t IT
I 1
c f
VTHE Houston daily post
Y f
tjtouston Printing Company
Old u1
IV II 168 to an Coll
TOST in Coti per Week
Mayor Holt Wil 110tt w
Oath of Offic uwo TExAi
Chief Ellis X jju
At 4 oclock this afternoon at the cltr
hall will be held the last mcctln of tho
old board of aldcrnicn who have held office
under the Brashcar and VToolford adinlnls
trntlons and the kit act of the old botrd
will bo to Install their successors Into of
fice Thl Installation ceremony conMita In the
retlrlnR mayor nilmllilsterluj the oJtli of
oMoc to hs nurccsMf who In turn admin
isters the oath to the n w aldermeu and all
of the othei oftleers elect After the new
aldermen me mvorn lu they are escorted to
their icspectlve fests by their prederemoia
Tho sccretnry will be the ina > ori flrnt
The Fannin School Building Was Struck
by Lightning A Beautiful Sunset
Last Afternoon
Satmday afternoon and Saturday nlj ht
the n outlier looked xonicwuat threatening
but there did not appear to be auy Iniute
1 if daURer of utlti until after J oclocU
Nmlay morning at vnulch time the light
MliK began to thish tinil tbe thunder to toll
It dldn t tjko lonjr for the electric chii
tioiiadc to hhute the water loose fiom the
ctouds and It began t fall lu torrents It
lasted for about itn hour and was accom
panied by consldeiable wind So far as re
ported to this office no damage was doue
After It hod passed away the clouds near
ly all dlsnppeaiod iml no more ruin lell
lor several hours thus milking ll powtlblo
lor everybody ho disposed to attend lie
morning services t the wiilou ehurelies
Yesterday Hfteriionii Just us Olio peopio
ttitrft preparing to take turlr Nimdiiy ilttr
noon outing tine clouds suddenly gathered
itgnln uliliu Involveil another smiid elee
trle display HeeuiuiMtiluil by peals or thun
der In a tf minutes I lie water begun
to fall In Hhicti and the stieets were soon
flooded Tor more than an hour It mined
liaid and then grauaMy less and less until
Ml 7 oclock lu the evening II amounted to
only ii sprinkle
Tub only dimage so far us known was
to the 1aniiln mlmnl building whlrli iias
been vety unfortunate of Into In the way
of Mtstalnlns accidents iesterdsy oen
lug It came in for Us usual sliaie of bad
lu k mid at about illf > the cupola ur
moiintlns It and tho cornice of the main
building were Miuck by Hiflitlilng Tfie
dmage was not great und can be repaired
without much expense
Oiip of the Milking features of the days
weather conditions was the weird sunset
Iioiii n few mliiiitea befoie the rain began
until tlie straiigi scene appearei It wns
Mity dark by reason of the ovcrtianglug
rlouds and a light was necessary to those
wlio wantnfl to read In a loom that wax
not nell supplied with windows Just be
Joii tlie sun should have dlsappetirejl be
l u tin horlrnii tin clouds that faced him
huddenly parted und ho shone strangely
bright Tho people looked at tilnt In ou
der If he did not tit them anil the dark
setting tint he bad Incieasod his bright
i > manv fold The light tin own out re
minded those who lime been near the Hue
> tolnlly In u solar eclipse of Mio strange
appearance thewoibt has at that time TV
the sailor It would be an omen of good
weather foi tomorrow
There were many tumors of a tilow at
iHcston luit tbev were groundlims One
ie > it as to the effe t that tmlns nggre
mii thlrttlv eonch loads of people
wri en route from the Island tlty to
ll u lon but that was authoritatively de
v ed by the rallrimd people
TU electricity with wflilch the ntmo
p i re was charged In some way Interfered
wlin the electric light plant and timing the
i3 > ly part of the evening the city was In
Mr Joseph Lieck
Joseph Ucck aged 6T > years 3 months
nil 8 diiyn died yestenlay morning at 8U0
oclock at his residence corner of lingin
nud Commerce strcnts He Is mourned by
three children V Tied Ileek Mrs Anita
Allen and Mr V O McMillan besides
niimciou1 other relatives In and out of tho
tlty Tor three years his health has been
fulling and his condition was such that
he has been unable to ply bis trade of
machinist at which employment he had
