t > 1l
Judge Wilson Although Not Well Holds
Court and Disposes of Several Cases
Judgment Agilrst I and G N
There waa no eesston of the Elereath district
Jodie Ashe wis
trict court yesterday
considerably indisposed but still he wss
workltiK o csoes he hat under ailTli m at
and which art pending before hlin la chsm
bers and which he Is desirous ef elo lns
op before thocloslng of Uis presunt term
The April terra of this court bejlns Mon
day April 7 and usually while by law one
terra continues autll another opens the
four days vacation a
indite ha three or
penally when as 1 the thun
there fs an extra w k in the term OwJiw
to the crowded condition of the
before the court Jndp < A he will taavo n <
rest at all bpt will lw worked continuous
up to next Saturday nicht
Judge Wilson although by no means a
well man ivai at hi pout yeterday and
held a session of the fifty fifth Jadlclal
district court The Jadffa was rery de
Ircui of eenclndlnt the trial of the ease
of Mercer A lloblnson vs tae International
asvi Great Northern Hallway Company
which was on trial when be was taken ill
the remainder of the testimony was heard
yesterday the argument made and the
case submitted to the Jnrv about S o clook
A s afflict was brought In ft r 0 ojlovk
In faeor of the plaintiffs fftvlnc them s
Judgment fer J153
+ + +
Tomorrow Monday morning csunty
Court presided over by Judje E U Vai
mer will meet at 10 oclock This Is nen
Jbry week snd there are abont forty non
Ibty ia s ct for hearing In this eourt this
week Jitdce asmer Is d slrous of hearing
every eaie docketed durlnc the week After
Monday the court will meet at 9 oe oca
every morula and the Jndjte will posh Ue
boslness as lapldly as possible
Suits Filed for the District Courts
Pboebe Fouler ts Joe Foster dlrone
MartarM I arrsheo tb A Tla R l rrabee
si seqnestratlou
Fiftyfifth District Civil Court
nouston Haeneerbnnd Frank Dunn
lfare to plalntlrf to tile flrat amended orig
inal petition and second supplemental pe
John H Ruby ts John B Archer con
tinned for settlement
Mercer A linblnson ts International and
fJrest Xortbern Itallwar Company vinllit
itf inrr In faror of plaintiffs and u < l raent
ajralns t the defendant railway company In
the sura of JlS as damages
Mr rmmj A llagee of 1 ts Mrs Ultra
Hunter leave to < l < femlant to withdraw
Jury fee demand fn Jury withdrawn M
agreement Judcnieni fur plaintiff for land
stted for to which def niiaot excepts and
jives notice of appeal
Proceedings of the County Court
Daniel Murphy vs M Olbson et al
motion for new trial overruled defendants
except and Ires notice of appeal
James Murphy ts M Gibson et als
motion for new trial overruled defendants
eirept and elves notl o of appeal
The Z 1 Fort TroduiM i ompany ts
Tsnat A l lnbneb plaintiff a motion far
new trial overruled notlie of appeal given
Jacques Ihro n lon ts Vaquln Bros
plaintiffs motion for new trial overruled
Charier D Sale rs leias and New Or
leans TlallTtsy Company motion to dU
mls > orerrnUd
Suits Filed for the County Court
Central Dry Goods Compssy vs TV C
Gtsln debt
Ceatrel Dry Gnodt Company ts Esst
ham Itroi et al samUbinent
Transfers of Real Estato
W H Lloyd et si to K 11 Hor
and wife lot 11 block 28 south
aide Ilutfalo bayou St
i WllUama to V II Tlogx and
wife lot 11 lilork 2T smith side
Buffalo hsjoi aMsuiuptton of
noteti 400
11 A llaker U T W Wotaon
lOxSTi feet of lot 0 block tan
south tide Iluflalo bsy u oilier
consideration and 1
J O and i B Itoss to Oiorje 1
ilurnwt al arros of lolm Hob
tusiin sumy also pm > l lilo k
