tho result is found in tho lingo do
posits in Teus banks the homo investments in fncto
iIob in new homos nnd business bouses all over tlio
Slate In handsoinu railroad
earningsIn short In a
unlfotm condition of thrift
In view of all this it Is not strange that capital is
looking this way As a matter of fact Toxus Is got
ling so much capital of her
own that who is not so
much concerned as she onco was about tho sttito of
mind among foreign investors
Tin point is frequently made in congress during the dis
cission ol the pending bill for the protection of the presi
dent that federal ofhcfols xlwuld be Heated just as other
citizens are and tlut n special law should be made to fcafe
guard them Ac a nutter ol Utt 1 edcral officials under
our present Matutes hae rights not guaranteed to thepri
alc tituen Por example if a Pederal executive office
such as a customs inspector United Mates marshal or dep
uty marshal or a poiloffice mspei lor kills a man he is in
dictable by a State gland jury If he claims that the killing
ocuured while in the discharge of his ofiiclal duty he can
have the case transferred from the State court to a Federal
court on proper application When the transfer is made the
State has to go into the Federal couit lo prosecute and the
district attorney of the United Stales with all the utachiiu
cry of the Pedeial court where the case is to be tried ap
pears for the defendant That certainly js a privilege that
the private citizen has not By a claim that his act was
committed in the discharge of his official duty the United
States through its district attorney supposed to be learned
in the law and especially schooled in the trial of criminal
cases becomes the defendants counsel and champion and
that too without cost
Fcnston is evidently a man after Roosevelts own heart
Tub picturesque financiering of Colonel Mulberry Sellers
ia not a circumstance to what J Pierpont Morgan Stewart
would do if by accident he should be elected mayor He
seriously proposes to add 1000000 to the bonded debt of
the city without Increasing the tax
rate or the assessments or
reducing municipal expemes Alight we not ask him also
to pay the school teachers A few thousand dollars should
not bother a man who can draw a couple of millions like a
prcstidigitatcur out of a hat
China will soon be as famous for her rebellions us are
the South mcncm countries
Wmiim a high cllar is a political crime in the Ttra
hear Rice tew m vHlr When mr > f C Intelligence of
these campnieilets descend to such demagogy it is plain
s2 >
r vv s >
y Ji > wserw ae
In nnwepnpor parlance Is known an 11 box wan tlio
followlnR summary of Jlitnims nclilctvomenlB as tlio
frlond or the laborer
Settled every strike among his own employes 011 1 ba < H
satisfactory to tlient be Iin avrfled many strike of long
shoremen at lake port ended the big strike of the National
Coal Miner association in 1000 he wh the factor that
maile invisible the isrtllemcnl of the strike of the machinists
of the tnion Iron Work 111 San Francisco brought alftit
an amicable settlement last week between the New York Sim
ami the Typographical union
Thoro l no donbl Unit the fliit In on Wlinl llin
oiitromn will lit In tlio roptibliciirt Nntloniil convention
It Ir too enrly lo predict Whether tlio nominee I in
Ilooflovnll or Htiiitm ornnotliprmitutho ilemncrntB will
defeat tlio republicans In tlio election Tlio Issues for
tlio rampnlRii nro already made up Tlio people tiro
most cnlhiialaHtirnlly on tlio democratic aide Tlio
Iimies are great mural questions Tlio moral aonno of
the Amcrienn people mice It Is rightly appealed to al
ways guides thorn right
Senator OnlborisonB Riibstltute for th bill for tlio
protection of tlio president etc is unqueatlotmbly an
Improvement It would be hotter and more In ncconl
Wth Ue tradUon of tll ° counlr > l8 Tll ° Iost haB al
for the Business or Editorial Deportment should be reajy takoit oeeaslon to point out to have no such law
nd a7e s i0draTs Zh m1 at all The laws of the States are sufllclent 0 protect
our presidents and thoy have so proved themselves
THE CITY tin PosrTdcliv ere1 to any part of the city But If wo must have class legislation ami hedge tlio
by carrier Per month 100 thrct months Sjoo six president with the protection of special laws aftor the
months 600 one year 1 j 00 Mr f 0 custom In monarchical countries why Senator Culber