Kerwd th Southern Iacltle railroad for
about fifteen years He had long Peon a
resident of Houston and was well known
Upmost of the people of the cltv The
funeral will take place this ccuing at t
oclock from his lato robldenec
Burial of August Spandau
The remains of August Spandnu weie
burled yesterday evening from the West
lielmcr undertaking parlors tho Interment
taking plnco In the Oerniau cemetery The
pallbearers were K AV SVIrdenmii Oswald
Ourih T W Mcdrecalu 1 J Oltrlen
John Tomforde and II i Dioliel ltev
ilr Mashing conducted the ceremonies
3 s7 Rich
S S Rich aged an years died at 1130
oclock Saturday night at tbe home of
his brother on Market street road which Is
Just without tho city limits The remains
wern taken to a point near Spring Station
for Interment In the family buryluc ground
Official Call for the Meeting to Be Held
at Houston
Stone Texas April 13 Tho Square Hale
Cotton GInners ubsoclatlou Is hereby called
to held Its annual meeting In the city of
Houston on Xnesday May 8 for the pur
lose ot electing officers and to transact
such other business as may come before It
Said meeting will be called to order
promptly nt 11 o clock at Hryan hall All
railroads willput tickets on sale May 4
arid S limited to May 0 at convention ratea
It Is onr desire that every parson Interested
lu the handling of cotton and In the Im
provement ot the square bale trill be pres
ent as tvo expect business of jreat Import
ance to come before us
I F Johnson President
A W Wfllsou Secretary
iTHo Bio Briquette Plant Has Bean Shut
Ilpcktlale Texas April J The ladles of
the Mcliodlst church cave a supper here
last evening which was well patronlxcd
rbd a nwt sum was reallted for the bene
fit of their chutcb
In the Interest of tbe public school libra
ry a entertainment was given Ht the city
fcsll last rljht The program was r
r BjE < SbytJIrr J C Arnold bit teveral
xKirlHirs were necessarily onilttefl on sc
lcfiu t of Uio bscac snd sickness of theie
peace terms In goutli Africa
Is the world turned topiyturvy W
rtrhnps when we get all 1
end all the trusts lmler nuo
head will lio wider to luitnii
CoriRrntitlntlons to Judge
grand old mini
day i
It romnliw to be seen what moj
od In hamulus tho Iteauinoiit oil
to tun consumer
Tills department In Intended
urstlons that aro of general In
object Is to supply out
mt curious Information
raouai Interest only wllPP0nt
VVi N ° business or p enunill
orpanlxei by n e Kvcn Question M iinl
lus committee putViri Tvjolns and the char
ter < ivMri
In response to an Inquiry from
for The IoM Mayor Unit stnlptl lnjl nlttlit
that he vonlil not siiy whether or not all
of the Appointive oftem mieli as wtvetlgcr
chief of tire < lop riment muiti muster
iiijlneer Wectrliliui ete vonlil ln filled at
the meetlntr this iflerieen hut that some
of them would l > < He also muted that
souii of the iimr Importmt aUntllng com
uiltteeg tonld be appointed
who weie to bare appeared The most
lutiri stlug uumlier tendered was a male
ipiailette In which Messrs ti M Hyatt
A V Ierrj Sr 1 11 Hornet and 11
II Howlett netjiiltted themselves most cred
itably The eutertnliimeut eomdsted of
siettklii reading and music but the main
object lu view wns to aftord all who wore
disposed to do so to eontllbtlte to the
library fund t The attendance wns fairly
The IlspttHt Sunday school will be given
a basket pliule at Colorado Station on
the Sim Antoulo and Aransax 1nxs rail
way on April In nhleh they will be
Joined by the other Sunday schools In
The Ssn Antonio Hi lunette mid Coal eom
paay one of the largest operators In the
lignite mining Industry here has pinell
eailv closed out Its holdings and quit the
field Near the companys mines was a
tegular Ullage of shanties tenanted bv
miners which Imao been sold and lemoved
Some lignite Is still being shipped out but
nothing like the quantities handlist prior
to the substitution of fuel oil
Governor Sayert Is in Houston for a
Austin Texas April 13 Tho governor
If ft at noon today for Houston to take part
In the reception to leneral lltj Iee
