OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, March 30, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1902-03-30/ed-1/seq-14/

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5 S f
+ r f + W
v < h v >
Fortunately Houston has never b ea the
etna cf the execution of the fell designs
ef war but she ha been the forum where
eiany military councils have been held that
werefraught with grave consequences to
it people who were as Irtrcpld ns any who
aver brooked a tyrant to keep their ptewi
et bid deflunte to n horde of Murdering
tnlnlons Bho lias no Alntro to boast or rn
Bahla to tell about but her streets have
if jonnfled oftencr to thQ trend of hot sou
ss they marched away to do her bidding
on the ensanguined tleld than any other
cctaiMtiaity In tbl Stnfo
Xoae ty the disasters that vlsted Texu
IcfVer early history or those that over
whkmti the South tn later yean Xoaad
tbeir St ge here bnt Houston lent tho
tlon ana her sacrifices In behalf of the com
rnon country have not been surpassed by
tho patriots of any city
Tho military organisations that had their
Mrth In this city havo won fame alike on
tbo field whcie death and camago worn the
hourg rule and wbcro In maiic evolution
they competed for tho p audit of t ie pop
ulace uuil he tirst place lu ike dcclaluu nf
the Judges a to how > mre tully they had
prepared themselves ir tho trying ordeals
of a soldiers life TUt State was 00K1
when tho roar of rumen and the crack of
rifles drowned tho sot pleading of iU
voice ofpeacc and on tho battloUeld of Kan
Jacinto was wrested from Santa Anna th
right to a free and Independent life TWi
Tlaco soon became tho cnpltal nnd rrnJvx
ons if those bravo men who had so sac
cessfullr contended for the right of free
KMWsft T buu0k 4 io tho scene of ao j jam U tt any wood that wlti id tit
o e G ae eeaaeee a ee aoeoa
rpectcens of honorably and chivalrous war
fare In their midst is nn liuplratlnn tho
niartui milrlt sliquld und n ciuj < ulil hona
In the brrntts of thli citys youtlm
Iroai the lietlnnlus f tiia ltepnmlc mit
the Territory wan admlted ui tue of tho
StatcK of the tulon Unuiton Hail had n
leienttrn military hlntory This rM tim
l fn In littoi niatloii ohUlnetl fo l llv
lOK partllpADla In the nrord her ntti > u > t
eu to lie M > t down and ne att ily lu on
icganla the ilctnlU Mil lie iiibukit
The first nillltln company of which we
have knowledge that wbk organised nivo
was the Milam Ouardi J H Ulilredge
was their flr t captnii nnd they had tn
their membership some of the brave and
famous men who helped to make the early
history of Texas They had been ordored
out on duty familiar to militia companies
at various times Tho Scat sU tufas
tnent In which they rrtftlclpatd wa In
1S8S wben they wont out to chaitliw f
bona of ttiiraiidlUK Cherokee Indians Tn r
niet the red men lu i ndrt time anU du
eisageliieht ensued In which the llMaril
vere vctorIO How many Indians w r
lllleu or wtiotbct tho ivhlto wen auffereJ
nny cimsltlcs can not be learned
Tho next rervlce that this company saw
va in 1812 in that yeir It was nnnoiineed
ihnt Santa Arna would again Invade Texas
nnd the iiunU wero the first company in
the State to respond to tut call for a force
to repel tin expected Invasion Tbey
marehed to San Antouto whlrh point vas
to be made the basa of operations analnst
be Mexicans fortunately the rumor i > n
foliie oi Santa Anna changed his mind
and the war elond rolled by without fur
ther Injury than to cause a great deal of
uneasliitss AttT thro months they re
turned horns and settled down to the vom
tine or a militia companys Ife mull In
1844 at the order of General Sam Houston
who was then president of the Tnxaa Uj
public they marched to the NacogdoUMs
country to vjt an end to the famous ltea
lator and Moderator trcobte then existing
The expedition was nhder command of
General James Smith lie was highly sne
eessftil In nls mission He nad X mm