charge of the city circulation ami collecting Messrs ineo
dore Bcrinp Chas Lott and A W Palmer are the authorueU 80ns subBtitlltO Is to bo commended for removing
collectors of all city hills fboth advertising VL VhoVe m n > nt tho objeetlonnblo features of tho orlRlual hill
other than
and no money should be paid to any our
This amendment provides that the words willfully
and maliciously shall be added to that provision of
sUscnners failiiig to recei Tin Po m rog ularl y will please the majority lllll which provides for thf punishment of
that they are making a hm stand in a hopeless fight What
do decent cituens think uKh appe lit to aldas envy Por
shame gentlemen If yoti are lieaten go down like men and
not like frothing romnuniiiw
IThe rccwit decision of the attpteme court I calculated to
make the sttidculk take water
Kwappihh mayors in ItouMon without swapping alder
men also will he like Betting a new driver for a balky
team I loll nmj Imlld a Arc under he mule and make him
nmve but it will he decidedly bettet H > change the whole
outfit Vote the entire Holt ticket
Jekfries and PitMlmmons are indulging In their usual
fiddling to awaken popular interest
It is said that Roosevelt wants hU tdniililstration vindi
cated and the majority of the people will agree with him
that it needs vindication worse than renovated butter
Ir Pranck and Russia can not maintain the status quo
auy other way it is evident that they will fight for it
Tub sultan has flatly refined to refund the money paid
for Miss Stone s release What are we going to do about it
Tjijs South will grbw to have considerable respect for
Mile if the president jpmps on him few more times
The display of sreen badges yesterday reminded one that
it was the 17th of Ireland But there was a conspicuous
absence of Irishmen however and we wonder how conic
these Nacogdoches folks to get on to it being St Patrick s
Day and vhy they were celebrating it Nacogdoches Sen
Perhaps they take The Post
It is proper and just that American soldiers convicted
of exercising wanton and unnecessary brutality toward na
tive Filipinos should be severely punished for such out
rageous conduct They disgrace the uniform they wear and
the sooner thoy are legally disposed of the better Brenham
Hetter watch out or youll get Appendicitis Funston after
> ou
I he ship subsidy bill has been passed by the senate and
those who love to put their hands 111 other peoples pockets
are proportionately gratified Bryan Eagle
Hut the other pepplc arc proportionately not
I he British war office admonished Lord Kitchener to be
more economical with horse flesh as the price was stiff now
and likely to rise As the admonition contained nothing rele
vant to Tommy Atkins it is supposed that the Ilritish trooper
comes cheaper than his mount Beaumont Enterptise
It is safe to say that the i oo who were defeated with
Methueu feel pretty cheap
= k
A new locomotive headlight hai been tried by a Chicago
iuluiy which it is claimed will pieent collisions It is a
powerful searchlight which not only throws a beam ahead
but also sends a vertical ray up into the heaven This will
fiv the location of trains in hilly country where there arc
many turns Corjicaini Sun
Prom the number of reareudcrs taking place of late
it seems as if a tail light might be a good thing
ti iic
A new piece of sidewalk bobs up serenely every now and
then in different sections of the town which encourages the
Herald in its campaign for more and better sidewalks
Dcnison Herald
Th last time our sidewalk bobbed up it come so nigh
knockin us offn th earth that we had tcr cling ter a root
till th wagon come Still we dont want better sidewalks
th bobbin kind is good enough fcr us Alkali EC
It is only three generations from smock frocks to shirt
sleeics man toils to amass a fortune his son wrecks
himself by spending it and his grandson begins at the bottom
again Gi eenvillc Herald
Punny how all newspaper men seem to be grandsons
w v
In many counties in the State the newspapers arc labor
ing to work up public sentiment in favor of good roads
Such a work is unnecessary in Hunt county as the people
arc unanimously and heartily for good roads All that both
ers them is how to get them Giceniillc Banner
good road ii ope thutg that can not be purchased of a
mail order concern
General Funston in a speech before the Lotus club of
New York said that some men who did a lot of talking in