State Health Officer Tabor lias return
ed from n trip to lanola county
In tho Injunction milt ot the city igiiltut
the metery association to Diewnt the
association from Helling lots for more Ihnu
the niiihfirixeil ordinance price the deimn
lors of thn defense were sustained and tho
city granted lone to tile mi amended peti
The Hrosbycry of tentrnl Texas will eon
vene here Thursday at the Highland church
at 11 a m
The lliemen ar making pieparattnns for
H big celebration at Hyde paik on Sail
lai Into day
A leeltire on Jrcek art Illustrated with
lantern alldes will be given b > Fir Halt e
In the llist Street Moihrdlat church next
Irlday evening complimentary to MIhs
Prookes grade lu the Tenth ward school
Ilr Haiter will render a cornet solo and
Mrs Hajter and Mr Thomas will xlng
The will of tbe lale II It Muks was ml
mltttd to prelate veslenlav and t II Her
ner was appointed executor J II Daniel
K K Seovlll and Arthur Jrlfllth were
named as appraiser The estate Is valued
at 230is >
A farmer named AVIndlll lesldlng near
nrlpidng Springs wus Injured esterdnv In
a runaway while on Ids why to town Ills
team oceanic frightened at some hogs
Lake Charles Schools Will Have a Rice
Day Celebration
Tjnfco fharles la April 11 Superintend
ent McSVeso of this parish Ik arranging to
hnve a ilce day celebration In nil tbe
school at an early date the object being
to fainlllsiiae the clilldien with the chief
product of the country Calcasieu puilsh
Is the only locality lu the coimtrv where n
government publication Is nseii as a text
book one of the ngilctilturnl lice lenorU
being ufisl as n siippleiieiitar > render V
meeting of ilce nilllc > s of Tolas ami Ionla
liinu wll be held
lu Like Chillies nevt
eilneMlay for the purpose of arranging for
the dlstilliutlon of a half million rle cook
books to be printed by the rice association
Bryan Briefs
nrjan Texas Apili H Mr V S Knot
of this city who was Injured In Tuesdays
wreck at Ibis place Is rccoveilng ami
Hopes to be out soon He wns lujured In
the shoulder nlde and leg
Whit Doiemus an eiuploje of the West
ern Union Telegraph conipniiy at lloustnn
Is In the city visiting his parents Judge
and Mis 1 Doieums
Jmhie John S Henderson Is at home
fiom Oallai for a few day
M B Iowrle of NaMisota spent yester
ilav lu Hryan
folonel 1 II Trnylor of Dallas was here
Rattlesnakes Numerous Near Beeville
Heevllle Toiiih April 11 Itattlesnakes
have been very uumeious In this section
thlh spilng und a larger number have been
killed than in manj years before Presi
dent J W llouriioy of the Commercial
National bank kilted live while out In his
pasture one day this week One of tbein
wan six feet six Inches lu length and was
several Inches through he main part of the
body The reptile had thlrteuu rattles
Now Church for San Marcos
San Marcos Texas April 11A notable
event In the progress of San Marcos was
tho la > lng of the corner stone of the new
Kplscopal church last Wednesday by Ht
Itev Hl8hop Johnston of Southwest Texas
diocese ltev Wallafo Caniahsn of San
Antonio who assisted nt tbe laying of the
comer stoue of the Id church tweiitv
scven years ago dcllx d the principal ail
dress on this occasion Hlshop Johnston
dcllvcied n short address on character
building for eternity mid church unity that
made a deep ami lasting Impiesslou on the
audience This church will bo of red brick
pointed with white stone and will cost
Mexia Confederate Voterans
Mexla Texas April 10 Joe Johnston
camp Confederate Veteran of this county
will attend tho Mg reunion In a hody and it is
expected thut about 100 members from this
county will attend They will leave here
on n special train Tuesday morning April
22 and a large number of them will be in
uniform Preparations aro also being motlo
for fho annual reunion to be held lu this
county during the summer months
Negro Killed Near Eagle Lake
Ilagle Lake Texas Apill II In a dif
ficulty nt Henry Thomas place nine mllei
below here in this county last night Wil
lis Kyle a negro was shot nd Instantly
killed The constable of this precinct has