182 In town of lenoa quit lulm
Mrs fr C Ball et al to Inme VI
mii 172 acrea of tJwrge II M <
Klnatiy lenirur S01O
Mr Sarah C llnll ct nl lt > il Stan
ton 2W ui h of lleoiiu II Mi
Klnatrv biiRiie SWW
J Ililcar LaffcrtT to I O ricmlnir
lota IB Ill 1T 18 Ill nnd JO block
5 Korlhaits mldltlnu Xfl
H I Hill to John Krupp lots I
Imlf of n nnd IB block 121
HOiitli side Bnftalo bayou fl2
Mrs H ltodocker to C II Hnre
lot 1 block J5 lu town of Wib
ster BJ5
J O Roaa and lllleu It Itoss and II
Mnsterson to Mrs Jvltllp MrOralili
aautli OiiWmlf of lotn 11 uud li
lnck 4IW It linker addition < a
F r Olcott < t al to h V CUiilv
HX acroij on South Mmlc cretk
v twenty four iiillea si Oeitreei V
of the city of Uoiistmi 000
v I lion era to V M Vel h VM
niri uoittirast iiuarter tiectlon TU
blrck a Houston and leras Cen
tnil ltiillorad company surver iaso
ttoiue 11 Botsfoul ct ux to J Dab
ncy Tabb lots r0 and Hi block 18
It La forte loo
Charles J Colllrgs et si to Msry V
Ahhcrmau trlniiEutar ploic con
talnlUK 7XK < iuurc feet aoulti
And vjest of the JIIaourl Kaiisns
ami Texns ltalhvav loinpaii rlcht
of miy luu
vrilllum Tuclis ami vlfo to Albert
C Iotthmn block 4Jit it Ba
kers addition aiiUU
I O and B 11 Boss executors and
Mastcrson to Albert C Lott
Jot 12
block sW w U iu
cm Wtoteott to J T Mason one t
tlitrd pnjuo rtobert Denman head
> ht
H RJlnoe to Aloxnnder Bo onlhal
VtCff lot 3 ii bloek 3 lladlcy
1 rftttkltn itildlllon froijiue khi
t < t on Loulslaun stiet ind Its
feot on Calhoun ivenue
I A lto e nnd Tlfc to I B Kelsey
Ml aeriw tnrt of iirrm lOas pat
ented to n B mid C llallroad
Barbtru E Cuffman ct nl br sheriff
to J I Bone lot 0 V of lot 7 and
part of lot 12 block 310 frontlnts
75 feet on Clay nenuc nnd VJ6
feet on Konnln street
J D Bone mid uifo to Bettle > i
Bhcarn lot 0 4 of lot 7 and pirt
of lot 12 block 3111
Anns P Umharker ct al to Rusm
Mmbacker lots 11 IB 13 14 15
and 10 block 311 nnd lots 1 J 3
4 22 23 and 24 Ip Mock 310 In
Houston Heights quit claim
t lIi D Stnddprd to Oeorse Mel
llnser lota T P and 10 In block
il CnScara addition
iHeaton nnd Houston Investment
inpanv to J W inn u of lot 2
nnd ill of lot 1 bloik 30 Valr
DrfHiiil Jiddltlon
I TV Hill and wife to Ed 8 Phelps
l Wli s ai 1M e a > i < ait > tM > tJ >
aua > ii V W aiu aii m
+ > w4 e > vJJ
loi nud V of lot 2 block 30
Ialr Ground sedition ICTO
The Secret Revealed
At Last
Astounding Discoveries Which
Prove that People can Actually
Be Influenced and Controlled
for Years Without Dream
ing They Are Under
The Mystic Spell
of Another
How It Is Done A Powerful
Secret Method of Mind Con
trol by the Side of Which
Hypnotism and Kindred
Influences Sink Into
At last the true secret of mental power
snd tnlnd control has been revealed
noted college In the < 4ty of New nik ha
Juat Issued a wonderful book by eminent
sdentlsts which Isys bare the mjsteils
of personal Influence Five thousand > j >
lea of this remarkabls woik are to be d s
trlbuted free of charge for the purposo of
acquainting the pnblle with lb Ik mlithty
mind power
This Tionderful new force fclves a control
and an Influents oTer persons thit would
a tonl h and rayetlfy tbo most powerful
hypnotist who erer lived It snables > oi
to know ih oi ret natures and llr s of
oiiir one you meet > u ran tell the char
a ter abilities and entire nature of voir
correspondent thoqfh tbunsands of miles
away You can extrt u strange silent lu
flucne orer others In your pr < > senie or i
a distance en In Iv without their knowl
edte Von can qulcklv develop your will