with him nnd he succeeded In dlsbandUg
the two factions Tlmre were more thin
1000 men Involved In that tcrlons out
break but ihey were Indmed by < etic il
Smith to lay down the arms and rotjn
to their hamM and fditn without baring to
iN0 any forte
The Ciiiards ngaln returned home wlthoit
the loss ef a man th gh It was believed
when they Ktnrtetf that ther were tolns tu
sec a grent deal bnrdir service and would
bo In n iere t deal more danger than vlien
on the expeditions against the Indians cr
the Mexicans
from then until 1819 we have no Info
mntlon of any notable event In their h s
tory In that year however the civil 11
tliofUlcsj hero bad arrustod several desper
nto men who llelrtnge I tn gang that Wore
llvlnr by gambling tliieilne nnd hlghwiy
rrlibery Thcra were n great ruauy such
pertplo here In that oai y dny and a pel
liners lire was anything but an envehle
one The nrrested men were placed In the
trlmltUo and ln ceuri > j i that wis then
fit u e and their friend thro item d to tb
trate Ihem ITie people of Hiiston were
determined o see tlm lw In heir eaio ex
< ented nnd at their tntauee the nithoM
Ilea called < m rreald nt Jones for military
ncilstllire Uo ordered out the MUnir
GnanN to irolrct the Jail and they were
on ditrv during the perilng etcliem > nt
Tbnt Is tfto last record of snv spcrMc cr
exciting sefvUo don tur llivt eoninnn nl
tfcongn It maintained In og i > il7it n lnt t
until nf r ho beginning of th rlvtl war
Tl was ft brilliant eomlanr and nil wortny
to wear the name of ilio lirne Mllnm nno
fell In the charge niai1 hv the Texnns
when they captured llie limn from Gen
eral Cos
Their first commander was Captain Wil
liam Edward Just when this company
came Into being or when It was disbanded
conld not lie learned tmt certain It Is that
It was tbo Immediate predecessor of the
Tills company iron organised In lb71 with
lalrfax Craves as Its Hist captain and
from Its very beginning It has been a
eource of pride not only to the city of
Houston but to the entire State Its mem
bership has been cflmpoied of tho very best
citizenship ef the cnuimunltv and Its ot
llcers and privates have always occupied
the most responsible positions lu the city
Some of those who were members ot It 11
Its early history have become men of State
and oven National reputation from the
data of Its Charter unill ilie Spunlsli war
It never hud a chance in dutln ulsh Itself
in battle lint on the mimic Held In con
tests as to physical eiiduiance and the prup
er study ot military t utiOt has dlsplBjcd
nn excellence that has been tbc minder of n
tuition fhlt compam 1ms demonsttntcrt
what nn organisation 1 an to that has the
eympathy and nsslstnme of an irtiniring
community to back It up
Whim but three years old In 1S7I It
stnrtod In Austin In lompetltlon with tho
siato Volnntcor Guard In an encnuinnieiit
tneie oil Its tour of conquest and not on
a f > lngle tleld has It In diMppotnteil the
proud people of Its loMiig < lty At that
drill the company was under command of
< aptaln Joe S itle the present State
buperlutnmlent of pi nlteulierlc
Under coiiuniind of aptaln 1 A Hatter
the company attended the tirst interstate
drill nt New Orleans dm lug the year 1VJ1
lu that drill were Mich crack companies
as the UhleUasaw luuids League Gunids
of New Orleans and Mobile Kllles nnd
yet In that limldcn Slate elTort on their
part thev ipturcd third money
In ltKl thei attended nn Interstate drill
In Xmhvllle Jenn Tliomas Scurrv th
present adjutant tcereral of the Htnle being
the cnptnln Jlie Moldlc ltilles tooU Hist
money nnd the Light Guard second
Ity this time the people of Houston began
to take genuine pride in their excellent
company and It did iot take the members
long to woilc up euthuidnsm Mifflclcnt tn
r ilfc funds enough to pull olT an Interstate
drill In this cltv nd In lvt tlie flist one
thnt over occurred In Texas took place here
the flrt prize waa y ms cash and corn