8 > oung pegro gambler named Hobert Wood
erds In custody charged with tho killing
Wooderd claims self defense
Palestine to Have a New Opera House
Palestine Texas April llAt last Pal
estine li about to arronj far a ntv opera
hoiue The plann and speeHlfWtloni tire
nbout completed under Itie illieetlon of
Contractor J 8 Moad It will be utrlrllr
uptodute and wMI be a hnndsome building
when completed Rsllmated con STliuu
Y M C A Directors Have Decided on a
Victoria Tcifis April 1 County Judge
II W Ily yesterday appointed Herman
rituart to fill the unexpired term of W W
Jordan as county commissioner Mr Jor
dan leaves this week for Midland Toxhk
which will be his futiiio home Victoria
lcgrcts to lose him and his oitlmahlu fam
At n well attended and enthusiastic meet
ing of the board of directors of the Voting
Mens Christlm association and tin
business men of Victoria yesterday after
Iioou it was decided to purchase the prop
city on tin corner ot Miiin and tomnioii
meets known as the Thurmond building as
a iiernuiieul home foi the Young Mens
thrlsllau association at a cost o 4 > 0o 1
subsetIptloti list was opened Immediately
and oer 1GU > raised In a fow mlniitis a
fflhimlttcc consldtliig or a W Htirroughs
A M Mcladden W I Karnes 1 K Hot
ter and S Itoed was appointed to make
a canvass of the eiij and It l < believed
that practically the full amount will be
Miss Ktliel Hrownson the sponsor of W
11 Scurry camp rolled toureilerntp Veter
ans has chosen her maids of honor as fol
lows Hltsis Kale Fleming Icncvlcto
Power Katie Carroll llertha Hraun Mll
ilied 1ennei There will be a large attend
ance fiom heic at the Dalh reunion
nionham Texas April 1HMr A I
Childless secictury ot the llvauinont oil ex
change spent Sunday in the city with his
fundi nud filcnds
Miss Van haiiinghaui of thappell Hill was
In the city Sunday
Theie will be a muss meeting of the tire
depuitmcnt Tuesday night IOmtv Mnltcst
committee Is expected to make a report
Dr W N Jlnylleld of Lyons wiib In the
city Suudiiy
Miss llelle ItrookH ot Homervllle spent
Saturday in the city
Miss Whlteiier of Tannine Is here on a
ltt the guest ot Mrs Htekey
The Untili Truck company is arranging
for a shipment of Irish potatoes Ibis week
The Ladles Cemetery association will
meet at the residence or Mrs Sarah I
Dwyer at I oclock Monday afternoon
There wns a dunce In Itellvllle Sunday
nlgbt and Mr tiny Ohn of this city went
down there
Wulte a number of Khe county candidates
went to h test at Hoeenliuiiins store Suu
Tills section was vislcd by a good rain
Saturday night
There will be a school test at the Kelhe
school hon e four miles north or town
April 20
Heame Jtems
Menrne Texas Apill 12 The Houston
and Texas Central Hntlrnad company an
circulating hand bills here adeitlslng a
round tilp rate of < 1 to Waco for tnmnr
tow on account of the KhreveportWaco
baseball game Several of Hearnes base
ball fans aie going to attend the game
Mr C Pelton usslstanl general mall
ngcr of the Western Itilon Telegraph com
pany of Texas Is In ileainu this week
milking arrangement to have the compa
nys office mot oil to town An oflloo bus
been routed on the iniilii street of the town
and when the ii tv building Is lifted up will
be very convenient for lite public
Mr J 13 Ieel county tax assessor Is In
Heame today looking after his Intetests
Mr J C Will special agent foi tho
Costal Telegraph lompniiy was In Heame
jeslerilay soil King and looking after the
companys business The Postal put
their office about a month ago and ther
business has Ktoadtly grown since
The International and tlreat Northern
railroad brluce gang Is stationed at Lewis
switch this week and will put In nnnther
long switch which x badly needed Hmd
lies on tho main line mid Kort Worth ex
tension ot this load Is Increasing and a
great many Improvements for the handling
of business have been made
President Houston at College
College station Texas April ie lir
Divvld K Houston the rccentl elected
irtcstdeut of the Texa Agricultural and
Mechanical college accompanied by Hon