power memoiy an I o her mental facilities
to a nianrilous degrei Vou can by a new i
soeret proteia quickly cure bad chronic
diseases and build np your owa health and
atrrnjtth In an Incredibly abort epace of
time It explains th mon marrelous sya
tem of physical and mental development
known to man It truly reveals the secret
power of cbsrmlng tbe art of fascination
You can win and hold friends without
number You can master the secrets and
know tha porter of the wise men of old
ou can acquire that inward confldem e
that mnituttlc power that will enable you
< o overcome all obstacles lu success and
rise to a position of prominence In Tour
communit v The book Is enthusiastically
Indorsed by ministers of the gospel bus
Marrtarjs Licenses
Frederick A Bauscus to Miss Elisabeth
Mitchell Kwlnp to nettle James
Sam Smith to Bee George
Valuable Realty Transfers
AmoBjr the deeds for valuable realty for
residence purposes filed for record yes
tsfdiy were noted tbs sal of bs T It
Hill property fronting IVStfeet on Fannin
street and 125 feet on Gray avenue to
neas and profeuitonHl men It Is a work
which shduld be In etery home This won
derful new work Is entitled The Seiret of
Power It fully explains tbe uses and pos
sibilities of the maruloUM Kl Nasi sys
ttia of personal I nil mine It lays bare h
myatirles of magnetic control it gives
you a veritable key to tu souls of man
It Is richly Illustrated by the nneat half
tono rugiavlngs It Is hv far the most i <
maikable lnteres Ing aud thrilling work
of the kind eier vulttau Tor u limited
time it will be sent to your address abso
lutely free In your Kl Magi System I
have found what 1 for years aearched for
In alu wrltea Mr Joseph Stelner 1KX
Mnth atriet N U tashtngton D C
It has clwnged ibe nhol trend of my
tUouglit and ghen my life a new nieaulug
I feel vounger and stronger ercrr day 1
tlnil In It the key te business succoaa V
Iloikwell Kent of BlnRhamtou N
rirltes Your Kl Magi Sjatem Is the most
powerful aiencr on earth for the better
ment at man All who muster It will be
lorn a power lu the woild and be succebs
lul and bappy
Sf I Yettir of Mlddletown Pa says
llio Kl Magi System of personal In
fluence has brought me the success In busl
ncsa for which I hare I cen looking It Is
the magnet which controls lheie U no
guesswork about It It la a sUcntlSc fact
It has taught mo to know and control my
aclf as well as others
Ielli Moosbniggcr of 270 Halsry street
Newark N J writes Many are the
swindling deals I have avoided In my fath
eia business through my knowledge of jour
sjtstenx Tho change which nas taken
place In my personal character W simply
marvelous I h e developed a confldenie
and power In mysilt that 1 never dreamed
I could acquire
Col C K Tuller of 1201 Kuclld avenue
Ctcreland O aajs My succom In tuilng
aftllctvd people Is absolutely wonderful A
boy given np for sure deRtb by five physi
cians 1 restored to perfect health Inside of
tte minutes A woman that could not
tomb her toot to the gimmd on account of
rheumatism was uretl by one appllmilon
of the method explslncd in your system
If you wish a free cop of tho book
wliluh sturted Mr Mowbrugger Colonel
Toiler aud others on the roud to aucicss
write today to th Columbia Sclentlne
Acadcm > ofllie 517 L llMl Broadway New
York and the book will bo sent jou by
return mall postage prepaid
John Krupp for ftESO the sal of 100 feet
front on Calhoun avenue In the lladlcy and
franklin addition by H lrluce to Alex
andir Uosenthal for J3J00 J u Bon