panics from all o < er the South as well as
various members cf our State guard were
I > reriSiit to participate Among the coiu <
prnles from ether States wlilcjt attended
may be mentioned the Montgomery Grays
Cdontgomory True nines Motdie itmjteh
Tieadway nines of St Louis nnd ColunibuT
Ga Gimrds the Scaly Itltles and Waii
inctpn Guards of Gnlveston were also In
It whs within the precincts of their own
Iimre within the sound of the cheers of
their fellow citizens ami within sight or
the bright smiles of their on 11 mot nets
wives sisters and sweotheiits that the
Houston Idaht Guard captured first tntvtiev
for the tirst time in an Inteistnto
drill 1 he eiiciniiiniincir they recel d
that dav never lost Its power and
they have never marched ou to a tleld from
which thev did nat ictlrc the conqueror
Since that date thev have mot the chival
rous and trained vouth of the North ns well
as the South and not mice have thcly failed
to distance them so far n to leave no doubt
as to whom the palm or victory ns well as
U10 material proceeds should be awarded
+ +
In 1SSS with Captain Scurry In command
they went to Motdie to attend an Inter
state drill an I there again met their old
rivals Notwithstanding these drills weie
conducted In the greatest good humor and
nothing allowed to occur to mar the har
mony of tho occasions yet a spirit of
rivalry bad been engendered and at all the
Interstate drills the crack companies were
always In attendance The contest at Mo
bile wag duilng the hot weather and the
managers determined that In order to win
the boys should give evidence that they
were ph > aleally able to endure the hard
ship ot n soldiers life Vat this purpose
the program na of such i character and
of such length that their endurance should
be testwl to the utmost ibe result was
that with the exception of the Light Guarn
every company tbat went on thu tleld lo t
from two to ten men by being overcome
When the Chlckasaws the real iivals ot
the Guard came on they were watched
with a gicat deal of Intel est llnailj
however te Intense heat began to tell
acd their men fell out on by one as a
Chickasaw was overcome one of the Light
Guatd took bis place until there weic ai
host ten uT the I lout I on company In the
Chlekntnw irnks All at onee and very tin
j exrjecteily the captain of the ChlckasawH
I tuinted and was curried from the ueld and
1 Captain Seurn ran In and took Immediate
I command of tho anfurtuuto company the
dlMstci however to their commanding ot
tuor quite otercame them and they went ftli
i to pieifs the lesult wait that Captain 1
Seuro as compelled within a few min
utes to march them off tbo field In the
be t order possible
The Houston Ught Guard was the next
comMiiy to drill nnd It was expected that
they would hhare the aaine fate the Chick
osaws did especially as their captain and
1 jo many of their men had more or lets ex
hausted themselves In trying to assist their
j rivals In a few mlntutes the company
doublequicked to their position before the
1 Judges nnd went through one of the most
I brilliant and trying maneuvers tver wit
> nustd oa tha mluio Hold Xtt a sua did
w w W W < > W 1 it
The Milam Guard the Militia Company of
the Republic
V ri r i i i
The Washington Guard Merged into the Houston Light
Guard Which Was the Greatest Drilling
Machine Ever Organized
ii f
a A oCmA
hey lose nor did any of them give evi
dence of being near exhaustion When
Captsln Satteriee the regular army ot
hcer detailed by the war department to sit
ns a Judge at the various drills saw the
work ot the Houston company he remarked
to their cOmmaudlrg officer
Captain Scnrrjf your men mast be made
of Iron
It waa undoubtedly a great achieve
ment nnd the acts Of Captain Scurry and
his men In trying to keep the Chlcfcasaws
Intact was the beginning of a friendship
between the two companies that Is warm
and bright today
+ + +
Thtt saas year 1SS5 they went to New