Jefferson Johiuou a member of the bouid
of directors mudd his first visit to the In
stitution today Ir Houston airlved ut the
college lust evening und roceited the far
nltt and this morning ho addressed the
student hod somewhat outlining bis pol
icy Tlie few reiiia ks made by the piesl
dent elect Indicate thut Ills adinlnlHtiiitlon
will be cliaraeterxled by n bioad and lib
eral yet eonservatlte policy which will
Insilie the continued prosperity of the col
lege while guiding It along safe lines
Hr lloustnn has made a most favouiblo
Itupicmdoii upon all bo bus met here The
student body gave him an oration and
will welcome Ills Induction Into office The
prevailing opinion Is that the board ot
dlreetois lu selecting the new presldeit
has chosen well and wisely
Chapter U D C at Lancaster
Luiicabtcr Texas April MUs Katie
DutTan sponsor for Texas division X 0
V orgnulxed heie today Perry 13111s chap
ter Daughters ot Co it fed era ev with a largo
number of charter members The officers
elo6ted were Miss Laura Perry president
Mrs A 13 Stuart vice president Mls <
Pearl White secivtnry Miss Anna Mc
Ctirdy historian M > s Maud White tieas
uier Miss Lanlt Lavender icglstrar Miss
Katie Daffuii of Kuiils and Mr John
Stuart of Uineastcr were elected honorary
members Miss Daftiin In her tiMiat iai
presslve manner Instilled enthusiasm in all
piesent to exert themselves to peipetuate
the memory of the services of the soidlur
In tho Lost Cause
Falls City Items
Kails City Texas April 12 The 10000
gin plant ot the Calls City Ginning company
is being constructed
Work on the uetv Catholic church was
begun this week
The lesidence of Dr Klug will be com
pleted In a fow days
The iyenrold child of Laurence Kwltz
was seteielj burned this week bv pulling
over on It a can of boiling starch Tho
child U still alive but tery low
If the Baby Is Cutttno Teeth
be sure ami Use that old and well tried
remedy Mrs Wluslows Soothing Syrup
for chlldreu toethlug It soothes the child
softens the guuu allays all pain caret
wind colic and Is tho best remedy fo
Saengetfest Concerts at Auditorium Tues
day and Wednesday May 0 and 7 He
berved seats for talo at Capitol Pharmacy
Frank Do Leon who conies to the opera
house tonight is one of the cleterest come
dians on the stage There Is an Indesrrllh
able charm about his work and although
ho Is strlktugly original In all he do s at
times his work suggests the efforts ot Sol
Smith Kussell Tlui Murphy and Joe Jef
In the opening play he has a part that
tits him live the pioverblal gbite and it
Is safe to say no comedian xvlll 1 > o held In
higher estwm by Houston audiences than
will Krank De Loou
Saengerfest Concerts it Audltoilum Tnes
dh > and Wednesday Mar 0 and 7 Hf
sirred scats for nl at Capitol Pharmacy
Saengerfest Concerts at Auditorium Tue
day and Wednesday Mai o and 7 n
aerved teats for sale at Capitol Pharmacy
Bead SAtnterftst
Will Reach the City This Morning and
Lecture Tonight
Will Be the Theme of the Distinnuished
Soldier and Statesman Preparations
for His Reception
Houston will entertain one of the Souths
greatest heioes tnduyi und will gltc him
a splendid reception
Iuneril Iltzhugh Lee famous member
of ii famous family soldier statesman aud
diplomat will unlve fiom New Drleaus at
Il4 oclock this morning and will be met
at tho Grand Central depot by the local
mllltuiy companies Confederate Veternns
Irnnd Army ot the Itepiibllc men Tens
officers of the volunteer army during the
SpaiilshAmorlean war and a special retcp
tlon committee of citizens
Uenernl J It Wntles has arranged the
line of march as follows Kroru depot to
the Franklin avenue bridge from Krnuk
llu avenue io Main and out Main to the
Light iuard ariuorv where escort will dis
band Lewis military hand has been en
gaged for the march
All those who are to participate In the
escoit for < 3enornl Lee are urged Io meet
at the Light iuard armory proniptlv at
tft W oclock thLs inoiiilng The various
reception committees should be at tho
jrunil Central depot at t 45 a ru
44 +
General Leos lecluie tonight will be on