this country were responsible for a lot of shooting in the
Philippines General 1 iiiKton may jet hear from some of
those sensitive senators at Washington Bicnham Pi ess
The country will be somewhat curious to know what Pen
sion Commissioner II Clay Pvans has done to deserve en
forced retirement It seems that owing to certain pressure
brought to bear upon the president he will ask Mr Lvans to
tesign and all wc can get from the wires is that the only
charge against Mr I vans is that he conducted the affairs of
the office in a thoroughly impartial manner The action of
the president will be taken with much regict and the com
missioner being 1 good and faithful servant is staled for
higher honors Uuccr isnt it OiatiRc Daily Inbuin
l > t
In John 11 Kirby taking 50000 worth of Galvestons
breakwater bonds that gentleman again demonstrated a busi
uess audacitv vvhuli compels admiration and brings him out
In strong relief against other men of mean whose highest
seme of public duty leads them no further than lo strongly
point others to investments where their money may be ex
pected to both earn returns and benefit others then swell
with conspicuous pride and expect the lime light of public
approval lo be focused upon them Mr Kirby is right when
he says that everj dollar of dalveslon bonds should be taken
ill Texas but there are also more and many dollars in Texas
t hnt could be invested to doubly good purposes Naivsota
i m
CORPORATIONS Where a corporation issues capital
Stuck and represents it is fully paid and causes it to he so
listed on the slock and IkiuiI exchange it is estopped to claim
that the stock h invalid as against a bona tide purchaser
oven if I he slock was in fact issued without consideration
67 Pac Rep 1 al 1 770
LANDLORD AND TENANT Where plaintiffs were
in possession ol a lot claiming ownership and let defendant
into possession under an agreement that he would deliver up
possession to them on demand the relation of landlord and
tenant existed between them mid defendant could not set up
title 111 himself on an outstanding title to defeat their recov
ery of possession unless he had acquired their title or their
title had expired ji So Rep Ala 357
EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYE Plaintiff and his fel
low servants were pulling the lower end of a brace from a
building by a rope when it struck on an obstruction and
plaintiff was directed by defendants foreman to raise the
lirace over the obstruction and before doing so told the
foreman to wail but the latter directed the other workmen
to pull before plaintiff had lifted the brace over the obstruc
tion which caused it to fall on plaintiff Held that negli
gence of the foreman authorized a verdict to plaintiff 66 S
W Texas
Rep 584
laws of a budding and loan association prescribed the amount
of money a member should be entitled to receive upon with
drawal therefrom and also provided that no amendment
should he made to such bylaws unless thirty days previous
notice thereof should have been given Held that a subse
quent bjlaw pasted without such notice did not preclude a
member upon withdrawal from recovering the amount due
under the bylaw in force when he became a member of the
association 31 At Rep N J 150
PIRE INSURANCE By the terms of lease
a the lessee
agreed to heep the premises insured and lo pay all the pre
and deliver
iniuuis the to the lessors
and if
failed they wero to pay the premiums and add the amount
to rem charged The le e applied to brokers vvh ap
plied to plaintiff far insurance who issued its policy and de
livered the miuc to the brokerwlio in tuiu delivered it to
the lessots whu retained It unlit plaiiitifl made demand
the testers for payment of the premium when it ai deliv
ered and raneeled Held that Uie plabllin cotild not recover
the premiums from the lessors no contract relations exist
ing between theitt 71 N Y Supp 55J
NATIONAL HANKSA demand which starts the run
riing of the statute nf limitation against the right of a re
cover of a National bank to enforce the statutory liabi ity
of its shareholders is shown < v the allegations of the bill
filed by the receiver to enforce such liability lhat on a speci
fied < ate the ccmplroller of the currency nude an assess
nient upon the shareholders of such bank and did hereby
make demand upon each and every share of the capital stock
of the said association and directed the receiver to take