Orleans to attend another Interstate drill
The prizes offered were 4000 In cash and
a medal by the Worlds Fair Commission
ers the famous cotton exposition being
then held In the Crescent City As usual
they stood first When the Judges rendered
thelt decision and tbey h avc the beautlfnl
medal they won then still In their posses
Irom New Orleans tbey went almost di
rect to Lampasas Texas to attend a State
military encampment There for a week
they gave exhibition drills for the benefit
of the Texas companies After that as
oier they embarked for Philadelphia it j
had often been sucerlngly said that the
Light Guard were n tine southern couipaui
but that they would not evcu get a Uiid
rating If tbey came In contact with the
drilled soldiers of the North They were
nuxlotij to prove that they were capable
0 meeting any body of men on earth nho
prucllctd evolutions according to the I P
tons tactics The result ua that they
mailed themselves of the oppmtunlty to
go Ninth when Ihllndelpl la ludted tbeui
to participate lu a drill lu that ilty Hi
fore tho drill day came the guard weut out
on the Held for piactlcc and tbat nlcht
i a banquet Captain Chew commander
of tho Slate Fenclbles of lennsvlvnnln the
crack company of all the Northern States
announced Hint be would not be a contest
ant at the ditll that be recognized that
his men aboslutely had no chance to wlu
ugaliikt the Houston company and declnrcd
thnt he had never In all hla experience seen
men dillled to such perfection that the
ompany waa practically n machine built
to execute military tactics That show
mat the Light Guards had inspired tho
same wholesome respect for their pinwca
as soldleis In the minds of Northern mili
tary men that Uiey did in the South
Drill day enmo and with it the largest
body of military men that probably eer
witnessed a Ilka exhibition In this country
ihe reputation of the Texaus had preceded
them and Captain Sattcrlcc of whom
mention has been made herein promised
the oftlccrs of the regular army stationed
nt Washington nnd nt nil other points In
mat section of our common countrj taat
tlrey would oee something extiaoidlniry
If the wltneafcd the Mgnt Gourds dlill
ibe lesult was tbat every one for hnndrtd
Of miles around uho could get the leae of
absence wui prceat Of course this fait
van h source of great prlda to the Light
Guard but It wmm not as gieat a the
knowledge of the fact that their filends
and nelgbors in Houston their ududrM
in Texas aud their fellow vdtUens of the
whole Sonthlsnd had their eves tn ned to
ward Philadelphia and were listening with
sualtted eua for the terdlet of the judge
What body of men sustained by such con
siderations and honored to such a superln
llvo degree by men who wive alleged to
be their aupcrlois In the practice of tha
science that has been the devoted study
of mankind since authentic hlstorv began
IU record would not exert themjoiies
to their utmost And Into more capable
nnnda It would have been linposaiblc to
commit nn exhibition of tho ptowess of
the Southerner as a soldier It could
not have been In the path of their dutv
to follow Jackson to the cannon s mouth
ride behind the waiing plume of Stuart
as he encltcled MiClcllan or asclst In ex
ecuting tho militant campaigns made bv
LCI yet Is whs their prliilere to chow
ue people of the Inlted States that thev
ivore of the stuff that soldiers are made
thrt the 1n1rtl1l flam ImrneJ so hrightlv In
the Sunny Southland that hei joutns hive
few lessons to learn In wars Mhool Not
a mlktake did they make not a filter
characterized their least movement They
marched onlo the Held conscious thit they
would be ilctnrs and when tacv maicheil
nq It was amid the plaudits ae well as tlie
freely given acknowledgment nf thousands
of spectators that they were the conquerors
beyond the remotest cavil Swiftwinged
lielitnliu told the news In Houston Texas
and the South and the universal expres
sion of Joy was so great that the vo um