The United States In Peace and War
It Is the same lecttnc that he has de
livered recently at Hosion Chicago Louis
tllle Montgomery and other cities at all
of which places he was greeted by Im
mense audiences As tlie hero of two wars
be will undoubtedly liuie tunny Interesting
thing to tell mill it In also hoped that
be will dwell upon his eaily life pi Tixas
when he helped to rout the Contain bo
leneral Lee has a son now stationed at
Fort Sam Houston San AiitouK being a
U IM lleutcnniit In the Twelfth Hulled
State cuvulry The geneials wife and
dniighter will go through to Son Antoulo
tills morning Hencial Lee will leitme
In lltiutsvllle tomorrow night In Waco on
the 17th and then will go to San Antonio
He will be In Dallas nct week during the
Confederate reunion
+ + +
ioternor Sayers wll Introduce General
c ltzhiigh Lee at tlie Auditorium tonight
As Houston Is the Ilrst point In the Stale
nt which leneral ICo will stop ItIs e < ie
dully appropUnte for the envornor to meet
hnn They both made honorable records
dining the war between the States which
Is another cause for their meeting being
n most pleasant one In addition to this
Lee was twice goteinor of Virginia and
Sayers Is icrving his mcoihI term as goi
eruor of Texas Mr and Mrs Sitters ar
rlted from Austin last night and are the
guests of Mr nud Mis T W House
+ +
The reception to lie glten by Mr nud
Mis Miircellus 13 1ohter today In honor
of iencrnl Lee and ioteinnr and Mrs
Sajers will be from 11 a m to 1 p m
+ +
The ushers appointed from the Houston
Light 1 uiird and Houston cavalry for the
Lee lecture nt the Auditorium to nlght are
leiinested to meet theie promptly at 7 0
Frank Farley Drowned
HallethYlllo Texas April lSltellablp n
formation rpuclied hrro this expiring tlmt
lrnnk lnrlej oni > of I vaca countys most
prominent farmers wnst ilrownrd today
ulk > trylmc to oroji Itrniiliy i > n > eK after
tlio avvom ruin storm Sir Karley wn
lxitlierlnlaw of IJanke Woods of Hut Anto
nio OltUeiis nre now trylnc to rero > er
UN body
Cotton Seed Oil Mill for Cleburno
Cleburne Tpihh April ll A Wimi
KooV ramiMiny lias dern orRanlicd In Ilc
lutriip to erect n cotton wl nil mill Mr
l B NiiEitoniH caktller of the Nnlloiui
txink U Jt tbe head of tho wo <
Weddmos In Brazps Count
ltryan Teiai April Vi The foIloTrln
marrlRca llrentes hare been Iwued diirtnc
the part week by County Olerk MeMtcaatl
rrandieo OVIMca to Maria Conctlcil Peter
3 ViscfAl t ImuU A Koiprtm jLnOrerr
t + + > n > V
Bio Rice Land Deal Has Been Closed
in the Rice Land Belt
Hay City Texas Apill I2W K Aus
tin A Co ot Hay City have Just closed the
largest rice laudileal or which wehave
any record lu the ilce belt The acreage
aggregates about 2HUKI and the total con
sideration will inn up to snwiWK or there
abouts The prlielpal purchaser is M 11
Clilhon ot Hiindolpli Neb for himself and
Tho pastures purchased consist of the
Kiitkeiidnll ismn > Kemp imm led Pnr
tillis luM Phillips Wl met also wl
Miinther party tm acics nenr town for I P
Tho Kuykeudail Partalu and Phllllns
lands aro all we f Hie river the former
frotltllig on Hie Colorado for about kix
miles The Kemp lands tiro east of the
river nud lat about eight miles sniitn of
liny City At prci > eiit all ate the finest
of prairie pastures All are exceedingly
lino ilce lauds and eau eunlly be watered
fiom canals supplied from the Colorado
The new pumliusors nre very enthusiastic
and piojmse al n early date to take up
the linpiotemeiit of their purchase by con
structing canals Iiouseo etc Thov also
propose to etUe these tine lands with
thrllty farmers from tlie North In fact
to bring them by the carload
Ill nddliou to the vast sum paid for these
lauds their full development mean the
expenditure of nt Itsist Half n million dot
lara more In Matagorda countv within the
next two yean
llie pen purchasers arc etremeiv
weulthi ami wero so well pleased with
tbe land and water piopo ltlon around
Hay City that they made ami closed ah
ot these vast deals during the Urst tlto
day or this week
As a rfee pioposltlon Matagorda countv