prrcecdings by suit to enforce the individual liability of the
shareholders 21 Sup U Rep U St 397
Washington March i8 A T l orr yoiirf ef J There
minds of those who have
is little or no doubt now 111 the
been keeping in close touch with the situation that Theodore
Roosevelt and Marcus A Hanna will be rival candidates for
the republican presidential nomination in 1904 This matter
has b en referred to on several previous occasions in this
correspondence but heretofore some doubt as to Senator
annas attitude in the premises has always been expressed
It has been suggested that it was practically certain that the
big man from Ohio would oppose Roosevelt but no definite
statements have ever been made as to whether the former
would Mipport some one el e for the place or be a candidate
himself Recent developments however have been of such
a nature as to indicate very clearly that Hanna will himself
be n candidate and that he is preparing to make the fight of
his life
Just at present the attention of both Roosevelt and Hanna
seems to be directed toward the labor vote Each of them
is making every effort to convince the workingman that he
is their best friend The presidents latest move in this di
rection was made when he ousted T V Powderly from thn
position of heail of he immigraion bureau and offered the
place to Prank P Sargent who for years past has been the
leader of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen There is
no doubt that this i a direct invitation to the labor element
to throw its influence into the contest in favor of Roosevelt
if if if if
Senator Hanna is going about the matter in a different
way He is posing as the strike arbitrator extraordinary of
the country He has figured in this capacity in all of the re
cent strikes particularly the one which caused so much trou
ble at Boston and in every case he has sought to make it
appear that he loves the workingman with a love that passcth
understanding and that there is nothing on earth too good
for that same workingman There is no doubt of the sound
ness of the latter proposition but it must be admitted that
it is a little strange that a man who has been so prominently
and so closely identified with the trusts as Hanna has been
should expect the public to believe that such a sentiment
coming from him is sincere
Only a day or two ago the Washington Times the paper
which was recently purchased by Frank A Munsey of maga
zine fame contained a picture of Hanna which occupied near
ly the whole of the first page of both its morning and even
ing editions It was labeled Mr Hanna great mediator be
tween labor and capital and in connection with it there
was printed a long statement which sought to demonstrate
that the junior senator from Ohio was wholly responsible for
the termination of the Boston strike and that his project to
arbitrate strikes and disputes through a National peace or
ganization had met with notable success in practice
It must be confessed that both these bids for the influ
ence of the labor element arc just a trifle weak and hardly
calculated to deceive the intelligent workingmen of the coun
try for even a moment It is quite likely that many such
bids will be made before the shadows cast by coming events
become so plain as to show exactly who will be in the con
test for the republican nomination in toot but there is no
reason to believe that any of them will be more difficult to
see through than are those mentioned here
f v <
The most interesting matttcr that army circles have had
to talk about since the president administered his brutal rep
rimand to General Miles is the announcement that that offi
cer has been turned down hard on his request to be sent
to the Philippines and to be allowed to put in effect there a
plan calculated to bring the war to an end without further
loss of life on cither side The story giving the details of
this matter which was sent out last night was developed in
rather an unusual manner Editor Henry Wattcrson of the
Louisville CourierJournal sent from this city to his paper a
day or two ago a long editorial in which the following para
graph occurred
It is reported on what seems good authority that some
time ago General Miles asked to be ent to the Philippines
He is our oldest most experienced Indian fighter lie has
toaxed submission many times of the aborigines when to sub
due them by force of arms would have cost too much He