stid wife also transferred to Bettle M
hhearn loU and ouehalf of lot 7 lu block
310 aald propert batlne a frontage of 75
Uet ou Clay atanne and 135 feet on Kann n
stieet for a couslderatlon of jsaw la
tho lalr Ground addltlou to the citij W
HI tohl to ltd 8 1UeliN 75 feet front oa
Milam street ana 125 feet front on Aniu
nveuuc for 23SO
Mr Wi bl Jnes to Becomo a Member
of F E Jones < t Co on April 1
Mr F B Jones wholesale dealer In but
ter cheese eggs and ponltry announces a
change In bis film beginning April 1 On
that date Mr V B Jonca who has been
manager of the grocery department of n
1 ptajrlor b Bona t t the past eight years
Remember the Place 1185 and 1117 Congress Avenue
Time to buy
Moth Bails
Insect Powder
25 c per bottle
Ivith brush
Clilorotine thc best dialnfect
ant a 35 cent bottle makes
10 gallons
502 Main Street
Orescent ikug Store
319 Main Street
t ji it LkAA < r w t > fr iMXdf j
Tho manufacturers of Wall
Papers have this season adopted
the system of selling at flat prices
with tbe wall border and celling
design all at the same price per
roll This applies to all but in
grain papers and varnished tiles
To conform to this change wo
will adopt the flat prlco system
In Houston commencing April 1
Mils means a big reduction in the
cost of wall papers but the new
system has to be met sooner or
later by all retailers as well as
jobbers and the consumer will
get the benefit
James Bute
lEUCg the WAR
cue Famous Prescription mfi QUA
does the ork and does It well IUUt0O < r
Cures Incurables Not Inlurlous to ttonach
75 cts Dottle Druggists Writs lor Booklet
Duller Pharmacy 7 Unlisrsll Placs New York
iWll become partner In the business and
tho tjlo of the Orm will > K K Jones i < c
to Tho Urm ot I h Jones < well known
to thr trade tluouchont thli section It
was eitnlillshctl more than ten yeurs bo
and bj the methods tint uaiiulb popularise
a buMuvN Institution It lm each jear ex
tended It spline of trade until now lt pa
lions are numbered with those that vroiiia
be credit to any wliolrsalr house ot the
btnte Mr W B Jones will be a strons
addition to tho nrm having n wide if
luatntaucn and larco experience In mar
candle circles that will njulp him for ban
tiling such n business It l announced
that the facilities ot the honee will be en <
larced and a better non lea rendered the
trade on dairy products ts and poultry
Petitions In Bankruptcy
Sin Antonio Texas March sa VntUra
tUmnting anil lUChxid Blmmini est 1U n >
j i ± j u
285 Main St
toulo niid n petition In bankruptcy In tht
rettrrnl court today Riving arm an dlndl
vldnat debts as follows 1lnti Ilablltes
J Ufi assets lUK Wlllam Slmmanr lia
bilities S2ts J assets f sA exempt Itlrh
nrd Slmmatu llabllltes 5M7 assets I1MU
It la Believed that Missouri arvd Kansas
Wheat Fields Wjl Be Benefited
Kensan City Wo March SO A liesvy
nawitera fcu irmllrt t Yatter U
TOBii 4 eW W i M W M
Varicocele Stricture Contagious Blood Poison Nervous
Debility and All Reflex Complications and Asso
ciate Diseases and Weaknesses of Men
The man who ha been positively cured of a malignant malady peculiar to hta
sex knowi that a crcat blight has been lifted from his life He realizes that he has
at last escaped from that lacry winch has so long held him oiptive and which
has ever been a Mumbling block in the way of his socwl success and business pros
pent > Having thus reRuned the great God Rieti power of complete manhood
he re enters the race forife with renewed hope ambition and courage and with
that im and ugor which make victory possible in every undertaking This has