has been a round breaker fiom the begin
nine Her rice acreage for 11100 was tiori
for 1101 l iom > ror UHtt WlttH estimated
which Is to he again doubled in UR at
the present rate of pi eparit Ions
Tre Power of Water
Hesrne Texas April HI The National
Compress company has n large oil tank
burled near their nant here which has a
capacity of several hundred barrels Last
night the heavy rain which fell In tor
rents ran Into the pit In which the tink
Is burled aud forced It out ot the grouiM
several feet Tho lank Is half full of oil
and the pressure must have been great to
have forced It ashigh out of tio pt as
It did A largo number of the clflZPhs
have viewed tho tuuk this morning
Judoe Rearjan Almost a Well Man
Paleillne Texas April 11 Judge Hoagitn
continues to Improve and gets stronger each
day His trip In the buggy to town yester
day did not seem to worry blm any and
last night he rested as well as usual His
physicians think that he Is entirely out of
dauger now and that It Is only a matter of
bis regaining his strength when he will be
able to resume his dtitloa at Austin
Martin to Mollle Wyatt Jesse Peyton to
Mitel Watson S C Johnson to Dla
Kem and Hiram Purkersoii to LIHa
Work Is Prorjresstng on Two of the
Llano Texas April lftDr Hurt well
and W MfldNon capitalists of Snn An
tonio Texas were lu the city this week
Inspecting tbe Llnno mineral ileitis with a
view of Investment
Work ou the Uouhpr Hole Mining eompa
njs shaft will be resumed lu a tew dnts
This initio Is bolus diiveloped by Ilamt
Milling and
Work on the Llano Mining
Smelting companys shaft l progressng
Llano will hate a summer normal thl
held In the Llano high
year It will be
l < chool building Prof A L Mitbhs has
been elected pillicipiil
Much inteiest Is being manifested in the
revival sen lees nt the Methodist church
Het M A Hlack Is conducting the servlies
August Kuthmnnn shipped two cars of
steer cattle to St Louis Inst week Their
average weight was 1210 pounds
Mrs Anna Martin has sold IIVXi head of
cattle to parties from Kansas City
Sutiday inoiiilng at the Presbtteiiui
church the niurrluge of Captain Ircd opp
and Miss 1311a Dotiglnss was announced to
take place at said church at > > I m
April 23
Cameron Industrial Notes
Cameron Tcvis April lO Thc new JOS
OCf lee factory of tlie Cameron Ice com
psny Is iHimpIetcd to the point of tcllng
the numhlnerv and they expo t to liegm
the inaliufiKtiiie of ice within the next
week The capacity Is thlrtt tons which
can easily be lucioiised to forty
Work has begun lu pieiwratlon for the
erection of the new ir > tliO round bale gin
bv the American Hound Hale enmpant II
W Chlnn Is niunaglng the nltalrs of Hi
tompany here
Ihe old gill on itildge Mlcet Is being re
livery dut a few Imles ot cotton stray
Into Mie hands ot the buyers The county
coin lets are iiinklng very great tmpioie
incuts In roads under the manngeuicni cf
Commissioner ltoss
New Officers Installed at Yoakum
Yoakum Texas April 12 The punfly
elected city officers were diilv Instalel
liwt night in the presence ot < iulte a ciowd
of citizens After the oath of oftice was
administered to the new oflleers the conn
ill proceeded to the election of appolnthe
ofrtcus Alderman J I Shlndler was
unanimously i hosen mayor piot < ni It 13
Hrrkctl wns elected night marshal and
Sam Meliown sanitary Inspector Tie
election of sihool trustees was pislponctl
to a called meeting to be held soon
Salt Works Plant at Palestine
Palestine Texas April 111 Tlie machln
cry foi the sail mines neii this olt his
been ordered costing S HOJO The Inter
national and Great Noithein Is now build
lug a ttwck to the niiiics four miles Inns
and It Is expected that the compinr will
be making anil In shipping iitiautities by
September 1
A Dry Sunday at Luling
Lulliig Texas April 13 Today N a dry
Sunday In lading All saloons ami places
where cold dilnks are sold are closed np
ami It Is Impossible to cot am thl u in th
shape of llipild lefreslinients of imv kin I
Thi iioprlttorm on theit own volition de
cided to idose
Frost May Form at Texarkana