could and would bring order out of chaos if sent to Manila
with adequate power 111 a few months Wc could adapt our
selves to conditions Not a bit of it Miles application
sleeps in some pigeonhole
The editorial 111 question was printed in the Washington
Post of last Saturday The paragraph above quoted attract
ed the attention of various correspondents and an investiga
tion which was immediately begun resulted in the whole story
being brought out After official Washington recovered from
the first shock of the announcement it commenced to guy
the correspondents who had failed for something like four
weeks the inteivicvv between Miles and the president hav
ing occmred that long ago to discover and exploit one of
the biggest news stories of tho vcar and who knew absolute
ly nothing of it for that matter until it was brought to their
attention in a roundabout wav by a Southern editor
One of the amusing features of the sory lies in the fact
thai the day after General Miles called on the president and
made his now famous proposition the Washington Slar the
acknowledged apologist for ami organ of the administration
gravely puhhshed a statement to the effect that the visit ml
dicated that the relations between the commanding officer of
the army and the president of the United States were very
cordial and that the former had entirely gotten over the ef
fects of the rebuke admintstrred to him by the latter The
Star is now alleging that the story comes from antiadmin
istration sources and will he used for anti administration
purposes and further that it will be made a feature of the
forthcoming campaign
It must be admitted assuming that the story is absolutely
true which no one doubts that there is much reason for the
refusal of General Miles proposition by the president being
made use of in the fight against the administration General
Miles is the head of the army of the United States and
whatever else may be said of him neither his personal emir
age nor his military ability has ever been questioned rt
his request to be sent to the Philippines to take
charge of the campaign being waged there was refused and
his plan to end the war without further loss of life on e itW
side was ignored The president looked over the plan a
he would look over a proposition involving the most unim
portant matter imaginable suggested certain modifications
and then sent General Miles to the secretary of war Of
urfJ hc I 1 was a forfKone conclusion Root has his
md of course
of General Miles Furthermore lie k knew hat t General Mil those
own ideas about the war in the Philippines
would not consent to have his plans interfered
was not tu good repute with President Roosevelt and i tint
therefore any indignity placed on him would he upheld hv
Mr Roosevelt So the general and his plans were ignored
and the
president and the secretary of war by this action
went 011 record as being of the belief that the war in I
Philippines was at an end The last indorsement 0
papers bearing on the case was dated it is said on March c
It should bo understood in his connection that General
Miles whose ability as an Indian fighter is unquestioned
proposed to put in effect iu the Philippines methods similar
to those which he had successfully used in numerous Indian
campaign Military men and government officials sav thit
unless there arc some features connected with the
wind have not jet been made public the president ami the
turn which is regarded < ahsQlutcly as quite no unprecedented valid grounds for their aE
3oooc > eoooa90t > soccocc4
THE GIRL WYmTr 400000
Say Eyeso Blue
Miss Stirabout
Its up to you
Now lights are out
To softly treep
Beside your dad
And go to sleep
And make him glad
Ive heard folks y
I think so too
At close of day
Miss Eycso Blur
Theres nothing here
Thats half so sweet
As babies dear
When fast asleep
Just one wee fist
Red lips apout
Tink toes weve kissed
Just peeping out
And blueveined lids
And yellow curls
You best of kids I
Dad s queen o girls
Sleep Eyeso BIue
Dont pull my hair I
Oh well then dot
Your dad don t care I
Or if he cares
He dare not say
How sad he fares
So pull away
TcTsee this crest
So bald and bare
You wouldnt guess
Dad once had hair
Yes your own pa
Well pull away I
You grow like raa
More evry day
A girl who had chewed for
gum eighteen
found to have a stomach full of the stuff The dgctent m
she will recover but they dont say how much