tf noise It made rolled back almost to Phil
iinelphla Ilonllres were lighted In eery city
where 11 patriotic mllltnrv companv had a
home and citizens everywhere expressed
their plenum0
A biaid of regilir army officers were
the Ju lues aud thej did sit In closest
scrutiny Through nn Inspection unexam
pled in Its rlgldnoss did the companv pass
and by It Ihey made a record that liviv be
found la the adjutauts oflleo in Wnsfdng
ton todaj us an Instance of the neatness
to which perfection can be approached
and which has never been rivalled In mil
itary annals The score the > made was
lIVii out of a possible 300 Its excellence
can be appreciated when it la icmemboied
that a si01c of 2TO out of 3l i Is considered
goodei en unusual llesldes the cash
prize which they were supposed to have
tccelved they captured a badge Mr their
captain and n beautiful ting which nuy
be seen in their armory todav
+ + +
Prom Philadelphia they went to New
York and gavl exhibition dillls before tne
Seventh 1 eminent of New York and the
Twcntj third of llrooklvn They were ihe
talk and wonder of all Northern military
men Coouel Clark of the Soicnth New
Yoik declared their equal did nit exl lu
nil the wui Id In fact so great did the
enthusiasm become over them that seveial
mnejed men offcied them large onu for
the privilege of exhibiting them In tho
varlcus cities of the North and Ha t as the
best drilled body under Iptou tactics on
euith Ot course they declined nil secli
oftcis and soon started home Ou their
return they met with nn enthusiastic it
tcptlou everywhere In the South but none
equaled the demonstration at home As evi
dence of the high legard In whldi their
ylctorj at Philadelphia was held it may
be stated that they iccclved various gins
and otish donations Mr D M OCounor
of Metoila sent them a draft for loyu and
11 beautiful Hag that is still on exhibition
In their armory in this city
The company spent a quiet year at home
of course always keeping up their dtiil
practlic In IShtl tbey attended an Inter
ttate dtlll at Galveston A number ot the
famous companies that they had met to
olleu were on hand to compete with then
1 ua r hlf lampineni that the Itel
1 1 of Anor10 id tne San
a i
Antonio Itltlos first put In an appeal unee it
uu In ei state drill At this tliLe the Ilgjt
Ginrd were under tho command of Cap
uln A llelchardt and ihc > kept up
their old record of capturing the first ptlze
In feet the statement that the llelkiaps
fur w flr t nnfJ ln a itest In which
r i
the Light
Guard participated Is not a i
coiding to he record
° l inut owcfed until lStn
wher the state
capltol at Austin was ded
Icatid In the meantime the Light Guard
had organized what was called the Llsht
narA1rss > The mnnagerV at Aus
Uu offered a prize for the best band as
ffh lSJ drllIt 11 cfmPany ami1 the
wo rn
twS prises captured thor
Ifiiln hlt m year State drill I
r i t
rurred In Houston
but as the Ides
tt fllnln < h t wsMmposslbi e to Teat
them the
management determined toThane
11115 po nts the best score made bv
pans wlunlng the first prlzTi the com
senteT A byU llcap iU BS
iJ < > r ad ccnred the prize with
u warglu of several points
Paulea Thirt L > the com
Malnft th LV 0 compete
7 boys An evidence
hL8 f ac t ll be stated that i drill
was held In Galveston in ltni
pur o was offered for the nm PHze am
1 Discouraged If T
Disheartened H
Despondent J
fWhy Do You Suffer
bad by all who plivco themselves t
who are acknowledged bv all medic
are putef
5 charartir of their remedies Is su
g are felt Immedlatclv Not on
To young men middleaged and
old men who nro suffering from
Nervous Debility The Ills that
have fallen upon von which hnvi
blighted your lives nnd blasted
jour hopes and which have
caused lou to feel discouraged
disheartened and deiiioUdent
are Ills that can be cured There
Is no reason for rou to suffer
from the follies and vices oC
youth or the excesses of mature