Texiirkunu Texas April 12 A eod
norther sinick this section this evening
The thermometer fell fiom in to U4 and
frost Is Imminent
Prerjaring for Anniversary
Tho general arrangement loinmlttec if
the local lodges of Odd Follows luting in
preparation the arrangements for the cele
hriitlm ut the eightthhd uniilti imi r of
the Institution of the order lu America on
April 2S met yesterday nfteriiocn In the
1 O it 1 hull Jlason hliH > k and tvcit
oter the tarlotis details of the proguim
The eiitcrtilniueiit will be glieu at the
assembly room of the Ilrst Piesbrterl in
i Inn i h Au address appropriate to tho
ocuisloii will be dcllvcied In Itet I t
Stert while Mrs WomI will dlsi oss
bibtly the Itehekiih degieo of the order
There will lie music and other interesting
feituie All the 1 O II I lodges In
this Jurisdiction will be Invited to attend
likewise the public
Then Keller keens Pabst Hccr It Is
pale and mild delightful to look at and
taste It rests you Trv a case
Claims He Was Robbed
John Schmidt no addiesx given icportcd
to the detectives yesterday morning that
he had been lobbed of a watch a check
r lmr otl11 amounting
to 110 He states Hint he remembers
boarding a Ctigicss avenue ear at mid
night Satiiiday and three hours later woke
JP In a chinp hotel ills watch and monev
weie mtsiu
Little Liver Pills
Must Boar Slrjnnturo of
See Facsimile Wrarper Btlow
Tcry Bmall and a easy
to take as unffar
Price I ° wcini g Tiuytui tu t
li C4tK I Purely TeseUOii y T Z
UIUU 1111 Kin j
For District Judoe
f H Hlldlllute for ihe
nf liidce of the
Itftv Hflh 11 1
ronrt nf ifurl aiblwt ii rti
leinouratle nrimarleV eouuty uuml 10 alon of
J C Ralilwin
For Count Clerk
Cona M U 1Uhoi li1 tn annoiiiue A L
look for this Picture
3 < 350SHOeS2ffi
Also High Grade Shoes at 5 4 260 2
will better
Grandmas Te
for Minerals Oils or PHa
It pay you to buy an gp
article of known value than H
tr a
R P EUMET Denver Colo
Tim you
to OU
Tho copyincof letters
will snv aunoyancs
and Ion of munry
1 belnj uifd In ininy oftlcn Youll find hen
mnny tlilnc to help lighten routine otHco worlc
yeggfslsle Gompound
A Womono Romodv for Womnno Ilia
ve oiinin I ih
a Ur WAl < < i iicii > uit t KhlE
BT JAME3 afcmtAL AlibUCIAflinr
29 St James Building Unarms C
llMeyoaimenveikMMler a
Io t maohocd leial vnkacii Iup
lBy Tirleocel iirlctgre etc ill
r ttMtT om DTel f ni U
yavlu atdrtiior fatr lty 6000g
enrwl tod 4 T > oped Keer on r
tornej r rUel 1 w btoeOt
fr u
wrll ror k lt Senlttltd
60 Good Block
to experiment others of f
Giving a Man Taffy
Dont please him any mort ft
furnishing him with a good ckr
collar or cuff and a shirt fronti
immaculate as a spring lily fa
cannot get this every place as r
are the only ones that can doitf
you When you want some artii
work done give us a show
100910111011 Funic
Send your orders to
Houston Texas
< Mans Experience wemak it
There is more health and
strength in a cup of good coffee
than in other
any drink
75o for a Good One
S L Theo Bsri
Moln St ondCapltolAv
to cure kidney trod
Best way
is to strengthen tlie kidneys M
them to perform their
properly rv
Thats what Doans Kidney
bio Vn u Br lb nronriSi rrf ST iimn win QH i i < > f
I open all night I
i uarL pre 16 > nt Alamo Insurance bnliaine San Antonio T
SLmt ih QQJLB BUST twins doyaW
quality The patrons of W L Douglas W
shoes have always found them to fee a tfclU
represented m
Wc keep a full line in CALF RUSSIA SB
Etc to fit any foot and give you Style 1
Comfort and Service o < t
317 MAIN
i j > i533Si 3aiS 3a9533a98a94S3393933Jjaai3333jj1J
Live Oak Portland Cement
Bushel Ee
vator now being erected at Galveston Live Oak proved to be tht J
Strongest Cement Tested Write for prices Address
Texas Portland Cement Lime Co
DAIXAS TEXAS Linz Iluilrlins
H P MCLAUGHLIN CO Houston Agents
efffsscfseec5ee66t6Se6ce66efes6e eest > ffffKft
I 0
The Southern Pacific Terminal Co after testing all High Grade xh
cements have puichased Live Oak for their One Million Jlte
h ice
t lit
t m
fit w
I Itltt
j It v
Ut Hint I
1 m
itrt r
m 1
13 v
n k
nt i
Bll l
I 12
t fc
rs 1
i e
tit r
> f 1
> u
1 <