A news dispatch says that Rev Brownbacic of Ceatai
cut has started on a tour the object of which is t0 lte
wife If his name were Greenback he could ruuiai
home and they would come to him
Getting a race track for Houston where the mIIowwjj
can blow in his earnings seems at present to be mereljj
matter of course
A California man has invented a flying midline vy
says will be worked by hot air Theres franlnmt fit
Oh Ellen far off in Strumttza
Wed just like to wager twobits a
First rate thing to do
Thats to say dear for you
Would be to get out of Strumitzi
J M Lim
To J M Lewis
So he longs for the fleshpots of Egypt
This poet of springtime and flowers
He deplores his owncst owns brewing
And longs for his coffee by hours
He thinks Mrs Rorer brought sorrow
Her recipes merely made trash
He sighs with the thought of tomorrow
And admits that hed rather hare hash
He begs for the wheel lo turn bacVwatd
And yearns for the things mother made
He thinks his own charmer is awkward
Wants the cook book upon the shelf laid
Owns that fudge and such stuff is not bad
But prefers steak and taters I sposej
He says that planked fish is a fad
And grumbles and sighs oer his woes
Oh poet soul why sordid grow
Oer what is quite untrue fi
The muse has fed you well you know i
Just think of eyes o blue
Then cat whateer before yous placed
And neer complain a word
You are the cooks most abject slave
Although jou think youre lord
New R J l
for a subject In order witw
tire t >
rr her face was
ire is still in existence and
Lawton O T six
has 7000 ingw
lawjers 45 saloons 27 gambling dens and 4 R e
A statistical genius has figured up that iw fi
feat and capture of Methuen in South Africa wm
Britain 10000000 this being the charge forj
paying the extra troops which the disaster win
sent to the Cape rW e
Robert Morrow of Upper Oxford townshipy
ty at the age of 78 tells the Oxford s Ijf
vviio f
most the last of the Conestoga wagoners
and lime from the Pequea valley to PhiUdelrj J
mmgton In those days he says wheat sold bushel
to tjo a bushel and clover seed for i
tionS r
Letters in the alphabets of the different iB
number The Sandwich Islander have 12 wf jS >
Italian Bengali ai Hebrew Syriac r
maritan 22 each Latin 25 J Greek 34 G > j P
English 36 each Slavonic 7 Ar m 0C iafl <
Coptic a Georgian 35 Armenian jS
Muscovite Sanskrit and many of the unc
have fifty each
Watte rsona Idea j
There is just one thing for the democrat
pine committee there arc just five of them n aV
that is to force the republicans there are eiS
a showdown A subcommittee should be at on
nila It could go and come between now ana
June making its report to lite present 0rtM
If the republicans refuse this let the fi 01 f
lute each and one another a jubcoinml frt
selves Doubtless General Chaffee svould
their arrival Bully I
isHi I
t <
< >
th <
E c
Russell Hollister 72 years old is the only living isttltf I hi
of Henry Ward Beechcr s first charge at Uvuerteelrari W
Chief of Police Francis ONeill of Chicago bis Her
remarkable collection of Irish music extant Its coCeeteJ
has been his hobby for many years
Gong Gee a Chinaman who is a practical J
graduated from the Portland Ore technical ichpol
ing a book on electricity in the Chinese language
Mayor Wells of St Louis is collecting all tie oW
souvenirs photographs etc ot Prince Henrys l 5
city which he will place in the archives of tie a83
Historical Society
Dorothy Catherine Draper the first woman y
In W
before a camera died at Hastings last monti
shortly after Daguerres announcement of his di W
the action of sunlight on silver her brother the d1
John W Draper afterward president of the New W
vcrsitys medical college made some Mreme tp
camera with his istcr
prcssjons might be clrarc
white powder This picture
by Lord Herschels heirs in England
A pvthou nine feet long is one of the favorite pets v
Arthur Cadogan the clever sister in law of the view
Ireland There have always been individual F
members of the fair sex who have exercised cun w
of their P1
cination for snakes perhaps one secret
CRdogans rfU0
their absolute fearlessness Mis jJ
10 V
showing a great dislike to strangers is devoted
mistress Many well known people make Poinl ty
with little it
peculiar pets but it may be said very
tradiction that iu this matter Mr Arthur C0
record English women are tw
at any rate so far as
Ill fi
I t
1 > J
r i

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