vcars It Is n distressing thought
to realize thnt you have lost
those nowers both mental and
physical that are the Indlspensa
die attributes of rlorlons perfect
manhood nut If those who are
thus afflicted continue to suffer
the humiliation nnd disgrace
which their condition entails It
Is their own fault
a zmm mm
Tor their troubles a cure that Is permanent and lasting
possess the robust vltnlltv the mental vigor the cneigy and ihc smhm amt
are the Ju t heritage of those twin bl ssliigs a sound mind In a Si5
All this ran be accomplished i and heidth strength b1
vleor rnd ritii
tmdci treatment of Drs llctts 11 °
rat authorities to bo the greatest ViVin
I stV In tlio treatment nud eire of Nerwtu Debilltv Thw cur whe rVMkMpJ
to even give
relief The medicines used by them nnd their methods of r w
ly orlclnal with them and em not be had elsewhere The vfnl
h that their corrective and restoratlvB
ly Is the Ph3slea condition Immediately Biter
a mo l en minds of thp tutTere wiiv
t K hlHIri nil l HI nC L 1 <
Sexual Weakness Impotency Sfriciure
Specific Blood Poison Acute Discharges
clues used are all oilclnal with them nnd can not be obtained clwww
every case thev undertake they will give 1 legal and binding wrlttea enlr i
of ctre iDWj
Kidney and Bladder Complications I
No matter who has treated you and failed to cure you We
J M cln mm
i ownlatisfaction nnW
to your awn satisfaction
Our one experience In trolling the above diseases teaches us Just whst t 1
5 do and how to do It anil you may depend on good honest treatment We anu I
if publish names of patients AH cases strlctlv confidential wj
JJ Hits IlLITS 1JKTTS HYAK by their
long experience cure imleklr u
forcMr nnd If thev can not cure you they will tell you honestiv A J
J3 tale your mnnev for useless tientinent Tl
so an sol
he r charges arc wllhln the reach of ilL i
d ltoth the ilcli and the poor alike arc Invited to call or write
and consult Oi
5 grent doctors absolutely free of all charge CONSULTATIONS rrtEC AD11
Our new svsten ot mall treatment Is perfectly satisfactory If yen cia t t j
II write for perfect question list J
CiLEBItATiD MKDICAL WOItK of eighty pages on nervous chronic nl5
g delbntp diseases sent free Thousands cured A frlcndlv letter or call raty ut S
5 yon future suffcrlne and shame and add golden years to life Address or call S
> on i
Drs Betts Betts
I Dyari
21 < St Charles Street opp St Charles Hotel New OrleansLa
very few of them were precept on tbat
They then nnnouncod th ir withdrawal
fiom future interstate ailll Imi tseli mar
tial enthusiasm was uevcr allowed to
wane Dutlag their carcei tbey won about
S iOfsTO In prizes and tines and trophs
innumerable They then commenced t de
late their attention to the erection of ad
armory nnd that they uoieedod as well
In that an they did In their vailous Con
tests Is silently evidenced bv the mag
nificent building on the corner of Tannin
street and Texas nicnuo
When the Spanl h war broke out they
went out under Captain Geome McCormlck
They were assigned to the Plrst Texas roil
ment commanded by thu lamented Mabry
They spent three or four months In Cuba
and returning home weie mustered out
Since that time they have had regular
meetings and drills and are ns actlie us
they ever were Captain A C Ilutehln
son Is heir present commander They
have been < ailed to arms 1 few times by
Ihe governor iu do mllltln dutv After the
Galveston stotm they were ordered to that
city to do patrol duty Thtt iei nl Is re
garded as the most arduous the com
pany ever had Their duties were try
ing In the extrime and the comforts thev
had were few Indeed It was however a
labor of sad love and not one of the gal
lant men would have shirked If thev could
Taken ntog titer their mllltnrv life since
their return from Cuba has been routine
In Its character
H +
There will probably never be any great
Interest exhibited In future Interstate drills
as the tactics have been so materially