been the hippy experience of lesions of men whom T have recently cured for life
of Varicocele Specific Blood Poison NenoSexual Dehihtj and associate or
reflex diseases In the treatment of cases of this character my success has been
called phenomenal but it is only natural and what should be expected from a
physician who possesses special knowledge expert skill vast experience thorough
scientific equipment and nn earnest industrious mind conscientiously deotcd to
the welfare of his patients
Under treatment this insidious disease
my readily disappears Pain ceases
almost instantly The pools of stagnant blood are dm en from the dilated veins
and alt soreness and swelling quickly subside Hery indication of Varicocele
soon vanishes and in its stead coma the pride the power and the pleasure of per
fect health aud restored manhood
My cure dissolves the Stricture completely and removes every obstruction
from the urinary passage allajs all inflammation stops every discharge reduces
the prostate gland cleanses and heals the bladder and kidnejs invigorates the
weakened organs and restores health and soundness to every part of the body
affected by the disease
My special form of treatment for Contagions Blood Poison is practically the
result of my life work and is endorsed by the best ph > sician of this and foreign
countries It contains no dangerous drugs or injurious medicines of any kind
It goes to the very bottom of the disease and forces out every particle of impurity
Soon every sign and symptom disappear completely and forever The blood the
tissue the flesh the bones and the whole svstem are cleansed purified and re
w H fPC PateU prCpAtcd anew for tbe dutl < pleas
I can restore your lost vitalitv All disorders of the Nervous Svstem arising
from excesses of anv kind and associated with sjmpom of Exhaustion General
Pcbility Nervousness Spirits Confusion of Ideas Loss of Mcmorv Palnlts
lion of the Heart D > p t > Inability of Temper Sexual Weak
nd other
functional disorders vieluWo my method of treatment with uSn rapfdi ° y
nrl and mo ot Kant >
n e mUn fc
Tb now fils In
Immense Hakes U1U
earth Win 1 l Bf on tb T rrh tho
It if bn i hlbr nil P rnE0 will
Tett Immense j beneatnl
the f mercury h not fallJn brt55 M d
Forced Into Bankruptcy
AWn ovx Mflrea jjn Dfnutj tjntert
Btatei Mtxsaal E Daxrah came up rrom
OeJrMtoa hU iumwoian4 toek chxc
> t3sy atadt tT4
FouiinHands swell line
kind for
Will Have a Big Special Sale of Underwear Monday
the 50c
Commencing with Spring we intend to give values and styles not often equaled Our immense stock was carefully selected t0
suit the taste and purse of all We have ten different styles colors etc varying in price from 30c to 190 a suit or 15c to9Sc
per garment Remember we have a full house everything imaginable It will be a treat to everyone to see our stock for
Spring Our store is the biggest of its kind in the South we have the reputation of selling cheaper thaVi any of our competN
tors and carry the greatest variety of any house in the city Four of our great specials this Spring are Laces Embroideries
Ladies Vests and Ladies and Childrens Hose Call and see us its a pleasure to have you inspect our stock and prices
Gents Furnishing Goods Dept
No 5Mi Derby Ribbed Shirts and Draw
only ers worth 75c suit for rUC
No 334 Balbriggan Shirts and Ofn
Drawers suit OUC
No 100 Balbriggan Shirts and Efn
Drawers suit only UUC
No 635 Fine Balbriggan Shirts and yn
Drawers worth 100 suit for only C
The Old Reliable XYZ Egyptian Yarn Bal
briggan Shirts and Drawers worth TT
125 suit for tOO
No 600 Fine Grade Derby Ribbed Shirts
and Drawers worth 150 suit for Qfn
One lot Lace Stripe Combed Yam Bal
bngrjan Shirts and Drawers fine Qfn
Himnier underwear a suit
No 710 Lace Stripe Blue Balbriggan Shirts
and Drawers worth 150 tor i nn
The Celebrated Elastic Seam Draw QQn
cis 0111 price while they last is only OCO
One lot Black and Seamless
a pair
No 106 Fast Black and Seamless OKr
for 0 0
3 pairs
No 107 Fast Tan and Seamless OKr
for 0 0
3 pairs
Fine assortment of Blacks and Tans OKn
0 0
+ 20c and
at 12 c 15c
We Ivve any kind of a sock you can call
lor such as fanciest balbrigaus and mixed
colors at all kinds of prices from 5c to 35c
For dress and work
Nobbv line of
tached collars
fancy colors with de Cfi
and cuffs worth 75c OUO
Swell line real Madras detached QIn
cufb worth 150 for °
Big hue some with collars attached and
some without collars and with dttached
cuffs all good colors and made to AKn
fit the puce is only fOO
One lot of Soft Finish Shirts odds and
ends from last year 50c 65c and OKr
75c kind choice
All the latest mikes of Collars all
4ply linen our price is only uu
One lot job all high and low turn Cp
down they are worth 10c our price u °
See them if jou wantcollars
Rubber Collars all shapes 20T
Celluloid Collars Kn
u u
150 patterns all new fine assortment of
designs at toe 15c 20c 25c 35c ACn
and JU
Suit Cases largest size each 99 C QC
Shield Bows all fancy colors each n c
2c 5c 10c 15c 20c and 0 0
Band Bows 5c 10c 15c 20c
The latest outFburinHand made
shield no trouble to put en they are k M
ing sold in the city at 50c and 750 0c
our price is UC
In white black and colors from 15c do n
to 25c each
Big lot drummers samples bought at cc
on the dollar will sell them
Agate and Tinware Department
Dont foiget that we have Just received ore
car load of gratuteware ad first quality at
about 50c on the dollar and will give all a
chance to supply their wants at less than
half what they will have to pay for thc
same grade an > where else Call as soon as
possible for it will not last long
J H TERRILL M D Master Specialist in Diseases of Men
Persons coming to Dallas for mrJical treatment art respectfully rta > tuiii
tntervttw the banks and leading business Amis m reference to the best and
reliable specialist in the cify
J ka copynght Enen mc by the Government on a remedy ior Lesl M
hood and Seminal Mssti
which never fails to cure Will give
dollars or any case 1 take and instructions
fail to cure if patient follows my
r3any a ilments are refl orginating from other diseases For n Uncejj
S 3knMf 50mctlm comes from Varicocele or Stricture In umMTSi
blood and bone diseases often result from contagious taints In the system orpW
if your
rl j r a Vyoush personal examination free of charge to tdl
1 will eve jou a wnttcn legal 1
guarantj of a positive eura
Send For Symptom Blank and iOOPagc Book
K od thp rredltora of the nrm
f < rced them Into bankruptcy
It la Said that One Thousand People
Were Killed in Chi LI
IVklu Manix u Cbuu
e officials aar
1 ° Jf PP > n killed In riot
at Ta MlnirFu the southernmost prefecture
t 4 qHd rtj ri WD J9 mbuojU gni 0
a exarctraUsc bttt ti leu al Ufa waa
keep out
undoubtedly irrcat fil
Ttio rlut wero due to attemptV
oftklai to collfct Indrmnliles for mrgM
Ilea an arranged between the >
tho prleBtH
The offlrlnls warn
the nilMl
of the disturbed trkJti
resistance to the j > aym alil
alonary claims la to ba P i
Ue where the poCulaW
eusas art > levlef