changed as to rob evolutions of their beauty
and spectacular effect The boird ap
pointed by the war department to TCvlse
the tactlca evolved a practical scheme but
It Is not one to excite public Interest or
During their existence the Light Guard
have had the pleasure to act as a guard ot
honor for two ovprcsldents aud two presl
dents The tirst time was on tho occasion
of tho visit of exPresident Davis ot the
Confederate States to this city In the early
70s Tho second time was when General
Grant was here which was in the early
80s The third time oecuried when lien
eial Harrison passed through this ili on
hi transcontinental tour The fourth and
occasion was when the lamented Prosl
dent McK uioy visited Houston In linn
i he fact Is the company has plaved n
very prominent part In tho hlstorv of this
State as well ns of this city and while It
Is a local organlzitloii It mnv be Justly
regarded as a State Institution
It would not be fair to close this recital
without referring back to the r it 1551
when an Interstate drill was held In till
city It will be remembered that the llt
Guoid won the first pilze at that contest
It was their first victory and tutnrUlr
they felt very proud of their succell Her
were always governed by a high tent tl
honor and were always anxloni to tin
ftiiil to bold the respect and esteem of tter
rivals ns well as of their admlren ui
supporters Thev knew they had iroa ant
place tinough fnlr and honorable compe
tition and that was sufficient for tita
They had been nt no particular eipecisli
preparing for the contest and therefore Ml
no need of the money they had tvoo h re
pay them for any outlay The fact tilt
they had been adjudged tho best driUed
company that hnd appeared In competition
was as said before satisfaction suMcleil
for thcin and they held a meetln low
dlatcly after the decision of the Jndges 111
been announced and determined to it
trlhute pro rata among the vl ltlnff com
panies tbo 5000 that had been swapfca
them and It wns done So far J know
no other company In America ever did men
a magnanimous act and It served to attit
In placing the company on the blsh pliten
occupied and still occupies In the entlai
tlon of the public as well as the oUtiry
The writer hereof desires to retnra t
Major Spencer Hutcblns his thanks for II
slstiincc In furnishing the data from irtlcs
the foregoing brier outline of Ihe history
of the Houston Light Guard Is ntittu
The major wns one of the old guard M
they nro known nnd was with his compljr
In every contest In which thev participate
from 1881 until Interstate drills bCMB tf
solete Ho has occupied every position u
the company from private to Iienteaati
and has always stood well with Wa cot
Later the story of the Houston cttitr
will be written and this will bo nM
inented by stories hnd anecdotes of WW
men who went to the South dnrlng ar
between the States C V
Wilbur F Crawford Dead
Cameron Texas March 29 New JI
receJved here this morning of tho 0W
of Captain Wilbur r Crawford PW
master who has been In Anstla m
treatment for nervous prostration
ceased has been a resident of Catntroo
many years ITrst Id the ip el
banker then ns land and loan ent
for the past two years po1111
Last month he suffered a complex
ous prostration which was the enim
tlon of an accident received many
ogo His funeral will be1 he d M the
Sabbath ft
cdst Episcopal church
at 3 oclock Ilcv James Kllgore J ffi
tor officiating Interment la oat
Cured While
You Sleep
VA RI c O C E i TjrF MlBftgsSS
ineutAiipllodLotBlly ndllr etlytolb An ei
atd7S feE ° K ot
T 8 em you wou a b cured permanently cease ot onceihe u e 2
1 onnnh cut out boltiw =
O0UP0n nte your r me
Ki ndJ r nU > S V A 4 K > > W t J o Mcdicil Associa
Mali I Sexual System 10
curelr sealed PREPAin
ST JAMES AtEDlCAL 9 sujame nuiidinc
Ploaao send Work P < >
to aas a copy of your CorapUto Illustrated

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